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Summary. The average air-dry yield of weeds on fallow plots was about four times as large (2660 kg/ha) as the yield of weeds which developed among spring cereal crops (740 kg/ha). Application of fertilizers increased the number of weeds and their average weight on both irrigated and non-irrigated plots. Treatment with MCPA reduced the weed yield to 36% on fallow plots and to 26% on weedy cereal plots. It was more effective on fertilized plots than on unfertilized plots, but irrigation made little difference to its effectiveness. The space left by the destroyed weeds was mainly occupied by Agropyron repens . Oats were better able to compete with weeds than were wheat and barley. On unfertilized and non-irrigated plots spraying with MCPA (1-26 kg/ha) at the beginning of shooting significantly reduced the yields of weed-free barley. The yields of sprayed oats and wheat were also below the yields from the unsprayed although the reductions were not significant at the 5% level. However, on a number of fertilized and irrigated plots, both weedy and hand-weeded , on which the plants had better growing conditions, MCPA resulted in a significant increase in the grain yield of barley and oats.
Influence de l'irrigation, de la fertilisation et du MCPA sur la compétition entre céréales de printemps et mauvaises herbes  相似文献   

Summary. Eight experiments were carried out on a range of pasture lypes under different management and in different years to lest the reaction of white clover ( Trifolium repens in grasstand to doses of up to 4 lb/ac of the herbicides MCPA-sodium or-potassium and 2,4-D-amine. The initial effect of the treatments was to reduce the amount of dover in the sward, the size of the reduction varying greatly from field to field for any one dose. In general, the higher the dose, the more severe was the depression of the clover 1 month after spraying. Both herbicides at 2 and 4 lb/ac caused substantial depressions on some of the fields. The growth of the treated clover was examined during the year following spraying. The ability of the clover to recover from the initial depression varied considerably in the different fields; on some, recovery started in the year of spraying and on others in the following year. Quick recovery was usually associated with a high initial resistance but there were fields in which the clover showed contrasting rates of recovery following similar depressions. The experiments produced no clear-cut evidence as to why the initial resistance and speed of recovery varied in different fields. In one experiment the effects of MCPB-sodium and 2,4-D-amine on white clover were compared separately and in a series of mixtures. An examination made 6 weeks after spraying showed that MCPB at up to 8 lb/ac had no significant effect on the clover, whereas 2,4-D at 1 lb/ac caused a 22% reduction. Mixtures containing up to 0.37 lb 2,4-D and up to 6 lb MCPB caused no reduction while those containing 0.75 lb 2,4-D and 4 lb MCPB were not significantly different from 1 lb 2,4-D alone.
Reaction de Trifolium repens (L.) en prairie au 2,4-D, au MCPA, et aux mélanges de1, 2,4-D et de MCPB  相似文献   

Summary. The herbicidal activity of MCPA and MCPB was compared using three species of unicellular algae grown in liquid mineral salt medium. MCPB inhibited growth, respiration and phosphate uptake to a greater degree than MCPA and appears to be inherently toxic at concentrations of at least 2·5 × 10?4 M. The enhanced activity of MCPB coincided with more efficient absorption. Uptake of both compounds appears to be optimal at pH conditions favouring movement as the undissociated molecule. Facteurs infiuencant l'efficacite herbicide du MCPA et du MCPB sur trois espèces d'algues micro-scopiques Résumé. L'activité herbicide du MCPA et du MCPB a été comparée en utilisant trois espéces d'algues unicellulaircs cultivées en milieu liquide renfermant des sets minéraux. Le MCPB inhibe la croissance, la respiration et l'absorption du phosphate à un degré plus éevé que le MCPA et il semble être essentiellement toxique à des concentrations d'au moins 2,5 × 10?4 M. L'activité plus grande du MCPB coïncide avec une absorption plus complète. L'absorption des deux composés semble étre optimale aux conditions dec pH favorisant leur migration sans dissociation de la molécule. Faktoren, welche die hrbizide Wirkung von MCPA und MCPB gegen drei Mikro-Algen-Arlen beeinfiussen Zusammenfassung. Die herbizide Wirksamkeit von MCPA und MCPB wurde bei drci Arten einzelliger Algen, die in flüssigem Mineralsalzmedium angezogen wurden, vcrglichen. MCPB hemmt Wachstum, Respiration und Phosphataufnahme starker als MCPA und ist offcnsichdich in Konzentrationen von mindestens 2,5 × 10?4 M absolute toxisch. Die bessere Wirkung von MCPB geht mit einer besseren Absorption parallel. Die Aufnahme beider Substanzen ist offensichtlich unter solchen pH-Bedingungen optimal, die den Transport in Form von undissozierten Molekülen begünstigen.  相似文献   

Summary. Weed control experiments carried out in tea plantations showed that diuron at doses 2·4, 3·2 and 4·8 lb/ac a.i. resulted in better and more persistent weed control than siamazine.
Shoot absorption experiments carried out on three tea jats, dark, medium and light, showed that the tea jats differed in their tolerance to both diuron and simazine, the light one being the most susceptible.
A difference IN the expression of phytotoxic effects between leaf and root absorption was observed for diuron only. At equivalent doses, 2-year-old plants were in general more susceptible to diuron than to simazine.
Diuron and simazine used alone at 2·4, 3·2 and 4·8 lb/ac a.i. or with addition of sodium chlorate at 6 lb/ac to improve the kill of emerged weeds, did not affect yield of either pruned unpruned 6-year-oId tea. Dalapon, on the other hand, at 6 lb/ac significantly reduced the yield of unpruned tea but not of pruned lea.
Le désherbage chimique du théè l'lle Maurice  相似文献   

THE CONTROL OF WATER WEEDS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary. Trials in 1959, 1960 and 1961 failed to show significant differences in yield between potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) of three varieties receiving from seven to nine separate tractnr cultivations and similar potatoes in which the weeds were well controlled by pre-emergence applications of a mixture of dinoseb(6.0 lb/ac)*and dalapon (2.5-5.0 lb/ac), With less effective herbicide treatments. including simazinc and 2,4-DES, there were significant reductions in yield.
Preliminary taint tests in 1959 on cooked tubers suggested that slight tainting might have been caused by one of the treatments, but tests on potato crisps made from the 1959 and 1960 crops were completely inconclusive. Tubers from all the treatments in the 1959 and 1960 trials sprouted normally in the spring after harvest.
Le désherbage des pommes de terre par des herbicides de pré-émergence  相似文献   

在旱秧田、水秧田、旱直播田和水直播田的试验中,播前施用五氯酚钠,每公顷5—20公斤,除草效果不够良好。但在插秧本田的试验中,插前每公顷施用五氯酚钠15—30公厅对防除稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv.)和球穗莎草(Cyperus globosus All.)的效果极为良好。以在插秧前一天,每公顷施用30公斤效果最好,对稗草和球穗莎草的防除效果分别达到92.7%和79.6%。插后处理,每公顷施用五氯酚钠15公斤,效果也较好。另外的试验,观察了五氯酚钠不同剂型:颗粒剂、混土、溶液等的防除效果。防除稗草用颗粒剂和混土处理要优于溶液处理;防除球穗莎草则以溶液处理为最好。各处理对水稻均无药害,所有用五氧酚钠处理区的产量均高于不除草区,但较两次人工除草的为低。本文讨论了在秧田和直播田用五氯酚钠防除稗草效果较差的原因。  相似文献   

以生物测定及羧酸酯酶活性测定的方法,检测了上海地区菜缢管蚜对有机磷的抗药性。测定结果表明,金山群体对乐果、杀螟松和马拉硫磷的抗药性分别是梅陇的5.7、4.0和1.8倍。金山群体的羧酸酯酶活性高于梅陇。说明其抗性与羧酸酯酶活性增高有关。单个蚜虫的羧酸酯酶活性测定是检测抗性及抗性个体在群体内分布的一种既迅速又精确的方法。如把蚜虫的羧酸酯酶活性分成3类:低羧酸酯酶活性(OD<0.3)、中等羧酸酯酶活性(OD:0.3—0.5)和高羧酸酯酶活性(OD>0.6),则金山与梅陇种群低羧酸酯酶活性个体分别占8%、30%;中等活性个体分别占85%、68%;高活性个体分别占7%、2%。  相似文献   

Summary. Two experiments on chemical weed control in marrowstem kale are reported. In the first of these three herbicides applied before sowing were compared; in the second experiment four herbicides were studied, one applied before sowing and the others applied after emergence. Of all the herbicides examined, EPTC, applied before sowing and incorporated into the seedbed, was the most satisfactory in terms of both weed control and yield of kale. Neither endothal + propham nor dinoseb + TCA proved satisfactory as pre-sowing treatments. The three herbicides applied post-emergence (all methylmercapto triazines) were ineffective for the control of Polygonum spp. and Poa annua , although fairly effective against Stellaria media and Chenopodium album . They caused considerable damage to the crop and reduced yields by at least 25%.
Le désherbage du chou moellier par l'EPTC et quelques autres herbicides  相似文献   

Two 5-year trials were conducted in New South Wales on the control of broomrape (Orobanche minor Sm.), a plant parasite of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) and skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea L.). Applications of superphosphate to two soils of low phosphorus status stimulated clover growth, which caused a reduction in the number of skeleton weed plants and a decrease in the broomrape population. Similar but less effective control was obtained when subterranean clover pasture was sprayed with 2,4-DB for skeleton weed control as soon as the clover seedlings had developed trifoliate leaves. In spring, sheep readily grazed the broomrape stems before flowering, causing death of the plants. Autumn application of super phosphate, coupled with grazing of the pasture by sheep, significantly reduced broomrape density.  相似文献   

杂交水稻对杂草的生态控制作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杂交稻田有杂草3~4种,杂草覆盖度为1.6%,分别比粳稻田低66%和95%。杂交稻汕优63对鸭舌草、矮慈姑和水竹叶的控制效果平均为89%。在无芒稗50株/m  相似文献   

麦田阔叶杂草经济阈值及防除研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者对麦田阔叶杂草调查结果表明,麦田常发生阔叶杂草20种,为害严重的8种,发生特点是前早、中缓、后快。作者选用高重积作为麦田阔叶杂草群落划分的标准。研究表明,阔叶杂草的各项生物指标经相关检验,以鲜重与小麦产量间关系密切。  相似文献   

为了便于基层技术人员和广大农民迅速掌握麦田化学除草技术,我们在搞好调查试验、大面积示范推广的基础上,制定了《济南地区麦田化学除草应用技术操作规程》。经执行,证明该“规程”简便易行、可操作性强,防除杂草效果明显,达 90%以上, 取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。现将该“规程”公布如下: 1应用药剂 巨星 75%干悬浮剂 (下称巨星,美国杜邦公司 ); 10%苯磺隆可湿性粉剂 (下称苯磺隆,河北省张家口市宣化农药厂 ); 72% 2, 4-滴丁酯乳油 (下称 2, 4-滴丁酯,黑龙江省佳木斯农药厂 )。 2防除对象 济南地区麦田杂草,主…  相似文献   

Summary. In herbicide studies close correlation between results given by the square quadrat method and by a point quadrat method for assessing the number and frequency of weed species was found. Marked correlations between the density obtained by the square quadrat and the cover and yield indices obtained by the point quadrat method were observed.
Treatment discrimination using the point quadrat was as good as that obtained with the square quadrat and it is concluded that the point quadrat method is suitable for assessing weed control in low-growing vegetation.
Comparaison de méthodes de notation des mauvaises herbes herbacées dans les essais de désherbage  相似文献   

1963年在湖南沅江及南县选择隣近的种植制不同的五个生产大队,調查对比、分析耕作栽培措施及其他生态因素,与三化螟种羣数量消长及为害程度的关系,探索最經济有效的稻螟防治策略和综合措施。各对比点結果一致証明,在同一地区相距不远的大队間,三化螟发生基数大小的悬殊差別,是决定当年发生数量及为害程度輕重的一个重要因素。在适当的面积(大队)上結合耕作栽培措施相当彻底地消灭三化螟越冬幼虫,不仅可控制第一、二代的为害,且对压低第三、四代的发生量和为害程度也有明显的作用。在此基础上如能进一步结合夏收灭茬連續压低虫源,更可加強对后期螟害的控制。螟害程度决定于水稻最易受害生育期与稻螟盛发期配合的程度和螟虫发生数量的綜合影响。因此,在农业防治方面,結合耕作栽培措施压低虫源及調节水稻生育期并恶化螟虫的生活条件,均应尽可能的利用。扩种双季稻对三化螟的发生为害有有利和不利的两面。在湘北滨湖稻区的情况下,可以結合双季稻的耕作栽培,連續压低虫源作为控制螟害的一項措施。在种植制复杂的稻区,中稻早栽既可避免第三代三化螟的为害,且可促使第二、三代三化螟更多地集中在小面积的迟中稻或单季晚稻上,有利于集中施药歼灭。稻螟的防治策略应以农业防治为基础,結合重点药治。在种植制复杂的稻区建議采取結合耕作栽培連續压低虫源、調节水稻生育期及恶化螟虫生活条件的各項措施并药治二代桥梁田,对三、四代进行重点药治。  相似文献   

根据有代表性的2 县105 块夏玉米田调查,菏泽地区夏玉米田杂草种类共17 科35 种,分析探明优势种类12 种。试验表明不同杂草混合种群密度与夏玉米产量损失率相关极显著,相关式为y=4 .723 6 + 0 .187 4x 。提出其化学除治指标为每平方米有杂草20 株。  相似文献   

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