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Tissue cages (TC), implanted subcutaneously in the neck in eight ponies, were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) to determine the clinical efficacy of marbofloxacin in the treatment of this infection. From 21 h after inoculation, marbofloxacin (6 mg/kg) was administered intravenously (i.v.) once daily for 7 days. Samples of the tissue cage fluid (TCF) were taken to determine marbofloxacin concentrations (days 1, 3 and 7), using high-pressure liquid chromatography, and numbers of viable bacteria [colony forming units (CFU)] (days 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21). Statistical analysis was used to compare CFU before and after treatment. Clinical signs and CFU were used to evaluate the efficacy of treatment. Although, there was a slight decrease in CFU in all TC initially, the infection was not eliminated by marbofloxacin treatment in any of the ponies and abscesses formed. As the MIC (0.25 microg/mL) did not change during treatment and the concentration of marbofloxacin during treatment (mean concentration in TCF was 0.89 microg/mL on day 1, 0.80 microg/mL on day 3 and 2.77 microg/mL on day 7) was above MIC, we consider that the treatment failure might be attributable to the formation of a biofilm by S. aureus. Based on the present results, i.v. administration of marbofloxacin alone is not suitable for the elimination of S. aureus infections from secluded sites.  相似文献   

Tissue chambers, implanted subcutaneously in ponies, were inoculated with Streptococcus zooepidemicus. The animals received either no antibiotics or one of the following treatments: pivampicillin per os (19.9 mg/kg, equivalent to 15 mg/kg ampicillin, every 12 h) for 7 or 21 days (7 and 5 ponies, respectively), procaine penicillin G intramuscularly (12 mg/kg = 12,000 IU/kg, every 24 h) for 7 days (7 ponies), or ampicillin sodium intravenously (equivalent to 15 mg/kg ampicillin, every 8 h) for 1 day (5 ponies). Only intravenous administration was started before infection (prophylactically), the other treatments were started 20 h after infection (curatively). A total of 7 ponies received no antibiotics. In untreated controls, the infection led to abscessation of the tissue chamber in 4 to 10 days. Curative treatment with either pivampicillin or procaine penicillin G for 7 days resulted in a reduction of viable bacteria in the tissue chamber but did not eliminate the infection, resulting in abscessation in 5 to 14 days. However, administration of pivampicillin for 21 days eliminated the streptococci in five out of five ponies and prophylactic administration of ampicillin was successful in three out of five ponies.  相似文献   

Tissue chambers, implanted subcutaneously in the neck in six ponies, were inoculated with Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus in order to determine the clinical efficacy of prophylactic administration of trimethoprim/sulfadiazine (TMP/SDZ) against this infection. The TMP/SDZ treatment consisted of one intravenous (i.v.) injection of 5 mg/kg TMP and 25 mg/kg SDZ and the same dose of TMP/SDZ per os (p.o.), both given 3 h before inoculation. The oral dose was then repeated every 12 h for 5 days. TMP/SDZ concentrations in tissue chamber fluid (TCF) were above 10 times MIC at the moment of inoculation, and they were maintained at this level or higher throughout the duration of treatment. Trimethoprim/sulfadiazine treatment resulted in a marked reduction of viable bacteria in the tissue chamber but did not eliminate the infection, resulting in abscessation from day 19 onwards in all six ponies. This shows that, even when TCF is not yet purulent, TMP/SDZ is unable to eliminate the streptococci. Therefore, TMP/SDZ should not be the antimicrobial treatment of choice in infections in secluded sites in horses.  相似文献   

The association between Staphylococcus aureus chronic mammary gland infection and the resulting immune response expressed by the production of specific IgG and IgA antibodies in blood and milk was studied in Israeli Holstein cows. Specific antibodies of the IgG class were detected in sera of 82.6 per cent of the cows chronically infected by S aureus, while in 17.4 per cent no such antibodies could be detected. Specific IgG antibodies to S aureus were neither detected in sera of cows free of mammary infection nor in those infected with different coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) such as S intermedius, S chromogenes or S haemolyticus. In milk, specific IgG antibodies to S aureus were detected only in cows with positive serology. The end point dilutions in the milk were 5 to 30 per cent of that of blood from the same cow. No significant difference in IgG titres was found in the same cow if the quarter was infected with S aureus or not. Specific antibodies to S aureus of the IgA class could not be detected in the sera of any of the cows included in this study. In milk, a specific IgA antibody was detected only in the samples from the S aureus infected quarters in which S aureus was isolated at the time of the experiment. In the same cow, quarters infected by S aureus were found to have a significantly higher IgA titre (P < 0.0001) than that of the non-infected ones.  相似文献   

Tissue chambers, implanted subcutaneously on both sides of the neck in eight ponies, were inoculated with Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus in order to compare the clinical efficacy of trimethoprim/sulfadiazine (TMP/SDZ) and penicillin G treatment in a purulent infection. The TMP/SDZ treatment consisted of one intravenous (i.v.) injection of 5 mg/kg TMP and 25 mg/kg SDZ and the same dose of TMP/SDZ per os (p.o.), both given 20 h after inoculation. The oral dose was then repeated every 12 h for 21 days. The penicillin treatment consisted of one i.v. injection of 20 000 IU/kg sodium penicillin G and intramuscular (i.m.) injection of 20 000 IU/kg procaine penicillin G, both given 20 h after infection. The i.m. dose was then repeated every 24 h for 21 days. Eight ponies, each with two tissue chambers, were used in a cross over design; in the first experiment the left tissue chamber (TC) was infected and in the second experiment the right. TMP/SDZ treatment resulted in a limited reduction of viable bacteria in the TC but did not eliminate the infection, resulting in abscessation in 10-42 days in all eight ponies. However, penicillin treatment eliminated the streptococci in seven of eight ponies, and only one pony suffered abscessation on day 10. This constitutes a significantly better efficacy of the penicillin treatment in this model. The most probable cause of the failure of TMP/SDZ to eliminate the streptococci is inhibition of the action of TMP/SDZ in the purulent TCF. Therefore, TMP/SDZ should not be used to treat purulent infections in secluded sites in horses.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus intramammary colonization of the mouse mammary gland induces migration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) similar to that observed during bovine mastitis. In the present study, a method combining acridine orange staining, fluorescence microscopy and computer-assisted image analysis has been developed to quantitate PMN infiltration in a mouse model of mastitis. This was carried out using paraffin embedded sections, and using this method, we showed that the presence of PMNs increased with the number of bacteria present in tissues. Nearly 400 and 1100 times more PMNs were counted in the mammary gland tissue after 12 and 24 h of infection, respectively, compared to mice infected for 6 h. Treatment with the antibiotic cephapirin at 10 or 25 mg/kg reduced PMN infiltration by 71 and 85%, respectively. In conclusion, this method can be used to quantitate PMN infiltration as a marker of inflammation and bacterial burden in infected tissue sections.  相似文献   

Four dry-cow treatment regimens were evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus intramammary infections: 1) high persistency product at drying off and low persistency product 1 to 3 days prepartum; 2) high persistency product at drying off; 3) low persistency product 1 to 3 days prepartum; 4) untreated controls. Treatment 1 was no more efficacious (64.4%) than Treatment 2 (61.3%). Both treatments were significantly different from spontaneous recovery observed in Treatment 4 (41.2%), but not significantly different from Treatment 3 (46.9%). Dry-cow therapy reduced new S. aureus intramammary infections during the dry period by half. Prepartum treatment eliminated more than 90% of new Streptococcus uberis infections.  相似文献   

The effect of a biobullet (BB) containing freeze-dried ceftiofur sodium antibiotic on the presence of injection lesions, tissue damage, and histological properties, as well as Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF), of the biceps femoris was investigated. Steer calves (n = 25) were individually identified and assigned randomly to a product administration treatment date (7, 14, 21, 28, or 35 d before slaughter). At each pre-slaughter ceftiofur BB administration time, identified steers (n = 5) were humanely placed into a standard commercial restraining chute, where a BB implant was administered from a distance of 6.09 m. Following a standard finishing period (120 d), steers were transported to a commercial beef processing and humanely slaughtered. Following a 36-h postmortem chilling (1 degree C) period, carcasses were graded and fabricated according to industry-accepted procedures. Paired muscle samples were individually identified, collected, and aged for 14 d postmortem. Muscles were dissected into 1.27-cm strips, followed by observation and palpation for the presence of injection site lesions. Preslaughter administration times of 7 and 14 d resulted in the presence of injection lesions (80 and 20%, respectively). In addition to the control samples, no muscle damage was observed in cattle treated with BB implants 21, 28, or 35 d before slaughter. Warner-Bratzler shear force measurements taken near lesions of BB steaks and in areas 5.08 cm from lesions of control steaks tended to be higher (P < 0.10) than for other BB and control sample locations. Concentrations of insoluble and soluble collagen were higher (P < 0.05) at the site of the lesion center in lesion-afflicted vs. with control steaks. Histological determinations of the relative proportions of muscle, connective tissue, and fat were altered (P < 0.05) in BB lesion-afflicted steak cores; however, these differences were negated outside the core location of BB-treated and control steaks. It seems that using the ceftiofur BB implant system within 14 d of slaughter does create injection site lesions and increase WBSF; however, when the BB implant system, containing 100 mg of freeze-dried ceftiofur sodium, was used according to the recommended procedure (> or = 30 d preslaughter), tissue damage, alterations in histological and collagen properties, and increased meat toughness were not observed.  相似文献   

Preliminary trials established that, whilst detomidine is ineffective if given by stomach tube and is of variable efficacy in food, it can give effective sedation when administered by the sublingual route. A comparison was made in four ponies of the behavioural effects, and the effects on heart rate of detomidine at three dose rates (20, 40 and 80 μg/kg) given either by intramuscular injection or sublingually by squirting the drug under the tongue. Sedation was assessed by measuring the lowering of the ponies' heads and by scoring their responses to a variety of imposed stimuli. Ponies became sedated following detomidine administration at all doses and by all routes. The lowering of the head induced by detomidine was significantly influenced by the dose of drug and by the route of administration. For either route, higher doses produced the greatest effect. There was a significant correlation between the effects produced by the two routes of administration, the lowering of the head following sublingual administration being approximately threequarters of that after the same dose given intramuscularly. Onset of sedation was achieved more rapidly following intramuscular dosing than after sublingual administration. Falls in heart rate were similar after all drug administrations, but bradycardia was never profound. Subsequent clinical experience has proved that, providing adequate time (45 minutes) is allowed for maximal effects, sublingual administration of detomidine (40 μg/kg) can give a useful degree of sedation in horses which are difficult to inject.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus (S.) aureus is a major udder pathogen causing bovine mastitis. Some pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), enhance extracellular and intracellular growth of S. aureus, indicating that the inflammatory process favors S. aureus infection. Helenalin is a sesquiterpene lactone with potent anti-inflammatory properties. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of helenalin on S. aureus infection. First, in vitro experiments were conducted. These studies revealed that proliferation of S. aureus in bovine mammary epithelial MAC-T cells treated in the presence or absence of TNF-alpha was markedly reduced in the presence of helenalin. Secondly, in vivo effects of helenalin were investigated. Lactating mice treated in the presence or absence of helenalin were challenged by the intramammary route with S. aureus and the bacteria in the mammary glands were counted 12 h after infection. Significantly less numbers of bacteria were recovered from the infected glands of helenalin-treated mice compared with untreated mice. Moreover, histological examination of mammary tissue from helenalin-treated mice that were challenged with S. aureus indicated that helenalin is able to significantly reduce leukocyte infiltration in the mammary gland following S. aureus inoculation. Our results show that helenalin reduces S. aureus intracellular growth and experimental S. aureus infection. We conclude that helenalin may be of potential interest in the treatment of S. aureus-induced mastitis in the bovine species.  相似文献   

In the present study, an in vivo rabbit skin infection model was developed to reproduce the lesions caused by high and low virulence Staphylococcus aureus strains from rabbits. "O"-shaped dermal skin lesions were induced on the shaved flanks of anaesthetised rabbits using a tattoo pin and pincers. The induced lesions on the flanks of four groups of 10 rabbits were then inoculated by topical application of 0.1 ml of 10(8)cfu S. aureus bacteria. One group was inoculated with a typical high virulence (HV) S. aureus strain from rabbits, one group received an atypical HV strain and two groups were inoculated with low virulence (LV) strains. Five animals were kept as negative controls. The development, appearance and size of abscesses were scored daily for a period of 2 weeks. The infection model showed reproducible results for the different S. aureus inoculation groups. Inoculation of the skin with the typical HV strain resulted in significantly larger abscesses than those caused by the LV strains. The atypical HV strain caused abscesses of a size intermediate to that obtained with the HV and LV strains. In rabbits infected with LV strains, most of the lesions had healed by day 14 post-inoculation. The devised infection model is able to reliably reproduce the virulence properties of HV and LV S. aureus strains.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have emerged in animals. Testing 98 mecA negative and 71 mecA positive S. aureus we compared the usefulness of ceftiofur and cefquinome to cefoxitin, for detection of MRSA and found that these cephalosporins are not as efficient as cefoxitin.  相似文献   

Washburn, K., Johnson, R., Clarke, C, Anderson, K. Distribution of ceftiofur into Mannheimia haemolytica‐infected tissue chambers and lung after subcutaneous administration of ceftiofur crystalline free acid sterile suspension. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 33 , 141–146. The objective of this study was to evaluate the penetration of ceftiofur‐ and desfuroylceftiofur‐related metabolites (DCA) into sterile and infected tissue chambers, lung tissue and disposition of DCA in plasma across four different sacrifice days postdosing. Twelve healthy calves were utilized following implantation with tissue chambers in the paralumbar fossa. Tissue chambers in each calf were randomly inoculated with either Mannheimia haemolytica or sterile PBS. All calves were dosed with ceftiofur crystalline free acid sterile suspension (CCFA‐SS) subcutaneously in the ear pinna. Calves were randomly assigned to 4 groups of 3 to be sacrificed on days 3, 5, 7 and 9 postdosing. Prior to euthanasia, plasma and tissue chamber fluid were collected, and immediately following euthanasia, lung tissue samples were obtained from four different anatomical sites DCA concentration analysis. Results of our study found that, in general, DCA concentrations followed a rank order of plasma > infected tissue chamber fluid > noninfected tissue chamber fluid > lung tissue. Data also indicated DCA concentrations remained above the therapeutic threshold of 0.2 μg/mL for plasma and chamber fluid and 0.2 μg/g for lung tissue for at least 7 days post‐treatment.  相似文献   

Despite the general in vitro susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus isolates that cause infectious bovine mastitis, the pathogen remains difficult to eradicate with the available antibiotics. The capacity to survive intracellularly has been proposed as a factor contributing to the persistence of S. aureus in the bovine mammary gland. The costs associated with the use of cows or goats to assess the in vivo efficacy of new antibacterial compounds constitute a major drawback. Therefore, in the present study, a mouse model of intramammary infection has been characterized for in vivo testing of new experimental drugs. An inoculum of 100 CFU of S. aureus per gland caused an important level of infection with minimal tissue damage as observed at 24 h post-inoculation. By microscopy, polymorphonuclear neutrophil cell infiltration of the infected mammary glands was observed to increase over time. At 12-24 h of infection, the pathogen was primarily found alive and dividing in neutrophils and occasionally within mammary epithelial cells. Intramuscular or intravenous injections of cephapirin at t = 0 and 10 h reduced the number of CFU/g of gland in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, the mouse model of infectious mastitis proposed here is suitable for primary evaluation of experimental drugs after parenteral treatment of intramammary infection with a pathogen such as S. aureus that presents both intracellular and extracellular phases of growth.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are regularly isolated from humans. We present the first isolation of MRSA from animal origin in the Netherlands. A coagulase positive staphylococcus was cultured from an infected wound in a Dutch dog that recently underwent surgery abroad. The staphylococcus was resistant to methicillin, ampicillin, amoxycillin + clavulanic acid, cephalexin, erythromycin, lincomycin, tetracycline, gentamicin and enrofloxacin. It was identified as S. aureus by fermentation of mannitol and Martineau-PCR. The presence of mecA was confirmed by PCR.  相似文献   

An alum-precipitated Staphylococcus aureus vaccine, composed of a formalin-inactivated whole culture of a strain which produces Smith surface antigen and combined with the whole culture of a highly toxigenic strain, was found to afford a good immunity to staphylococcal skin infection in rabbits. Three injections of the vaccine provided immunity which lasted for at least 6 months against a primarily pyogenic strain of S. aureus and for at least 3 months against a toxigenic strain. From experiments using vaccines prepared from cells or toxoid only, it was deduced that, although there is a measure of strain specific immunity, a good heterologous immunity can be established with a combined product provided that it contains adequate quantities of toxoid. The use of such a vaccine as a potential aid in the control of bovine staphylococcal mastitis is discussed.  相似文献   

为建立家兔乳腺炎模型,本试验将从乳房炎患牛奶样中分离出的金黄色葡萄球菌制成104CFU/mL细菌悬液,并分别注入选取的16只3~4 kg健康泌乳家兔的第3对乳池内(1 mL/乳区),诱发乳腺发炎。观察临床表现,乳腺组织形态学病理变化,并于造模后72 h采集乳腺组织匀浆液进行回归试验。结果显示:①造模后动物出现急性炎症反应,表现为饮食欲降低,甚至废绝;体温、心率和呼吸频率显著升高;造模乳区严重肿胀。②造模乳区的乳腺组织镜检发现有炎性细胞浸润、组织结构破坏等现象。③回归试验全部呈阳性,其生长菌落为金黄色葡萄球菌。结果表明,金黄色葡萄球菌诱发家兔临床型乳腺炎模型与炎症的病理过程和炎性反应一致,可用作病理模型使用。  相似文献   

取25只分娩8~10d的昆明系小鼠随机分成5组(n=5),分别为阴性对照、生理盐水(pss)组和不同剂量金黄色葡萄球菌(1.0×102cfu/50μL、1.0×103cfu/50μL、5.0×103cfu/50μL)试验组,经乳头导管对第4对乳腺50μL/只注射,24h后观察结果,一侧乳腺甲醛固定制作切片观察组织病理变化,另一侧冰上研磨后取匀浆用高盐甘露醇鉴别培养基进行细菌计数,检测组织匀浆上清中的TNF-α含量。结果显示,试验组随着注射细菌数量的增加,病理变化加重,分离到的金黄色葡萄球菌数量显著增加,乳腺匀浆中TNF-α含量明显升高。结果表明,注射1.0×103cfu组可以引起较典型的小鼠乳房炎,且病理变化适中,适合用来建立金黄色葡萄球菌小鼠乳房炎模型。  相似文献   

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