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植被是影响土壤侵蚀的重要因子,探讨坡面产沙和泥沙连通性对植被分布的响应对揭示土壤侵蚀过程机理及预测坡面侵蚀具有重要意义。通过室内人工放水冲刷试验,分析3种植被布设位置(坡上、坡中、坡下)在不同冲刷流量(3.2,5.2 L/min)和不同覆盖度(0,30%,50%,70%)下的减沙效益,结合坡面产沙潜力指数探究植被覆盖影响下的泥沙连通性变化特征。结果表明:(1)从不同盖度下的平均减沙效益及其稳定性来看,植被布局的减沙效益随盖度变化,且坡下植被空间分布最优。随冲刷流量增加,不同植被布局间的减沙效益差距缩小;(2)当植被盖度≤30%时,冲刷流量对坡面产沙的影响贡献较大;随盖度增加,植被的影响贡献程度大于冲刷流量,成为影响坡面侵蚀的主要因素;(3)坡面产沙潜力指数在不同植被盖度和分布位置下表现出明显差异。随盖度增加,产沙潜力指数减小,泥沙连通性减弱;坡下布设植被相比坡上和坡中产沙潜力指数最小,泥沙连通性最弱。该指数与产沙量之间存在显著的正相关关系,即产沙潜力越大,泥沙连通性越强,产沙量越大。研究结果可为深入探索土壤侵蚀机理及植被的生态效益提供科学依据,为黄土高原地区的生态建设提供参考。  相似文献   

水文连通性是指泥沙、营养盐等各种物质以水为载体,在空间异质景观或斑块间进行迁移、传输或扩散的便利程度,对流域产沙具有重要影响。为评估基于水文连通性模拟流域输沙量的可行性,以堵河流域为研究对象,分析了1990—2010年流域土壤侵蚀、水文连通性的时空变化特征,并以此估算了流域输沙量。结果表明:1990—2000年流域土壤侵蚀模数与连通程度不断增加,连通性等级主要由低和中低连通性转变为中高和高连通性。2000—2010年流域连通程度和土壤侵蚀模数均呈现不断减小的趋势。此外,输沙量估算值与实测值具有显著的线性关系(R2=0.92),但由于未考虑水库、湖泊等对泥沙输移的拦截效应,输沙量估算值要高于实测值,后续研究需将其纳入模型以更准确地评估流域输沙量。研究结果对于提高模型的适用性以及理解流域泥沙输移过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

国内主要流域侵蚀产沙模型评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
流域侵蚀产沙模型是国际土壤侵蚀研究的重点领域之一,国内以往进行了较多研究,建立了许多模型。正确分析和评价这些模型对于合理地使用它们进行流域侵蚀产沙预报和水土保持规划等工作具有重要意义。从研究方法、模型结构、模型中各参数的确定等方面对我国主要流域侵蚀产沙经验模型和具有一定成因的模型进行了分析,并在此基础上对各模型进行了评价。  相似文献   

Simulated results of water yield, sediment yield, surface runoff, subsurface runoff, peak flow, evapotranspiration, etc., in the Teba catchment, Spain, using SWRRB (Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins model are presented and the related problems are discussed. The results showed that water yield and sediment yield could be satisfactorily simulated using SWRRB model. The accuracy of the annual water yield simulation in the Teba catchment was up to 83.68%, which implied that this method could be effectively used to predict the annual or interannual water yield and to realize the quantification of geographic elements and processes of a river basin.  相似文献   

The concept of sediment delivery can be used as a measure of sediment connectivity, and it can be linked to the structural connectivity (morphological unit, slope length, slope steepness, travel time) of a basin and to the hydrological connectivity (rainfall–runoff processes at morphological unit scale). In this paper, the sediment connectivity concept was tested at basin scale applying SEdiment Delivery Distributed model, which takes into account the hillslope sediment transport, and using sediment yield measurements carried out at SPA2 experimental basin (Sicily, Italy). For the SPA2 basin discretized into morphological units, the SEdiment Delivery Distributed model was first calibrated at event scale using the sediment yield measurements carried out at the outlet of the experimental basin in the period April 2000–March 2015. The model calibration was used to determine the relationships useful for estimating the unique coefficient β e of the model appearing in the expression used to calculate the sediment delivery ratio of each morphological unit. The developed analysis allowed establishing that the functional connectivity is dependent on the magnitude of erosion events, and for low events the sediment connectivity is only governed by its structural component. Then, at annual scale, the model was calibrated for the period 2000–2015, and relationships for the estimate of the coefficient β a taking into account the intensity of erosion events occurring in each year were determined. Finally, a physical interpretation of β coefficient at the two temporal scales (β e , β a ) and its link to sediment connectivity was proposed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄土高原水土保持减沙效益的尺度效应初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
收集了黄土高原64个不同大小流域的水土保持措施减沙效益的资料和研究成果,利用这些资料分析了随着流域尺度的变化黄土高原水土保持措施减沙效益的变化。统计分析结果显示,水土保持措施减沙模数随流域面积没有明显的变化趋势,单位治理面积减沙比与流域面积之间也不存在明显关系。  相似文献   

Reforestations and check‐dams are two commonly used measures to reduce soil erosion rates and sediment export from highly eroding catchments. Here, we evaluated the impact of the construction of 94 check‐dams and land use changes (caused by agricultural abandonment and reforestations) on sediment yield in the Upper Taibilla catchment (320 km2, SE Spain) from 1956 to 2000. We combined land use change analysis, field surveys, and application of the WaTEM‐SEDEM erosion and sediment yield prediction model for nine scenarios combining land use maps (1956, 1987, and 2000) and different numbers of check‐dams throughout the catchment. Land use changes alone reduced sediment yield up to 14%, but in combination with check‐dams, the reduction in sediment yield reached 44 ± 6%. Sediment yield reduction was higher in smaller sub‐catchments, with, on average, a higher transport capacity than larger catchments, illustrating the scale dependency of human impacts on sediment fluxes and the buffer capacity of larger catchments. From an economical perspective, the construction of check‐dams was estimated to be more expensive than reforestation programs in the studied catchment, while adding more check‐dams did not always result in a proportional reduction of sediment yield. This indicates that optimizing check‐dam distribution relative to land use patterns is crucial to decrease catchment sediment yield. Check‐dams have a large and instantaneous impact on sediment yield over a restricted time period, while reforestations have important sustained effects at a lower economic cost. These contrasting effects require a careful evaluation for optimal effective catchment management. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water yield and sediment yield in the Teba catchment, Spain, were simulated using SWRRB (Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins) model. The model is composed of 198 mathematical equations. About 120 items (variables) were input for the simulation, including meteorological and climatic factors, hydrologic factors, topographic factors, parent materials, soils, vegetation, human activities, etc. The simulated results involved surface runoff, subsurface runoff, sediment, peak flow, evapotranspiration, soil water, total biomass,etc. Careful and thorough input data preparation and repeated simulation experiments are the key to get the accurate results. In this work the simulation accuracy for annual water yield prediction reached to 83.68%.``  相似文献   

将侵蚀产沙模型和地理信息系统集成起来,充分利用GIS在数据管理、空间分析及可视化方面的功能,是今后侵蚀产沙模型发展的方向.本文在分析当前侵蚀产沙模型发展方向及存在的问题后,总结了地理信息系统在侵蚀产沙中的应用,阐述了地理信息系统与侵蚀产沙模型集成的发展历史,并对其3种结合方式进行了评述.  相似文献   

Most of the sediment loads of the Chinese Yellow River originate from the 113,000 km2 Hekou–Longmen Section. This study investigated the spatial pattern of specific sediment yield in the Wuding River basin, a tributary of the section. Data collected in 36 instrumented watersheds were used. Stratifying the watersheds in terms of surface regolith reveals a scale uncorrelated and a roughly constant SSY (mean annual specific sediment yield) of 18,720 Mg km−2 yr−1 in the loess areas of the basin, with basin areas varying between 0.107 and 9,355 km2. A zero‐variable model (i.e. SSY = 18,720) thus performs well with a mean error of approximately 15%. The spatial uniformity even holds at the annual time scale; a spatially invariable SSY a (specific sediment yield for a single year) remains applicable with a mean error of the order of 40%. The spatial uniformity in SSY and SSYa allows a direct scale extrapolation. Moreover, the established zero‐variable models and the scale extrapolation are even applicable to the Hekou–Longmen Section. The spatially uniform SSY accords with the spatial invariability of many sediment‐yield related factors, such as basin slope and rainfall in the loess areas of the Wuding basin. Given the fact that sediment delivery ratio is close to 1 in the Loess Plateau, a spatially uniform SSY is equivalent to a uniform erosion rate among watersheds. This finding, contrasting with current consensus that erosion and sediment yield vary greatly in space, is greatly helpful in predicting erosion and sediment yield in the Loess Plateau. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

阐述了在流域产沙预测模型研究中,将试验水平范围的输沙函数的运用范围扩大,产生了数据来源的不确定性或错误的原因在于:模型不完善、重要过程的省略、初始条件的缺乏、初始条件的敏感度、异质性问题、外部动力等。数据来源的不确定性在小尺度、短时间内是能够控制的。大尺度的异质性是使得输沙函数不能仅仅建立在数量化的基础上,而应是系统历史的函数。因此,大尺度的流域产沙模型必须建立在突变量的发现及其相应的动力特征基础上,而不应是试验模型按比例放大。  相似文献   

[目的]研究特大暴雨条件下小流域沟道泥沙输移路径、泥沙连通程度及其影响因素,旨在探讨水库溃坝的原因,为沟道防洪措施的布设提供依据。[方法]以陕西省子洲县"7·26"暴雨条件下小流域沟道泥沙连通情况为例,选取面积相近、形状相异的清水沟和蛇家沟小流域,对沟道泥沙淤积情况进行现场调查,同时将沟道分为坝地沟段和自然沟段,选取流域面积与形状系数、沟道比降,以及淤地坝的类型与分布进行对比分析两个小流域沟道泥沙连通性的差异。[结果]在此次特大暴雨条件下,清水沟和蛇家沟的淤地坝大都呈现打开状态,由上游到下游清水沟泥沙连通性呈现较强的增长趋势,蛇家沟泥沙连通性则呈现先增长后减弱的趋势。整体上清水沟的泥沙连通性比蛇家沟的强,且清水沟流域的土壤侵蚀也较为严重。串联和混联坝系以及修建有卧管、竖井和排水渠的淤地坝防洪能力更强。[结论]流域面积、流域形状和沟道比降均影响着沟道泥沙的连通性,而淤地坝类型及分布是影响沟道泥沙连通性的主导因子。  相似文献   

[目的] 解析日输沙率与关键环境因子之间的尺度依赖关系,探索有效的预测方法,以应对由于泥沙输运机制的复杂性和水文过程的非线性所带来的预测挑战。[方法] 采用集合经验模态分解与自适应噪声(CEEMDAN)方法,分析了西南地区涪江流域4个水文站点控制区域2013—2018年的日输沙率与5个潜在影响变量(流量、降水量、平均气温、潜在蒸散发量和NDVI)间多时间尺度变异特征,识别不同时间尺度下日输沙率与相关变量相互作用关系,在此基础上,对日输沙率作出预测。[结果] CEEMDAN方法成功将日输沙率及其潜在影响变量分解为10-11本征模态函数(IMF)和残差项,揭示出日输沙率在3~730天不同时间尺度上的显著变化。分解后的日输沙率与流量、降水量在各个时间尺度上均显示出显著的相关性增强,而气温、潜在蒸散发量和NDVI主要与长时间尺度的日输沙率显著相关。通过逐步多元线性回归预测日输沙率,模型的预测性能显著,R2值在所有站点均超过0.55。[结论] CEEMDAN方法能够有效揭示输沙率及其影响变量之间的尺度依赖性,为理解河流输沙动态提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

流域治理及尺度对产沙模型参数的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用泥沙运动力学基本理论,建立坡面土壤侵蚀公式及中大流域产流产沙数学模型,根据实测降雨径流资料,对模型进行验证,分析了模型参数的区域变化特性,运用长系列资料,分析了模型参数与流域治理的关系。  相似文献   

The widespread adoption of the sediment fingerprinting approach to guide catchment management has been limited by the cost and the difficulty to prepare and process samples for geochemical and radionuclide analyses. Spectral properties have recently been shown to provide a rapid and cost‐efficient alternative for this purpose. The current research objective was (i) to quantify the sediment source contributions in a 1∙19‐km2 rural catchment of Southern Brazil by using mid‐infrared (MIR) spectroscopy and (ii) to compare these results with those obtained with geochemical approach and near‐infrared and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy methods. The sediment sources to discriminate were cropland surface (n  = 20), unpaved roads (n  = 10) and stream channel banks (n  = 10). Twenty‐nine suspended sediment samples were collected at the catchment outlet during nine significant flood events. The sources could be distinguished by MIR spectroscopy. Cropland and channel bank sources mainly differed in their clay mineral contents, but their similar organic matter content complicated the MIR‐model predictions. Unpaved road contributions were discriminated from the other sources by their lower organic carbon content. When the results of the current research based on MIR spectroscopy are compared with those obtained using other sediment fingerprinting approaches, based on geochemistry and near‐infrared and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, an overestimation of channel banks contribution and an underestimation of cropland and unpaved road contributions is found. These results suggest that MIR spectroscopy can provide a useful tool that is non‐destructive, rapid and cheap for tracing sediment sources in rural catchments and for guiding the implementation of soil and water conservation measures. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

[目的]对晋江西溪流域不同子流域的产沙情况进行模拟与分析,并模拟单一土地利用类型对输沙量的影响,为晋江流域水资源质量改善提供科学支撑。[方法]构建流域月产沙的HSPF(hydrological simulation program in fortran)模型,分析实际情况下的产沙情况,模拟园地、耕地和林地3种不同极端土地利用情景对流域输沙量的影响。[结果]①月泥沙的相关系数(R~2)、Nash-Suttcliffe效率系数(Ens)、相对误差(R_e)在率定期分别为0.849,0.789和-5.720%,在验证期分别为0.836,0.837和10.790%,模型具有较高的精度;②年平均产沙量较高的地区主要分布在园地和耕地比例相对较高区域;③从年尺度上看,园地、耕地和林地情景的输沙量与基期相比变化情况分别为23.56%,20.39%和-17.42%。从月尺度上看,所有情景在丰水期的输沙量都大于枯水期,其中5月和7月3种土地利用情景的输沙量表现为:耕地园地林地,6月和8月3种土地利用情景的输沙量表现为:园地耕地林地;④山地茶果园不合理开发和坡耕地比重较大且没有采取合适的水土保持措施是园地和耕地情景年输沙量上升的主要原因,林地遭受破坏且林种结构不合理是林地情景降低输沙量有限的主要原因。[结论] HSPF模型在流域输沙量模拟中具有较高精度;研究区园地和耕地导致输沙量上升,林地可降低输沙量但降低幅度有限。  相似文献   

治理小流域侵蚀产沙特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文以纸坊沟流域为例,分析了治理小流域侵蚀特征,产沙特征及综合治理减沙效益。结果表明:流域侵蚀强度以中等以下为主,流域产沙主要来源于沟谷地的天然荒波,流域综合治理具有明显的减沙效益。  相似文献   

Man‐made and natural sediment sinks provide a practical means for reducing downstream reservoir sedimentation by decreasing soil erosion and enhancing the rate of sedimentation within a catchment. The Minizr catchment (20 km2) in the northwest Ethiopian highlands contains numerous man‐made soil and water conservation (SWC) structures such as soil bunds (Erken), fanya juu ridge (Cab) and micro‐trenches and natural sediment sinks such as wetlands, floodplains and grassed waterways. These sediment sinks reduce downstream sedimentation into the Koga reservoir, located at the catchment outlet, however, a large quantity of sediment is still reaching the reservoir. This study evaluates the function and effectiveness of both man‐made SWC structures and natural sediment sinks in reducing sediment export from the Minizr catchment. SWC structures and natural sediment sinks were digitized using Google Earth Imagery. Sediment pins and vertical sampling through the deposit were used to quantify the amount of deposited sediment. In addition, inflow and outflow of suspended sediment data were used to calculate the sediment‐trapping efficacies (STE) of man‐made SWC structures (soil bunds and fanya juu ridges) and natural sediment sinks. Results reveal that 144 km soil bunds and fanya juu ridges trapped 7,920 Mg y−1 (55 kg m−1 y−1) and micro‐trenches trapped 13·26 Mg y−1, each micro‐trench on average trapped 23 kg y−1. The 17 ha floodplain located in the centre of the catchment trapped 9,970 Mg y−1 (59 kg m−2 y−1), while a wetland with a surface area of 24 ha, located near the outlet of the catchment, trapped 8,715 Mg y−1 (36 kg m−2 y−1). The STEs of soil bunds and fanya juu ridges, wetlands and floodplains were 54%, 85% and 77%, respectively. Substantial differences were observed between the STE of grassed and un‐grassed waterways at 75% and 21%, respectively. Existing man‐made and natural sediment sinks played an important role in trapping sediment, with 38% (26,600 Mg y−1) of transported sediment being trapped, while 62% (43,000 Mg y−1) is exported from the catchment and thus enters the Koga reservoir. Therefore, additional catchment treatment measures are required as an integrated catchment scale sediment trapping approach to help reduce sediment loads entering Koga reservoir. Moreover, to maximize the effectiveness of sediment trapping measures, avoid structural failure and ensure their sustainability, regular maintenance is needed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于元胞自动机的小流域侵蚀产沙模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动态模拟和预测土壤侵蚀的发育及演化过程具有十分重要的意义.传统土壤侵蚀模型从本质上来说是一种稳态模型,缺乏对土壤侵蚀发生、发展及演化过程的动态模拟能力.元胞自动机(cellular automata,简称CA)是一种"自下而上"的动态模拟建模框架,具有模拟复杂地理系统时空演化过程的能力.利用元胞自动机理论和方法,提出了将CA应用于土壤侵蚀过程模拟的基本思想.以黄土高原丘陵沟壑区小流域为例,构建了基于元胞自动机的小流域侵蚀产沙过程模型.  相似文献   

水土保持模型试验中产沙量测量方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了测量模型次降雨侵蚀产沙量的烘干法和密度瓶法,并通过不同粒径组泥沙浑水含沙量的对比试验,验证了测量方法的可靠性。针对模型土壤中夹杂着大量粒径较粗的泥沙颗粒的试验,提出进行泥沙粗细分层,然后采用烘干法和密度瓶法相结合的方法来测量次降雨侵蚀产沙量。所介绍的观测方法具有结果可靠且工作效率较高的特点。  相似文献   

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