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Spatial variability of hydro‐physical properties has long been observed, whereas temporal variation is much less documented and considered in studies and applications, particularly of paddy clay soils under different cropping systems. The objective of this study was therefore to assess the seasonal‐ and inter‐seasonal variation of selected hydro‐physical properties of a paddy clay soil under different rice‐based cropping systems with contrasting tillage. In a long‐term experiment, plots were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four treatments and four replications: (i) rice–rice–rice; (ii) rice–maize–rice; (iii) rice–mung bean–rice; and (iv) rice–mung bean–maize. Soil samples were collected at three depths (0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm) at three times during two cropping seasons, i.e., 15 days after soil preparation (DASP), 45 DASP and 90 DASP during the winter–spring and spring–summer seasons. Results show that temporal variability of soil bulk density, macro‐porosity (MacP) and matrix‐porosity within both seasons and between seasons was limited for cropping systems with upland crop rotations, whereas within season variation was significant for rice monoculture system. Observed variation in bulk density, matrix‐porosity and MacP was mainly associated with cropping system and soil depth. Field saturated hydraulic conductivity of topsoil showed great temporal variability, both seasonal and inter‐seasonal, in correspondence with MacP (r  = 0·58). These results highlight the need of depth differentiated soil sampling and time consideration when evaluating management practices on soil physical properties and modeling the hydrological behavior of paddy soil. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil quality is one of the most important factors which reveal the soil–environment functionality for identifying whether soil quality is improving, remain constant, or declining. This paper evaluated change in soil quality after 40 years of chemical fertilizer use and continuous cultivation of multiple crops (jute–rice–wheat) on alluvial soils. The concepts of relative soil quality index (RSQI) and Cumulative Rating Index (CRI) were used in the evaluation. It was observed that soil of class III reduced to class II after 20 years and to class I after 40 years of fertilizer application with manure, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK100+FYM). There was a strong correlation between SQI and CRI (r = 0.82**) which showed more promising effects on soil sustainability. Significant positive relationship between ?RSQI and crop yield of jute (r = 0.89**) and wheat (r = 0.90**) was found. However, rice yield declined up to 44% of its initial yield (r = 0.20).  相似文献   

稻草原位还田对双季稻田土壤理化与生物学性状的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于2010-2011年通过大田试验研究等量施肥条件下稻草不同原位还田方式(稻草全量还田、稻草烧灰还田和稻草不还田)对双季稻田土壤理化特性和生物学性状的影响.结果表明:稻草全量还田2年(4季)有利于改善土壤物理性状和提高耕作层土壤有机质、不同形态碳素、碱解氮、速效氮和缓效钾含量.土壤中3大类微生物总量以稻草还田处理大于稻草不还田和稻草烧灰还田,其土壤细菌、真菌的数量增加,而放线菌的数量减少;土壤蔗糖酶活性明显增加,而脲酶和过氧化氢酶活性变化不大.土壤脲酶活性与土壤全氮含量呈显著相关,蔗糖酶活性与有机质、全氮含量呈显著或极显著相关,过氧化氢酶活性与全氮、碱解氮和速效钾含量呈显著或极显著相关.  相似文献   

不同节水稻作模式对土壤理化特性和土壤酶活性影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对南方丘陵区季节性干旱现状与目前稻田单一化的连作耕作制度对农田环境造成的不利影响因素,通过4a田间定位试验研究了节水稻作模式下土壤理化性状和土壤酶活性变化规律影响.结果表明,与该区常规稻作模式相比.在试验设计范围内,节水稻作模式下稻田的土壤理化性状明显改善,随着耕种年限增加,土壤容重下降,而孔隙度增加.土壤通透性增强,有效阻止土壤次生潜育化和土壤酸化.提高了土壤pH值;就土壤酶活性而言,节水稻作模式处理酶活性常规稻作模式相比.除转化酶外,其它酶活性均有不同程度的增加,尤其对磷酸酶与脲酶影响最大.  相似文献   

The quantification of phosphorus(P) in bulk soil and P distribution in different size fractions of water-stable aggregates(WSAs)are important for assessing potential P loss through runoff. We evaluated available and total P distribution within WSAs of a sitty clay to clay soil in a long-term fertility experiment of a rice-wheat cropping system in India. Surface soil samples were collected from seven plots amended with NPK fertilizers in combination with or without organic amendments, farmyard manure(FYM), green manure(GM), and paddy straw(PS). The plot with no NPK fertilizers or organic amendments was set as a control. The soil samples were separated by wet sieving into four soil aggregate size fractions: large macroaggregates( 2.0 mm), small macroaggregates(0.25–2.0 mm), fine microaggregates(0.05–0.25 mm), and a silt + clay-sized fraction( 0.05 mm). Structural indices were higher in the soil receiving organic amendments than in the soil receiving inorganic fertilizer alone. Organically amended soil had a higher proportion of stable macroaggregates than the control and the soil receiving inorganic fertilizer alone, which were rich in microaggregates. Total and available P contents within WSAs were inversely related to the aggregate size, irrespective of treatment. The distribution of available and total P in the soil aggregate size fraction was as follows: silt + clay-size fraction small macroaggregates fine microaggregates large macroaggregates. Within a size class, aggregate-associated available and total P contents in the organically amended soil were in the following order: FYM PS ≥ GM. The available P content of the microaggregates( 0.25 mm) was 8-to 10-times higher than that of the macroaggregates( 0.25 mm), and the total P content of the microaggregates was 4-to 5-times higher than that of the macroaggregates. Cultivation without organic amendments resulted in more microaggregates that could be checked by the application of organic amendments such as FYM and GM, which increased the proportion of water-stable macroaggregates by consolidating microaggregates into macroaggregates.  相似文献   

水稻旱作条件下土壤水分对红壤磷素的影响   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14  
通过温室盆栽和大田试验研究旱作水稻在施用中量磷肥条件下,土壤水分对红壤中几种磷的含量和动态的影响。研究表明:土壤水分水平和采样时间对红壤全磷、有效磷、有机磷和不同形态的无机磷含量都有极显著的影响,且相互间的交互作用明显。栽种水稻后总体来说,土壤全磷、有机磷和O-P含量均有一定的提高,有效磷和Al-P、Fe-P、Ca-P含量则下降;土壤中不同形态无机磷含量为O-P>Fe-P>Al-P>Ca-P;大田和盆栽实验相比,在4种形态的无机磷、全磷和有机磷的排列顺序、演变趋势等方面基本一致,但有效磷则出现相反的结果,同时,大田试验土壤中各种磷的含量要比盆栽试验高得多,表明盆栽条件下,由于根系密度大,使土壤磷素消耗更快。  相似文献   

平原高沙土区合理种植及耕作方式对土壤性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了平原高沙土地区合理种植、水旱轮作、合理轮耕和秸秆还田增肥改土技术对土壤理化性状的影响。结果认为"两旱一水,两年五熟"不仅产量高,而且土壤理化性状得以改善;水旱轮作可增加土壤黏粒含量,提高高沙土肥力水平;合理轮耕可充分发挥少免耕的优势,达到增肥、改土、省工的目的;通过稻麦留高茬和玉米秸秆还田,可直接提高土壤肥力,从而提高农作物产量。该试验与推广取得了明显成效,促进了生态农业良性循环。  相似文献   

新型土壤改良剂Arkadolith对沙质土壤主要物理性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室内盆栽试验,研究了新型土壤改良剂Arkadolith不同施用率(0,4%,8%,12%,16%)对风沙土主要物理性质的影响。结果表明:施加土壤改良剂Arkadolith降低了土壤容重和比重,提高了土壤孔隙度与孔隙比;能明显降低沙质土壤中砂粒的含量,粒级0.05~0.01 mm的粉粒比对照降低12.5%~18.3%,提高了黏粒和物理性黏粒的含量,使原来无黏粒的沙土出现了少量的黏粒,<0.01 mm物理性黏粒增加3.3~4.0倍。施加土壤改良剂Arkadolith改良了土壤结构,4种处理土壤各粒级团聚体相较于对照均有明显的增加,以>5 mm和>0.25 mm两者为例,增加幅度分别为28.84%~66.67%和28.21%~63.49%。同时土壤改良剂Arkadolith的施用改善了沙土的持水能力和供水水平,且持水能力表现为随着改良剂施用率增加而增强。这些指标表明,施用土壤改良剂Arkadolith能有效地改善沙质土壤物理特性,增强沙土的保水能力。  相似文献   

陇东地区设施蔬菜连作土壤性质变化趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对陇东黄土高原地区庆阳市周边各县蔬菜大棚土壤性质进行了测定分析。结果表明,随着连作年限的增加,温室土壤盐分表聚和酸化现象明显,土壤主要养分含量有增加的趋势。其主要原因是偏施化肥,不重视有机肥,常年连作,不合理灌溉等。建议采取限制化肥用量,增施有机肥,改进施肥技术,科学灌溉,合理轮作等措施,改良温室土壤。  相似文献   

中国农田生产系统土壤保持功能及其经济价值   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
农田生产系统不仅为人类提供了多种多样的农产品,同时,农作物对地表的覆盖以及各种水土保持措施的采用,使农田生产系统也发挥着重要的土壤保持功能。根据计算,我国农田生产系统每年保持土壤的数量为101.9×108t,其中,西南地区、黄土高原区和东北地区的农田土壤保持功能最为突出。采用市场价格法、机会成本法和影子工程法对农田保持土壤的价值进行评估,结果表明:我国农田每年保持土壤养分的价值为4408.50×108元/a,减少耕地废弃价值为164.09×108元/a,减轻淤积的价值为53.74×108元/a,总计4626.66×108元/a,相当于2000~2002年我国种植业平均产值的32.08%。其中,东北地区、黄土高原区和西南地区保持土壤价值较大,合计为2851.8×108元,占总价值的61.6%。  相似文献   

粉煤灰对沙质土壤物理特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨粉煤灰作为沙质土壤改良剂对沙土物理特性的改良效果.通过室内模拟试验比较了粉煤灰不同施用率(0%,10%,20%,30%,40%)对沙质土壤物理性质和结构的影响.结果表明,施用粉煤灰能增大沙土容重,降低了孔隙度;施用粉煤灰显著减弱了土壤沙性,4种处理砂粒含量比对照减少11%~18%.粉粒含量增大3倍以上;粉煤灰的施用改善了沙土水分性状,土壤有效水含量增加49%~138%;粉煤灰高施用率增加土壤强度.研究表明,施用粉煤灰能有效的改善沙质土壤物理特性,增强沙土水分利用效率.  相似文献   


Lack of crop diversification with suitable vegetable-based cropping system is a major constraint in limiting the productivity and sustainability of north-western Indian sub-Himalayas. To find out a sustainable vegetable-based cropping system in this region, a three year colocasia-based vegetable intensive experiment was conducted at Hawalbagh, Almora, India in a sandy clay loam soil under sub-temperate climatic conditions. Seven colocasia-based vegetable cropping systems along with rice–wheat system were compared under recommended package and practices. The system productivity in terms of colocasia equivalent yield was highest under colocasia–onion–frenchbean (52.38 Mg ha?1) system. Sustainable yield index was highest with colocasia–gardenpea–frenchbean system (0.86). After 3 years, total soil organic carbon (0–5%), available N (2–22%), P (–7% to 14%) and K (3–15%) concentrations were increased in all cropping systems except rice–wheat system, where negative balance of available P (7%) was observed over that of initial soil. Significantly higher soil microbial activity, soil carbohydrate, dehydrogenase, protease, acid and alkaline phosphatases activity were observed under colocasia–onion system. The results suggest that colocasia–onion–frenchbean system with higher productivity improves soil fertility and enhances enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

贵州喀斯特山区土壤物理性质对土壤侵蚀的影响   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
徐燕  龙健 《水土保持学报》2005,19(1):157-159,175
对贵州喀斯特山区在不同土地利用方式下土壤主要物理性质对土壤侵蚀的影响进行了研究。结果表明:土壤物理性质是影响土壤侵蚀和土壤抗蚀性能的内在因素。贵州喀斯特山区土壤表现出明显的粗骨性土壤特征。不同土地利用方式下土壤物理性质具有明显的差异,林地、草地和台耕地的土壤物理性状良好,缓解了土壤侵蚀的发生发展,能有效地发挥保持水土的作用;大面积农耕坡地和裸坡地的土壤物理性状极差,促进了山区土壤侵蚀的发生发展,是引起土壤侵蚀的主要因素。喀斯特山区不同土地利用类型的土壤抗蚀能力依次为台耕地>林地、草地>坡耕地、裸坡地。  相似文献   

设施农业不同种植模式系统生产力与土壤生物特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据在陕西延安日光温室内的田间试验,对黄瓜与不同作物建立的种植模式系统生产力与土壤生物特性进行了研究。结果表明,冬春茬黄瓜收获后采用不同的种植模式,其系统生产力与土壤生物特性发生明显变化。由小青菜、豇豆与黄瓜组成种植模式的系统产品生产力和经济生产力最高,翻青玉米、四季豆与黄瓜组成的模式次之。豇豆作为前茬处理的土壤呼吸强度最高,翻青玉米、四季豆、翻青黑豆和CK处理的土壤呼吸强度次之,番茄和小青菜处理的土壤呼吸强度较低。黄瓜收获后利用夏季休闲3~4个月对降低土壤细菌和真菌数量的效果最好,其次是种植豇豆或与豆科作物轮作。  相似文献   

杨树不同品种更替连作对林地土壤生化特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对山东莒县沭河流域不同杨树品种更替连作人工林林地土壤调查研究,发现不同品种更替连作林地与对照林地(非更替连作)土壤速效氮、速效钾、速效磷、微量元素Cu,Zn含量基本相等,但前者有机质含量显著高于对照,土壤微量元素Mn含量显著低于对照。更替连作林地与对照林地相比,土壤脲酶活性平均提高184.7%,过氧化物酶的活性平均提高40.5%,过氧化氢酶活性降低11.8%,三者与对照相比差异显著。多酚氧化酶活性较对照提高32.3%,但未达到显著水平。随着土层加深,土壤脲酶活性逐渐降低,而其它酶活性的垂直分布规律不明显。更替连作林地土壤真菌、细菌、放线菌数量显著高于对照林地。  相似文献   

水稻种植对吉林省西部苏打盐碱土改良培肥效果   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过田间调查取样和室内分析,研究了水稻种植(5~30年)对吉林省西部苏打盐碱土的改良和培肥效果。结果表明:与种稻前的荒地土壤相比,种稻后土壤的pH、全盐量、交换性钠、碱化度、CO32-、HCO3-、Cl-、Ca2+、Na+和<0.053 mm粉黏粒含量显著降低,而SO42-、总有机碳、水溶性有机碳、胡敏酸碳、富里酸碳、碱解氮和2~0.25 mm大团聚体含量显著增加;同时,有机碳组成中的烷基碳和烷氧碳含量增加,而芳香碳和羰基碳含量降低,脂族碳/芳香碳比值增加,而烷基碳/烷氧碳和疏水碳/亲水碳比值降低;随种稻年限的延长,以上变化规律通常表现的更为明显。上述结果表明,种稻不仅能够降低土壤碱性和盐分含量,而且有助于提高土壤有机碳的含量和品质,以及改善土壤结构性,因此是改良和培肥苏打盐碱土的有效方式。  相似文献   

为分析生物质炭用于老参地土壤修复的可行性,本研究采用Biolog、高通量测序等技术研究了3种生物质炭对连作参地人参品质、土壤肥力、微生物群落结构与功能多样性变化的影响。结果显示,增施不同生物质炭均有助于两年生重茬人参生物量及总皂苷含量的积累。结合生物质炭对土壤性质的影响研究结果发现,不同生物质炭对土壤有效磷、有机碳含量具有稳定的提升效果,增幅分别为47.04%~237.73%、8.09%~38.71%。增施生物质炭促进了土壤微生物的代谢活性,增加了土壤对聚合物类、酚酸类、氨基酸类、羧酸类碳源的利用效率,其中以酚酸类物质为底物的功能微生物种群数量显著增加。高通量测序结果显示,老参地土壤细菌物种数、丰度与多样性均呈下降趋势,细菌优势门类减少,单个门类优势度上升。生物质炭处理下土壤中细菌丰度与多样性增加,调控了变形菌门、厚壁菌门、疣微菌门、芽单胞菌门的优势度,使其数量变化趋势趋向于新林土。上述分析表明,重茬人参生物量和品质的提高与生物质炭提升土壤中人参生长的关键肥力指标,促进微生物代谢,调控细菌群落结构变化趋势有关。综上,生物质炭对老参地土壤表现出良好的修复、改良作用,适量增施生物质炭有利于老参地土壤质量的调节与恢复。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted at the fields of Crop Research and Seed Multiplication Farm of Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal, India during the winter seasons of 2005–2006, 2006–2007, and 2007–2008 in old alluvial soil (pH-6-7) to evaluate the influence of integrated nutrient management on soil physicochemical and biological properties under mustard (Brassica campestris cv. ‘B9’) cropping system. In the first year (2005–2006), seven varieties of mustard were cultivated under recommended dose of chemical fertilizer (100:50:50). In the second year of the experiment (2006–2007), six different doses of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer were applied. In the third year (2007–2008), six different level of compost along with a combined dose of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer (T3-3/4 Chemical fertilizer: 1/4 biofertilizer) were applied. The results indicated significant improvement in the soil quality by increasing soil porosity and water holding capacity significantly, as well as gradual build-up of soil macronutrient status after harvesting of the crop. Applications of biofertilizers have contributed significantly toward higher soil organic matter, nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). The use of biofertilizers and compost have mediated higher availability of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B) in soil. The use of biofertilizers and compost significantly improved soil bacterial and fungal population count in the soil, thereby increasing the soil health.  相似文献   

稻作制度对红壤性水稻土有机质特征的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
采用长期定位试验,比较3种稻作制度对红壤性水稻土有机质总量、有机无机复合状况、腐殖质结合形态、腐殖质组成、胡敏酸光学性质和总酸度等的影响。结果表明:冬泡制度比水旱轮作有助于增加土壤有机质总量、重组有机质含量、胡敏酸含量和胡敏酸/富啡酸,而水旱轮作比冬泡制度有利于提高土壤松结合态腐殖质、松结合态腐殖质/紧结合态腐殖质、胡敏酸E4值和总酸度。由此说明,冬泡制度有利于土壤有机质总量和胡敏酸的累积,但不利于胡敏酸分子的增长,腐殖质品质较差。而水旱轮作条件下土壤有机质活性增加,胡敏酸分子结构趋于复杂,其氧化度和芳香度增加。因此,通过周期性的水旱轮作换茬,可使土壤有机质的腐殖化和矿质化过程比例协调,从而提高土壤有机质的质量。  相似文献   

田茂洁 《土壤通报》2006,37(2):383-386
等高植物篱模式就是在坡耕地上每隔4~8m的距离沿等高线将植物篱与作物种植带相间分布的一种农林复合经营模式,用于坡耕地的水土保持。已有的研究结果表明,等高植物篱技术用于坡耕地可有效地改善土壤物理性质和土壤水分状况,防治坡耕地水土流失效果显著,土壤水分的季节性再分配也有利于农作物的生长。但是该系统内植物篱和农作物相互之间的水分和养分关系有待深入研究。  相似文献   

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