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为了靶向消减根区土壤盐碱障碍和定向培育健康沃土,该研究在内蒙古河套灌区开展田间小区试验,设置沙土覆盖种植孔(S)、条施生物炭+沙土覆盖种植孔(B+S)、条施生物炭+脱硫石膏覆盖种植孔(B+G) 3个处理,对比分析0~20 cm和>20~40 cm土层土壤质量及向日葵产量差异。结果表明:根区施用生物炭和脱硫石膏改变了0~40 cm±壤水溶性离子组成,主要表现为增加Ca2+含量而降低Na+含量。与S处理相比,B+S和B+G处理显著降低了0~40 cm土壤钠吸附比(sodium adsorption ratio,SAR)和>20~40 cm土层pH值,增大了土壤脱盐率(Ds);B+S和B+G处理还增加了0~40 cm土壤有机质(OM)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、有效磷(available phosphorus,AP)和速效钾(AK)含量,为向日葵出苗和生长提供了良好的土壤环境。此外,B+S和B+G处理通过调理盐碱指标(SAR,Ds,Ca2+和Mg  相似文献   

Two Safflower (Carthamus tinctoriusL.) cultivars' seeds were used to study the influence of inoculation with mycorrhiza arbuscular fungi under salinity stress condition. Factorial experiment based on completely randomized design (three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)) with 3 replications was used. Salinity treatment with 3 levels (0.5, 6, and 12 dS/m) and mycorrhizal arbuscular inoculation with two species (three levels consist of non-inoculation, and inoculation with Glomus intraradices and G. moseae) were applied on two cultivars of safflower (Goldasht and Padide) in this experiment. Some important biochemical, mineral, and growth traits were measured in this study. Salinity had a significant negative effect on all growth and morphological parameters including shoot and root dry weight, stem and root height. On the other hand, colonized plants showed better growth parameters under saline conditions compared with the control. The colonization of both mycorrhizal species decreased with salinity. Sugar and pigment content decreased with salinity, but their levels in colonized plants under saline conditions were higher than that in non-colonized plants. Mineral elements including phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and magnesium (Mg) were higher in colonized plants, while salinity decreased the absorption of these elements in both inoculated and non-inoculated plants. Higher activity of the enzymatic antioxidant means higher removal of these compounds and higher resistance to stress condition. Overall, it is clear that salinity had a negative effect on both cultivars of safflower, but these negative effects were lower in inoculated plants than in the non-inoculated ones; so, the use of mycorrhizal inoculation is a proper way to control the effect of salinity and maintain plant production.  相似文献   


Poor soil structure is the main cause of soil degradation; however, biochar the solid carbon-rich production of pyrolysis biomass could improve the soil structure. Biochar from the feed stock sawdust (SD) and corn cobs (CC) was pyrolyzed at 450?°C. Wheat was grown as a test crop and treatments were control, NPK, SDB1% (sawdust biochar), CCB1% (corn cobs biochar), SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%, SDB1%?+?½ NPK, CCB1%?+?½ NPK. The higher growth, higher grain and dry matter yield were displayed by biochar?+?NPK. The lowest pH, the higher organic matter, available P and available K were observed in SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%. However, the highest total N (1.43?g kg?1) was by NPK treatment. The biochar increased plant available water contents, water contents at field capacity and permanent wilting point, soil porosity and decreased bulk density. The highest stable aggregates were in SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%. Biochar application was found as a useful practice for soil sustainability  相似文献   

生物炭对土壤磷素转化的影响及其机理研究进展   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
【目的】土壤中磷素总量及形态变化是其发挥营养元素作用和造成环境潜在威胁的重要因素。作为一种外源输入的新型功能材料,生物炭对调节土壤磷素转化及其功能发挥具有重要意义。本文重点针对农业生态系统中生物炭影响土壤磷素转化的研究进展进行综述,并对相应的影响机制进行探讨,旨在为生物炭在农田土壤磷素迁移转化方面的应用及调控提供理论依据。主要进展生物炭可有效增加土壤中有效磷的供给,不仅由于生物炭本身含有较高的磷,其施入土壤后,还可以调节土壤pH,吸附土壤磷素与金属的络合物,直接作为土壤微生物的碳素营养,提高土壤磷素的生物转化率等途径。展望生物炭研究应针对低肥力土壤进行生物炭适宜类型和添加量的研究,防止由于可能的磷素过多导致养分供应的不平衡。由于生物炭本身的含磷量较高,还应进行增施生物炭适当减少磷肥用量的试验,以提高生产效益。生物炭对根际土壤磷活性影响与实际生产相关更加密切,也应投入更多的注意力。此外,作为较为新兴的改土材料,生物炭施入土壤后的长期效应还有待观察和评估。  相似文献   

研究不同生物炭施用量对大豆增产与根际土壤酶活性的影响,为大豆增产提供合理的生物炭施用量。以当地常规施肥为对照(CK),设置生物炭处理27 kg·hm-2(B1)、54 kg·hm-2(B2)、81 kg·hm-2(B3)、108 kg·hm-2(B4),生物炭与常规肥混匀沟施。结果表明:B3处理可以显著提高大豆根际土壤脲酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性以及土壤酸性磷酸酶活性;土壤β-葡萄糖苷酶活性则表现为在大豆营养生长期间B1处理酶活性最高,在生殖生长阶段B4处理酶活性最高;生物炭对土壤蔗糖酶活性的影响不显著。B3处理显著增加了大豆株高、单株荚数、有效荚数、单株粒重、百粒重及产量,各因素分别较CK增加了13.13%、32.11%、45.73%、17.41%、7.80%及7.35%。生物炭可以提高土壤酶活性、改善土壤微环境,与化肥配施可以显著增加大豆株高、有效荚数和百粒重,进而促进农作物增产增收。  相似文献   


Inoculation effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on phosphorus (P) transfer from composted dung of cattle with a diet supplemented with powdered rock phosphate (RP) and their successive uptake by mung bean plants was assessed in alkaline soil. The efficacy of composted RP fed dung alone or/and in combination with AMF inoculums containing six different species were compared with SSP in six replicates per treatment in pots. The results showed that the association of AMF with composted RP fed dung had a positive effect on mung bean shoot (3.04?g) and root (2.62?g) biomass, chlorophyll (a, b), carotenoid contents and N (58.38?mg plant?1) and P (4.61?mg plant?1) uptake. Similarly, the percent roots colonization (56%) and nodulation of mung bean plant roots and their post-harvest soil properties were also improved by the inoculation of AMF together with composted RP fed dung. It is concluded that the combined application of AMF with composted RP fed dung has almost the same effect as SSP for improving mung bean plants growth and their nutrients uptake. Moreover, AMF inoculants can be used as a suitable biofertilizer in combination with locally available organic sources of fertilizers for improving P status and growth of plants in alkaline soils.  相似文献   

生物炭对滴灌春小麦产量及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解生物炭对滴灌春小麦产量及土壤肥力的影响,通过2年田间试验对灰漠土土壤和春小麦养分及产量等进行了研究。结果表明:与CK相比,施用生物炭显著(P0.05)增加了土壤肥力,并显著(P0.05)增加春小麦对N、P和K的吸收,还对春小麦产量及构成具有积极的促进作用。与NP处理相比,NP+B6处理显著(P0.05)增加了土壤有机质、全氮和速效钾含量以及植株吸磷量。与NP+M6处理相比,NP+B6处理显著(P0.05)增加了土壤全氮、速效钾和植株养分吸收量。  相似文献   

潮土长期施用生物炭提高小麦产量及氮素利用率   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
该文于2011年起在黄淮海典型潮土区建立的秸秆炭化还田定位试验的基础上,系统观测了2011至2017年时间段秸秆生物炭连续施用下小麦生长及氮吸收情况,分析了产量构成因素,地上干物质及氮累积,关键生育期叶面积指数(LAI)、叶绿素相对含量(SPAD值)和群体数量等与小麦增产的关系,并监测了长期生物炭施用下土壤有机碳(SOC)与全氮(TN)含量的变化。该试验采用小麦/玉米周年轮作,设每季0、2.25、6.75和11.25 t/hm2四个秸秆生物炭处理(分别表示为BC0(对照)、BC2.25(低)、BC6.75(中)和BC11.25(高))。结果表明,与BC0相比,BC2.25仅在2015/2016季提高小麦产量,对其他5季无明显效果;BC6.75则在2014/2015、2015/2016和2016/2017的后3季显著提高小麦产量;而BC11.25提高了2014/2015和2015/2016季小麦产量。尽管生物炭处理对各季小麦产量影响各异,但6季各处理平均产量数据显示低、中、高量生物炭处理均可提高小麦产量7.0%~8.5%、生物量5.2%~10.8%和氮肥偏生产力6.8%~8.6%,且3个处理间并无差异;中、高量生物炭处理还可提高小麦秸秆产量11.4%~12.6%、穗数10.1%~11.2%、籽粒氮积累量9.4%~11.2%、秸秆氮积累量17.4%~23.8%、地上部氮积累量13.3%~20.9%。生物炭施用在促进小麦生长和氮吸收利用的作用方面与其增加小麦生育期LAI和SPAD值一致,具体表现为低、中、高量生物炭处理均可明显增加2015/2016和2016/2017两季小麦主要生育期群体数量以及增加两季拔节期、抽穗期SPAD值和LAI值。3个生物炭处理对提高2011/2012土壤SOC含量和2011—2014年土壤TN含量无明显效果,中、高量生物炭处理可增加2012—2017年土壤SOC含量32.6%~215.6%和2014—2017年土壤TN含量20.0%~36.8%。研究表明,合理施用生物炭能够促进黄淮区潮土农田冬小麦籽粒产量和氮肥偏生产力以及促进小麦生长和地上部氮素吸收,进而起到提高土壤肥力和增加土壤固碳的作用。  相似文献   

A pot study was conducted to assess the combined effect of biochar (B) with compost (Com) and inorganic fertilizers (F) for improving nutrient acquisition and productivity of maize. Seven different treatments, including B (1% w/w), F (Recommended nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK): 60, 30 and 25 mg kg─1), Com (1.5% w/w), Com+F (1.5% + NPK), B+F (1% + NPK), B+Com (0.5% + 0.75%), B+Com+F (0.5% + 0.75% + NPK) along with a control (C) without B, Com and F were applied in pots with four replications. The results showed that growth and grain yield of maize increased by the application of B, Com and F compared with C, but B+Com+F was more effective than their sole application (i.e. B, Com and F). Highest leaf chlorophyll content, gas exchange attributes and nutrient concentrations: N, P and K in shoot and grains were observed, where B+Com+F was applied followed by Com+F > B+F > B+Com > F > Com > B > C. Soil properties such as soil organic carbon (SOC), N, P, and K were significantly increased, whereas soil pH was decreased by the combination of B with Com and F. Hence, application of B in combination with Com and F (B+Com+F) could be a good management strategy to enhance crop productivity and improve soil properties.  相似文献   

生物炭和氮肥配施提高土团聚体稳定性及作物产量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】通过田间定位试验,探讨生物炭和氮肥配施对土耕层土壤水稳性团聚体组成、稳定性、有机碳土层分布及冬小麦–夏玉米轮作体系下产量的影响,为生物炭在关中地区农业生产中的应用提供科学依据。【方法】本试验设置4个生物炭水平和2个氮肥水平,生物炭水平分别为0、1000、5000、10000 kg/hm2,依次记为B0、B1、B2、B3;氮肥水平包括两季总氮量480 kg/hm2(NT) 和两季总氮量减半240 kg/hm2(NH),共组成8个处理。采集0—10 cm、10—20 cm土层土壤样品,利用TTF-100土壤团聚体分析仪湿筛获得5种粒级的团聚体 (> 2 mm、1~2 mm、0.5~1 mm、0.25~0.5 mm、< 0.25 mm),用 > 0.25 mm团聚体含量 (R0.25)、平均重量直径 (MWD)、几何重量直径 (GMD) 表示水稳性团聚体的的稳定性,并测定了不同粒级团聚体中有机碳的含量及小麦–玉米两季作物总产量。【结果】与不施生物炭 (B0NT、B0NH) 相比,施用生物炭的处理显著增加了 > 2 mm、1~2 mm粒级水稳性大团聚体的百分含量 (P < 0.05),两粒级增幅范围分别为3.5%~180.3%、9.4%~98.9%。施用生物炭10000 kg/hm2(B3NT、B3NH) 时,MWD、GMD和R0.25增幅最高,分别增加了12.5%~112.5%、25.0%~65.7%、20.0%~65.0%。施用生物炭显著提高了土壤各粒级水稳性团聚体有机碳含量,与不施生物炭处理相比,> 2 mm、1~2 mm、0.5~1 mm 和0.25~0.5 mm粒级团聚体有机碳含量增幅分别为6.3%~30.5%、0.2%~28.2%、0.2%~41.6%和4.6%~39.1%。与0—10 cm土层相比,10—20 cm土层氮肥减量降低了土壤团聚体的稳定性,而施用生物炭10000 kg/hm2(B3NH) 可改善土壤团聚体的稳定性,改变有机碳分布。在10—20 cm土层,与B0NT处理相比,B0NH处理土壤水稳性团聚体的R0.25、MWD、GMD显著下降,三者分别降低了79.2%、25.7%、30.0%,而B3NH与B3NT处理之间无显著差异。与B0NT相比,B0NH处理 < 0.25 mm粒级微团聚体对土壤有机碳分配比例显著增加了17.4%,而B3NH处理与B3NT相比,< 0.25 mm粒级微团聚体对土壤有机碳分配比例无显著差异。此外,施用生物炭显著提高作物总产量,B2NT、B3NT和B3NH处理下两季作物总产量较高,分别较B0NT提高了27.0%、23.6%、27.9%,且三个处理之间无显著差异。从各指标相关分析可知,水稳定大团聚体的GMD与土壤全土有机碳以及两季作物总产量之间有着显著的正相关关系。【结论】生物炭配施氮肥显著提高了土壤水稳性大团聚体含量和团聚体稳定性,且提高小麦—玉米两季作物总产量。减施氮肥有利于有机碳向大团聚体中分配,供试条件下,生物炭10000 kg/hm2配施氮肥240 kg/hm2对提高土耕层团聚体稳定性、土壤有机碳及两季作物总产量效果最佳。  相似文献   


This study was designed to investigate the effect of biochar on maize production and nutrient retention with recommended full and half dose of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) nutrition in loamy soil. In the first study, maize was grown in pots with four levels of biochar (0, 2, 4, and 6?t?ha?1) under two levels of NP fertilizer, viz. recommended (200–150?kg?NP?ha?1) and it’s half (100–75?kg?NP?ha?1) dose. The prominent improvement in plant roots traits, leaf area, plant growth, morphological and yield-related parameters were observed with addition of biochar at 2 and 4?t?ha?1; while, plant height, number of grains per cob, grains and biological yield decreased with biochar addition 6?t?ha?1 along with full dose of NP nutrition. In subsequent field studies, two levels of biochar along with control (0, 2, 4?t?ha?1) were investigated. The more improvement in root growth, leaf area and crop growth was observed when biochar was applied at 2?t?ha?1 with full NP nutrition. Biochar application at 2?t?ha?1 with full NP nutrition produced the highest grain yield (6.64?t?ha?1); however, biochar addition (2?t?ha?1) with half NP nutrition resulted in better grain yield than full dose of NP to enhance maize production as compared with full dose of NP without biochar. Therefore, biochar addition (2?t?ha?1) with half-recommended dose of NP prominently improved the maize productivity in loamy soil and serve as better in replacement of full dose of NP fertilizer.  相似文献   

为探究覆膜条件下铁改性磷负载生物炭对花生植株磷素利用及产量的影响,该研究于2021和2022年设置盆栽裂区试验,研究不同覆膜方式(覆膜处理(M1)和无膜处理(M0))下,铁改性磷负载生物炭处理(常规施磷量+无生物炭处理(P1C0)、3/4常规施磷量+7.5 t/hm2铁改性磷负载生物炭处理(P2C1)、3/4常规施磷量+15 t/hm2铁改性磷负载生物炭处理(P2C2)、2/3常规施磷量+7.5 t/hm2铁改性磷负载生物炭(P3C1)、2/3常规施磷量+15 t/hm2铁改性磷负载生物炭(P3C2))对花生植株叶绿素含量、净光合速率、干物质积累量、磷素利用、土壤有效磷含量及花生产量的影响。研究结果表明,与M0处理相比,M1处理下花生苗期、花针期、结荚期和饱果期叶绿素含量与净光合速率分别提高了7.6%和29.1%、12.4%和25.9%、14.9%和16.0%、6.5%和14.8%,饱果期干物质积累量和产量分别提高了17.7%和18.8%(2 a平均)。同一覆膜方式下,从苗期至饱果期,花生净光合速率...  相似文献   

Maximizing nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) involves synchronizing the interplay between nitrogen preferential crops and the nitrogen transformation pathways of soil. Biochar may benefit specific N-preference crops in relatively unsuitable soil environments; however, experimental data are lacking. This study tested eight treatments, consisting of four nitrogen treatments (N0 = control; N1 = NH4Cl; N2 = NaNO3; and N3 = 1:1 ratio of NH4+ and NO3) each with biochar applied at 0% or 2% (w/w). The results show that biochar and/or nitrogen application enhanced maize seedling biomass and NO3-based fertilizer resulted in higher seedling biomass than NH4+-based fertilizer. With the application of biochar and NH4+-based fertilizer, maize seedling biomass increased and soil NH4+-N content was significantly reduced compared with NH4Cl sole application. Correlation analysis and redundancy analysis revealed that SOC content and inorganic nitrogen content were the main factors influencing maize growth and N absorption. Biochar with or without nitrogen fertilizer (except N1 treatment) significantly increased β-1,4-glucosidase (BG) activity. Co-application treatments also resulted in higher vector length, an indicator of C limitation—the increment might add to the risk of microbial C limitation. The activity of ammonia monooxygenase (AMO), a key enzyme in nitrification, decreased with the co-application of biochar and nitrogen, suggesting the alteration of nitrogen transformation.  相似文献   

加入不同量生物质炭盐渍化土壤盐分淋洗的差异与特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
岳燕  郭维娜  林启美 《土壤学报》2014,51(4):914-919
生物质炭作为土壤调理剂,能够显著地改良培肥土壤,但对盐渍化土壤盐分淋洗的影响缺乏研究和了解。本研究采用土柱模拟试验,将蘑菇棒生物质炭按照不同的质量比(0%、2%、5%、10%),添加到内蒙古河套地区硫酸盐盐渍化土壤0~20 cm的土层中,并进行淋洗,测定淋出液和土壤盐分及主要盐分离子含量,以期了解生物质炭对土壤盐分和主要盐分离子洗脱的影响。结果表明:加入生物质炭的土柱,淋洗液出现的时间提前了5~36 d,电导率降低至5 mS cm-1缩短了41~100 d;生物质炭加入量越大,淋洗液出现的时间越早,电导率降低至5 mS cm-1所需的时间也越少。其中,生物质炭用量2%的处理,淋洗结束表层脱盐效果较好,含盐量与对照相比降低了34.25%。显然,向盐渍化土壤加入生物质炭,不仅能够缩短盐分洗脱时间,而且提高洗盐效率,但对盐分离子洗脱先后顺序及其速率,并没有表现出明显的影响。  相似文献   

Biochar is a carbon (C)-rich material produced from biomass by anoxic or oxygen-limited thermal treatment known as pyrolysis. Despite substantial gaseous losses of C during pyrolysis, incorporating biochar in soil has been suggested as an effective long-term option to sequester CO2 for climate change mitigation, due to the intrinsic stability of biochar C. However, no universally applicable approach that combines biochar quality and pyrolysis yield into an overall metric of C sequestration efficiency has been suggested yet. To ensure safe environmental use of biochar in agricultural soils, the International Biochar Initiative and the European Biochar Certificate have developed guidelines on biochar quality. In both guidelines, the hydrogen-to-organic C (H/Corg) ratio is an important quality criterion widely used as a proxy of biochar stability, which has been recognized also in the new EU regulation 2021/2088. Here, we evaluate the biochar C sequestration efficiency from published data that comply with the biochar quality criteria in the above guidelines, which may regulate future large-scale field application in practice. The sequestration efficiency is calculated from the fraction of biochar C remaining in soil after 100 years (Fperm) and the C-yield of various feedstocks pyrolyzed at different temperatures. Both parameters are expressed as a function of H/Corg. Combining these two metrics is relevant for assessing the mitigation potential of the biochar economy. We find that the C sequestration efficiency for stable biochar is in the range of 25%–50% of feedstock C. It depends on the type of feedstock and is in general a non-linear function of H/Corg. We suggest that for plant-based feedstock, biochar production that achieves H/Corg of 0.38–0.44, corresponding to pyrolysis temperatures of 500–550°C, is the most efficient in terms of soil carbon sequestration. Such biochars reveal an average sequestration efficiency of 41.4% (±4.5%) over 100 years.  相似文献   

秸秆生物炭对潮土作物产量和土壤性状的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
将秸秆转化为高碳含量和稳定性的生物炭施入土壤无疑可提升碳库,但也会影响土壤性状和作物生长。为评估秸秆生物炭在北方潮土(p H 8.30)的应用潜力,设每季生物炭施用量为0(对照)、2.25(低量)、6.75(中量)和11.3 t hm-2(高量)(四季后总施炭量分别为0、9、27、45.2 t hm-2)4个处理,通过2年小麦-玉米轮作小区试验,观测了作物产量、籽粒品质、氮素吸收和土壤矿质氮、p H、容重、水分的变化。结果显示,中量生物炭处理下第四季玉米产量增加8.43%;中、高量生物炭处理下四季作物总产量提高4.54%~4.92%。生物炭对小麦和玉米籽粒蛋白质、小麦湿面筋含量及容重无负面影响。作物地上部分氮素吸收、土壤矿质氮含量和p H各处理间无明显变化。中、高量处理下四季作物后土壤容重降低2.99%~10.4%,含水量增加10.3%~20.2%,最大持水量提高14.5%~15.0%。表明中、高量秸秆生物炭每季还田对作物有小幅增产作用,且不影响籽粒品质。土壤容重、水分、持水量等物理性状的改善可能是作物增产的重要原因。  相似文献   

为解决季节性干旱导致云南省烤烟减产的问题,开展了烟秆生物炭改善云南典型植烟土壤持水性的研究,进而为生物炭在烟叶生产中的推广应用提供依据。通过盆栽试验研究了穴施不同用量生物炭(0%、1%、4%、7%、11%干土重)对黄红壤(YR)、黄棕壤(YB)、赤红壤(LR)、水稻土(PD)和紫色土(PE)5种典型植烟土壤持水性的影响。结果表明:施用生物炭显著提升5种土壤持水性,一次浇水周期较对照延长1~5 d,对烤烟产量的影响因土壤类型而异。其中,1%~11%范围内,YR土壤持水性随着生物炭用量增加而降低,施用生物炭1%土壤持水性最好,与对照相比,烤烟生育期总补水量显著降低59.5%,土壤含水量平均下降速度显著下降50.4%,水分利用效率显著提高32.3%。但施用生物炭导致烤烟最高减产37.9%。YB土壤持水性随着生物炭用量增加呈升高趋势,施用生物炭11%最好,相比对照,烤烟生育期总补水量显著降低41.3%,水分利用效率显著提高93.3%,产量无显著提高。随着生物炭用量增加,LR土壤持水性先增加后降低,施用生物炭4%效果最好,烤烟产量和水分利用效率分别较对照显著提高46.2%和68.8%。随着生物炭用量增加,PD和PE的土壤持水性及烤烟产量呈现先增加后降低趋势,施用生物炭7%效果最佳,与对照相比,烤烟产量分别显著提高17.0%和55.6%,总补水量分别显著降低40.3%和26.8%,土壤含水量平均下降速度分别显著降低37.4%和36.5%,水分利用效率分别显著提高94.4%和121.7%。烟秆生物炭对于云南典型植烟土壤的保水效果明显,其最佳施用量视土壤类型而异。  相似文献   

Sewage sludge treated with 15% bentonite, vermiculite or biochar was evaluated as a soil amendment in comparison to limed and untreated sludge. Seven treatments were established to two soils, an acid and an alkaline, in three replications, i.e. 2% addition of sludge treated with bentonite, vermiculite, biochar and lime and application of 2% untreated sludge, inorganic fertilization and no sludge or inorganic fertilizers (control). Then, the soil treatments were used in a pot experiment with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) as a test plant. Sludge treated with the clay minerals or biochar improved pH of the acid soil and significantly increased organic matter and available nutrients of both soils compared to control. Although no salinity or sodicity hazard was evidenced, the initial salinity of acid and alkaline soil increased by four-eight and two-three times, respectively, upon addition of all sludge treatments, especially that of untreated sludge. Moreover, soil available zinc (Zn) increased by four-eight times. Soil application of sludge treated with the clay minerals or biochar increased the total aboveground biomass yield of ryegrass in the acid and alkaline soil by 133%–171% and 72%–88%, respectively, compared to control and enhanced nutrient uptake by plants. Furthermore the microbial metabolic quotient indicated lack of low pH and heavy metal stress with addition of sludge to the acid soil. After three harvests of ryegrass, the residual effect of sludge on pH of acid soil and salinity, available phosphorus (P), Zn and boron (B) of both soils still persisted. Thus sewage sludge treated with 15% bentonite, vermiculite or biochar could be applied to soils at a rate of 2% (≈80 Mg ha−1) to serve as soil amendment and fertilizer for grasses and pasture species; however, caution is needed regarding possible P build-up, Zn phytotoxicity and salinization risks.  相似文献   

闫辉  白冰  刘明一  李沁芸  曹翠玲 《土壤》2016,(3):110-116
采用盆栽试验,研究了施用硝态氮、铵态氮对解磷细菌发酵液不同组分解磷活性及其对小白菜产量、品质的影响。结果表明,施用相同氮肥时,浇灌解磷细菌原发酵液处理 T3的作用效果明显优于菌体悬浮液T2及菌液上清T1;以硝态氮为底肥时,施用发酵原液的土壤有效态磷含量较高,小白菜产量最高,品质明显优化,即硝态氮含量下降, Vc、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、纤维素以及植株磷含量显著增加,且增加变幅均高于以铵态氮为底肥的效果。由此可知,硝态氮与解磷细菌发酵原液配施时, W1菌株解磷效果更好,可能是解磷菌株W1最适的氮源。因此,种植小白菜时直接向其根际施用解磷细菌发酵液并配施硝态氮肥,更有利于提高小白菜的品质及产量。  相似文献   

生物炭具有改良耕层土壤理化性质和保水保肥的功效.针对华北地区农田养分利用效率低的问题,采用田间试验方法,研究了生物炭不同施用量对夏玉米生长关键期0~100 cm土壤有效态氮、磷、钾垂直分布特征及其对作物养分吸收利用的影响.试验设B0F(0 t/hm2生物炭+化肥)、B5F(5 t/hm2生物炭+化肥)、B10F(10 ...  相似文献   

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