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A nonmechanical approach to the construction of complex three-dimensional interconnect arrays has been developed with the use of conducting polymer dendrites. Electrically independent connections between pairs of wires in an array were successfully grown through alternating-current electrochemical polymerization of poly(3-methylthiophene), without mechanical or optical masking steps. The electrically active links were insulated by subsequent electropolymerization of 4-vinylpyridine or 2-methylthiophene or by the dip-coating of the connections in a polystyrene solution.  相似文献   

Evidence for photoinduced electron transfer from the excited state of a conducting polymer onto buckminsterfullerene, C(60), is reported. After photo-excitation of the conjugated polymer with light of energy greater than the pi-pi* gap, an electron transfer to the C(60) molecule is initiated. Photoinduced optical absorption studies demonstrate a different excitation spectrum for the composite as compared to the separate components, consistent with photo-excited charge transfer. A photoinduced electron spin resonance signal exhibits signatures of both the conducting polymer cation and the C(60) anion. Because the photoluminescence in the conducting polymer is quenched by interaction with C(60), the data imply that charge transfer from the excited state occurs on a picosecond time scale. The charge-separated state in composite films is metastable at low temperatures.  相似文献   

A link between scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and conventional transmission electron microscopy has been established for biological material by applying STM on freeze-dried recA-DNA complexes coated with a conducting film. The topography of the complexes observed by means of STM revealed a right-handed single helix composed of about six recA monomers per helical turn.  相似文献   

Three-dimensionally ordered array of air bubbles in a polymer film   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the formation of a three-dimensionally ordered array of air bubbles of monodisperse pore size in a polymer film through a templating mechanism based on thermocapillary convection. Dilute solutions of a simple, coil-like polymer in a volatile solvent are cast on a glass slide in the presence of moist air flowing across the surface. Evaporative cooling and the generation of an ordered array of breath figures leads to the formation of multilayers of hexagonally packed water droplets that are preserved in the final, solid polymer film as spherical air bubbles. The dimensions of these bubbles can be controlled simply by changing the velocity of the airflow across the surface. When these three-dimensionally ordered macroporous materials have pore dimensions comparable to the wavelength of visible light, they are of interest as photonic band gaps and optical stop-bands.  相似文献   

The well-ordered aluminum oxide film formed by oxidation of the NiAl(110) surface is the most intensely studied metal surface oxide, but its structure was previously unknown. We determined the structure by extensive ab initio modeling and scanning tunneling microscopy experiments. Because the topmost aluminum atoms are pyramidally and tetrahedrally coordinated, the surface is different from all Al2O3 bulk phases. The film is a wide-gap insulator, although the overall stoichiometry of the film is not Al2O3 but Al10O13. We propose that the same building blocks can be found on the surfaces of bulk oxides, such as the reduced corundum (0001) surface.  相似文献   

高分子树脂膜培养容器在文心兰试管苗培养中的应用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
以低成本、高品质试管种苗培养和规模化生产为目的,采用具有高透气性、低透湿性、耐高温和易于成型加工的四碳氟乙烯树脂膜为材料制作新型培养容器(CP),以文心兰'Aloha Iwanaga'为实验植物材料,在常规培养条件下探讨了树脂膜培养容器在文心兰试管苗生产中的有效性.与传统培养容器三角瓶相比较,CP内生长的试管苗在株高、叶长、叶幅、根数、根长、鲜重、干物重、干物率和叶绿素指数等生长指标上高于常规培养容器(三角瓶).采用SSR法进行比较(显著水平P≤0.05),其中在株高、叶长、叶幅、鲜重、干物重等重要生长指标之间存在显著性差异.实验结果表明,使用CP作为培养容器对促进文心兰试管苗的生长和提高其品质效果明显.  相似文献   

高分子树脂膜培养容器在文心兰原球茎增殖中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以薄叶系文心兰 (Oncidium)品种‘AlohaIwanaga’茎尖诱导形成的原球茎 (protocorm likebody ,PLB)为外植体 ,采用树脂膜培养容器 (CP)和三角瓶 ,分别以MS、1 2MS为基本培养基 ,比较 5种不同培养方式 (三角瓶固体方式、三角瓶液体方式、三角瓶液体振荡方式、CP固体方式、CP液体静置方式 )、CO2 施肥和 4种不同糖浓度 (5、10、2 0、30g L)对文心兰原球茎 (PLB)增殖效果的影响 .通过对PLB增殖后的鲜重、干物重和PLB分化幼苗等主要指标分析后表明 :①以 1 2MS为基本培养基、应用CP作培养容器的液体静置培养方式是该实验研究中文心兰PLB增殖的最佳培养方式 ;②CO2 施肥在一定程度上增加了PLB增殖后的鲜重和干物重 ,表明培养容器内的CO2 浓度提高 ,能够促进文心兰PLB的增殖 ;③培养基中 4种不同糖浓度处理中 ,2 0g L糖浓度下 ,增殖后PLB鲜重和干物重均高于其他处理 .糖浓度在 2 0g L以下时不利于PLB的快速增殖 ,高于 2 0g L时对PLB的增殖有一定的抑制作用 .  相似文献   

We have developed an efficient system for triphase reactions using a microchannel reactor. Using this system, we conducted hydrogenation reactions that proceeded smoothly to afford the desired products quantitatively within 2 minutes for a variety of substrates. The system could also be applied to deprotection reactions. We could achieve an effective interaction between hydrogen, substrates, and a palladium catalyst using extremely large interfacial areas and the short path required for molecular diffusion in the very narrow channel space. This concept could be extended to other multiphase reactions that use gas-phase reagents such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

An extremely small, conically shaped Pt microelectrode tip (with a radius of 30 nanometers) and the precise positioning capabilities of the scanning electrochemical microscope were used to penetrate a thin (200 nanometers) polymer film and obtain directly the standard potential and kinetic parameters of an electrode reaction within the film. The thickness of the film was determined while it was immersed in and swollen by an electrolyte solution. The film studied was the perfluorosulfonate Nafion containing Os(bpy)(3)(2+) (bpy, 2,2'-bipyridine) cast on an indium tin oxide surface. The steady-state response at the ultramicroelectrode allowed direct determination of the rate constant for heterogeneous electron transfer K(o) and the diffusion coefficient D without complications caused by transport in the liquid phase, charge exchange at the liquid-polymer interface, and resistive drop.  相似文献   

聚乙烯地膜降解过程与机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨聚乙烯地膜的降解过程及影响因素,从聚乙烯材料的分子结构与特性入手,结合国内外最新研究进展,系统论述了聚乙烯分子的降解过程、产物、机理与作用因素。文章指出聚乙烯分子较高的结晶度与相对分子质量、较强的疏水性与分子间作用力是导致其难以降解的主要因素;其中,聚乙烯分子间共价键的氧化断裂是整个降解过程的限速反应。环境中较强的光能、热能、机械作用力等能够促进聚乙烯分子键的氧化断裂,使聚乙烯分子非结晶区及小型结晶区域解聚成亲水性低聚物或小分子,并最终在微生物作用下完全分解为CO_2、H_2O、CH_4、生物质等微生物代谢产物。深入系统开展聚乙烯分子降解机理的系统研究,不仅可以科学评价残留地膜对环境的影响,而且能够指导聚乙烯地膜配方改进,降低聚乙烯地膜残留污染。  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the efficient emission of light from subwavelength dimensions. It is based on packaging photons as molecular excitons, effectively reducing the volume of the light beam by 10(9) and making possible propagation through dimensions of 1 nanometer. Molecular microcrystals are grown in the tips of micropipettes that have inner diameters of 100 nanometers or less. Measurements are presented that demonstrate this improvement in transmission for pipettes of various diameters. The ultrasmall dimensions of these light sources, the wavelength range (ultraviolet to red) of their emission, their ease of production, and their expected unique abilities for high efficiency excitation-imaging of surfaces portend significant applications for this methodology.  相似文献   

<正>黑龙江龙园种苗有限责任公司隶属于黑龙江省农业科学院园艺分院,于1998年成立,初期注册资本为100万元,主要经营黑龙江省农业科学院园艺分院自育的蔬菜、种苗等品种,产品覆盖了全省不同农业  相似文献   

A model of the desorption and adsorption of a polymer layer at a planar surface indicates a transition from exponential kinetics at high temperatures to nonexponential kinetics (stretched exponential with index one-half) at lower temperatures where these processes are diffusion-limited. Measurements of polystyrene desorption through polyisoprene overlayers show this predicted transition. Corroborative results are obtained for polystyrene desorption through polymethylmethacrylate overlayers. This identification of two distinct kinetic regimes suggests a unifying perspective from which to analyze polymer and biopolymer mobility at surfaces.  相似文献   

介绍了能量准则及其计算方法,并对用2A80铝合金材料制成的带有不同环状缺口的试件进行了热疲劳和高温低周疲劳试验与应力应变分析计算,试件试验和计算分析的结果表明,总应能能密度-ΔWt是疲劳寿命预测的有效参量,且不受试件结构形状和尺寸的影响。  相似文献   

Ethylene pressure has been used to control the competition between isomerization (chain walking) and monomer insertion processes for ethylene coordination polymerization catalyzed by a palladium-alpha-diimine catalyst. The topology of the polyethylene varies from linear with moderate branching to "hyperbranched" structures. Although the overall branching number and the distribution of short-chain branching change very slightly, the architecture or topology of the polyethylene changes from linear polyethylene with moderate branches at high ethylene pressures to a hyperbranched polyethylene at low pressures.  相似文献   

To determine an appropriate indicator and a suitable stage for evaluating tolerance of soybeans to aluminum (Al) toxin is one of the keys to effective breeding for the trait. Seventeen accessions selected as tolerant from a previous test program by using average membership index (F Ai ) as indicator, plus one tolerant (PI.416937) and one sensitive (NN1138-2) check, were assayed in sand culture pot experiments, totaling four experiments, each for evaluation at V3, V5, V7 and V9 stage, respectively, each in a randomized complete block design with three replications, and each genotype exposed to two Al levels (0 and 480 μM). The relative values of shoot dry weight (RSDW), root dry weight (RRDW), total plant dry weight (RTDW), total root length (RTRL) and total root surface area (RRSA) as the tolerance indicators as well as F Ai were compared. All the indicators showed significant variation in Al tolerance among genotypes over and across the leaf stages, but Genotype × Stage interactions were significant only for RTRL and RRSA, indicating that they were less stable among stages than RTDW, RSDW and RRDW. Among the latter three, RTDW was chosen as the major indicator of Al tolerance due to its relatively better stability, higher correlation with other indicators and easier measuring procedure than the others. The seedling age applicable for screening was not definitive, but V5 appeared to compromise between time spent resulting from screening the relatively older seedlings at later stages and low variation among genotypes at a younger stage. The differences of Al tolerance among the tested accessions were further detected by using RTDW, and superior Al tolerant accessions identified were PI.509080 (South Korea), N23533 and N24282 (Northeast China) and PI.159322 (USA), comparable to the putative tolerant check PI.416937 (Japan) at all vegetative stages.  相似文献   

Degenerate ground-state conjugated polymers exhibit large third-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities, including substantial two-photon absorption. With the use of a machine architecture suited to these material properties, ultrafast optical processors are possible. A four-wave mixing optical correlator was built with an air-stable, processable, degenerate ground-state conjugated polymer, poly(1,6-heptadiester). The continuously updatable processor correlates two 5000-pixel images in less than 160 femtoseconds, achieving peak processing rates of 3 x 10(16) operations per second.  相似文献   

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