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在冬季,树龄为5a以下的柑橘、脐橙、柚、桃、李、板栗等果树,往往容易遭受不同程度的冻害,尤其是新栽幼树,由于木质化程度低,冻害严重。现介绍几种防冻措施。沾磷栽植在移栽果树时,把刚取出来的苗木根部浸入用1.5kg过磷酸钙,50kg水,10kg粉末状的黄泥配制而成的混合液中,浸30min后再栽植,防寒抗冻效果较好。如果在浸沾磷液后再蘸一些ABT生根粉液,防冻效果更显著。适度修剪晚秋或初冬季节,对当年或前几年栽植的幼树,可适当进行修剪和人工落叶,以减少养分消耗,便于增加积累,提高果树防寒抗冻能力。对修剪的病虫枝应带出园外… 相似文献
<正>1 抓好土壤管理 土壤是果树生长的基础,改良土壤是实现幼树早结果、早丰产的最主要措施。沙壤薄地要注意掺粘土、多施优质有机肥,以改良其不保肥、不保水的缺点。因此,在沙壤薄地建园前要挖大穴多掺有机肥和部分粘土,之后逐年开沟深翻结合施有机肥掺粘土,以利根系生长发育。2 合理施肥和供水2.1 变冬春施基肥为秋施基肥 冬春施基肥对幼旺树和不结果成龄树很不利。这表现在:断根后迟迟不发新根,肥在土里净藏,分解慢,待到来春返旺时,肥劲尽用在跑 相似文献
1995年冬,伊犁地区幼龄苹果树发生严重冻害,主要集中在伊宁县、巩留县、尼勒克县、察布查尔锡伯自治县等。为了摸清这次冻害情况,总结经验知教训,我们于1996年5月份分别对巩留、伊宁、尼勒克、霍城、察布查尔等县(市)村15个幼龄果园做了调查,现将结果报如下:一、冻害概况调查看出,伊宁县、尼勒克县、巩留县、察布查尔县受冻较重。巩留县土地开发公司533公顷连片果园,3-4年生树死亡率为20-30%,其中两农户5.3公顷4年生树死亡率为80%;伊宁市巴彦岱乡苏阿拉木图例13公顷3年生树死亡率为50%;尼勤克县城东一个}3公顷3年上果园… 相似文献
2007年底到2008年初,我国大面积遭遇了多雪低温天气,个别地区是50~100年不遇的超低温天气,持续时间长,危害面积大,给农作物越冬带来了极大的危害,导致新植果树大面积冻害。新疆南疆地区林果业遭受巨大损失,其中红枣幼树根茎部30%~40%皮层冻裂,苗圃地红枣嫁接苗70%冻伤或冻死,拳头粗的桃树、核桃冻死或抽干。为此,新植果树如何应对冬季极端天气,成了各族干部群众最为关心的事,下面我结合自己多年的经验和大家一起进行探讨。 相似文献
搞好果树越冬管理 ,即可避免或减轻果树受冻害的程度 ,又可增加树体营养积累 ,增强树体抗寒力 ,还可促进花芽的分化和形成 ,对翌年稳产、高产起到促进作用。1 深翻除草翻土既可改善土壤结构、防止土壤板结、利于根系生长 ,又可翻出土层内的害虫 ,使之冻死或被鸟鸡啄食。深翻时间在果实采摘后 30d内进行 ,翻土深度以 2 5~ 35cm为宜。深翻的同时 ,除去果园内及其四周的杂草 ,以消灭害虫的越冬场所。2 施肥培土结合培土深翻施一次重肥。肥料以厩肥、腐熟的猪牛粪等农家肥为主 ,磷肥和复合肥为辅。成年的柑桔、桃、李、犁、柿子等果树 ,每株… 相似文献
1.割 若植株营养生长过盛,应在果树主枝或副枝上环割1—2圈,深至韧皮部与木质部交界处,不得损伤木质部。这样,叶片制造的营养物质就不再往下输送,全部积累在切口上端,促进其开花结果。 相似文献
We evaluated the contribution of seed dispersal by birds to the colonization of fleshy-fruited plants beneath plants that bear fleshy fruits and were used as perches by birds. Specifically, we investigated the composition of seeds and saplings sampled beneath nine fleshy-fruited perch plant species in a Pinus thunbergii stand on a coastal sand dune in central Japan. Both the numbers and the species numbers of bird-dispersed (pulpless) seeds differed significantly among the perch plant species. Nevertheless, the quantitative compositions of bird-dispersed seeds were similar among the perch plant species because of the significant positive interspecific correlations of species rank order in numbers of bird-dispersed seeds per species. Similar relationships were also found for saplings. For each perch plant species, the numbers of fallen conspecific seeds were significantly higher than or not different from those of heterospecific seeds. Furthermore, the numbers of pulpy seeds that fell directly from the perch plant were significantly higher than those of bird-dispersed conspecific seeds for seven of nine perch plant species. However, the densities of conspecific saplings were significantly lower than those of heterospecific saplings. Most pulpy seeds, therefore, probably do not germinate beneath their mother plants, and conspecific seeds probably accumulate in seed banks or are consumed by herbivores. 相似文献
Operational stock-testing facilities that estimate overwinter storability of seedlings (ability to survive and grow after storage) need a reliable method that provides fast results to forest nurseries. We compared three methods using container-grown seedlings of Douglas-fir, interior spruce, lodgepole pine, and western larch from forest nurseries in British Columbia. On three to nine dates in autumn, frost hardiness at −18°C was estimated using visible injury of foliage or stems (VI), electrolyte leakage from needles or stems (EL), and chlorophyll fluorescence of shoots (CF). Seedlings were placed into overwinter cold storage (−2°C). In the spring, stored seedlings were planted in nursery beds; survival and growth were assessed after one growing season. There were close correlations (r ≥ 0.93) between the assessment methods. Seedlings lifted after they reached thresholds of 69% or higher for CF and 25% or lower for EL and VI had over 90% survival at harvest and doubled shoot dry weight compared with seedlings lifted earlier. Measuring CF was the fastest and most easily replicated method to estimate successful storability, and reduced testing time by 6 days relative to VI tests. 相似文献