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姜远茂  牛增琦 《果树科学》1995,12(4):237-239
对黄河冲积性潮土上国光苹果缺铁失绿的年周期变化进行了研究,结果表明,秋梢旺长期是发病高峰期、土壤pH高、有效铁低的植株表现缺铁失绿,矿质元素含量及叶内几种主要矿质元素间比率的年周期变化对缺铁失绿均有一定影响。  相似文献   

缺铁失绿与苹果矿质元素含量的关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
姜远茂  顾曼如 《园艺学报》1995,22(2):183-184
缺铁失绿与苹果矿质元素含量的关系姜远茂,顾曼如,束怀瑞(山东农业大学,泰安271018)关键词苹果;缺铁失绿症;矿质元素;活性铁RelationshipbetweenIronChlorosisandMineralCompositioninAppleL...  相似文献   

果树的缺铁失绿症—文献述评   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
韩振海  沈隽 《园艺学报》1991,18(4):323-328
本文综述了国内外对果树缺铁失绿症的主要研究结果,特别是近期的进展,包括诱致失绿的内外因子,果树吸收、运转铁的机理及利用铁的特点,铁的螯合作用和螯合铁的应用,防治缺铁失绿的途径。  相似文献   

铁肥品种和施肥方式矫治苹果缺铁症的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在酸碱度较高的碱性土和石灰性土上 ,由于土壤中含可溶性 2价铁 (活性铁 )少 ,苹果树常发生缺铁症(又称缺铁失绿症、黄叶病、黄化病、白叶病 ) ,其症状是新梢顶端叶片失绿。轻者脉间变为淡绿色 ,叶脉保持绿色 ;重者脉间变黄 ,全叶失绿变成黄色或黄白色 ,甚至叶尖或叶缘发红或焦枯 ,叶片变褐死亡 ,使新梢生长受阻或枯梢。苹果缺铁症的矫治是其生产极需解决的问题之一。1996— 1998年我们进行了本项研究 ,取得了良好效果 ,现报道如下。1 材料和方法1 .1 铁肥品种试验试材为 6年生红星 /八棱海棠 ;铁肥品种为柠檬酸铁、 Fe- EDTA、自制的 …  相似文献   

1 加强土壤管理 ,增施有机肥 增施有机肥是解决果树缺铁失绿行之有效的方法。据调查 ,大部分果园土壤有机质含量偏低 ,仅为 0 5 %~ 0 .8% ,如果每年每 6 6 7m2 施农家肥 5m3,将土壤有机质含量提高到1 5 %以上 ,便可以有效地解决果树缺铁问题。当前 ,为节约劳动力 ,有机肥多采用沟施 ,但为充分发挥施肥作用 ,应采取多点穴施为好。施肥过程中着重考虑平衡施 ,减少磷、氮的用量 ,并在有机肥中加入 0 5 %的硫酸亚铁和其他微量元素。2 根施铁肥2 1 撒施粗硫酸亚铁 每cm干径撒施粗硫酸亚铁2 0~ 30 g ,结合灌水。其方法虽然简单省工…  相似文献   

铁肥虹吸输液滴干对苹果叶片叶绿素含量及FCR活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步探索苹果缺铁失绿症的矫治途径,该试验以黄化苹果树为试材,以自制FeN为铁肥,采用虹吸输液滴干的方式对缺铁黄化苹果树进行输铁处理,以虹吸输清水及常规管理为对照,对比分析了叶片缺绿等级、叶绿素含量变化,测定了正常绿叶和缺铁黄叶的FCR活力表征以及不同处理FCR活性。结果表明:虹吸输铁处理10d后,失绿程度由处理前2.00级恢复到0.49级;叶绿素a与叶绿素b含量分别比常规管理叶片增加47.98%和107.70%,并达到差异极显著水平,这说明对缺铁黄化苹果树进行虹吸输液滴干处理,可在短时间内达到明显的复绿效果。FCR活力表征试验表明,黄叶周围的红色晕圈明显强于正常叶片;对照叶片FCR活性显著高于虹吸输铁处理,说明苹果叶片在缺铁情况下可提高FCR活性,从而揭示Fe2+进入叶肉细胞的系统反应,阐明虹吸输液的Fe2+进入叶肉细胞的机理,为更好的利用虹吸输液滴干技术矫正果树缺铁失绿症提供理论依据,表明了虹吸输液滴干矫治苹果缺铁失绿症的可行性。  相似文献   

缺铁失绿梨树强力树干注射铁肥的效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

以输液滴干的方式对苹果树输入不同的铁肥溶液,通过测定叶片SPAD值、活性铁含量及荧光参数等指标,寻求矫治果树缺铁黄化病的适宜方案。结果显示:输铁肥处理显著提高了叶片的SPAD、活性铁和叶绿素荧光参数,果树缺铁黄化现象均得到了明显矫治,尤以输Fe-N处理最为显著;输FeSO_4处理虽也能矫正果树缺铁失绿症,但在复绿的同时伴有轻微肥害现象的发生。  相似文献   

强力树干注射铁肥对缺铁失绿梨产量的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

为探究不同复配铁肥对苹果幼苗缺铁黄化的防治效果,选用2年生“红星”苹果苗木,设置7个处理:0.3%FeSO4(T1)、0.3%FeSO4+0.3%柠檬酸铁(T2)、0.3%FeSO4+0.3%尿素(T3)、0.3%FeSO4+0.3%SNP(T4)、0.3%FeSO4+0.5%乙氧基改性聚三硅氧烷(T5)、0.3%FeSO4+0.1%碧护可湿性粉剂(T6),以清水处理为对照(CK),分析各处理苹果叶片的叶绿素含量、荧光参数、叶片活性铁及全铁含量等。结果表明,与对照相比,叶面喷施铁肥可显著提高“红星”叶片的叶绿素含量,增加叶片生长量,同时具有提高叶片最大光化学量子效率Fv/Fm、实际光化学量子效率ΦPSⅡ值、叶片活性铁及全铁含量等效果。综合分析各项指标,T6处理(0.3%FeSO4+0.1%碧护可湿性粉剂)效果较好。  相似文献   

研究了黄腐酸铁、EDDHA铁、蓝铁矿等3种铁肥对‘深州蜜桃’缺铁黄叶病的预防与治疗效果。结果表明:在预防试验中,施用黄腐酸铁、EDDHA铁、蓝铁矿的桃树,叶片叶绿素SPAD值均比对照提高;在矫治试验1中,施用15 d后SPAD值分别比对照提高了26.5%、29.3%、30.6%;在矫治试验2中,喷施黄腐酸铁结合土施蓝铁矿7d后,SPAD值提高了57.2%,喷施EDDHA铁结合蓝铁矿土施7d后SPAD值提高了62.1%。在预防试验中,黄腐酸铁和EDDHA铁处理果实固酸比比对照分别提高了20.7%、29.2%;在矫治试验1中黄腐酸铁和EDDHA铁处理果实固酸比比对照分别提高了16.8%、33.1%,黄腐酸铁单果重提高4.1%;在矫治试验2中,蓝铁矿与黄腐酸铁相结合的处理固酸比、果实纵横径分别提高了36.49%、10.61%、4.00%。综合比较,在预防和缺铁黄化初期喷施黄腐酸铁最为有效,而缺铁黄化严重时施用蓝铁矿与黄腐酸铁相结合能够快速有效矫治黄叶症状,并提高果实产量和品质。  相似文献   

This study investigates the possible correlations between bark, floral, and leaf iron (Fe) concentrations and SPAD measures to be used as early methods for prognosis of iron chlorosis in peach trees. The results showed that there were significant correlations between bark, floral and leaf Fe concentrations and SPAD measurements. This study shows for the first time the possibility of using bark analysis as an early predictive method of iron chlorosis in peach trees.Differences in mineral composition of leaves of peach trees, in relation to rootstocks were also found.This study also investigated the distribution of mineral elements in different parts of peach leaves. Tissue analysis of different leaf parts showed that the peripheral and petiole of leaves had the highest P, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, B and Cu concentrations. In contrast, the highest K concentration was found in the internal parts of leaves. High Mn concentration was found in the laminar of leaves, but was lower in the petioles.In other experiments, the effect of different sources of Fe application on the leaf Fe concentrations and development of Brown Rot in the year of application and one and 2 years later was also examined. No application increased significantly the leaf Fe concentrations in the year of application and 1 year later. Leaf Fe concentrations were significant higher in trees treated with FeSO4·7H2O + S 2 years after application.The possible effect of flesh Fe concentration to susceptibility of peach (cv. Sun Crest) to Monilinia laxa was also evaluated. The results showed no correlation between flesh Fe concentration and susceptibility of peach to M. laxa. Besides, no statistical difference was found in the susceptibility of peach to M. laxa collected from the cultivar Sun Crest grafted on different rootstocks.  相似文献   

苹果树断根对铁的吸收与矫治缺铁黄化的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同断根处理吸收液体铁肥试验证明 ,环沟套膜插根处理整体复绿效果优于根系输液 ,没有铁肥分配的局限性问题 ,但铁液需要量大 ,用工较多 ;根系输液复绿效果优于环沟断根浸施 ,但有少量叶未能复绿 ;环沟断根浸施铁肥的复绿效果显著好于不断根土壤浸施铁肥的复绿效果 ,而其全树普遍复绿。  相似文献   

为明确陕西杨凌渭河滩地猕猴桃出现黄化现象的原因,通过对喷施铁制剂矫正效果的比较,筛选出理想的铁制剂用于果树缺铁黄化病防治。以陕西杨凌西桥村出现缺铁黄化的猕猴桃园为研究对象,采用土壤诊断和叶片诊断等方法确定黄化的原因,并以清水为对照,喷施不同铁制剂(硫酸亚铁、柠檬酸铁、复合氨基酸铁、乳酸亚铁和腐殖酸铁)进行矫治,检测其对猕猴桃叶片叶绿素和有效铁含量及果实品质的影响。结果表明,猕猴桃黄化原因不仅仅是由于土壤有效铁含量低,还与植株吸收能力不同有关。由于植株过多吸收P、K、Zn、Mn等元素,引起养分不平衡而导致对铁吸收产生拮抗作用也是产生缺铁黄化的原因之一。不同铁制剂对猕猴桃黄化的矫治效果有差异,其中以柠檬酸铁和复合氨基酸铁的处理效果最好,显著提高了猕猴桃叶片的叶绿素和有效铁含量以及果实中维生素C、可溶性固形物、全铁的含量,有效改善了果实品质。在供试的几种铁制剂中,柠檬酸铁和复合氨基酸铁是矫治果树缺铁黄化的最理想制剂。  相似文献   

Synthetic vivianite (ferrous phosphate octahydrate) has been reported to reduce the iron (Fe) deficiency symptoms in different crops growing on calcareous soils. We investigated the effectiveness of vivianite in grapevine by means of a 3-year (2002–2004) pot experiment with a Fe chlorosis-susceptible rootstock (‘110 Richter’) grown on a calcareous soil poor in available Fe. There was one treatment in which a suspension of vivianite was injected into the soil at the beginning of the experiment, one treatment with Fe chelate (FeEDDHA) applied yearly, one treatment with one initial application of both vivianite and FeEDDHA, and one control (no Fe fertilizer added) treatment. The concentration of chlorophyll per unit leaf area was estimated with a portable chlorophyll meter (readings in SPAD units). The vines fertilized with vivianite had longer shoots and higher number of leaves, and exhibited higher SPAD values than the control vines. The differences in SPAD value and pruning wood weight between the vines fertilized with Fe and the control were significant through the 3 years. There were no significant differences in SPAD value and pruning wood weight between the vines fertilized with Fe chelate and vivianite. Our results suggest in summary that vivianite is an interesting alternative to other Fe fertilizers used to prevent Fe chlorosis in grapevine judging by its effectiveness and long-term fertilizing effect. Moreover, it is not easily leached from the soil, easy to prepare, and environmentally safe.  相似文献   

苹果无公害标准化施肥方案及配套专用肥研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在制定出果园1a的施肥方案上,根据土壤条件配制专用肥,从横向和纵向两方面实施果园平衡施肥技术,结合新型肥料生产技术的应用,达到提高肥料利用率,减少肥料投入量,防止过度施肥对环境造成危害等目的。结果表明,以《无公害食品苹果生产技术规程》中推荐的施肥量为对照,在专用肥氮、磷、钾的施入量分别减少1/3和1/2的情况下,补充适当微量元素和有机质,取得了树体营养、产量和品质均显著提高的效果。施肥方案与专用肥的结合,是实现果园标准化施肥的有效途径。  相似文献   

苹果矮化砧木SH_(40)和M_(26)铁吸收动力学参数比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李振侠  徐继忠  高仪 《果树学报》2005,22(5):548-550
以苹果矮化砧木SH40、M26的生根试管苗为试材,采用水培方法,研究了根系铁离子吸收动力学特性。结果表明,苹果砧木幼苗对铁离子的吸收均符合Michaelis-Menten离子吸收动力学规律。除砧木类型外,铁离子吸收速率还受到介质供铁水平、处理时间、介质温度的影响。随着介质供铁水平的升高砧木铁离子吸收速率逐渐升高,与SH40相比,M26对铁有较强的吸收能力;温度升高铁离子吸收速率增强,处理时间越长铁离子吸收速率越低,在0-1h吸收速率最高。  相似文献   

A trial to assess the effects of applying several Fe-containing formulations on Fe-deficient (chlorotic) peach leaves was carried out under field conditions. Solutions consisting of an Fe-containing compound (FeSO4·7H2O, Fe(III)–citrate, Fe(III)–EDTA, Fe(III)–DTPA or Fe(III)–IDHA) and one of five different surfactant treatments (no surfactant, an organo-silicon, an ethoxylated oil, a non-ionic alkyl polyglucoside and a household detergent) were applied to one half of the leaf via dipping, first at the beginning of the trial and then after 4 weeks. The re-greening of treated and untreated leaf areas was estimated with a SPAD apparatus, on a weekly basis, during 8 weeks. At the end of the experimental period, leaves were detached, and tissue Fe, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn and Cu concentrations were determined in Fe-treated and untreated leaf areas. Treatment with Fe-containing solutions always resulted in leaf chlorophyll (Chl) increases, which however significantly depended on the Fe-source, the surfactant-type and the combination between both formulation components. Untreated leaf zones experienced a Chl increase only in some cases, and this depended on the type of surfactant used. Iron application significantly increased the Fe concentration of treated and untreated leaf areas, especially with some formulations. Foliar treatment with Fe-containing solutions induced significant changes in the concentration of several nutrients as compared to those found in Fe-deficient peach leaves, with changes being similar in treated and untreated leaf areas, although in some elements the extent of the changes was of a different magnitude in both materials. This indicates that some leaf mineral composition changes typical of chlorotic leaves are dependent on leaf Fe concentration rather than on leaf Chl levels. Results obtained are relevant to help understand the factors involved in the penetration and bioavailability of leaf-applied Fe, and to assess the potential of foliar Fe fertilization to control Fe deficiency in fruit trees.  相似文献   

果树缺铁黄化叶片矿质元素含量变化的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以苹果、梨、桃为试材,按叶片缺铁黄化程度不同分级采样并分析叶片矿质元素含量变化。结果表明:随着果树黄化叶片的加剧,叶片全量P、K、B含量显著增加,Ca、Mn含量明显降低,N、Cu、Zn有一定的变化,但趋势不太明显;随叶片失绿程度的加重,Ca/K、Mn/Cu、Fe/Mn、B/Mn变化也极为明显。分别用叶片矿质元素含量及元素间比值与叶绿素含量进行相关分析表明,矿质元素以B、P与叶绿素关系最密切,Mn、N、Ca次之;元素间以Ca/K、B/Mn与叶绿素相关性最好,Mn/Cu、Fe/Mn、P/Zn次之。  相似文献   

苹果化学疏花疏果研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据文献报道对苹果的化学疏花疏果研究及其应用情况进行了综述和分析。苹果化学疏花疏果从1930年开始研究以来,发现20余种化学药剂有疏花疏果作用,其中实际应用最广泛的有西维因、NAA、石硫合剂,西维因和NAA用于疏果,石硫合剂用于疏花。但由于这些疏花疏果剂及其应用效果都存在一定缺点,近年来各国研究工作者致力于研究和寻找无公害的疏花疏果剂。影响化学疏花疏果的因子基本明确,有关研究报道比较一致。对化学疏花疏果剂的作用机理研究结果不一,尚存在分歧。  相似文献   

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