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 A new race of Phytophthora vignae f. sp. adzukicola, designated race 4, is reported from central and western Hokkaido, Japan. The isolates obtained from diseased plants of a new cultivar, cv. Syumari, which is resistant to races 1, 2, and 3, were determined to be a new race by the pathogenic reaction on a set of differential adzuki bean cultivars (cv. Erimo-shozu, cv. Kotobuki-shozu, cv. Noto-shozu, cv. Urasa-shimane, and cv. Syumari). Received: March 7, 2002 / Accepted: August 13, 2002  相似文献   

Phialophora gregata f. sp. adzukicola, a causal agent of brown stem rot in adzuki beans, produces phytotoxic compounds: gregatins A, B, C, D, and E. Gregatins A, C, and D cause wilting and vascular browning in adzuki beans, which resemble the disease symptoms. Thus, gregatins are considered to be involved in pathogenicity. However, molecular analyses have not been conducted, and little is known about other pathogenic factors. We sought to isolate nonpathogenic and gregatin-deficient mutants through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT) for cloning of pathogenicity-related genes. The co-cultivation of P. gregata and A. tumefaciens for 48 h at 20°C with 200 μM acetosyringone resulted in approximately 80 transformants per 106 conidia. The presence of acetosyringone in the A. tumefaciens pre-cultivation period led to an increase in T-DNA copy number per genome. Of 420 and 110 transformants tested for their pathogenicity and productivity of gregatins, one nonpathogenic and three gregatin-deficient mutants were obtained, respectively. The nonpathogenic mutant produced gregatins, whereas the gregatin-deficient mutants had pathogenicity comparable to the wild-type strain. This is the first report of ATMT of P. gregata. Further analysis of these mutants will help reveal the nature of the pathogenicity of this fungus including the role of gregatin in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

 Pathogenic variation among 26 Japanese isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae (FOL) was tested using 21 lettuce cultivars to select commercial lettuce cultivars as race differential indicators. Cultivar Costa Rica No. 4 was resistant to race 1 but susceptible to race 2, consistent with the conventional standard differential line VP1010. Cultivar Banchu Red Fire was susceptible to race 1 but resistant to race 2, which showed an opposite type of reaction as another differential line VP1013. Cultivar Patriot was susceptible to both races. The resistance reactions of the three cultivars under field conditions were identical with that observed in the seedlings. Thus cv. Costa Rica No. 4 and cv. Banchu Red Fire can be used as differential hosts to identify pathogenic races of FOL. This differential system showed that all FOL isolates obtained from diseased butterhead lettuce in Fukuoka, Japan were new races (i.e., pathogenic to three cultivars). We propose that the new race be designated race 3. Isolates of FOL, the pathogen of Fusarium wilt in lettuce, obtained from California showed the same reaction as that of race 1. Furthermore, the Japanese isolate SB1-1 (race 1) and California isolate HL-2 belonged to the same vegetative compatibility group. Our results suggest that both of the fungi are the same forma specialis. Received: March 25, 2002 / Accepted: August 26, 2002  相似文献   

The causative virus (isolate No. 4) of gentian (Gentiana spp.) mosaic, which had been identified previously as Clover yellow vein virus (C1YVV) on the basis of host range and serological reactions, was re-identified as Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) on the basis of the nucleotide sequences of the gene for the coat protein (CP) and the 3′-noncoding region, as well as the predicted amino acid sequence of CP. Received 16 April 2002/ Accepted in revised form 19 June 2002  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the genetic diversity and to infer the mode of reproduction of Botrytis elliptica and B. tulipae in the Netherlands. First, three molecular typing methods were compared for their ability to differentiate isolates of B. tulipae, B. elliptica, and B. cinerea. The methods compared were multilocus sequencing, restriction analysis of the ribosomal intergenic spacer (IGS) region, and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. AFLP fingerprinting provided the most efficient method to differentiate isolates within each Botrytis species and therefore this method was used for population analyses of B. elliptica and B. tulipae. Isolates of both species were sampled during successive growing seasons in experimental field plots in Lisse and other locations in the Netherlands. Among 174 B. elliptica isolates, 105 genotypes could be discriminated and 87 genotypes were found only once, reflecting high genotypic variation. Clonal genotypes were found only within growing seasons and in one location. Linkage disequilibrium analyses indicated that between 9.4% and 19.3% of the loci in clone-corrected samples were linked. The multilocus association index provided no evidence for random mating. We conclude that sexual recombination occurs in the B. elliptica population. Among the 170 B. tulipae isolates, 25 genotypes could be discriminated and four genotypes were found only once, reflecting a low genotypic variation. Clonal genotypes were frequently found in different growing seasons and different locations. Linkage disequilibrium analyses indicated that between 25.2% and 48.6% of the loci in clone-corrected samples were linked. We conclude that the B. tulipae population is mainly clonal with some recombination.  相似文献   

 Four isolates of hypovirulent binucleate Rhizoctonia (HBNR) were evaluated for their ability to control Fusarium wilt of spinach (FWS) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae (FOS). Fourteen-day-old spinach seedlings grown in paper pots with HBNR-amended soil (1% w/w ground barley grain inoculum) were transferred to artificially pathogen-infested soil. Treatments with HBNR isolates significantly (P = 0.05) reduced disease and discoloration severity by 56%–100% and 52%–100%, respectively. The numbers of colony-forming units of FOS per gram fresh weight in petioles or roots were reduced significantly (P = 0.01) in the plants treated with HBNR. HBNR isolates were well reisolated from the roots inside paper pots where they were inoculated, whereas inconsistent colonization of HBNR was recorded from the roots outside paper pots where only pathogen was inoculated. Root extracts from HBNR-treated and pathogen-challenged plants significantly inhibited germination and germling length of FOS. The fresh weight of spinach leaves in the HBNR-treated plants increased significantly (P = 0.01), as much as 53%–63%, over the untreated and pathogen-challenged plants. This is the first report of biocontrol of FWS by HBNR. Received: July 18, 2002 / Accepted: October 22, 2002 Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr. Komada for providing nonpathogenic Fusarium F13. The senior author (A.M.) thanks the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (Monbukagakusho) Japan, for financial assistance.  相似文献   

Race 2 isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae have been recognized as biotin auxotrophs and consequently have restricted growth on Puhalla's minimal medium (MM), which contains no biotin. Biotin-autotrophic isolates were raised from race 2 isolates through cultural mutation that grew as well on MM as they did on MM supplemented with biotin. These autotrophs were identical to the parental isolates in pathogenicity on race differential cultivars of lettuce (Patriot, Banchu Red Fire, and Costa Rica No. 4), and thus were designated as race 2. A vegetative compatibility test indicated that the autotrophic isolates fell into the same vegetative compatibility group as the parents. Culture filtrates of the autotrophs allowed abundant growth of the parental auxotroph on MM, and, through a competitive enzyme-binding assay, biotin was detected in the culture filtrates. These results suggest that biotin auxotrophy in the natural race 2 isolates has no direct relation to pathogenicity, qualitatively defined as physiological race, or to vegetative compatibility.  相似文献   

Four hundred and sixty-one isolates of Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei were obtained from eight populations occurring on cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare) at four geographically distant locations in China during 2003 and 2004. Their virulence frequency was determined on 30 differential lines. No isolate was virulent on differential lines possessing the resistance genes Mla1, Mla3, Mla6, Mla7, Mla9, Mla12, Mla13, Mlat, Mlg, Mla10, Mla22, Mla23, Mlp1, Ml(N81) and Mlmw. Virulences to the first nine resistance genes are prevalent in Europe and constitute the main part of genetic distance between Chinese and European populations. Conversely, no isolate was avirulent on the differential lines possessing the genes Mla8 and Ml(Ch). The frequencies of isolates overcoming the genes Mla2, Mla11, Mlk1 and Mlk2 were .4–9.3%, and frequencies of isolates overcoming the genes Mlh, MlLa, Ml(Bw), Mlra, Ml(Ru2), mlw, MlGa, MlWo and Mlnn ranged from 18.2% to 98.7%. Based on reactions of differential lines possessing the genes Mlk1, Mlh, MlLa, Ml(Bw), Mlra and Ml(Ru2), pathotypes were identified and diversity parameters calculated. Eleven of 22 detected pathotypes were found in both years and comprised 94.6% of isolates. Generally, the populations from different locations in 1 year were more closely related than populations collected from the same locations in different years. Complete effectiveness of the resistance genes, for which no corresponding virulences were found, will allow Chinese breeders to access many modern European barley cultivars that are fully resistant to powdery mildew in China, including those possessing the non-host resistance gene mlo.  相似文献   

To analyze the regulation of hrp expression and to detect and identify hrp-dependent secretion proteins of plant-pathogenic bacteria, an appropriate hrp-inducing medium is indispensable. In this study, two efficient hrp-inducing media for Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae were designed by assaying the expression of a hrcU (the first gene of the hrpC operon) and a gus (β-glucuronidase) fusion gene. We modified XVM2, which is a hrp-inducing medium for X. campestris pv. vesicatoria, by adding 0.01% xylose in place of fructose and sucrose (0.18 and 0.34%, respectively) as a sugar source. The resulting medium induced approximately 15-fold more GUS activity from transformants containing a hrcU::gus gene than did XVM2. Moreover, a methionine-containing synthetic medium with 0.18% xylose as a sugar source was able to induce much stronger expression of HrcU::GUS, with GUS activity approximately 100-fold greater than that in XVM2. Induction depended on a regulator, HrpXo, and the PIP (plant-inducible-promoter) box, suggesting that HrcU::GUS was expressed in a hrp-dependent manner. The induction of operons hrpA to hrpF in XOM2 was also confirmed. These results suggest that both media, especially XOM2, are highly efficient hrp-inducing media for X. oryzae pv. oryzae. Received 7 October 2002/ Accepted in revised form 22 November 2002  相似文献   

Novel primers for rep-PCR were developed with the original software and based on `ancient diverged periodical sequences'. Rep-PCR with these primers was applied to study genetic relationships among 51 Xanthomonas campestris strains. The strains were collected from different countries including Russia, Japan, UK, Germany and Hungary. Reference strains of three X. campestrispathovars and five other Xanthomonas species were included. Based on qualitative differences in amplification profiles, the strains were divided into four major groups. Two subgroups recognised within X. campestrispopulation were similar to RFLP haplotypes. The third subgroup included strains of two other pathovariants and Japanese isolates of X. campestris pv. campestriswhile the fourth group comprised the other species of Xanthomonas. The analysis of the diversity within X. campestris resulted in the conclusion that isolates belong to distinct clonal populations (subgroups). The differences between the subgroups of X. campestris were only slightly smaller than between species of Xanthomonas. A PCR fragment about 600 bp amplified by primer KRPN2 was found in nearly all tested strains of X. campestris.SCAR primers designed for this marker produced a single specific band for strains of X. campestris, but not for other Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas and Erwiniastrains tested. Application of the new primer set for rep-PCR offers a rapid, simple and reproducible method for identification of bacterial strains. The X. campestris-specific SCAR primers may be used in diagnostics of this important plant pathogen.  相似文献   

The genetics of host-pathogen interactions in the Hordeum vulgare – P. teres f. teres pathosystem was studied in twelve resistant barley accessions, i.e. CI 9825, CI 9819, Diamond, CI 4922, CI 5401, Harbin, c-8755, c-21849, c-8721 c-23874, c-19979, c-15811. F2 analyses of crosses with susceptible genotypes employing various isolates (from Europe, USA, Canada, and Australia) revealed that resistance is mostly isolate-specific and controlled by one or two genes. Segregation in ascospore progeny from two crosses between isolates of different origin revealed that avirulence in P. teres is also determined by one or two genes. An epistatic effect of suppressor genes on avirulence genes is proposed for the genetics of virulence to Diamond, Harbin, CI 5401 and c-8721 in the fungal crosses D (181-6 × A80) and F (H-22 × 92-178/9). Segregation in F2 of crosses of three new sources of resistance (c-23874, c-19979, c-15811) to the susceptible cv. Pirkka was studied in laboratory and greenhouse tests by using seven P. teres isolates, i.e. 181-6, d8-3, d8-4, d9-1, d9-4, F4 and F74. In addition, virulence to these barley accessions of ascospore progeny from crosses of the same isolates was studied. Based on these studies it was concluded that depending on the isolate used, resistance of c-23874 is determined at least by two genes and in c-19979 and c-15811 by three genes. The results of this parallel analyses of genetics of resistance and genetics of virulence allows the postulation of a gene–for–gene interaction in the P. teres – H. vulgare pathosystem.  相似文献   

In June 1995, a disease causing round to irregular-shaped, water-soaked, brown to blackish brown spots on mealycup sage (Salvia farinacea Benth.) was found in Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. The symptoms were seen only on leaves, not on neither flower petals or stems. The disease was also found in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Memambetsu-cho, Hokkaido and Shimoda-shi and Matsuzaki-cho, Shizuoka. An Alternaria sp. was frequently isolated from these diseased plants. The isolates were severely pathogenic to mealycup sage and caused lesions on the inoculated leaves. The isolates were also weakly pathogenic on scarlet sage (S. splendens Sellow ex Roem. and Schult.) but not on any other Labiatae plants tested. Based on morphological characteristics, such as size of conidia, chain number, and the short beak on conidia, the causal fungus was identified as Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. This report is the first on a mealycup sage disease caused by A. alternata. Because the symptom was restricted to the leaf, the common name of Alternaria leaf spot was proposed. Received 30 August 2002/ Accepted in revised form 18 November 2002  相似文献   

Alstroemeria plants were surveyed for viruses in Japan from 2002 to 2004. Seventy-two Alstroemeria plants were collected from Aichi, Nagano, and Hokkaido prefectures and 54.2% were infected with some species of virus. The predominant virus was Alstroemeria mosaic virus, followed by Tomato spotted wilt virus, Youcai mosaic virus (YoMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Alstroemeria virus X and Broad bean wilt virus-2 (BBWV-2). On the basis of nucleotide sequence of the coat protein genes, all four CMV isolates belong to subgroup IA. CMV isolates induced mosaic and/or necrosis on Alstroemeria. YoMV and BBWV-2 were newly identified by traits such as host range, particle morphology, and nucleotide sequence as viruses infecting Alstroemeria. A BBWV-2 isolate also induced mosaic symptoms on Alstroemeria seedlings.  相似文献   

Tomato chlorosis virus causes yellow leaf disorder epidemics in many countries worldwide. Plants of Physalis ixocarpa showing abnormal interveinal yellowing and plants of Physalis peruviana showing mild yellowing collected in the vicinity of tomato crops in Portugal were found naturally infected with ToCV. Physalis ixocarpa and P. peruviana were tested for susceptibility to ToCV by inoculation with Bemisia tabaci, Q biotype. Results confirmed that ToCV is readily transmissible to both species. The infection was expressed in P. ixocarpa by conspicuous interveinal yellow areas on leaves that developed into red or brown necrotic flecks, while P. peruviana test plants remained asymptomatic. Infected plants of both P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana served as ToCV sources for tomato infection via B. tabaci transmission. This is the first report of P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana as natural hosts of ToCV.  相似文献   

Biofilm-grown cells of Pseudomonas syringae pv. theae (P.s.theae) wild-type strain K9301 on abiotic surface had remarkable resistance to kasugamycin in comparison to planktonically grown cells; however, the biofilm-grown cells of K9301 had the same sensitivity to copper sulfate. Because both the lesser biofilm-forming strain K9301S3 and enhanced biofilm-forming strain K9301-6 also had remarkable biofilm resistance to kasugamycin just as K9301 did and because epigallocatechin gallate, which enhanced biofilm formation of P.s.theae, had no effect on biofilm resistance to kasugamaycin, the degree of biofilm formation was not correlated with the antibiotic susceptibilities. In addition, K9301 and K9301S3 had less sensitivity to kasugamycin but had high sensitivity to copper sulfate on nonwounded leaf surfaces. These results indicate a possibility that the mechanism of P.s.theae biofilm resistance to bactericide functions on both abiotic and nonwounded leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted near Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, in 2001, 2004 and 2005 to determine the efficacy of the antagonistic fungusUlocladium atrum for control of white mold of bean caused bySclerotinia sclerotiorum. Results of the 3 years of field trials showed that, compared with the untreated control, foliar application of a spore suspension ofU. atrum (300 ml m−2 of 106 spores ml−1 suspension) significantly reduced incidence and severity of white mold, increased seed yield and reduced contamination of bean seed by sclerotia ofS. sclerotiorum. The level of control of white mold observed in the treatment ofU. atrum was similar to that of the mycoparasitic fungusConiothyrium minitans, but lower than the fungicide treatments of Ronilan (vinclozolin) at the rate of 1200 g ha−1 per application in 2001, or Lance (boscalid) at the rate of 750 g ha−1 per application in 2004 and 2005. The potential for use ofU. atrum as a biological control agent for sclerotinia diseases is discussed. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 12, 2006.  相似文献   

Four lines (designated MR0, MR1, MR2, and M8) from 13 accessions of Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima were selected on the basis of phenotypes produced after foliar rub-inoculation with Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV). The susceptible phenotype developed bright yellow local lesions, whereas the resistant phenotype had symptoms ranging from no visible lesions to necrotic lesions at the inoculation site. MR1 and MR2 lines had a resistant phenotype depending on the isolate and the MR0 line was susceptible to all isolates of BNYVV tested. The M8 line was highly susceptible; the virus spread systemically and caused severe stunting. These plant lines will be useful for distinguishing BNYVV isolates having different pathogenicities, especially those controlled by RNA3 and/or RNA5.  相似文献   

The pathogenic race of 59 cultures of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, a pathogen of bacterial leaf blight of rice, isolated from six locations in the inland mountainous area of Hiroshima Prefecture in 1999, were determined by a set of traditional differentials. Four races—I, II, V and VII—were found across the area; however, we noticed the composition of the races as well as the dominant race in each location different. All races were avirulent on differential cultivar Te-tep. Races V and VII were new to Hiroshima. The rice cultivars infected with bacterial leaf blight in Hiroshima are thought to be grouped into the Kinmaze group, which does not have any resistance genes. Apparently, a variety of races occurred unexpectedly on the cultivars contrary to stabilizing selection theory. Received 25 February 2000/ Accepted in revised form 13 July 2000  相似文献   

Plants constitutively produce a variety of secondary metabolites that have antimicrobial activities against phytopathogens; however, interactions between these performed antimicrobial compounds and phytopathogens were poorly understood. In this study, interactions between epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg), which was a major tea catechin that had antimicrobial activities against varieties of bacteria, and Pseudomonas syringae pv. theae (P.s. theae), the causal of bacterial shoot blight of tea, were investigated. EGCg had less antimicrobial activity against P.s. theae; however, subinhibitory concentrations of EGCg induced biofilm formation. Because biofilms are induced in the presence of sucrose in the culture medium but not by P.s. theae strains deficient in exopolysaccharide levan production, biofilm induction by EGCg and levan production are closely related. EGCg increased survival of P.s. theae under dry conditions on nonwounded leaf surfaces in the presence of sucrose. These data indicate the possibility that tea catechins affect the survival of P.s. theae on the phyllosphere. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Serial passage experiments (SPE) of a Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) isolate were performed on Zhong ZH and TC14 wheat lines to evaluate the durability of their resistance to BYDV. At different passage numbers (from the 2nd to the 114th), biological properties of the produced isolates were recorded either by monitoring infection percentages and virus titers of the first 3 weeks of viral infection or by measuring their impact on yield components. Statistical analyses using the area under pathogen progress curves and the area under concentration progress curves demonstrated that these two resistant lines induce, after only a few passages, a selection of variant(s) with significantly modified infection abilities. Isolates resulting from SPE performed on these lines induced important decreases of yield components. These results indicate that the use of Zhong ZH and TC14 lines in BYDV-resistant breeding programmes should be approached with caution.  相似文献   

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