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This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of an inactivated vaccine based on a European-type strain of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) against the reproductive form of the syndrome in breeding gilts, and any congenital disease in their piglets. Five gilts were vaccinated twice, following the manufacturer's instructions, before they were inseminated. Nine additional gilts remained unvaccinated and served as positive (five gilts) and negative (four gilts) controls. A European wild-type strain genetically divergent from the vaccine strain was used to challenge the five vaccinated and five unvaccinated positive control gilts at 90 days' gestation. The vaccination of the five seronegative gilts did not produce any clinical signs or adverse reactions. However, the vaccine failed to prevent the clinical signs associated with PRRSV infection, viraemia after the challenge and transplacental infection of their piglets. The reproductive performance of the vaccinated gilts was similar to that of the unvaccinated positive controls, and there were no statistically significant differences in most of the parameters tested. However, the preweaning mortality of the piglets born to the vaccinated gilts was significantly lower than that of the piglets born to the positive control gilts.  相似文献   

Two groups of male, 9-week-old goats (5 goats/group) were vaccinated subcutaneously with formalized exotoxin of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, with Freund's incomplete adjuvant. Each goat was given 2 vaccinations, 2 weeks apart. At each vaccination, each group 1 goat was given 0.5 ml of toxoid, and each group 2 goat was given 1 ml of toxoid. Twenty days after the 2nd vaccination, vaccinated goats and 5 nonvaccinated 12-week-old goats (controls) were inoculated intradermally (challenge exposed) with live C pseudotuberculosis, monitored for 13 weeks, and euthanatized. At necropsy, 5 of the 10 vaccinated goats did not have C pseudotuberculosis lesions, 3 had abscesses limited to the inoculation site and draining lymph node, and 2 had disseminated bacterial lesions. Of the 5 nonvaccinated controls, 4 had disseminated abscesses and 1 had a single abscess in an internal node. Serologically, 9 of the 10 vaccinated goats developed positive (greater than or equal to 1:8) antibody titers against the exotoxin within 1 week after inoculation; the 10th goat seroconverted 2 weeks after inoculation, whereas control goats required 3 weeks to develop a positive antibody response. Therefore, early during an infection with C pseudotuberculosis, antibodies against the exotoxin may protect a goat against spread of the organism. All goats were injected intradermally before challenge exposure, 10 days after challenge exposure, and at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after challenge exposure with a skin-test reagent composed of fragmented bacterial cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Groups of cattle were inoculated subcutaneously with (i) a recombinant DNA-derived Babesia bovis protein (KaBbl-GZ) fused to beta-galactosidase and combined with adjuvants, or (ii) native beta-galactosidase (GZ) plus adjuvant, or (iii) adjuvant only or (iv) a live, attenuated B bovis vaccine. KaBbl-GZ was produced in the lambda gt11-amp3 system as a 5-10 kD babesial polypeptide linked to GZ. KaBbl has previously been shown to be an immunodominant antigen of B bovis, localised at the apex of the parasite, and present in a range of B bovis strains. High levels of GZ antibodies were observed in KaBbl-GZ and GZ inoculated cattle, but specific KaBbl antibodies could not be detected by ELISA. Five months after primary inoculation, all cattle were blood challenged with a virulent heterologous B bovis strain. Despite four inoculations with KaBbl-GZ, significant protection against the challenge was not observed.  相似文献   

Factors that influenced the in vitro bactericidal activity of bovine neutrophils against Actinomyces pyogenes were investigated. Neutrophils and serum from 2 clinically normal donor cows were incubated with bacteria for 2 hours. To determine bactericidal activity, colony-forming units were counted after a 48-hour incubation on blood agar plates. Microscopic examination indicated that in the presence of serum, bacteria were cell associated after incubation, whereas when serum was replaced by medium, bacteria were not cell associated. Bactericidal activity of neutrophils was similar whether the sera were heat-treated at 56 C for 30 minutes or were not heated. Heating the serum at 65 C for 30 minutes significantly (P less than 0.001) reduced bactericidal activity. Bactericidal activity decreased (P less than 0.001) as serum concentration (less than 10%) decreased. More than 80% of the bacteria were killed within the 40 minutes of incubation. The opsonizing capacity of serum varied significantly (P less than 0.01) among 12 cows. Similarly, neutrophil bactericidal activity (by cow) was affected significantly (P less than 0.001). Preincubation of serum with A pyogenes significantly (P less than 0.001) reduced the opsonizing ability of the serum. Culture filtrate of A pyogenes was not chemotactic for neutrophils in vitro.  相似文献   

Two-tooth ewes (n=48) were immunized pre-tupping with a live Toxoplasma gondii vaccine. At midpregnancy these ewes were challenged intravenously with 1 x 105 live T. gondii tachyzoites. The strain of T. gondii used for vaccination was an incomplete strain that did not produce oocysts. It was derived by continuous twice weekly passage in mice. The lambing percentage for ewes immunized with the live vaccine was significantly higher (P<0.001 normal score) than non-vaccinated control ewes. However, vaccination did not prevent foetal or placental infection. The serological response to vaccination and challenge was measured by both the Dye test and the Indirect Haemagglutination test. No significant relationship between titre of antibody and protection in the vaccinated ewes was observed.  相似文献   

Objective   To test strategies for the application of dicyclanil and mid-season crutching to maximise protection of unmulesed sheep against breech strike.
Procedure   Three hundred and eighty unmulesed Merino weaners were randomly allocated to four groups either left untreated or treated by different strategies with 50 g/L dicyclanil. Treatments included breech treatment alone and breech plus body treatment, with two application times, immediately after shearing and 6 weeks after crutching or shearing. To assess protection, larval implants with newly hatched Lucilia cuprina larvae were applied to 10 different sheep from each group at 3, 4, 5 and 6 months after crutching and shearing and assessed for the development of strike at 48 hours. The concentration of dicyclanil was measured in wool samples clipped from the breeches of the test sheep.
Results   All dicyclanil treatments gave significant reduction in strike in comparison to controls up until 4 months after crutching but protection in the sheep treated immediately after shearing had waned at 5 months. Treating at 6 weeks after crutching provided significant reduction ( P < 0.05) in strike for 6 months. Results for strike incidence immediately after shearing and concentration of dicyclanil in the breech wool also suggested improvements in protection by delaying treatment for 6 weeks.
Conclusion   In most environments it should be possible to protect unmulesed sheep against breech strike with a carefully planned integrated control program incorporating strategically timed crutching, shearing and dicyclanil application. Delaying treatment with dicyclanil to at least 6 weeks after shearing or crutching increased the protection provided in comparison to treatment immediately after shearing.  相似文献   

Challenge of 12 mammary glands of cows in mid-lactation with 10(7) colony forming units (cfu) of Peptostreptococcus indolicus on two occasions led to clinical mastitis in only four quarters. The bacteria were rarely recovered and disappeared from the secretion within 14 days. In challenges 7 days prior to drying off eight of 12 quarters became infected and at drying off all quarters challenged became infected. The infections established at drying off persisted well into the dry period. P. indolicus infection was also established in all of 12 dry glands challenged, but usually eliminated at calving or early in the next lactation. Isolation of P. indolicus was accompanied in about one-third of cases by changes in the appearance of the secretion. Intramammary challenge with Actinomyces (formally Corynebacterium) pyogenes led to clinical and subclinical infections in nine of 12 lactating glands and in all of six dry glands. Dry period infections with A. pyogenes were more severe and rarely eliminated even by antibiotic therapy. Infections during lactation were often eliminated either naturally or by antibiotic therapy. Intermittent recovery of A. pyogenes from the lactating mammary gland, without clinical signs of infection, was possible for up to 90 days after challenge. Combined infections with A. pyogenes and P. indolicus were clinically more severe with a higher frequency of systemic involvement. It was shown that in the non-lactating gland an acute mastitis, similar to 'summer mastitis' could be established either by simultaneous inoculation with A. pyogenes and P. indolicus or by subsequent inoculation of quarters excreting P. indolicus with A. pyogenes.  相似文献   

The food pellet vaccine has been shown to be effective in trials conducted under laboratory and simulated field conditions. The village chickens vaccinated with the food pellet vaccine during the field trial were protected against virulent Newcastle disease virus. The efficacy of the food pellet vaccine in the field was evaluated by challenge trial in which 60 per cent protection was obtained, or by monitoring the incidence of Newcastle disease in vaccinated and unvaccinated birds. There was no report of Newcastle disease outbreaks in the vaccinated birds during the two-year period of the field trial. The ease in administering the food pellet vaccine makes it readily accepted by the farmers.  相似文献   

Sixty ewes, divided randomly into four groups of 15, were immunised subcutaneously against sporidesmin (sdm) — bovine thyroglobulin (BTG) or 2-amino-5-chIoro-3,4-dimethoxy benzyl alcohol (ACDMBA) coupled to heat killed staphylococci or to bovine gamma globulin. Fifteen ewes served as untreated controls. Approximately 10 weeks after inoculation ewes were dosed orally with sdm at a rate of 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day for three consecutive days. Sdm antibody binding values, in plasma collected before dosing were higher in ewes immunised with sdm-BTG than ewes given the ACDMB A-complexes. Levels in the 15 untreated ewes were all very low. However, despite the presence of antibodies, the immunised ewes were not protected against sdm challenge; and cholesterol and bilirubin levels in serum and liver and urinary bladder damage scores, at slaughter, were all significantly higher (P<0.05) in the immunised compared to the control ewes six weeks after dosing. It is concluded from these results that subcutaneous immunisation against sdm or the structurally related substance used did not protect sheep against sdm dosing.  相似文献   

Sixty ewes, divided randomly into four groups of 15, were immunised subcutaneously against sporidesmin (sdm) -bovine thyroglobulin (BTG) or 2-amino-5-chloro-3,4-dimethoxy benzyl alcohol (ACDMBA) coupled to heat killed staphylococci or to bovine gamma globulin. Fifteen ewes served as untreated controls. Approximately 10 weeks after inoculation ewes were dosed orally with sdm at a rate of 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day for three consecutive days. Sdm antibody binding values.in plasma collected before dosing were higher in ewes immunised with sdm-BTG than ewes given the ACDMBA-complexes. Levels in the 15 untreated ewes were all very low. However, despite the presence of antibodies, the immunised ewes were not protected against sdm challenge; and cholesterol and bilirubin levels in serum and liver and urinary bladder damage scores, at slaughter, were all significantly higher (P<0.05) in the immunised compared to the control ewes six weeks after dosing. It is concluded from these results that subcutaneous immunisation against sdm or the structurally related substance used did not protect sheep against sdm dosing.  相似文献   

Inactivated vaccines for heartwater prepared with the commercially acceptable Montanide ISA 50 (ISA 50) adjuvant were field tested in Boer goats in Botswana, Angora goats in South Africa, and Merino sheep in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Two vaccines, one made using the Zimbabwean Mbizi isolate and the other using the respective local field isolate (Sunnyside in Botswana; Bathurst in South Africa; Lutale in Zambia), were tested at each site, except in Zimbabwe where only the Mbizi vaccine was tested. Compared with unvaccinated animals, the Mbizi vaccine significantly protected goats and sheep against field Amblyomma tick challenge in Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe (P = 0.018, 0.002 and 0.017, respectively), but failed to protect Angora goats in South Africa. However, in South Africa the vaccine prepared using the local field isolate Bathurst, induced significant protection (P=0.008). The vaccines containing the local isolates at all other sites were less protective than the Mbizi vaccine. The Mbizi inactivated vaccine also significantly protected 17 of 21 cattle (P = 0.05) against heartwater challenge from field ticks in Zimbabwe. Against the same challenge only 7 of 21 unvaccinated control cattle survived.This study demonstrates that heartwater is a major constraint to upgrading livestock in endemic areas, and caused an overall mortality of 77.6% in naive sheep and goats (97 of 125 died) and 67% in cattle (14 of 21 died). In contrast, the vaccine had a protective effect by reducing the overall mortality in sheep and goats to 54.3% (113 of 208 died) and to 19% in cattle (4 of 21 died).  相似文献   

Antibody titres and immunoglobulin concentrations were measured in serum and in uterine and vaginal secretions from five heifers after intrauterine infusion of Actinomyces pyogenes. Infection stimulated an increase in uterine antibody titres of IgG2 and IgA, which approached significance. There was no increase in antibody titres in vaginal secretions or in serum. For each class of immunoglobulin, the ratio of specific antibody to immunoglobulin tended to increase in uterine secretions after infection, whereas no change was detected in the serum. These results indicate that at least a portion of the antibody was derived from local uterine synthesis.  相似文献   

The outer membrane proteins (OMP) were extracted from the P. haemolytica A2, A7 and A9 to determine their potential as immunogens and their capability for cross-protection. Sixty lambs of approximately 9 months old were divided into four main groups. Animals in Group 1 were vaccinated with 2ml vaccine containing 100microg/ml of the outer membrane proteins of P. haemolytica A2. Animals in Group 2 were similarly vaccinated with the OMPs of P. haemolytica A7 while Group 3 with OMPs of P. haemolytica A9. Animals in Group 4 were unvaccinated control. During the course of the study, serum was collected to evaluate the antibody levels toward each OMP. There appeared to be good immune responses. However, high antibody levels did not necessarily result in good protection of the animals, particularly against cross-infection with P. haemolytica A9 in animals vaccinated with the OMPs of P. haemolytica A2. It seemed that the antibody responses were more specific toward the homologous challenge but generally did not cross-protect against heterologous serotype challenge. However, the OMPs of P. haemolytica A7 produced good in vivo cross-protection and excellent correlations when good antibody responses against all serotypes led to successful reductions of the extent of lung lesions following homologous and heterologous challenge exposures. Thus, the OMPs of P. haemolytica A7 was effective in protecting animals against homologous and heterologous infection by live P. haemolytica A2, A7 and A9.  相似文献   

10 cows suffering from bacteriological proved A. pyogenes-endometritis have been treated by a single intrauterine infusion of GENTASEPTIN. All animals were cured. Clinical findings were confirmed by bacteriological tests. All animals conceived at the first insemination after treatment. The intrauterine application of GENTASEPTIN seems to be a very efficient treatment of A. pyogenes-endometritis as compared to hitherto existing treatments.  相似文献   

Rabbits hyperimmunized with inactivated malignant catarrhal fever virus (MCFV) infected rabbit lymph node cells did not develop specific antibodies to the virus and succumbed to challenge with live MCFV-infected lymphoid cells. Rabbits hyperimmunized with either inactivated or live, cultured bovine kidney cells infected with MCFV developed antibodies to the virus, but also succumbed to challenge with live MCFV-infected rabbit lymphoid cells. Rabbits hyperimmunized with live cultured rabbit kidney cells infected with MCFV developed antibodies to the virus and resisted challenge with live FV-infected rabbit lymphoid tissues 47 weeks later. However, rechallenge of this group at 90 weeks post immunization resulted in the death of 24 rabbits suggesting a waning immunity.  相似文献   

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