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A 14-year-old male neutered domestic shorthair cat presented with a 4-year history of urinary incontinence following prepubic urethrostomy. Physical examination confirmed peristomal dermatitis, urine scalding and constant urine leakage. Haematology, serum biochemistry and urinalysis were unremarkable. Ultrasonography revealed a non-distended urinary bladder. An artificial urethral sphincter mechanism, with subsequent incremental inflation of the cuff 6 weeks later, resulted in complete resolution of clinical signs, return to normal urinary function and excellent quality of life. The cat was still continent at 5-year follow-up. Further studies including additional cases are required to highlight effectiveness and harms of the procedure.  相似文献   

A 1-year-old, intact female, domestic shorthaired cat was presented for dysuria resulting from perineal scarring subsequent to injuries incurred during a cat fight. A prepubic urethrostomy was performed to manage the dysuria. Eleven months later, the cat was re-presented with a 3-day history of pyrexia and inappetence. A pinpoint opening extending 0.5 cm ventral to the anus on midline, exuding a clear discharge, was noted in the perineal region. A contrast fistulogram was performed, and a vaginoperineal fistula was diagnosed. The fistulous tract was a result of vulvar stricture from the trauma of the cat fight. A vaginoplasty was performed to create an opening for vaginal secretions. This is the first published report of a prepubic urethrostomy performed in a female cat.  相似文献   

This report describes a rare clinical case of a 4.5-month-old, female domestic shorthair, cat with isolated abdominal fat tissue inflammation and necrosis, resembling human omental panniculitis. Its possible relationship with pancreatitis or bile induced chemical peritonitis is also discussed. The overall clinical course was considered benign. Initial clinical signs were vomiting and anorexia, presumably due to inflammation, followed by mass development. It was speculated that, eventually, the kitten was vomiting because of mechanical pressure from the mass, and that this pressure subsided as the kitten grew. The mass was surgically resected and no relapse was evident during the next 4 years.  相似文献   

A case of vesicocutaneous fistula formation following traumatic rupture of the prepubic tendon is described. The radiographic diagnosis and treatment are presented.  相似文献   

A technique for perineal urethrostomy in the cat is described and the results of its successful use in fifteen consecutive cases reported. The pelvic urethra is sutured to skin to produce first intention healing.  相似文献   

Bilateral enlargement of both epididymes was observed in a 6-year-old German shepherd dog following a pre-scrotal urethrostomy. Testicular parenchyma showed regular structure, and the spermatogenesis and the steroidogenic functions were not modified. However, macroscopic examination of the tail and the body of both epididymes exhibited multiple white and well-delimited foci. Histopathological study of the epididymes confirmed the development of granulomas associated with extravasated spermatozoa. Urethrostomy caused a severe stenosis of the penile urethra, favouring the retention of urine at the urinary bladder. The retrograde pressure exerted by the distension of the urinary bladder could have allowed the urine to reach the prostatic urethra and the deferent ducts and, finally, the epididymes, causing irritation and rupture of the mucous layer of the epididymal duct, the consequent sperm extravasation and the development of sperm granulomas. We speculate that the inadequate surgical resolution of the urethral calculi caused the bladder distension, the subsequent retrograde flow of urine and the development of the lesions.  相似文献   

Urethral obstruction is common in male cats after the first year of life and is associated with a high mortality. It is often recurrent in spite of medical preventive measures, and in these cases antepubic urethrostomy may be performed. This technique utilizes the lengh of wide urethra which lies between the prostate gland and the bladder to divert urine through the ventral abdominal wall, thus bypassing the narrow penile urethra where obstruction occurs. The urethra is transected just cranial to the prostate gland and passed through a stab incision in the antepubic abdominal wall. The lateral ligaments of the bladder which include its nerve supply remain intact. Thirty-seven recurrent cases were operated on, and follow-up studies, averaging 8 months, were done on thirty-two of these. Twenty cats (62.5%) had a satisfactory post-operative course, but serious complications developed in the other twelve cases. Only two, however, developed obstruction in which urinary sediment could be implicated. Resumé. L'obstruction de l'urètre est fréquente chez le chat mâle âgé de plus d'un an, elle est entachée d'une forte mortalité. Malgré le traitement médical, elle présente souvent des rechutes et nécessite dans ces cas une uréthrostomie pré-pubienne. Cette technique met à profit la longueur de l'urètre large, se trouvant entre la glande prostatique et la vessie, ce qui permet de faire dévier l'urine à travers la paroi abdominale et de court-circuiter l'urètre pénien très étroit, siège de l'obstruction. L'urètre est sectionné juste devant la prostate et on le fait passer à travers une incision franche de la paroi abdominale pré-pubienne. Les ligaments latéraux de la vessie contenant les nerfs qui s'y rendent, restent intacts. On a ainsi opéré trente-sept cas de rechute, et trente-deux animaux ont été suivis pendant des périodes de 8 mois en moyenne. Vingt chats (62.5%) ont présenté une évolution post-opératoire satisfaisante, alors que les douze autres ont ue des complications sérieuses, mais dans deux cas seulement on a pu incriminer le sédiment urinaire. Zusammenfassung. Urethralverschluss ist bei Katern nach dem ersten Lebensjahr hâufig und mit hoher rtalitât Moverbunden. Trotz ârztlicher Vorbeugungsmassnahmen gibt es oft Rûckfâlle, und bei diesen kann die antepubische Urethrostomie durchgefûhrt werden. Bei dieser Methode wird die Strecke der weiten Harnrôhre, die zwischen Prostata und Blase liegt, dazu benutzt, den Urin durch die ventrale Bauchwand zu leiten und damit die enge Harnrôhre des Penis zu vermeiden, in welcher der Verschluss auftritt. Die Harnrôhre wird kurz vor der Prostata durchtrennt und durch eine Einstichôffnung in der antepubischen Bauchwand nach aussen gefûhrt. Die lateralen Ligamente der Blase, die ihre Nervenversorgung enthalten, bleiben intakt. 37 Rûckfalle wurden operativ behandelt, und 32 davon wurden anschliessend durchschnittlich 8 Monate beobachtet. Bei 20 Katern (62, 5%) war das Befinden nach der Operation gut, aber in den anderen 12 Fâllen traten ernstliche Komplikationen auf. Nur bei 2 Tieren kam es jedoch zur Obstruktion, fûr die Harnkonkremente verantwortlich zu machen waren.  相似文献   

Abstract  This report describes clinical, histological and post-mortem findings in a cat, that are similar to necrolytic migratory erythema in humans and to metabolic epidermal necrosis in dogs.
Resumen  Este articulo describe los hallazgos clinicos, histopatológicos y post mortem en un gato, similares a Eritema Necrolitico Migratorio en la especie humana y a Necrosis Epidérmica Metabólica en el perro. [Patel, A., Whitbread, J., McNeil. P. A case of metabolic epidermal necrosis in a cat. (Un caso de necrosis epidérmica en un gato.) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 221–226.]
Résumé  Ce cas décrit les lésions cliniques, histopathologiques et nécropsiques chez un chat, évoquant l'érythème nécrolytique migrant de l'homme et la nécrose épidermique métabolique du chien. [Patel, A., Whitbread, J., McNeil. P. A case of metabolic epidermal necrosis in a cat. (Un cas de nécrose épidermique métabolique chez un chat.) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 221–226.]
Zusammenfassung  Dieser Bericht beschreibt klinische, histopathologische und Sektionsbefunde bei einer Katze, die dem hekrolytischen migratorischen Erythem beim Menschen und der stoffwechselbedingten epidermalen Nekrose beim Hund ähneln. [Patel, A., Whitbread, J., McNeil. P. A case of metabolic epidermal necrosis in a cat. (Ein Fall von stoffwechselbedingter epidermaler nekrose bei der Katze) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 221–226.]  相似文献   

Corneal necrosis in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An unusual corneal disease characterized by a localized necrosis of its epithelium and stroma has been seen in a number of cats of varying breeds and age. Its aetiology remains obscure, but this paper would appear to be the first occasion that the clinical and histological features of the lesion have been reported. Attention is drawn to the risks involved in surgical interference and the lapse of time before the necrotic tissue becomes detached.
Résumé. On a vu, chez un certain nombre de chats de races et d'âge variés, une maladie cornéale peu commune, caractérisée par une nécrose localisée de son épithélium et stroma. Son étiologie reste obscure mais cet exposé semblerait être la première occasion que les traits cliniques et histologiques de la lésion ont eue d'être rapportés. On attire l'attention sur les risques qu'entraînent l'intervention chirurgicale et le laps de temps avant que le tissu nécrotisé se détache.
Zusammenfassung. Eine ungewöhnliche korneale Krankheit durch eine lokalisierte Nekrose seines Epitheliums und Stromas gekennzeichnet, fand man in einer Anzahl Katzen von verschiedenen Rassen und Alters. Seine Ätiologie bleibt unklar aber dieses Blatt mag die erste Gelegenheit sein, dass über die klinischen und histologischen Merkmale der Läsionen berichtet wurde. Ihre Aufmerksamkeit wird auf die Gefahren gelenkt, die chirurgische Einmischung und die Zeitspanne bevor das abgestorbene Gewebe sich loslöst, in such schliessen.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old 3.0-kg (6.6-lb) neutered male Persian was referred for renal transplantation. Serum total calcium concentration was slightly high prior to surgery, but the week after surgery, total and ionized calcium concentrations were extremely high, and a small mass was palpable on the right side of the trachea at the level of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Exploratory surgery of the ventral aspect of the neck was performed, and a right external parathyroid mass was removed. One hour after surgery, the serum ionized calcium concentration was within reference limits, and the serum calcium concentration remained normal for the next 14 months without any specific treatment. The gross and histologic appearance of the mass, combined with the rapid decrease in serum calcium concentration following its removal, confirmed that the mass was a functional parathyroid adenoma. Although a common postoperative complication in people, hypercalcemia following renal transplantation appears to be a rare complication in cats. Surgery should be considered if the condition is a result of a parathyroid adenoma.  相似文献   

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