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蚜虫防治技术研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
蚜虫是地球上最具破坏性的害虫之一,分布十分广泛.蚜虫生活史比较复杂,如世代交替,越冬方式差异,多型现象等特点,其以尖利的口器刺吸植物汁液引起植物营养恶化,甚至落叶、萎蔫,而且它还能传播多种植物病毒,造成严重的经济损失.本文根据近年来国内外对蚜虫的最新研究成果,综述了蚜虫农业防治、物理防治、化学防治、生物防治、生态调控等方面的研究进展,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

This paper describes research at IACR-Rothamsted on aphid parasitoid responses to semiochemical foraging stimuli, aimed at developing novel ways of manipulating these behaviours to overcome ecological constraints to biological and integrated pest control. Female parasitoids respond both to aphid sex pheromones acting as kairomones, and to aphid-induced plant volatiles, acting as synomones. A range of economically important parasitoid species respond to aphid sex pheromones, and their potential for enhancing parasitization of aphid populations has been demonstrated in the field. Commercial production of the pheromone from the plant Nepeta cataria L has been developed and strategies for its use in arable crops are being investigated. Aphid-induced plant volatiles are released systemically throughout the plant and are aphid species specific, probably induced by elicitors in aphid saliva. Aphid-infested plants can induce uninfested neighbours to release damage-related volatiles, plant-to-plant communication occurring via the rhizosphere. The plant compound cis-jasmone has been identified as a plant signal with potential for aphid control, inducing plant defence mechanisms that both deter colonising aphids and attract parasitoids and predators. Such compounds may represent a new generation of crop protectants and their further investigation and development will be aided by the tools generated by genomic and post-genomic biology.  相似文献   

Insects that feed on the blood of vertebrates are difficult to control, and many previous efforts have been unsuccessful. This is becoming an ever increasing issue, not only in developing countries, but also in developed countries, as exemplified by the recent spread of West Nile virus by mosquitoes across the USA and recent dengue outbreaks in Singapore and Australia. Investigating the ways in which biting insects interact with each other, their environment and their hosts is providing valuable knowledge that will lead to the development of improved control technologies. For instance, recent advances in chemical ecology research have led to the identification of new semiochemicals that show great potential as control agents against biting insects. Exciting new chemical ecology tools and control technologies for the future are discussed.  相似文献   

The present situation with regard to the use of baculoviruses in insect control is outlined. By virtue of their high degree of host specificity, they offer considerable advantages over chemical insecticides, but their practical use is limited by a number of factors, particularly their slow speed of action. Various approaches to the genetic modification of baculoviruses to overcome these problems are described. These have resulted in improvements in insecticidal activity in laboratory trials which are now being confirmed in the field. Thus, genetically modified baculoviruses have a promising future in pest-control programmes. Our increasing knowledge of the genetic factors which regulate their behaviour is showing how other aspects of their performance may be controlled and exploited. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

A distinction is drawn between cost-benefit analysis and investment appraisal. Both are methods for evaluating projects, with cost-benefit analysis looking at proposals from the angle of the larger community in contrast to investment appraisal which looks at them from the individual, or firm, point of view. The time value of money is examined and also the treatment by cost-benefit analysis of social values and other elements outside the purview of investment appraisal, the so-called externalities or spillovers. Cost-benefit analysis of pest control measures is shown to depend heavily on analysis of the complexities and interactions of the biological/biochemical systems involved. This leads to the conclusion that the main thrust of cost-benefit studies in the pesticide field is to improve our understanding of pest problems and thereby to improve the efficiency of pest control measures, to the benefit of both the industry and the public.  相似文献   

黑光灯在防治生态果园害虫中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用黑光灯在生态果园诱杀害虫,结果显示:生态果园利用黑光灯诱杀害虫种类多达8个目,62个科,241个种,共25731头;对生态果园的主要害虫,如铜绿丽金龟、大黑鳃金龟、苹毛丽金龟、蚜虫、甘蓝夜蛾的诱杀效果非常明显,对天敌影响较小。其中诱杀的食叶类害虫比重较大,相对多度高达15.94%。方法简单,成本低,收效快,1年投资可多年利用,而且能减少环境污染,提高果品品质,并能为预测预报提供可靠数据。  相似文献   

Recent advances in hormones in insect pest control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

光敏活性化合物与害虫治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
光敏活性化合物是一种新型绿色农药 ,本文简要介绍了光敏活性化合物的种类、毒杀机理和目前国内外的研究现状 ,希望我国能更多地开发该领域的研究 ,使光敏活性化合物能及早地应用于害虫治理  相似文献   

Decision-makers in the protected crop environment face similar pest-management decisions, in economic terms, to growers of field crops or grain store managers. As a result, the principles of economic thresholds, cost: benefit analyses and risk minimisation apply equally to each of these systems. Growers are faced with several general classes of pest-control decisions: the general control strategy to adopt, and then tactical questions such as when to start control and when to stop or change control practices. However, there are a number of aspects of protected crops which require a somewhat different view of the problem. Several economic models for these questions are examined. The high density of protected crops means that a great deal is at risk at any one time. The protected environment reduces uncertainty about losses, but by optimising temperatures and humidities it increases the probability of loss. The feeling of being able to “control” the environment may extend to pests as well, increasing the use of standard pesticide or biocontrol programmes, rather than responsive pest management based on thresholds. The relatively small scale of protected crops, their accessibility for inspection and the high level of management skills involved in their production improve prospects for monitoring and predicting crop levels, insects and diseases, thus reducing uncertainty. However, the high probability of loss may reduce the value of gathering information, and encourage growers to rely on standard prophylactic procedures which allow them to devote management effort to more productive activities, such as marketing. The balance may be shifted towards more information-based decisions in the future to try to avoid excessive pesticide use because of more stringent regulations on pesticide residues and changing market demand for more organic produce. This may affect disease control in particular, where prophylactic biological control is not an option. At the policy level, feedback on environmental impacts to consumers and policy-makers is poor and decisions with expensive implications for the economy and for environmental quality may not be made in an optimal manner.  相似文献   

通过对茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂(Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cresson)寄生苜蓿蚜(Aphis craccivora Koch)的一些影响因子(寄主龄期、寄主密度、雌蜂龄期及接蜂时间)的研究结果表明,在混合虫态寄主中,茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂通常选择较小龄期的若蚜寄生。其中2龄若蚜的相对被寄生率最高,为41.96%,其次是1龄若蚜,为32.61%;3、4龄若蚜的相对寄生率较低。茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂在不同寄主密度下的寄生率有显著差异。雌蜂蜂龄对寄生有明显影响。随着蜂龄的延长,寄生率逐渐降低;随接蜂时间的延长,寄生率也逐步增加。但达到寄生高峰的接蜂时间,再延长接蜂时间,寄生率亦不再明显增加。  相似文献   

为制备高效诱捕茶树害虫黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus(Quaintance)成虫携带茶树信息物质的诱虫色板,连续5年在浙南、浙中、苏南和皖南茶园检测了12种粘性色板对该粉虱成虫的诱效,筛选出携带茶树信息物质的最佳引诱色板,并探讨其对该虫趋色效应的增强作用。结果表明,黑刺粉虱成虫强烈趋向黄绿色和高亮度色板,即素馨黄、土黄、芽绿和桔黄色板,较少着落于果绿、桃红、纯白和大红板上,紫色、湖蓝、天蓝和墨绿色板上甚少。在素馨黄粘板上分别携带10种茶树信息物质引诱剂,即香叶醇、芳樟醇、反-2己烯醛、顺-3-己烯-1-醇、1-戊烯-3-醇、2-戊烯-1-醇和β-紫罗酮7种单组分制剂,反-2己烯醛和顺-3-己烯-1-醇(1∶5)二组分制剂,以及反-2己烯醛、1-戊烯-3-醇、2-戊烯-1-醇、反-2-戊烯醛、顺-3-己烯-1-醇、顺-3-己烯乙酸酯(1∶1∶1∶1∶5∶25)六组分制剂和对照正己烷,其中六组分和二组分引诱剂增效最高,对黑刺粉虱成虫的诱效显著高于其余制剂,比对照多诱捕54.7%和31.8%,除反-2-己烯醛和β-紫罗酮外的其余单组分制剂也有一定增效。表明茶树信息物质以适当比例混合后可显著强化黑刺粉虱的趋色性。  相似文献   

As a result of government policy and consumers' attitudes to environmentally compatible growing systems, research is focused on reduction of pesticide input into the environment. This aim is approached in different ways. With so-called “closed growing systems”, soil fumigants are no longer needed, resulting in an estimated 60% reduction in the total use of pesticides. Further, far smaller quantities of (systemic) pesticides need to be added to plants, via the nutrient solution, than with soil-grown crops. Water disinfestation is essential to minimize the spread of diseases and heat treatment and ozonization are already used under commercial conditions. Filtration appears to be neither reliable nor practical. Other disinfestation methods are under investigation. Ventilators may be provided with insect-proof screens to minimize infection pressure, especially on young plant material. Air filters in combination with mechanical ventilation may be an option for the future to raise healthy plants. A further reduction in the use of pesticides can be achieved by developing biological and integrated control of insects and fungi. Simultaneous application of several biocontrol methods in the fruit vegetable area has increased the complexity of IPM. Open rearing systems of parasitoids on alternative hosts to control cotton aphids and leaf miners are promising. IPM is highly dependent on the availability of selective chemicals. Biological control of root-infecting fungi in substrate crops shows promise. Integrated control of powdery mildew in cucumbers using a combination of nutritional and climatic management and varieties showing partial resistance will be studied. Improvement of application techniques for pesticides is being studied by plant pathologists in cooperation with technical experts. The aim is to reduce pesticide application rates, to minimize losses to the environment and to avoid health risks for the worker. By developing decision-support systems for crop protection, optimal use of beneficial insects is achieved and unnecessary applications of chemicals are avoided. A programme to develop such a system for the sweet pepper crop is under way.  相似文献   

Parasitoids, predators, insect pathogenic fungi, nematodes and microsporidia have all shown promise in the biological suppression of the key target pest, the pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus in rapeseed, as well as in the control of other rapeseed pests. Under favourable conditions pollen beetles are locally and temporarily already under efficient natural control by one or several of these agents, but overall the pollen beetle remains the number one pest of rapeseed in Finland, as well as elsewhere in Europe. Conservation biological control to enhance natural control appears the most feasible approach to solve the problem. Field and simulation data are used to demonstrate how a simple change in the tillage practice may be enough to obtain efficient control of the pollen beetle. Several other options are, or will be available, subject to successful registration of microbial products based on the fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana , and the nematode Steinernema feltiae . Strategies and methods of applying these agents have been developed to facilitate either inundative treatments, or ecosystem restoration to (re-)establish the presence of these agents in agricultural fields. Critical components of agricultural practice have been identified for maximising control by biological agents within a functioning IPM system.  相似文献   


This paper describes the treatment of plant material entering Australia through quarantine. The methods used for screening plants during post-entry quarantine are discussed and the plant-houses and equipment and techniques used for sterilising soil and controlling pests are described. A list of plants tested for the effects of fumigation with methyl bromide is given and recommendations for fungicide and pesticide are listed.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Apricot aphid, Myzus mumecola (Matsumura) (Homoptera: Aphididae), was recorded as a new pest of apricot in Hungary in the spring of 2020. Identification...  相似文献   

Pyrethroid insecticides are characterised by high knockdown and lethal activity, a wide spectrum, good residual activity, together with repellent and antifeeding activity. With these characteristics, pyrethroid insecticides have become widely used for plant protection. Their major use has been for the control of bollworms and leafworms in cotton but they have also achieved widespread use for controlling various species of lepidopterous pests in fruits and vegetables, aphids in cereals, and many other minor outlets. Although the early synthetic pyrethroids suffered from a lack of activity against mites and soil pests, later additions, such as fenpropathrin, have combined high acaricidal activity with insecticidal activity and further pyrethroids are being introduced for use in soil. The extent of pyrethroid use has increased progressively since the first of the ‘photostable’ pyrethroids was registered. In 1986, the market share of pyrethroids reached 25 % of the total insecticide market for plant protection; this figure can be increased in the future.  相似文献   

Grassland pests often cause obvious damage at the establishment phase, but it is rare for established swards to be visibly affected. Despite this, insidious damage to established grass is widespread and there are several reasons why it is not easily detected. Insidious pest damage is particularly prevalent in sown ryegrass-dominant swards in the lowlands. Permanent pastures, in the uplands at least, appear to suffer less from pest damage. In one experiment, established legumes did not suffer markedly from pest damage. Sward damage varies considerably from year to year, during the season, with location, with sward age and with botanical composition. Much of the blame for damage to established swards and to those being established can be attributed to stem-boring Dipterans, such as the frit fly (Oscinella frit L.). Certain non-persistent insecticides can be used to control the pest, but are unlikely to be cost-effective except when used at the establishment stage or, possibly, on efficiently utilised lowland ryegrass swards. Alterations in management practice do not seem feasible in controlling frit fly. However, large differences have been found between the varieties of perennial and Italian ryegrass, in the level of susceptibility to pests (especially frit fly), and it may be possible to develop resistant varieties.  相似文献   

An integrated pest management program utilizing the egg parasite Edovum puttleri for Colorado potato beetle control was developed at Beltsville (US). This program presents an alternative control that is environmentally safe, cost-effective and energy-efficient.  相似文献   

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