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Forestry has transformed the tree species composition and structure of Swedish forests. The fragmented ownership pattern in areas with non-industrial private forest ownership (NIPF), in combination with these forestry practices, have created fragmented forests with relatively low proportions of habitat types important to many species. Ecological landscape planning has been suggested and tested as a mean for integrating nature conservation and timber production in Sweden. However, ecological landscape planning concepts have been developed for areas with homogenous ownership patterns and not for areas with fragmented ownership. In this study, stands that are voluntarily set aside by individual forest owners were examined in terms of nature conservation value, and compared to randomly selected stands obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. In order to obtain rather detailed data about the set-aside stands, semi-standardized interviews were carried out directly with forest owners in three landscape areas dominated by NIPF. The interviews showed that 26 out of 29 forest owners could locate some stands where they did not have high requirements for timber yield. These stands had higher than average local and spatial nature conservation value as a result of stand structure, composition and location in the landscape. The stands did not have a random location or size, being found closer to key habitats as well as forming equally large or larger patches than other stands. These stands are suggested to form a basis for ecological landscape planning as forest owners seem to have some kind of ‘common view’ of which stands to set aside. This common view could be used to coordinate the contribution made by individual forest owners to nature conservation in areas with fragmented ownership patterns.  相似文献   

Fully protected areas such as National Parks are often assumed to be the best way to conserve plant diversity and maintain intact forest composition and structure. To evaluate this assertion, we sampled trees in areas with four different levels of protection: a National Park, where the protection level is very high, a Game Controlled Area which allows tourist hunting of big game animals, a Forest Reserve which allows selective harvest of trees, and an Open Area where human populations have unrestricted access to forest resources. All four land management areas had healthy size-class distributions with greater numbers of juvenile trees (2–10 cm DBH) than adults. Surprisingly, mean stem density of trees was highest (947 stems ha−1) in the Game Controlled Area but was lowest (635 stems ha−1) in the National Park. The former had the highest basal area value (24 m2 ha−1) while the human-inhabited Open Area had the lowest (11 m2 ha−1). Species richness in the Forest Reserve and Game Controlled Area was significantly higher than in the other areas. The total number of plots with unique species not found anywhere else was lowest in the National. Our measures of forest structure and composition therefore show that fully protected National Parks do not necessarily conserve the greatest diversity of tree species or unique species, indicating that a suite of different types of protection strategies may be the key to conservation of trees in these African dry tropical forests.  相似文献   

Russian forests are of high importance for the Russian economy, the European wood market, for nature conservation, and for carbon sequestration. However, the ongoing changes in forest management and administration in Russia led to uncertainty about forest ownership, wood harvesting levels, and long-term impacts of alternative management plans. Therefore, better insight in their current and future state is highly desirable. We present a study for the Leningrad region forests in which alternative management regimes for wood production and nature conservation values are balanced in varying ways. The total forest land area in the Leningrad region forest fund is 4.8 million ha. Coniferous species dominate and due to the natural succession occurring, the forests are divers in vertical structurally.

A timber assessment model was used to project the forest until 2040. Five forest management scenarios were run. Special attention was paid to a scenario that simulates recovery of the Russian forest sector in combination with the incorporation of a ‘set-aside for nature conservation’ policy. All scenarios showed that recovery of the forest sector in the Leningrad region is biologically feasible. A sustainable continuous annual production of 10.6 million m3 per year (2.8 m3 ha−1 per year) by 2040 was found. The ‘Recovery with Nature Conservation’ scenario showed that recovery of the forest sector in combination with the establishment of set-aside areas is very well feasible. It was possible to set aside 28% of the forest area for nature conservation while still developing a forest sector to a production level higher than that achieved in the late eighties.

The timber assessment model applied was not specifically designed to incorporate nature-oriented forest management. We, therefore, discuss ways of improving the required methodology to analyse long-term effects of nature-oriented forest management in Europe.  相似文献   

A model to project forest growth in the Terra Firme forests of the eastern Amazon is described. It is based on 12–17 years measurements from experimental plots at Jarí and Tapajós. Forest stands are represented by cohorts of species group, diameter, and defect. There are 54 species groups, with a robust diameter increment function fitted to each, tables of mortality by crown and defect status, and recruit lists by disturbance level and locality. Stand level functions partition trees by crown status, and modify growth for stand density. Recruitment is a function of basal-area losses. Evaluation compares model performance with two experiments involving heavy felling in Tapajos State Forest. At one site, total bole volume growth of all species over 45 cm DBH was 2.56 m3 ha−1 year−1 over 17 years, whereas the model projected 3.13 m3 ha−1 year−1. At the other site, actual growth over 12 years was 0.39 m3 ha−1 year−1, with the model giving an identical result. Both felled and control plots are compared in the study and accurately simulated. Some weaknesses in the model are discussed.  相似文献   

Our ability to design public policies that effectively promote the efficient use of privately owned forest resources is underpinned by an understanding of the way in which forest production and investment decisions are made, and of how forest owners respond to changes in social, economic, and institutional conditions. A model of non-industrial private forest owners (NIPF) past harvesting behaviour and future harvesting intentions using a logit approach is presented. A Tobit model, which investigates harvesting intensity, is also developed. The responses to a survey of 386 NIPF owners in Tasmania are used to construct the data set consisting of socio-economic characteristics of NIPF owners, their forest ownership objectives, and property characteristics. The current study is innovative in that the role of NIPF owner objectives and attitudes is assessed in three econometric models exploring past harvesting behaviour, harvesting intensity, and future harvesting intentions. A series of observations can be made from comparing the results of the three models. For example, higher pulp prices are unlikely to affect NIPF owners harvesting intentions but are likely to increase harvesting intensity. The financial characteristics of the NIPF owner contribute most to predicting future harvesting intentions, with financial security being a disincentive to future harvesting. Landowner objectives and attitudes are important in explaining past harvesting activities and future intentions but do not significantly affect harvesting intensity. Furthermore, there are significant differences between different types of landowners in terms of the incentives that are likely to make them change their mind about participating in native forest harvesting.  相似文献   

Management scenarios with rotation lengths of 20 and 30 years were developed for different site qualities (high, medium and low) under two different management options (high individual tree growth versus high stand growth) for teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in Costa Rica. The scenarios are based on data collected in different regions in Costa Rica, representing different site conditions, offering a variety of possible management options for high-quality teak yield.

Three competition indices were used for modeling the competition and for the definition of intensities and the plantation age at thinning. The maximum site occupation (MSO) and the Reineke density index (RDI) provide conservative stand density management limits, resulting in the need to execute several thinning frequently. The competition factor (CF) matches the field observations and seems to be more appropriate for the growth characteristics of the species.

Final stand densities varied between 120 and 447 trees ha−1, with mean diameter at breast height (dbh) of 24.9–47.8 cm, and mean total heights between 23.0 and 32.4 m, depending on rotation length and site quality. The mean annual increment of total volume (MAIVol) at the end of the rotation varied from 11.3 to 24.9 m3 ha−1 year−1, accumulating a total volume over rotation of 268–524 m3 ha−1.

The most suitable scenario for teak plantations for high-quality sites is the 30-year-rotation scenario with five thinnings of intensities between 20 and 50% (of the standing trees) at the ages of 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 years. After the sectioning of the merchantable stem in 4-m length logs, the merchantable volume varied between 145 and 386 m3 ha−1, with an estimated heartwood volume of 45–195 m3 ha−1, both depending on rotation length and site quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify 5-year growth, yield and mortality responses of 9- to 13-year-old naturally regenerated, even-aged paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) stands to pre-commercial thinning in interior British Columbia. The study included four residual densities (9902–21,807 stems ha−1 (unthinned control), 3000, 1000 and 400 stems ha−1) and four sites with 3-fold within-site replication in a randomised block design. The largest, straightest, undamaged trees were selected to leave during thinning. Thinning reduced stand basal area from 5.90 m2 ha−1 in the control to 2.50, 1.53 and 0.85 m2 ha−1 in the three thinning treatments, representing 42, 26 and 15% of control basal area, respectively. After 5 years, total stand volume per plot remained lower in the three thinning treatments than the control (50.20, 30.07, 18.99 and 11.86 m3 in the control, 3000, 1000 and 400 stems ha−1 treatments), whereas mean stand diameter, diameter increment, height, and height increment were increased by thinning, and top height (tallest 100 trees ha−1) was unaffected. When a select group of crop trees (largest 250 trees ha−1) in the thinning treatments was compared with the equivalent group in the control, there was a significant increase in mean diameter, diameter increment, basal area, basal area increment, and volume increment. Mean height, height increment, top height, and total volume were unaffected by thinning. Crop tree diameter increment was the greatest following thinning to 400 stems ha−1 for all diameter classes. Thinning to 1000 stems ha−1 resulted in lower diameter increment than thinning to 400 stems ha−1 but tended to have higher volume increment. Dominant trees responded similarly to subdominant trees at 400 stems ha−1, but showed the greatest response at 3000 stems ha−1. Results suggest that pre-commercial thinning of 9–13-year-old stands to 1000 stems ha−1 would improve growth of individual trees without seriously under-utilising site resources.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous nature of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners and the challenge this heterogeneity presents for effective policy and program design and delivery is widely recognised. Understanding the socio-economic and motivational differences between various types of landowners will better equip policymakers and forest extension professionals to design policies and programs that efficiently promote private sector timber production and forest conservation outcomes. The purpose of this study was to develop a survey-based empirical typology of Tasmanian NIPF owners based on their stated objectives of forest ownership and to relate owner type to a range of observable property and owner characteristics as well as to timber harvesting and forest management behaviour. Using principal component analysis (PCA) followed by means cluster analysis, four distinct groups are identified: income and investment owners, non-timber output owners, agriculturalists, and multi-objective owners. Members of these groups are found to differ significantly in terms of their personal and property characteristics, as well as their timber harvesting and management behaviour. For example, members of the non-timber output owners, who are motivated solely by objectives related to the production and protection of the non-timber outputs of forests, have similar proportions of timber on their property, but are less likely to have harvested timber from their property, than all other groups.  相似文献   

Tree vegetation and size structure was sampled in a miombo woodland area in E Tanzania and related to environmental factors, particularly soil and disturbance history. A total of 86 tree species was found. Four plant communities were distinguished through multivariate classification. Community 1 was dominated by Brachystegia boehmii, Brachystegia bussei and Julbernardia globiflora, and community 2 by B. boehmii and Brachystegia spiciformis. Community 1 was found on grey, eroded soil and community 2 on red, residual soil, a fact that opens up possibilities to use soil signals of satellite data for vegetation mapping. Community 3 is heavily disturbed miombo woodland near villages and community 4 was found on more clayey soil where miombo woodland is not expected.

At our 42 sampled sites, density ranged from 74 to 1041 individuals ha−1 and basal area from 3.9 to 16.7 m2 ha−1. Regeneration is generally good but large sized trees are less prominent in communities 3 and 4 due to harvesting. With reduced disturbance miombo species may rapidly resume dominance in community 3. A higher than expected representation by the size class 30–40 (−50) cm dbh in community 2 is probably related to disturbance history. Prevalence of certain species (Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia, Pterocarpus angolensis and Diplorhynchos condylocarpon) may be related to frequent fires. Selective logging will soon cause extinction of Dalbergia melanoxylon, whereas Pterocarpus angolensis still has good regeneration, possibly because individuals below logging size have a good seed set.

A way to get an easy overview of size classes in all species in an area using PCA is discussed.  相似文献   

The profitability of growing a naturally emerged birch (Betula pendula Roth or Betula pubescens Ehrh.) overstory in a young Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) plantation was examined with empirical stand structure, growth and yield, logging cost, and logging damage models. In the projected alternatives, an overstory of either birch species was thinned to 200–1000 stems per ha at the age of 15 years and retained for another 15 years. Development of the remaining spruce stand was simulated up to rotation age (70–85 years). Alternative treatments included removing the overstory completely at 15 years, and managing a pure spruce stand that was kept free of birch throughout.

Growing a birch overstory of 200–1000 stems per ha up to age 30 years resulted in a 61–93 m3 ha−1 or 9.1–16.8% yield loss for the spruce stand due to growth retardation, and a mortality of 382–498 out of 1900 stems per ha through logging damage. This was compensated for or exceeded by the additional yield of the birch (54–173 m3 ha−1) except for the lowest stocking (200–400 stems per ha) alternatives with B. pubescens. Treatment regimes with a birch overstory were clearly the most profitable alternatives, yielding up to 151% (B. pendula) and 113% (B. pubescens) of the net present value of the pure spruce alternative, at 4% interest rate. Removing the birch overstory already at 15 years was the least profitable alternative with 79 and 83% net present values, respectively. The most profitable treatment with current technology, price, and cost structure appears to be to grow 500–800 birch per ha up to about age 40 years for B. pendula and 45–50 years for B. pubescens.  相似文献   


The genderization of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) ownership creates different conditions for male and female forest owners. To compare male and female forest management behaviour and to examine whether observed differences should be understood in terms of gender, data from the Swedish National Board of Forestry's interview inquiry were used. Differences in frequency of harvesting and silvicultural operations were examined by binary logistic regression and differences in harvesting volume were tested by a multiple regression analysis. In all analyses sex of the owner was introduced as one of the explanatory variables. The sex of the owner was found to have a significant effect on the frequency of harvesting, cleaning and supplementary planting, but not on planting and mechanized scarification. In the cases when the sex of the owner was a significant factor, the degree of activity among the female owners was found to be lower. Results regarding harvested volumes did not expose any significant differences in harvesting management strategies between male and female owners.  相似文献   

Explaining and predicting nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) owner land management based on social, economic, and environmental factors is an increasingly important issue in policy arenas and academic research on rural development and planning. This study empirically explores and assesses management behavior by NIPF owners by analyzing attributes of landowner profile (age, educational level, primary occupation, engagement in farming, membership of professional groups, training in forestry, availability of market information, and specific knowledge and use of production criteria for timber harvesting). With the aim of predicting outcomes, a multiple regression model was constructed to investigate and quantify the probabilities of and factors influencing the participation of owners in agricultural and forestry associations. In March 2004, 103 resident forest landowners were interviewed about their commitment to and involvement in land management during 1999–2003 in Mariña Oriental, a forest region of Galicia, Northern Spain. Results suggest that professional occupation, particularly farming background, is the main factor affecting, either directly or indirectly, the forest management behavior of NIPF owners in the area. In particular, our logistic regression model for landowner membership of professional groups explained 77.9% of the variability observed in the study population, which suggests that the agricultural background of NIPF owners and their expectations from forests, represented by their future intention to enlarge the forestland base, play an important role in membership. In the region, forestry could be a valuable economic activity but it is not considered as such today. Findings could be used as a guide for design, planning, and implementation of research and policy measures that allow NIPF landowners to promote sustainable forestry for rural development.  相似文献   

The cultural practices associated with Euro-American settlement in the United States have altered forest structure and ultimately changed fundamental ecosystem processes. Coarse woody debris (CWD) and canopy cover are recognized as having great importance for many wildlife species and ecological processes. Little information is available from forests on historical levels of canopy cover and CWD before European settlement. A great deal of uncertainty exists concerning the long-term role of fire and the dynamics of CWD, especially in forests that once experienced frequent, low-moderate intensity fire regimes. The objective of this study was to quantify CWD and forest canopy cover in an area where harvesting has never occurred and limited fire suppression began in the 1970s. This study was done in Jeffrey pine-mixed conifer forests in the Sierra San Pedro Martir (SSPM) in northwestern Mexico. Canopy cover, canopy closure, and CWD were sampled on a grid of plots. Average canopy cover was 26.8%, average canopy closure was 40.1%. A total of 102 CWD pieces were measured, and nearly half of the plots (45.7%) had no CWD present. Average CWD density, percent cover, volume, and weight were 108 pieces ha−1, 1.5%, 47.5 m3 ha−1, and 15.7 tonnes ha−1, respectively. All of the CWD sampled were in the later stages of decay. Less than average values for CWD density, percent cover, volume, and weight were recorded in 57%, 64%, 67%, and 69% of the plots, respectively. CWD dynamics in forests that experience frequent, low-moderate intensity fires are fundamentally different than those having long-interval, high-severity fires. There was a large amount of variability in all CWD and forest canopy cover measurements taken from Jeffrey pine-mixed conifer forests in the SSPM. Spatial heterogeneity in forest structure should be included in the desired conditions of xeric, pine-dominated forests in the United States that once experienced frequent, low-moderate intensity fire regimes. It should be noted that heterogeneity by itself may not lead to sustainable forests unless that heterogeneity includes stand structures that are resistant/resilient to high-severity fire, drought, insects, and disease.  相似文献   

The long-term relationships between coarse woody debris (CWD) dynamics, soil characteristics and site productivity have, so far, received little attention. The objectives of the study were to describe CWD dynamics along a post-fire chronosequence (43–86 years after fire) in jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands, assess the importance of buried CWD in terms of soil available water holding capacity (AWHC), and investigate relationships between CWD, AWHC, nutrient retention and site productivity.

Twelve jack pine stands on sandy, mesic sites of glaciolacustrine origin were surveyed. Buried wood volume within the forest floor varied between 1 and 57 m3 ha−1 (4–92% of total site CWD volume) and showed no relationship with time. Downed log mass accumulation followed a “U shaped” successional pattern with time since fire. Buried wood AWHC was negligible compared with that of the 0–20 cm mineral soil layer. The most productive sites were characterised by higher forest floor dry weight, effective CEC and water holding capacity in the mineral soil. Path analyses of relationships between organic matter content, CWD and forest floor CEC showed that CEC was conditioned by forest floor organic matter and buried wood content.  相似文献   

Fast growth tree plantations and secondary forests are considered highly efficient carbon sinks. In northwest Patagonia, more than 2 million ha of rangelands are suitable for forestry, and tree plantation or native forest restoration could largely contribute to climate change mitigation. The commonest baseline is the heavily grazed gramineous steppe of Festuca pallescens (St. Yves) Parodi. To assess the carbon sequestration potential of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa (Dougl.) Laws) plantations and native cypress (Austrocedrus chilensis (Don) Flor. et Boutl.), individual above and below ground biomass models were developed, and scaled to stand level in forests between 600 and 1500 annual rainfall. To calculate the carbon sequestration baseline, the pasture biomass was simulated. Also, soil carbon at two depths was assessed in paired pine-cypress-pasture sample plots, the same as the litter carbon content of both forest types. Individual stem, foliage, branch and root log linear equations adjusted for pine and cypress trees presented similar slopes (P>0.05), although some differed in the elevations. Biomass carbon was 52.3 Mg ha−1 (S.D.=30.6) for pine stands and 73.2 Mg ha−1 (S.D.=95.4) for cypress forests, given stand volumes of 148.1 and 168.4 m3 ha−1, respectively. Soil carbon (litter included) was 86.3 Mg ha−1 (S.D.=46.5) for pine stands and 116.5 Mg ha−1 (S.D.=38.5) for cypress. Root/shoot ratio was 19.5 and 11.4%, respectively. The low r/s value for cypress may account for differences in nutrient cycling and water uptake potential. At stand level, differences in foliage, taproot and soil carbon compartments were highly significative (P<0.01) between both forest types. In pine stands, both biomass and soil carbon were highly explained by the rainfall gradient (r2=0.94). Nevertheless, such a relationship was not found for cypress, possibly due to stand and soil disturbances in sample plots. The carbon baseline estimated in pasture biomass, including litter, was 2.6 Mg ha−1 (S.D.=0.8). Since no differences in soil carbon were found between pasture and both forest types, additionality should be accounted only by biomass. However, the replacement of pasture by pine plantations may decrease the soil carbon storage, at least during the first years. On the other hand, the soil may be a more relevant compartment of sequestered carbon in cypress forests, and if pine plantation replaces cypress forests, soil carbon losses could cause a negative balance.  相似文献   

Annual net primary production (NPP) and N uptake were estimated for lysimeter-grown basket willows (Salix viminalis L.) during 3 years after planting. The willows were grown in a stand structure and continuously supplied with water and liquid fertilizer through drip tubes. The lysimeters contained either clay from the site or washed quartz sand. Shoot growth and leaf litter were measured and fine-root dynamics observed in minirhizotrons. Destructive samples were taken annually in late autumn and entire root systems were washed out. Dry mass and N content of all plant parts were determined. Fine-root production was estimated by two methods, based on destructive samplings and observations in minirhizotrons.

The proportion of biomass allocated below ground increased considerably when estimates based on accumulated NPP were compared with those based on standing dry mass. In the first year, 49 and 58% of annual NPP in willows grown in clay and sand, respectively, was belowground. In subsequent years the proportions were 36–38% and 33–40%. Most belowground production was fine roots. Relatively more N was used belowground in the first year than subsequently, but no substrate-induced differences were observed in the allocation pattern. Both annual NPP and N uptake was always higher in plants in clay than in those in sand: in the final 2 years, 21–22 tonnes DM ha−1 year−1 and 190 kg N ha−1 year−1 in clay, and 9–10 tonnes DM ha−1 year−1 and 100 kg N ha−1 year−1 in sand.  相似文献   

Data from the Swedish Forest Inventory was used to calculate mass balances for base cations Ca, Mg and K for Swedish forests. Using lysimeter and forest survey soil analyses to estimate present base cation leaching from the root zone reveals that weathering plus base cation deposition is not sufficient to support both, the present base cation leaching rate and the present rate of uptake caused by stem growth. Calculations suggest that 96% of the productive forested area may have higher rates of removal than supply for one or more base cation. Under a best-case scenario, assuming less pollution, the present growth rate and 100% efficiency in uptake of available nutrients, the area with more removal than supply would still be at least 30% of the total area. Forest soils are being depleted at a rate where the exchangeable reservoirs have high risk of being severely depleted in the next few decades in central and southern Sweden. During 1983–1985 the depletion rate is calculated to be, on the average, 0.33 keq ha−1 year−1. The weathering rate and present base cation deposition can sustain growth at a level where (80–85)×106m3 stemwood year−1 can be harvested. Any harvested growth beyond this volume must be sustained by artificial means.

For whole-tree harvesting without base cation return, the calculations indicate that it would significantly increase the base saturation depletion rate to an average of 0.62 keq ha−1 year−1, and risk depletion of the soil in less than one-to-two rotation periods almost anywhere in Sweden.

The calculations stress the importance that sustainable forest management must include the management of nutrient fluxes and reservoirs.  相似文献   


The process of protection (e.g. reserves, agreements) on the lands of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners sometimes leads to conflicts (conflict: a perceived threat to needs, interests or concerns; in this study, “threat” was important). To investigate predictive factors for such conflicts in southern Sweden, a questionnaire was sent to 132 NIPF owners with woodland key habitat (WKH; identified biodiversity values). The response rate was 77% and conflict was reported by 22.5% of respondents, while 14% reported good relations with authorities. The respondents reported conflict due to rules for cutting, protection and compensation. Compared with other owners, those reporting conflict were younger (mean 54 versus 62 years old), had more negative opinion about the personal contact with the authority, had twice as large an area of WKH and had more negative opinion about the WKH. Logistic regression revealed four variables that predicted conflict: area of WKH on property, opinion about WKH, opinion about personal contact and, especially, age of respondent. Younger forest owners may be more dependent upon income from harvesting than older owners. Conflicts were frequent and the factors identified here should be taken into account in forest conservation work.  相似文献   

There is increasing worldwide interest in land-use allocation and management within the sphere of rural planning and development. The study of land-use patterns mainly focuses on understanding the practices and values of individuals involved, and no debate of this issue would be complete without taking into account non-industrial private forest (NIPF) ownership as a key component in most rural areas worldwide. This paper empirically explores and assesses NIPF owners' management in terms of analysing dynamics in farming and forestry practices (past conversions from forestland to meadow and from marginal meadow to woodland, and intentions to change the current productive forest species and to extend the area of woodland) and landholding attributes (size and degree of parcellation in productive forestland). Logistic regression models were also used to investigate the probabilities and influencing factors involved in transforming marginal meadows to woodland, and attempts on the part of NIPF owners to change the current productive forest species and increase productive forestland. For this, a total of 103 NIPF owners in Northern Spain were interviewed in person, in March 2004, about their commitment to and involvement in land management during 1999–2003. The models correctly explained 73.3%, 83.7% and 73.3% of the variability in having converted marginal meadow in woodland and of future intentions to change the productive forest species and increase the area of productive forestland, respectively. The results of the study indicate that forest management mainly responds to investment and increasing the productivity of the land as a capital asset, which is directly influenced by the size and degree of parcellation of the holding, and directly or indirectly related to the owner's interest in timber production. The results may be used by forest professionals, researchers and policymakers in order to design and execute successful forest policies related to land management and planning.  相似文献   


The primary basis of contemporary forest planning research, which assumes the forest owner to maximize his or her expected utility, has left aside cognitive and social patterns of reasoning in real decision-making situations. To add on to present knowledge, the decision aid needs were approached by assessing different ways of solving decision problems among non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners in Finland. The study investigated how the diversifying goal structure of NIPF owners would be reflected in practical decision-making strategies. Semi-structured in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis were used to acquire a deeper understanding of NIPF owners’ decision making. Altogether, 30 purposively selected owners from southern Finland provided information to analyse the level of sharing decision power and eagerness to learn in decision making. Five decision-making modes were distinguished among the interviewees: (A) substantial trust in professionals, (B) desire to learn for self-reliance, (C) sequential, managerial judgements, (D) balanced, considerate decision making, and (E) strong decisions of one's own. According to these modes, corresponding decision aid approaches were constructed. The results show a broad variety of problem-solving strategies and thus decision aid needs. To facilitate unprompted and genuine decision making, the presented modes should be taken into account when owner-orientated forest planning services for NIPF owners are developed.  相似文献   

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