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Strongyle infections in ponies. II. Reinfection of treated animals.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Five of seven ponies whose strongyle worm burdens had previously been removed or markedly reduced by repeated thiabendazole treatments were reinfected with doses ranging from 100,000 to 500,000 small strongyle infective larvae. Reinfection of ponies resulted in the development of clinical signs characterized by abnormal feces, marked loss of weight and delayed shedding of winter hair coats. An abrupt increase in circulating eosinophils occurred during the first three weeks following reinfection. Patent infections developed in all ponies with worm eggs appearing in the feces from 12 to 15 weeks after receiving infective larvae. Worm egg outputs followed a cyclic pattern with approximately four to five peaks in egg output per year. There was an abrupt drop in the high worm egg counts in two untreated ponies approximately two and a half years after reinfection. No worms were recovered in the feces of these animals when they were subsequently treated, suggesting that a depletion in the number of inhibited larvae present in these ponies might have occurred.  相似文献   

Experimental Trichinella infections in ponies.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Light Trichinella infections were established in three ponies given 1000, 5000 and 25000 T. spiralis spiralis infective larvae respectively by stomach tube. A predilection site of infection in all ponies was the tongue. Anti-Trichinella antibodies were detected in all ponies by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a T. spiralis spiralis excretory-secretory antigen. The ponies given 5000 and 25000 infective larvae reacted positively on days 26 and 24 postinfection, respectively, using a criterion of greater than or equal to 5 X mean optical density readings of preinfection sera as positive. The pony given 1000 larvae did not react positively although antibodies were present as indicated by 3 X to 4 X mean optical density readings of preinfection sera. The results of this limited study indicate that the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay cannot be used to certify horsemeat free of Trichinella since the presence of detectable antibody levels appears to be related to the magnitude of the infection and duration of the infection when the animal is tested.  相似文献   

A survey of strongyle infections was conducted in sheep and goats reared in a traditional e extensive husbandry system in two ecological zones if Nigeria. One zone had a seasonal pattern of infection. The majority of animals had faecal worm parasite egg counts of below 500 eggs per gram. Kids, and lambs younger than 3 months did not carry strongyle worm burdens, and the highest infection rate was found in the 7–12 month age group. A high proportion of small ruminants shed strongyle eggs during the postparturient period.The helminth species found by the use of larval culture techniques on the faeces were: Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Oesophagostonum columbianum. Adults of the same species were found in the few animals necropsied. The significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Overwintering of horse cyathostomes as inhibited third stage larvae (L3) and the effect of repeated oxfendazole (OFZ) treatment on strongyle infections were studied in an experiment with two groups of three Shetland ponies. Both groups were grazed together from May 28 to November 11, 1986 and subsequently housed. Treatments with 10 mg OFZ kg-1 were given on May 26, July 1 and July 28 and again one week before each group was necropsied in December and April, respectively. Worm populations of both groups were dominated by inhibited early L3. The proportion of fourth stage larvae (L4) was significantly higher in April than in December. The faecal egg counts showed that the OFZ treatment in May was more effective than those in July. This resulted in high pasture larval counts from the end of August onwards. The final treatments revealed a low efficacy against L3 and L4 but not against adult worms.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation on the protection afforded to ponies, by quinapyramine suraminate and its constituents used singly, againstTrypanosoma evansi infections of low and high intensity was conducted. It was observed that full protection with the suraminate lasted for 61/2 to 231/2 months depending upon the dose of the drug and intensity of the test infection employed. Considerable partial protection was evident up to 38 months. Prophylaxis with suramin and quinapyramine extended up to 1 month and 11/2 months, respectively. The protection period was observed to be directly related to the dose of the suraminate employed and inversely with the intensity of the test infection. Infections breaking through prophylaxis were characterized by sub-microscopic and low-grade parasitaemia which was mostly detected by the rat-inoculation test only.
Sumario Se ha hecho una investigación sobre la protección conferida por varias dosis de suramina, sales de quinapiramina y MSb en ponis contra infecciones simples deTrypanosoma evansi y suraminato de quinapiramina contra infecciones repetidas. La protección completa con suramina, quinapiramina y su prosal y MSb se extendía hasta 1, 11/2, 2 y 3 meses, respectivamente. La protección con suraminato de quinapiramina variaba de 61/2 a 261/2 meses contra el desafío ‘suave’ y 61/2 a 231/2 meses contra el desafío ‘fuerte’. La protección parcial, sin embargo, era aparente por periodos de hasta 38 meses. La profilaxis con suraminato de quinapiramina era directamente proporcional a la dosisintervalo de la droga usada y usualmente inversamente proporcional a la cantidad del desafío empleado. Las infecciones recurrentes fueron caracterizadas por por una parasitemia rara ó muy escasa. Algunas vecez las infecciones no eran detectadas por la prueba microscópica. Esta conducta atípica de las infecciones fue demostrada no ser debida a una disminuida virulencia de le parásito.

Résumé Une étude à été faite sur la protection donnée aux chevaux par des doses variables de suramine, sels de quinapyramine et de MSb contre une infection unique parTrypanosoma evansi et par le suraminate de quinapyramine contre les infections répétées. Une protection complète par la suramine, la quinapyramine et son ‘prosalt’ et le MSb durait respectivement jusqu’ à 1, 11/2, 2 et 3 mois. La protection par le suraminate de quinapyramine contre l’épreuve légère variait de 6 mois et demi à 26 mois et demi et, contre l’épreuve sévère, de 6 mois et demi à 23 mois et demi. Une protection partielle a néanmoins été observée pendant des périodes allant jusqu’à 38 mois. La durée de la prophylaxie par le suraminate de quinapyramine était directement proportionnelle à la dose du médicament utilisée, habituellement inversement proportionnelle à la quantité des organismes utilisés pour l’épreuve. Les infections résultantes étaient caractérisées par un type de parasitémie rare et faible. Elles n’ont parfois pas du tout été révélées par l’examen microscopique. Il a été démontré que ce comportement atypique des infections n’était pas d? à une virulence diminuée du parasite.

Two groups of three ponies were used to study the effect of three ivermectin or pyrantel treatments given at intervals of 5 weeks at the beginning of the grazing season. Although each pyrantel treatment resulted in a greater than 95% reduction in faecal egg counts during the first 3 weeks, high pasture larval counts were seen from the beginning of August onwards and substantial cyathostomine burdens were found at necropsy in December. The ivermectin treatments resulted in an even more pronounced reduction in faecal egg output, and the pasture larval counts and cyathostomine burdens at necropsy were considerably lower than in the pyrantel group. The proportion of inhibited early L3 of the cyathostomines was lower in the ivermectin than in the pyrantel group. Faecal egg output of the large strongyles was completely suppressed in the ivermectin group. Nevertheless, Strongylus vulgaris larvae were found in the arteries of all three ponies, possibly as a result of overwintering of infective larvae on pasture. In the pyrantel group, the egg output of Strongylus edentatus and, to a much lesser extent, Strongylus vulgaris, was not completely suppressed.  相似文献   

Host response was evaluated following the administration of various treatments, such as probiotics, prebiotics, and vaccination, to reduce Salmonella in swine. Response to the treatments were studied by the evaluation of phagocytosis rates by flow cytometry, by studying the activation of whole-blood phagocytes by bioluminescence, the production of IgA against S. Typhimurium, and by histopathology. Significant differences were observed in the activation of whole-blood phagocytes in all groups of treated pigs (P = 0.0001). In SC54 vaccinated pigs, a significant reduction of Salmonella in the ileum was observed (P < 0.05) and the production of IgA against S. Typhimurium was higher in this group in comparison to uninfected control pigs (P = 0.0007). Furthermore, significant histopathological (P < 0.05) changes were observed in SC54 vaccinated pigs. Villus height and mucus and goblet cells density in the small intestine were reduced in vaccinated pigs in comparison to infected control pigs. Taken together, these findings suggest that SC54 vaccine can stimulate local immunity and reduce the presence of Salmonella in the ileum in swine. Use of SC54 vaccine should thus be considered in further field experiments.  相似文献   

Three of six ponies, 9 and 10 years of age, were each given in excess of 300 000 infective Trichonema larvae experimentally. Although all six ponies had both natural and experimental infections previously, they were virtually parasite-free during the 18-month period immediately preceding experimental reinfection.Appreciable resistance to Trichonema infections was indicated in these mature ponies by a longer prepatency and significantly smaller worm egg outputs than that which occurred when these animals were given comparable infections at a much younger age. Patent infections only developed in two of the three ponies beginning between 17 and 18 weeks post-reinfection with peak egg counts between 200 and 400 eggs per gram (epg) in one and 100 to 150 epg in the other. Within 10 days of reinfection, an abrupt rise in mean circulating eosinophils and an appreciable mean weight loss, which persisted for 2 years, occured in the reinfected but not the control ponies.The findings, particularly of unthriftiness characterized by persistent loss of weight in the reinfected but not the control ponies, demonstrated the pathogenesis of inhibited Trichonema larvae.  相似文献   

This report summarises clinical and pathological observations on Fell pony foals with a range of signs that included ill thrift, anaemia, respiratory infection, glossal hyperkeratosis and diarrhoea. Some of the foals had normochromic, normocytic anaemia and some had low levels of plasma proteins, including immunoglobulin G. Antibiotic and supportive treatment was ineffective and all affected foals died or were killed on humane grounds. Postmortem examination of 12 foals and tissues from 2 other foals revealed a range of lesions that included glossal hyperkeratosis, typhlocolitis, intestinal cryptosporidiosis, granulomatous enteritis, proliferative and necrotising bronchiolitis consistent with adenovirus infection; lesions similar to those in the respiratory tract were present in the salivary gland and pancreas of individual foals. Lymphoid tissue was judged to be smaller than expected. These observations suggest the possibility of opportunistic infections secondary to some form of undefined immunocompromised state.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent antibody assay (IFA) was developed using Strongylus vulgaris third stage larvae (L3) as antigens. Observations using the IFA indicate that a species-specific antibody response to S. vulgaris L3 develops in S. vulgaris-infected ponies and that some surface L3 antigens are shared by adult worms. Sequential antibody levels against S. vulgaris were measured in strongyle-naive and in immune ponies following initial and challenge infections using the IFA and an indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA). Antibody levels measured by IFA increased faster following initial infections than did levels measured by IHA. Antibody levels appear to increase following challenge infections of immune ponies when measured with the IFA, but not with the IHA. Significant differences in antibody titers were not seen between ponies which developed colic following challenge infections and those that did not develop colic. Antibodies were not detectable in ponies unexposed to larval migrations, but which received surgical implantation of S. vulgaris adults into the cecum.  相似文献   

The activity of fenbendazole and febantel was evaluated in 12 pony foals whichwere inoculated with 2600 P. equorum eggs. The foals were not maintained free of parasites before or after inoculation. Once patent for P. equorum, the foals were randomly assigned to groups and treated one time intraorally with either 0.5 ml corn syrup/kg of body weight (controls; n=4), 10 mg fenbendazole/kg (n=4), or 6 mg febantel/kg (n=4). Foals were necropsied and examined for parasites 10 days after treatment. Fenbendazole and febantel were highly effective against adult and immature P. equorum. Grosslesions attributed to P. equorum were evident in all foals. P. equorum were not foundin any of the fenbendazole-or febantel-treated foals. The mean number of adult and immature P. equorum found in the controls was 66.8 (15–166) and 65.0 (21–147), respectively. Strongyle infections were insufficient for efficacy evaluations to be done. Neither anthelmintic was effective against mature Drasehia megastoma, mature Habronema majus, immature H. muscae, Gasterophilus intestinalis or late 4th-stage larvae of Strongylus vulgaris. Adverse side effects due to treatment were not observed.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to insulin was assessed in ponies episodically affected with chronic laminitis by measurement of blood glucose and arterial blood pressure during insulin tolerance tests. In terms of blood glucose values, laminitic ponies were significantly less sensitive to insulin than controls. Conversely, a post-insulin decline in diastolic, systolic and mean blood pressure values was significantly greater in laminitic ponies than in controls.  相似文献   

From 1967--1978 observations were made on the presence of the small equine pinworm, Probstmayria vivipara, in seven experimental ponies. The life cycle of this nematode is unusual in that it is endogenous with development of all stages occurring within the host's digestive tract. Initially, worms were found in the feces of four of seven ponies following treatment with thiabendazole but the infection was later transmitted to all ponies possibly via coprophagy. Still later, based on fecal and postmortem examinations, four of the seven ponies lost their pinworm burdens. At necropsy, the principal sites of infection were observed to be the cecum and right ventral colon. Despite the large number of pinworms present, clinical signs were not observed.  相似文献   

The efficacy of fenbendazole against immature stages of Trichonema spp., Strongylus vulgaris and Strongylus edentatus was evaluated. Naturally infected 6 to 12 month old ponies were given single, oral doses of 0, 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg of body weight. A dose response relationship was noted between increasing dose levels and efficiency against larval trichonemes and migrating stages of S. vulgaris and S. edentatus. Dose levels of 30 mg/kg and higher removed 93 per cent of mucosal stages of Trichonema spp., while doses of 60 mg/kg removed 83 per cent and 89 per cent of the migrating larvae of S. vulgaris and S. edentatus respectively.  相似文献   

The response of the pony to increasing doses of Escherichia coli endotoxin was evaluated using intravenous and intraperitoneal administration models. Marked changes were seen in all parameters measured following endotoxin administration. Leukopenia (neutropenia, lymphopenia) and thrombocytopenia were not dose-dependent. Similarly, elevated plasma fibrinogen and altered glucose concentrations (hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia), pyrexia and increased lactate/pyruvate ratios were apparent at all endotoxin doses but were not dose related. The widely used packed cell volume and capillary refill time, we well as blood lactate and possibly serum beta-glucuronidase, were increased in a dose-related manner.  相似文献   

Antiparasitic efficacy of ivermectin against migrating Gasterophilus intestinalis was evaluated in 36 treated and 24 nontreated (n = 12) or vehicle-treated (n = 12) ponies experimentally and naturally infected with G intestinalis and naturally infected with G nasalis. Each pony was experimentally infected with 500 G intestinalis 1st instars in 2 divided doses on days -14 and -7 before treatment. On day 0, ivermectin was administered at the rate of 200 micrograms/kg of body weight by IV (n = 12) or IM injection (n = 12) or given as an oral paste (n = 12). Ponies were euthanatized and necropsied 21 days after treatment. In each nontreated or vehicle-treated pony, late 1st-, 1st- to 2nd- instar molt, and early 2nd-instars of G intestinalis were found in the mouth, and 2nd- and 3rd instars of G intestinalis and 3rd instars of G nasalis were found in the stomach. Bots were not found in any ivermectin-treated pony and, thus, ivermectin was 100% effective against oral and gastric stages. Adverse reactions were not observed in ponies given ivermectin by IM injection or orally, but 1 pony given the vehicle IV and 1 pony given ivermectin (in the vehicle) IV had an anaphylactic reaction, resulting in death of the ivermectin-treated pony. It was speculated that the adverse reaction was caused by histamines released in response to vehicle components given by IV injection.  相似文献   

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