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Pasteurella hemolytica in pullets and laying hens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from internal organs of laying hens and pullets of four flocks in which five incidents of increased mortality had occurred. There was inflammation of the trachea in all cases, and infectious laryngotracheitis virus was identified in three of the incidents. Rapid response to antimicrobial therapy was seen in two out of three outbreaks in the pullets. P. haemolytica was regarded as a significant secondary invader in these cases.  相似文献   

1999年6月,我市某鹧鸪养殖户饲养的鹧鸪,发生以下痢、消瘦、肝脏见“火山口“状坏死灶及盲肠溃疡为特征的疫病,经实验室诊断为组织滴虫病.现报告如下.1发病情况及症状该养殖户共饲养鹧鸪578只,其中成年鹧鸪141只,1~5月龄青年鹧鸪437只,饲喂自制饲料,按常规免疫程序进行预防接种.   ……  相似文献   

Hu J  McDougald LR 《Avian diseases》2003,47(2):489-492
The lateral transmission of Histomonas meleagridis in turkeys was studied in floor pens without the presence of Heterakis gallinarum. Battery-reared poults (120) were transferred at 2 wk of age to concrete-floored floor pens with fresh pine shavings litter (40/group). One group received no exposure. In other groups, either 10% or 25% of the birds were inoculated per cloaca with cultured H. meleagridis (200,000/bird) and placed in the pens as seeder birds. Inoculated birds died at 10-18 days postinfection (PI) showing typical liver and cecal lesions of histomoniasis. Birds in the high-exposure group died of histomoniasis beginning 16 days PI and continuing to 100% mortality by day 23 PI. Birds in the low-exposure (LE) group died beginning on day 19 PI and continuing through day 31 PI. All but one LE bird alive on day 31 PI had severe liver and cecal lesions of histomoniasis at necropsy. There was no evidence of histomoniasis in unexposed birds. No cecal worms (H. gallinarum) were found at necropsy of dead birds or in unexposed birds at the end of the experiment. Even though H. gallinarum is the only known reservoir for H. meleagridis, these results suggest that lateral transmission of histomoniasis through a flock can occur readily through normal contact between uninfected birds and infected birds and their droppings in the total absence of cecal worms.  相似文献   

为研究火鸡组织滴虫感染黄羽肉鸡后在其体内的动态分布,本研究将JSYZ-A株虫体通过泄殖腔感染15日龄苏禽黄羽肉鸡,在感染后1d^34d内,每3d迫杀5只感染鸡,采集其不同组织脏器样品,并对样品进行PCR检测。结果显示,火鸡组织滴虫主要靶器官为肝脏和盲肠。感染后4d,感染鸡肝脏和盲肠中检测到虫体特异性基因,感染后13d和16d虫体检出率即达到100%,之后检出率逐渐降低,一直持续到感染后34d还能检测到虫体特异性基因。感染后10d^22d从鸡十二指肠、直肠和脾脏能够检测到虫体特异性基因。感染后13d^19d从鸡腺胃和空肠、心脏均检测到虫体特异性基因。感染后19d从鸡肺脏检测到虫体特异性基因,并且呈现一过性感染。感染鸡的胰腺、脑、肾脏和睾丸组织在整个实验过程中并未检测到虫体DNA。上述结果为临床火鸡组织滴虫致病机理的研究、诊断奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine whether Heterakis bonasae eggs from bobwhite quail infected with Histomonas meleagridis would transmit histomoniasis to turkeys. Fifteen helminth-free bobwhites were inoculated per os with embryonated H. bonasae eggs. Each bobwhite was then infected with H. meleagridis via rectal inoculation. Bobwhites that developed cecal lesions rarely retained mature H. bonasae. H. bonasae eggs recovered from bobwhites exposed to or known to have concurrent H. meleagridis infections were inoculated per os to eleven helminth-free turkeys. None of the turkeys developed H. meleagridis infections.  相似文献   

Histomona meleagridis is a protozoan parasite that may cause outbreaks of histomonosis with high mortality, especially in turkey flocks. Chickens are less susceptible to the disease than are turkeys, but are considered to act as an important reservoir. To determine the seroprevalence of H. meleagridis in Dutch layer chicken flocks, a large scale seroepidemiologic study (3376 samples) was performed by sampling 12 organic flocks, 24 free-ranging flocks, 40 flocks with floor housing, and 40 flocks with cage housing. At the end of the laying period, approximately 30 blood samples per flock were collected for serology. The seroprevalence found was high. In every flock, at least one of the samples tested positive while in 87% of the flocks, at least one of the samples was strongly positive. There were no significant statistical differences in seropositivity between the housing types. To confirm the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) results, a small-scale seroepidemiologic study (576 samples) was performed in 29 additional layer chicken flocks kept in different housing systems. Subsequently, a subset of five seropositive flocks was selected. Five birds were obtained from each of these flocks in order to detect the parasite using culture and PCR. In all five flocks, H. meleagridis was either isolated from (culture), detected in (PCR), or both, the birds sampled. Together with the previously performed validation studies, the latter results confirm that the positive ELISA serology found is genuine. We conclude that the seroprevalence of H. meleagridis in layers is, as anticipated, high.  相似文献   

The infection of turkeys with Histomonas meleagridis was attempted in the absence of its normal vector Heterakis gallinarum, using several experimental techniques. Battery-reared poults were inoculated at 2 wk of age with histomonads cultured in vitro, by several routes, including (a) per os (PO), (b) intradoacal (CI), and (c) cloacal drop (CD). Feed restriction was also studied as a predisposing factor. Intracloacal inoculation (CI) consistently produced severe infections in all experiments. In several experiments, turkeys did not become infected after inoculation PO with 1 x 10(5) cultured histomonads. Feed restriction prior to inoculation did not make turkeys susceptible to infection inoculated PO. However, when liquid cultures containing histomonads were applied to the vent (CD) and the dorsal lip stimulated to initiate cloacal drinking, the histomonads were taken into the cloaca and transported to the ceca by retrograde peristalsis. Heavy infections were produced by this method, with severe liver and cecal lesions recorded when birds were necropsied 12 days later. These results suggest that CD may provide ready entry into the lower intestinal tract for these parasites and may facilitate spread of infection through flocks.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation and laying pullets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1. Responses to ultraviolet (UV) radiation were studied in two trials. In one trial, sexually mature pullets, that had been maintained on an 8L:16D regimen from 2 d of age, were exposed sequentially, for periods of 9 to 12 d, to a further 8 h of very dim visible light (VDV), to 8 h of UV radiation and, finally, to an extra 8 h of normal light (conventional 16L:8D). Individual ovipositions were recorded during the last 48 h of each treatment. In the second trial, sexually mature pullets which had been allowed to 'free-run' for 14 d under continuous normal illumination (LL), were given, in addition to the normal light, a 12-h period of UV radiation commencing at midday or midnight for a further 15 d. During the final 48 h oviposition times were recorded and 4 food intakes for each 12-h period were determined. 2. In trial 1, mean oviposition time under VDV and UV supplementation was not significantly different from that under the 8L:16D regimen. Transfer to a 16L:8D regimen altered mean time of oviposition by about 4 h. In trial 2, eggs continued to be laid almost at random in all groups. 3. Food intake was suppressed during the 12-h period of UV supplementation compared with that when the birds were not receiving UV. 4. It is concluded that the addition of 8 h of UV radiation (at the intensity used in these studies) to 8 h of normal light does not cause a phase shift in the timing of the 'open-period' for pre-ovulatory luteinising hormone release which determines the time of oviposition. Furthermore, the insertion of 12-h periods of UV into continuous illumination does not entrain egg laying. 5. The suppressing effect of UV on food intake but lack of influence on the timing of the ovulatory cycle suggests that UV (at the intensity used in this study) acts principally at the retinal level and, as a result, stimulates only behavioural responses in laying birds.  相似文献   

作者对广州及珠江三角洲一带地面散养黄黑麻鸡的发病鸡,经与球虫病、禽流感、慢性鸡新城疫的鉴别诊断,确诊为鸡组织滴虫病,继而采用呋喃唑酮0.04%拌料,或甲硝唑0.08%,再加青链霉素及Vc,Vk3等治疗,3天内治愈。  相似文献   

1. The administration of a ten-fold excess of biotin to immature chicks and a 25-fold excess to laying hens had no adverse effect on growth rate, liver weight or liver lipid content. 2. There were no marked effects of excess biotin on glutamate-metabolising enzymes but the specific activity of ATP citrate lyase was decreased.  相似文献   

Nutrition of the host animal may not only influence interactions between the host and its parasites, but also relations between different parasites species residing on the same host. We investigated effects of insoluble and soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) on establishment and development of Heterakis gallinarum in chicken being treated or left untreated against Histomonas meleagridis. Six groups of one-day-old birds were allocated to three diets, two on each diet. The birds were fed ad libitum either a basal diet (CON), or CON+insoluble NSP (I-NSP) or CON+soluble NSP (S-NSP) until an age of 11wk. At an age of 19d, one of each diet groups was prophylactically treated for 9d with dimetridazole (0.05%, w/v) via drinking water against histomonas. The remaining three groups were left un-treated. Two days after starting dimetridazole treatment (at 3wk), each of the 6 groups was divided into two sub-groups. One dimetridazole treated and one dimetridazole un-treated groups of birds on each diet (6 groups) were infected with 200 embryonated eggs of H. gallinarum that were previously harvested from histomonas-carrying H. gallinarum infected chickens. The remaining 6 groups of uninfected birds, either treated or left un-treated against H. meleagridis, served as controls. Worm burdens of infected birds were determined 8wk p.i. Treatment against H. meleagridis significantly increased incidence of H. gallinarum infection and average worm length in all infected groups independent of the diet consumed (p<0.001). An interaction between effects of diet and dimetridazole treatment on worm burden (p<0.001) indicated that the S-NSP diet resulted in lowest worm burden in dimetridazole un-treated birds, whereas it caused the highest worm burden in the treated birds (p<0.05). Furthermore, the treatment resulted in higher worm burdens when compared to un-treated birds on the corresponding diets (p<0.05). Infection with H. gallinarum impaired body weight (BW) of the chicks (p<0.05) and H. meleagridis aggravated this effect (p<0.05). Dimetridazole treated and un-treated uninfected birds developed similar BW (p>0.05). Both NSP supplemented diets resulted in lower (p<0.05) BW when compared with the CON diet, S-NSP being inferior to I-NSP (p<0.05). It is concluded that H. meleagridis harms the definitive host as well as H. gallinarum. Both insoluble and soluble NSP supplemented diets favor H. gallinarum infection while S-NSP additionally intensifies histomonas infection, which then impairs establishment and development of H. gallinarum.  相似文献   

Dwyer medium is the most frequently employed culture medium for Histomonas meleagridis. Both for subculturing and for resuscitation of H. meleagridis from storage in liquid nitrogen, modified Dwyer medium with an increased rice powder concentration (0.8%) and no chicken embryo extract proved superior to Dwyer standard medium, with threefold (10(6.3) vs. 10(5.8) histomonads/ml) to 10-fold (10(6.7) vs. 10(5.8) histomonads/ml) higher concentrations of parasites after resuscitation or subculturing, respectively.  相似文献   

河南某鸡场约4周龄鸡疑似发生鸡组织滴虫病.根据鸡组织滴虫18 S rRNA序列设计引物,提取肝脏、盲肠内客物寄生虫DNA,采用PCR方法检测.结果表明,PCR扩增到与预期大小一致的产物,经测序比对,证实为鸡组织滴虫感染.所建立的PCR方法具有灵敏、特异、快速等优点,不仅能用于鸡组织滴虫病临床诊断,还能用于开展流行病学研...  相似文献   

Histomonas meleagridis is the causative agent of blackhead disease or histomonosis in turkeys, and previous research suggests that this parasite survives poorly outside of hosts except within heterakid nematodes. However, we investigated the viability of H. meleagridis in or on several artificially contaminated materials kept at ambient room temperature (22 +/- 2 C) to mimic the situation in the field. The protozoan survived for up to 1 hr on wood, rubber, and metal; up to 3 hr on egg-tray cartons, egg shells, and bricks; up to 6 hr on straw, turkey feathers, and feed; and up to 9 hr in nonchlorinated tap water and fecal matter. Therefore, contaminated water, fresh fecal matter, or both could play a role in transmission of the parasite within and among poultry houses rather than other materials tested in this study.  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were conducted with laying pullets between 32 and 47 weeks of age. In each trial 1 728 White Leghorn and 1 728 crossbred pullets were used.

2. A series of diets of increasing protein content was offered. Protein quality was identical in all diets and tryptophan was demonstrated to be the most limiting amino acid in the protein mixture used.

3. The daily tryptophan requirement of the individual pullet was estimated, by indirect methods, to be 2.25 mg/g egg output plus 10.25 mg/kg body weight. Response curves for flocks of pullets are illustrated. Calculated optimum intakes of tryptophan for various ratios of costs of input to value of output are tabulated.

4. It is estimated that for a flock of mean body weight 1.5 kg, producing 55 g egg mass/hen d and consuming 110 g food/hen d, the optimum dietary tryptophan concentration is 1.7 g/kg when the marginal cost of supplying 1 kg tryptophan is 20 times the marginal value of 1 kg egg output.  相似文献   

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