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文章主要从生产实践当中经常遇到几个方面的原因如:人员素质问题、疫苗自身问题、疫苗注射操作问题、注射环境问题、母源抗体和残留抗体的干扰以及抗生素干扰问题等进行了总结分析,并根据各种原因提出了不同的解决方案。 相似文献
鸡新城疫(ND)是由鸡新城疫病毒引起的一种高度接触传染的危害养鸡业的主要传染病之一。在我国,随着大规模的疫苗预防接种及隔离消毒等措施的实施,使该病造成的损失大幅度减少。但近几年新城疫的流行又出现了新的特点,非特异性症状的病例日益增多,甚至高抗体鸡群也发生该病,给该病的预防带来了很多困难。本文就新城疫免疫失败的原因及机理做一综述。1免疫失败的原因1.1疫苗因素一是疫苗为非正规生物制品厂生产,质量不合格;二是因运输、保存不当或过期失效;三是将两种或两种以上无交叉反应的抗原同时接种产生疫苗间的干扰;四是疫苗稀释液温度… 相似文献
2019年1月,A县畜牧服务中心依法取缔一处生猪屠宰窝点。经立案调查,根据《动物防疫法》《生猪屠宰管理条例》等法律法规相关规定,对涉嫌未经定点从事生猪屠宰活动的当事人郭×给予没收5头生猪及猪肉产品,并处货值4倍罚款的行政处罚。郭×对处罚不服而提起行政诉讼,法院判决撤销行政处罚行为,畜牧中心重新作出处罚决定后,案件结案。本文对案件查办中的主体适格、货值计算、价格认定、逃避检疫责任追究、自宰自食认定等相关环节进行了分析,以期与广大同行探讨。 相似文献
H M Clayton 《Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice》1991,7(2):365-382
Time magnification in motion photography allows the observation of events in the stride cycle that normally are beyond the resolution of the human eye. Quantitative analysis goes a stage further by measuring the stride in terms of timing, distance, and angular variables. Motion analysis is a good technique for detecting left-right asymmetries of gait, and the nature of the asymmetries has some value in locating the site of a lameness. Repeated analyses of the same horse allow an objective assessment of the effects of local anesthesia, surgical treatment, or medication. It is anticipated that this will be one of the most useful clinical applications of motion analysis in the clinical setting. This article reviews the hardware and software available for cinematographic and videographic gait analysis. Manual digitization is tedious and time consuming, but these drawbacks are partially overcome by semi-automated systems, which use point prediction to estimate the location of the markers. Fully automated systems rely on the use of contrasting markers attached to the horse's skin overlying the anatomic landmarks. In some joints, skin motion relative to the underlying bones is sufficient to introduce significant errors in joint angle calculations unless appropriate correction algorithms are applied. 相似文献
Cervical spine motion: radiographic study 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Knowledge of the acceptable range of motion of the cervical spine of the dog is used in the radiographic diagnosis of both developmental and degenerative diseases. A series of radiographs of mature Beagle dogs was used to identify motion within sagittal and transverse planes. Positioning of the dog's head and neck was standardized, using a restraining board, and mimicked those thought to be of value in diagnostic radiology. The range of motion was greatest between C2 and C5. Reports of severe disk degeneration in the cervical spine of the Beagle describe the most severely involved disks to be C4 through C7. Thus, a high range of motion between vertebral segments does not seem to be the cause for the severe degenerative disk disease. Dorsoventral slippage between vertebral segments was seen, but was not accurately measured. Wedging of disks was clearly identified. At the atlantoaxio-occipital region, there was a high degree of motion within the sagittal plane at the atlantoaxial and atlanto-occipital joints; the measurement can be a guideline in the radiographic diagnosis of instability due to developmental anomalies in this region. Lateral motion within the transverse plane was detected at the 2 joints; however, motion was minimal, and the measurements seemed to be less accurate because of rotation of the cervical spine. Height of the vertebral canal was consistently noted to be greater at the caudal orifice, giving some warning to the possibility of overdiagnosis in suspected instances of cervical spondylopathy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
1. The aversiveness of motion and noise to broiler chickens was examined using a passive avoidance technique. Birds were initially trained to peck a key a fixed number of times to obtain food. After training, food could still be obtained by key pecking, but feeding was immediately followed by 1 min exposure to noise or motion. Birds could delay or avoid exposure by delaying or avoiding key pecking, hence foregoing food. Reduced pecking rate was therefore taken as a measure of aversion. 2. In experiment 1, simultaneous motion and noise, but not noise alone, resulted in a significant decrease in pecking rate in comparison with baseline rates obtained after training. 3. In experiment 2 there was no significant difference in the pecking rates of 4 groups of broilers during training. However, after exposure to 1 of 4 types of motion, strongly significant differences in pecking rates were found between the groups. The mean latency to peak 3 times was significantly greater for birds exposed to gentle vibration, with a single jolt after 55 s, than for birds exposed to simple harmonic motion in either the horizontal or vertical plane. Birds exposed to circular motion in the horizontal plane had a significantly greater mean pecking latency than birds exposed to simple harmonic motion in the vertical plane. 4. Baseline latencies to keypeck in experiments 1 and 2 were longer than expected. In experiment 3 a direct comparison of baseline pecking was made between broilers and laying hens. The hens had significantly shorter pecking latencies. 相似文献
The motion patterns of the neck and shoulders during the gallop stride were documented using high-speed cinematography. The gallop stride characteristics of 4 Quarter Horse fillies, approximately 30 months of age, were used as a model. Horses were housed and fed together and received the same amount and type of limited training; and were all ridden with the same tack and by the same person. Both sides of each horse were filmed simultaneously (243 frames/sec) while galloping individually along a 1.5-m-wide track. Kinematic variables describing 29 strides (mean velocity 13.1 m/sec, stride frequency 2.6 strides/sec, stride length 5.1 m) included linear and temporal measurements of the maximum and minimum heights of the wing of the atlas, spine of the scapula, shoulder joint and elbow joint; maximum and minimum angles with respect to the horizon of the neck, shoulder and arm segments; and maximum and minimum relative angles between the neck and shoulder, and shoulder and arm segments. Differences (P<.05) between the leading and trailing sides of the body were identified for 12 of a total of 27 spatial measurements reported for the neck, shoulder and arm, including minimum height of the scapula spine, maximum height of the scapula spine and elbow joint, maximum absolute angle of the shoulder segment, and minimum angle between neck and shoulder segments. Of 18 temporal measurements reported involving the neck, shoulder and arm, 14 differed (P<.05) between leading and trailing sides. Kinematic events describing the motion of the leading and trailing shoulder and arm segments were ordered and tabulated in the temporal sequence of the normal gallop stride. Results indicated that the motion patterns of the shoulder and arm segments were highly specific to the leading and trailing sides of the body in the equine gallop stride. The work required for vertical displacement of the center of mass in galloping was estimated to be approximately 98,500 J/km or 23.5 kcal/km; equivalent to approximately 6 percent of the total energy expenditure for galloping 1 km. 相似文献
Normal and paradoxical ventricular septal motions were studied in dogs, using M-mode and 2-dimensional echocardiography. Normal ventricular septal motion was evaluated, using 35 clinically healthy dogs (group I), and was compared with characteristics of septal motion measured in 12 dogs with right ventricular overload (group II) and 14 dogs with left-sided heart disease (group III). Normal ventricular septal motion consisted of a series of active and passive anterior (right cranial) and posterior (left caudal) movements that were subjectively evaluated and quantitated during segments of the cardiac cycle. Maximum excursion of the ventricular septum occurred during systole, was directed toward the left ventricle, and was related to body size. Determination of a normalized radius of septal curvature from analysis of 2-dimensional echocardiogram indicated that the septal arc formed part of a generally circular left ventricle in group I dogs. In contrast to these findings, group II dogs with right ventricular pressure and volume overloads exhibited reduced systolic septal excursion, diminished or flat septal motion, and paradoxical systolic septal motion. Normalized radius of septal curvature was significantly greater in group II dogs than in group I or group III dogs. Septal motion and radius of septal curvature in dogs comprising group III were not significantly different from normal during most phases of the cardiac cycle. Results of this study support the concept that septal motion is a reflection of overall left ventricular shape and that abnormalities in ventricular septal motion, namely flat or paradoxical septal motion, should cause the clinician to suspect right ventricular volume or pressure overload. 相似文献
中国名牌战略推进委员会 《中国饲料》2006,(18):2
2006年,国家质量监督检验检疫总局授权中国名牌战略推进委员会对91类产品进行了中国名牌产品评价。这些产品是:汽轮机(工业汽轮机、热电联产汽轮机)、机床(数控齿轮加工机床、重型数控镗铣床)、高压开关(72.5kV及以上气体绝缘金属封闭)、电机(690V及以下中小电机、小功率电机)、桥式和门式起重机械、数控刀具(孔加工刀具)、除尘器(袋除尘器、电除尘器)、拖拉机(大中型拖拉机、手扶拖拉机)、汽车制动系统、子午线轮胎硫化机、混凝土泵车系列、低压开关柜、破碎粉磨设备(破碎机、磨煤机、磨球)、大型铁路养路机械、低压电器(塑料外壳式断路器… 相似文献
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Previous studies have suggested that temporomandibular joint (TMJ) kinematics depend on the type of food being masticated, but accurate measurements of TMJ motion in horses chewing different feeds have not been published. HYPOTHESIS: The temporomandibular joint has a larger range of motion when horses chew hay compared to pellets. METHODS: An optical motion capture system was used to track skin markers on the skull and mandible of 7 horses as they chewed hay and pellets. A virtual marker was created on the midline between the mandibles at the level of the 4th premolar teeth to represent the overall motion of the mandible relative to the skull during the chewing cycle. RESULTS: Frequency of the chewing cycles was lower for hay than for pellets. Excursions of the virtual mandibular marker were significantly larger in all 3 directions when chewing hay compared to pellets. The mean velocity of the virtual mandibular marker during the chewing cycle was the same when chewing the 2 feeds. CONCLUSIONS: The range of mediolateral displacement of the mandible was sufficient to give full occlusal contact of the upper and lower dental arcades when chewing hay but not when chewing pellets. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: These findings support the suggestion that horses receiving a diet high in concentrate feeds may require more frequent dental prophylactic examinations and treatments to avoid the development of dental irregularities associated with smaller mandibular excursions during chewing. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To determine the ranges of normal pelvic limb range of motion in adult Greyhound dogs, and to explore which factors influence hip range of motion in a population bred to meet the specific demands of racing. Design A cross-sectional study design. METHOD: Thirty-two dogs (17 male and 15 female) 13 to 81 months old were randomly selected from a local pool of 160 Greyhounds. Goniometric measurements of hip, stifle and hock range of motion were recorded in triplicate. Signalment information collected included sex, weight and age of each Greyhound. The outcome factors for the study were range of hip flexion and hip extension. The theorised exposures, age, sex, weight, racing history and hock and stifle range of motion, were modelled against the outcome variables by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Male dogs were significantly heavier (P < 0.001) and older (P < 0.002) than female dogs. Mean hip flexion was 71.75 degrees and mean hip extension 128.10 degrees. The determinants of hip flexion were sex (P = 0.008) and range of stifle flexion (P = 0.002). Race training did not influence the range of hip flexion in the sample. Determinants of hip extension included range of stifle extension (P = 0.015), history of race training (P = 0.004) and hock flexion. The mean hip extension of raced Greyhounds was 134.95 degrees compared with 121.25 degrees for unraced Greyhounds (mean difference -13.70, 95% confidence interval -18.12, -9.29; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study has reported isolated pelvic limb joint range of motion in the racing Greyhound. Hip range of motion was affected by stifle range of motion, sex and race training. Dogs that had received race training had greater flexibility, possibly due to training having an active stretching role on muscles, tendons and other structures limiting the hip range of motion. 相似文献
The study of the influence of motion and initial intra-articular pressure (IAP) on intra-articular pressure profiles in equine cadaver metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints was undertaken as a prelude to in vivo studies. Eleven equine cadaver MTP joints were submitted to 2 motion frequencies of 5 and 10 cycles/min of flexion and extension, simulating the condition of lower and higher (double) rates of passive motion. These frequencies were applied and pressure profiles generated with initial normal intra-articular pressure (-5 mmHg) and subsequently 30 mmHg intra-articular pressure obtained by injection of previously harvested synovial fluid. The 4 trials performed were 1) normal IAP; 5 cyles/min; 2) normal IAP; 10 cycles/min; 3) IAP at 30 mmHg; 5 cycles/min and 4) IAP at 30 mmHg; 10 cycles/min. The range of joint motion applied (mean +/- s.e.) was 67.6+/-1.61 degrees with an excursion from 12.2+/-1.2 degrees in extension to 56.2+/-2.6 degrees in flexion. Mean pressure recorded in mmHg for the first and last min of each trial, respectively, were 1) -5.7+/-0.9 and -6.3+/-1.1; 2) -5.3+/-1.1 and -6.2+/-1.1; 3) 58.8+/-8.0 and 42.3+/-7.2; 4) 56.6+/-3.7 and 40.3+/-4.6. Statistical analyses showed a trend for difference between the values for the first and last minute in trial 3 (0.05>P<0.1) with P = 0.1 and significant difference (P = 0.02) between the mean IAP of the first and last min in trial 4. The loss of intra-articular pressure associated with time and motion was 10.5, 16.9, 28.1 and 28.9% for trials 1-4, respectively. As initial intraarticular pressure and motion increased, the percent loss of intra-articular pressure increased. The angle of lowest pressure was 12.2+/-1.2 degrees (mean +/- s.e.) in extension in trials 1 and 2. In trials 3 and 4, the lowest pressures were obtained in flexion with the joints at 18.5+/-2.0 degrees (mean +/- s.e.). This demonstrated that the joint angle of least pressure changed as the initial intra-articular pressure changed and there would not be a single angle of least pressure for a given joint. The volume of synovial fluid recovered from the MTP joints in trial 3 compared to 4 (trials in which fluid was injected to attain IAP of 30 mmHg) was not significantly different, supporting a soft tissue compliance change as a cause for the significant loss of intra-articular pressure during the 15 min of trial 4. The pressure profiles generated correlate well with in vivo values and demonstrated consistent pressure profiles. Our conclusions are summarised as follows: 1. Clinically normal equine MTP joints which were frozen and then later thawed were found to have mostly negative baseline intra-articular pressures, as would be expected in living subjects. 2. Alternate pressure profiles of the dorsal and plantar pouch at baseline intra-articular pressure document the presence of pressure forces that would support 'back and forth' fluid movement between joint compartments. This should result in movement of joint fluid during motion, assisting in lubrication and nutrition of articular cartilage. 3. If joint pressure was initially greater than normal (30 mmHg), as occurs in diseased equine MTP joints, joint motion further increased joint capsule relaxation (compliance) and, therefore, reduced intra-articular pressure. 4. Peak intra-articular pressures reached extremely high values (often >100 mmHg) in flexion when initial pressure was 30 mmHg. Joint effusion pressures recorded for clinical MCP joints are frequently 30 mmHg. These IAP values are expected to produce intermittent synovial ischaemia in clinical cases during joint flexion. 5. Additional in vivo studies are necessary to confirm our conclusions from this study and to identify the contributions of fluid absorption and the presence of ischaemia in a vascularised joint. 相似文献