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Since the 1960s, the implemented soil conservation measures on steep slopes and the densely planted shelterbelts as well as the constructed reservoirs and ponds in Baiquan County, northeastern China have dramatically altered the landscape and would greatly influence soil erosion and sediment yield (SY ). However, how these land use changes and the constructed dams affected soil erosion and SY still remained unclear. A physically distributed soil erosion model WaTEM/SEDEM that has been calibrated and validated using 25 reservoir SY s in the study area was applied using nine land use scenarios (land uses in 1954, 1975 and 2010, each with 8, 32 and without dams) to assess their impacts on sediment delivery at the Shuangyang catchment (915 km2). The results show that land use changes as well as the increased dam numbers progressively decreased catchment sediment delivery and the impact of dams on sediment delivery was more efficient under the intensified land use condition (1954 land use without reservoirs). With respect to 1954 land use without dams, current land use condition (2010 land use with 32 dams) was simulated to decrease SY by 61·8%. Soil conservation measures (terrace and contour tillage as well as shelterbelts) on the slopes greatly influenced SY and over 80% of the reduced SY were caused by land use changes. This study indicates that soil conservation measures are sustainable sediment control measures for the black soil region because the accumulation of sediment in dams causes shortening of the useful life in reservoirs and ponds and implies increasing financial costs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于子流域土地覆被变化的产流产沙效应模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用分布式水文模型SWAT进行了晋江西溪流域1985和2001年两期土地覆被条件下的产流产沙模拟,分别从整个流域尺度和子流域尺度定量分析了不同土地覆被类型的水文效应。结果表明,土地覆被变化对于整个流域产流量影响不大,对产沙量影响显著。不同子流域的产流产沙变化分析结果表明,其他条件相同的情况下,林地相对于其他土地覆被类型具有明显的减水减沙作用,其次是园地,再者是耕地和草地。建设用地在各土地覆被类型中增水增沙作用最为显著。  相似文献   

定量研究延河流域淤地坝拦沙贡献率和未来可拦沙潜力,对流域淤地坝建设效益分析具有重要的参考价值.根据延河流域1952—2018年的径流输沙数据和2011年全国水利普查中的骨干坝建坝年限、控制面积、总库容和淤积库容等资料,构建了延河流域骨干坝拦沙量反推计算模型,计算了延河流域骨干坝逐年拦沙量与减沙贡献率,预测了骨干坝未来可...  相似文献   

The flow–sediment relationship is important to understand the soil erosion and land degradation processes in severe eroded areas. This study researches on variations of streamflow, sediment load, and flow–sediment relationship on multi‐temporal scales (annual, flood season and, monthly scales) in a highly erodible catchment of Chinese Loess Plateau. The results demonstrated that the streamflow, sediment load, sediment concentration, runoff coefficient, and sediment coefficient all experienced evident reductions, and the decrease in the middle and downstream stations was more significant compared with the upstream stations. The land use changes and implementation of soil and water conservation measures played major role for the streamflow and sediment load reductions with respect to precipitation change, and the runoff coefficient and sediment coefficient linearly decreased with the percentage of conservation measure area. The runoff‐sediment yield relationship on annual, flood season, and monthly scales could be generally characterized by the linear function, and the slopes during the post‐change period was lower than those during the pre‐change period of sediment load. The sediment concentration–streamflow discharge relationship represented consistent form over the entire study period, and the logarithmic function was appropriate to describe the relationships on the three timescales. The decrease of sediment concentration contributed greatest (60·7%) to sediment reduction compared with runoff productivity of rainfall (30·2%) and precipitation (9·1%). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Elucidating the links between catchment and channel geomorphic processes helps the understanding of landscape evolution and the geomorphic development of river basins, and then the land degradation processes. In this study, we analyse suspended sediment dynamics and its relationship with rainfall, discharge and in‐channel sediment storage in a highly dynamic Mediterranean montane catchment (the River Isáben, Southern Pyrenees, NE Iberian Peninsula). The aim is to assess hydrological controls on and temporal patterns of the suspended sediment load. High loads in this basin occur as a consequence of intense erosion in badlands located in the middle of the catchment. This study focuses on a reach located downstream from the main badland areas, where rainfall, discharge (Q), sediment transport (SSC) and in‐channel sediment storage were monitored for a 1‐year period. Marked seasonality in water and sediment load was observed; whereas most of the discharge occurred in winter and spring, most of the sediment was transported during summer and autumn. Q‐SSC hysteretic loops revealed the importance of sediment availability (whether stored in the channel or originating from wider catchment source areas) in the river's sedimentary response. Clockwise loops dominated during winter and spring, whereas counter‐clockwise loops occurred mostly in summer and autumn, when in‐channel storage reached its maximum. There were significant correlations between rainfall intensity in the sediment source areas, in‐channel sediment storage and sediment yield. These correlations emphasize the importance of understanding sediment availability when analysing the temporal dynamics of sediment transport, especially in catchments where different source areas (slopes and riverbed) may contribute to the load to differing degrees and at different times of the year. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区坡向对产流产沙影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坡向是坡面产流产沙的重要影响因素。以黄土高原岔巴沟流域新庄径流试验场阴坡和阳坡2个径流小区为研究对象,根据发生在阳坡农地和阴坡荒坡地上的11场降雨事件,对阳坡和阴坡上的产流产沙状况进行了对比分析。结果表明:2个径流小区的产流产沙差异显著。阳坡农地由于太阳辐射量和温度高于阴坡,土壤含水量较低,同时表层土壤扰动较阴坡荒坡地大,土壤孔隙度高,使其产流能力小于阴坡;阳坡土质疏松,沙量来源充沛,径流含沙量和侵蚀模数大于阴坡的概率分别在88%和85%以上。降雨强度对阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异的影响显著,阴坡和阳坡的产流产沙均在0.05的概率水平上受平均降雨强度的显著影响,表现出平均降雨强度越大阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异越明显的特征,而降雨量对阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异的影响并不明显,这是黄土高原超渗产流的特征之一。  相似文献   

Gully erosion reduces agricultural productivity by destroying valuable land resources, increases sediment concentrations, reduces water quality, and fills up reservoirs. Gully rehabilitation has proven to be challenging especially in the high‐rainfall areas of the Ethiopian Highlands and has therefore had limited success. This paper describes a successful low‐cost gully rehabilitation effort with community participation in the Birr watershed in the Blue Nile basin that begun in early 2013. Initially, farmers were reluctant to participate for religious reasons, but with the aid of local priests and respected elders, community discussions, and a visit to a rehabilitated gully, a consensus was reached to rehabilitate a 0·71‐ha upland gully. The rehabilitation measures consisted of regrading the gully head at a 45° slope, constructing low‐cost check dams from locally available materials, and planting Pennisetum purpureum grass and Sesbania sesban. At the end of the first post‐implementation rainy season, 2,200 tons of soil was conserved by the constructed check dams and newly planted vegetation, compared with soil losses of 680 and 560 tons in two untreated, nearby gullies. In 2014, an additional 3,100 tons of soil was conserved. In 2013, the marginal rate of return (MRR) on the gully rehabilitation investment was 2·6 based on the value of increased forage production alone. When we include trapped soil nutrient values, the rehabilitation MRR was increased to 10. Although these numbers are impressive, the best proof of the success was that farmers on their own initiative rehabilitated an additional five gullies in 2014. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is by far the greatest cause of land degradation and other environmental and socio‐economic problems in China. Although various conservation methods are widely utilized to reduce soil erosion and to sustain agricultural production, the cost‐effectiveness and selection of these methods are less known. Using our survey and ecological data, this study evaluated four soil and water conservation methods in Changting County, Southeast China. The results show that the disparity of conservation costs is much larger than that of ecological benefits. Planting fruit trees is a kind of conservation through primarily economic development. Closing hillsides for afforestation is most cost‐effective, followed by forest fertilizing, and planting trees and grass. Our findings suggest that comparatively lower cost conservation methods, for example closing hillsides for afforestation, should be considered in priority if initial ecological conditions can meet the requirements of the method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Runoff is the key factor to understand the land degradation causing high risk of soil erosion and can reduce the water available for human societies and ecosystems. The dynamics of runoff and suspended sediment transport are not completely understood. In this study, we examined the trends, breaking point and regime changes for the runoff and sediment load at different temporal scales using 50 years of continuous observational data from a highly erodible sub‐catchment with an area of 7,325 km2 in the Beiluo River basin on the Loess Plateau, China. At the annual scale, the runoff and sediment load declined significantly (p < 0·05) with decreasing rates of −0·23 mm y−1 and −164·9 Mg km−2 y−1, respectively. Abrupt changes in the runoff and sediment load series were detected between 1979 and 1999; thus, the data were divided into intervals of 1960–1979, 1980–1999 and 2000–2009. The flow duration curve analysis indicated increasing low‐flow values and decreasing daily runoff and sediment discharge peaks, which suggested that soil and water conservation measures reduced the volume of runoff and the sediment load. This led to a more uniform runoff regime. At the flood event scale, we investigated the relationship between runoff and the suspended sediment load based on 123 flood events, which showed clearly that the magnitude and frequency of hyper‐concentrated sediment flows decreased in 2000–2009 compared with 1960–1999. The annual erosive rainfall exhibited non‐significant changes throughout the entire study period. We conclude that soil and water conservation measures (e.g. afforestation, grassing, terraces and check dams) have played major roles in the changes in runoff and the sediment load in the Beiluo River catchment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区不同土地利用方式下小流域侵蚀产沙特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为进一步优化和合理配置水土保持措施,以黄土丘陵沟壑区3个不同土地利用方式下的坝控小流域为例,基于人工探槽取样、淤积层次甄别及与产流降雨事件的对应关系,结合1:10000早期地形图与全站仪测量,拟合库容曲线来估算淤地坝泥沙淤积量,进而反演坝控流域的产沙模数变化特征.结果表明:(1)延河马家沟3个不同土地利用方式下的洞儿沟...  相似文献   

不同雨强条件下工程措施对坡地产流产沙影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
基于试验站不同坡地措施(坡耕地和坡改梯)2016年和2017年的逐日降水、产流产沙数据,研究不同坡地措施和雨强下产流产沙规律特征,定量揭示坡改梯和坡耕地对产流产沙的影响。结果表明:(1)7月平均雨强I、最大雨强I30及坡地产流量最大,8月最大雨强I60与坡地产沙量最大,表明坡地产流产沙高峰期与雨强高峰期一致。(2)春夏两季产流、产沙量与II30I60相关性显著(超过95%置信度检验)。其中坡耕地产流产沙量与II30I60的相关系数整体高于坡改梯。春夏季坡耕地产沙量分别是坡改梯的3.91,7.85倍。(3)降雨主要集中在I(1~3 mm/h)、I30(3~29 mm/h)、I60(2~27 mm/h)之间,且坡地产流产沙量与最大雨强I30、最大雨强I60在95%置信度水平呈现显著正相关。当I30达到29.0 mm/h、I60达到26.6 mm/h时,坡地产流产沙达到最大,坡耕地产流产沙峰值是坡改梯的2.43,7.52倍以上,并且坡耕地全年产流产沙变异系数总体高于坡改梯,因此坡改梯工程在一定程度上防治了水土流失,使产流产沙变化减小。  相似文献   

曾赟  魏琳 《水土保持通报》2013,33(3):1-6,90
嘉陵江紫色丘陵区的土壤侵蚀是造成该流域下游水土流失严重的主要根源.选取四川省紫色丘陵区的李子溪流域为研究区,根据反映“长治”工程实施前后的1986,1999和2001年影像数据,应用GIS技术解译得到了该流域3个时期的土地利用图,并利用SWAT模型对这3个时期的土地利用情形进行了产流产沙模拟.在1986年土地利用图的基础上,假设了7种不同土地利用情景以及9种不同气候组合,以评价土地利用变化和不同气候条件对李子溪流域径流泥沙的影响.研究结果表明:(1) 1989年实施“长治”工程后,林地面积持续增加,水田、旱地面积持续减少,且林地增加的面积主要来自于水田和旱地;(2)林地覆盖率增加,耕地减少的土地利用变化对流域产流产沙量的减小影响显著,说明了“长治”工程实施后,以退耕还林和植树造林为主的理措施具有水土保持作用,且在大于25°的坡耕地上实施退耕还林措施对减少地表径流,拦截泥沙效果更显著.  相似文献   

中亚热带地区常绿阔叶林地表径流和产沙影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究中亚热带地区常绿阔叶林地的地表径流和侵蚀产沙的影响机制,于2016年和2017年的5—9月在天然降雨条件下,采用野外定位观测结合室内试验分析方法,得到磨盘山常绿阔叶林林外降雨和林内穿透雨及其雨滴特性数据,采用RDA排序及CANOCO的Forward分析筛选出主导环境影响因子。结果表明:(1)产沙量与林外降雨量和林内穿透雨量存在正相关关系。当径流量0.064mm时,研究区内形成的地表径流才开始携带泥沙;林冠层对降雨动能的缓冲作用在降雨强度小的情况下较明显。(2)林冠缓冲动能、叶面积指数和树干茎流量与径流量产沙量存在负相关关系,降雨历时、林外降雨量、林内降雨量、平均雨强、雨滴个数、雨滴直径、雨滴速度、林内降雨动能、降雨总动能对径流量产沙量产生正相关影响。(3)对12个环境因子进行主导因子筛选,降雨总动能、林外降雨量、平均雨强、林冠缓冲动能、降雨历时对径流量产沙量的影响效果较为显著。从典范特征值分析结果显示,仅选择这5个主环境影响变量可解释环境影响因子与径流量产沙关系73.2%的信息量,比12个变量所解释的信息量仅少16.8%。  相似文献   

Knowing how much sediment check dams have trapped during their lifespan is essential to estimate their effectiveness or the sediment yields of their basins. Methods to calculate the volume of sediment trapped by check dams play an important role in the understanding of these issues. Several authors have proposed different methods to measure the volume of retained sediment, but their accuracy has, as yet, not been precisely determined and is currently a subject of debate. We compare the most frequently used methods (geometric: prism, pyramid and geometric; topographic: Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), trapezoids and sections methods) to evaluate their accuracy and precision in determining the volume of sediment retained by check dams. Our calculations are based on ten virtual check dams simulated in several gullies of Saldaña (Spain), where we determine their volumetric capacity for trapping sediment (real volume). This was made by means of an intensive topographic survey of these gullies, employing a terrestrial laser scanning system to obtain a high‐resolution digital elevation model (5 × 5 cm, ±2 mm). The results showed that topographic methods provided a very good fit to real volume with a difference of around 8%, being the sections method the most accurate. Geometric methods were less accurate, showing differences of up to 28%. Thus, the results obtained until now by geometric methods should be considered with caution. Although topographic methods were more accurate, they require many field data and much time than the others. So geometric methods can still be useful by correcting their results using our obtained percentage of variation. Knowing the accuracy of the methods before measuring is essential to obtain the most reliable results to analyse the role of check dams in controlling sediment, erosion processes and land degradation. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过室内模拟降雨试验,设置3种降雨强度(30,60,90 mm/h)和3种地表覆盖类型(裸土坡面、1 cm马尾松枯落物覆盖、1 cm马尾松灰烬覆盖),研究林火发生前后不同地表覆盖下的坡面产流产沙过程,明确枯落物和植物灰烬覆盖的减流减沙效益。结果表明:(1)相比裸坡,枯落物和灰烬覆盖下的坡面初始产流时间分别延长33%~80%和51%~200%,灰烬覆盖对延缓产流的效果更为明显;(2)相比裸坡,枯落物覆盖的减流效果稳定在12%~36%,而灰烬覆盖在中小雨强的减流效果高于70%,在90 mm/h雨强时减流效果降低至7%;(3)裸土坡面产流呈现先快速升高后稳定的趋势,而枯落物和灰烬覆盖坡面产流效果呈现阶梯形上升趋势;(4)枯落物覆盖能够减小径流携沙量和总产沙量,在3种雨强下减沙效益均高于85%,且高于同雨强下灰烬覆盖的减沙效益。枯落物覆盖的减流减沙效果在不同雨强下表现较为稳定,而灰烬覆盖的减流减沙效果受降雨强度的影响显著,且枯落物覆盖的减沙效益在3种雨强下均优于灰烬覆盖,说明在林火发生后地表覆盖改变是引起土壤侵蚀增加的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

次降雨对马尾松低效林改造初期坡面产流产沙的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
森林更新或改造是林地极易发生水土流失的关键时期。通过对四川省宜宾市高县马尾松低效林不同改造模式的5个人工径流小区不同降雨量条件下产流产沙数据分析,探索改造初期(3a)降雨与产流、产沙特征的关系及随植被恢复的演变规律。结果表明:2014年Ⅰ~Ⅴ号径流小区因不同降雨量条件下导致的产流总量较2012年同期分别降低-6.44%,-10.51%,20.95%,13.28%,12.73%;产沙总量降低58.4%,56.38%,77.72%,78.16%,79.68%。产流量与产沙量随降雨量增加呈指数增长趋势,但产沙量在森林改造当年增长幅度更大。不同改造模式径流小区产沙量第2年和第3年显著低于第1年,而第2年、第3年差异不显著,不同改造模式与产流、产沙量无显著相关性,改造模式不同并不是导致水土流失加剧的主要因素。改造时间与产流量、产沙量存在显著差异性。皆伐径流小区在改造初期恢复效果更佳,但随着林木生长及森林环境的形成后不同改造模式与产流、产沙量的关系可能会出现差异。  相似文献   

以甘肃省西峰市南小河沟小流域径流场为研究对象,利用BP神经网络对4种植被类型的径流小区(农田、林地、人工草地和天然荒坡)进行了产流产沙量模拟和预测。其模拟产流量的相对误差分别为0.2%~5.7%,0.1%~2.5%,0.7%~2.9%和0.1%~3%;模拟产沙量的相对误差分别为0.1%~3.2%,0.2%~3.1%,0.6%~4.2%和0.2%~2.7%。预测农地、林地、草地和天然荒坡产沙量最大相对误差分别为-11%,14%,-14.6%,18%,产流量最大相对误差分别为10.9%,27.3%,15%,26.3%。结果表明,BP神经网络预测产流产沙的效果较好,对径流小区运用神经网络进行蓄水拦沙指标分析是可行的。  相似文献   

武亚冰    方海燕    张威  王硕  翟钰钰    赵紫远   《水土保持研究》2023,30(3):86-93
[目的]揭示流域融雪期径流产沙特征及对全年总产沙的贡献,阐明东北黑土区影响融雪期产沙贡献的主控因素,并进而为东北黑土区流域综合治理提供科技支撑。[方法]基于东北地区203个气象站点数据以及15个流域水文站点径流泥沙资料,通过提取流域降水、地形、气候、土壤和土地利用等因子,采用多因素相关分析的方法,开展融雪期产沙贡献影响因素研究。[结果]东北黑土区不同流域年均降雪量占年均降水量的比例为3.7%~23.9%,空间分布差异较大,呈东南多、西北少的分布特点。融雪期径流深占全年径流深比例为13.7%~32.5%,融雪期产沙量对全年产沙量的贡献3.8%~23.47%,融雪期产沙模数占全年产沙模数的3.1%~35.9%,且它们空间分布规律性差。年均降水量、降雪量占降水量比例、融雪期径流深占全年径流深比例3个因素与融雪期产沙贡献在0.05的水平上呈显著相关。降雪量占降水量比例对流域融雪期产沙量和产沙模数的贡献率分别为25.41%和30.22%。最大高程对流域融雪产沙量和产沙模数的贡献率分别为24.36%和20.38%。[结论]东北区融雪期产沙对流域全年产沙有较大贡献,且受多重因素影响,未来应加强融雪期的侵蚀产沙观测研究。  相似文献   

Land use changes and soil management can potentially alter soil quality. A study was conducted to assess the long‐term (>20 years) effects of perennial trees (PT), vegetable crops (VC), rice–wheat (RW) system, sewage‐irrigated fields (SF), maize–wheat (MW) system and uncultivated soils (US) on soil quality. Soil physical quality parameters were significantly affected only in the SF system when compared with the US soil, particularly for bulk density (BD 1·51 Mg m−3 in SF vs. 1·34 in US). Among chemical parameters, electrical conductivity was high in SF, and soil nutrients (N, P, K, S, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) were well above the critical limits of deficiency in all the systems. Soil parameters were integrated into soil quality indices (SQIs) by unscreened transformation and principal component analysis (PCA). SQI observed under each system were compared with the US to assess the degree of degradation. Mean SQI differences showed that PT (+16·02 per cent), VC (+4·80 per cent), RW (+10·04 per cent), and MW (+11·30 per cent) are aggrading, whereas SF (−2·06 per cent) is degrading with respect to the reference soil (US). Adoption of MW system proved to be better than traditional RW; and in general agricultural crops have a significant advantage than VC, in terms of maintaining soil quality. Sewage irrigation is not a sustainable practice and long‐term use may degrade the soil. Among the SQIs, PCA with nonlinear scoring function (NLSF) based SQI was effective in judging land degradation due to soil quality changes as affected by long‐term land use and soil management practices. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄丘区野外坡面产流产沙过程对不同植被覆盖结构的响应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
植被覆盖结构是影响坡面侵蚀过程的重要因素,通过在黄丘区罗玉沟流域开展自然植被覆盖坡面野外模拟降雨试验,分析了90 mm/h雨强条件下地下根系、地下根系+地表结皮层和地下根系+地表结皮层+植被冠层3种不同覆盖结构对坡面产流产沙过程影响。结果表明:植被根系层次对增强土壤入渗起主导作用,使土壤入渗量增加67%,稳定入渗率增加39.7%;3种植被覆盖结构中,地表结皮层对产流和产沙具有最好的调控作用,减流贡献率和减沙贡献率分别为43%和67%;根系小区和裸地小区累积产流量与累积产沙量之间呈幂函数关系,随着植被覆盖结构的叠加,累积产流量与累积产沙量之间呈线性函数的关系;多层次植被覆盖结构能够延长坡面侵蚀过程的发育期,缩短活跃期。研究结果对定量评价植被措施的减水减沙作用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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