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A study was conducted to characterize the cattle production systems in Nyagatare District, Eastern Province of Rwanda using pre-tested questionnaires, interviews with key informants as well as focus group discussions in a period of 2 months. The respondents were selected by multi-stage sampling at sector and cell levels. Based on the procedure of Krejcie and Morgan (Educational and Psychological Measurement 30:607–610, 1970) to determine the overall sample size, the result indicated that the majority (98.3%) of farms were privately owned by large families of five to seven members, and most farmers (53.9%) had only primary education. Most respondents (52.6%) were in the age bracket of 41–50 years and were mainly (48.3%) located within 3 km from trading centers. The farm size averaged 6.5 ± 0.8 ha and most farms (64.7%) were fenced except in Rukomo Sector (50%) where zero grazing prevailed. Natural pastures (savanna grass land) were the main feed resource; tethering (9%) and communal grazing had diminished. Napier grass was the main planted forage (93.2%), followed by Chloris guyana (3.1%) and Brachiara (1.2%). Leguminous forages were rarely (2.5%) reported. Vita-mineral and salt block supplements, hay, and crop residues were the predominant supplementary feed stuffs used except in Karangazi and Rwemiyaga Sectors where only vita-mineral block predominated. However, maize and rice brans were reported to be the main feed stuffs used in supplementary feeding of lactating cows. Most farmers (89.7%) reported shortage of water as most of the farmers trekked their cattle to the nearest valley dams (59.2%), rivers (21.1%), and a few 6% had water on farms. Indigenous cattle were predominant (67.03%) followed by cross-breeds (28.37%) and exotics (4.6%) while all farmers kept small ruminants. Natural breeding predominated (74.9%) and most farms (60.6%) had animal houses most of which were temporary (52.8%). The reported mean age at first calving (AFC) was highest (40.2 ± .33) for Ankole and the lowest (29.1 ± .50) months for exotic cattle. Calving interval was shorter in local breeds than 65.7 ± 3.0 in exotic. The mean dairy milk yield was lowest for Ankole cattle 2.4 ± .08 as compared to the exotics (10.42 ± .36) and their crosses (7.2 ± .34). The main challenges were diseases, shortage of water, feeds, and inadequate extension services. Same observation was reported by Okello (African Journal of Range and Forage Science 22(3), 2005) in Uganda.  相似文献   

Mapiye  O.  Makombe  G.  Mapiye  C.  Dzama  K. 《Tropical animal health and production》2018,50(7):1711-1725
Tropical Animal Health and Production - The opportunity for the smallholder beef farming system to support the growth of South Africa’s livestock industry is untapped. Slow growth of the...  相似文献   

江苏盐城是家禽、禽蛋生产大市。2008年家禽出栏量达14898万只.蛋类生产量超过69万吨,禽类养殖是盐城农村经济传统产业.也是近年来农民增收的重要途径和渠道。但是,由于去年美国次贷危机衍生的金融危机影响。包括美国、欧盟在内的许多国家和地区相继产生“多米诺骨牌”效应,使世界各地经济不同程度地受到波及和影响,作为社会经济的一个方面,家禽养殖业也未能幸免。加之去年底部分地区禽流感疫情的发生。已造成前一个时期禽类消费减少、市场价格低迷、饲养量减少,禽类养殖户的收入减少。  相似文献   

为解湖南省家禽屠宰加工和活禽经营市场现状,分析在管理中存在的问题,在对湖南省活禽经营市场和家禽屠宰加工业进行调查后,提出了促进家禽屠宰加工业发展和规范活禽经营市场管理的建议,以期对全国其他地区的家禽屠宰及活禽交易管理提供启示和参考。  相似文献   

A study was conducted on 37 randomly selected broiler poultry farmers in Rwanda to characterize the production system using pre-tested semi-structured questionnaires. The data were processed in SPSS and presented as means, percentages and ranges in tables and text. All respondents kept Cobb breed and young stock was mainly (73 %) imported from abroad. The majority of respondents were males (68 %) and most farmers had attended only primary level of education (40.5 %). Most of the farms were in the peri-urban (48.6 %) and urban (37.8 %) areas and hired male youth (62.2 %) mainly aged 19–35 years. The majority of respondents (68 %) kept less than 500 birds per batch. Recordkeeping was well practiced (91.9 %) and (62.6 %) had permanent poultry houses and all farmers used deep litter system. Purchased feedstuffs were reportedly (92 %) mixed at farm level as the main feed resource. Maize bran was reported (97.06 %) the main, basal feedstuff. The mortality rates of chick and growers were 12.3 and 9.4 %, respectively. The slaughter age was reportedly 60 days with an average dressing percentage of 75.67 %. The main challenges reported were scarcity and unaffordability of quality feeds (59.5 %), lack of market access (45 %) and lack of credit (21 %). The farmers had various views on improving broiler production in Rwanda ranging from establishing feed processing industries 62.2 %, improving marketing facilities 35.1 %, increasing availability of day-old chick and access credit 27 %, to intensification of farmer training 16.2 %.  相似文献   

Milk production in Malawi is still unsatisfactory despite efforts by different stakeholders to boost the dairy sector. To investigate the roots of the problem, a survey on the current production practices and constraints on smallholder dairy farming was conducted in the Northern Region of the country. A total of 210 farmers were interviewed. The results revealed that farmers had small herd sizes in the region with an average of 2.2 ± 0.6 cattle per farmer. Average herd size was larger in male-managed farms than in female-managed farms (2.6 ± 2.8 vs. 1.8 ± 1.3), farmers with more than 5 years of dairy farming experience had larger herds than those with less experience (2.6 ± 2.8 vs. 1.9 ± 1. 2) and farmers who grazed their animals tended to have larger herds than those that stall-fed their animals (4.4 ± 5.1 vs. 1.9 ± 1.3). Average milk production was 8.2 ± 6.5 l per cow per day. Higher average daily milk production was observed in farmers with above primary school education (10.3 ± 8.3 vs. 7.7 ± 5.6), those with dairy farming as main activity (9.3 ± 6.6 vs. 6. 5 ± 6.1) and farmers with more than 2 years of experience in dairy farming (9.3 ± 6.3 vs. 6.1 ± 6.4). Unreliable supply of improved animal genetics, poor animal health, feed shortage and poor prices for milk were considered to be the most important constraints to smallholder dairy farming in descending order.  相似文献   

Mortalities in cattle can have severe financial implications for small scale and communal farmers in South Africa. They could also be a measurable indicator for surveillance of animal diseases, such as those listed by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE), or diseases included in the regulations of the South African Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act 35 of 1984). In order to prevent further mortalities and for accurate surveillance and monitoring of diseases, it is important that farmers participate in the determination of causes of mortality in their cattle. This paper reports on constraints of the reporting diseases to the state veterinary services, the study area being Odi district, in the North West Province. The method that was followed was based on participatory rural appraisal. The selected cattle owners participated in every phase. They were the ones who first spoke to veterinary services about ways to decrease the diseases and mortalities of their cattle. A questionnaire to verify the facts complemented the survey. A total number of 60 farmers were randomly selected from 12 villages. One farmer withdrew, leaving 59 farmers. Most of the farmers in the study were men ( n = 55). The area of study was communal and the farming system traditional and extensive. It was suspected that there was a communication problem and this was proven by the results of the research, as 23 farmers were not even aware that mortalities have to be reported by law. The real problem was that causes of death were not being diagnosed because farmers were not aware that a necropsy could give information on the causes of death. Farmers were keen to receive training in elementary necropsy techniques so as to be able to discuss the cause of death of cattle with the state veterinarian.  相似文献   

During the past six years, ten research topics were carried out with the aim of developing an integrated method to improve production and sustainability of dairy systems in Cameroon. This involved reviewing dairy research done in the country, carrying out a participatory rural appraisal and an economic opportunity survey in selected dairy farms, setting up on-farm interventions, investigating cow reproduction, evaluating milk quality and the impact of integrated interventions. Guidelines for improvement of the dairy sector were set up. It was found that the developed integrated method had a positive impact on dairy farms. Farmers who adopted interventions had nearly 200% higher economic returns. In order to boost the Cameroonian dairy sector, it is suggested that the government acts as a motivating force by organizing the market, ensuring the monitoring of epizootic diseases and providing artificial insemination services and organizing breeding societies. It is also suggested that the integrated method becomes a discipline in dairy science and be applied in other developing countries.  相似文献   

从2008年10月到2009年9月采集不同家禽的泄殖腔拭子共2420个,禽流感阳性样品178个,分离到AIVs毒株83株,总分离率7.36%。所分离到的亚型及各亚型分离率从高到低依次为H6、H3、H4、H9、H11、H1、H8。禽流感的分布季节性非常明显,以冬、春为高,各亚型又有其不同分布特点。水禽被认为是流感病毒的重要宿主,尤其是家鸭。到目前为止,作者已经从家鸭中分离到8种HA亚型,依次为H1、H3、H4、H6、H8、H9、H10、H11,7种NA亚型,包括N1、N2、N3、N4、N5、N6、N8。两者之间有18种组合,与野鸭的带毒情况十分相似。家鸭还很最容易发生混合感染,并以H6亚型为主,很多亚型都可与其混合感染,尤其是H3、H9亚型,这为基因重组产生新的亚型及毒力的变异提供了好的载体。  相似文献   

酸化剂在家禽生产中的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酸化剂作为环保型饲料添加剂的应用研究越来越受人们的重视。本文系统介绍了酸化剂的种类、作用机理、在家禽生产中的应用效果以及使用过程存在的问题,旨在为今后酸化剂在家禽生产中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

2006年度,山东养禽业受多种因素的冲击和市场波动的影响,总体的存栏量有所下降,一些观念差、饲养管理差的被逐渐淘汰。保留下  相似文献   

The importance of main streaming gender issues in development programmes is now recognized by governments and development agents. This paper evaluates the role of gender in smallholder livestock production using Zimbabwe as a case study. It draws on several studies and assesses the gender dimension in terms of access and control, decision making and, division of labour. It is shown that for mainly traditional and historical reasons men continue to dominate livestock production although the situation is gradually changing. Men eclipse women in terms of ownership of more valuable stock, the making of decisions and the control of livestock production. This suggests that gender is important in livestock production and must be considered among other factors. The complexity of the system is noted but more gender disaggregated quantitative data is required if gender is to be effectively mainstreamed in livestock development programmes.  相似文献   

The tick loads and tick species infesting an experimental herd, a Rendille pastoralists' herd and two ranch herds of camels, in four different areas of Kenya are described. The tick species most commonly observed were Hyalomma rufipes, Hyalomma dromedarii and Rhipicephalus pulchellus.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of small-scale poultry production in an urban and two agro-pastoral systems covered 381 households. Less detailed information was also obtained from a small sample in a transhumant pastoral system. More households owned poultry in the rice (89·5%) than in the millet (81·1%) or urban (57·1%) systems. Domestic fowl were commonest in all systems followed by pigeons, Guinea fowl and then ducks, although the last were absent from the millet zone. Most families kept only one species but there was more diversification in the rice system. Flock sizes were largest in the rice system for fowls, Guinea fowl and pigeons while duck flocks averaged more birds in the urban area. Females predominated in all species except pigeons where sex ratios were about equal. Management practices in relation to housing, feeding, health care and consumption and marketing are described. Productivity figures relating to egg production, egg size, hatchability, growth and mortality are provided.
Resumen Se efectuó una inspección a corta escala, de la producción de aves en un sistema urbano y dos rurales, cubriendo 381 explotaciones. Se obtuvo tambien información no muy detallada, de una muestra peque?a en un sistema pastoral transhumante. La mayoría de empresarios se encontraron en los niveles productores de arroz (89,5%), que en los de millo (81,1%) o urbanos (57,1%). La crianza de gallinas y pollos domésticos predominó sobre la de palomos, gallinetas y patos. Estos últimos no se encontraron entre los cultivadores de millo. La mayoría de familias criaba una sola especie, pero hubo más diversificación entre los cultivadores de arroz. El tama?o de las parvadas fue mayor entre los cultivadores de arroz, en lo relacionado con gallinas, gallinetas y palomos, mientras que las parvadas de patos fueron más numerosas en áreas urbanas. Las hembras predominaron en todas las especies, con la excepción de los palomos, en donde los sexos fueron iguales. Se describen las prácticas de manejo y comercialización. Tambien se dan datos de productividad en cuanto a producción de huevos, tama?o de los mismos, eclosión y mortalidad.

Résumé Une étude de la production avicole à petite échelle dans un système urbain et dans deux systèmes agro-pastoraux a couvert 381 foyers. On a obtenu moins d’informations détaillées dans un petit échantillon d’un système pastoral transhumant. Il y a plus de foyers possèdant des volailles dans les systèmes à base de riz (89,5%) que dans ceux à base de mil (81,1%) ou urbains (57,1%). Les poules domestiques sont les plus communes dans tous les systèmes, suivies par les pigeons, les pintades et enfin les canards, bien que ces derniers soient absents dans la zone du mil. La plupart des femelles n’ont qu’une seule espèce mais il y a un peu plus de disersification dans la zone du riz. La taille des bandes est plus importante dans la zone du riz concernant les poulets, les pintades et les pigeons, tandis que les troupes de canards ont en moyenne plus d’oiseaux en zone urbaine. Dans toutes les espèces il y a prédominance des femelles, sauf pour les pigeons ou le sex-ratio est égal. Les conditions d’élevage concernant l’habitation, la nourriture, les soins de santé, la consommation et la commercialisation sont décrites. Les chiffres de productivité concernant la production d’oeufs, la taille des oeufs, la fertilité, la croissance et la mortalité sont fournis.


This study assessed daily milk yield (DMY), 100-day (MY100), and 305-day (MY305) milk yield, and lactation length (LL) in purebred Ankole cattle and Ankole crossbreds, and the influence of environmental factors on these traits. Milk yield data were obtained for 865 cows and 1234 lactations and analyzed using a mixed linear model. The overall least squares mean of DMY, MY100, and MY305 across breed groups was 2.7 L (N = 1234, SD = 1.7), 262 L (N = 959, SD = 176), and 759 L (N = 448, SD = 439), respectively, while the average lactation length was 256 days (N = 960, SD = 122). All factors included (breed group, season and year of calving, and parity) were significant for yield traits, except season of calving for MY305. First-parity cows had the lowest milk production, and fourth-parity cows the highest. For all traits, pure Ankole cows had the lowest milk yield. Among the crossbreds, there was no significant difference between Ankole × Friesian, Ankole-Jersey mother × Sahiwal sire, and Ankole-Sahiwal mother × Jersey sire, or between Ankole × Sahiwal and Ankole-Sahiwal mother × Sahiwal sire. It was concluded that Ankole crosses with Friesian or Jersey can be beneficial, even under a management system of limited nutrition as in Rwanda.


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