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Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism was diagnosed in five young to middle-aged cats of mixed breeding. Three of the cats were male and two were female. Historic signs included lethargy (n = 5), anorexia (n = 5), muscle tremors (n = 4), weakness (n = 4), generalized seizures (n = 3), ataxia (n = 3), mental dullness or disorientation (n = 3), panting (n = 2), pruritus (n = 1), ptyalism (n = 1) and dysphagia (n = 1). Weakness (n = 4), dehydration (n = 2), cataracts (n = 2), hypothermia (n = 1), and bradycardia (n = 1) were found on physical examination. Results of electrocardiography revealed a prolonged Q-T interval in two cats. Results of initial laboratory tests revealed profound hypocalcemia and severe hyperphosphatemia with normal renal function. The diagnosis of hypoparathyroidism was made on the basis of the history, clinical signs, and results serum biochemical testing (i.e., severe hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia); in two cats, the diagnosis was also confirmed by histologic examination of parathyroid glands. Initial treatment included intravenous administration of 10% calcium gluconate and oral administration of large loading doses of calcium and vitamin D (dihydrotachysterol). Successful long-term management with dihydrotachysterol and calcium was achieved in all cats. The final dosage of dihydrotachysterol required to maintain normocalcemia in the five cats ranged from 0.004 to 0.04 mg/kg/day (mean = 0.015 mg/kg/day). Long-term calcium supplementation was given to three of the cats in dosages ranging from 29 to 53 mg/kg/day (mean = 42 mg/kg/day) of elemental calcium. One cat died after 28 months of therapy from widely metastatic hemangiosarcoma; the other three cats are still alive and well after 5 to 37 months of treatment.  相似文献   

The medical and necropsy records of 41 cats diagnosed with nonlymphomatous hepatobiliary (NLHB) masses, including neoplasia and cysts, were reviewed. Overall, benign masses (n = 27) were more common than malignant ones (n = 14). The single most common malignancy was cholangiocellular carcinoma. The median age at diagnosis was significantly lower ( P < .01) for cats with malignant rather than benign disease. Clinical signs associated with hepatobiliary neoplasia were usually vague and included lethargy, vomiting, and anorexia, often present for at least 2 weeks before presentation. Benign masses were an incidental finding in significantly more ( P < .01) of the cases than were malignant masses. Median values for alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and total bilirubin were significantly higher ( P < .05) in cats with malignant versus benign masses. The prognosis for malignant disease was poor, with 86% of the cats dying or being euthanatized during hospitalization. Cats with benign disease that underwent exploratory celiotomy were more likely to recover and warranted a more favorable prognosis than cats with malignant tumors. Factors associated with malignancy included age at presentation, presence of clinical signs at presentation, and specific serum chemistry changes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Multiple squamous cell carcinomas in situ were diagnosed in five aged cats. Despite clinical courses ranging from 18 to 30 months, there was no clinical or histologic evidence of breachment of the basement membrane. The condition closely resembles Bowen's disease in humans.
Résumé— Des épithéliomas spinocellulaires multiples in situ ont été diagnostiqués chez 5 chats. Maigré une anclenneté clinique de 18 à 30 mois, il n'y avait pas de signes cliniques ou histologiques d'atteinte de la membrane basale. Cette affection resemble á la maladie de Bowen chez l'homme.
Zusammenfassung— Bei fünf alten Katzen wurden multiple plattenepithelkarzinome in situ diagnostiziert. Trotz der klinischen Krankheitverläufe von 18 bis 30 Monaten konnte weder klinisch noch histologisch ein Durchbrechen der Basalmembran nachgewiesen werden. Dieses Bild ähnelt sehr dem Bowens Krankheit des Menschen.
Resumen  En cinco gatos se diagnosticaron carcinomas multiples de células escamosas in situ. A pesar del curso clínico de 18–30 meses no se observó evidencia clinica, o histológica de infiltración a traves de la membrana basal. La condición es muy semejante a la enfermedad de Bowen en medicina humana.  相似文献   

Objective— To report a surgical technique for primary repair of separation of the annular and auricular cartilages of the ear and long-term outcome.
Study Design— Case series.
Animals— Cats (3) and dogs (2) with ear canal separation.
Methods— Medical records (1998–2007) of dogs and cats with ear canal separation were reviewed. Long-term outcome was obtained by telephone interview of owners or referring veterinarians.
Results— Three cats and 1 dog had ear canal separation after being hit by a car; there was no history of trauma in 1 dog. Successful repair was achieved by a caudal approach to the ear canal, identifying and debriding separated cartilage edges and using primary repair. A patent ear canal was confirmed in all animals by otoscopy 4–12 weeks later and by ear canalography in 3 animals. Long-term outcome was excellent with no reported complications 10–90 months later (median 24 months).
Conclusions— Both acute and chronic separation between the annular and auricular cartilages, in the absence of middle ear disease, can be successfully treated using primary repair via a caudal approach to the ear canal, with excellent long-term outcome.
Clinical Relevance— Primary repair should be considered in animals with separation of the annular and auricular cartilages.  相似文献   

Pancreatitis was considered a rare disease in the cat until a couple of decades ago when several retrospective studies of severe acute pancreatitis were published. It was apparent that few of the diagnostic tests of value in the dog were helpful in cats. With increasing clinical suspicion, availability of abdominal ultrasonography, and introduction of pancreas-specific blood tests of increasing utility, it is now accepted that acute pancreatitis is probably almost as common in cats as it is in dogs, although the etiology(s) remain more obscure. Pancreatitis in cats often co-exists with inflammatory bowel disease, less commonly with cholangitis, and sometimes with both. Additionally, pancreatitis may trigger hepatic lipidosis, while other diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, may be complicated by pancreatitis. Therapy is similar to that used in dogs, with added emphasis on early nutritional support to prevent hepatic lipidosis. Less is known about chronic pancreatitis than the acute form, but chronic pancreatitis is more common in cats than it is in dogs and may respond positively to treatment with corticosteroids.  相似文献   



Although there is serologic evidence of exposure of cats to Leptospira spp., clinical disease is rarely reported in cats.


To compare the seropositivity and urinary polymerase chain reaction (PCR) status for Leptospira spp. between healthy (H) cats and cats with kidney disease (KD), to investigate the serovars potentially involved, and to evaluate potential risk factors.


Two hundred and forty client‐owned cats.


Cats were prospectively recruited and classified based on physical examination, complete blood count, serum biochemistry profile, and urinalysis (125 H and 115 KD cats). Leptospira spp. serology (titers ≥1 : 100 considered positive) and urinary PCR were performed in all cats. Data assessing risk factors, obtained from a questionnaire, were evaluated using logistic regression models.


Seropositivity for Leptospira spp. was statistically different between groups: 7.2% (9/125) and 14.9% (17/114) in the H and KD, respectively (= .05). The proportion of PCR‐positive cats was not. The most common serovars detected serologically were Pomona (n = 16) and Bratislava (n = 8). Risk factors for seropositivity included outdoor and hunting lifestyles (= .03 and < .001, respectively), the presence of another cat in the household (< .01), and the sampling period, with the greatest number of cases identified between June and August (P =.02).


Seropositivity was significantly greater in KD cats, suggesting that the role of Leptospira spp. in KD in cats should be further investigated. The detection of urinary shedding of leptospires in several cats identifies a potential role in the transmission of the organism.  相似文献   

M-mode echocardiography was completed and plasma taurine concentrations were determined in 79 healthy cats and 77 cats with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). In healthy cats, a relationship was not observed between plasma taurine concentrations and any M-mode echocardiographic measurement. End-systolic and end-diastolic cardiac chamber dimensions were larger; wall thickness measures were smaller; and calculations of fractional shortening were less in cats with DCM than in healthy cats. Plasma taurine concentrations less than 30 nmol/mL were detected in 7/79 healthy cats and in 52/77 cats with DCM. Of the 52 cats with DCM and an initial plasma taurine concentration less than 30 nmol/mL, 23 died or were euthanized during the first post-treatment week, 7 were lost to further study, and 22 improved after taurine supplementation. Of the 25 cats with DCM and an initial plasma taurine concentration greater than or equal to 30 nmol/mL, 9 died or were euthanatized during the first post-treatment week, and 9 were lost to further study. Two cats did not improve, of which one died and one was euthanatized 4 to 8 weeks after initiation of taurine supplementation. Five cats with a plasma taurine concentration greater than or equal to 30 nmol/mL improved after taurine supplementation. Myocardial function subsequently deteriorated in three of these cats. Two of the three cats had signs of congestive heart failure redevelop.  相似文献   

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