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随着淡水鱼养殖密度和产量的逐渐提高,饵料的投入在整个养殖成本中已占主导地位。因此饵料投喂技术的高低会直接影响饵料的转化率和最终的养殖效果。如果投喂不当,即使是一种好的饵料,也不一定获得好的效果,甚至适得其反。一年中饵料投喂应遵循“早开食,抓中间,带两头”的投喂规律,将全年的饵料主要集中在6~9月份,鱼摄食旺盛,生长最快的季节投喂,春季尽量提前投喂,秋季应延长投喂期。  相似文献   

甲鱼饵料投喂十二法章玉梅(沈阳市辽中化工总厂110200)养殖甲鱼的技术目前尚末普及,特别是投喂饵料的技术,常使养殖户作难。笔者从较为成功的养甲鱼专业户中,总结了12种科学投饲投饵的方法,可借鉴参考。1、设饵饲台。一般说每150~200平方米水面,设...  相似文献   

南美白对虾投苗养殖之前,虾塘水体一般都已经过10天左右的养水,水体中已富含以单胞藻类为主的浮游生物。单细胞藻类可以满足虾苗捕食的需要,又能保证水体中有足够的溶解氧(水体中的溶解氧主要来自于藻类的光合作用),藻类以水体中的腐殖质为营养源,能净化水质并调节水体透明度。单细胞藻类又是轮虫等浮游动物的饵料,而浮游动物的大小、游动的速度和营养价值,都适宜于虾苗摄食。所以虾苗投塘后,首先捕食的就是藻类和浮游动物,而白对虾的天性也决定了虾苗在水体中首先捕食天然饵料。因此,虾苗投塘后,在一段时间内可不必投喂人工饵料。如果投苗…  相似文献   

鳜鱼是典型的食肉性凶猛鱼类,本文在分析鳜鱼食性的基础上,介绍鳜鱼养殖的饵料投喂技术。  相似文献   

水产养殖的实质是一种以"物"换"物"的过程,也就是通过水产养殖,把饵料或肥料转化为水产品的过程.水产养殖单位面积产量的高低和经济效益的好坏,在很大程度上取决于使用的饵料是否合理和投饵的技术是否科学.对于水产养殖来说,正确合理地选用饵料,科学合理地投喂,是促进养殖动物快速生长,提高饵料转化率,降低饵料成本,提高经济效益的关键.饵料投喂是水产养殖中的一大关键环节,只有正确把握饲养鱼类的投饵数量,科学投喂,才能提高饵料的利用率,保证养鱼增产增收增效.目前对于鱼类的研究多集中于鱼类养殖技术、营养和饵料开发方面,对于科学的饵料投喂的报道较为少见.而这方面的研究结果对于我们开展水产养殖业、提高效益、节省成本以及在环境保护方面是很重要的.因此,科学把握水产养殖中饵料投喂显得尤为重要.投饵技术包括投饵量的确定、投饵时间、投饵次数、投饵方法和投饵原则.下面就投饵技术几个方面以及饵料投喂存在的问题进行阐述,期望能使读者对科学投饵有一个清晰的认识,并且对于解决饵料投喂存在的问题提供借鉴.  相似文献   

观赏鱼,或色彩鲜艳、姿态优雅,或习性奇特、造型怪趣,除了可以美化居室,给人们增添情趣,调节情绪,松弛神经,消除疲劳外,还促进了科学的普及和科研的发展。同时,由于观赏鱼的养殖经济效益较高,市场前景看好,是一个具有广阔发展前途的新兴行业。而观赏鱼饵料投喂问题是观赏鱼养殖中的关键环节,只有正确、科学的把握好饵料投喂技术,才能提高观赏鱼饵料利用率,更重要的是避免各种疾病,保证观赏鱼健康可持续发展。现将笔者在观赏鱼饵料投喂方面的几点体会简述如下,仅供参考。  相似文献   

黄鳝的食性,饵料来源及投喂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋长太 《内陆水产》1998,23(5):24-24
目前,由于供求关系的变化,市场上黄鳝的价格不断看涨,预测养鳝将成为新的热点。据调查,近几年黄鳝养殖发展一直不快,其原因主要是受饲料、苗种和病害的制约。本文就黄鳝的食性特点,开发饲料资源的途径和科学投饵的方法谈一些看法,供养殖者参考。1黄鳝的食性及特点1.1食  相似文献   

许文  杨斌 《水利渔业》1988,(4):15-17
利用颗粒饲料在66.8亩鱼池中培育鲤鱼种,培育期115天,入池丰鲤乌仔来自武汉空运,结果平均亩产494.4公斤,其中鲤鱼种464.5公斤;饵料系数1.74;亩平产值2918元,亩盈利906元。  相似文献   

周晨光 《海洋渔业》1988,10(2):94-94
福岗县水产试验场研究鬼鲉养殖技术上,解决了过去的投饵难题,受到有关人士的关注。  相似文献   

叶华 《河北渔业》2010,(1):17-18
近年来,随着水煮活鱼的兴起,大规格草鱼的需求量越来越大,价格也比较稳定。因此,主养草鱼模式在我市池塘养鱼中占有极为重要的地位,但90%的渔民都是靠投喂陆生野草及部分种植的青草投喂草鱼,虽然成本低,但劳动强度大,且草资源有限,严重制约了草鱼的养殖。因此,开发配合饵料喂草鱼势在必行。为了探讨草鱼的最佳饵料投喂模式,2008年,笔者利用三日池塘进行了投喂配合饵料与青饵料的对比试验。  相似文献   

水产颗粒饲料投饵装置的原理与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱健康 《福建水产》2011,33(5):67-69
本文分析了离心抛撒式投饵机、气力输送式投饵机和水力输送式投饵机等三种型式投饵机的技术原理与应用,指出水力输送式投饵机适合水产湿颗粒饲料自动投饵,但应解决好湿颗粒饲料机生产能力与水力输送式投饵机投饵能力的衔接配套、降低湿颗粒饲料在输送过程中的饵料溃散技术,以及根据养殖品种不同,分别进行抛投技术处理等问题。  相似文献   

本文报告作者近两年在湖北省嘉鱼县和通山县的浅水湖泊、池塘内利用网箱较大规模进行鱖鱼人工饲料驯饲和网箱集约养殖生产性试验的情况。在试验中用1.0~1.4平方米网箱和W91系列鱖鱼配合饲料驯饲2.5~17.5厘米幼鱖4642尾,成功4161尾,驯饲成功率89.6%;用1.4平方米网箱养殖成鱖,养殖76~90天,平均日尾增重0.74~0.85克,每1平方米网箱净产达4.03~6.91公斤,增重速度与活饵鱼网箱养鱖相当;人工饲料系数1.68~1.78,每增1公斤鱖鱼,饲料成本下降一半以上。  相似文献   

网箱养殖智能投饲监控系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对浑水海域网箱养殖中的投饲量控制问题,提出了一种采用回声探测方法进行智能投饲监控的系统原理及软硬件设计。在网箱底部安装一套收发合置的回声探测声纳,监测通过网箱饲料反射的声信号能量值,将其作为反馈量来调整饲料流量,使得过剩饲料维持在预设量,以实现智能饲量控制。为简化投饲监控系统并降低成本,可采取1套回声探测系统同时监控4个网箱的设计,并将各个监控节点组成WLAN后接入公网,以实现大型网箱养殖场的远程智能投饲监控。  相似文献   

Significant efforts should be devoted to reducing waste outputs from aquaculture operations in order to lower the environmental impacts of aquaculture in many parts of the world. Since most aquaculture wastes are ultimately from dietary origin, reduction of waste outputs should first be through improvements of diet formulation and feeding strategies. The first step in the production of feeds producing less solid waste is to eliminate poorly digestible ingredients (such as whole grain or grain by-products used as binders and fillers in the feed formulae) and to use highly digestible ingredients with good binding properties. Further reduction of solid waste can then be achieved through careful selection of the ingredients to improve apparent digestibility and the nutrient balance of the feed. Nitrogen waste outputs can be reduced through the reduction of the digestible protein to digestible energy (DP/DE) ratio of the diet. Phosphorus waste outputs can be reduced through careful selection of the ingredients and optimization of the digestible phosphorus content of the diet to meet the requirement of the fish but avoid greatly exceeding this required level. Finally, feeding practices that minimize feed wastage should be adopted since feed wastage can have a very significant impact on waste outputs from fish culture operations.  相似文献   

投喂频率对龙虎斑幼鱼生长和饵料利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内车间采用4种不同的投喂频率养殖龙虎斑幼鱼(47.6±5.2 g),分析和比较不同投喂频率对其生长和饵料利用的影响。试验设S1、S2、S3、S4共4组,分别按照1、2、3、4次/d进行投喂,共进行60 d。结果显示:(1)投喂频率显著影响龙虎斑幼鱼的生长(P<0.05)。 S1的平均体质量显著低于S2、S3、S4(P<0.05),为149.7 g;S2、S3、S4组间差异不显著(P>0.05),S4最大(168.7 g),其次为S3(168.0 g)和S2(162.2 g);S1日增体质量、增重率、特定生长率显著小于S2、S3、S4(P<0.05),分别为1.68 g,204.83%,1.86%/d,S2、S3、S4组间差异不显著(P>0.05),S2特定生长率最大,为2.12%/d;S2的体质量回归方程斜率最大,为1.915,S1最小,为1.532。(2)投喂频率对龙虎斑幼鱼的饵料利用影响显著(P<0.05)。 S2的摄食率和饵料系数显著小于S1、S3、S4(P<0.05),分别为1.31%/d、0.70;S4摄食率最大,为1.64%/d;S1、S3、S4组间饵料系数差异不显著(P>0.05),分别为0.88、0.84、0.88。因此,综合养殖效果和劳动强度考虑,S2的投喂频率最适合龙虎斑的养殖,建议在龙虎斑的养殖生产中,最适宜的投喂频率为2次/d。  相似文献   

Two duplicate groups of individually tagged lumpfish (mean initial weight: 21.5 ± 3.2 g) were fed either a commercially available lumpfish feed or feed blocks for a period of 123 days. The aim was to evaluate and compare the effects of these feed types on growth, cataract development and histopathology in lumpfish. There were significant differences in growth rates between the groups with fish fed pelleted feed having the highest growth rates. The development of cataracts was significantly different with fish fed pelleted feed having a cataract prevalence of 87% at the end of the study period whilst fish fed with feed blocks had 10% prevalence. The results of the histological examination undertaken in this study showed overall small differences between the two dietary treatments. In some individuals in groups receiving both diets, there was mild to moderate expansion of the lamina propria with tissue most likely to represent fibrous tissue with scattered leucocytes. Overall, the findings of the present study show that lumpfish will readily graze from feed blocks and although growth is lower the prevalence of cataract is greatly reduced using feed blocks.  相似文献   

网箱养殖鮸状黄姑鱼停喂不同时间后的补偿生长   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在近岸浮式网箱内对平均初始体质量为73.8g的鮸状黄姑鱼(Nibea miichthioides)进行了8周养殖实验以检验其停喂不同时间后的补偿生长。实验共设4个食物处理组,3组鱼分别被停喂1周(第4周停喂)、2周(第3~4周停喂)和3周(第2~4周停喂)后再恢复正常投喂4周;1组鱼实验期间始终正常投喂作为对照。实验结果表明,停喂导致鱼体质量和躯干脂肪含量下降,并使躯干水分和灰分含量升高。第4周末停喂鱼的体质量、肝重指数和躯干脂肪含量明显低于对照组,而躯干灰分含量高于后者;停喂2~3周的鱼腹膜间脂肪比率低于对照组,躯干水分含量高于后者。恢复投喂期间停喂鱼的摄食率和生长率均明显高于对照组,饲料系数低于对照组。经过4周恢复投喂后停喂1周的鱼体质量与对照组无明显差异,停喂2~3周的鱼体质量仍明显低于对照组;停喂鱼的肝重指数、腹膜间脂肪比率以及躯干脂肪、水分和灰分含量与对照组无明显差异或高于对照组。实验结果显示,网箱养殖的鮸状黄姑鱼停喂1周后表现出完全补偿,停喂2~3周后表现出部分补偿,恢复投喂期间停喂鱼对食物的利用效率得到明显改善,这表明适度停喂后再投喂可作为鮸状黄姑鱼网箱养殖中有益的饲养管理策略。[中国水产科学,2006,13(4):591—596]  相似文献   

A factorial (3 × 4) feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding frequency and feed type on the growth performance, feed utilization and body proximate composition of juvenile olive flounder. Three feed types including a sinking moist pellet (MP), a sinking dry pellet (DP) and a floating extruded pellet (EP) were used. Fish (average weight, 11.1 ± 0.4 g) were randomly distributed in thirty‐six 300 L tanks in a flowthrough system. Triplicate groups (30 fish per tank) of fish were fed each feed type to visual satiation at three meals per day, two meals per day, one meal per day and one meal every 2 days for 7 weeks. At the end of the feeding trial, the survival of fish was not significantly different among the treatments. Weight gain was affected by the feeding frequency. The highest weight gain was observed in fish fed the EP at three meals per day. The daily feed intake of fish fed the MP and DP tended to be higher than that of fish fed the EP at each feeding frequency. The feed efficiency and the protein efficiency ratio of fish fed the EP were higher than those of fish fed the MP and DP. The body proximate composition of fish was altered by the feeding frequency. The crude lipid content increased with the increase in the feeding frequency. The present findings suggest that three feedings per day at visual satiation of the floating EP may be sufficient for the maximal growth performance of olive flounder grown from 11 to 60 g.  相似文献   

The aquafeed development has been initiated for horseshoe crabs in captivity. However, much of the attentions were to the juveniles for their widely used in research. Until recently, the research had incorporated the adult horseshoe crabs. This study aims to 1) determine the best alternative feeds for adult males of Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, 2) measure the acceptance rate of feed, and 3) feeding utilization. Three semi‐moist pellets were either developed or purchased: fish (Decapterus russeli) and cockle (Anadara granosa) pellets (A), fish pellets (B) and keropok pellets (C). Natural feeds act as control: cockle, Anadara granosa (D) and fish, D. russeli (E). The horseshoe crabs were fed daily for 5 weeks and were analysed on their feed percentage consumption, body weight changes, feeding rate (FR), absorption efficiency (AE), feeding conversion ratio (FCR) and specific growth rate (SGR). Feed A was consumed the most (56.21%) with the highest FR (1.88%). It was influenced by the pellet's hardness, where horseshoe crabs favoured softer pellets. Body weight changes, FCR and SGR also showed a similar trend of favouring alternative feed over natural feed. Alternative feeds served a better feed than the natural feed and can be an option for future natural feed replacement for adult horseshoe crabs in captivity. Alternative feed served a better diet than the natural feed and Feed B served the best feed among the three alternative feeds with good C. rotundicauda growth performance and the feed itself is cost‐wise.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探究不同饲料料型及投喂频率对斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)生长及肌肉品质的影响。研究采用双因素试验设计,以饲料料型(膨化饲料,EF;颗粒饲料,PF)和投喂频率(2次/日,F2;3次/日,F3)为影响因素,共4个组,分别命名为EFF2、PFF2、EFF3和PFF3,每组3个平行,投喂8周,每天定时投喂两次(7:30和16:30)或3次(7:30, 12:00, 16:30)。结果显示,斑点叉尾鮰的末重和增重率受到投喂频率的影响,F2组显著高于F3组(P0.05);而饲料料型则对斑点叉尾鮰的生长无显著影响(P0.05)。颗粒饲料组的肌肉粗脂肪含量和内聚性、回复性显著低于膨化饲料组(P0.05),而硬度显著高于膨化饲料组(P0.05)。F3组的肌肉硬度、胶着性和咀嚼性则显著高于F2组(P0.05)。颗粒饲料组生肌调节因子5 (myogenic factor 5, Myf5)和肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)基因的相对表达量显著低于膨化饲料组(P0.05)。F3组肌肉中MSTN基因相对表达量显著高于F2组,而肌细胞生成素(myogenin,MyoG)基因相对表达量则呈现相反趋势。综上,投喂同种配方的膨化饲料和颗粒饲料对斑点叉尾鮰的生长效果相似,但是投喂颗粒饲料的斑点叉尾鮰硬度更大,而投喂膨化饲料则肌肉脂肪含量更高;斑点叉尾鮰的最佳投喂频率是每天2次。  相似文献   

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