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  • 1. When considering widely distributed marine organisms with low dispersal capabilities, there is often an implication that the distribution of cosmopolitan species is an artefact of taxonomy, constrained by the absence of characters for delimiting either sibling or cryptic species. Few studies have assessed the relationship among populations across the global range of the species' distribution, and the presence of oceanographic barriers that might influence gene flow among populations are underestimated.
  • 2. In this study, evolutionary and ecological drivers of connectivity patterns have been inferred among populations of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus, a common and widespread solitary scleractinian species, whose reproduction strategy and larval dispersal are still poorly unknown.
  • 3. The genetic structure of D. dianthus was explored using 30 microsatellites in 347 specimens from 13 localities distributed in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
  • 4. Results clearly reveal genetically differentiated populations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (FST = 0.16, FSC = 0.01, FCT = 0.15, P-values highly significant), and Chilean and New Zealand populations with independent genetic profiles.
  • 5. Marine connectivity patterns at different spatial scales are discussed to characterize larval dispersal and gene flow through the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Abstract –  For effective management of a freshwater species, it is necessary to have an understanding of the spatial scale of population differentiation. In many cases, common ecological methods such as mark-recapture are inappropriate for large freshwater systems. In this study, a molecular genetics approach was employed to determine the population structure of a small, but regionally very important, cyprinid species ( Henicorhynchus lobatus ) in the lower Mekong River Basin (MRB). A fragment of the mtDNA ATP ase 6 and 8 genes was sequenced for 136 individuals sampled from the main Mekong River channel, from two major tributaries of the Mekong River and from a site in an adjacent river drainage (Chao Phraya). An exact test and samova analysis revealed considerable differentiation among sites from the Mun River (a tributary of the Mekong River in Thailand) and all other samples from the MRB. Furthermore, the most upstream site in Lao PDR (BP) was significantly differentiated from sites further downstream. It is argued here that the former pattern is a result of historical drainage rearrangement and the latter a function of current ecological differences expressed as discrete migration pathways. The results of the study clearly show the existence of discrete population units for H. lobatus within the MRB that may require separate management strategies.  相似文献   

  • 1. Port Davey and associated Bathurst Harbour in south‐western Tasmania represent one of the world's most anomalous estuarine systems owing to an unusual combination of environmental factors. These include: (i) large uninhabited catchment protected as a National Park; (ii) ria geomorphology but with fjord characteristics that include a shallow entrance and deep 12‐km long channel connecting an almost land‐locked harbour to the sea; (iii) high rainfall and riverine input that generate strongly‐stratified estuarine conditions, with a low‐salinity surface layer and marine bottom water; (iv) a deeply tannin‐stained surface layer that blocks light penetration to depth; (v) very low levels of nutrients and low aquatic productivity; (vi) weak tidal influences; (vii) marine bottom water with stable temperature throughout the year; (viii) numerous endemic species; (ix) strongly depth‐stratified benthic assemblages exhibiting high compositional variability over small spatial scales; (x) deepsea species present at anomalously shallow depths; (xi) no conspicuous introduced taxa; (xii) a predominance of fragile sessile invertebrates, including slow‐growing fenestrate bryozoans; and (xiii) sponge spicule‐ and bryozoan‐based sediments that are more characteristic of deep sea and polar environments than those inshore.
  • 2. Although this region has historically been protected by its isolation, seven major anthropogenic stressors now threaten its natural integrity: boating, fishing, dive tourism, nutrient enrichment, introduced species, onshore development, and global climate change. These threats are not randomly distributed but disproportionately affect particular habitat types.
  • 3. For management of environmental risk, the Port Davey–Bathurst Harbour region is subdivided into six biophysical zones, each with different ecological characteristics, values, and types and levels of potential threat. In response to the various threats, the Tasmanian Government has enacted an adaptive management regime that includes a multi‐zoned marine protected area and the largest ‘no‐take’ estuarine protected area in Australia. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1 With the establishment of the 619‐ha Long Island—Kokomohua Marine Reserve in April 1993, a biological monitoring programme designed to investigate changes due to the total no‐take legislation applied to the reserve was initiated.
  • 2 Size, distribution and behaviour of blue cod (Parapercis colias; Pinguipedidae) were investigated using baited hooks at reserve and control rubble bottom habitats annually from 1993 to 2000. Blue cod abundance was estimated using visual diver strip transects annually for a period of 9 years from 1992 to 2001.
  • 3 A total of 5628 blue cod (2436 reserve and 3192 control specimens) were captured, measured and released. Two years after the reserve was established, the average size of blue cod was 22.4 mm larger inside the reserve compared with control sites outside it.
  • 4 Over the duration of the study, the mean length of blue cod captured using baited hooks increased in the no‐take reserve, but declined at the control sites. By the end of the study, in April 2000, the proportion of large blue cod >330 mm in length in the reserve was 35% compared with <1% at the control sites, where recreational fishing activities occurred.
  • 5 Blue cod catch rates from experimental fishing in the reserve increased within 11 months of removal of recreational fishing activities and continued to increase up to 47 months, in contrast to the control areas where recreational fishing was permitted, catch rates remained consistently low. Increased catch rates in the reserve were not due to increased blue cod abundance, rather an increase in the proportion of naïve fish in the population.
  • 6 From March 1998 to the end of the study, the density of blue cod in the reserve was significantly higher compared with the control sites. This increase was primarily due to an increase in the density of larger blue cod >300 mm length in the reserve and a corresponding small decline in the density of these larger fish at the control sites.
  • 7 It is concluded that the cessation of recreational fishing in the reserve had resulted in an increase in blue cod size, catch rate and abundance and also in a change to blue cod behaviour.
Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Connectivity between spawning and nursery areas plays a major role in determining the spatial structure of fish populations and the boundaries of stock units. Here, the potential effects of surface current on a red mullet population in the Central Mediterranean were simulated using a physical oceanographic model. Red mullet larvae were represented as Lagrangian drifters released in known spawning areas of the Strait of Sicily (SoS), which represents one of the most productive demersal fishing‐grounds of the Mediterranean. To consider the effect of inter‐annual variability of oceanographic patterns, numerical simulations were performed for the spawning seasons from 1999 to 2012. The main goal was to explore connectivity between population subunits, in terms of spawning and nursery areas, inhabiting the northern (Sicilian‐Maltese) and southern (African) continental shelves of the SoS. The numerical simulations revealed a certain degree of connectivity between the Sicilian–Maltese and the African sides of the SoS. Connectivity is present in both directions, but it is stronger from the Sicilian–Maltese spawning areas to the African nurseries owing to the marine circulation features of the region. However, because the majority of the larvae are transported to areas unsuitable for settlement or outside the SoS, the dispersal process is characterized by a strong loss of potential settlers born in the spawning areas. These results are in agreement with the low genetic heterogeneity reported for this species in the Mediterranean Sea and support the existence of a metapopulation structure of red mullet in the SoS and the adjacent areas.  相似文献   

In bipartite life cycle fishes, spawning represents the onset of propagules dispersal, with eggs and larvae experiencing anisotropic transport and high mortality rates, before eventually metamorphosing and settling. Hence, early-life stages operate as bottlenecks for population demography by strongly constraining recruitment. Despite its significance, spawning is rarely explicitly considered in ecosystem management due to a lack of knowledge, for many species, about where and when spawning occurs. Previous evidences suggest that temperature is among the main drivers of spawning in Teleosts. Using the ecologically and economically relevant white seabream Diplodus sargus in the central Mediterranean Sea as a case study, we assess the abiotic factors that regulate the onset and duration of spawning and subsequent dispersal. Lagrangian backtracking simulations fed with early-life observations allow locating 11 spawning events, which are then associated to simulated temperatures ranging from 14.8° C to 20.6° C, in close agreement with previous estimates. Based on this range of suitable temperatures, we model the spatio-temporal variability of spawning success at broad-scale over 10 years (2005–2014) following the backtracking approach with hypothetical constant settlement areas. It highlights a prominent inter-annual variability in the Adriatic and Siculo-Tunisian strait driven by oceanographic processes. Moreover, a powerful clustering method uncovers relatively stable spawning areas in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas with both early (January to Mid-February) and late (April to June) spawning peaks. Our methodology can be applied to other species and oceanic systems to investigate how oceanic processes impact spawning success, enabling the design of sound management strategies.  相似文献   

Research has estimated associations between water temperature and the spatial distribution of marine fishes based upon correlations between temperature and the centroid of fish distribution (centre of gravity, COG). Analysts have then projected future water temperatures to forecast shifts in COG, but often neglected to demonstrate that temperature explains a substantial portion of historical distribution shifts. We argue that estimating the proportion of observed distributional shifts that can be attributed to temperature vs. other factors is a critical first step in forecasting future changes. We illustrate this approach using Gadus chalcogrammus (Walleye pollock) in the Eastern Bering Sea, and use a vector‐autoregressive spatiotemporal model to attribute variation in COG from 1982 to 2015 to three factors: local or regional changes in surface and bottom temperature (“temperature effects”), fluctuations in size‐structure that cause COG to be skewed towards juvenile or adult habitats (“size‐structured effects”) or otherwise unexplained spatiotemporal variation in distribution (“unexplained effects”). We find that the majority of variation in COG (including the north‐west trend since 1982) is largely unexplained by temperature or size‐structured effects. Temperature alone generates a small portion of primarily north–south variation in COG, while size‐structured effects generate a small portion of east–west variation. We therefore conclude that projections of future distribution based on temperature alone are likely to miss a substantial portion of both the interannual variation and interdecadal trends in COG for this species. More generally, we suggest that decomposing variation in COG into multiple causal factors is a vital first step for projecting likely impacts of temperature change.  相似文献   

Climate change has led to major shifts in the timing of biological events, with many studies demonstrating earlier phenology in response to warming. However, few of these studies have investigated the effects of climate change on the phenology of larvae in marine species. Phenological shifts can result in mismatches between consumers and prey and hence affect growth and survival of individuals, and ultimately population demography. We investigated the temporal changes in phenology and abundance of the larvae of dominant brachyuran crabs in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (eastern Canada) based on plankton collections spanning 1982–2012. The Gulf of St. Lawrence has warmed since the early 1990s, and our analyses revealed that larvae of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) and toad crabs (Hyas spp.) exhibited a significant trend towards earlier phenology over the 30‐year study period. This shift in phenology appeared to be a consequence of the effect of climate warming on both the timing of hatching and larval development rate. Larval abundance responded differently by crab taxon to climate warming, likely due to differences in thermal tolerance. The warming trend was unfavourable to snow crab, which is the most cold‐adapted and stenothermic of the taxa examined in this study. The abundance of snow crab larvae was lower when sea ice retreat occurred earlier than day 110 of the year and sea surface temperature was higher than 8.5°C. On the other hand, larval abundance of rock crab (Cancer irroratus), which prefers higher temperatures, was positively related to surface temperature.  相似文献   

This study tests the basic hypothesis that the removal of charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), would cause an increase in both the growth and density of a sympatric trout population, Salmo trutta L. The charr population was characterised by slow‐growing individuals, with a high proportion of mature fish, that is typical for so‐called overpopulated populations. A total of 31,000 charr was removed from the lake in the period 1990–1992, and the density of younger trout (1+, 2+), but not older trout (3+, 4+), increased. The growth of older trout (3+, 4+) increased, but the evidence for similar growth increases of younger trout (1+, 2+) was limited. From 1989 to 1990, the proportion of trout increased from 30 to only 40% of the total catch, but from 1991 to 1994, it was significantly higher (60–80%) than that of charr. Total trout biomass increased to a maximum in 1992 and then decreased so that the biomass of 1994 was nearly similar to that of 1989, that is before the start of the charr removal. Back‐calculated lengths of trout from otoliths showed that 2+ and 3+ trout caught in the pelagic were growing consistently faster over previous years than those caught in the littoral, while this was not the case for the 4+ fish. Therefore, the hypothesis was partially supported; the growth rate of trout increased (age groups 1+ to 4+), while the density of juvenile trout (1+, 2+), but not the older trout (3+, 4+), increased after the removal of charr.  相似文献   

  • 1. This paper reports on the dynamics of the coral community structure at A Ma Wan (AMW) and A Ye Wan (AYW) in Tung Ping Chau, Hong Kong, focusing on data collected before and after the summer typhoon seasons in 1997 to 1999. This period (1999) experienced the highest frequency of severe tropical cyclones to hit Hong Kong with one cyclone being the strongest to hit in the last 23 years (1984 to 2006).
  • 2. This is part of a long‐term monitoring programme of subtropical coral communities that has been set up in AMW since May 1997 and AYW since May 1998 with nine fixed position 40 m long transects and 0.5 m × 0.5 m permanent quadrats laid at 5 m intervals along each transect. A total of 45 scleractinian coral species from 21 genera (12 families) was recorded, with 40 species in AMW and 32 species in AYW recorded at the beginning of the study.
  • 3. Multidimensional scaling ordinations showed distinct spatial variations in the coral communities within and between sites. These variations were probably a result of the differential effects of the repeated cyclone impacts on the communities. Cyphastrea serailia, Goniopora lobata, Montipora peltiformis and Pavona decussata were the dominant species most strongly affected by cyclone impacts at AMW, experiencing a 6.2–16.2% loss of mean area cover during the study period. Some dominant species (e.g. P. decussata) in AYW also experienced a 6.5–14.3% loss of mean area cover within the same period.
  • 4. Overall, these coral community structures appeared relatively stable and resistant to repeated physical disturbances. However, they may have low resilience towards more severe disturbances in the future. Preserving the resilience of coral communities/species in Tung Ping Chau should be one of the main goals of coral conservation strategies for the island.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for body weight (BW), body length (BL), carapace length (CL), carapace width (CW) and carapace height (CH) of the Penaeus monodon from measurements on progeny at 6 months of age resulting from a nested mating design. Estimation was made on data from 41 full‐sib and 10 half‐sib families. The estimated heritabilities for these traits were 0.13–0.24, and the significantly phenotypic and genetic correlations were 0.81–0.94 and 0.88–1.00, respectively. The present results indicate that genetic improvement through selective breeding conducted on P. monodon might be feasible and would be an efficient method to obtain a positive response to selection.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to investigate the effects of fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) in diets for turbot on growth performance, muscle fibre morphometry, and the expression of muscle growth‐related genes. A control diet (FPH0) contained 0 g/kg FPH, and four experimental diets were formulated replacing fishmeal with FPH at levels of 45 (FPH4.5), 120 (FPH12), 180 (FPH18) and 300 (FPH30) g/kg. Fish fed the FPH12 and FPH18 diets had higher specific growth rate (SGR) than fish fed the FPH0 diet (p < .05), and a quadratic regression was found between SGR and dietary FPH level (p = .001, R2 = .677). Cross‐section area (CSA) and the length of sarcomere in the FPH12 group increased compared with the control group (p < .05), and a quadratic regression was observed between CSA and dietary FPH level (p = .006, R2 = .574) and between sarcomere length and dietary FPH level (p = .018, R2 = .788). An appropriate level of FPH down‐regulated myostatin 2 gene expression and up‐regulated proliferating cell nuclear antigen gene expression, while the expression of myogenic regulatory factors was not affected by dietary treatments (p > .05). To conclude, an appropriate level of FPH may improve muscle growth by regulating the expression of muscle growth‐related genes, and muscle microstructure and ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Little is known about the population structure of Alaskan rockfishes, including Pacific ocean perch (POP, Sebastes alutus), and how persistent and variable oceanographic features may influence their structures. Moreover, early life history information is sparse for many species. We used data from 14 microsatellite loci to characterize the genetic structure of young‐of‐the‐year Pacific ocean perch collected during 1998–2003 from the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. Broad‐scale geographic variation in genetic structure of the young‐of‐the‐year (FST = 0.005, P < 10?4) had similarities to that observed in a previous adult study. The overall correlation between genetic and geographic distance (isolation by distance) was nearly identical to that observed in the adults. Fine‐scale geographic divergence was also observed and may be the result of oceanographic circulation features within the Gulf of Alaska. Interannual variation (between cohorts) at locations sampled in more than one year is consistent with variable oceanography and fine‐scale population structure rather than the influence of a sweepstakes effect. The similarities of the young‐of‐the‐year with the adults and the pattern of genetic divergence confirm that dispersal of Pacific ocean perch is limited in all life stages.  相似文献   

1. Micronecta poweri (Insecta: Corixidae) is potentially sensitive to changes in river flow. A field experiment was designed to assess the impact of an inter‐basin water transfer on the distribution and abundance of M. poweri in the receiving River Wear, north‐east England. 2. The transfer increased river discharge threefold for a period of 1 h; the transfer discharge was then reduced to a rate equivalent to double the receiving flow. Velocity changes were variable: some parts of the river channel were subjected to order of magnitude increases in near‐bed velocity, others suffered no perceptible change. Losses of fine particulate organic material were associated with the areas of greatest velocity increase. 3. Downstream of the transfer outlet, average total M. poweri abundance in replicate samples was reduced by approximately 50% during the transfer. Losses were variable within the 250 m reach monitored, with some areas gaining and some losing animals. Differences could not be explained simply as a function of proximity to the transfer outlet. 4. Results suggest that transfer impacts are location specific, varying greatly even over short (250 m) distances. For flow sensitive taxa, even relatively minor flow changes (increasing discharge to the 50 percentile flow value) may be considered as disturbance events when viewed at the patch or reach scales. 5. Despite the impacts identified for M. poweri, transfers are generally viewed as having a beneficial effect on the conservation of aquatic habitat in the River Wear. They ensure that water abstractions for potable and industrial supply can continue during the summer months without reducing the availability of suitable salmonid habitat. However, there remains a need to assess the possible transfer of biological material from the donor River Tyne to the receiving River Wear. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella tarda has long been known as a pathogen that causes severe economic losses in aquaculture industry. Insights gained on E. tarda pathogenesis may prove useful in the development of new methods for the treatment of infections as well as preventive measures against future outbreaks. In this report, we have established the correlation between the presence of virulence genes, related with three aspects typically involved in bacterial pathogenesis (chondroitinase activity, quorum sensing and siderophore‐mediated ferric uptake systems), in the genome of E. tarda strains isolated from turbot in Europe and their phenotypic traits. A total of 8 genes were tested by PCR for their presence in 73 E. tarda isolates. High homogeneity was observed in the presence/absence pattern of all the strains. Positive results in the amplification of virulence‐related genes were correlated with the detection of chondroitinase activity in agar plates, in vivo AHL production during fish infection and determination of type of siderophore produced by E. tarda. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study carried out with European strains on potential virulence factors. Furthermore, we demonstrated for the first time that E. tarda produces the siderophore vibrioferrin.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of date palm extracts [DPE] (Phoenix dactylifera L. Arecaceae) on growth, immune function and antioxidant system in common carp fingerlings (Cyprinus carpio). One hundred and twenty fish (4.06 ± 0.13 g) were divided into six groups fed on control diet or diets containing 200 mL kg?1 DPE for 8 weeks. At the end of feeding trial, the expression of different genes was measured. Selected genes were grouped into three categories: growth factor genes in brain and liver [growth hormone (GH), insulin‐like growth factors I and II (IGF‐I and IGF‐II), antioxidant‐related genes in liver [glutathione S‐transferase‐alpha (GST‐α), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione peroxidase genes (GPX)] and immune‐related genes in head kidney [interleukin‐8 (IL‐8), interleukin‐10 (IL‐10) and transforming growth factor‐beta (TGF‐β) genes]. The relative expression of the growth‐related genes in fish fed DPE showed no significant increase compared to control group (> 0.05). On the other hand, DPE altered the expression of genes encoding antioxidants enzymes in liver of fingerlings which was statistically significant with respect to the control samples in case GPX (< 0.05). Also, DPE caused remarkable increases in the expression of the immune‐related genes (IL‐8, IL‐10 and TGF‐β) analysed on head kidney of common carp fingerlings compared to the control group (< 0.05). In conclusion, it can be suggested that administration of DPE in early stages of common carp culture can promote immune efficacy and increase the antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

  • 1. River lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) and sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) are designated features of the River Derwent Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the Humber Estuary (a possible SAC). This study determined the condition of lamprey populations in the Yorkshire Ouse catchment by assessing the species composition, distribution, abundance and size‐structure of larval (ammocoete) populations in five major tributary rivers (Derwent, Swale, Ure, Nidd and Wharfe).
  • 2. According to EU condition assessment criteria, Lampetra populations (assumed to be mostly river lamprey) are at present in favourable condition, with site mean (±SE) densities ranging from 2.7 (±1.2) to 160.3 (±50.5) individuals m?2 (all river means >2 individuals m?2), and at least two size (≈age) classes present in optimal microhabitats. By contrast, no sea lamprey larvae were recorded, suggesting that populations of this species are in unfavourable condition.
  • 3. Actions to protect and enhance nationally or internationally important stocks must be implemented from at least a catchment perspective, because many of the issues affecting such species are not localized. With respect to lampreys, particular attention should be given to protecting spawning and nursery habitats, improving water quality, reducing impingement at abstraction points, preventing exploitation at spawning grounds and increasing passage at potential physical obstructions.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluated the performance of whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) in response to different stocking densities and acclimation periods. Shrimp postlarvae were acclimated from seawater (30 g L?1) to low‐salinity well water (<1.0 g L?1) at a constant hourly reduction rate of 40, 60, 80 and 100 h. After acclimation to low‐salinity well water, postlarvae from each acclimation time treatment were stocked in three replicate tanks at densities of 50, 100, 150 or 200 shrimps m?2 for 12 weeks of growth. Salinity averaged <1.0 g L?1 for each growth study. The different treatments resulted in significant differences in both the final body weight and the survival rate (SR). Shrimp acclimated for 100 h showed substantially improved survival (83%) relative to shrimp acclimated for shorter periods. Shrimp yields for all cultured periods ranged from 0.32 kg m?2 in tanks stocked at 50 m?2 to 1.14 kg m?2 in tanks stocked at 200 m?2. We conclude that whiteleg shrimp can be successfully grown in low‐salinity well water, and that the growth, production output and SRs are significantly higher when shrimp are acclimated for longer periods.  相似文献   

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