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Blood samples were collected from four native breeds (Chahua chicken, Xishuangbanna Game chicken, Wuding chicken, and Yangbi Huang chicken) in the Yunnan province of China, and their protein polymorphisms were analyzed by using electrophoresies. Out of 16 loci examined, polymorphisms were found in the following eight loci: plasma esterase, plasma amylase, plasma alkaline phosphatase, plasma albumin, plasma transferrin, plasma postalbumin, and hemoglobin. The other eight loci, erythrocyte lactate dehydrogenase, erythrocyte 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, erythrocyte phosphoglucomutase, erythrocyte phosphohexose isomerase, erythrocyte tetrazolium oxidase, erythrocyte malate dehydrogenase, erythrocyte esterase and hemoglobin, were monomorphic. The proportion of the polymorphic loci and the expected average heterozygosity were estimated as 0.438–0.500 and 0.141–0.174, respectively. A dendrogram was drawn according to the genetic distance, which was calculated by the Nei's genetic distance matrix, among four Chinese native breeds. The results indicated that Chahua, Wuding and Yangbi Huang chickens were genetically remote from Xishuangbanna Game chicken. Moreover, the genetic distance was calculated among the Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi and Nepalese native fowl populations, and another dendrogram was constructed. In the latter dendrogram, Chahua, Wuding and Yangbi Huang chickens were genetically closer to Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi native fowls than Xishuangbanna Game chicken.  相似文献   


Mineral and fatty acid composition in milk from two minor native dairy breeds in Denmark; Danish Red 1970 (RDM-1970) and Jutland cows were analyzed. Results showed that for most compositional traits breed only played a minor role, whereas management and feeding played a significant role. Biodynamic management and very low milk yield resulted in a very characteristic fatty acid composition and a strongly elevated n-3/n-6 ratio (ratio 0.9 compared to 0.3). For milk minerals, RDM-1970 had significantly higher contents of P, Mg, Mn, whereas milk from Jutland cows had significantly higher K content.  相似文献   


1. The genetic diversity and population structure were studied for eight local chicken breeds, including Anjiyan (AN), Hetian Black (HH), Hetian Ma (HM), Aheqi (AH), Baicheng You (BC), Hejing (HJ), Tashkurghan (TS) and Ruoqiang (RQ), in the Southern Xinjiang region of China, using 20 microsatellite markers.

2. Total 336 alleles were obtained from all chicken breeds, with a mean of 16.8 alleles per locus. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.444 to 0.911, with a mean of 0.729 and almost all of the loci showed significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg standards. The observed and expected heterozygosity of the eight breeds ranged from 0.5 to 0.677 and from 0.656 to 0.774, with the lowest observed in the AN and the highest in BC breed. The average breed genetic diversity was 0.655 for AN and 0.766 for BC chickens.

3. According to the neighbour-joining (NJ) method, three main clusters were identified in the NJ phylogenetic tree with AN and RQ breeds in one clade, HH and HM breeds in the second clade and TS, HJ, AH and BC breeds in the third clade.

4. Based on STRUCTURE analysis, the most likely cluster number of all breeds was K = 4, whereby HH and HM breeds formed one cluster and AH, BC, HJ and TS formed another, and RQ, AN chicken formed their own distinct cluster. These results indicated that HH and HM breeds had similar genetic background, as did the breeds of AH, BC, HJ and TS. RQ, AN breed had unique genetic backgrounds, distinct from the other breeds. Genetic introgression was detected from AN to HH and HM.

5. The results of the current study can be used as baseline genetic information to implement effective conservation programs and to make better use of these local chicken breeds, especially for the AN, RQ and TS breeds.  相似文献   

Brazilian goat breeds are believed to derive mainly from animals brought by Portuguese settlers since the 16th century. We used microsatellite markers in a sample of 436 animals to study genetic variability and differentiation of the six Portuguese (PT) and six Brazilian (BR) goat breeds currently recognized in the two countries. These breeds were also compared with an outgroup represented by a sample of Alpine (ALP) goats. The effective number of alleles and allelic richness were slightly higher in PT than in BR breeds. The global F(ST) was nearly 0.11 when PT and BR breeds were considered, with a mean pairwise F(ST) of about 0.03 among PT breeds, 0.07 among BR breeds and 0.15 between PT and BR breeds. The dendrogram illustrating relationships between populations and the correspondence analysis indicate the existence of two very distinct clusters, corresponding to the countries of origin of the breeds studied, which are nearly equidistant from the Alpine outgroup. The analysis with structure confirmed the separation between PT and BR breeds but suggests that some BR breeds, especially Graúna and Canindé, may share a common ancestry with PT breeds. The divergence observed between PT and BR breeds may result from founder effects and genetic drift but could also reflect the introduction in Brazil of goats originating from other regions, e.g., West Africa.  相似文献   

1. To explore the genetic diversity of Chinese indigenous chicken breeds, a 585 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) region was sequenced in 102 birds from the Xichuan black-bone chicken, Yunyang black-bone chicken and Lushi chicken. In addition, 30 mtDNA D-loop sequences of Silkie fowls were downloaded from NCBI. The mtDNA D-loop sequence polymorphism and maternal origin of 4 chicken breeds were analysed in this study.

2. The results showed that a total of 33 mutation sites and 28 haplotypes were detected in the 4 chicken breeds. The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity of these 4 native breeds were 0.916 ± 0.014 and 0.012 ± 0.002, respectively. Three clusters were formed in 4 Chinese native chickens and 12 reference breeds. Both the Xichuan black-bone chicken and Yunyang black-bone chicken were grouped into one cluster. Four haplogroups (A, B, C and E) emerged in the median-joining network in these breeds.

3. It was concluded that these 4 Chinese chicken breeds had high genetic diversity. The phylogenetic tree and median network profiles showed that Chinese native chickens and its neighbouring countries had at least two maternal origins, one from Yunnan, China and another from Southeast Asia or its surrounding area.  相似文献   

The distribution of genetic diversity and the genetic relationships among western Mediterranean horse breeds were investigated using microsatellite markers. The examined sample included seven Spanish and three Italian local horse breeds and populations, plus a Spanish Thoroughbred outgroup. The total number of animals examined was 682 (on average 62 animals per breed; range 20–122). The microsatellite marker set analysed provided 128 alleles (10.7 alleles per locus). Within‐breed genetic diversity was always high (>0.70), with breeds contributing about 8% of the total genetic variability. The mean molecular coancestry of the entire population examined was 0.205, Losino being the breed that contributed most. In addition to Nei's standard and Reynolds’ genetic distances, pair‐wise kinship distance and molecular coancestry were estimated. Remarkably similar breed rankings were obtained with all methods. Clustering analysis provided an accurate representation of the current genetic relationships among the breeds. Determining coancestry is useful for analysing genetic diversity distribution between and within breeds and provides a good framework for jointly analysing molecular markers and pedigree information. An integrated analysis was undertaken to obtain information on the population dynamics in western Mediterranean native horse populations, and to better determine conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Having the ability to control litter size is important for sheep farmers and breeders worldwide. However, making genetic gain in key livestock traits like reproductive performance needs typically a lot of time, and both the fecundity and fertility traits have a great economic importance. Attention has therefore turned to better understanding the genes that control reproductive performance. Of these genes, research has focussed on the growth differentiation growth factor 9 (GDF9) gene (GDF9). In this study, a PCR-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) approach was used to investigate variation in this gene in separate groups of purebred Finnish Landrace sheep, Finnish Landrace × Texel-cross sheep and composite sheep of undefined breed background, but based on New Zealand Romney-type genetics. Three GDF9 variants (named A, B and C) were found, and upon DNA sequencing, the nucleotide substitutions c.978A>G, c.994G>A and c.1111G>A were revealed. The frequency of variant A (containing nucleotides c.978A, c.994G and c.1111G) in the Finnish Landrace, Finnish Landrace × Texel-cross and composite sheep was 0.86, 0.78 and 0.76, respectively. In these three sheep groups, the frequency of B (defined by the presence of nucleotides c.978G and c.994A) was 0.01, 0.03 and 0.23 and for C (containing c.1111A) was 0.13, 0.18 and 0.01, respectively. An animal model was used to estimate the additive effect of fertility data for Finnish Landrace × Texel-cross sheep and revealed an association between litter size and the c.1111G>A variation (p = .036), but this was not observed for the Finnish Landrace sheep (p = .27) or the composite sheep (p = .17). When all the sheep were analysed together, the presence of c.1111A was associated (p < .05) with increased litter size, when compared to ewes that had c.1111G. Litter size did not differ between sheep with and without c.994A in all three groups of sheep investigated. This study suggests that c.1111A could be a useful genetic marker for improving fecundity in New Zealand sheep breeds and that it could be introgressed into other breeds, but analysis of more sheep will be required to confirm the associations that have been observed here.  相似文献   

绵羊MSTN基因结构和功能的生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究绵羊肌肉生长抑制素(MSTN)基因结构和功能,试验采用生物信息学方法对其编码蛋白的结构、理化性质、信号肽、跨膜结构、亚细胞定位、功能分类、二级结构、高级结构和功能结构域进行生物信息学分析并推测与其他物种的生物进化关系。结果表明:绵羊MSTN蛋白是一个疏水性不稳定蛋白,作为信号肽的可能性很大;含有9个α-螺旋、11个β-折叠、25个β-转角、1个跨膜结构区域,其功能域可能位于278~375位氨基酸处;绵羊MSTN基因在人、牛、黑猩猩、大鼠、狗、鸡等物种中与牛的亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   

The Balearic sheep breeds, Mallorquina, Menorquina, Roja Mallorquina, Ibicenca and one possible new genetic group, Formentera, constitute a unique genetic resource in the Mediterranean farming landscape, displaying high genetic diversity levels and being well differentiated among themselves and with respect to the continental sheep breeds. We used a microsatellite panel of markers to study genetic diversity and relationships with other Spanish breeds. The results reported in this study have important implications for the use, conservation and breeding of Balearic sheep stocks. A mean number of 7.59 alleles was found among the Balearic sheep breeds for the microsatellites scored. The whole mean value of observed heterozygosity amounted to 0.62, whereas the expected heterozygosity value was 0.69, suggesting the presence of a great degree of genetic variability, although a significant deficit of heterozygotes was detected for some markers. Genetic distance estimates showed that Balearic sheep are differentiated from the other Spanish breeds and in particular, from the Merino type. The Ibicenca breed showed the highest distance value from other breeds. The neighbour‐net method of analysis clustered the Roja Mallorquina, Menorquina and Mallorquina breeds. The Structure results clearly demonstrated the genetic differentiation among the four Balearic sheep breeds, with the Ibicenca and Formentera races joined, with slight migration among them. Few external genetic influences from the Spanish mainland breeds were detected.  相似文献   


This study describes how birth weight, gender, litter size, and age of dam affect lamb mortality during the summer period, using data on lambs of the breeds Spælsau (N ≈ 110 000) and Norwegian White Sheep (N ≈ 450 000) during 1994 to 2005. A general mixed linear model was used for the analysis. Birth weight affected summer mortality non-proportionally: an increase in weight from very small towards the breed mean strongly deflated mortality risk; weigh increase above breed means had little effect. Male lambs had a higher mortality than females, and lambs born by 12-months-old dams were in greater risk than those having older dams. Increasing litter size resulted in increased mortality. The results are discussed and recommendations for future research, with focus on breeding and genotype by environment interaction effects are made.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic layout of the genotyped (30 microsatellite) 18 sheep breeds in this study demands and provides the opportunity to evaluate both neutral and adaptive components of genetic diversity in a naturally and artificially selected and subdivided sheep population. Seven Pramenka strains from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia characterized by a very low intensity of artificial selection, preserved the highest neutral genetic variability. Eight central and north‐western European breeds under considerable artificial isolation and selection preserved the lowest genetic variability. Only combinations of various phylogenetic parameters offer a reasonable explanation for underlying evolutionary forces working in the investigated island and mainland sheep breeds under variable natural and artificial selection. More than 60% of total genetic, diversity was allocated to virtually unselected Pramenka strains, and an additional 25% to native moderately selected Graue Gehoernte Heidschnucke and intensively selected Ostfriesische Milchschafe. Some economically very important breeds and strains did not contribute to a pool with maximal genetic diversity, while they play an important role in the cultural heritage of respective countries.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and phylogenetic survey of native sheep breeds in the eastern and southern Central Asia were assessed in the present study. The clustering, principal components, structure and F statistics all demonstrate that the native sheep breeds in these regions be classified into two genetic groups: Mongolia‐Tibetan sheep group and South‐Southeast Asia sheep group. The Mongolia sheep group and the Tibetan sheep group had a certain degree of gene communication from the ancient times. In the present study we demonstrated that the Chinese native sheep populations belonged to Mongolia‐Tibetan sheep group. However, the relationships among the sheep populations in Mongolia sheep group in China were not closely related to the geographical distance among sheep populations.  相似文献   

Chinese native chicken breeds provide useful resources for the study of genetic diversity. In this study, the alleles of CD8 alpha and CD3d cDNA from Chinese native and introduced western breeds of chicken were analyzed at the sequence level. Six alleles were found, due to 13 amino acid replacements in the extracellular domain of the CD8 alpha sequence. There were four alleles detected in the Chinese strains, and alleles 5 and 6 were identified for the first time. Allele 6 was shared by Langshan, Beijing Fatty and Recessive White Feather chickens. Allele 2, found in the Bigbone strain, was the same as that found in the Leghorn strain H.B15.H7, and allele 3 in the Xianju breed was also the same as in the Leghorn strain H.B15.H12. Two Leghorn lines (RPL line 7 and AY519197) and the Camellia possessed an allele (alleles 1, 4 and 5), respectively, that was not found in the other lines. Nine out of 13 amino acid replacements were situated in the putative major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I binding CDR1 (positions 30, 33 and 34), CDR2 (positions 58, 62, 63 and 65) and CDR3 (positions 90 and 106). Except for the Xianju breed, the CD8 alpha cDNA of Chinese native chicken breeds shared high homology. Two alleles were found in CD3d. Three additional nucleotides were found at positions 64, 65 and 66 in the newly discovered allele 2. This led to a difference of four amino acids (at residues 22, 23, 24 and 25) in the extracellular domain of CD3d cDNA from the Gushi, Recessive White Feather and ISA chickens compared with these of the White Leghorn and T11.15 (NM_205512). Five hybridoma clones (1C9, 1H5, 4B11, 6G5 and 13C5) against chicken CD8 alpha were generated by DNA immunization. Two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), 6G5 and 4B11, showed reactivity to the splenocytes from five Chinese native chicken breeds, the Recessive White Feather chicken and the Leghorn (AY519197), while mAbs 1C9, 1H5 and 13C5 showed no reaction with these breeds.  相似文献   

The effects of inbreeding in livestock species breeds have been well documented and they have a negative impact on profitability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of inbreeding in Sarda (SAR, n = 785) and Valle del Belice (VdB, n = 473) dairy sheep breeds and their impact on milk production traits. Two inbreeding coefficients (F) were estimated: using pedigree (FPED), or runs of homozygosity (ROH; FROH) at different minimum ROH lengths and different ROH classes. After the quality control, 38,779 single nucleotide polymorphisms remained for further analyses. A mixed-linear model was used to evaluate the impact of inbreeding coefficients on production traits within each breed. VdB showed higher inbreeding coefficients compared to SAR, with both breeds showing lower estimates as the minimum ROH length increased. Significant inbreeding depression was found only for milk yield, with a loss of around 7 g/day (for SAR) and 9 g/day (VdB) for a 1% increase of FROH. The present study confirms how the use of genomic information can be used to manage intra-breed diversity and to calculate the effects of inbreeding on phenotypic traits.  相似文献   


The Nordic countries are committed to conserving farm animal genetic diversity. National reports on phenotypic and genetic characterization point towards a lack of characterization for many Nordic native breeds. Little to no knowledge on the traits of the animals and their derived products leads to potential remaining untapped. The objective of this study was to provide a quantitative assessment of phenotypic and genetic characterization of Nordic native breeds, through a literature search and obtaining census data. Six species and a total of 85 breeds were included. Studies were classified according to six different categories of characterization. Results showed that a large percentage of the breeds are not characterized at all. Moreover, most breeds have extremely low census sizes. A substantial effort to increase population sizes and document characteristics of Nordic native breeds, to promote conservation and sustainable use, is needed.  相似文献   

文章将地方猪种的种质特性特点、杂交利用方式以及轮回杂交在地方猪种中的利用等进行综述,以期为地方猪种的选育和利用提供建议及参考。  相似文献   

利用6对AFLP引物组合对我国12个地方鸡种和引进鸡种隐性白羽鸡进行了遗传检测,统计了每个引物组合在各个品种中检测到的多态性条带和特异性条带,计算了13个鸡种的遗传相似系数和遗传距离,并据此构建了UPGMA聚类关系图,分析了所研究鸡种的遗传关系.结果表明:6对AFLP引物组合在13个鸡种中共检测到290条多态性条带,平均每个引物组合产生48.3奈多态性标记,同时在每个品种群体中还检测到了数量不等的特异性条带,其中寿光鸡和东乡黑鸡最多,为9条,旧院黑鸡、兴义矮脚鸡和隐性白羽鸡最少,为1条.13个鸡种聚为4类,其中隐性白羽鸡单独聚为一类,鸡种间的遗传相似系数及聚类结果与各个鸡种的地理分布、现实状况相吻合,从而表明AFLP指纹用于我国地方鸡种的遗传多态性分析、品种鉴定及品种间亲缘关系分析是可行的.  相似文献   

旨在解析太湖流域地方猪品种内部遗传结构,鉴定梅山猪亚群间、二花脸群体间和米猪群体间体重体尺性状差异的候选基因。试验采集440头猪样本(代表太湖流域地方猪最全面血统)进行基因芯片分型,并使用该基因分型数据集进行多种群体遗传学分析,明确太湖流域地方猪品种内部的遗传结构,并鉴定梅山猪亚群间、以及二花脸和米猪群体间体重体尺性状差异的候选SNP位点和候选基因。结果显示:在太湖流域地方猪种内部,二花脸猪与米猪间的亲缘关系最接近,其遗传距离小于梅山猪两个亚群间的遗传距离,并且拥有最为一致的进化路线。太湖流域地方猪各品种及梅山猪品种内两个亚群间都达到高度分化水平,Fst值均大于0.25,ADMIXTURE分析表明,包括梅山猪两个亚群在内的8个群体的群体结构不完全一致,在K=8时,各自展现出完全不同的祖先血统组成。通过梅山猪亚群间Fst分析、以及米猪和二花脸猪间Fst分析,在猪1、3和6号等染色体上,共鉴定到24个位点在两个分析中都表现出受选择状态,并在这些位点上下游50 kb范围注释到20个基因,其中有8个基因被报道与体重体尺性状相关。此外,受选择位点形成的选择区域与多个猪体重体尺相关QTLs重叠。试...  相似文献   

From a genetic point of view, the selection of breeds and animals within breeds for conservation in a national gene pool can be based on a maximum diversity strategy. This implies that priority is given to conservation of breeds and animals that diverge most and overlap of conserved diversity is minimized. This study investigated the genetic diversity in the Dutch Red and White Friesian (DFR) cattle breed and its contribution to the total genetic diversity in the pool of the Dutch dairy breeds. All Dutch cattle breeds are clearly distinct, except for Dutch Friesian breed (DF) and DFR and have their own specific genetic identity. DFR has a small but unique contribution to the total genetic diversity of Dutch cattle breeds and is closely related to the Dutch Friesian breed. Seven different lines are distinguished within the DFR breed and all contribute to the diversity of the DFR breed. Two lines show the largest contributions to the genetic diversity in DFR. One of these lines comprises unique diversity both within the breed and across all cattle breeds. The other line comprises unique diversity for the DFR but overlaps with the Holstein Friesian breed. There seems to be no necessity to conserve the other five lines separately, because their level of differentiation is very low. This study illustrates that, when taking conservation decisions for a breed, it is worthwhile to take into account the population structure of the breed itself and the relationships with other breeds.  相似文献   

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