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为客观、准确地评价水质状况,从而为水污染防治和水资源合理开发利用提供科学指导,根据最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)的基本原理,引入其分类算法构建太湖流域的水质评价模型,以太湖流域5个重点断面为研究对象,通过对已知训练样本进行学习训练,对测试样本的水质等级进行评价,并将其结果与BP神经网络、判别分析法相比较。结果表明,LS-SVM在太湖流域水质评价方面有着更出色的效果,可为太湖流域水资源管理提供新的参考方法。  相似文献   

基于模糊神经网络的池塘溶解氧预测模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭连喜  邓长辉 《水产学报》2006,30(2):225-229
在分析了池塘溶解氧影响因素的基础上,利用模糊神经网络良好的非线性逼近能力建立了池塘溶解氧的模糊神经网络预测模型。神经网络模型如采用常规的BP或其它梯度算法,常导致训练时间较长且易陷入局部极小点,本实验采用快速的粒子群优化算法对模糊神经网络进行训练,收敛速度明显加快。实验结果表明采用该方法预报溶解氧的预测精度较常规BP递推算法的预测精度明显提高,所采用的模型能对溶解氧进行可靠的预测,该方法为研制开发智能水质检测仪以及工厂化养殖工作奠定了基础,对实际生产具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Recirculating aquaculture has received more and more attention because of its high efficiency of treatment and recycling of aquaculture wastewater. The content of dissolved oxygen is an important indicator of control in recirculating aquaculture, its content and dynamic changes have great impact on the healthy growth of fish. However, changes of dissolved oxygen content are affected by many factors, and there is an obvious time lag between control regulation and effects of dissolved oxygen. To ensure the aquaculture production safety, it is necessary to predict the dissolved oxygen content in advance. The prediction model based on deep belief network has been proposed in this paper to realize the dissolved oxygen content prediction. A variational mode decomposition (VMD) data processing method has been adopted to evaluate the original data space, it takes the data which has been decomposed by the VMD as the input of deep belief network (DBN) to realize the prediction. The VMD method can effectively separate and denoise the raw data, highlight the relations among data features, and effectively improve the quality of the neural network input. The proposed model can quickly and accurately predict the dissolved oxygen content in time series, and the prediction performance meets the needs of actual production. When compared with bagging, AdaBoost, decision tree and convolutional neural network, the VMD-DBN model produces higher prediction accuracy and stability.  相似文献   

柔鱼(Ommastrephes bartramii)是中国在西北太平洋主要的鱿钓捕捞对象。准确预报柔鱼渔场,对减少寻鱼时间、节省油料和提高渔获产量均有积极的意义。该研究将2002年~2012年中国在西北太平洋鱿钓产量数据、渔场时空数据以及海表温度、叶绿素a浓度、表温梯度强度和叶绿素梯度强度等海洋环境因子作为训练数据,基于支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)的方法,建立了以月为时间分辨率、0.5°×0.5°为空间分辨率的西北太平洋柔鱼渔场的预报模型。该模型以径向基函数(RBF)为核函数,利用10折交叉验证和网格选优法,确定了最优惩罚项因子和核函数参数值的组合(C,γ),分别为1.41和2.83,样本分类精度达73.6%。利用2013年7月~11月环境数据,对模型进行了精度检验,预报准确率为53.4%~60.0%,平均准确率为57.4%。研究认为,在训练数据不够充分的条件下,SVM模型可成为西北太平洋柔鱼渔场预报的一个有效手段。  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen in water is an important ecological factor in ensuring the healthy growth of aquatic products, as hypoxic stress is known to restrict the growth of aquatic products. The accurate monitoring and prediction of dissolved oxygen is the key to precise regulation and control of pond aquaculture water quality. The current dissolved oxygen prediction model has some limitations, such as a short prediction period and inadequate prediction accuracy for actual production demands. Therefore, a prediction model of dissolved oxygen in pond culture was proposed based on K-means clustering and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) neural network. Firstly, the key factors affecting the changes in dissolved oxygen were selected by principal component analysis (PCA). The dissolved oxygen time series was then subjected to K-means clustering, and the dissolved oxygen prediction model was constructed using GRU. To improve the clustering effect, we enhanced the similarity calculation for the time series based on the variation of dissolved oxygen. This process combined the Euclidean distance with the dynamic time-warping distance. The proposed method can predict the dissolved oxygen content of aquaculture water over different time intervals according to the demands of real-world scenarios. The average absolute error of the 30-min interval model was 0.264, and the mean absolute percentage error was 3.5 %. Experimental results indicated that the proposed method achieves higher prediction accuracy and flexibility than the conventional approach.  相似文献   

针对养殖水质、水温及p H预测准确性低的问题,提出了一种基于粒子群优化BP神经网络的养殖水质参数预测方法。首先应用粒子群算法优化得出BP神经网络的初始权值和阈值,然后对得到的数据进行预处理,修复异常数据信息,再以当前时间的多个水质参数作为输入,下个时间点的水温、p H作为输出,建立养殖水质预测模型,最后利用采集的水质数据在BP神经网络中进行训练,并通过实验检验水质预测模型的可行性和预测性能。与支持向量回归(SVR)和传统BP神经网络相比,基于粒子群优化的BP神经网络在预测水温方面,均方根误差(RMSE)下降幅度分别为64.4%和86.7%;在预测p H方面,RMSE下降幅度分别为11.1%和78.9%。研究表明,基于粒子群优化的BP神经网络养殖水质预测模型具有灵活简便、预测精度高、易于实现的特点,同时具有很好的预测能力。  相似文献   

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