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跳石塘(俗称哈砬子)系火山爆发经喷射燃烧玄武岩石块堆积而成。塘内石块相互搭接,漏孔较大,呈条状或块状分布,凹凸不平,周边常与塔头草甸相连,林分多为阔叶林。2002年9月27日,辉南县大椅山林场57林班,因一村民野外生活用火引起山火。整个火场地貌均为跳石塘。现将组织扑救过程中一些做法和体会做一总结,旨在与各位同仁商榷提高。1跳石塘林火特点1.1可燃物干燥、厚度较大跳石塘地表可燃物多为天然林枯枝落叶,积累时间长,年代久远,造成厚度较大,缺水干燥,一遇火源,极易燃烧。1.2隐蔽性强跳石塘内漏孔多,地表燃烧后,火源即漏入石缝下,形成地下…  相似文献   

Integrating fire risk considerations in landscape-level forest planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The low timber returns of Mediterranean forests, together with their high fire risk, has led to negligent forest management. Absence of management has in turn been blamed for increasing the risk of fire, thus forming a vicious circle of low profitability, little management and high risk of fire. Developing forest planning tools that maximize both economic objectives and fire resistance could help to revive the forest sector in the region and generate long-term fire prevention strategies. In the present study, we simultaneously maximized timber income and the overall fire resistance of the landscape to generate management plans for a typical forest landscape in the Pre-Pyrenees of Catalonia (North-East Spain). The risk of fire was integrated into the economic objective by incorporating potential fire losses in the expected net income. Landscape metrics describing fire resistance were also included in problem formulations. The results show that this approach greatly improves management efficiency in terms of economic profitability and fire resistance.  相似文献   

提出一种基于嵌入式系统和Android平台的便携式森林火险天气等级测报仪,解决了以往森林火险因天气预报大尺度而无法凸显局部重大火险区的问题,同时内嵌的森林火险天气等级预报的连续化模型克服了现有国家标准中由于预报结果阶跃而带来测报误差的现象。该测报仪便于野外防火工作人员能实时探测和读出所在地区的火险等级,并可依据火险指数制定相适应的防火措施,为森林火灾的预防与控制提供一种新的科学手段及技术工具。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial pattern of fire is essential for Mediterranean vegetation management. Fire-risk maps are typically constructed at coarse resolutions using vegetation maps with limited capacity for prescribing prevention activities. This paper describes and evaluates a novel approach for fire risk assessment that may produce a decision support system for actual fire management at fine scales. FARSITE, a two-dimensional fire growth and behavior model was activated, using ArcView VBA code, to generate Monte Carlo simulations of fire spread. The study area was 300 km2 of Mt. Carmel, Israel. FARSITE fuel models were adjusted for Mediterranean conditions. The simulation session consisted of 500 runs. For each simulation run, a calendar date, fire length, ignition location, climatic data and other parameters were selected randomly from known distributions of these parameters. Distance from road served as a proxy for the probability of ignition. The resulting 500 maps of fire distribution (the entire area burnt in a specific fire) were overlaid to produce a map of ‘hotspots’ and ‘cold spots’ of fire frequency. The results revealed a clear pattern of fires, with high frequency areas concentrated in the northwestern part. The spatial pattern of the fire frequency map bears partial resemblance to the fuel map, but seems to be affected by several other factors as well, including the location of urban areas, microclimate, topography and the distribution of ignition locations (which is affected by road pattern). These results demonstrate the complexities of fire behavior, showing a very clear pattern of risk level even at fine scales, where neighboring areas have different risk levels due to combinations of vegetation cover, topography, microclimate and other factors.  相似文献   

基于GIS模型的林火蔓延研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
森林火灾的扩展具有时间性和空间特征、随着人类对火灾知识的不断增长和3S空间信息技术的快速发展,利用GIS和卫星遥感技术来进行林火蔓延研究在森林防火中的作用已越来越重要。本文综合分析了林火蔓延的影响因子,着重阐述了如何运用基于GIS的林火蔓延模型来进行林火蔓延的模拟和火行为的时空格局分析。  相似文献   

云南松林区的林火与火险等级分区初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南松林区发生的森林火灾是多种自然因素和人为活动综合作用的结果。通过对四川省云南松分布区不同区域与林火有关的主要气候因子分析及综合值的比较,结合地形地貌、植被状况和人为活动等多种因素,将我省云南松分布区划分成5个不同等级的火险区,并提出了相应的护林防火对策。  相似文献   

To prevent, detect, and protect against forest fires, forest personnel need to define rules for determining forest fire risk. In Portugal, all municipalities must annually produce forest fire risk(FFR) maps. To produce more reliable FFR maps more easily, we developed an open source model using the Modeler plugin of SEXTANTE in the program QGIS version 2.0 Dufour. The model provides all the maps involved in the FFR model(susceptibility map, hazard map, vulnerability map, economic value map,and potential loss map) and was produced according to Portuguese Forest Authority's(AFN, Autoridade Florestal Nacional) rules for determining the FFR. This model was tested for the Portuguese municipality Santa Maria da Feira, where 40 % of the total municipality area falls in the category ‘‘very high' or ‘‘high' fire risk. The ‘‘very high'fire risk area is mainly classified as broad-leaved forest and has the steepest slopes(15 %). The distance of burned areas to roads was also analyzed; the proportion of burned areas increased with increasing distance to the main roads.In addition, 92.6 % of the ‘‘high' and ‘‘very high' risk zones were located in areas with lower elevation. These results confirmed that forest fire is strongly influenced not only by environmental factors but also by anthropogenic factors. The procedure implemented here was compared with our open source application already available in QGIS and also to the same procedure implemented in GIS proprietary software. Although the results were obviously the same, the model developed here presents several advantages over the other two approaches. Besides being faster,it is easy to change the model parameters according to user needs(i.e., to the rules of different countries), and can be modified and adapted to other variables and other areas to create risk maps for different natural phenomena(e.g.,floods, earthquakes, landslides). The model is easy to use and to create risk and hazard maps rapidly in a free, open source environment that does not require any programming knowledge.  相似文献   

森林航空消防是森林火灾扑救中不可替代的重要组分。通过分析森林航空消防在2017年和2018年春季发生在内蒙古自治区东部林区的森林火灾扑救中的具体应用,总结了现阶段限制森林航空消防优势发挥的主要因素,提出了我国森林航空消防应急能力提升的应对措施和建议。  相似文献   

基于GIS的广州市森林火险评价及区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以广州市森林为研究对象,选取并分析了可燃物类型、郁闭度、海拔、坡度、坡向和森林自然度6个林火影响因子,采用层次分析法确定各因子的权重,在GIS技术的支持下,利用广州市1:10000地形数据、林相图和地理信息图等调查资料,对广州市森林火险进行了分析与综合评价.研究结果表明,广州市森林各火险等级区面积比分别为一级区29...  相似文献   

近年来,森林火灾频频发生,对生态环境和生态安全构成了严重的威胁。面对频发的森林火灾,现行管理体制与经济体制不相适应,严重缺乏公众参与,未能建立起协调有效的森林火灾现场指挥扑救决策预案等。因此,必须开展森林火灾现场指挥扑救决策研究,更新管理模式,创新管理体制,建设管理体系,及时有效地扑灭森林火灾,从而促进森林生态安全和森林可持续发展。  相似文献   

森林防火是保护森林资源、维护国土生态安全、保持生物物种多样性的重要措施之一,是一项维持生态平衡的公益性事业。搞好森林防火工作,不仅是各级政府和林业主管部门的重要职责,也是林区和出入林区所有人员的光荣义务。本文通过系统分析元谋县森林火灾发生的成因,总结历年防火工作存在的问题与经验,提出一些粗浅的意见建议及对策措施。  相似文献   

祁连山林区是甘肃省的十大林区之一 ,受大陆性荒漠气候和高山寒冷气候的双重影响 ,干旱寒冷 ,护林防火形势严峻 ;在各级政府和当地群众的关怀和支持下 ,保持了建国 5 0多年来无森林火灾的佳绩 ,成绩来之不易。分析了祁连山林区护林防火的现状、存在的主要问题 ,提出了继续加强和普及护林防火的政策、法律、法规和防火知识、安全知识、自救知识等的宣传教育 ,加强防火队伍建设与人员培训 ,全面提高护林防火意识和防火技术水平 ;鼓励林区群众积极参与祁连山林业建设 ,把护林防火与当地经济发展结合起来 ,实现社区共建和社区共管 ,创造良好的护林防火的社会环境 ;加强护林防火的监测与预测预报 ,建立健全测报体系 ;加强森林防火的科学研究 ,制定科学的更适合祁连山护林防火特点的防火预案 ,创立适合于祁连山林区的防火理论和技术体系等 4条森林防火对策  相似文献   

We simulated fuel reduction treatments on a 16,000 ha study area in Oregon, US, to examine tradeoffs between placing fuel treatments near residential structures within an urban interface, versus treating stands in the adjacent wildlands to meet forest health and ecological restoration goals. The treatment strategies were evaluated by simulating 10,000 wildfires with random ignition locations and calculating burn probabilities by 0.5 m flame length categories for each 30 m × 30 m pixel in the study area. The burn conditions for the wildfires were chosen to replicate severe fire events based on 97th percentile historic weather conditions. The burn probabilities were used to calculate wildfire risk profiles for each of the 170 residential structures within the urban interface, and to estimate the expected (probabilistic) wildfire mortality of large trees (>53.3 cm) that are a key indicator of stand restoration objectives. Expected wildfire mortality for large trees was calculated by building flame length mortality functions using the Forest Vegetation Simulator, and subsequently applying these functions to the burn probability outputs. Results suggested that treatments on a relatively minor percentage of the landscape (10%) resulted in a roughly 70% reduction in the expected wildfire loss of large trees for the restoration scenario. Treating stands near residential structures resulted in a higher expected loss of large trees, but relatively lower burn probability and flame length within structure buffers. Substantial reduction in burn probability and flame length around structures was also observed in the restoration scenario where fuel treatments were located 5–10 km distant. These findings quantify off-site fuel treatment effects that are not analyzed in previous landscape fuel management studies. The study highlights tradeoffs between ecological management objectives on wildlands and the protection of residential structures in the urban interface. We also advance the application of quantitative risk analysis to the problem of wildfire threat assessment.  相似文献   

Abiotic and biotic factors that cause damage to forest trees also threaten the sustainability of forest resources.Although winter storms can be one of the most damaging forces,very few studies have focused on winter storm damage in Turkey.To prevent or minimize storm damage,we must evaluate the factors that influence the degree of damage and develop storm risk maps for the forested areas.Here,a GIS-based mathematical model(fuzzy logic)was used to develop such a risk map by considering risk factors such as tree species,tree age,crown density,site quality,topographical features(elevation,slope,aspect),climatic variables(wind,precipitation),and soil depth.The Alabarda Forest Enterprise Chief within the borders of Tavs?anl?Forest Enterprise Directorate was selected as the study area due to high occurrence of storm damage in the region during winter 2015–2016.For model verification,the risk map of storm damage was compared to the actual areal distribution of storm damage reported by the Enterprise Directorate.The model based on fuzzy logic indicated that slightly more than half of the study area(52.49%)was under very low storm damage risk,28.12%was under low risk and 19.19%was classified as high risk.A very small portion of the total study area was classified as very high risk.These results indicated a close relation with the storm damage map generated using Tavsanl?FED records.The results revealed that the most effective risk predictors for overall storm damage risk were wind direction and speed,followed by slope and site quality factors.  相似文献   

目前,我国林业正处于由传统林业向现代林业跨越的进程中,这就要求森林防火事业也必须跟上现代林业建设的步伐,由传统森林防火进入现代森林防火。现代森林防火与传统森林防火不但具有时限上的差异,更主要的是存在着内在质的不同。这些内在质的不同,表现在进行森林防火的目的、组织管理体制、战略对策以及指挥行为等方面的特征上。本文依据现代林业和现代森林防火的内涵与我国林业的“五大转变”,对现代森林防火的特征,做一些尝试性的探讨。  相似文献   

江苏北亚热带森林防火林带营建技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从1988年开始,开展江苏北亚热带地区防火树种的选择,并在试点营建多种结构的防火林带。研究结果认为,防火性较好 的树种是杨梅、木荷、女贞等+油茶、为好。  相似文献   

Forest fire is a major cause of changes in forest structure and function. Among various floristic regions, the northeast region of India suffers maximum from the fires due to age-old practice of shifting culti- vation and spread of fires from jhum fields. For proper mitigation and management, an early warning of forest fires through risk modeling is required. The study results demonstrate the potential use of remote sens- ing and Geographic Information System (GIS) in identifying forest fire prone areas in Manipur, southeastern part of Northeast India. Land use land cover (LULC), vegetation type, Digital elevation model (DEM), slope, aspect and proximity to roads and settlements, factors that influ- ence the behavior of fire, were used to model the forest fire risk zones. Each class of the layers was given weight according to their fire inducing capability and their sensitivity to fire. Weighted sum modeling and ISODATA clustering was used to classify the fire zones. To validate the results, Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR), the historical fire hotspots data was used to check the occurrence points and modeled forest fire locations. The forest risk zone map has 55 63% of agreement with ATSR dataset.  相似文献   

针对现有小尺度林火预测模型预测结果有效性、可扩展性等方面的不足,通过考虑多种火险因素,构建BP神经网络预测模型以提高预测精度,在此基础上借助粒子群算法加快BP神经网络收敛速度,进而提出一种混成的多因素森林火险等级预测模型particle swarm optimization based back-propagation neural network (PSO-BP)。所构建的预测模型,能够同时考虑气候因素(日最高气温、日平均气温、24 h降水量、连旱天数、日照时数、日平均相对湿度、日平均风速)、地形地貌因素(海拔、坡度、坡向、土壤含水量)、可燃物因素(植被类型、可燃物含水率、地被物载量)、人为因素(人口密度、距人类活动区域的距离) 16个变量。基于南京林业大学下蜀林场森林防火实验站传感器网络所采集的实际数据及现场测量数据,通过一组试验验证提出模型的有效性。结果表明:基于训练数据集及检验样本所构建的模型能够开展有效的火险等级预测;模型的计算复杂度较单独使用BP神经网络模型明显下降。  相似文献   

森林防火工作是一种破坏性极大的自然灾害,在新形势下加强对森林防火工作的研究,对保护森林资源安全、改善生态环境、促进社会经济可持续发展,具有十分重要的意义。现分析洛河乡森林防火工作现状及存在的问题,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

文章分析了影响辽西地区林火的主要因子,进行了可燃物载量、可燃物含水率、可燃物燃点测定试验。结果表明油松、刺槐林、油松栎林为该地区易燃林型。因此,应对林下有计划地清除地被可燃物,减少可燃物积累;造林时选择生长迅速、郁闭快、耐火性强、含水量大、不易燃烧的树种。  相似文献   

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