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1. A dose-response experiment with 5 dietary threonine concentrations (5.0, 5.8, 6.6, 7.4 and 8.2 g/kg) was conducted to estimate the threonine requirement of White Pekin ducks from hatch to 21 d of age. 2. A total of 240 one-d-old male White Pekin ducks were allotted to 5 experimental treatments and each treatment contained 6 replicate pens with 8 ducks per pen. Ducks were reared in raised wire-floor pens from hatch to 21 d of age. At 21 d of age, growth performance and intestinal morphology were determined. 3. The weight gain and feed intake of Pekin ducks increased and feed/gain of these birds decreased linearly or quadratically as dietary threonine increased from 5.0 to 8.2 g threonine/kg. Compared to ducks fed on diets containing 5.0 g threonine/kg, ducks given diets containing 7.4 g threonine/kg had higher villus height in duodenum, jejunum and ileum. 4. The threonine requirements for weight gain of White Pekin ducks from hatch to 21 d of age was estimated to be 6.72 g/kg when dietary crude protein concentration was 189.8 g/kg and threonine supply was critical for maintaining intestinal structure of these birds. 相似文献
A study was conducted to assess the effect of genetic and non-genetic factors (litter size, sex of lamb, and parity of dam) on pre-weaning growth performance of crossbred lambs (75 % Dorper (DR) 25 % indigenous lambs; and 50 % Dorper 50 % indigenous lambs) under semi-intensive husbandry practices in eastern Ethiopia. Data from a total of 275 Dorper sire breed × indigenous (Blackhead Ogaden [BHO] and Hararghe Highland [HH]) crossbred lambs with different genetic group of the parental breeds were collected for three consecutive years (2009 to 2011). Pre-weaning growth performance attributes of crossbred lambs studied were birth weight, weaning weight, and pre-weaning average daily gain. Data were analyzed using the GLM procedure of SAS (2003). Breed group and non-genetic factors significantly affected pre-weaning growth performance. Lambs with 75 % Dorper and 25 % indigenous had higher ( P?<?0.01) birth weight than 50 % DR and 50 % HH but similar to 50 % DR and 50 % BHO. Weaning weight and pre-weaning live weight gain were higher ( P?<?0.01) for ¾DR¼BHO and ¾DR¼HH than 50 % Dorper inheritance. Single-born lambs had higher weight at birth, weaning weight, and pre-weaning average daily gain as compared to twins. Sex comparison is significant ( P?<?0.05) and male lambs recorded highest pre-weaning growth performance compared to female counterparts. Parity, season, and lambing year significantly ( P?<?0.01) influenced the pre-weaning growth of crossbred lambs. Therefore, it could be concluded that 50–75 % Dorper inheritance improved pre-weaning growth performance of indigenous breeds of Hararghe Highland and Blackhead Ogaden sheep. The result also suggested culling of ewes older than fourth parity to improve the pre-weaning growth performance of lambs. 相似文献
To evaluate a novel feed additive, hops β-acids, a pen trial using 1,440 one-day-old broiler chickens, in a randomized design with 6 treatments and 6 replicates of 40 birds/pen, was conducted. The experimental treatments were a negative control (NC) basal diet, a positive control (PC) basal diet supplemented with zinc 30 mg/kg of bacitracin, and 4 additional treatments consisting of the basal diet supplemented with 30, 60, 120, and 240 mg/kg of hops β-acids in a microencapsulated form. All birds were vaccinated against coccidiosis by eye drops. Productive performance, jejunum morphology, and Clostridium spp. count in jejunum and cecum contents were evaluated. At 21 d of age, the birds fed the PC, 30, or 60 mg/kg of β-acids had the same weight gain of those fed the NC, whereas the highest level of β-acids decreased the gain. In addition, feed intake was decreased and FCR was improved in all treatments when compared with the NC. At 42 d, compared with the NC, the treatments containing 30 or 240 mg/kg of β-acids and the PC resulted in improved FCR. No differences were found for other performance variables. No difference was observed among the treatments on villus length, crypt depth, and villus-to-crypt ratio. Except for one sample, all others had negative results for Clostridium spp. based on the methodology of sulphite reduction. In this study, we demonstrated positive effects of supplementation of hops β-acids on productive performance of broilers, and the best results were obtained with addition of 30 mg/kg. 相似文献
Phytase supplementation beyond the standard doses used for phosphorus release has been reported to result in extraphosphoric effects by enhancing nutrient digestibility resulting in improved performance of broilers. A study was conducted to examine the effects of the progressive addition of an enhanced Escherichia Coli phytase (400–1,600 phytase units; FTU) on growth performance and carcass characteristics from 1 to 42 d of age in male broilers. One thousand four hundred Hubbard × Cobb 500 1-d-old chicks were randomly distributed into 56 floor pens (0.08 m 2/bird). Seven dietary treatments were provided in a 3-phase feeding program consisting of (1) a positive control (adequate Ca and nonphytate P; PC); (2) 1 negative control (Ca and nonphytate P reduced by 0.14% and 0.13%; NC); (3 to 6) the NC diet with 4 increasing supplemental phytase concentrations (NC + 400 FTU, NC + 800 FTU, NC + 1,200 FTU, and NC + 1,600 FTU, respectively); and (7) a low-energy NC diet without phytase and xylanase (reduced 66 kcal of AME n/kg). Body weight gain, feed conversion, mortality, weight and yield of whole carcass, abdominal fat, and pectoralis major and minor muscles were evaluated. Progressive supplementation of phytase decreased cumulative FCR linearly. Broilers fed diets containing 1,600 FTU had heavier total breast meat by 49 g compared with birds receiving the PC diets. Broilers consuming the NC + 400 FTU or the low-energy NC diet had similar growth performance and meat yield compared with birds provided PC diet. These data indicated that phytase supplementation beyond the need for phosphorus enhances growth performance and carcass characteristics. 相似文献
This study was done to evaluate the effects of different dietary digestible lysine (dig Lys) levels on growth performance, blood metabolites, carcass and breast yield, and breast meat quality of broilers 23–38 days of age. Three hundred 23-day-old Cobb-500 male broiler chickens were allocated to a completely randomized design with five treatments (finisher diet containing 0.88%, 0.94%, 1.00%, 1.06% and 1.12% dig Lys) and six replicates of 10 birds each. Feed intake (FI) was not affected by different dietary dig Lys levels. Weight gain (WG) linearly increased and feed conversion ratio (FCR) linearly decreased with an increasing dietary dig Lys levels. With increasing dietary dig Lys levels, carcass and breast yield and breast meat hue angle ( h*) linearly increased, but abdominal fat decreased quadratically, whereas breast meat lightness ( L*) and ether extract composition linearly decreased. Dietary dig Lys levels did not show any significant effect on serum metabolites, breast meat cooking loss and water holding capacity. Based on the linear broken-line regression models, the weight gain, feed conversion ratio and breast yield were optimized when dietary dig Lys levels were 0.95%, 1.01% and 1.02% respectively. It is concluded that Lys requirements vary according to what productive parameter is taken for optimization. A minimum of 1.02% dig Lys concentration in the finisher diet is suggested to optimize breast yield, feed efficiency and performance in broiler chickens. 相似文献
A study was conducted to evaluate four different probiotic levels, using diets supplemented with 0 (control), 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% or 0.5% of organic-green culture-zs (probiotic). The cockerels of 6-weeks old were randomly divided into 15 separate floor pens each comprising 25 birds and three pens (replicates) per treatment group following completely randomized design. At 12 weeks of age BW and feed to gain ratio (FCR) were determined. At the end of 42 days of experiment, nine birds per treatment were sacrificed to evaluate carcass characteristics, abdominal fat contents and the internal organs. Blood haemato-biochemical parameters were also determined. Haemagglutination inhibition antibody titres against Newcastle disease virus and lymphoid organs weight/body weight ratio were also determined. The BW of birds fed 0.2-0.5% of probiotic was significantly greater than birds fed without probiotic diet. Similarly, better FCR was observed in birds those fed diets of high level of probiotic. There was no mortality recorded at higher levels of probiotics. Differences in carcass characteristics, organs weight, meat composition, haematological values and HDL and LDL concentrations among all the diets were non-significant. However, abdominal fat contents reduced significantly in supplemented groups in relation to control and cholesterol contents were reduced significantly in 0.3% or 0.5% supplemented groups in relation to control. Feeding levels of 0.2-0.5% of probiotic, did positively affect the immune system within the parameters measured. It may be concluded that performance, blood chemistry and immunity against disease in cockerels could be maintained when supplementing 0.3% or 0.5% level of probiotic incorporated in crossbred cockerel's diets. 相似文献
The cost of energy-contributing ingredients has increased over the last several years. Defining minimum dietary energy specifications for broilers is a strategy to mitigate high diet cost. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of diets with graded concentrations of AME n fed to Hubbard × Cobb 500 (experiment 1) and Ross × Ross 708 (experiment 2) male broiler chicks from 14 to 28 d of age. Both experiments were identical in experimental procedures with the exception of genetic strain. Broilers were fed a common corn-soybean meal-based starter diet from 1 to 13 d of age. At 14 d of age, dietary treatments were provided with 1 of 6 concentrations of AME n (3,000, 3,030, 3,060, 3,090, 3,120, and 3,150 kcal/kg). In experiment 1, BW gain, feed intake, and FCR of Hubbard × Cobb 500 broilers decreased linearly with increasing AME n. Linear broken-line response of FCR was estimated at 3,062 kcal of AME n/kg based on broken-line methodology. In experiment 2, Ross × Ross 708 broilers did not respond to graded concentrations of energy, as indicated by linear and quadratic regression of BW gain, feed intake, caloric conversion, and FCR data. Therefore, Hubbard × Cobb 500 male broilers respond to AME n from 14 to 28 d of age and may be fed diets formulated at 3,062 kcal of AME n/kg without loss of performance. Conversely, growth performance of Ross × Ross 708 male broilers was not affected by varying AME n (3,000 to 3,150 kcal/kg) from 14 to 28 d of age. In addition, the response to AME n may not be as pronounced with the modern broiler compared with broilers used in previous research. 相似文献
1. An investigation was carried out into the effects of dietary α-tocopherol (α-T) concentration and source of supplemental oil on performance, activity of anti-oxidative enzymes and some immune responses in broilers from day-old to 41 d of age. 2. Three dietary concentrations of α-T (10, 50 and 100 mg/kg) with three sources of supplemental oil (sunflower - SFO, palm - PMO and safflower - SAO) were provided using a 3 × 3 experimental design. 3. Body weight gain and food conversion efficiency were not affected by either interaction or concentrations of α-T and sources of oil in diet. 4. Concentrations of total protein, globulin, triglycerides and cholesterol in sera increased significantly with dietary α-T concentration irrespective of the source of oil. Significantly higher concentration of serum albumin was evident in broilers fed on the SFO-based diet and the concentration of globulin was higher in groups fed on those diets containing PMO and SAO. 5. The lipid peroxidation (LP), measured as MDA release, decreased with the concentration of α-T in a dose-related manner with SFO- and SAO-based diets, although not with the PMO-based diet. With different oil sources, LP was significantly lower with the PMO-based diet compared to the others. Activities of glutathione peroxidase and RBC catalase increased and heterophil: lymphocyte ratio was reduced with concentration of α-T for each source of oil tested. 6. Assays for humoral and cell-mediated immune responses indicated no effect of the source of dietary supplemental oil or interaction, although an increasing concentration of dietary α-T improved cell-mediated immune responses. 7. It is concluded that sunflower oil, palm oil and safflower oil can be used as sources of oil for broiler diets without having any effect on performance, immune responses or the activity of anti-oxidizing enzymes. Higher concentrations of dietary α-tocopherol (50 or 100 mg/kg) reduced lipid peroxidation activity and enhanced activities of anti-oxidative enzymes, they also improved the cell-mediated immune responses in commercial broilers. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the effects of α-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E (VE)) and microencapsulated VE (MVE) on growth performance, meat quality and antioxidant capacity in broiler chickens. A total of 360 d-old broiler chicks were procured and randomly allocated into three groups with 6 replicates. Each replicate had 20 chickens. Chickens were fed with basal diets (CON group) or experimental diets supplemented with 20 mg/kg VE (VE group) or 20 mg/kg MVE (MVE group) for 42 d. The results showed that the MVE group had higher body weight gain (BWG) than the CON and VE groups, and higher gain/feed ratio (G/F ratio) than the CON group during the period of 22–42 d. During the whole experiment, a higher increase in BWG was found in the MVE group than the CON group. Chickens fed on diets supplemented with the VE or MVE had lower abdominal fat percentage, higher pH and antioxidant enzyme activity than the CON group in the breast meat. There was an increased tendency in the hepatic glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) enzyme activity of the VE and MVE groups than the CON group. The hepatic mitochondrial total antioxidant capacity and GSH-Px enzyme activity in the MVE group were higher than the CON group. Hepatic 2,2-dipheny-?-picrylhydrazyl scavenging activity of the MVE group was higher than the CON group. These results suggested that the dietary addition of VE or MVE could improve breast meat quality in broilers. MVE supplementation may improve growth performance, hepatic mitochondrial antioxidant capacity and free radical scavenging capacity in chickens. In addition, dietary supplementation of MVE gave better broiler growth performance than VE. 相似文献
Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study evaluated the effect of feeding cassava leaf meal–based diets on feeding behavioural patterns, growth performance parameters and nutritional... 相似文献
A total of 702 1-day-old male Jiangnan White goslings were used to study the effects of varying levels of Na + and Cl − on their growth performance and blood parameters. In this experiment, goslings were randomly allotted to nine treatments, with six pens per treatment in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement, and fed diets with three concentrations of added Na + (0.10%, 0.15% and 0.20%) and three concentrations of added Cl − (0.15%, 0.20% and 0.25%). The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the sensitivity of goslings to Na + and Cl − during brooding to determine the appropriate levels of Na + and Cl − in their feed. The results are as follows: (a) Different levels of Na + and Cl − in the diet, especially low Na + and Cl −, significantly affected the body weight (BW), average daily gain (ADG) and feed/gain ratio (F/G) of the 28-day-old goslings ( p < .05). But Na + × Cl − has no significant effect on water consumption ( p > .05). (b) Serum concentrations of urea increased linearly with Na + content ( p < .05). Serum concentrations of creatinine (CR) and uric acid (UA) increased linearly with Cl − content ( p < .05). (c) Na + × Cl − has a significant impact on the serum sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl; p < .05). The content of serum Na and Cl increased linearly with increasing levels of Na + and Cl −. These results show that low levels of Na + and Cl − had significant adverse effects on the growth of 1- to 28-day-old goslings. The results of the experiment support a recommendation to supplement the diet of goslings with 0.20% Cl − and not <0.15% Na +. 相似文献
Tropical Animal Health and Production - The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different forage sources in diets for feedlot dairy cows and their implications on production,... 相似文献