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德宏水牛及其杂交品种分割肉的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验对36~39月龄全放牧饲养的15头德宏、摩本、尼本水牛进行了胴体分割肉测定研究,试验根据水牛品种不同分为3个处理组。试验结果显示尼本水牛与德宏水牛相比胴体重、净肉重、优质肉重均有显著提高,差异显著。尤其表现在嫩肩肉、腰肉、臀肉、膝圆、大米龙、小米龙、腱子肉这几块分割肉上。摩本水牛与德宏水牛相比胴体重、净肉重、优质肉重有显著提高,但分割肉块在重量上无显著差异。尼本水牛与摩本水牛的分割肉块重无显著差异。用尼里、摩拉与德宏水牛杂交后,提高了德宏水牛的产肉性能。  相似文献   

德宏水牛及其不同杂交组合品种屠宰性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
选择两个不同杂交品种水牛和德宏水牛共15头,即尼本水牛(尼里水牛×德宏水牛)、摩本水牛(摩拉水牛×德宏水牛)的F1代和德宏水牛各5头,研究德宏水牛及其不同杂交组合品种的屠宰特性。结果显示,尼本与德宏水牛的宰前活重(433.00 kg,339.09 kg)、胴体重(271.84 kg,197.37 kg)、屠宰率(62.78 %,58.26 %)、净肉重(237.85 kg,165.88 kg)、净肉率(54.93 %,48.96 %)、胴体产肉率(87.48 %,84.04 %)、肉骨比(7.06:1,5.27:1)存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。试验结果说明,通过尼里、摩拉水牛与德宏水牛杂交后显著提高了德宏水牛的屠宰性能,而且尼里水牛比摩拉水牛的杂交效果好。  相似文献   

德宏水牛及其杂交品种体尺测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验对36~39月龄全放牧饲养的15头德宏、摩本、尼本水牛进行了体尺测定研究,此项试验根据水牛品种不同分为三个处理组。结果显示,杂交水牛尼本的鬐甲高、十字部高、坐骨节宽比德宏水牛分别提高5.5%、7.4%、9%,差异显著。杂交水牛摩本的鬐甲高、十字部高、坐骨节宽比德宏水牛提高5.9%、8.0%、11.9%,差异显著。摩本的肢长指数优于尼本,差异显著。此项试验结果表明,用尼里、摩拉与德宏水牛杂交,提高了德宏水牛的体尺与体况。  相似文献   

<正>云南省腾冲县围绕高原特色农业发展规划,制定了《腾冲县奶水牛产业园区建设规划》,自2013年在全县多个乡镇发展奶水牛产业,在扶持发展好规模养殖场的同时,积极动员发展家庭养殖。根据近两年来的发展情况,笔者认为从事奶水牛养殖应重点把握好以下几个关键环节:1.把好品种选择关目前奶水牛主要有两个品种,即原产于印度的摩拉水牛和原产于巴基斯坦的尼里拉菲水牛。腾冲当地饲养的奶水牛主要是用以上两个品种的冻精改  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾对阿维菌素的敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解斜纹夜蛾对阿维菌素的抗药性,采用浸渍法和分光光度法进行了海南省斜纹夜蛾对阿维菌素的敏感性分析。试验结果表明,海南不同地区斜纹夜蛾对阿维菌素的敏感性存在明显差异。与两院斜纹夜蛾种群对阿维菌素的LC50抗性比值可以看出,2004年崖城、罗带、金江和通什斜纹夜蛾种群对阿维菌素的抗药性分别是两院的8.94、4.60、6.12和2.82倍,2005年分别是两院的24.66、22.59、11.24和4.41倍,抗性发展十分迅速;羧酸酯酶活性测定结果表明,用阿维菌素18.00、9.00、4.50、3.00、2.25 µg/g处理斜纹夜蛾后,各处理的斜纹夜蛾羧酸酯酶活性均明显增强,且均与清水对照差异显著,说明羧酸酯酶活性显著增强可能是导致斜纹夜蛾对阿维菌素敏感性降低的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

牛气管抗菌肽在山羊乳腺组织中的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据已经发表的牛气管抗菌肽(bTAP)cDNA序列设计4条短的寡核苷酸片段,以重叠延伸PCR的方法合成bTAP基因,将其克隆至pMD-18T载体,序列测定正确后,构建bTAP基因的乳腺组织特异性表达载体pBcp-bTAP,将其溶于生理盐水后直接注射山羊乳腺小叶,使bTAP基因在乳腺组织内表达,收集注射质粒前后的奶样,测试奶样对金黄色葡萄球菌,大肠杆菌的抑制能力,结果显示注射pBcp-bTAP后的奶样表现出对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌具有明显的抑制作用,这种抑制活性可以持续至20h以上。  相似文献   

近日,由广西水牛研究所主持的《奶水牛体外胚胎生产技术集成示范》和《意大利地中海水牛冻精引进及其杂交选育的研究》两个广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目通过了由自治区组织的专家组验收。  相似文献   

通过对滇东南水牛的生长发育、繁殖及役用等生产性能作调查,滇东南水牛体型中等偏小,为典型的役用型水牛品种,成年公母牛体重、体高、十字部高分别为476.64±101.18 kg和392.16±64.25 kg、131.00±7.39 cm和123.33±4.50 cm、125.85±6.08 cm和120.22±2.91 cm,较德宏水牛、槟榔江水牛小;滇东南水牛的屠宰率、净肉率和槟榔江水牛较为接近,比德宏水牛低约10个百分点。并就滇东南水牛的发展策略提出一些见解。  相似文献   

在基础日粮相同的基础上,将24头泌乳期、产奶量相近的水牛随机均分3组,探讨禾本科多花黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum.Hercules)、豆科紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa.Eureka)、蓼科鲁梅克斯(Rumex.K-1)3种牧草对其泌乳高峰期生产性能的影响,结果表明,饲喂Rumex.K-1分别比Eureka和Hercules提高了15.76%、13.39%(P<0.05)的产奶量,6.32%、6.73%(P<0.01)的乳脂率,以及21.27%、19.15%的4%标准乳;而Eureka与Hercules间差异均不显著(P>0.05)。故种植Rumex.K-1适合皖西地区农村散养水牛的小区放牧或舍饲补饲。  相似文献   

为进一步提高牛冷冻精液的质量与探索技术关键,本研究对近年来国内各牛冷冻精液生产企业1720头份精液样品进行了质量分析,涉及品种有奶牛、肉牛类(包括乳肉兼用、黄牛、牦牛等)和奶水牛等。结果表明:剂量值(0.20±0.008)mL、活力(40.9±2.3)%、每剂量前进运动精子数(1224.3±291.7)万个、畸形率(12.6±3.8)%、细菌菌落数(38.9±192.7)个。年度间比较,活力呈不规则的起伏变化;2016年畸形率均值显著低于前2个年度,分别下降0.8%和1.3%,3个年度间均差异显著(P0.05),2014年细菌菌落数显著高于其他2个年度(P0.05);品种间比较,奶牛活力高于奶水牛0.5%、高于肉、兼用牛0.2%(P0.05),奶水牛与肉牛及兼用牛之间差异不显著(P0.05),奶水牛畸形率分别高于奶牛1.9%、高于肉用牛0.9%,均差异显著(P0.05),前进运动精子数,奶水牛最高,奶牛最低,品种间均差异显著(P0.05);生产企业间比较,活力、前进运动精子数、畸形率均分别存在不同差异。  相似文献   

利用分子标记技术,在许多作物上已获得了高密度的分子遗传图谱,并定位了许多主要农艺性状的QTL,而在牧草上这方面的研究尚属空白。为提高育种中对牧草产量性状优良基因型选择的效率,对高丹草的单株产量及其构成因素(株高、分蘖数、叶片数)进行QTL定位,确定其在染色体的位置及其遗传效应,探讨其杂种优势产生原因。在以高粱413A和棕壳苏丹草杂交获得的248个F2:3家系构建的作图群体中,应用AFLP和RAPD两种标记技术构建了高丹草(Sorghum×Sudangrass)的遗传连锁图谱。共包含168个标记,分布于10个连锁群,图谱总长度为836cM,标记间平均图距为4.98cM。采用Joinmap/QTL4.0对高丹草单株产量及其三大构成因素进行QTL定位。共检测到QTLM9个,分布在8个连锁群上,其中,第1和3连锁群最多,各为4个和3个。单个QTL解释性状表型变异的5.20%.51.50%。检测到的19个QTL中,表现加性效应的有1个,占5.26%,部分显性效应的有3个,占15.79%,显性效应的有6个,占31.58%,超显性效应的有9个,占47.36%。超显性效应和显性效应在高丹草杂种优势的遗传基础中占主导地位。  相似文献   

水牛生长激素分泌特点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对 3头年龄为 2~ 3岁的去势水牛 ,安装颈静脉血管瘘管 ,定时采血 ,用放射免疫法测定血浆中GH的水平。结果表明 :水牛全天生长激素 (GH)分泌的脉冲频率为 1 14 3± 0 0 6次 /h ,脉冲基线为 14 4 6 7± 0 4 6ng/mL ,脉冲高度为 18 719± 0 76ng/mL ,脉冲幅度为 4 2 4 7± 0 5 1ng/mL ;白天的脉冲基线显著高于夜间 ,脉冲频率、脉冲高度、脉冲幅度均高于夜间 ;春季和夏季夜间GH分泌的脉冲频率基本相同 ,其余 3种参数春季均显著高于夏季  相似文献   

康奈尔净碳水化合物和净蛋白质体系(CNCPS)是国际上公认的最权威的反刍动物营养模型。为了验证CNCPS预测奶水牛生产性能的准确性和提高生产性能的可能性,本试验选择产奶量、年龄、胎次和体况均相近地中海奶水牛45头,平均体重为600kg,泌乳期为产犊后60天左右。随机将试验牛分成3组:对照组采用牧场原有的TMR日粮配方,优化组1和2分别是在原有配方的基础上利用CNCPS生成优化配方1和优化配方2。按照CNCPS6.5分析奶水牛饲料原料营养组分,并研究利用其优化奶水牛泌乳高峰期日粮的效果。结果表明应用CNCPS体系评价饲料营养组分有助于对奶水牛日粮配方的优化,奶水牛实际产奶量和代谢蛋白或代谢能允许产奶量无显著差异,优化组产奶量高于对照组。CNCPS体系可以用来预测奶水牛产奶量,并能够优化日粮,提高产奶量。  相似文献   

为了解槟榔江水牛养殖系统动态保护状况,更好地传承中国重要农业文化遗产,发挥其在农业生产中的重要作用,运用文献研究和实地调查相结合的方法,分析槟榔江水牛养殖系统动态保护现状。结果表明:通过品种保护、扩繁与利用,水牛代养模式,水牛奶乳制品特色产业的开发,槟榔江水牛养殖系统动态保护取得了一定成效,但仍存在水牛生存面临威胁、公众对农业文化遗产保护参与度不高、相关产业融合发展不够等问题,一定程度上影响了槟榔江水牛养殖系统的动态保护。据此提出加强槟榔江水牛养殖系统动态保护的相关建议:完善农业文化遗产保护政策措施,制定保护战略规划;加强对农业文化遗产的宣传普及,建立多方参与机制;实施多功能产业发展,建立农业多功能拓展的动态保护机制;构建利益共享机制,确保农民利益实现。  相似文献   

A large-effect QTL for grain yield under drought conditions (qtl12.1) was reported in a rice mapping population derived from Vandana and Way Rarem. Here, we measured the effect of qtl12.1 on grain yield and associated traits in 21 field trials: ten at IRRI in the Philippines and 11 in the target environment of eastern India. The relative effect of the QTL on grain yield increased with increasing intensity of drought stress, from having no effect under well-watered conditions to having an additive effect of more than 40% of the trial mean in the most severe stress treatments. The QTL improved grain yield in nine out of ten direct-seeded upland trials where drought stress was severe or moderate, but no effect was measured under well-watered aerobic conditions or under transplanted lowland conditions. These trials confirm that qtl12.1 has a large and consistent effect on grain yield under upland drought stress conditions, in a wide range of environments.  相似文献   

Summary The study was undertaken to evaluate the relative efficiency of anther culture and chromosome elimination (by crosses with maize) techniques of haploid induction in intergenotypic triticale and triticale × wheat hybrids. For this, 15 triticale × wheat and 8 triticale × triticale F1 hybrids were subjected to anther culture and were also simultaneously crossed with the `Madgran Local' genotype of maize (Zea mays L.) to induce haploids through the chromosome elimination technique. The haploid embryo formation frequency through the chromosome elimination technique was significantly higher in both, triticale × wheat (20.4%) and triticale × triticale (17.0%) F1 genotypes, as compared to the calli induction frequencies through anther culture (1.6 and 1.4%, respectively). Further, four triticale × wheat and three triticale × triticale F1 genotypes failed to respond to anther culture, whereas, all the F1 genotypes formed sufficient number of haploid embryos through the chromosome elimination technique with no recovery of albino plantlets. The haploid plantlet regeneration frequencies were also significantly higher through the latter technique in both triticale × wheat (42.7%) and triticale × triticale (49.4%) F1s as compared to anther culture (8.2 and 4.0%, respectively), where the efficiency was drastically reduced by several constraints like, high genotypic specificity, low regeneration frequency and albinism. The overall success rates of obtaining doubled haploids per 100 pollinated florets/anthers cultured were also significantly higher through the chromosome elimination technique (1.1% in triticale × wheat and 1.5% in triticale × triticale hybrids), proving it to be a highly efficient and economically more viable technique of haploid induction as compared to anther culture, where the success rates were only 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively.  相似文献   

Raj Kumar  G. S. Kang 《Euphytica》2006,150(1-2):107-115
Summary Seven Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum and three Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena accessions were crossed to produce 12 Tuberosum × Tuberosum (T × T) and 9 Tuberosum × Andigena (T × A) progenies. These families were evaluated for five important traits for two successive clonal generations under short day sub-tropical plains. The differences in yield, average tuber weight and tuber number between {T × T }and T × A families in an early (75 days) crop were not significant. Compared to conventional intra-Tuberosum families, T × A families had significantly higher % tuber dry matter and specific gravity. In contrast to intra-Tuberosum crosses, T × A crosses exhibited a positive heterosis for tuber yield. Compared to T × T families, T × A families showed significantly higher heterosis for yield and tuber number. Comparison of T × T and T × A families and parents using canonical analysis led to the identification of superior hybrid families and superior parents. Some T × A progenies were close to breeding goal and thus can be used for selecting high-yielding cultivars. This revealed the usefulness of Andigena genotypes as parents in developing early bulking potato cultivars with broad genetic base for short day sub-tropical plains.  相似文献   

The interactive influence of winter and/or spring wheat genetic background on haploid induction parameters and trait correlation was studied by hybridizing five elite and diverse genotypes each of winter and spring wheat and their F1s (winter × winter, spring × spring, and winter × spring, generated in a diallel design excluding reciprocals) with a single genotype of maize. Data were recorded with respect to per cent seed formation, embryo formation, and regeneration. High genetic variability was present among the wheat genotypes (parents + F1s) for the three haploid induction parameters. Significant differences were obtained within and between different groups viz., spring wheats, winter wheats, spring × spring wheats, winter × winter wheats, and winter × spring wheats with respect to the three haploid induction parameters based on ANOVA. The winter genotypes (winter parents and winter × winter wheat hybrids) responded better than the spring groups (spring wheat parents, spring × spring and winter × spring wheat hybrids) with respect to embryo formation and winter × spring wheat hybrids yielded significantly the highest numbers of regenerants. Correlation studies amongst the haploid induction parameters indicated that the genes controlling seed formation and haploid plantlet regeneration are negatively correlated when the genetic backgrounds of both ecotypes are combined in winter × spring hybrids. Haploid embryo formation had no association with seed formation and regeneration in all genetic backgrounds, suggesting independent inheritance.  相似文献   

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