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The development of the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock (known as Land Transport Standards and Guidelines) is the first in a series of projects to develop consistent animal welfare standards and guidelines in Australia. The project represents an evolution in the way in which animal welfare policy is developed in Australia. The standards will be the animal welfare requirements that must be met under law for livestock welfare purposes, and the guidelines are the recommended practices to achieve desirable animal welfare outcomes.The development work has been carried out under the auspices of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). The project is part of the AAWS vision for national standards that are maintained and enforced in a consistent, cost-effective manner and that reflect contemporary scientific knowledge, competent livestock husbandry, and mainstream community expectations. The development process for the standards and guidelines is laid out in a business plan that provides for effective and transparent stakeholder consultation and a public consultation period before final recommendations on the standards and guidelines are made to the government.This paper discusses the process and philosophies for development of the standards and guidelines and gives an overview of the content. After 6 reference group meetings, the Land Transport Standards and Guidelines went to public consultation on March 29, 2008 for a 60-day period. After revision, complete consensus was not achieved in 2 additional meetings; the major unresolved issue is the measures relating to the transport of bobby calves. An agreement has been reached to further examine the bobby calf situation, and the standards and guidelines have been recommended for government endorsement, which was expected in April 2009.  相似文献   

The equine industries in Ireland are vibrant and growing. They are broadly classified into two sectors: Thoroughbred racing, and sports and leisure. This paper describes these sectors in terms of governance, education and training in equine welfare, and available data concerning horse numbers, identification, traceability and disposal. Animal welfare, and specifically equine welfare, has received increasing attention internationally. There is general acceptance of concepts such as animal needs and persons' responsibilities toward animals in their care, as expressed in the 'Five Freedoms'. As yet, little has been published on standards of equine welfare pertaining to Ireland, or on measures to address welfare issues here. This paper highlights the central role of horse identification and legal registration of ownership to safeguard the health and welfare of horses.  相似文献   

Equine Welfare and Carriage Horse Companies have been recently highlighted as matters of public concern, although little data exists to describe working conditions, municipal regulations, and veterinary attention. In light of the current pandemic of unwanted horses in this country, it is prudent for the veterinary community to identify objective measurements of satisfactory equine welfare in the carriage horse industry to regulate and maintain working horses in sound conditions. Retrospective data from a carriage company in South Carolina was collected from 2009 to 2012. Variables included days in work, hours and/or tours worked, veterinary charges, management practices, and environmental conditions. City veterinary reports were also reviewed for all five local carriage companies. The average number of days in work per animal ranged from 163 to 188 per year. On average, each animal performed 4.6 hour long tours per working day, resulting in an average 865 tours per year. Each animal cost on average $2.00 per day in veterinary costs, and $0.84 of each animal's tour went toward veterinary bills. Welfare among carriage horses is a subject on which equine veterinarians should be well versed; not only to answer questions from clientele but also to promote good working and living conditions for these animals in an effort to stem the number of unwanted horses in America. The carriage company reported in detail here provides acceptable welfare for their animals. Prospective studies are needed to collect objective, evidence-based data regarding stress levels in the animals.  相似文献   

Commencing in 2007, a collaborative project to develop the ”National Animal Welfare Standards for the Livestock Transport Industry” (the Standards) was completed and the documentation was integrated with the existing industry quality assurance (QA) program, TruckCare. The project was the fifth in a series of 6 projects commencing from 1998, to develop industry-wide animal welfare standards and accompanying audit material for the livestock industries, including poultry, pork, dairy, meat processing, and saleyards. Three booklets covering animal welfare practice for the livestock transport industry were produced: a Standards Manual, a Working Manual, and Background Information and Rationale (Edge et al., 2007a, Edge et al., 2007b, Edge et al., 2007c). The documentation was designed to further both industry's and the community's expectations of the high levels of QA associated with livestock transport.Factors that influenced the need for the project include the increasing demand for sound, science-based animal welfare standards by customers for various markets (Blandford et al., 1999; Verbeke et al., 2000), the development of international guidelines (OIE, 2007), and in the near future in Australia, new legislative requirements that are currently being considered as part of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy initiative, a national framework supported by all jurisdictions. The Standards were developed to underpin existing legislation, including the Model Codes of Practice, scientific literature where available, and current industry practice. The Standards were integrated with the existing industry QA program, TruckCare (2007), for industry to demonstrate animal welfare practices that underpin legislative and commercial standards. A management group comprising representatives from government, welfare organizations, industry, customer organizations, and other technical experts contributed to the development of the Standards by means of a consensus approach. The Standards were accompanied by implementation material to enable uptake within the livestock transport industry and for the delivery of assurance on animal welfare practice to government, customers, trading partners, and consumers. This paper describes the project to develop the national industry animal welfare Standards for livestock transport.  相似文献   

Researchers in equitation science have worked diligently to use objective measures in horse behavior and welfare studies, ones that colleagues will appreciate. This is appropriate. However, because equine welfare is not purely an empirical matter, we must recognize that science alone may not be enough when assessing equine treatment. The science community must realize, as does the public already, that different value assumptions will lead to different welfare emphases. Thus, there is an intimate interplay between science and values where the quality of life of both human and nonhuman animals are concerned. If certain training practices or aesthetic modifications are shown to the public and a majority finds them objectionable, the practices should be further scrutinized. There are still many that believe if a horse is healthy and performing competitively then its welfare is good. On closer scrutiny, equine welfare is conceptually more nuanced than this and includes an ethical/values-based component. Welfare is not only concerned with biological functioning, but also with “affective states” such as emotions, pain, suffering, and frustration when opportunities to express species-characteristic behaviors are thwarted. These emphases, informed by empirical insights, reflect value frameworks that influence the scientific study of equine welfare. Here, we consider the complementary values-based side of equine welfare and suggest how ethical assessments have the potential to enhance equine welfare. Three different ethical accounting methods are presented in this article and an example from the horse industry is used to illustrate each. Each subdiscipline of the horse industry contains at least a few ethically questionable practices. Stakeholders are challenged to examine their area of the horse industry and evaluate questionable practices, possibly using the ethical accounting processes discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Though being controversially discussed in the fore field the new guidelines "Animal Welfare Aspects for the Organization of Pet Markets" of the German Federal Ministry of Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Affairs create a standard supported by the main associations of both animal welfare activists and keepers of animals concerned by this subject. This standard was created as a means of achieving high animal welfare standards at these markets all over Germany. First practical experience with the guidelines show that their strict application can greatly improve conditions for the animals. It remains a challenge for the veterinary authorities however to develop inspection concepts for each market jointly with the organizer. Inspections at each event followed by appropriate executive measures further help to ensure conditions in accordance with German Animal Welfare legislation. Besides the opportunity of making conditions with the obligatory licence of pet merchants should be taken.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is part of the Mission Statement of the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney and is taught throughout the undergraduate curriculum. Two units of study have a particular focus on animal welfare: Professional Practice in years 1, 2, and 3 and Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare Science in year 3. There is an emphasis on the refinement and development of alternatives to the use of animals in teaching. With a conscientious objection policy in place, these elements of our approach demonstrate the increasing importance of ethical teaching in the faculty. Undergraduate students have recently founded a vibrant special interest group called Veterinary Students for Animal Welfare. The faculty is advised on matters relating to animal welfare by its Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, chaired by the Sub-Dean for Animal Welfare. With the development of a Faculty Animal Welfare Policy, the faculty is progressing to a more proactive and public profile on animal welfare issues.  相似文献   

The chicken broiler industry has moved deliberately in developing guidelines and audit procedures for best animal welfare practices. The National Chicken Council (NCC) and its member companies, with the assistance of numerous organizations and academic professionals, have made tremendous progress in identifying welfare issues in broilers, defining these in the guidelines, and taking steps to ensure compliance by a proper audit process and documentation. Even though the many entities involved in the welfare process might have been confusing initially, individual companies and customers now have choices to make in the audit process that, if wisely done, will document humane practices or the need for changes to improve them.Now, NCC and its member companies are looking forward to an orderly and professional welfare and audit process. They are encouraging adequate training for auditors and the use of audit guidelines that are based on a respectable knowledge of the science and industry practices. NCC companies are interested in and will support audits and auditors who are qualified for the job at hand, even though such auditors may arrive by a number of different routes. Regardless of any initial confusion within this process, broiler companies will go to almost any lengths to satisfy reasonable needs and demands of their customers, knowing that the ultimate implementation of the welfare process depends on what the customer needs. Also, we realize that the final consumer eventually pays for any added service or feature, and it is in the interest of everyone along this product-process chain to keep animal welfare demands reasonable, affordable, and based on what has been proven to be most humane in both science and practice.  相似文献   

Sweden has a long history of detailed and progressive legislation related to animal welfare for laboratory, farm and companion animals. Previously, these issues have been the responsibility of the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SBA). As a growing proportion of the public opinion and the political establishment felt that the animal welfare related issues were not given proper attention at the SBA, a political decision was recently made to separate animal housing, management and welfare from the SBA and create an independent Animal Welfare Agency. This Agency was formally launched on January 1st 2004. The government has commissioned the Agency to improve animal welfare by evaluating, enforcing and developing legislation. The agency should consider scientific evidence when writing new legislation. Also, the Agency incorporates an external Animal Welfare Council, which, among other things, discusses ethical aspects in relation to existing or proposed legislature. The new Agency must deal with a diversity of public expectations. Animal rights groups have high expectations regarding new and stricter legislation, for example related to fur animals, while some farmers fear that production aspects may be completely lost in discussions about improving welfare standards for farm animals.  相似文献   

Governments, industry and community groups in Australia are jointly developing a national strategy for animal welfare. This will provide for improved national approaches and help in formulating international animal welfare standards. The strategy will recognise the point that animal welfare concerns the humane use and care of animals and is of concern to the community. Animal welfare is a significant issue for the veterinary profession, as the community expects veterinarians to fill a special role in alleviating animal suffering and pain. Many expectations and concerns influence the development of animal welfare standards. Established processes provide well-defined roles for national bodies such as the Animal Welfare Committee (of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management) and the National Consultative Committee for Animal Welfare.  相似文献   

Respiratory disease is an important cause of wastage in the Thoroughbred industry and is a cause of welfare problems in all types of horse. This review concerns developments in our understanding of equine respiratory disease since 1998 and illustrates how strategic funding from the Horserace Betting Levy Board has contributed to this understanding.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is being accorded an increasingly important role in today's civil society. Within the EU, this has been enshrined within the specific “Protocol on Protection and Welfare of Animals” annexed to the EC Treaty, obliging Member States and the EU Institutions to pay full regard to the welfare of animals when formulating and implementing Community legislation. There is a growing body of EU legislation on this issue, founded on sound scientific principles (including the role of EFSA in providing independent scientific advice), taking account of public concerns, stakeholder input and possible socio-economic implications. Recent CAP reforms also testify to animal welfare's growing stature in policy-making, with the introduction of the principle of cross-compliance regarding eligibility for direct payments and additional financial incentives for producers to achieve higher standards. Animal welfare is being increasingly perceived as an integral element of overall food quality, having important knock-on effects on animal health and food safety. On a worldwide level, the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) has embarked on an initiative to develop global animal welfare guidelines and standards mandated by 167 member countries and the issue remains on the agenda for future WTO negotiations. Consumers demand higher standards of animal protection and it is incumbent upon policy-makers and legislators to respond accordingly.  相似文献   

The University of Guelph is internationally recognized as a leader in animal welfare and is home to the Colonel K.L. Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare and to numerous faculty with expertise in the discipline. However, while animal welfare receives significant attention within the agricultural college, its didactic teaching within the veterinary curriculum has been limited. Veterinary students receive four hours of instruction in animal ethics and apply their knowledge within the communication lectures and laboratories, totaling 11-15 hrs. Compulsory coursework explicitly addressing factual components of animal welfare science, welfare assessment, and associated animal-related policy constitute only 12 hrs throughout the four-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine curriculum. However, an elective final-year clinical rotation and a graduate course specific to animal welfare were offered for the first time in 2004/2005. Student interest in animal welfare is evident through their participation in summer research projects in animal welfare, an animal welfare mentor group, and a student-run animal welfare club that organizes an Animal Welfare Forum each October. Veterinarians have important contributions to make in decision making about animal welfare issues, at clinician and policy levels. Although motivated individuals can seek out opportunities to expand their knowledge of animal welfare, a compulsory senior-level course in animal welfare is needed to develop the necessary depth of understanding of this discipline if veterinarians, as a profession, are to meet society's expectations about animal welfare.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE-To assess the knowledge and use of infection control practices (ICPs) among US veterinarians. DESIGN-Anonymous mail-out population survey. PROCEDURES-In 2005 a questionnaire was mailed to US small animal, large animal, and equine veterinarians who were randomly selected from the AVMA membership to assess precaution awareness (PA) and veterinarians' perceptions of zoonotic disease risks. Respondents were assigned a PA score (0 to 4) on the basis of their responses (higher scores representing higher stringency of ICPs); within a practice type, respondents' scores were categorized as being within the upper 25% or lower 75% of scores (high and low PA ranking, respectively). Characteristics associated with low PA rankings were assessed. RESULTS-Generally, respondents did not engage in protective behaviors or use personal protective equipment considered appropriate to protect against zoonotic disease transmission. Small animal and equine veterinarians employed in practices that had no written infection control policy were significantly more likely to have low PA ranking. Male gender was associated with low PA ranking among small animal and large animal veterinarians; equine practitioners not working in a teaching or referral hospital were more likely to have low PA ranking than equine practitioners working in such institutions. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE-Results indicated that most US veterinarians are not aware of appropriate personal protective equipment use and do not engage in practices that may help reduce zoonotic disease transmission. Gender differences may influence personal choices for ICPs. Provision of information and training on ICPs and establishment of written infection control policies could be effective means of improving ICPs in veterinary practices.  相似文献   

Bioacoustics is the study of sound in animals and includes, but is not limited to, animal communication with associated behavior, sound production anatomy and neurophysiology, auditory capacities and auditory mechanisms, and animal welfare. The present research investigates the vocalizations of horses during stressful situations. Stress can be positive or negative. Distress is anything that affects the animal in a negative way, such as in mare and foal separation. Eustress is anything that affects the animal in a positive way, such as morning feeding time in a horse barn. The purpose of the current research is to find spectral differences in the recorded vocalizations of stalled horses that indicate both distress and eustress using the Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Greenwood Function Cepstral Coefficient values suggest that there are spectral differences between vocalizations in a distress and eustress situation. These consistent results indicate that further research to obtain and evaluate vocalizations of horses may provide a productive tool in understanding equine welfare.  相似文献   

The Welfare Quality® project has developed an operational definition of farm animal welfare, which consists of 12 criteria grouped into four principles (‘good feeding’, ‘good housing’, ‘good health’ and ‘appropriate behaviour’). As part of a larger survey, 204 farmers, 72 vegetarians, and a representative sample of 459 adult citizens in Flanders (Belgium) scored the importance of each of the 12 criteria on a 1–10 scale, and divided 100 points across the four principles according to the perceived relative weights for farm animal welfare. These data were analysed to verify quantitatively whether (1) the grouping of 12 criteria into the four principles, and (2) the relative weights used by Welfare Quality® for aggregating the 12 criteria into an overall welfare judgement correspond with the perception of these three stakeholder groups from a region and setting not previously covered by Welfare Quality® studies. Moreover, the effects of various socio-demographic variables on the importance allocated to the welfare criteria and principles were investigated. Vegetarians and females gave consistently higher importance scores to all 12 criteria as compared with farmers, citizens and males, respectively, particularly for the (criteria belonging to the) principle ‘appropriate behaviour’. Farmers allocated more weight to ‘good feeding’ than did vegetarians or citizens. These differences confirm that farmers view animal welfare more in terms of biological functioning (instead of affective states or natural living) as compared to other citizens, and vegetarians in particular. As the concept has a different meaning to different people, any operational definition of animal welfare is unlikely to match equally well with the perception of every single stakeholder group or person. The structure of the Welfare Quality® operational definition with the 12 criteria aggregated into four principles, corresponds well with the opinion of the stakeholders as they judged all 12 criteria as rather important to extremely important for farm animal welfare. Factor analysis restricted to contain four factors confirmed the grouping of the criteria into the correct principles. Exploratory factor analysis using Eigenvalues > 1 as extraction criterion indicated, however, that from the citizen perspective two principles (‘good feeding & health’ and ‘appropriate behaviour & housing’) rather than four would suffice. The main discrepancy with the Welfare Quality® approach concerns the aggregation procedure: the stakeholders did not consider all four principles as equally important, and the relative importance allocated to criteria corresponded poorly across principles. Some of these discrepancies were consistent across the three different stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

Veterinary surgeons are required to assess an animal's welfare in a range of different circumstances in the course of their daily work. These assessments may relate to the long‐term welfare of an individual animal under their care, or the current welfare of a population of animals that are unfamiliar to them as individuals. The welfare assessment made may subsequently have implications for the treatment that an animal receives or for the decision of whether or not an animal should remain in its current home. Yet welfare assessment is not straightforward. Here we review the challenges that welfare assessment presents and review the tools currently available to meet them. Lastly, we look towards the future of equine welfare assessment, with examples of current research to develop tools and optimise welfare assessment.  相似文献   

Since the last report there have been major revisions of laws and ordinances. Deliberations on rules of Community law were also continued. On national level, the Act on the Shoeing of Horses amending the Animal Welfare Act and amendments of animal welfare provisions as well as the Deregulation Act were prepared, some of which have meanwhile entered into force. At legislative level, the work on the ratification laws for the Council of Europe conventions (Strasbourg) was concluded in order to enable Germany to adopt the revisions.They include (1) the European Convention for the protection of animals used for experimental purposes and (2) the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport. At the level of ordinances, the amendment and extension of the Animal Welfare -Farm Animal Husbandry Ordinance are of vital importance for the sections on pig farming and laying hen husbandry. Another section refers to the husbandry of fur animals, on which an ordinance has been submitted to the Bundesrat (German upper house of Parliament). Deliberations on this issue have been adjourned. Drafts of a circus register were prepared to amend the Animal Welfare Act and to adopt a separate ordinance, and they are being discussed with the federal states and associations. Previously,the rules of Community law in the area of animal welfare were adopted as EC directives which the member states had to transfer in national law. This was done by incorporating them into national laws or ordinances, with non-compliance having to be sanctioned. It is the member states' responsibility to establish sanctions. Yet the Commission has introduced a directly operative animal welfare legislation by adopting EC Regulation 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport. This means that a national implementation is not required. Nevertheless, the establishment of sanctions continues to be the responsibility of the member states. A special authorisation by the legislator is required to be able to impose sanctions based on directly applicable EC law. This is done via the already mentioned Act on the Shoeing of Horses and amendment. To establish sanctions for this Community legislation, a "Sanctions Ordinance" is currently being discussed by the different departments. This way, a link between directly applicable Community legislation and national sanctions is established. At EC level there are currently discussed (1) the "Animal Welfare Action Plan", (2) a draft directive laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production and (3) preparations for a revision of the directive on the protection of animals used for experimental purposes have become known due to the preparation of a related impact assessment. At the level of international law, the Council of Europe has concluded its work on Annex A of the convention for the protection of animals used for experimental purposes. With regard to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, the deliberations on fish and fattening rabbits are being continued. There is a discussion on the technical details of the Transport Convention. Since the first animal welfare conference of the International Office of epizootics (OlE) in February 2004 in Paris, two very comprehensive codes on slaughter of animals and on animal transport were adopted.The inclusion of further animal welfare issues into the OIE work programme will be discussed in the next future.  相似文献   

Using reproduction parameters as indicators for cattle welfare has limitations and, at best, these parameters should only be viewed as indirect indicators of welfare. On a farm level, measures such as fertility rates emphasize biological performance of the herd but fail to consider the welfare of individual animals. Even on an individual level, the relationship between reproductive effectiveness and animal welfare is complex. Good reproductive performance does not automatically signify good welfare, as domestication and targeted breeding programmes have led to prioritization of high productive and reproductive performance in most modern farm animal species. In this review, we synthesize literature regarding cattle husbandry, reproduction, welfare and their multidimensional relationships. We argue that practices such as artificial insemination or the use of sexed semen may provide potential welfare advantages as these practices reduce the risk of disease transmission and injury or enable selection of specific beneficial traits. Furthermore, they may offer a solution to current practices jeopardizing welfare, such as the management of surplus bull calves in the dairy industry. Conversely, the animals’ ability to perform natural behaviours such as oestrous expression, an aspect arguably contributing to welfare, is often limited on commercial farms; this limitation is particularly evident in housing systems such as tie stalls where movement is restricted. Moreover, common management practices such as oestrus manipulation may lead to negative attitudes in citizens who often regard naturalness as important element of animal welfare.  相似文献   

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