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Soybean hulls have been successfully fed to ruminant animals as an economical substitute for hay. This feedstuff is a source of highly digestible fiber that does not contain starch. The purpose of this trial was to evaluate soybean hulls as a replacement fiber in horse diets. Four cecally cannulated Quarter Horse geldings, aged 6 to 10 yr and averaging 502 kg, were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Diets consisted of alfalfa/bromegrass hay (14.4% CP, 58.1% NDF, 39.1% ADF; DM basis) with the replacement of either 0, 25, 50, or 75% (as-fed basis) unpelleted soybean hulls (13.1% CP, 60.6% NDF, 43.7% ADF; DM basis). Diets were offered at 1.8% of BW (DM) daily and body weights were measured weekly. Cecal samples (90 min after feeding) and total fecal collections (3 d) were taken at the end of each treatment period. Fecal collection bags were emptied every 6 h and 10% of the total amount was frozen for later analysis. Total cecal VFA production increased linearly (P = 0.02) from 70 mM to 109 mM as proportions of soybean hulls in diets increased. Proportions of propionate increased linearly (P < 0.01) with means of 15.7, 18.0, 16.6, and 21.9 mol/100 mol total VFA for the 0, 25, 50, and 75% soybean hulls diets respectively. Proportions of butyrate decreased linearly (P < 0.01) from 5.3 to 3.9 mol/100 mol total VFA. The acetate:propionate ratio decreased linearly (P = 0.02) and cubically (P = 0.03) with means of 4.9, 4.2, 4.9, and 3.3. Apparent digestibility of DM (P = 0.95), OM (P = 0.70), NDF (P = 0.34), ADF (P = 0.31), cellulose (P = 0.93), and hemicellulose (P = 0.25) did not differ among treatments. Apparent digestibility of N decreased linearly (P < 0.01) as concentrations of soybean hulls increased in the diet, and this response was associated with increased cecal fermentation and microbial biomass production. Cecal pH decreased linearly (P = 0.01) from 7.00 to 6.45 as the level of soybean hulls increased, but there was no change (P = 0.68 for the linear effect) for cecal ammonia (mean concentration of 3.85 mM). Soybean hulls stimulate cecal fermentation and are a suitable replacement for hay in equine diets.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, 300 heifers (260 kg initial BW) were used to compare growth performance of cattle fed forage-free diets containing predominantly soybean hulls with that of cattle receiving roughage- and corn-based diets and to determine whether cattle fed soybean hull-based diets would respond to supplementation with methionine hydroxy analogue (MHA), lipid-coated betaine, or concentrated separator by-product (CSB; a source of betaine). Treatments included 1) a roughage-based diet fed at 2.75% of BW, 2) a corn-based diet fed at 1.5% of BW, 3) a corn-based diet fed at 2.25% of BW, 4) a soybean hull-based diet fed at 1.5% of BW (SH1.5), 5) a soybean hull-based diet fed at 2.25% of BW (SH2.25), 6) SH1.5 top-dressed with 11.4 g/d Alimet (10 g/d MHA), 7) SH2.25 top-dressed with 11.4 g/d Alimet, 8) SH2.25 top-dressed with 7 g/d of a lipid-coated betaine product (4.2 g/d betaine), and 9) SH2.25 top-dressed with 250 g/d CSB (15.5 g/d betaine). Supplemental MHA, betaine, and CSB did not change DMI, ADG, or gain:feed ratio for cattle fed soybean hulls. Heifers fed soybean hull-based diets gained 29% slower (P < 0.05) and had 27% lower gain:feed ratios than heifers fed the corn-based diets. Cattle fed soybean hull-based diets had gains that were lower (P < 0.05) than those of cattle fed the roughage-based diets, but gain:feed ratios were similar because cattle were fed less of the soybean hull-based diets. Roughage-fed cattle had similar gains but 25% lower (P < 0.05) gain:feed ratios than cattle fed the corn-based diets. In Exp. 2, degradation by ruminal microbes of betaine in anhydrous betaine, betaine-HCl, feed-grade betaine, lipid-coated betaine, and CSB was evaluated in vitro using ruminal inocula collected from steers fed a high-grain or high-roughage diet. The roughage diet led to less betaine disappearance than the grain diet. More betaine was degraded from CSB than from other sources, perhaps because sugars provided by CSB stimulated fermentation, but no large differences occurred among the other four sources. Betaine from all sources was extensively degraded, although some betaine may escape ruminal degradation.  相似文献   

An in situ trial (randomized complete block design) using cows, and a site and extent of digestion trial (Latin square design) using sheep were conducted to study the potential of corn fiber (CF), cottonseed hulls (CSH), oat hulls (OH) and soybean hulls (SH) as roughage sources for ruminants. Two feedlot trials with steers and one with lambs (completely randomized design with factorial arrangements of treatments) were conducted to study the potential of CF and SH as energy supplements relative to corn. In situ rate of ruminal dry matter (DM) disappearance (3 to 36 h) and extent of DM disappearance (36 h) indicated that CF and SH were more fermentable in the rumen compared with OH or CSH, with SH being the most fermentable. Total tract digestibilities of DM, organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were above 70% for sheep fed CF and SH diets, and were 50% or less for sheep fed OH and CSH diets. A ranking of by-products in terms of nutritive value followed the trend: CF greater than SH greater than OH greater than CSH. Lamb feedlot trial data showed that CF was of similar nutritive value to corn and of higher nutritive value than SH at the 50% level of supplementation. Corn-fed lambs responded better than CF- or SH-fed lambs at the 70% level of supplementation. Data from steer feedlot trials showed that CF was of similar quality to corn and of higher quality than SH. Dramatic differences exist in by-product feed utilization by ruminants. All by-products tested appeared to have some usefulness as dietary components.  相似文献   

王继强  张波 《饲料研究》2003,(11):24-25
当前秸秆和干牧草是我国草食动物冬季主要粗饲料 ,但秸秆、干牧草营养成分低 ,木质素含量高 ,饲喂动物生长速度慢 ,生长周期长。因此研究和开发新的饲料资源是畜牧工作者现在和将来的一项重要工作。而大豆皮是一种较理想的饲料资源 ,有很大的潜力。1 大豆皮的营养价值大豆皮是大豆制油工艺的副产品 ,占整个大豆体积的 1 0 % ,占整个大豆重量的 8%。大豆皮主要是大豆外层包被的物质 ,颜色为米黄色或浅黄色 ,由油脂加工热法脱皮或压碎筛理两种加工方法所得。主要成分是细胞壁和植物纤维 ,粗纤维含量为38% ,粗蛋白 1 2 .2 % ,氧化钙 0 .5 3% ,…  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of three different sources of fiber (tifton hay, soybean hulls, and whole cottonseed) in spineless cactus diets for sheep in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Twenty-one sheep in finishing phase with indeterminate breed, non-castrated, and with initial weight of 18.90?±?1.07 kg were randomly distributed to individual stalls where they were confined for the duration of the experiment. The intakes of dry and organic matter, total carbohydrates, and total digestive nutrients were not influenced (P?>?0.10) by the different fiber sources (1.10, 0.97, 0.73, and 0.80 kg/day, respectively). However, sheep which received the whole cottonseed diet were characterized by a lower (P?<?0.10) intake of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber and greater (P?<?0.10) intake of ether extract (0.11, 0.29, and 0.048 kg/day, respectively). The different sources of fiber resulted in similar times spent feeding (P?>?0.10), although the rumination time was greater for tifton hay (P?<?0.10) (429.05 min/day). The digestibility coefficient of dry and organic matter differed between the treatments (P?<?0.10), with the soybean hull diet showing a higher level of digestion (83.23 and 86.72 %, respectively). The whole cottonseed diet gave the smallest digestibility coefficient of crude protein (68.95 %) and greatest for ether extract (85.94 %). The daily weight gain of animals fed on whole cottonseed was significantly lower (P?<?0.10). On the basis of these findings, we recommend the use of tifton hay or soybean hulls as important additional source of fiber in forage spineless cactus diets for sheep in finishing phase.  相似文献   

Soybean hulls, wheat midds, and corn gluten feed are viable alternative supplements for forage-fed cattle. All three result from the processing of major Unites States agricultural crops, so large supplies are available. Their value is better for ruminant animals than for monogastrics because they contain digestible fiber components. These byproducts are widely available throughout the Unites States and will generally be more economical than traditional feed grains or commercial feeds when used appropriately as supplements to forage-based diets. Knowledge about the composition of base forage must be used in planning supplementation strategies because base forages vary in protein and mineral content [9]. Soybean hulls alone may be a good selection in situations in which forages are adequate or high in protein. In situations where forage is marginal or deficient in protein, wheat midds, corn gluten feed, or a mix of soybean hulls and corn gluten feed might be most desirable. All three feeds can be variable in nutrient composition, so they should be analyzed to ensure a balanced nutrient level in diets. Soybean hulls are especially variable in crude protein content and should always be analyzed when forages are marginal or deficient in protein. Despite the fact that published energy levels are substantially lower, research has shown that soybean hulls and wheat midds have a value comparable to corn and soybean meal in forage-based diets. Corn gluten feed has also been comparable to corn and soybean meal in most reports but is closer in value to its published energy levels. In general, results with soybean hulls have been surprisingly good and consistent, whereas responses to wheat midds and corn gluten feed supplementation have been more variable and sometimes disappointing. Feeding rates for soybean hulls can range from low to extremely high depending on forage availability and desired performance. Wheat midds should be limited in most situations to 50% of the expected dry matter intake because of their rapidly digested starch content. Corn gluten feed should be limited to approximately 50% of expected dry matter intake because of its high sulfur content. Several research groups are currently evaluating self-feeding programs for these byproducts, and while the potential for health and production problems exist, results have been encouraging in most cases. Self-feeding would reduce the labor costs of hand feeding and could provide backgrounders with a program to expand cattle numbers on a limited land base.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to isolate, using both in situ and in vivo methodology, the nonfermented fiber fraction of oat hulls (OH) and cottonseed hulls (CSH) and to compare the concentrations of alkali-labile phenolic monomers, nitrobenzene oxidizable phenolic monomers, and neutral monosaccharides, as well as the cross polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) carbon-13 (13C) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, of the nonfermented fraction with the original OH or CSH. The in situ isolation procedure involved a 30-h ruminal pretreatment and an 8-h acid:pepsin pretreatment followed by 1 to 7 additional days of incubation in the rumen. Fractions not fermented in vivo were isolated from duodena, ileal, and fecal material obtained from a site and extent of digestion trial in which these byproducts were fed to sheep at 80% of the diet (as-fed basis) and they represented the sole source of dietary fiber. Based on nonfermented fraction composition, both in situ and in vivo, all components analyzed were degraded to some extent. Also, all components present in original byproduct material were present in both the in situ and in vivo nonfermented fractions. Based on NMR analysis, cellulose crystallinity did not change during either long-term in situ or in vivo fermentation. However, CSH cellulose was more crystalline than that of OH. The ADL content of OH and CSH was 6.1% and 19.4%, respectively, and very little (15%) of the ADL disappeared during either in situ or in vivo fermentation. Much of the p-coumaric and ferulic acid of OH, associated with the cell wall matrix as lignin-carbohydrate and phenolic-carbohydrate complexes, was recovered in the fermented fractions. Data are interpreted to indicate that lignin encrustation and cellulose crystallinity are factors affecting CSH fermentation. Lignin encrustation and the presence of lignin-carbohydrate/phenolic-carbohydrate complexes are factors that inhibit OH fermentation.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted to determine the effect of level and source of dietary fiber on N and OM excretion by cattle on finishing diets. One hundred twenty steers were stratified by weight and allotted to one of the following treatments: 7.5% roughage (7.5% R), wet corn gluten feed (WCGF; 41.5% of dietary DM), and all-concentrate (All Con) diet. Cattle were fed for 87 d during the summer with 23.7 m2 of pen area per animal. Steers fed the WCGF diet had heavier final weights, greater DMI, and higher ADG (P < .01) than the 7.5% R and All Con treatments. Steers fed All Con had lower (P < .01) DMI than the other two treatments. Nitrogen and OM mass balances in the feedlot were quantified. Main components were nutrient input, retention, and excretion. Nitrogen and OM intake of steers fed WCGF were greater (P < .05) than those of steers fed the other treatments. The WCGF treatment had a greater percentage of fecal N output (P < .05). The All Con treatment had a greater (P < .01) percentage of urinary N than WCGF and 7.5% R diets. Steers fed the WCGF treatment excreted more (P < .01) OM compared with the other treatments, which led to more N and OM being removed in manure at cleaning. The All Con treatment had more (P < .01) N and OM in runoff than the other treatments. Nutrition can change site of fermentation, which affects the composition of excreted material; however, total amount of N excreted may be more important than route of excretion in decreasing N losses to the environment and maximizing recovery in manure.  相似文献   

The effect of a high insoluble-fiber (IF) diet containing 15% cellulose in dry matter, high soluble-fiber (SF) diet containing 15% pectin in dry matter, and low-fiber (LF) diet on glycemic control in 6 dogs with alloxan-induced insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was evaluated. Each diet contained greater than 50% digestible carbohydrate in dry matter. A crossover study was used with each dog randomly assigned to a predetermined diet sequence. Each dog was fed each diet for 56 days. Caloric intake was adjusted weekly as needed to maintain each dog within 1.5 kg of its body weight measured prior to induction of diabetes mellitus. All dogs were given pork lente insulin and half of their daily caloric intake at 12-hour intervals. Mean (+/- SEM) daily caloric intake was significantly (P less than 0.05) less when dogs consumed the IF diet vs the SF and LF diets (66 +/- 3 kcal/kg, 81 +/- 5 kcal/kg, and 79 +/- 4 kcal/kg, respectively). Serum alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly (P less than 0.05) higher when dogs consumed the LF diet vs the IF and SF diets (182 +/- 37 IU/L, 131 +/- 24 IU/L, and 143 +/- 24 IU/L, respectively). Mean postprandial plasma glucose concentration measured every 2 hours for 24 hours, beginning at the time of the morning insulin injection, was significantly (P less than 0.05) lower at most blood sampling times in dogs fed IF and SF diets, compared with dogs fed the LF diet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

采用Miseq高通量测序方法分别对饲喂玉米秸秆和苜蓿为纤维源日粮的鹅盲肠黏膜细菌进行检测,并分析各样品中菌种类别、菌落组成和物种差异。结果显示:玉米纤维组(J组)检测出的细菌属于20门类的225个属,苜蓿组(M组)检测出的细菌属于17门类的199个属;J组和M组细菌多样性无显著性差异(P>0.05);M组Verrucomicrobia菌门和Desulfovibrio、Akkermansia菌属相对丰度显著高于J组(P<0.05),M组Clostridium、cc_115、Campylobacter菌属相对丰度显著低于J组(P<0.05)。结果表明:玉米秸秆和苜蓿纤维源对鹅盲肠细菌多样性无显著性影响,但可影响Verrucomicrobia菌门和Desulfovibrio、Akkermansia、Clostridium、cc_115、Campylobacter菌属的相对丰度。  相似文献   

Following an epidemic of canine distemper virus (CDV) in Serengeti lions in 1994, the role of domestic dogs in the epidemiology of the disease was investigated by serological and demographic analyses. From 1992 to 1994, data were collected from two domestic dog populations bordering the Serengeti National Park. Several lines of evidence indicated that patterns of CDV infection differed significantly between higher-density dog populations of Serengeti District to the west of the park and lower-density populations of Ngorongoro District to the south-east: (a) CDV age-seroprevalence patterns differed significantly between years in Ngorongoro District populations but not in Serengeti District populations; (b) CDV seropositive pups (<12 months of age) were detected in Ngorongoro District only in 1994, whereas a proportion of pups in Serengeti District were seropositive in each year of the study; (c) in Ngorongoro District, the proportion of deaths attributed to disease was significantly higher in 1994 than in 1993, whereas in Serengeti District, there was no significant difference in disease-related mortality between years; (d) in Ngorongoro District, significantly more CDV seronegative dogs than seropositive dogs died in 1994, whereas there was no difference in survival of CDV seropositives and seronegatives between years in Serengeti District. We concluded that, between 1992 and 1994, CDV persisted in higher-density dog populations of Serengeti District, but occurred only sporadically in lower-density Ngorongoro District populations. Data from Ngorongoro District are consistent with exposure of dogs to CDV in 1991 and 1994, but not in 1992 and 1993. These findings suggest that higher-density domestic dog populations to the west of the Serengeti National Park were a more likely source of CDV infection for wildlife during 1994 than lower-density pastoralist dogs to the south and east of the park.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of replacing Tifton 85 hay (0, 33, 66, or 100 %) with by castor bean hulls on the intake and nutrient digestibility and performance of 28 noncastrated lambs, averaging 7 months in age, 19.5?±?2.0 kg average live weight, fed on diets based on forage cactus. The animals were housed in individual pens for 100 days. The digestibility trial occurred 40 days after the start of the performance using LIPE® as an external indicator for estimating fecal dry matter production. The replacement of hay with Castor beans hulls linearly decreased the intakes of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, organic matter, and crude protein and reduced the digestibility coefficients of the dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, organic matter content, crude protein, and total digestible nutrient content. The hot carcass and true carcass yields were not influenced by the treatments and the feed conversion increased linearly. The empty body weight, live weight at slaughter, hot and cold carcass weights, total gain, and average daily gain decreased linearly with the replacement. The replacement of Tifton 85 hay with castor bean hulls reduced the intake of dry matter, crude protein and energy, consequently reducing the performance of the animals. However, as the regression coefficients were of low magnitude, data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared using the Dunnett test with diet without castor bean hulls set as the control treatment. The Tifton 85 hay can be replaced up to 66 % by castor bean hulls in finishing diets for lambs.  相似文献   

以基础日粮和基础日粮加膳食纤维及左旋肉碱分别作为对照组和试验组的日粮,经双螺杆干法膨化制粒工艺制成干型颗粒犬粮;将20只7.5月龄京巴宠物犬随机分为2组,每组10只作为对照组和试验组动物,分别饲喂对应的日粮进行饲养试验;以日增重、体长增量、体质指数(BMI)和采食量为指标,验证了膳食纤维和L-肉碱作为日粮配方的功能因子对控制宠物犬体重的效果。结果是试验组较对照组的日增重、BMI分别降低了30.46%(P〈0.01)和41.63%(P〈0.05),体长增量和采食量两组没有显著差异。结论是将膳食纤维和L-肉碱组合添加于日粮中可以起到控制体重、减少宠物肥胖症发生的危险,但对于犬的采食量和体长没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Xylazine as a sedative-analgesic for dogs and cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Thirty dogs with a clinical diagnosis of atopy were skin tested with 58 allergens including an aqueous house dust mite extract and a crude house dust extract. Sixty percent of the dogs had positive skin reactions to both the house dust mite and house dust antigens. In atopic dogs, house dust mites appear to be an important allergen source in house dust extracts but are not the only major source.  相似文献   

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