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<正>柑橘红蜘蛛又名柑橘全爪螨,是柑橘产区普遍发生的为害最严重的柑橘害虫之一,彻底防治柑橘全爪螨一直是生产上的一道难题。过去橘农常采用化学药剂进行防治,不但影 相似文献
近年来,防治柑桔害螨的药剂较多,但经多次使用后,效果逐渐下降.为寻找更理想的防治药剂,1992年,我们进行了霸螨灵防治柑桔红蜘蛛、锈壁虱的药效试验,取得了较好的效果,现将试验情况整理如下.1、试验方法 试验在本县江城乡崩塘果场七年生化州橙、红光橙果园,选择红蜘蛛、锈壁虱同时融时进行.设5%霸螨灵悬浮剂(日本农药株式会社产品)2000、2500、3000倍液,20%螨克乳油(德国先灵公司产品)1500倍液,以及空白对照5个处理.药剂每处理5亩,空白对照处理3—5株,不设重复. 相似文献
蘑菇害螨 ,俗称菌虱 ,是蘑菇栽培期间发生最普遍 ,危害最严重的一种害虫。近年来 ,由于蘑菇市场看好 ,山围镇的蘑菇栽培面积已发展成为 40 hm2 的规模 ,蘑菇成了农民的主要经济来源。 1999年 10月 2 2日田间调查发现 ,菇房普遍受螨害 ,损失率高的达到 6 0 %以上 ,一般在 10 %~ 2 5 %。螨为害蘑菇 ,产量下降 ,品质降低 ,影响了产品外销和菇农收入 ,成为蘑菇生产上的突出问题。1 发生规律及为害 蘑菇害螨个体小、数量多、行动隐蔽、繁殖快 ,在 2 5℃下 ,有的只需 3~ 4d就能完成1个世代。危害蘑菇的害螨主要是兰氏布伦螨 Brennandania L… 相似文献
2018—2022年3月下旬至10月中旬,在四川雅安市名山区3个茶树主栽品种名山特早213、福鼎大白茶和名山白毫131的茶园内,采用棋盘式取样法分别采取茶蓬不同部位叶片,镜检并计录害螨种类及数量,每7天调查1次。调查结果表明,当地茶园主要害螨为茶橙瘿螨、茶跗线螨和柑橘始叶螨;茶橙瘿螨和茶跗线螨主要分布于芽下2、3叶,柑橘始叶螨主要分布于成熟新叶和中下部老叶。茶橙瘿螨和柑橘始叶螨主要发生于4—6月,茶跗线螨可发生于5—7月和9月,同一茶园内,茶跗线螨发生晚于茶橙瘿螨和柑橘始叶螨。因此,4—7月和9月为茶园主要害螨发生高峰期,应加强监测预警和防控。 相似文献
螨类害虫是危害果树的主要害虫之一。它适应性强 ,繁殖率高 ,易产生抗药性 ,防治难度较大。螨类个体小 ,在最适的条件下 ,1头雌成螨1个月繁殖极限可高达1万多头。螨类危害果树后 ,常引起叶片褪绿或灰白色失去光泽 ,果实受害后表皮粗糙 ,还会出现龟裂状网纹 ,失去诱人的色泽 相似文献
川渝小麦害螨种类及防治 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一、小麦害螨种类 在川渝地区危害小麦的害螨有3种:麦圆叶爪螨(又名:小麦圆蜘蛛)Penthaleus major(Duges)、麦岩螨(又名:麦长腿蜘蛛)Petrobialatens(Muller)、首蓿苔螨(又名:首蓿红蜘蛛)Bryobia praetio 相似文献
柑桔红蜘蛛和锈壁虱是金城江区柑桔种植区的主要害虫,每年5-8月份是该虫危害的主要时期,近几年来达到中等偏重程度发生。据金城江区植保站调查,全区每年在防治柑桔害螨上花费了大量的人力物力,且防治效果不够理想。2004年5月笔者使用胡瓜钝绥螨对柑桔害螨进行防治试验示范,收到良好的效果,现将具体情况总结如下。 相似文献
螨类害虫是危害柑橘的主要害虫之一。它适应性强,繁殖率高,危害猖獗,且易产生抗药性。因此,防治柑橘螨类害虫,必须了解其发生特点,把握关键时期,科学使用农药,才能达到经济效的目的。现将柑橘螨类害虫发生特点与药剂防治简介如下,供参考。 相似文献
Indoxacarb is a novel oxadiazine pro-insecticide that has no toxic effects on the adults, fecundity and eclosion of Amblyseius fallacis (Garman), a predacious phytoseiid, or Agistemus fleschneri Summers, a predacious stigmaeid. It is toxic to Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say), a predacious mirid that has been reported from several Quebec orchards where IPM programs are used. The LC50 for this mirid is about one-half of the recommended dose (0.054 g AI litre(-1)) of indoxacarb for apple orchards. Following an application, the intoxicated mirids remained motionless as their prolegs and posterior had paralyzed. Twenty-four hours later, they appeared smaller, shrunken and severely desiccated. 相似文献
The effects of Neemgard, an acaricidal and fungicidal formulation obtained from neem (Azadirachta indica) seed kernels, on the phytophagous miteTetranychus cinnabarinus, the predacious mitePhytoseiulus persimilis, and the predatory spiderChiracanthium mildei, were investigated in laboratory experiments. Neemgard was highly toxic toT. cinnabarinus but had no toxic effect onC. mildei orP. persimilis. Another neem formulation—the insecticidal Neemix 45—caused conspicuous repellency, but no mortality, inT. cinnabarinus. 相似文献
Panonychus citri and Diaphorina citri are serious citrus pests (mites) in many countries. The predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris can prey on both P. citri and D. citri. It is necessary to develop a strategy using predatory mites and selective pesticides that can simultaneously control both pests effectively and sustainably. The toxicities of matrine and abamectin to P. citri, D. citri and N. cucumeris were evaluated in the laboratory. Matrine was highly lethal to D. citri and relatively less toxic to P. citri and N. cucumeris. Abamectin was relatively less toxic to D. citri. The results of the field trials demonstrated the ecological control strategy that combined the release of predatory mites and applications of four matrine sprays from June 2011 to November 2011, which provided better control over P. citri than pesticide applications alone with six sprays during the same period. It achieved similar control levels for D. citri. In Matrine + N. cucumeris orchard, the total number of spiders was significantly larger than that in the Pesticides Only orchard, but the total number of predatory mites was lower. It is inferred that primarily natural enemies and matrine together play a role in controlling citrus pests. 相似文献
平凉市小麦条锈病越夏菌源分布区域精准勘测及主要影响因子研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过多年调查研究,明确了当地小麦条锈病菌主要越夏寄主、越夏方式和越夏菌源量的影响因子,精准界定了越夏菌源分布区域;通过对历史资料系统分析,研究筛选出了主要相关因子,采用多元逐步回归方法组建了当地小麦条锈病越夏菌量预测模型,回测准确率为73.91%,对开展其综合治理有积极的指导作用。 相似文献
More adults of the citrus psylla,Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) (Hemiptera: Triozidae), dispersed when the number of eggs, nymphs or adults on the citrus increased (positive correlations) and also when new leaves that were present decreased (negative correlation). More psylla were trapped close to high obstacles than in an open area, even though the obstacles were at a distance from the psylla-infested orchard. 相似文献
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In the original publication, the article title was incorrectly published as ‘Impact of leave infestation by herbivorous insects on the elemental... 相似文献