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Study aims to investigate the effects of vermicomposts containing oil processing wastes, dairy manure, municipal open market wastes and straw on the growth, nutrient concentrations and nutrient uptakes of corn plant. For this, there different mixtures were prepared. Vermicomposts were applied with the rates of 0, 5000, 10000, and 20000 kg ha?1 to 2 kg soil containing pots. Study was conducted in growth chamber for 2 months. Vermicompost applications increased plant growth, some plant nutrient concentrations and uptake. Also, vermicomposts showed the variation on parameters depending on their mixtures. Results showed that nutrients taken by the plant increased with the vermicompost until 10000 kg ha?1 dose. Most of the nutrient concentrations such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn) were not increased in plant tissues, whereas uptake of them by the plant showed a significant increase. In addition, residual soil nutrients increased with the increase in vermicompost levels.  相似文献   

最佳养分管理对华北冬小麦养分吸收和利用的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对华北地区小麦施肥过量和不平衡、产量和肥料利用率较低的现象,进行了河南、山东、河北3个小麦主产区最佳养分管理、农民习惯施肥和减素处理对冬小麦产量、养分吸收、利用和经济效益影响的田间试验。结果表明,在山东和河北较高肥力地区,最佳施肥处理(OPT)与农民习惯施肥(FP)处理相比在减少氮肥施用5.4%和43.8%的情况下,分别提高氮肥回收利用率7.7和4.5个百分点;在河南低肥力地区,OPT处理在比FP处理增加10%氮肥施用量的情况下,冬小麦增产12.5%,氮肥回收利用率提高了13.0个百分点。同时,OPT处理钾肥和磷肥的回收利用率也有不同程度的提高。由于地区土壤肥力和养分供应能力变异较大,基于土壤养分测定和目标产量的优化养分管理很有必要且切实可行。  相似文献   

不同供Zn量对三种小麦基因型幼苗生长和养分吸收的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用溶液培养方法,研究了不同供Zn量(0、0.5、104、0.mg/L,分别用Zn0、Zn0.5、Zn10、Zn40表示)对三种亲缘关系很远的半冬性小麦基因型郑麦9023、陕512、西农979幼苗生长发育及Zn、Fe、Mn吸收的影响,以期为筛选耐高锌的小麦基因型提供理论依据。结果表明,不供Zn时小麦幼苗未出现缺Zn症状;Zn0.5对小麦的正常生长影响较小。三种基因型小麦的幼苗在过量供Zn(Zn10、Zn40)时均受到严重伤害:抑制小麦分蘖、根系及地上部生长,叶片叶绿素SPAD值显著降低,小麦植株尤其是根部的耐性指数降低;施入的Zn的转运率显著降低,却大大提高了小麦植株尤其是根部的Zn含量和吸收量,但Zn10时幼苗体内Zn含量和吸收量大于Zn40,且Zn10比Zn40更能在根部积累Zn。Zn与Fe的吸收在根部似乎表现为互助作用,而地上部表现为颉颃作用;Zn与Mn之间表现出强烈的颉颃作用。过量供Zn时以西农979耐性指数最大,Zn转运率最高,植株体内的Fe、Mn含量也高。总之,供Zn量为通常配方的51~0倍时对小麦幼苗的生长尚无明显影响;1002~00和4008~00倍时则能对小麦幼苗造成严重伤害,三种供试小麦基因型中以西农979对过量Zn毒害的耐性最强。  相似文献   

黄土高原旱地长期施肥对小麦养分吸收和土壤肥力的影响   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21  
通过定位试验研究了长期施肥对小麦子粒、秸杆养分吸收和土壤肥力变化的影响。结果表明,合理施用化肥不但增产幅度大,还在一定程度上增加了小麦N、P、K养分浓度。单施氮、单施磷肥能增加小麦子粒和秸杆的N、P、K吸收量,氮磷肥配施增加效果显著,其子粒吸收N、P、K增加了153.2%、157.1%和162.4%。施有机肥能补充土壤中的N、P、K含量,增加小麦子粒中的养分含量,使品质有大幅度的提高。单施磷肥的土壤有机质、全P、速效P含量增加,土壤全N、速效N含量减少,N素亏缺。氮磷肥配施加剧了土壤K的亏缺。有机肥培肥作用显著,有机肥和氮、磷肥配施的土壤有机质、全N、全P、速效N、速效P和速效K分别增加了69.0%5、7.5%、54.8%、73.1%、830.5%和119.1%。  相似文献   

The effects of K and Al in K-deficient and complete nutrient solutions on the growth and nutrient uptake of rice were studied in the work.The effect of Al on the growth of roots and above-ground part of rice was associated with the concentration of Al in solution .A low level(0.1 mmol L^-1) of Al promtoed but a high level(1 mmol L^-1)of Al inhibited the growth of both the root and the aerial part of rice,and the magnitude of K concentration in the nutrient solution also had an appreciable impact on this,Thus ,in the low-Al solution,the plant treated with K2(80 mg K L^-1)produced much longer roots,showing the presence of interaction between Al and K; in the high-Al solution the K-reated plant had more and longe roots and a considerably greater dry weigh of the above-ground part compared with the plant deficient in K, showing the alleviating effect of K^ on Al toxicity.The mechanism of the Al-K interaction affecting the rice aerial part growth is not yet known,but part of the reason might be that the excessive amount of Al inhibited the uptake of some nutrients such as Ca and Mg and reduced their transfer to the plant aerial organs,whereas K showed its compensating effect on this;therefore,K could relieve Al toxicity at a high level of Al and promoted rice growth at a low level of Al.  相似文献   

微肥对玉米生长发育、养分吸收及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过田间小区试验,研究了覆膜滴灌条件下施用铁、锰、锌等微肥对玉米生长发育、养分吸收及产量的影响。结果表明:玉米干物质累积最快的时期是在播种后62~99 d,NPK+Fe、NPK+Mn和NPK+Zn处理的玉米单株干物质的积累量分别比NPK处理增加8.84、4.74、15.69 g。NPK+Zn处理的玉米吸N量比NPK处理提高了3.07%,达到了显著差异,而NPK+Fe和NPK+Mn处理的玉米吸N量与NPK处理没有显著差异。NPK+Fe、NPK+Mn和NPK+Zn处理的玉米吸P量和吸K量与NPK处理相比均没有显著差异。施用铁、锌肥可以显著提高玉米的产量,增加玉米的百粒重,增产率分别为6.61%和4.46%,但施用锰肥效果不显著。  相似文献   

【目的】针对陕北榆林风沙土马铃薯灌水施肥不合理及水肥利用效率低的问题,通过研究滴灌施肥条件下不同的灌水频率和施肥量对马铃薯生长、产量及养分吸收利用的影响,以期科学地对马铃薯进行水肥调控,为实际生产提供参考依据。【方法】试验于2016年5—10月在陕西省榆林市农业科技示范园区内进行,试验设置了3个灌水频率D1 (4 d)、D2 (8 d)、D3 (10 d)和3个施肥量(N、P_2O_5、K_2O)水平,即F1 (100、40、150kg/hm^2)、F2 (150、60、225 kg/hm^2)、F3 (200、80、300 kg/hm^2)组合,共9个处理。在生育期对马铃薯生长指标进行观测,收获时统计产量及产量构成因素。【结果】1)同一灌水频率下,F3处理的株高、茎粗、叶面积和产量显著高于F1和F2处理,肥料偏生产力在F1处理下最高,而水分利用效率受施肥量的影响不显著,养分利用效率随着施肥量的增加而减小。F3处理的产量达41518 kg/hm^2,比F1和F2处理分别提高11.75%和8.52%,F1处理下肥料偏生产力为128.12 kg/kg,比F2和F3处理的高出45.67%和78.99%。2)在同一施肥量下,马铃薯的生长指标、产量和肥料偏生产力均在D2处理达到最大值,D2处理下的产量和肥料偏生产力分别为42932kg/hm^2和105.88 kg/kg,而D1处理下水肥利用效率最高,但D1和D2之间水分利用效率差异不显著。从水肥交互作用来看,D2F3的产量和水分利用效率最高,分别为44870 kg/hm^2,107.39 kg/(mm·hm^2),D2F1的肥料偏生产力最高,为142.02 kg/kg。【结论】合理的灌水频率与施肥量不仅能维持马铃薯较好的生长特性,而且能获得较大的经济效益。综合产量与节水节肥因素,D2F3处理(8 d,N 200 kg/hm^2、P_2O_5 80 kg/hm^2、K_2O 300kg/hm^2)可作为基于本试验条件下较适宜的灌水施肥组合。  相似文献   

The Interaction between potassium and moisture during the growth of and nutrient uptake by rapeseed plats grown on K-deficient soils has been investigated in this study.The results show that the dry weight of the above-ground parts of the plant appears to be somewhat reduced when the volume water content of the soil remains 0.15 for 3 successive days.As the shortage in the soil water continues,the weight of the plant root and the permeability of the root plasmalemma are markedly affected;the stem thickness and leaf area are reduced.However,K application can increase the dry matter weight of the above-ground parts,the thickness of the stem,and the area of the leaf.Application of K can also maintain a comparatively low water potential(ψ)and a comparatively high moisture content in the leaves,thus increasing the drought-resisting ability of the plant.When the volume water content of the soil is raised to 0.30,leaf yellowing as a symptom of nutrient deficiency appears on rapeseed plants grown on K-deficient soils.With increase in soil moisture content,the Ca concentration of the aerial parts of the rapeseed plant without K application increases while the K concentration decreases,Both K application and the soil moisture regime have very little effect on the Mg Concentration in the plant.Under soil mosture stress,the nitrogen content and total amount of amino acids in rape leaves increases;and thus more proline and glutamic acid is formed.On the other hand,the impact of soil moisture on pant‘s dry matter is governed by the status of potassium nutrition.On soils with low K.the moisture content has very little effect on yield;when K fertilizer is applied,however,the moisture content shows a very significant effect on yield increase.  相似文献   

土壤紧实胁迫对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
用容重分别为1.2、1.4和1.6.g/cm3的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究了土壤紧实度对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响。结果表明,当土壤紧实度增大时,黄瓜秧苗的株高在定植后的15.d后受到显著抑制;第4叶的叶宽和叶长在定植后9~17.d内增加;茎粗则是在稍紧的土壤中(R.1.4)最大,过紧的土壤中(R.1.6)最小;根系伸长生长受阻,干物质质量及活力显著下降,根冠比降低;生物学产量、经济产量、经济系数的变化情况及植株对氮、磷、钾吸收量的变化与茎粗的变化趋势相同。在本试验条件下,容重为1.2.g/cm3的土壤利于株高及根系的生长,容重1.4g/cm3的土壤则利于茎粗、根系养分的吸收及产量的增加。  相似文献   

土壤水分对烤烟生长、物质分配和养分吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内盆栽试验研究了不同土壤含水率对烤烟生长、物质分配和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,烤烟株高随土壤含水率的增加而增高;生物量随土壤含水率的降低而减小,其减幅为叶茎根,而根冠比则与土壤含水率成反比,反映了烟草对土壤水分含量差异响应的整体特征。不同生育期叶绿素对土壤含水率的响应不同,团棵期、旺长期和成熟期的土壤相对含水率分别为70%~75%、80%~85%和50%~55%时,各处理中叶绿素含量最高。各处理烤烟对养分的吸收表现为对N、K吸收量显著大于P,且当土壤含水率低于烤烟所需的适宜含水率时,随着土壤含水率的降低,烤烟茎、根的养分吸收量均有不同程度的升高,但叶中却有所下降;而各生育期根、茎、叶在土壤含水率过高的情况下,对养分N、P、K的吸收均显著降低。  相似文献   

供镁水平对烤烟生长及养分吸收的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用盆栽土培试验研究了不同供镁水平对烤烟生长和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,施MgSO4量为0.06~1.08 g/kg时,各处理烤烟的生长状况和干物质积累量明显优于对照和施MgSO4 1.88 g/kg。烤烟各器官对钾的吸收最多,氮次之,磷最少,各处理表现一致。施MgSO4量为0.18~0.72 g/kg的3个处理烤烟各器官对氮磷钾的吸收量明显高于其他处理,且在施MgSO4量为0.36 g/kg时达到峰值。当施MgSO4量较低(≤0.06 g/kg)或较高(MgSO4≥1.08 g/kg)时都会抑制烤烟的生长发育、干物质和养分的积累。而烤烟各器官对镁的吸收量则均表现出随施镁量增加而增加的趋势,且各器官镁吸收量表现为:叶>茎>根;镁肥的施用能够在一定程度上促进烤烟对镁素的吸收。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted for 6 years on a silty clay loam to study the effect of soil management on soil physical properties, root growth, nutrient uptake and yield of rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a sequence. Treatments were: no-tillage (NT), NT+pine needle mulch at a rate of 10 t ha−1 (NT+M), conventional tillage (CT), CT+pine needle mulch at a rate of 10 t ha−1 (CT+M) and deep tillage (DT). The soil is classified as a Typic Hapludalf and has compact sub-surface layers. The NT treatment increased the bulk density of the surface layer but this problem was not observed in the no-tilled treatment having mulch at the surface (NT+M). The CT+M and NT+M treatments favourably moderated the hydro-theregime resulting in greater root growth, nutrient uptake and grain yields of maize and wheat. The DT treatment, imposed only once, at the beginning of the study, also enhanced root growth and grain yields. The yields were similar to the mulched treatments for maize and somewhat less than the mulched treatments for wheat. Mulched treatments generally showed significantly greater total uptake of N, P and K than corresponding unmulched ones. Since NT+M was comparable to CT for maize and superior for wheat, the latter is preferable since it does not require ellaborate tillage.  相似文献   

接种食细菌线虫对小麦生长和N、P吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LI Hui-Xin  HU Feng 《土壤圈》2001,11(1):57-62
A 40-day gnotobiotic microcosm experiment was carried out to quantify the effect of bacterial-feeding nematode on plant growth and nutrient absorption. The results showed that inoculation of bacterial-feeding nematode Protorhabditis sp. stimulated the growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and the uptake of N. By the end of the 40-day incubation wheat biomass and N uptake in the treatment with nematode and bacteria (Pseudomonas sp.) increased by 6.5% and 5.9%, respectively, compared with bacteria alone treatment. The presence of nematode mainly accelerated the growth of aboveground of wheat, while it slightly inhibited the root development. There was little difference in plant tissue N concentration between treatments. P concentration and uptake of wheat, however, were generally reduced by nematode. It appears that the enhancement of plant growth and nitrogen uptake is attributed to the enhancement of nitrogen mineralization induced by nematode feeding on bacteria, and the reduction of phosphorous uptake is the result of weak root status and competition by bacteria immobilization.  相似文献   

【目的】丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)侵染作物根系形成菌根共生体系对于作物吸收磷具有重要作用,但该结果大多来源于室内受控试验,有限的田间试验因环境条件、试验材料与接种技术等差异致使AMF菌剂应用效果不一。本研究通过玉米菌根化育苗和田间移栽,分析了接种AMF对玉米生长、养分吸收、籽粒产量及养分含量的影响,以期推进菌根技术的实际生产应用。【方法】以自交品系玉米B73为供试作物,于2018年5月至10月在北京市延庆区进行了田间试验。田间小区设置基施磷(+P)和不施磷(–P)处理。供试AMF为Rhizophagus irregularis Schenck&Smith BGC AH01。玉米种子催芽后,分别播入加入AMF菌剂(+M)和菌剂过滤液(–M)的育苗钵内,培养两周后移栽至田间。玉米在田间条件下生长至拔节期时,使用便携式光合仪测定叶片光合速率与气孔导度,取样测定地上部与根部干重和养分元素含量,同时测定菌根侵染率;在玉米完熟期取样,测定籽粒百粒重、籽粒产量及养分含量。【结果】无论田间施磷与否,接菌植株根系的菌根侵染强度和丛枝丰度均显著高于不接菌植株。不施磷情况下,+M处理显著提高了玉米根系干重,玉米生长的菌根依赖性(163.7%)显著高于施磷情形(124.1%)。–P–M处理玉米叶片的光合速率和气孔导度显著低于其他3个处理。–P+M处理玉米叶片的光合参数、玉米地上部和根部磷含量与+P+M均无显著差异。与–P–M处理相比,–P+M显著提高了玉米籽粒产量和百粒重,同时也提高了籽粒中锌、锰、镁等矿质养分的含量,且与+P+M处理相比均无显著差异。【结论】玉米幼苗接种AMF后再移栽到田间,可以显著提高拔节期玉米根系的菌根侵染率,促进玉米地上部和根部对磷及锌、锰和镁的吸收,进而促进玉米的生长,提高籽粒产量和养分含量。本试验条件下,菌根化育苗可以达到与施磷同样的效果,在保障作物不减产的前提下减少磷肥施用量。  相似文献   

烤烟根系分泌物对烤烟幼苗生长和养分吸收的影响   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
连作是烟草栽培中的普遍现象,已引起生长抑制、产量下降和品质恶化等问题。本试验采用溶液培养的方法,在培养液中分别加入未分组和分组后的烤烟根系分泌物,研究根系分泌物对烤烟幼苗生长和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,加入未分组的烤烟根系分泌物显著抑制幼苗的生长,降低根系活力,并随加入量的增加抑制作用增强;加入酸溶性、碱溶性、中性组分的根系分泌物,均降低幼苗根系活力,以中性组分的抑制作用较强。三种不同组分的根系分泌物均显著降低根系对NO3-、PO43-、K+离子的吸收,其中中性组分对NO3-吸收的影响最大,而酸溶性组分对K+的吸收抑制作用较强。推测在烤烟根系分泌物中,可能存在多种抑制烤烟生长和养分吸收的化学物质。  相似文献   

地下部分隔对间作小麦养分吸收和白粉病发生的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过根系分隔的盆栽试验,探讨了地下部分隔对小麦//蚕豆间作系统中小麦的养分吸收和白粉病发生的影响。结果表明:根系不分隔小麦的生物量和N、P、K吸收量均大于尼龙网分隔处理和根系完全分隔处理。根系分隔方式还影响了小麦白粉病的发生,小麦白粉病的发病率和发病指数均表现为根系不分隔(I)尼龙网分隔(M)完全分隔(P)。表明地下部的相互作用改善了小麦的生长,提高了小麦抗白粉病的能力。  相似文献   


Barley plants were grown in 201 pots containing a sandy soil rich in exchangeable and watersoluble Ca. Results from earlier experiments have indicated that the mode of action of supplementary Ca may differ according to, for example, the associate anion. In this experiment soil‐Ca was activated by placing NH4NO3 at three depths in the soil and by adding solutions of Ca salts. Yields were found to increase with successively deeper placements of NH4NO3 in treatments without Ca application, whereas only small differences between placement depths were observed when Ca was added as a saturated gypsum solution or equivalent amounts of CaCl2. The very pronounced responses to Ca application were in good agreement with visual symptoms of Ca deficiencies later in the season and with the nutrient uptake rates and growth rate over the intire growth period.  相似文献   

不同氮磷肥施用量对城市景观草坪生长与养分吸收的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了给城市景观草坪科学施肥提供理论依据,试验在城市环境条件下研究了不同氮、磷用量对景观草坪生长与养分吸收的影响。结果表明:7、9、10月氮、磷用量为41.90 kg/hm2处理的叶片长度最大,分别高于对照1.58、2.46、2.62 cm,差异显著;7~10月41.90 kg/hm2处理干物质积累量最高,分别比对照提高2.79、1.78、2.32、1.89倍,差异显著,37.71 kg/hm2处理与对照之间无显著差异。41.90 kg/hm2处理的氮吸收量7~10月分别比对照提高3.93、2.50、3.59、2.66倍,差异显著,46.09 kg/hm2处理显著高于对照;41.90 kg/hm2处理的磷吸收量7~10月分别高于对照3.98、2.18、3.07、2.18倍,差异显著,8~10月37.71 kg/hm2处理与对照之间无显著差异;41.90 kg/hm2处理的钾吸收量7~10月分别高于对照4.24、2.16、3.22、2.55倍,差异显著。综合分析认为,城市景观草坪氮、磷施用量以41.90 kg/hm2为宜。  相似文献   

Seedlings of ‘Lovell’ peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch], and in vitro propagated plums, ‘St. Julien A GF 655–2’ [Prunus institia (L.) Bullace] (655–2), ‘Damas GF 1869’ [Prunus domestica (L.)] (D1869), and ‘Clark Hill Red Leaf’ [Prunus saliciana (Lindl) x Prunus cerasifera (EHRH)] (CH redleaf) were grown in the greenhouse 45 or 51 days in nutrient solutions containing 2, 6, 22, 200, and 400 μM Ca. Terminal length, number of laterals, trunk cross‐sectional area, and root volume were increased by the 22 μM Ca treatments at harvest 1. The CH redleaf and 655–2 plums had the largest increase in growth for harvest 1, but the ‘Lovell’ peach seedlings and D1869 plum had the largest increase in growth for harvest 2. There were no leaf symptoms of Ca deficiency when the leaf Ca concentration in the tissue exceeded 2500 μg/g (dry wt.) Calcium concentration was increased from 1406 to 4109 μg/g (dry wt.) in the stems, and from 540 to 2633 μg/g (dry wt) in the roots by Ca treatments of 400 μM after 45 days of growth. Calcium uptake rate for ‘Lovell’ seedlings was greater than were rates for CH redleaf and 655–2 plums at all solution concentrations during the first 45 days of growth. The Ca uptake rate for D1869 plum was greater than the rate for ‘Lovell’ seedlings during the second growth period. An interaction between Ca concentration and plant species occurred for P, K, and Mg uptake rates at both harvest dates. The in vitro propagated D1869 plum was equal to the ‘Lovell’ seedlings in growth, tissue Ca concentration, and Ca uptake rates.  相似文献   


A pot experiment was conducted to determine most limiting nutrients for maize performance using nutrient omission treatments in three soil types of southwestern Nigeria. There were six treatments; full nutrient [120?kg nitrogen (N)/ha, 40?kg phosphorus (P)/ha, 80?kg potassium (K)/ha, 10?kg molybdenum (Mo)/ha, and 5?kg zinc (Zn)/ha]; full nutrient minus N, P, K, Mo, and Zn including control was replicated thrice. Treatments were arranged as split plot in a complete randomized design. Data were collected on growth parameters, shoot, root dry weights, and NPK uptakes. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means separated using LSD0.05. Majeroku and Egbeda soils and full nutrient supported better maize growth and NPK uptakes. Shoot weight was higher in Egbeda while root weight was higher in Itagunmodi soil. Phosphorus was the most limiting in Egbeda and Itagunmodi soils, and nitrogen in Majeroku soil. In conclusion, maize growth, nutrient uptake and most limiting nutrient varied with soil types.  相似文献   

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