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松与柏齐名,松性强健、刚毅,其气质精神高雅不俗,具有大家风范,所以自古以来人们把松作为最贴近生活,最能抒发情感的对象,盆景人更不例外。从古说起,唐宋时期最为常见的盆景就是松树,明清以来更是兴盛,传统代代相传,延续至今玩家仍是穷追不舍,可见松树的魅力。传统的松树盆景品种如何,栽培技术,整型技法又是如何?这些问题我们尚无力完全澄清。就当今来说常用的优良品种有黑松、赤松、五针松、黄山松、油松、罗汉松(非松科针叶植物)等。前三种为松科、松属针叶松树的三大代表树种,日本盆景称之为松树“三雄”,名列榜首。罗汉松是一个多品种的常绿乔木树种,有大叶、中叶、小叶之分,树型特征具有较高的可观性,它是极富魅力的树种。所以黑松、赤松、五针松,加上罗汉松这四个品种人称松中“四杰”。今以黑松为例,谈黑松制作。黑松是松科、松属的针叶常绿植物,乔木,高可  相似文献   

涂传炜  王岩  路光 《中国园艺文摘》2011,27(10):27-27,49
试验以地被植物为切入点,主要针对黑皮油松冠下适宜栽植的观赏地被植物的抗逆性进行研究,旨在观测其在黑松冠下生态适应性,揭示其抗逆性和价值水平,以确保黑皮油松林下街路景观的完整性和环境的可持续性。  相似文献   

松毛虫属鳞翅目,枯叶蛾科,是我国森林和园林风景区中严重为害的害虫之一.广泛分布于北京、河北、山东、陕西、浙江、广东、湖南、贵州等省,主要为害油松、赤松、马尾松、黑松等,松毛虫大量吞食松树针叶,轻则影响松树生长、致使松脂减产,重则造成松树死亡.其毒毛可引起人类的"松毛虫病"(皮炎、关节肿痛),严重影响风景区的旅游事业.  相似文献   

<正>松树是植物王国的寿星,有“百木之长”之誉,而松文化,是人们在育松、赏松过程中形成的一种文化现象,源远流长。《周礼》中有云:“天子树松,诸侯柏,大夫栾,士杨。”松树象征着傲骨峥嵘、历寒不衰的精神,松更是一种人格品性的象征,歌以赞松,诗以咏松,文以记松,画以绘松,鸿篇妙文不胜枚举,丹青杰作传世甚多,赞松之庄重肃穆,咏松之历寒不衰、四季常青,  相似文献   

校园植物景观是高校对外宣传的重要窗口,具有特色的校园植物景观更是学校的一张银活名片。本文从校园植物景观的作用和意义入手,总结了特色植物景观营造的原则和方法,旨在为高校特色园林植物景观打造提供参考。  相似文献   

徐昊 《花木盆景》2022,(10):68-73
<正>在自然界众多的植物中,松被尊为百木之长,它扎根于最贫瘠的峰头崖尖,俯察万类沧桑,仰观宇宙浩渺,岁历千载而不凋,饱经风霜而不折,其精神深得世人称颂。孔子曾曰:“岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。”荀子曰:“岁不寒,无以知松柏;事不难,无以知君子。”先哲对松树的寄意和歌咏,确立了松树人格化的地位,因此,历代文人雅士往往以诗词歌咏松树的品性,或以松入画,借松言志,栽松寄情。  相似文献   

试验采用物理、化学、生物等技术手段,对树势衰弱的黑皮油松的针叶、根系与土壤进行处理,探寻黑皮油松综合复壮、恢复树势的方法。  相似文献   

校园特色植物景观是彰显校园环境特色,具有较大知名度和美誉度的校园绿化植物群落景观。营造校园特色植物景观具有提升校园环境优美度、提高学校社会知名度和提增师生员工自豪感等意义。常见校园特色植物种类主要为观花类和彩叶类植物,其景观设计形式为丛植、片植和列植。高校校园景观建设存在的问题主要是具有特色植物景观的高校以及特色植物种类均较少。营造校园特色植物景观的途径和方法有选择适宜特色植物、做好特色植物群落规划布局和景观类型与生境设计、注意新老校区营造方法差异等。  相似文献   

针对目前城市绿道中的景观同质化现象,在分析城市绿道中植物景观特色营造的意义以及植物景观空间特征的基础上,对城市绿道的特色植物景观营造做了积极的探索,最后提出了"形成丰富多变的韵律,重视植物的季相变化,与城市的文化和精神相结合,尽量保留原场地的植物,呼应绿道景观功能与主题,注重乡土植物的应用"的城市绿道植物景观特色营造的方法。  相似文献   

正植物姿态有别,风韵各异。植物之"姿"是自然所为,而其"韵"则是人为的情感。自古到今,植物因不同的姿态被赋予了不同的涵义,而这些涵义包含着人们对于自己精神与物质生活的美好夙愿。塔形的雪松树高大耸直,大枝平展,小枝略下垂。枝叶可作云片状,姿态风雅,刚柔并济。雪松的刚体现在"大雪压青松、青松挺且直。"坚韧挺拔不仅不惧恶劣的环境影响,反而可防尘减噪和杀  相似文献   

Parameters of fire regimes, including fire frequency, spatial extent of burned areas, fire severity, and season of fire occurrence, influence vegetation patterns over multiple scales. In this study, centuries-long patterns of fire events in a montane ponderosa pine – Douglas-fir forest landscape surrounding Cheesman Lake in central Colorado were reconstructed from fire-scarred trees and inferences from forest stand ages. We crossdated 153 fire-scarred trees from an approximately 4000 ha study area that recorded 77 total fire years from 1197 to the present. Spatial extent of burned areas during fire years varied from the scale of single trees or small clusters of trees to fires that burned across the entire landscape. Intervals between fire years varied from 1 to 29 years across the entire landscape to 3 to 58 years in one stand, to over 100 years in other stands. Large portions of the landscape did not record any fire for a 128 year-long period from 1723 to 1851. Fire severity varied from low-intensity surface fires to large-scale, stand-destroying fires, especially during the 1851 fire year but also possibly during other years. Fires occurred throughout tree growing seasons and both before and after growing seasons. These results suggest that the fire regime has varied considerably across the study area during the past several centuries. Since fires influence plant establishment and mortality on the landscape, these results further suggest that vegetation patterns changed at multiple scales during this period. The fire history from Cheesman Lake documents a greater range in fire behavior in ponderosa pine forests than generally has been found in previous studies.  相似文献   

中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡清 《北方园艺》2012,(4):92-95
中国园林具有深厚的文化底蕴。在中国传统文化中,人们常赋予植物一定的文化寓意,从而表达某种吉祥意愿。因此,加强对中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用研究,有利于对中国传统园林文化的进一步把握及提高植物造景水平。在中国传统吉祥植物资源归纳及分类的基础上,总结出中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用手段及形式,探讨了其对现代植物景观设计的启发。  相似文献   

哈尔滨师范大学松北校区园林植物配置研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔磊  徐淑梅 《北方园艺》2011,(6):105-108
在阐述高等学校园林植物配置的作用和基本要求基础上,结合对哈尔滨师范大学松北校区园林植物配置现状及存在问题的分析,提出了哈尔滨师范大学松北校区园林植物配置的改良建议。  相似文献   

春色叶树种在植物造景中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对春色叶树种的介绍以及植物造景特点的分析,归纳总结了春色叶植物在园林中的应用情况,提出了要注重春色叶植物生物学特性及美学特性等应注意的问题,为以后春色叶树种的园林应用提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

In landscapes dominated by late-successional plant communities, early-successional species may lead a tenuous existence, persisting only as fugitives or relying on refuges in marginal habitats to provide a persistent seed source. The objective of this study was to relate fine-scale distributions of early-successional tree species in hemlock-hardwood forests of northern Wisconsin, USA to potential landscape persistence strategies. A special emphasis was placed on eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), a restoration priority in the region. Witness tree data from nineteenth century US Public Land Survey records (encompassing 40,610?km2 and 106,790 trees) were used with modern environmental data to relate species distributions to habitat characteristics. Early-successional tree species had strong positive associations with marginal habitats such as inclusions of sandy soil and margins of lakes, wetlands, and rivers. Marginal habitats occupied ~44 % of the landscape, which may help account for the abundance of early-successional species in our study area relative to other hemlock-hardwood forests. Populations of early-successional species in marginal habitats could also have provided important seed sources for the upland mesic landscape matrix, as >70 % of the landscape was within 200?m of these habitats. The degree to which early-successional species were limited to marginal habitats largely followed predictions based on species life-history characteristics, except that white pine was more common than expected in upland mesic habitats. These findings illustrate the potential importance of landscape heterogeneity for persistence of early-successional species in late-successional forest landscapes and provide baseline information on habitat associations and landscape dynamics that will be useful in restoration efforts.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on understanding human impact on landscape. Both ecological and human practices are analysed as interacting processes. An agent-based model integrating biological and historical knowledge is used to analyse the pattern of Scots Pine encroachment in a French Mediterranean upland. In the STIPA model, pine trees are autonomous agents and a cellular automaton simulates land-use. We test the effects of shifting cultivation on tree establishment at the landscape scale. This allows us to understand how agropastoral practices patterned this area from the 17th to 19th century: simulations show the importance of shifting cultivation in limiting woodland progression. Fallow duration linked to environmental heterogeneity is a significant factor for explaining pine dynamics and landscape patterning at the scale of the study region. We put this result in perspective with current rangeland management policies that often consider grazing as the most relevant tool for open landscape maintenance. Our results also show the importance of taking into account time-scale effects when linking landscape patterns to agricultural systems.  相似文献   

园林技术措施控制病虫害探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合园林工作实际,将园林技术措施控制病虫害的实现途径进行多角度、多层次的探析,即统筹协调"园林植物—病虫害—环境"所组成的生态系统的关系,建设生态园林,实现园林绿地与花木生产基地病虫害的可持续控制。  相似文献   

川西寺庙园林植物造景探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川西寺庙园林是一个完整的历史序列;川西寺庙植物选择在满足宗教文化特定要求下主要以乡土植物为主,多选用长寿植物和常绿植物,重视古树名木的文化价值;川西寺庙园林植物造景主要以庭院的规则式布置和附属园林的自然式配置为主.从这三个方面切入研究川西寺庙园林,以期更进一步的探索川西园林的本质特征,挖掘其地方特色,丰富中国园林的研究内容和完善中国古典园林的艺术体系.  相似文献   

对贵阳市植物景观现状调查分析,强调在城市总体规划中绿地同其它用地一样重要,植物景观规划应是城市绿地系统规划中重要一项。植物景观设计应遵循科学性与艺术性相结合的基本原则,要注重园林植物的形式美和意境美及体现地方文化特色。指出贵阳市植物景观特色的体现重要的一点就是向自然学习,体现植物的最佳适用性,把使用乡土树种、以乔木为主的植物配置从图纸上落实在建设中,以此推行节约型、生态型、可持续发展的园林绿化。最后列出几种宜于贵阳市的植物配置模式以供参考。  相似文献   

王庆 《北方园艺》2012,(7):92-95
采用层次分析法建立了高尔夫球场园林植物景观的评价系统。结果表明:深圳地区高尔夫球场植物群落树木的平均胸径与植物景观之间存在函数关系A=aD2+bD+c。当植物群落的平均胸径大约为22cm时,其景观的评价值最高,为91分。  相似文献   

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