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Moisture deficit, poor soil fertility and lack of improved varieties constrained sorghum production in north-eastern Ethiopia. An experiment was conducted in 2002 at Kobo and Sirinka in north-eastern Ethiopia to study the possible effects of seedbed, nitrogen fertilizer and cultivar on the yield and N use efficiency (NUE) of sorghum. The experiment was carried out in a split–split plot design with seedbed (tied-ridge vs. flatbed planting) as main plots, N fertilizer (0, 40 and 80 kg N ha?1) as subplots and sorghum cultivars (Jigurti, ICSV111 and 76T1#23) as sub-sub plots, with three replications. At Kobo, the seedbed by cultivar interaction affected all parameters. Nitrogen fertilization increased biomass yield and NUE at both locations and grain yield at Sirinka. Cultivars showed different performance where ICSV111 and 76T1#23 were superior in grain yield, N uptake and concentration, N harvest index and NUE of grain (NUEg) compared with Jigurti. Thus, planting ICSV111 and 76T1#23 in tied-ridging and with N fertilization at Kobo and in flatbed and with N fertilization at Sirinka is recommended. This study revealed that tied-ridging is not a solution in all areas where moisture deficiency is a problem. Its effectiveness is affected by rainfall amount and soil type.  相似文献   

气候变化对中国农业用水和粮食生产的影响   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10  
全球气候变暖作为一个不争的客观事实,不可避免地会对中国农业用水和粮食生产产生影响。该文分别采用Palmer干旱指数(PDSI)、单位灌溉面积用水量(GIQ)、单位面积粮食产量(PHGO)作为气候变化、农业用水和粮食生产具体度量指标,分析了中国1949-2005年PDSI、GIQ、PHGO年际变化特征及其相关关系,发现在1949-1983年PHGO和1949-1990年GIQ均与PDSI具有较好线性相关关系,表明气候变化在上述时间段对农业用水和粮食生产影响显著,人为因素(技术进步、政策机制、生产投入等)影响相对较小。依据相关关系对1949-2005年GIQ和PHGO进行预测发现,1991-2005年GIQ和1984-2005年PHGO预测值与实际值拟合程度较差,表明人为因素(技术进步、政策机制、生产投入等)在农业用水和粮食生产中已逐渐占据主导地位,对农业节水平均影响率达27%以上,对粮食增产平均影响率达40%以上。通过技术创新、政策机制保障和生产投入增加等人为因素控制,可在一定程度上缓解气候变化对中国农业用水和粮食生产带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

通过3年田间定位试验利用氮素平衡方程模拟了传统水氮管理和优化水氮管理下连作蔬菜地土壤无机态氮含量的变化,分析了两种水氮管理对土壤氮素损失量及氮素利用效率的影响。结果表明:优化水氮管理下花椰菜、苋菜和菠菜生长期内土壤平均(2年或3年)氮素损失量(氨挥发、反硝化和硝态氮淋洗的总和)只有传统水氮管理下花椰菜、苋菜和菠菜生长期内土壤平均氮素损失量的9%、8%和18%;氮素利用效率是传统水氮管理下各蔬菜氮素利用效率的2.3倍、3.2倍、1.7倍,而两处理间蔬菜平均产量并无显著差异。  相似文献   

不同氮素利用效率小麦品种的氮效率相关生理参数研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在不同氮处理条件下,研究了不同氮效率小麦品种的子粒产量、植株氮含量和植株氮累积量及氮效率相关的生理参数。结果表明,在低氮处理(LN)下,氮高效品种沧核036较氮低效品种衡6599具有较高的子粒产量、植株氮含量和植株氮累积量,其产量比对照的下降幅度也明显小于衡6599;单位面积穗数的大幅减少是衡6599产量明显下降的主导因素。在LN条件下,沧核036在挑旗期、开花期和灌浆期,植株上部三片展开叶均具有较高的硝酸还原酶(NR)、亚硝酸还原酶(NIR)和谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性,以及较高的光合色素含量和可溶蛋白含量;生育后期该品种的气孔导度和光合速率也高于衡6599。在LN条件下,叶片的可溶性糖含量和脯氨酸含量以衡6599较高;各测定时期的丙二醛含量,沧核036也低于衡6599,但SOD活性在两品种间差异较小。表明LN条件下,氮高效品种沧核036表现的氮高效特征,是其具有较强的氮素吸收和同化能力;较高SOD活性,缓解了细胞的膜脂过氧化程度;光合色素含量增加和光合暗反应活性增强,使光合碳同化能力提高的综合作用结果。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to obtain the N balance sheet for sole crops and intercrops of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and pigeonpeas [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. Intercropping gave a significant advantage over sole cropping in terms of dry matter production and grain yield, as calculated on the basis of the land equivalent ratio and area-time equivalent ratio. The N fertilizer use efficiency and atmospheric N2 fixation by pigeonpea were estimated using 15N-labeling and natural abundance methods. The N fertilizer use efficiency of sorghum was unaltered by the cropping system, while that of the pigeonpea was greatly reduced by intercropping. Although intercropping increased the fractional contribution of fixed N to the pigeonpeas, no significant difference was observed between the cropping systems in total symbiotically fixed N. There was no evidence of a significant transfer of N from the pigeonpea to the sorghum. This study showed that use of soil N and fertilizer N by pigeonpeas was almost the same as that by sorghum in sole cropping, indicating the potential competence of pigeonpeas to exploit soil N. However, when N was exhausted by a companion crop in intercropping, the pigeonpea crop increased its dependency on atmospheric N2 fixation. We conclude that knowledge of how N from different sources is shared by companion crops is a prerequisite to establishing strategies to increase N use, and consequently land productivity, in intercropping systems.  相似文献   

The differential response of two contrasting cassava cultivars to different rates of soil‐applied nitrogen (N) on the number of tuberous roots, harvest index, yield, nitrogen uptake, and fertilizer‐nitrogen‐use efficiency was studied over a period of 2 years on a typic Plinthustults in Kerala state in Southern India. The experiment was laid out in a split‐plot design with two popular cultivars of cassava, namely Sree Vijaya (6 months) and M‐4 (10 months) in the main plots, and eight urea‐N rates (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha–1) in subplots. Half of the N was applied at the time of planting and the other half 60 d later. The study revealed significant differences between the two cultivars regarding their response to fertilizer‐N application. The tuberous‐root yield of the short‐duration cultivar Sree Vijaya increased significantly up to 100 kg N ha–1 whereas the yield of the long‐duration cultivar M‐4 increased significantly only up to 50 kg N ha–1 rate. Also the N‐use‐efficiency parameters (i.e., agronomic, recovery, and physiological efficiencies) were higher in Sree Vijaya than in M‐4 but declined at N rates beyond 100 kg ha–1. The more efficient N use in the short‐duration cultivar was associated with a higher N uptake and a more efficient internal use.  相似文献   

Global nitrogen (N) budgets for intensive agricultural systems were compiled for a 0.5 by 0.5 degree resolution. These budgets include N inputs (N fertilizer, animal manure, biological N fixation and atmospheric N deposition) and outputs (N removal from the field in harvested crops and grass and grass consumption by grazing animals, ammonia volatilization, denitrification and leaching). Data for the historical years 1970 and 1995 and a projection for 2030 were used to study changes in the recovery of N and the different loss terms for intensive agricultural systems. The results indicated that the overall system N recovery and fertilizer use efficiency slowly increased in the industrialized countries between 1970 and 1995, the values for developing countries have decreased in the same period. For the coming three decades our results indicated a rapid increase in both the industrialized and developing countries. High values of > 80% for fertilizer use efficiency may be related to surface N balance deficits, implying a depletion of soil N and loss of soil fertility. The projected intensification in most developing countries would cause a gradual shift from deficits to surpluses in the coming decades. The projected fast growth of crop and livestock production, and intensification and associated increase in fertilizer inputs would cause a major increase in the surface N balance surplus in the coming three decades. This implied increasing losses of N compounds to air (ammonia, nitrous oxide and nitric oxide), and groundwater and surface water (nitrate).  相似文献   

为系统分析和评价农业土地利用环境效应,了解农业系统中物质循环规律,提高物质利用效率,本文采用物质流分析方法,通过构建区域尺度农业土地利用系统的物质流分析框架和评价指标体系,以湖南省桃江县为案例区,综合评价了该区域农业土地利用系统中氮素利用效率及环境健康状况。结果表明:(1)1980—2013年,桃江县农业土地利用系统生产输入氮素量和环境输入氮素量显著增加,2013年比1980年分别增加了1.2倍和0.4倍;其中,生产输入方式是桃江县氮素输入总量的主要来源,占2013年总输入量的77%。(2)1980—2013年,桃江县氮素输出总量逐年波动增长,而产品输出氮素量却增加不多,但环境输出氮素量比1980年增长了1.4倍。(3)与此同时,桃江县农业土地利用系统氮肥投入强度逐年增长,至2013年其值达到328.4 kg·hm~(-2),超过了警戒值(250.0 kg·hm~(-2));此外,桃江县氮素物质利用效率逐年降低,物质生产效率还处于较低水平,还需进一步采取措施,调整农业结构,提高农产品附加值。(4)1980—2010年桃江县农业土地利用系统生态稳定性和环境健康质量逐年恶化,然而,在2010—2013年桃江县的环境健康质量有所好转,其氮素养分负荷由2010年的208.8 kg·hm~(-2)回落至2013年的154.1 kg·hm~(-2)。  相似文献   

Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is the major crop grown in highland and mountainous areas of Colombia, where the most common yield‐limiting factors are nitrogen (N) and soil water content. Since the eventual success of a plantation is determined by the performance of coffee plants during critical early stages, our goal was to better understand plant response to these limiting factors. Four different levels of N and soil water content were evaluated under greenhouse conditions for their effect on growth, water use efficiency, fertilizer‐N recovery efficiency (FNRE), and stem lignin and cellulose of coffee seedlings. The interaction between N and moisture did not produce a significant response in coffee growth. However, by increasing N, both water use efficiency and 13C content were enhanced, while growth, recovery of urea by plants, and stem strength were decreased. Water stress due to low soil water content increased water use efficiency, 13C content, and root to shoot ratio, but decreased shoot growth. These results demonstrate the effects of N supply and water balance and highlight the excessive amount of N typically applied to coffee seedlings as well as the importance of the acclimation process of young plants to changes in soil N and water. All of these are important considerations in improving management strategies to reduce environmental impact while sustaining optimal productivity.  相似文献   


This research aims to evaluate the impact of nitrogen deprivation and water stress on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in young plants of five cultivars of Arabic coffee. A factorial experiment 5 (cultivars) × 3 (treatments: control without stress, water stress of ?1.5?MPa and stress of N – 0.0?mmol L?1 N) was carried out in a complete randomized block design with three replicates. Before being submitted to the treatments, the plants were grown in a greenhouse for 240?days, and then transferred to a growth chamber under controlled conditions. Subsequently, after the experimental period of 96?h we measured photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance to water vapor (gs), transpiratory rate (E), internal and external carbon ratio (Ci/Ca), water use efficiency (A/E), electron transport rate (ETR), actual quantum yield of PS II electron transport (φFSII), and maximum photochemical efficiency of PS II (Fv/Fm). Water stress reduced A, gs, E, A/E, ETR, φFSII, and Fv/Fm. The nitrogen deficiency reduced ETR, φFSII, and Fv/Fm. Under short-term water stress Catuaí Vermelho maintain the A values due to better stomatal control, reduced water lost by transpiration (E) and better water use efficiency A/E, while Mundo Novo and Acauã show lower damage to Fv/Fm. Short-term nitrogen stress has low impact on A of young plants of Coffea arabica cultivars with adequate N-nutrition.  相似文献   

The plant‐available soil water, amount and distribution of rainfall or irrigation are primary factors that may affect yield and quality of winter wheat in heterogeneous fields. The objective of this 2‐y study was to vary N application and water supply in order to achieve a more mechanistic insight into the effects of underlying differences in the site‐specific productivity on heterogeneous fields. Two N fertilizer rates (120 and 180 kg N ha–1) and three different water supply treatments (rain sheltering, irrigation, rain‐fed) were compared on field sites with lower or higher plant available soil water capacities. On the whole, the site, rather than rainfall or N fertilisation, was the primary factor that accounted for variability in grain yield. Rainfall distribution during the growing season affected the overall yield level in a given year. The sites characterised by lower plant available water capacity did not show higher grain yield and improved quality with the increased N rate. This suggests that the reduced N rate should be recommended on these sites to take into account the environmental sustainability of N fertilisation. With respect to the higher N application at sites of high plant available soil water capacity, although the already high yield levels were not increased further, the protein quality was significantly improved in the first season within all treatments and in the second season in the irrigated treatments. Therefore, a higher N‐rate proved to be advantageous, especially considering that the residual nitrate levels after harvest were low. The study demonstrated that the response of winter wheat to water shortage or abundance and N fertilisation is site‐specific and dependent on the availability of soil water.  相似文献   

Ridge and furrow systems as well as the wide-narrow row spacing are recognized as good management practices in crop production. To obtain some available information concerning the suitable agricultural practices for buckwheat cultivation in arid and semi-arid area, a two-year field study was conducted to investigate the performance of common buckwheat grown under six cropping patterns: conventional flat single/double row planting (NS/ND); furrow single/double row planting (FS/FD); ridge single/double row planting (RS/RD); single row planting with equal row spacing and double row planting with wide-narrow row spacing practice. Plants grown under the FD system exhibited higher water use efficiency (WUE) and rainfall use efficiency (RUE) than plants cultivated with the NS system, increases with 13.7% and 21.9%, respectively, in 2014, while 9.8% and 14.0%, respectively, in 2015. Plants of the FD system also displayed the greatest leaf area index and canopy openness at growth stage of 40, 60, and 80 days after sowing, maximum biomass production (13.96 t ha?1) and grain yield (3486.2 kg ha?1) in 2014, and the least pronounced soil nitrate consumption as compared to plants from other tillage systems. We conclude that FD is the optimum planting pattern for common buckwheat cultivation in semi-arid and arid environments.  相似文献   


Global warming along with the increasing population and fresh water shortages necessitates a specific fertilization programme under water-scarce conditions. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different irrigation and nitrogen levels on yield, growth components and water use characteristics of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. Botrytis cv. Tetris-F1) cultivated in a field for three consecutive years from 2005 to 2007 in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. Four irrigation (Kcp) levels with a drip irrigation system based on adjustment coefficients (0, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25) of pan evaporation were used. Nitrogen (N) treatments were consisted of four different nitrogen rates (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg N ha–1). The following yield and quality parameters were determined: curd weight, curd diameters, number of leaves per crop, above ground biomass (AGB) and curd/AGB ratio. Fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) and leaf mineral contents were also determined to clarify the productivity of N treatments. According to the results; the amount of irrigation water and/or total received water affects the plant water consumption, consequently, crop yield in a field grown cauliflower. The highest yield was obtained in Kcp1.0 irrigation level which represents full irrigation treatment. The excess water applications had negative effect on yield and AGB of cauliflower. Highest yield was obtained at 225 kg N ha–1.

The water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency values increased with decreasing irrigation rate. However, lower Kcp coefficients resulted in lower total yield. The FUE in irrigation treatments showed linear increases from non irrigation to full irrigation plots. However, excessive irrigation caused a decrease in FUE. It can be recommended that the Kcp1.0 crop-pan coefficient with 225 kg ha–1 nitrogen application can be used to achieve the highest yield for field grown cauliflower in the Eastern Mediterranean coastal region of Turkey.  相似文献   

中国农业用水存在的问题及节水对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
水资源紧缺及社会工业化和城市化的发展导致中国农业水资源严重不足,与此同时,农业用水中的水浪费现象还普遍存在,因此,节水农业是解决中国缺水问题的唯一途径.该文分析了中国当前农业用水存在的主要问题,从农艺节水、抗旱品种选育以及农业用水管理创新等方面论述了目前国内外节水农业上的研究进展,并由此提出了中国进一步发展节水农业的战略性措施.  相似文献   

中国农业用水存在的问题及节水对策   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
水资源紧缺及社会工业化和城市化的发展导致中国农业水资源严重不足,与此同时,农业用水中的水浪费现象还普遍存在,因此,节水农业是解决中国缺水问题的唯一途径。该文分析了中国当前农业用水存在的主要问题,从农艺节水、抗旱品种选育以及农业用水管理创新等方面论述了目前国内外节水农业上的研究进展,并由此提出了中国进一步发展节水农业的战略性措施。  相似文献   

不同年代玉米品种氮素利用效率与其根系特征的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
【目的】玉米品种根系构型及解剖结构决定着其氮素利用的效率。研究不同年代推广的玉米品种根系构型与解剖结构的演进规律,可为选育高产氮素高效利用型玉米新品种提供理论依据。 【方法】以20世纪80年代至今推广的8个玉米品种掖单13号(YD13)、农大108(ND108)、郑单958(ZD958)、先玉335(XY335)、京科968(JK968)、中单909(ZD909)、登海605(DH605)、登海618(DH618)为试验材料,进行大田和土柱栽培两种试验。大田试验施氮量为N 236.25 kg/hm2和不施氮,土柱试验为N 4.5和1.5 g/plant,定期取样测定根系相关指标、干物质及氮素积累与分配。 【结果】近代玉米品种籽粒产量和氮素积累量均显著高于早期品种,高氮处理2000's以后品种(JK968、ZD909、DH605、DH618)较之前的4个品种分别增加14.7%和11.7%,低氮条件下分别增加16.1%和20.6%;高氮处理,1990's玉米品种ND108、ZD958根系干重较1980's品种YD13平均减少54.2%,2000's以后的品种JK968、ZD909、DH605、DH618较1990's玉米品种平均增加23.2%,但仍少于YD13;次生胚根数目随品种更替呈现逐渐增加趋势;根系皮层通气组织(RCA)占根系横截面积的比例随品种更替呈现增加趋势,而根系皮层细胞层数(CCFN)和细胞大小(CCS)虽有差异,但并无明显变化趋势;2000's以后品种D95(95%的根系干重所达到的土层深度)较之前品种增加23.7%,表明近代品种根系下扎能力增强,在深层土壤中的根系分布比例增加。在同一氮素水平下,根干重、D95、RCA%与氮素积累量呈显著线性正相关,根系呼吸速率和氮素积累量呈显著线性负相关。 【结论】现代玉米品种的氮素吸收量与氮素利用效率显著高于早期品种,在低氮条件下优势更明显。随品种更替,次生胚根数目增多,利于玉米苗期的生长;根系总量呈现先减少后增加的趋势,根系下扎能力明显增强,深层土壤中根系显著增加。现代玉米品种根系RCA占根系横截面积比例显著增加,减少了根系呼吸消耗,有利于产量的提高。  相似文献   

滴灌条件下冬小麦施氮增产的光合生理响应   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
小麦籽粒产量与抽穗期之后的旗叶光合能力密切相关。为明确冬小麦施氮增产的光合生理响应,该文以充分滴灌不同N追肥量处理的冬小麦田为研究对象,抽穗期后进行3次旗叶光合-光响应曲线测定,量化并比较了旗叶光合能力(Amax)和表观光量子羧化效率(α)等参数及产量(Y)和水分利用效率(WUEa),并确定了旗叶比叶重(SLA)、N含量(N-mass和N-area)和13C同位素甄别率(Δ)对光合参数及产量的影响。分析表明:充分滴灌条件下,增施N肥能延长旗叶光合功能持续期,提高Amax和α,以高N处理(N3,207kg/hm2)处理最为显著(P=0.046),在生育中后期仍能保持较高的Amax,这也是N3处理Y较高的主要原因。而N肥对农田耗水影响不显著,高N处理的WUEa也较高。Amax的提高和维持与旗叶SLA、N-mass、N-area和Δ的变化有关,N肥处理也显著影响了Amax与SLA、N-mass、N-area和Δ之间的线性相关关系。该结果从光合生理角度阐明了冬小麦施氮增产的生理因素,可为该地区冬小麦滴灌施肥管理提供参考。  相似文献   

该文应用氮足迹(nitrogen footprint,N footprint)、灰水足迹(grey water footprint,GWF)理论,以上海市青浦区为案例区,对集约农业土地利用系统的活性氮排放和非点源污染进行分析,运用非期望产出的SBM-Undesirable窗式分析模型,系统解析农业土地利用环境效率时空分异特征,综合评估农业土地利用系统投入减量化趋势与环境风险降低潜势。结果表明:1)在考虑活性氮排放和非点源污染约束下,2006-2013年青浦区农业土地利用环境效率相对较低,2006-2013年均值仅为0.669;2)2006-2013年青浦区年均劳动力、肥料和机械动力的潜在减量比例较高,8 a间潜在年均缩减总量分别为8 10~4人,4 501.59 t,27 928.44 k W;非点源污染灰水足迹的潜在减排比例高于污染氮足迹,潜在减排总量年均分别为52 046.88万m~3和381.04 t。花香桥街道具有最大的潜在投入减量化与环境风险降低比例。白鹤镇、练塘镇等具有较大的潜在缩减规模,应成为青浦区农业投入减量化和污染物减排总量控制的重点区域。该文评价结果可为制定农业可持续发展规划及农业产业政策提供参考。  相似文献   

Ammonium(NH+4) is the main nitrogen(N) form for rice crops, while NH+4near the root surface can be oxidized to nitrate(NO-3)by NH+4-oxidizing bacteria. Nitrate can be accumulated within rice tissues and reused when N supply is insufficient. We compared the remobilization of NO-3stored in the tissue and vacuolar between two rice(Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, Yangdao 6(YD6, indica)with a high N use efficiency(NUE) and Wuyujing 3(WYJ3, japonica) with a low NUE and measured the uptake of NO-3, expression of nitrate reductase(NR), NO-3transporter genes(NRTs), and NR activity after 4 d of N starvation following 7-d cultivation in a solution containing 2.86 mmol L-1NO-3. The results showed that both tissue NO-3concentration and vacuolar NO-3activity were higher in YD6 than WYJ3 under N starvation. YD6 showed a 2- to 3-fold higher expression of OsNRT2.1 in roots on the 1st and 4th day of N starvation and had significantly higher values of NO-3uptake(maximum uptake velocity, Vmax) than the cultivar WYJ3.Furthermore, YD6 had significantly higher leaf and root maximum NR activity(NRAmax) and actual NR activity(NRAact) as well as stronger root expression of the two NR genes after the 1st day of N starvation. There were no significant differences in NRAmax and NRAact between the two rice cultivars on the 4th day of N starvation. The results suggested that YD6 had stronger NRA under N starvation, which might result in better NO-3re-utilization from the vacuole, and higher capacity for NO-3uptake and use, potentially explaining the higher NUE of YD6 compared with WYJ3.  相似文献   

黄土半干旱区元宝枫叶片气体交换参数对土壤水分的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在黄土高原半干旱地区,采用Li-6400便携式光合测定仪和TDR水分仪,对不同土壤水分处理下的元宝枫(Acer truncatum)盆栽苗木生长的生理生态特征进行观测。研究了叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和气孔限制值(Ls)对土壤含水量(SWC)的响应过程,并探讨了在不同土壤水分胁迫程度下影响元宝枫叶片光合作用变化的规律,最后确定了元宝枫树种在黄土区适宜生长的土壤水分调控标准。结果表明:元宝枫叶片净光合速率最高时的SWC为14%,蒸腾速率最高时的SWC为15%,叶片水分利用效率最高时的SWC为13%,8%的SWC是严重水分胁迫下叶片光合速率降低由气孔因素限制到非气孔因素限制的转折点。根据半干旱地区林业建设以提高林木水分利用效率为核心的土壤水分管理思想,确定元宝枫树种在该区最适宜生长的SWC为11%~15%。  相似文献   

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