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Records of grassland productivity were kept for 2 years on 136 lowland dairy farms and 131 lowland beef farms. The grassland on each farm was classified according to the proportion of sown (preferred) species. The farms were then ranked on this basis and divided into quarters:
On dairy farms the lowest quarter had 31% sown species and utilized metabolizable energy (UME) output from grass of 40.8 GJ ha−1, whereas the highest quarter had 70% sown species and UME output of 45.6 GJ ha−1. Dairy farmers in the lowest quarter used least fertilizer N and differences in output were no greater than would be expected from differences in N input. On beef farms the lowest quarter had 28% sown species and UME output of 32.3 GJ ha−1, and the highest quarter had 63% sown species and UME output of 45.9 GJ ha−1On these farms differences in fertilizer N could not completely account for differences in output.
It is concluded that on beef farms botanical composition of grassland is a good indicator of its productivity but is not necessarily a prime cause of differences in output. On dairy farms there is little evidence of a direct benefit resulting from a high proportion of sown species. On such farms the need for deliberate manipulation of the botanical composition of grassland by reseeding or chemical means is questioned.  相似文献   

Yields of grass were measured on three dairy farms in 1981. Farm 1, on free-draining loamy soil over chalk, produced 10.3 t DM ha−1 using 336 kg N ha−1. Farm 2, on poorly-drained loam over Oxford clay, produced 12.8 t DM ha−1 using 354 kg N ha−1. Farm 3, on loam over clay with some free-draining sandy loam, produced 9.5 t DM ha−1 with 169 kg N ha−1. Allowing for differences in soil nitrogen and summer rainfall these yields were quite close to expectations from experimental results, despite considerable poaching damage to some swards.
Animal production records were kept and all livestock were weighed every 6 months, so as to calculate the utilized metabolizable energy (UME) output from grassland on each farm. These were 73, 62 and 59 GJ ha−1 on farms 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
The UME output, expressed as a proportion of the yield of grass (converted to ME), was taken as the 'efficiency of utilization' of grass. This was 70% on farm 1,44% on farm 2 and 58% on farm 3. Results are presented separately for the summer and winter 6 months. Utilization by grazing appeared to be markedly reduced under very wet soil conditions. Major losses occurred in the conservation of grass.
The results begin to establish a valuable base of data from commercial farms.  相似文献   

Utilized Metabolizable Energy output was calculated and herbage utilization evaluated in two contrasting years on five profitable farms representing a range of soil types.
Annual UME output was 72 GJ ha-1 on average, with a range from 47 to 91 GJ ha-1. Grazed grass provided 66% of the utilized metabolizable energy, and conserved grass 34%. Higher utilized metabolizable energy output was not always obtained at higher fertilizer N inputs, even when soil moisture conditions favoured herbage growth.
The efficiency of utilization of herbage conserved (almost always as silage rather than hay) was calculated by expressing utilized metabolizable energy output as a proportion of the quantity of herbage cut, measured by swath weighings; the mean value was 64%, with a range from 55 to 73%. Cellulose analyses indicated that mean dry matter losses via CO2 and effluent were 10%; the remaining 26% loss appeared to be due to physical losses in the field, surface waste and wastage at feedout.
For grazed herbage the utilized metabolizable energy output was expressed as a proportion of herbage accumulation measured over 28-day periods. The resultant apparent efficiency of utilization averaged 67%, with a wide range from 51 to 83%. The lowest values were on badly drained farms.
It is suggested that:
(i) there is considerable potential for increasing output from grazing on dairy farms; higher grazing pressure and more flexible management would be needed. Targets should probably be set lower on badly drained soils;
(ii) there is great potential for increasing the efficiency of utilization of conserved forage, by careful application of existing technology;
(iii) on the farms studied the utilized metabolizable energy output from grazed and conserved fields appeared to be similar.  相似文献   

Forty hill farms in Northern Ireland were surveyed to obtain information on stocking rates and output and to identify factors affecting output. The mean farm area of 194 ha was composed of 155 ha hill land and 39 ha inbye land with a mean stocking rate of 0–7 cow-equivalents ha−1.
On the average farm most of the grassland (88%) was over 20 years old. The preferred species content of the swards averaged 22% over the whole farm and 42% in cut swards. This latter result may be attributed to the relatively high level of fertilizer N applied to these swards (131 kg ha−1) compared to the mean application rate over the whole farm of only 29 kg N ha−1 and 93 kg ha−1 applied to the inbye land.
Output data calculated as utilized metabolizable energy (UME) per unit area for the whole farm and separately for hill and inbye components showed that although only 21% of the farm area was inbye land almost half the annual total metabolizable energy requirements of stock had to be met by grazing inbye. The capacity of herbage to meet stock energy demands was much lower on the hill with supplementary feed having to be provided over the winter.
Calculated output from inbye land was 39 GJ ha−1 compared to 7 GJ ha−1 from the hill and 15 GJ ha−1 from the whole farm. UME output of the whole farm was negatively correlated with farm size (r=−0 55) and positively correlated with stocking rate (r = 0 89), applied N level (r = 0 63)  相似文献   

A dairy cow system simulator, Dairy_sim , designed for assessing the interaction of climate and management on dairy cow production, based on rotational grass grazing, was further developed by integrating a soil water model. The soil water model was based on the concept of soil water deficits, and influenced the growth of grass herbage in the simulator when there was an excess of water over field capacity and when water content in the soil was approaching wilting point. The soil water model was tested using baseline meteorological data (1961–1990) and then the system simulation was parameterized and tested for poorly drained soils using data from a research farm in the west of Ireland. After testing, the effects of regional differences in climate on system management on well- and poorly drained soils were compared. Down-scaled Global Climate Model (GCM) data for the baseline years (1961–1990) were used for this purpose. These data resulted in slightly more favourable weather than that recorded. It was found that the simulator was capable of generating results in good agreement with published data for dairy production on poorly drained soils. The regional analysis showed dairy farms on well-drained soils out-performed their equivalents on poorly drained soils and, in general, were able to sustain higher stocking rates by 0·6–0·9 cows ha−1. Dry matter production was around 1·5–3 t ha−1 greater per annum on well-drained soils compared to poorly drained soils. The simulator, Dairy_sim , also captured a large difference in the requirement for housing and forage between the well and poorly drained soils. The simulation model can now be used to evaluate interactions between soils, systems and weather, and is thus a more useful tool for developing practical advice and for evaluating the impacts of possible climate change.  相似文献   

The productivity and response to fertilizer nitrogen (N) was measured in herb-rich wetland hay meadows within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in Somerset, UK. Output from hay cut after 1 July each year and from beef production at aftermath grazing was measured over a total of 4 years.
Total utilized metabolizable energy (UME) output averaged from 40·6 GJ ha−1 year−1 without fertilizers to 61·7GJha−1 at 200kgNha−1 (N-200), the highest rate used, with about two-thirds of this output from hay. N response was markedly curvilinear above about 50kgN ha−1, but data from a concurrent experiment suggested that the comparatively low replacement rates of P and K applied were limiting at higher N rates. When hay cutting was delayed until early August in a wet year, yield response to N was lost because fertilized swards had passed a peak in yield several weeks before harvest.
Compared with other published data, the results suggest that output and response to N is not constrained by the diversity of the flora or the damp conditions. The data will help to estimate the financial implications for farmers of restricted or zero fertilizer use within SSSIs and the wider Environmentally Sensitive Areas.  相似文献   

The effects of fertilizer nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) on herbage production were investigated in herb-rich hay meadows in Somerset, UK. Swards were cut after 1 July each year, followed by one or two aftermath cuts. Dry-matter (DM) yield at cutting, metabolizable energy (ME) production and recovery of N, P and K were measured over 4 years.
Total annual DM production increased from 4·7t ha−1 without fertilizers to 10·5t ha−1 with 200 kg N, 75 kg P and 200 kg K ha−1 per year, and ME output from 38·8 GJ ha−1 to 92·5 GJ ha−1. Applying moderate replacement rates of P and K without N increased annual DM and N yields by 43% and 36% respectively, but N response was modest unless high rates of P and K were used. Annual ME output and recovery of N, P and K were all significantly increased by taking an additional, earlier cut for silage, even though DM yield was unaffected.
The results suggest that potential output of these meadows is similar to that of a wide range of less diverse permanent pastures. Data from this and a concurrent experiment will help to estimate the financial implications of fertilizer and cutting date restrictions within Sites of Special Scientific Interest and the wider Environmentally Sensitive Areas.  相似文献   

A survey of grassland on 127 farms in south-west England was conducted in order to investigate the cutting and grazing management of grassland, botanical composition and the use of fertilizer N, and to quantify recent trends in reseeding and the age structure of swards. Twenty-six percent of the grassland surveyed was classified as arable grassland (in rotation with crops) and 74% as permanent grassland. Only 37% of the established grassland on dairy farms was aged over 20 years compared with 53% on livestock farms. Mowing was practised on 52% of the grassland, two-thirds of it every year, and virtually all grassland was grazed for part of the year. The average fertilizer N input was 168 kg ha−1 with considerable variation with sward age (average 113 kg ha−1 for over-20-year-old swards) and between dairy farms (average 217 kg ha−1) and livestock farms (100 kg ha−1)- The average proportion of sown species (mainly Lolium perenne) ranged from 90% in young swards to 36% in swards aged over 20 years, with considerable variation within age groups. L. perenne was associated with high inputs of fertilizer N, good drainage, sheep grazing and organic manures, e.g. among swards aged over 20 years it contributed 38% on average where >250 kg N ha−1 were applied, but only 12% where no fertilizer N was applied. A continuous network of Trifolium repens occurred in 27% of the grassland–this was associated with low inputs of fertilizer N, good drainage and sheep grazing. Agrostis spp. were the most abundant unsown species and Cirsium arvense, Ranunculus spp. and Rumex spp. the most common broad-leaved weeds. Features of the sample are compared with those in the south-west England region and in England and Wales as a whole.  相似文献   

Over a 24-week period, three groups of dairy cows were continuously stocked at 8, 10 or 12 cows ha-1 between morning and afternoon milkings, and overnight were housed and offered grass silage ad libitum. Due to a prolonged drought, sward heights only averaged 4·1 cm.
The increase in daytime stocking rate led to a decline in herbage intake, and increases in silage intake. At the highest stocking rate (12 cows ha-1), the silage intake failed to compensate for the reduced herbage intake. Consequently the total dry matter and estimated metabolizable energy intakes were lower than for the 8 and 10 cows ha-1 treatments. Milk yields and milk composition were not significantly affected by treatment but the 12 cows ha-1 stocking rate gave the lowest milk and milk solids yields.
The utilized metabolizable energy (UME) on the grazed swards was greatest for the 10 cows ha-1 treatment. The sward cut to provide the silage had a UME level (GJ ha-1) 32% greater on average than the grazed swards during the same growth period. The total areas utilized for grazing and silage production for 8, 10 and 12 cows ha-1 were 0·240, 0·224 and 0·215 ha respectively. Fat and protein yields per unit area were greatest for the 10 cows ha-1 group.  相似文献   

Between 1976 and 1978 a further 154 beef animals were grazed in separate groups on Alberts and Far field at Begbroke Hill, the former being a paddock system and the latter being set-stocked. Each year part of Alberts received complete fertilizer (147–180 kg ha-1 N) and part did not. All of Far field received complete fertilizer (140–190 kg ha-1 N). Drought caused a reduction in output in 1976, but in 1977 and 1978 total production of live weight was 9·07 and 8·74 t respectively from 11·65 ha grassland. Calculations of corrected outputs show that maxima of 829 kg ha-1 in Alberts and 908 kg ha-1 in Far field were achieved from fertilized grass. The highest output in Alberts represented 929 livestock unit grazing days per ha or 87·9 GJ ha-1 in 1978.  相似文献   

Records of grassland productivity were kept for 2 years on 152 dairy and 179 beef farms. Results were collated for six lowland zones, delineated primarily on the basis of average rainfall, and an upland zone. Contemporary and long-term average meteorological records were also collected.
In most of the lowland zones stocking rates and use of fertilizer N were similar, but utilized metabolizable energy (UME) output from grass varied; it was 25% higher in the wet, cool zone of north-west England and east Wales than in the dry zone of eastern England. The ranking of zones for utilized output corresponded closely with the ranking for summer rainfall.
On upland farms stocking rate was 25% lower and UME output 15% lower than on lowland farms, but this was achieved from little more than half the N input.
The differences between zones were similar to those shown in other published farm data. They also showed a similar trend to that demonstrated in grass cutting experiments. This suggests that farmers were, on average, able to exploit the extra grass grown in wetter climates. The incidence of difficult topography and impeded drainage was similar in dry and wet zones, but did have a more serious effect in the wet zones. The much higher level of concentrate feeding in the driest zone may have reduced the utilization of grass.  相似文献   

Herbage growth was measured in two contrasting years on five farms representing a range of soil types. On fields cut for conservation in 1982 DM production varied between farms from 12.3 tha-1 to 14.1 tha-1 in line with fertilizer N levels, which ranged from 220 to 333 kg ha-1. In 1983 production was from 10.3 tha-1 to 12.3 tha-1; this again corresponded with fertilizer N, except on farm B which had the shallowest soils. On fields used for grazing all farmers used rotational management. Herbage accumulation was measured by trimming to 25 mm and harvesting after 4 weeks. As on conservation fields, herbage accumulation was generally greater on farms using more N, at least up to 300 kg ha-1.
In 1982 growth consistently exceeded predictions based on plot experiments. In 1983 growth was on average less than predicted on grazing fields but slightly more than predicted on cutting fields-We conclude that such predictions of annual production are a valuable aid to farm planning, and need not be reduced to allow for on-farm conditions, although they are least good at low levels of N. Predictions of individual cuts were not satisfactory, with a strong tendency to overestimate first cut and underestimate second cut.
There was no indication that annual herbage production was less on badly drained than on well drained soils. Indeed, in the dry summer of 1983 badly drained land appeared to have an advantage, despite considerable poaching damage in the spring. Furthermore, there was no evidence that production was deficient on swards dominated by Holcus and Agrostis spp.  相似文献   

A long-term field grazing experiment was begun in 1982 to examine the impact of efficient field drainage on herbage and animal production from swards on an impermeable clay loam in the south-west of England. Drained and undrained lysimeter plots (each of 1 ha) were established on the existing permanent sward and received annual applications of fertilizer N of 200 or 400 kg ha−1. Similar plots were initially ploughed and reseeded with Lolium perenne (cv. Melle), and received fertilizer N at an annual rate of 400 kg ha−1. All plots were continuously stocked by beef cattle and stock numbers were adjusted to maintain a constant sward height and to avoid poaching damage. Results for the first 5 years show that the benefits from drainage were modest and, for beef production, unlikely to pay for its costs over the shorter term. The main benefit was in spring when herbage dry matter yield was 11% greater on the drained plots, but with no significant interaction with fertilizer N level or sward type. This benefit was reduced to 3% on an annual basis, due to the effect of the larger soil water deficits sustained by the drained swards in mid-season. Drainage increased the annual liveweight gain per ha by the grazing cattle by 11%. Possible mechanisms accounting for these effects are discussed in relation to the influences of seasonal patterns of weather.  相似文献   

With its potential for high yields and high animal output, lucerne appears to be an underexploited crop in British agriculture. In this paper an attempt is made to assess the prospects for expansion of the area of lucerne in Britain from an economic viewpoint, concentrating on lucerne as a conservation crop. Under good management lucerne is shown to have lower production costs than grass and its inclusion in the diet of dairy cows, but not beef cattle, could significantly lower winter feed costs. However, under apparently similar growing conditions, lucerne yields on different farms vary significantly, ranging from 9 to 13 t dry matter ha−1 a−1. At the lower yields, the economic attraction of growing and feeding lucerne in place of grass is small. Moreover, since potential lucerne production is concentrated in the south and east of Britain, lucerne competes with other arable crops. For lucerne to offer a gross margin per unit area comparable with these, the price for conserved lucerne would have to be set at a level at which dairy farmers would derive little economic advantage from feeding it. Thus, although lucerne is a forage crop with some potential, at present it is likely to offer economic possibilities only where producers can combine high yields with on-farm utilization of the crop.  相似文献   

A 1-year grazing experiment with dairy cows is described in which the milk yield and herbage intake from a sward of S23 perennial ryegrass alone receiving fertilizer N at an annual rate of 360 kg ha−1 were compared with those from a ryegrass-white clover var. Blanca sward given a total N application of 180 kg ha−1. Both treatments gave virtually the same total milk yield of about 12500 kg ha−1 over a 20-week grazing season.  相似文献   

Masham ewes, stocked at 20 ewes ha−1, reared twins at pasture in 1979 and 1980 and were rotationally grazed around six paddocks. There were three lengths of grazing cycle (18, 30 or 42 d) and the ewes at pasture were either offered silage ad libitum (S) for 8 weeks of lactation or they were not supplemented with silage (N). By feeding silage, S ewes and lambs moved into greater herbage masses (3735 u. 3390 kg organic matter (OM) ha−1), but there was little effect on net herbage accumulation (10.5 v. 10.0 t OM ha−1) and herbage intakes per ewe were similar (2.31 v . 2.27 kg OM d−1) over the 7-month grazing season. During the period of silage supplementation, total intake was 19% higher for S than N ewes, lamb growth rates were slightly higher (280 v . 273 g d−1) and the ewes lost less weight (−78 v −96 g d−1).
For 18-, 30- and 42-d grazing cycles respectively the herbage masses before grazing were 2825, 3620 and 4240 kg OM ha−1; net herbage accumulations were 9.8, 10.4 and 10.6 t OM ha−1; mean daily herbage intakes by each unit (ewe+lambs) were 2.22, 2.35 and 2.30 kg OM and lamb growth rates from birth to weaning at 20 weeks were 205, 204 and 204 g d−1.
Frequent grazing of relatively light herbage masses or infrequent defoliation of heavier herbage masses made little difference to sward or animal performance. It is concluded that, at this stocking rate, different grazing cycles of 18, 30 or 42 d do not affect the performance of lactating ewes.  相似文献   

A resting plate meter was tested in the laboratory and on a field site to determine its effectiveness for estimating peak herbage mass on semi-arid grasslands. In laboratory tests, data from the plate meter closely predicted the herbage mass of four perennial bunch grasses (thirteen of sixteen tests with r 2 ≥ 0·90) but the closeness of the prediction varied with the pressure of the plate. Field tests took place on a southern Arizona, USA semi-arid grassland in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Twenty teams of two or three people sampled the site; five teams in each year measured eight to thirteen plate heights and clipped the vegetation beneath. Consistent with a need for yearly calibration, a significantly different ( P  <   0·05) linear relationship was detected between 3 of the 4 years which was associated with differences in average herbage mass of dry matter (DM) (1525 kg ha−1 for 2005, 2093 kg ha−1 for 2006, 1338 kg ha−1 for 2007 and 1370 kg ha−1 for 2008). Plate height poorly predicted herbage mass within years ( r 2  = 0·21, 0·51, 0·49 and 0·41 respectively) with plate heights explaining half or less of the variability in field herbage mass and having a mean prediction error of 466 kg DM ha−1. The plate meter technique had limited potential for estimating peak herbage mass in semi-arid grasslands.  相似文献   

The expected reduction in the use of fertilizer nitrogen (N) on grassland in the Netherlands has led to renewed interest in white clover. Therefore, the performance of a newly sown perennial ryegrass/white clover sward on clay soil was assessed during 4 consecutive years. The experiment consisted of all combinations of two defoliation systems, i.e. one or two silage cuts per year (S1, S2), spring N application rate, i.e. 0 or 50 kg ha−1 year−1 (N0, N50), and the management system, i.e. rotational grazing and cutting, or cutting only (RGC, CO). The overall mean white clover cover was 30%. All treatments affected white clover cover, which was 8% higher with S2 than with S1, 6% higher with N0 than with N50 and 12% higher with CO than with RGC. The overall mean annual dry-matter (DM) yield (13·1 t ha−1 year−1) was significantly affected only by the management system: in two relatively wetter years, the annual DM yield was 1·19 t ha−1 higher with RGC than with CO, whereas there was no difference in two relatively drier years. Nitrogen application increased the DM yield in the first cut by 7·0 kg kg−1 N applied, but had no significant effect on the annual DM yield. Herbage quality was not affected by the experimental treatments. The average in vitro organic matter digestibility was 0.801, and the average crude protein content was 193 g kg−1 DM. With the expected reduction in the use of fertilizer N, perennial ryegrass/white clover swards should be seriously considered as an alternative option to perennial ryegrass swards on these clay soils.  相似文献   

In each year from 1984-5 to 1987-8 the effect of leatherjackets on yield of improved upland pasture was assessed at Redesdale Experimental Husbandry Farm in Northumberland. Chlor-pyrifos at 0.72 kg ha−1 was applied in November or December to half the plots; these and the untreated plots received one of four fertilizer rates (0, 40, 80, 120 kg N ha−1). All rates increased yield by a mean of about 24 kg DM kg N−1.
There was a significant correlation (Y (t DM ha−1) = 0-21 + 0-00168 ×, r = 0-99 ( P = 0.001)) between yield response to chlorpyrifos and leatherjacket numbers m−2 in November/ December. Treatment thresholds for leatherjacket numbers are given.  相似文献   

The effects of sowing date and autumn management of sainfoin ( Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) were investigated over 3 years in the UK. Replicated plots were sown between April and September in 2003 and 2004. Autumn management treatments were early and late cutting carried out in the establishment year and in subsequent years. Dry matter (DM) yields were measured over 3 years. One harvest was taken from April to July sowings in the establishment year and three harvests in each of the following years. DM yields from sowings in April and May were 2·8 and 3·3 t DM ha−1, respectively, in the establishment year, which were higher ( P  <   0·001) than from sowings in June and July. Sowings from April to July yielded 10·9–12·5 t DM ha−1 in the first full-harvest year, and 9·5–11·5 t DM ha−1 in the following year. Sowings in August and September only gave 5 t DM ha−1 year−1. Early-autumn cutting of an established sward reduced yields of sainfoin at the second harvest in the first and second full-harvest years. Sowing in May had the lowest proportion of weed species (0·06) in the establishment year, and sowing in July had the highest (0·53). Crude protein concentration increased as the seasons progressed from 149·8 to 230·1 g kg−1 DM.  相似文献   

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