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The distribution in soil and plant uptake of zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) as influenced by pine bark-goat manure (PBG) compost additions were investigated from the soils artificially contaminated with Zn or Pb ions using maize (Zea mays L.) as a test crop. Soils were amended with four rates of pine bark-goat manure compost (0, 50, 100, and 200 tons ha?1) and four rates (0, 300, 600 and 1200 mg kg?1) of Zn or Pb. Maize was planted and grown for 42 days. At harvest, plants samples were analyzed for Zn and Pb concentration. Soils samples were analyzed for pH, extractable and diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extractable Zn and Pb. Extractable Zn and Pb was lower in PBG compost amended soils than in unamended soils and steadily declined with increasing amount of compost applied. The extractable fraction for Zn dropped by 62.2, 65.0 and 44.6% for 300, 600 and 1200 mg Zn kg?1, respectively when 200 t ha?1 of PBG compost was applied. Metal uptake by maize plants were directly related to the rate of applied heavy metal ions with greater concentrations of metals ions found where metal ions were added to non-amended soils.  相似文献   

本试验采用连续3茬蔬菜种植试验,研究无肥、纯化肥、化肥配施不同量有机肥对耕地质量及各蔬菜产量的影响。结果表明,长期施用商品有机肥可导致砷、铅、铬在蔬菜地表层土壤中积累,且积累量随有机肥施用量的增加而增加;施用商品有机肥能降低碱性土壤的pH值,有利于作物正常生长;施用化肥配商品有机肥不仅能显著增加土壤中有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾的含量,还能显著增加包心菜、小青菜和玉米的产量,且随商品有机肥用量的增加而增加,表明肥料投入与土壤肥力和蔬菜产量呈正比。  相似文献   

猪粪堆肥过程中养分和重金属含量的动态变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
【目的】规模化、集约化畜禽养殖业饲料中,存在滥用或超剂量使用微量元素如Cu、Zn、Fe、As添加剂的现象,导致畜禽粪便以及以畜禽粪便为来源的有机肥重金属的积累。研究堆肥过程中养分和重金属含量的动态变化,对于畜禽粪便有机肥产业的可持续发展具有重要意义。【方法】鲜猪粪在阴凉通风处风干到含水率在60%左右,用于进行55天的好氧堆肥。猪粪∶砻糠比例为6∶1 (鲜重)混匀,每周翻堆一次,每天测定温度,分别在堆肥第1、13、23、28、41和55天的上午10:00—11:00,取样测定含水量、pH值、全氮、总有机碳(TOC)、全磷、全钾以及Cr、Cd、Cu、Mn、Ni、Zn、Pb、Hg、As总量和有效态Cu、Mn、Zn含量。【结果】1)随着堆沤进程的延长,全氮先升高再下降,其峰值出现在第23~28天,之后缓慢下降;全磷与全钾逐渐升高,其峰值均在第41天、之后趋于稳定;TOC不断减少,28天以后趋于平稳。C/N先下降,第23天以后保持稳定,堆肥结束时维持在15.12、达到腐熟要求。2) 9种金属元素的总量变化各不相同,含量分别为Cr6.99~10.43 mg/kg、Cu 106.01~120.81 mg/kg、Mn 663.51~899.48 mg/kg、Ni 11.32~20.67 mg/kg、Zn1245.18~1552.13 mg/kg、Pb 0.09~0.56 mg/kg、As 0.58~1.25 mg/kg,Cd、Hg未检测出。Cr和Ni先下降、升高、再下降直至平稳,其峰值均在第23天,第28天以后趋于平稳。Cu、Mn和Zn不断升高到后期显著升高、其峰值均在第41天。As先下降再升高、在第28天以后基本平稳。Pb总体是下降,在第13天和23天其含量分别比第1天显著下降61.22%和81.63%,在第41天以后其含量未检出。有效Cu、Mn、Zn的含量远低于元素总量,分别在2.35~5.79 mg/kg、17.82~20.28 mg/kg和47.39~70.29 mg/kg。有效Cu、有效Zn总体先升高、再下降直至平稳,峰值都在第13~23天,第28天显著下降但是此后基本平稳。有效Mn总体变化不大,只在第41天显著上升。3)有效Cu与有效Zn、有效Zn与有效Mn之间呈极显著正相关关系。全钾、全磷、Cu、Zn、Mn与TOC之间呈极显著负相关关系(P <0.01),说明全钾、全磷、Cu、Zn与Mn含量的升高由堆肥过程中有机质的矿化引起。而有效Cu、有效Zn、有效Mn与TOC不存在相关关系。【结论】从23天到28天,高温的平均温度和持续时间符合畜禽粪便无害化的要求,C/N和全氮都维持在相对理想的水平,大量元素、微量元素和重金属含量基本达到稳定,表明28天是堆肥腐熟的关键时间节点。  相似文献   

Soil‐quality parameters, such as soil organic matter (SOM) and plant‐available nutrient contents, microbial properties, aggregate stability, and the amounts of heavy metals were carried out in arable soils of different rotation schedules applied with a total of 50 Mg dry mass ha–1 biowaste compost relative to an untreated control. This was investigated during a 10 y period from 1994 to 2004. Overall, soil‐quality parameters studied appeared to be promoted by biowaste‐compost application. This was evidenced for example by a remarkable increase of SOM and total N content of ≈ 15%–20% relative to the control. Subsequently, amounts of soil microbial biomass and alkaline phosphatase activity were significantly increased as well. In addition, biowaste‐compost application revealed an increase of plant‐available P and K contents and aggregate stability in soil. There was, however, no treatment effect for net N‐mineralization rates. Moreover, in soils of maize and sugar beet rotation schedule a slight decrease was found. Heavy‐metal contents of Pb and Zn were significantly increased in all compost‐treated soils, whereas no significant increase of Cd and Cu contents was measured. However, the investigated amounts were far below of the limits of the German Biowaste Ordinance. It is finally recommended, that biowaste compost may sustain and improve soil quality in agriculture when N nutrition will be considered.  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验研究了蔬菜废弃物堆肥对小白菜的增产效果、土壤养分含量、土壤微生物量和酶活性的影响。结果表明,蔬菜废弃物堆肥能够显著提高盆栽小白菜的产量和品质,其中30 t/hm2的高量蔬菜废弃物堆肥将产量提高了66.26%,将品质指标Vc、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量显著提高了35.64%、183.36%和39.42%。蔬菜废弃物堆肥能够显著提高土壤质量,有机质、总氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量和土壤微生物量碳、氮,以及土壤淀粉酶、脲酶、磷酸酶、脱氢酶活性的土壤质量指标。与牛粪相比较,高用量的蔬菜废弃物堆肥处理在小白菜产量、可溶性蛋白含量、土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量、磷酸酶活性上显著高于牛粪;而在可溶性糖含量、土壤有机质含量、土壤微生物量、淀粉酶、脱氢酶活性上显著低于牛粪。综合而言,蔬菜废弃物堆肥能够提高土壤质量,增加蔬菜产量和品质;在蔬菜产量方面,蔬菜废弃物堆肥优于牛粪,在蔬菜品质和土壤质量方面,蔬菜废弃物堆肥与牛粪相当。  相似文献   

堆肥对泥炭基质中重金属、氮、磷的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the effect of compost amendment on mobility and leaching potential of heavy metals, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from a peat-based commercial container medium containing 700 g kg^-1 peat, 200 g kg^-1 perlite and 100 g kg^-1 vermiculite at varying amendment rates of compost (0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 L L^-1). Increasing compost amendment significantly and linearly increased the pH (P 〈 0.01), the total concentrations of organic carbon (P 〈 0.05), copper (Cu) (P 〈 0.01), cadmium (ca) (P 〈 0.01), and lead (Pb) (P 〈 0.01), and increased the bulk density (P 〈 0.01) of the medium. The electrical conductivity (EC), and total N and P of the medium increased significantly (P 〈 0.01) and quadratically with increasing compost amendment. The relationship of the C/N ratio of the medium with the compost amendment rate was decreasing, significant (P 〈 0.01) and cubic, while that of the total Zn was increasing, significant (P 〈 0.01) and cubic. Extractable P, NO3-N, and NH4-N increased initially with an increasing compost amendment of up to 0.50 L L^-1 and then decreased with further increasing compost rate. Increasing compost rates resulted in a highly significant (P 〈 0.01) and linear increase in total Cd, Cu, and Pb, and a highly significant (P 〈 0.01) and cubic increase in total Zn in the medium. Increasing compost rates also significantly (P 〈 0.01) increased extractable Cu (linearly) and Zn (quadratically), but significantly (P 〈 0.01) decreased extractable Pb (linearly). There was no significant effect of compost amendment on the extractable Cd concentration in the medium. However, with increasing compost rates from 0.25 to 1.00 L L^-1, extractability of P, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn (extractable concentration as a percent of total) was decreased, indicating that compost amendment could lower the leachability of these elements from the medium.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to assess the effects of organic or chemical nutrient solutions on the growth and composition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in greenhouse production. Hoagland and Arnon nutrient solution, an organic hydroponics solution, and no fertilization were factored with lettuce cultivars of different phenotypes, iceberg, romaine, loose head, and loose leaf. Lettuce growth was higher with Hoagland and Arnon solution than with the organic fertilizer or with no fertilization. The organic fertilizer increased growth above no fertilizer applied. Hoagland and Arnon solution gave the highest concentration of nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, and iron in the lettuce whereas lettuce grown with the organic fertilizer had the highest phosphorus. Plant nutrient accumulation differed slightly among the cultivars. Hoagland and Arnon solution produced high nitrate in leaves. Nitrate concentrations with organic or no fertilization were low. Loose head or loose leaf cultivars had higher nitrate than romaine or iceberg.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in Southern Italy to evaluate the effects of different water quality and fertilizers on yield performance of tomato crop. In mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer and irrigation with fresh water (Electrical Conductivity, EC, = 0.9 dS m?1) (FWF); mineral N fertilizer and irrigation with saline water (EC = 6.0 dS m?1) (SWF); municipal solid waste (MSW) compost and irrigation with fresh water (EC = 0.9 dS m?1) (FWC); MSW compost and irrigation with saline water (EC = 6.0 dS m?1) (SWC). At harvest, weight and number of fruits and refractometric index (°Brix) were measured, total and marketable yield and dry matter of fruit were calculated. The results indicated that MSW compost, applied as amendment, could substitute the mineral fertilizer. In fact, in the treatments based on compost application, the tomato average marketable yield increased by 9% compared with treatments with mineral fertilizer. The marketable yield in the SWF and SWC treatments (with an average soil EC in two years to about 3.5 dS m?1) decreased respectively of 20 and 10%, in respect to fresh water treatments. At the end of the experiment, application of compost significantly decreased the sodium absorption rate (SAR) of SWC treatment in respect of SWF (?29.9%). Significant differences were observed among the four treatments both on soil solution cations either exchangeable cations. In particular compost application increased the calcium (Ca) and potassium (K) contents in saturated soil paste respect to the SWF ones (31.4% and 59.5%, respectively). At the same time saturated soil paste sodium (Na) in SWC treatment recorded a decrease of 17.4% compared to SWF.  相似文献   

作为都市农业灌溉用水,城市雨水对农产品食品安全和营养品质的影响深受关注。论文收集自然雨水(T1)、屋顶雨水(T2)和路面雨水(T3),静置沉淀后配置营养液进行水培生菜种植,测量生物产量、生理指标(叶绿素含量、净光合速率、根系活力)、营养指标(可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C、硝酸盐)和元素含量(Ca、Fe、Mg、Zn、As、Cd、Pb),结果表明:城市雨水重金属含量低于国家标准,可以作为农业灌溉用水;雨水栽培生菜比自来水栽培生菜长势弱、产量低,路面雨水栽培生菜产量最低,单株干质量仅为3.57 g;雨水降低了生菜叶绿素含量和净光合速率,提高了生菜根系活力,屋顶雨水生菜和路面雨水生菜根系活力分别为3.17和4.08 mg/(g·h),雨水栽培生菜的根冠比大于自来水生菜;雨水栽培生菜蛋白质、糖类和Vc含量不比自来水栽培生菜低,自然雨水生菜蛋白质质量分数4.97 mg/g,路面雨水生菜可溶性糖含量1.00%,路面雨水生菜Vc含量1.52 mg/g,分别为各项指标的最高值;供试生菜硝酸盐含量分别为5.62、5.48、6.04和7.04 mg/g,都超过了国家标准3.00 mg/g,这与试验采用1倍剂量营养液和采用硝酸调节p H值有关;雨水生菜有益元素Ca、Mg含量高于自来水生菜,Fe含量低于自来水生菜,雨水生菜总体品质略好于自来水生菜;自来水、自然雨水、屋顶雨水和路面雨水栽培生菜含As量分别为5.83、4.10、4.53和4.60μg/kg,含Cd量分别为0.76、0.78、2.59和1.37μg/kg,含Pb量分别为102.37、118.63、151.53和123.37μg/kg,远小于国家限量值,满足食品安全要求。总之,利用城市雨水作为都市农业灌溉用水,作物长势弱,产量低,但营养品质略好,食品安全,将城市雨水作为都市农业灌溉用水是可行的。  相似文献   

活化磷矿粉对重金属污染土壤上莴苣生长与品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用0.5 mol/L草酸与南漳和保康两地的两种低品位磷矿粉在一定条件下混合培养后,施于重金属污染的土壤,通过盆栽试验,研究草酸活化磷矿粉对重金属污染土壤上莴苣生长和品质的影响。结果表明,盆栽试验中,与对照相比,施加磷矿粉和活化磷矿粉后,莴苣的株高、 叶片叶绿素SPAD值、 叶片和茎的维生素C含量都有不同程度的提高,其效果为活化磷矿粉>磷矿粉>对照,而叶和茎的硝酸盐含量则降低。同时,施加磷矿粉和活化磷矿粉可以提高土壤有效磷、 交换性钙、 镁含量,降低交换态重金属含量,进而降低莴苣各部分对重金属元素的吸收,如施加活化磷矿粉后莴苣根中Cd、 Cu的含量比对照最高可降低55.1%、 55.24%,地上部分中Cd、 Cu的含量比对照最高可降低59.3%、 53.4%,降低重金属含量的效果依次为活化磷矿粉>磷矿粉>对照。  相似文献   

Cu对猪粪堆肥过程中堆料性质和氧化还原类酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以猪粪和秸秆为主要试验材料, 添加不同浓度重金属Cu, 采取发酵罐处理方法, 在好氧高温条件下研究了重金属Cu对猪粪堆肥过程中多酚氧化酶、脱氢酶活性的变化, 以及堆腐过程堆体温度、堆料pH、胡敏酸E4/E6值变化的影响。结果表明: 不添加外源重金属Cu的CK处理在降温期堆温高于Cu含量为100 mg·kg-1、500 mg·kg-1的堆料; CK堆料pH最低点为5.94, E4/E6平均值为3.88。Cu含量为500 mg·kg-1的堆料pH最高点为8.85, E4/E6平均值为3.68。Cu含量为100 mg·kg-1的堆料升温快, 高温期持续时间长, 最高温度高于CK和Cu含量为500 mg·kg-1的堆料, 能有效杀灭病原微生物, 达到无害化处理要求; 堆料pH控制在7~8之间, E4/E6大多情况低于CK和Cu含量为500 mg·kg-1的堆料, 多酚氧化酶平均活性、脱氢酶平均活性均最高, 但在脱氢酶活性测定中表现出“抗性酶活性现象”。  相似文献   

长期施用堆肥对小麦根际及非根际土壤化学性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Compost of different rates was applied to artificial field plots of a low humic andosol at National Agriculture Research Center (NARC)of Japan for 15 or 28 years,and their effects on the chemical properties of wheat rhizosphere soil and nonrhizosphere soil were measured.Contiuous application of compost for 28 years resulted in raise of soil C,N,P,pH and exchangeable based.The building up of compost for 28 years resulted in raise of soil C,N,P,pH and exchangeale bases,The building up of organic matter in the soil occureed slowly.A residual effect of the compost on soil chemical properties was still present after 13 years of no application,but this effect was weaker in comparison with that of the continuous application treatments.In the rhizosphere soil,NaHCO3-extracted P and exchangeable Ca were higher than those in the bulk soil.The removal of free organic acid slightly affected the soil pH,especially,the rhizosphere soil pH.The raise of soil pH may result from the increase of exchangeable base by the application of compost.  相似文献   

施磷对苦麦菜生长及土壤磷素淋失的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用网室土柱模拟试验, 研究了不同磷用量[0、0.05 g·kg-1(土)、0.10 g·kg-1(土)、0.20 g·kg-1(土)]对苦麦菜产量、磷素吸收和利用及土壤磷淋失的影响。结果表明, 施磷显著增加苦麦菜产量、促进植株对磷的吸收。苦麦菜产量在低磷水平[0.05 g·kg-1(土)]时最高, 为每个土柱186.29 g。随磷用量增加, 苦麦菜产量和磷肥利用率明显降低, 植株吸磷量无明显变化。施磷显著增加土壤磷淋失量, 且随磷用量增加, 不同形态磷淋失量均显著增加。同一磷处理颗粒磷淋失量高于溶解态磷。不同磷用量条件下土壤各形态磷的淋失率均低于0.1%。低量施磷条件下溶解态磷在施磷后第10 d 出现第1 次淋失高峰; 中量和高量施磷条件下溶解态磷在施磷后第10 d 和第40 d 分别出现2 次淋失高峰。土壤总磷和颗粒磷淋失高峰期在施磷后第40~50 d 出现。施肥后第60 d, 土壤总磷、溶解态磷和颗粒磷淋失浓度均明显降低。综合考虑苦麦菜产量、磷素吸收和利用及土壤磷淋失量等因素, 苦麦菜以0.05 g·kg-1(土)的施磷量为佳。  相似文献   

不同用量有机肥对芒果果实品质及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过田间小区试验,研究了不同用量有机肥处理对芒果果实品质及果园土壤肥力的影响,旨在为生产上芒果科学施肥提供技术支持。结果表明:与不施有机肥处理(CK)比较,增施有机肥处理使果实可溶性固形物含量提高10.1%~21.6%、Vc含量提高3.1%~38.4%、可滴定酸含量下降6.6%~16.0%、固酸比提高17.9%~44.9%。增施有机肥提高了土壤有机质、全N、有效P、速效K、交换性Ca、交换性Mg、电导率及p H值,促进土壤肥力水平的提升。综合比较,以T2处理(有机肥7.5 kg/株+尿素400 g/株+高钾复合肥1.25 kg/株)对改善果实品质和改良土壤性状效果最好。  相似文献   


The influence of long-term application of different types of compost on rice grain yield, CH4 and N2O emissions, and soil carbon storage (0 ? 30 cm) in rice paddy fields was clarified. Two sets of paddy fields applied with rice straw compost or livestock manure compost mainly derived from cattle were used in this study. Each set comprised long-term application (LT) and corresponding control (CT) plots. The application rates for rice straw compost (42 years) and livestock manure compost (41 years in total with different application rates) were 20 Mg fresh weight ha–1. Soil carbon storage increased by 33% and 37% with long-term application of rice straw compost and livestock manure compost, respectively. The soil carbon sequestration rate by the organic matter application was 23% higher with the livestock manure compost than with the rice straw compost. The rice grain yield in the LT plot was significantly higher than that in the corresponding CT plot with both types of compost. Although the difference was not significant in the rice straw compost, cumulative CH4 emissions increased with long-term application of both composts. Increase rate of CH4 emission with long-term application was higher in the livestock manure compost (99%) than that in the rice straw compost (26%). In both composts, the long-term application did not increase N2O emission significantly. As with the rice straw compost, the increase in CH4 emission with the long-term application of livestock manure compost exceeded the soil carbon sequestration rate, and the change in the net greenhouse gas (GHG) balance calculated by the difference between them was positive, indicating a net increase in the GHG emissions. The increase in CH4 and net GHG emissions owing to the long-term application of the livestock manure compost could be higher than that of the rice straw compost owing to the amount of applied carbon, the quality of compost and the soil carbon accumulation. The possibility that carbon sequestration in the subsoil differs depending on the type of composts suggests the importance of including subsoil in the evaluation of soil carbon sequestration by long-term application of organic matter.  相似文献   

不同有机物料育秧基质对水稻秧苗生长及养分积累的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过水稻育苗盆栽试验,研究了不同有机物料育秧基质对水稻秧苗生长及养分积累的影响。结果表明:(1)COC(玉米秸秆+碳粉)为最优基质处理,该处理的基质是由粉碎玉米秸秆、有机肥、草炭、沸石、蛭石、细河沙、碳粉等按不同配比混合而成,用这种基质的所育水稻苗生长状况最好;(2)不同有机物料育秧基质对水稻苗生长的影响,玉米秸秆好于水稻壳粉,菇渣的效果较差;(3)相同配比的处理间,加碳处理均优于不加碳处理。本研究结果对水稻育苗基质生产中的材料选择提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Under conditions of limited nutrient supply, plant nutrient uptake is controlled by the external concentration of the ions. Limited information exists about the whole-plant regulation of nutrient uptake when the supply is adequate. To study the relationship between growth rate and carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation with nutrient uptake, growth chamber experiments were conducted with temperatures ranging from 10 to 35°C at medium (600 µmol m?2 s?1) and high (1200 µmol m?2 s?1) light intensities. Nutrient solution samples were collected every 24 hours and the concentration of ions was analyzed by Inductively coupled plasma -atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and nitrate and ammonium (NO3?/NH4+) conductivity. Leaf photo-synthesis was measured using a closed gas exchange system and the total amount of CO2 assimilated was calculated from dry weight increases. The daily absorption of NO3?, Total nitrogen (N), dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4?) and potassium (K+) responded linearly to plant growth, while ammonium (NH4+) and sulfate (SO42?) uptake showed a curvilinear response. All the ions studied showed a curvilinear relation with CO2 assimilation.  相似文献   

有机肥施用对红地球葡萄产量、品质及土壤环境的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
【目的】明确有机肥施用对河北葡萄主产区高产优质红地球葡萄产量、品质及土壤环境的影响,为葡萄种植合理施用有机肥提供理论依据。【方法】以河北张家口市怀来县葡萄试验示范基地13年生红地球葡萄为试验材料,进行为期4年的田间试验。设置6个处理,分别为农民传统施肥(CK)、单施化肥(NPK)、单施有机肥9 t/hm^2 (M)、有机肥7.5 t/hm^2+化肥(M1NPK)、有机肥15 t/hm^2+化肥(M2NPK)、有机肥45 t/hm^2+化肥(M3NPK),采用常规方法测定葡萄产量、品质、重金属含量及果园土壤中硝态氮、微生物量碳和氮、重金属含量,并对葡萄园土壤重金属累积达到限量所需年限进行推算。【结果】施用有机肥处理葡萄产量均显著高于单施化肥(NPK),其中以中量有机肥+化肥处理(M2NPK)的产量最高,4年(2010-2013)平均产量为21503kg/hm^2,较农民传统施肥(CK)提高了14%;施用有机肥处理葡萄Vc含量比对照显著增加。各处理间葡萄百粒重、pH、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和固酸比差异不显著。收获后M2NPK处理0-20 cm和20-40 cm土壤硝态氮累积量下降,土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量显著高于CK。连续4年施用有机肥后,葡萄果实及果园土壤的重金属含量(Cr、Cd、As、Pb、Hg、Cu、Zn)均未超标,但随着有机肥施用量的增加,葡萄及土壤中的重金属分别呈现线性和二次函数累积趋势。M3NPK处理土壤重金属含量较其他施用有机肥处理提前累积到限量水平。【结论】中量有机肥+化肥(M2NPK)处理葡萄的产量最高,品质最佳,而且降低了土壤硝态氮在各土层的累积,增加了土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量,且葡萄果实和果园土壤重金属含量未超标。高量有机肥处理不会进一步提高红地球葡萄的产量和品质,但快速增加果园土壤重金属累积。  相似文献   

低温复合菌系对玉米秸秆与牛粪堆肥的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
玉米秸秆与牛粪混合堆肥是实现秸秆与粪便资源化利用的有效途径之一。将本实验室筛选的一组低温复合菌系接入堆肥中,研究结果表明:在8℃低温条件下,秸秆用量大时升温快、温度高,处理1与处理2堆温在第4 d和第3 d分别为50.8和53.4℃,最高温度分别达到58.4、64.8℃,50℃以上持续了6 d,而不加复合菌系的对照,最高温度为40.9℃,未达到堆肥无害化要求。堆肥结束时,处理1、处理2和对照有机质含量较初始时分别下降了37.54%、33.58%、13.50%;全碳含量分别为26.05%、27.80%、36.55%,较初始分别下降了43.18%、41.54%和19.69%;C/N分别下降了42.83%、41.54%和14.95%;处理1处理2纤维素降解率分别达到37.54%、32.80%,较对照分别提高2.24倍、1.83倍。表明本实验室筛选的低温复合菌系能够使堆肥快速升温,缩短堆肥周期,促进堆肥的腐熟。  相似文献   

连续施用酸化粪水对土壤养分淋溶及重金属累积的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探索连续施用酸化粪水对土壤养分淋溶及重金属累积情况的影响,采用新鲜粪水和酸化粪水,开展土柱淋溶试验。试验分别设置1个对照组、新鲜粪水和3个不同pH值(6.5、6.0和5.5)的酸化粪水,每个处理分别设置6次粪水淋溶。结果表明:施用新鲜粪水和酸化粪水均能增加土壤养分,施用新鲜粪水、pH值6.5、pH值6.0和pH值5.5的粪水后土壤总养分(N、P、K)的增长幅度分别为1%~40%、15%~66%和5%~21%,重金属Cu和Zn的增长幅度为4%~48%和4%~11%,重金属Cd和Pb的增长幅度为2%~14%和1%~18%;连续施用酸化粪水会使土壤pH降低、土壤电导率值升高以及土壤重金属不断累积,这也是导致土壤环境遭到破坏的风险因素,实际应用过程中应特别注意;建议每两季作物施用一次pH值为6.5的粪水;每三季作物施用一次pH值为6.0的粪水;每四季作物施用一次pH值为5.5的粪水。该研究通过对比分析连续施用新鲜粪水和不同pH值的酸化粪水后土壤养分和重金属浓度的变化,探讨了酸化粪水的还田效果,为连续施用酸化粪水的研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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