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Peritonitis was induced In 12 dogs by creation of an avascular jejunal loop. After 24 hours, the avascular jejunal loop was removed, and purulent material was removed by aspiration. The abdominal incision in six experimental dogs was left open under a bandage, while the incision was closed in six control dogs. All six open abdomen, and four control, dogs survived the 8 days of the study. The number of bacteria in the peritoneal exudate in experimental animals was less than in control animals. At the end of the 8 day study, experimental animals were more active, had better appetites, and were less likely to have fever, vomition, diarrhea, and dehydration. Experimental animals weighed significantly less than control animals. There were no differences between groups with respect to biochemical and hematologic parameters. At necropsy, experimental animals had fewer adhesions and less peritoneal fluid accumulation than control animals. Complications of open peritoneal drainage included persistent fluid loss, weight loss, adhesions of abdominal viscera to the bandage, and contamination of the peritoneal cavity with cutaneous organisms.  相似文献   

直肠脱是直肠末端粘膜一部分或直肠大部分脱出肛门之外不能缩回的病症。在本地区该病多发生于仔猪、母猪,育肥猪少有发生。部分病例采用保守治疗法——手术整复,即可治愈,如仔猪的直肠脱。有的病例采用保守治疗不易整复或整复后很快又复发,如体虚、体弱或产仔不及的母猪直肠脱,整复后易复发。笔者多年来在临床实践中采用手术切除治疗母猪直肠脱,取得了满意的效果。共治疗32例,全部治愈,没有一例复发。现总结报告如下。1病因体虚、泄泻、难产、直肠炎、便秘、寒冷潮湿等原因均易引起直肠脱出。2主要症状母猪的直肠脱多在分娩后不久发生。可见…  相似文献   

Surgical stapling equipment was used to perform open antiperistaltic side-to-side ("functional end-to-end") entero-anastomoses in 20 dogs and 4 cats. Twenty-one anastomoses healed uneventfully. Seven animals with severe bacterial peritonitis required open peritoneal drainage and delayed abdominal closure. There was postoperative leakage at the anastomotic site in two dogs and a localized abscess at the staple line in one cat. No long-term complications occurred in follow-up periods of 3 to 29 months.  相似文献   

The results of a study designed to evaluate a fluoroalkyl cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive as an adjunct to suture anastomosis of the severed canine pelvic urethra are presented. The urethral anastomotic sites were evaluated by contrast radiography, gross pathology, and histopathology. Urethral anastomosis resulted in a clinically functional urethra in all 6 control dogs (suture anastomosis) and 5 of the 6 test dogs (suture anastomosis plus adhesive). A severe stricture at the anastomotic site developed in 1 dog in the test group. Evidence of leakage was detected by contrast radiography in 1 dog of each group. Microscopic evidence of incomplete closure was detected in 4 control dogs and 2 test dogs. An extensive granulomatous inflammatory reaction was associated with use of the adhesive. The lower incidence of microscopic leakage observed in the test dogs was attributed to fibroplasia induced by the cyanoacrylate and not to the adhesive properties of the cyanoacrylate.  相似文献   

Segments of jejunum that had been subjected to ischemia 1 month previously were resected en bloc in six horses. Everted end-to-end anastomoses were performed by application of double rows of stainless steel staples. The anastomotic sites were examined at 3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and 8 months postoperatively. All but one of the horses experienced colic at some point after the second postoperative week. At 3 weeks, there was extensive adhesion and stricture formation associated with the anastomoses. With increasing time postoperatively, there were progressively less severe adhesions and strictures. At 6 and 8 months, there was separation of the muscularis with noticeable thinning at the anastomotic site.  相似文献   

Background: Peritoneal fluid analysis in cattle traditionally includes the classic parameters despite the fact that they have only moderate diagnostic accuracy and often fail to identify the pathogenesis or etiological factors. Therefore additional parameters recently have been established to improve diagnostic precision. In a recent study, reference ranges for several of these parameters have been proposed in dairy cows. Hypothesis/Objectives: The aim of this observational study was to assess the diagnostic value of D‐Dimer and other measurements of peritoneal fluid analysis in dairy cows with peritonitis. Animals: The study included 110 Holstein‐Friesian cows grouped into cows with peritonitis (n = 47) and cows without peritonitis (n = 63). Methods: Peritoneal fluid was obtained by abdominocentesis. Total protein, albumin, glucose, cholesterol, fibrinogen, l ‐lactate, D‐Dimer, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase, creatine phosphokinase, white blood cell, and red blood cell were determined in peritoneal fluid and venous blood. Serum‐ascites albumin gradient (SAAG) and ratios of peritoneal fluid‐venous blood were calculated. Sensitivity (SN) and specificity (SP) were calculated and receiver operating characteristic curve analysis performed. Results: Peritoneal fluid D‐Dimer was most accurate in diagnosing peritonitis in cows (SN and SP>95.0%). Total protein concentration, LDH and LDH ratio, and SAAG had sensitivities between 49.0 and 67.1%, and specificities between 88.4 and 95.5%. A low‐peritoneal fluid glucose concentration was found to be highly indicative of septic peritonitis. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Measurement of the recently introduced parameters may increase the diagnostic value of peritoneal fluid analysis and provide additional specific information. Therefore these measurements should be included in the routine procedure.  相似文献   

A subtotal colectomy was performed on 12 normal adult cats using an interrupted apposing suture pattern of monofilament polyglyconate (n = 6) or a biofragmentable intestinal anastomosis ring (Valtrac, Davis and Geek Company, Danbury, CT) (n = 6) composed of polyglycolic acid and barium sulfate. Abdominal radiographs were made daily, beginning 10 days after surgery, to determine fragmentation rates of the anastomosis ring. The cats were euthanatized 30 days after surgery, and a gross and histopathological evaluation of anastomotic healing and stricture formation was performed. The technique for implantation of the anastomosis ring was easy to learn and required only two purse string sutures to complete. Intraoperative complications associated with the anastomosis ring were minor, and included problems with purse string suture placement, small serosal tears, and spasms of the colon that reduced the lumenal diameter. There were no intraoperative complications in the cats with sutured anastomoses. Postoperative recovery was uneventful in all cats. The anastomosis rings fragmented 12.2 ± 1.1 days (mean ± standard deviation [SD]) after implantation and passed in the stool 3.8 ± 1.9 days later without clinical signs in five of six cats. There were no statistically significant differences between the time required to perform the anastomosis ( P = .348), postmortem gross anastomosis grades ( P = .088), or percent of lumenal stricture ( P = .178) between the two groups. Histologically, the only significant differences were an increased muscular inversion in the anastomoses performed using the fragmentable ring ( P = .039) and an increased muscular eversion in the sutured anastomoses ( P < .001) compared with normal colonic architecture.  相似文献   

从北京地区临床疑似传染性腹膜炎患猫的粪便和腹水样品中分离猫传染性腹膜炎病毒(Feline infectious peritonitis virus, FIPV),共采集10份样品进行RT-PCR检测,并接种MDCK细胞进行病毒分离和鉴定。结果表明:10份样品的RT-PCR检测结果均为FIPV阳性,将样品接种MDCK细胞并经连续传代培养,成功分离到一株FIPV,经鉴定属于FCoV-Ⅱ血清型,将其命名为FIPV/BJ01株;该毒株可以在MDCK细胞上增殖并产生典型的细胞病变,病毒滴度为105.5TCID50/0.1mL;S和N基因的核苷酸与其他毒株的同源性分别为63.3%~99.4%和45.5%~992%,均与美国毒株同源性较高,而与中国毒株的同源性较低。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the histopathology of canine leproid granuloma syndrome. DESIGN: Histological examination of biopsy specimens taken from dogs with leproid granuloma syndrome. Biopsies were acquired from four veterinary pathology practices after initial examination showed acid-fast bacilli or lesions suggestive of a mycobacterial aetiology. Tissue from 30 cases formed part of a retrospective survey while a further 7 cases were obtained prospectively. PROCEDURE: Tissue samples were fixed in formalin and paraffin embedded. Sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and Ziehl-Neelsen stains. Slides were evaluated for the type of inflammatory response and the number of bacteria. In a few cases smears made from crush preparations and needle aspirates were stained with DiffQuik and acid-fast stains. RESULTS: The common cytological feature seen in DiffQuik stained smears was numerous, often spindle-shaped, macrophages with variable numbers of lymphocytes and plasma cells and lower numbers of neutrophils. Usually few to moderate numbers of medium length bacilli were detected within macrophages or extracellularly. Histologically, lesions were chiefly pyogranulomatous within the subcutis and dermis. Pyogranulomas were composed chiefly of epithelioid macrophages and neutrophils but plasma cells and small lymphocytes were scattered throughout the lesions in which giant cells were seen. Lesions were pyogranulomatous in 36 cases and granulomatous with small suppurative foci in one. The numbers of acid-fast bacilli present were very low to low in 22 cases, moderate in 6 and regionally numerous to numerous in 9. Bacteria were pleomorphic, ranging from long, slender filaments in parallel sheaves to short and variably-beaded bacilli or highly beaded to coccoid organisms. The morphology was more uniform in DiffQuik stained smears than in fixed tissue sections. CONCLUSION: The pathology of canine leproid granuloma syndrome is highly uniform and is suggestive of saprophytic mycobacterial involvement. The morphological diversity of acid-fast bacilli probably results from differences in staining characteristics rather than indicating different species of Mycobacterium. While approximately half of the cases had only few organisms present, the veterinary practitioner using a Romanovsky stain such as DiffQuik on aspirated material might expect to obtain a rapid diagnosis in many cases. This would allow differentiation of the syndrome from neoplastic and other diseases of the skin and direct appropriate treatment at the initial presentation.  相似文献   

产蛋鹅卵黄性腹膜炎是由致病性大肠杆菌引起的一种急性传染病,俗称"蛋子瘟"。本病一般是产蛋初期零星发生,至产蛋高峰期发病最多,产蛋停止后本病也停止发生。病产蛋鹅主要表现为产蛋量下降,产畸形蛋、砂皮蛋、软壳蛋,腹部膨大,腹泻,腹膜炎,零星死亡等症状。2011年2月,来宾市某鹅场产蛋鹅发生了该病,经过发病情况调查,临床诊断,病理剖检,实验室检查及防  相似文献   

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