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在DMEM培养液中分别添加不同质量浓度的脑源性神经生长因子(Brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BD NF)和神经生长因子(Nerve growth factor,NGF),观察其对牛颗粒细胞体外生长的影响.结果显示:在DMEM中添加20μg/L的BDNF,可促进牛颗粒细胞的体外生长;在DMEM中添加5μg/L的NGF,可促进牛颗粒细胞的体外生长.结果表明,在DMEM培养液中添加一定质量浓度的NGF和BDNF可促进牛颗粒细胞的体外生长.  相似文献   

The effects of mycotoxins on mitogen-stimulated proliferation of bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were investigated. Aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)), deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEN) were added to cultures of PBMCs, and the proliferation responses were measured using MTT bioassays. Suppression of the proliferation of calf PBMCs by AFB(1) and DON was significantly stronger than that of cow PBMCs, whereas there were no differences in suppressive effects on PBMCs from Holstein and Japanese Black calves and cows. The suppressive effect was greatest in the order of DON, AFB(1) and ZEN, and the effects of DON and AFB(1) seemed to be dose-dependent. The results suggest that some mycotoxins directly suppress proliferation of bovine PBMCs.  相似文献   

The rate of epidermal cell renewal in normal bovine skin and that reinoculated with Trichophyton verrucosum was measured using a radioautographic technique. The transit times of both nucleated and fully keratinised cells were measured in sequential biopsy samples removed at predetermined periods after intradermal inoculation with radio-labelled isotopes. The total time taken for cells of the basal layer to travel to the point of desquamation in the stratum corneum was 18 days in normal cattle. In similar areas on cattle that had been reinoculated with T verrucosum the total epidermal cell renewal time was reduced to 12 days. Increased protein synthesis, as measured by incorporation of radio-labelled nucleoside was evident in basal cells within 24 h of reinoculation with the fungus. The nucleated epidermal cell thickness had almost doubled in areas of reinoculated skin within 72 h and increased cell proliferation was maintained for at least 10 days. Desquamation of the thickened stratum corneum had occurred within seven days of reinoculation with the fungus.  相似文献   

为研究天冬氨酸-谷氨酸-丙氨酸-组氨酸盒解旋酶9 (DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His)-box helicase 9,DHX9)对牛骨骼肌细胞增殖与分化的影响,利用已经建立的牛骨骼肌卫星细胞体外成肌分化模型,设计合成DHX9的si-RNA,采用荧光定量PCR和Western blot技术检测DHX9基因在成肌...  相似文献   

The present study aimed at analysis of the effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), linoleic acid (LA, C18:2n - 6) and linolenic acid (LNA, C18:3n - 3) on bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in vitro. Both mitogen (ConA)-induced proliferative lymphocyte responsiveness during 4 days of culture and eicosanoid (prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) and leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4))) production during 36 h were determined in relation to the absence or presence of various concentrations of LA and LNA (0, 1, 5, 25, 125 and 250 microM). Mitogen-driven proliferative responses of lymphocytes tended to be uninfluenced in the presence of lower concentrations of LA, whereas significant inhibition was observed at the higher concentrations of LA (125 and 250 microM). However, increasing amounts of LNA did not affect the proliferation. ConA stimulation induced a clear PGE(2) response, which significantly decreased in the presence of 250 microM of LA. In addition, increasing amounts of LNA, but not LA, led to a significant decrease in LTB(4) levels. However, The production of LTB(4) did not alter due to mitogenic stimulation. In conclusion, the present study shows that bovine mononuclear cells may functionally be influenced by the presence of PUFA in their environment. Further studies need to be conducted to clarify in vivo consequences of these findings in a situation of PUFA enriched rations in ruminants.  相似文献   

采用10,50,100 mg/L甘草查尔酮A处理蹄真皮炎性细胞24 h后,测定细胞上清液中TNF-a、IL-1β、IL-6水平及SOD、MDA含量,Western blot法检测ERK、JNK、p38、IκBα及p65蛋白表达水平.结果 显示,甘草查尔酮A可显著降低TNF-a、IL-1β、IL-6水平,提高SOD活性并...  相似文献   

Hind claws of 15 adult, sound Fleckvieh cows were used for material analysis. The elastic modulus was tested in tension tests according to EN ISO 527 and ASTM D 638-03 at a universal material testing machine. Samples were taken from different segments of the bovine claw to find the differences in material properties. Samples orientation was parallel to the horn tubules and transversal, respectively. Dry matter of the test samples was determined at the time of testing. Elastic modulus values were highest with mean = 659.7 N/mm2 at the dorsal wall. Values dropped axial to 416.3 N/mm2, abaxial to 343.9 N/mm2 for longitudinal (parallel) samples and to 433.1 N/mm2 for transversal samples. The elastic modulus of the sole segment was found to be 172.1 N/mm2. No difference was calculated neither between right and left feet, lateral and medial claws, nor between longitudinal and transversal samples.  相似文献   

Objective To monitor changes in hoof morphology in response to barefoot trimming. Methods Seven horses were trimmed every 6 weeks according to barefoot trimming principles, which involved levelling the hoof to live sole, lowering the heels, bevelling the toe and rounding the peripheral wall, while leaving the sole, frog and bars intact. A 4‐month period was allowed to lower the heels sufficiently to achieve a hoof shape representative of the barefoot trim. This was regarded as the starting point for morphological adaptations in response to maintenance of the trim. Hoof morphology was measured from lateral, dorsal and solar view photographs and lateromedial radiographs taken at 0, 4 and 16 months. Changes from 0 to 4 months represented differences between a natural hoof shape and the trim, while changes from 4 to 16 months represented adaptive effects during hoof growth. Results Establishment of the barefoot trim involved significant shortening of the toe, heel and medial and lateral walls, with increases in angulation at the toe, medial and lateral walls, but not at the heel. Maintenance of the trim resulted in a palmar/plantar migration of the heels, with increases in support length, heel angle and solar angle of the distal phalanx (P3). Conclusions Bevelling the toe and engaging the frog and bars in the weight‐bearing function of the foot resulted in elevation of the heel angle and solar angle of P3. These changes may be beneficial in treating under‐run heels and negative solar plane angulation of P3.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element‐binding protein 3 (CPEB3) is a member of the Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element‐binding family, which has been found to regulate the translation of dormant and masked mRNA in Xenopus oocytes and plays potential roles in regulating biological functions in cells and tissues. However, its role in cumulus cells is not clear. In this study, the mRNA expression of CPEB3 in bovine cumulus cells was inhibited with small interfering RNA. Cell cycle progression, proliferation, and apoptosis were measured after inhibition of CPEB3. Subsequently, changes in intracellular Reactive oxygen species content, mitochondrial membrane potential and expansion‐related gene expression were examined. The results showed that after CPEB3 inhibition, cumulus cells had an abnormal cell cycle, the numbers of cells in the S and G2/M phases were significantly increased, cell proliferation was increased and apoptosis rates were decreased. These effects were likely due CPEB3 inhibition‐induced decreases in intracellular Reactive oxygen species levels; increases in mitochondrial membrane potential; decreases in apoptosis; downregulation of CCNA, CCND, CCNE, CDK2, CDK4, CDK6, p21, and p27 mRNA expression; and upregulation of CCNB, CDK1, HAS2, PTGS2, PTX3, and CEBPB mRNA expression. Therefore, CPEB3 plays potential roles in regulating the biological and physiological functions of bovine cumulus cell.  相似文献   

This study describes the association between bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) treponemes and three 'non-healing' bovine hoof horn lesions, namely, 'toe necrosis' (TN), 'non-healing white line disease' (nhWLD) and 'non-healing sole ulcer' (nhSU), which are disorders that involve penetration through the horn capsule to involve the corium. In this study, these non-healing disorders (n=44) were identified as foot lesions that exhibited a topical granular appearance, exuded a typical pungent smell, were severely painful to the animal involved, and typically originated from farms where BDD is endemic. Given the similarities between these 'non-healing' lesions and BDD, the authors subjected samples of diseased tissue to PCR assays to detect the presence of DNA of BDD treponemes. All the three characterised BDD treponeme groups were identified as present together in 84.2, 81.3 and 55.6 per cent of samples of TN (n=19), nhWLD (n=16) and nhSU (n=9), respectively. In contrast, healthy control horn samples from similar sites (n=16) were PCR-negative for the BDD treponemes. Hence, these non-healing hoof lesions were strongly associated with BDD treponemes. Samples from typical heel horn erosions (n=9) were also subjected to BDD treponeme PCR assays and no association could be identified between the BDD treponemes and this horn manifestation.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,防衰老成为目前人类关注的焦点。钩藤散源于《本事方》,由钩藤、石膏、陈皮、麦冬、半夏、茯苓、人参、防风、生姜、甘草、菊花等11味药组成,为治疗肝厥头晕之证的经典方剂。笔者等以人胚肺二倍体成纤维细胞(2Bs)为模型,考察钩藤散对衰老细胞增殖的调控作用。  相似文献   

Three strains of Hemophilus somnus were infused into the posterior cervix of six pregnant cows. The organism persisted in the cervicovaginal region for eight to 87 days, and at parturition H. somnus was isolated from chorioallantois in four of six cows; placentitis developed, and fetal membranes were retained. All calves were born alive and no H. somnus was recovered from them. One cow died 14 days after parturition. The death was attributed to severe necrotizing metritis; H. somnus was not isolated from the uterus at death, but was isolated from the placenta at parturition and cervicovaginal mucus two days days later.  相似文献   

牛蹄病综合防治措施的临床效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在家畜繁育中心奶牛场、种公牛队、金积镇部分户养奶牛,应用牛蹄病综合防治措施两年,蹄病发病率由74.3%、78.1%和54.8%降至4.7%、0和3%。死淘率由27.6%、100%和46.6%降至3.4%、0、0。对严重变形蹄进行矫正修蹄,修蹄一周后一个月比修蹄前一个月奶产量增加1.27-1.9kg和1.4-2.1kg;种公牛修蹄一周后比修蹄前一周采精量、精子密度和活力均提高。  相似文献   

The effects of toe angle on the growth of the unshod hooves of mature horses were measured over 126 days. The hooves of 4 horses were trimmed long in the toe and short in the heel (“LT”), with toe angles of 40° for the forelimb and 50° for the hind limb hooves; 4 others were trimmed short in the toe and long in the heel (“ST”), with toe angles of 50° for the forelimb and 55° for the hind limb hooves. Growth of the hoof wall at the toe ranged between .19 and .28 mm/day, and was slowest in the forelimb hooves trimmed ST. After 126 days, the hooves trimmed LT were 7% smaller in width than they had been at day 0. Narrowing of the hoof walls and frogs was accompanied by deformation of the angles of the walls (bending outward of their weightbearing surfaces). Frog lengths and sole areas were not affected by toe angle. Regardless of trimming method, all forelimb hooves tended to return to a toe angle of 45° between trimmings, while all hind limb hooves tended toward toe angles of 52° to 53°. The soles of all hooves were basically circular in shape, although the hooves trimmed LT tended to be skewed to the left, as viewed from above, after 126 days.  相似文献   

Good cooperation between farrier, veterinarian and horse owner is an important prerequisite for optimal support of the horse with regards to shoeing and hoof health. The introduction of a joint educational aid aims to improve the level of education of both veterinarians and farriers. The interactive, multimedia approach represents an innovative new dimension in instruction techniques, predominantly provided through images and videos. The contents of the new teaching aid will focus on detailed anatomy of the foot and distal limb, as well as currently accepted shoeing practices and techniques and pathologic conditions of the hoof and foot.  相似文献   

探讨miR-1对牛骨骼肌卫星细胞增殖的影响,为改善牛肉品质提供重要的理论基础。首先构建miR-1的过表达载体并进行牛骨骼肌卫星细胞的转染,然后采用Ed U法检测发现miR-1抑制牛骨骼肌卫星细胞的增殖。双荧光素酶报告表明PAX3为miR-1的靶基因。最后检测出miR-1过表达后PAX3在mRNA和蛋白表达水平均下降。试验结果提示:miR-1能够通过抑制PAX3的表达而抑制牛骨骼肌卫星细胞的增殖。  相似文献   

本研究旨在研究不同代谢能水平日粮对妊娠和哺乳期母猪生理状态、繁殖性能及血清生化指标的影响.试验将60头妊娠28 d、平均体重为(131.96±0.52)kg的头胎二元母猪随机分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复5头.T1~T3组妊娠母猪分别饲喂代谢能水平为3150、3250和3350 kcal/kg的日粮,粗蛋白质水平均为...  相似文献   

将本室自制的林蛙皮多肽进行SDS-PAGE和紫外扫描检测,并将其以不同质量浓度作用于人永生化表皮细胞(HaCaT细胞),利用MTS法、Annexin V-FITC/PI法分别检测林蛙皮多肽对HaCaT细胞增殖及其凋亡的影响。结果显示,林蛙皮多肽在20%SDS-PAGE条件下呈现弥散状态,灰度分析表明相对分子质量在10 000以下的多肽占总多肽的67.1%。林蛙皮多肽在(50800)mg/L条件下,随着多肽质量浓度的升高,对HaCaT细胞促进增殖的作用逐渐增强,当林蛙皮多肽质量浓度为800mg/L时,MTS检测HaCaT细胞活力D值是正常对照细胞D值的2.5倍(P<0.01);此时,细胞凋亡率比正常对照细胞降低了(2.7±0.03)%,(P<0.01)。以上结果表明,林蛙皮活性多肽对HaCaT细胞的增殖有显著的促进作用,并对其凋亡有显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

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