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Biosecurity risks are a major threat to the profitability of the industry as well as impacting human and animal health. Livestock producers play a crucial role in biosecurity as the first to notice changes in the health or productivity of their stock and are generally responsible for implementing protective measures. However, uptake of biosecurity measures by producers is variable. We critically appraised the current literature regarding biosecurity practices in Australian livestock industries and highlight aspects that are well understood as well as those where further research or information is needed. Findings from 12 cross-sectional studies suggest that Australian producers' knowledge of biosecurity methods and importance might have a positive influence on their willingness to implement or incorporate biosecurity practices. There is moderate evidence supportive of biosecurity being well understood by livestock producers across Australia. Barriers to producers using biosecurity practices included lack of information or communication from agricultural, veterinary or government organisations. It was found that larger stock numbers were positively correlated with biosecurity implementation and that producers used veterinarians, government and industry agencies as resources for trusted information.  相似文献   


AIMS: To determine within-farm prevalence, longitudinal pattern of exposure measured by serology, antibody titre longevity and point prevalence of shedding in urine of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo and L. interrogans serovar Pomona in naturally infected sheep on a sample of commercial farms in New Zealand.

METHODS: On eight commercial sheep farms, between September 2011 and January 2014, blood samples were collected from 115–217 ewe lambs on each farm, at intervals of 2–11 months. They were analysed by microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for antibodies to L. borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo and L. interrogans serovar Pomona, using a titre cut-point of 48. Urine from 98 animals was tested by quantitative PCR (qPCR). The half-life of antibodies was estimated in 185 sheep for serovar Hardjo and 21 for Pomona, and the seroprevalence and mean titre of animals lost to follow-up was compared with those remaining in the study.

RESULTS: Within-flock seroprevalence for serovar Hardjo reached a maximum at 17–22 months of age, ranging from 79 to 100%. Seroprevalence for serovar Pomona rose above 10% on three farms and increased to 21–54% by 4–14 months. Seroconversions occurred mainly from late autumn to early summer at 7–15 months of age. Seroprevalences ranging from 3 to 76% for serovar Hardjo and 0.5 to 15% for serovar Pomona were observed up to 3 months of age, likely due to maternally derived immunity. The half-life of antibody in response to infection was estimated to be 6.7 (95% CI=5.8–7.9) months for serovar Hardjo and 6.3 (95% CI=4.8–9.0) months for Pomona. The prevalence of sheep with urine positive for leptospires on qPCR on each farm ranged from 11 to 88%. All but one of the qPCR-positive animals were seropositive for serovar Hardjo. On two farms where Pomona exposure was observed, animals that were lost to follow-up had a higher geometric mean titre for serovar Pomona than those remaining in the study.

CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated seasonal exposure from autumn to early summer in young sheep, a wide range of within-flock serological and shedding prevalence, and gives an estimation of the half-life of MAT titres in sheep. More extensive data are needed to fully understand the epidemiology of leptospirosis in sheep flocks across New Zealand and, along with economic analysis, to justify and design cost-effective and efficient control measures to protect human and animal health.  相似文献   

A three-year survey (1997-99) was carried out on organically reared sheep flocks throughout Sweden. The aim was to determine the prevalence and intensity of nematode infections and to establish relationships between sheep management practices and parasite infections. Faecal samples from ewes and lambs were collected from 152 organic flocks around lambing-time and during the grazing-period for analysis. Results were compared with the different management practices that farmers use to prevent parasitism in their flocks. A high proportion of the flocks was infected with nematodes. The most prevalent species were Haemonchus contortus, Teladorsagia circumeincta, Trichostrongylus axei. T. colubriformis and Chabertia ovina and infections progressively increased during summer in lambs grazing on permanent pastures. Severity of parasitic infection in lambs was highly dependent on egg output from the ewes. H. contortus was found in 37% of the flocks, even at latitudes approximating the Polar Circle. Nematodirus battus was recorded for the first time in Sweden during the course of this study. Lambs turned out onto permanent pasture showed higher nematode faecal egg counts (epg) than lambs that had grazed on pastures, which had not carried sheep the previous year. This beneficial effect of lambs grazing non-infected pastures persisted if the ewes were treated with an anthelmintic before turn-out and if the lambs were kept on pastures of low infectivity after weaning. In lambs, the prevalence and the magnitude of their egg counts were higher during autumn in flocks where lambs were slaughtered after 8 months of age, compared with flocks where all lambs were slaughtered before this age. These results will be used in providing advice to farmers of ways to modify their flock management in order to minimise the use of anthelmintics, but at the same time efficiently produce prime lambs.  相似文献   

This paper, the last in a series of reviews of neurological diseases of ruminants in Australia, discusses a range of neurogenetic disorders of cattle, sheep and goats, including necrotising encephalomyelopathy, glycogen storage disorders, cerebellar abiotrophy and β-mannosidosis. They are categorised by the species and breeds in which they occur.  相似文献   

针对我国缺乏自主高产品种、品种资源利用缺乏有效指导导致肉羊单产能力低、羊肉品质差的肉羊种业现状,本文从地方品种保护和利用并重、本品种选育和引入品种相结合、坚持和完善品种登记制度等方面提出加强品种资源利用和管理对策,结合育种投入、育种规划、育种管理、育种技术4方面提出我国新品种培育工作建议,目的是加快推进我国肉羊种业科技创新,构建我国肉羊种业体系。  相似文献   

To deal with the incompleteness of observations and disentangle the complexities of transmission much use has been made of mathematical modelling when investigating the epidemiology of sheep transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) and, in particular, scrapie. Importantly, these modelling approaches allow the incidence of clinical disease to be related to the underlying prevalence of infection, thereby overcoming one of the major difficulties when studying these diseases. Models have been used to investigate the epidemiology of scrapie within individual flocks and at a regional level; to assess the efficacy of different control strategies, especially selective breeding programmes based on prion protein (PrP) genotype; to interpret the results of scrapie surveillance; and to inform the design of surveillance programmes. Furthermore, mathematical modelling has played an important role when assessing the risk to human health posed by the possible presence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in sheep. Here, we review the various approaches that have been taken when developing and analysing mathematical models for the epidemiology and control of sheep TSE and assess their impact on our understanding of these diseases. We also identify areas that require further work, discuss future challenges and identify data gaps.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is an economically significant disease affecting the Australian cattle industry, with losses stemming from decreased production and reproductive performance and control costs. However, these losses can be difficult to appreciate, particularly in endemic regions. Overall, there is a variable but high herd-level seroprevalence in Australia. Despite a potentially high financial burden of the disease, the onus for control ultimately falls on producers and strategies employed will vary between regions. A cross-sectional study, using a postal survey, was conducted in 2013 to evaluate the BVDV knowledge, attitudes and management practices utilised by Australian cattle producers. A total of 192 producers participated in the study, and results indicate that knowledge and attitudes towards disease risk are variable and can be improved. Producer knowledge of how persistently infected (PI) animals are produced was higher than that of disease outcomes or transmission pathways. Implementation of biosecurity practices was limited, with approximately half of respondents employing quarantine procedures for introduced stock and only 2% indicating they would antigen test introduced stock for BVDV. Approximately a third (36%) of producers reported engaging in BVDV control, with the majority of these using vaccination strategies over deliberate exposure to a PI. Knowledge of and engagement with BVDV control was positively influenced by the producer relationships with veterinarians. Findings from this study suggest that building on education and delivering a consistent message among stakeholders would likely improve producer awareness and understanding in relation to BVDV and support decision making in BVDV management.  相似文献   

Objective   To examine the incidence of positive results in a complement fixation test (CFT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Chlamydophila abortus in Australian sheep and how this incidence differs with state of origin, age, sex, breed and property. To examine the consequences in relation to rejection of breeder sheep for export.
Design   Collection of blood samples from 891 sheep on 109 properties in southern Australia. All samples had a unique, coded property identification.
Procedure   The samples were tested using the Institut Pourquier Chlamydophila abortus antibody ELISA (rELISA) and a CFT. Residual maximum likelihood analyses of the sample to positive ratio of the corrected optical density for the rELISA and generalised linear mixed model analyses of the CFT outcomes were carried out.
Results   The sample to positive ratio of the corrected optical density values of the rELISA did not differ between sex, age, breed or state of origin, but differed greatly between properties. The CFT outcome did not differ between age, breed or state of origin, but differed greatly between properties and was more often positive with rams than with ewes.
Conclusion   Positive outcomes to C. abortus antibody tests are very common in Australia. Rams have a particularly high incidence of positive results with the CFT. Rejection of sheep and property consignments is likely to be very common with all tests and situations examined except for the CFT (at 1:32 dilution) in ewes.  相似文献   

Reproduction data of 8689 ewe records spread over 40 years (from 1960 to 2000) representing 2952 breeding Barki ewes were used in this study. The flock belonged to the Desert Research Center in Egypt. Flock dynamics of nine age groups (2–10 yrs) were assessed. Two parameters were used to evaluate flock dynamics, net reproduction rate (Ro) (number of ewe- lambs reaching joining age and produced by each ewe during its lifetime in the flock) and intrinsic rate of increase (rm) (flock growth when no resource is limiting). Age of ewe had a highly significant (P < 0.01) effect on number of ewes lambing per ewe joined (EPJ), number of lambs born per ewe joined (LBJ), number of lambs weaned per ewe joined (LWJ) and number of ewe lambs reaching joining age per ewe joined (LEJ.J). All estimates tended to increase with dams age up to four years and decreased thereafter. The results of Ro and rm showed that the studied flock must consist of 5 age groups to maintain its size and replace itself. It may be recommended to cull the breeding ewe at the age of 6 years to accelerate genetic improvement.  相似文献   

澳大利亚是世界上牛肉出口大国之一,肉牛产业是其重要的支柱产业。我国是澳大利亚重要的牛肉出口国之一,随着我国与澳大利亚自由贸易协议的签订及实施,近几年我国对澳大利亚的牛肉进口量持续快速攀升,2019年跃居澳大利亚牛肉出口国第一位。本文收集汇总了澳大利亚官方发布的相关数据,对2019年澳大利亚肉牛产业发展现状、贸易情况进行追踪,通过分析以期为我国肉牛产业持续健康发展提出借鉴。  相似文献   

为掌握伊吾县牛羊口蹄疫免疫抗体水平,采用液相阻断ELISA抗体检测(LPB-ELISA)方法,收集6个乡镇2019—2021年抽检春秋两季牛1258头、羊2496只,进行时间、地域分布描述。实验显示,口蹄疫A型总体合格率90.86%、90.91%,O型口蹄疫免疫抗体总体合格率94.12%、94.03%,免疫抗体效价大于70%。不同区域前山乡口蹄疫整体免疫水平最高,吐葫芦乡牛A型口蹄疫免疫抗体较低仅为74.67%。结果表明,全县牛羊口蹄疫免疫抗体检测效果整体良好,部分乡镇免疫较低。需做好基层牛羊口蹄疫免疫调研,查找原因,提出了今后的工作方向,加强对防疫员开展从疫苗保存、免疫部位选择、免疫剂量技术指导,特别是动物检疫站监管,为伊吾县畜牧业高质量健康发展提供依据。  相似文献   

Of 1362 sheep examined during two years in Fars Province of Iran, 786 (57.7%) were positive for Sarcocystis spp. The prevalence was significantly higher (p<0.05) in animals owned by nomadic Assyrians (67.95%) than in those owned by local people (41.86%). More of the animals above 2 years age were infected (69.98%) than young ones (30.02%). Females had a higher prevalence of infection (61.07%) than males (38.93%) but most of the males were younger. There was no variation in the infection rate during spring, summer or autumn, but it was low in winter. The species observed were Sarcocystis gigantea, predominantly in oesophagus, S. medusiformis, mainly in diaphragm, S. tenella in the oesophagus, diaphragm, tongue and heart, and S. arieticanis in the oesophagus, tongue and occasionally in the diaphragm. In transmission studies, the prepatent period for S. gigantea and S. medusiformis and for the two microscopic species was 11–13, 10 and 8–12 days, respectively. The infection could not be transmitted to hamsters and guinea-pigs. The macroscopic species were almost non-pathogenic but were responsible for economic losses because of rejection of carcases or parts thereof at slaughter. The microscopic species caused tissue damage to the affected organs, resulting in haemorrhages, mononuclear infiltration and necrotic changes.Abbreviations DPI days post infection  相似文献   

采用羊粪液代替瘤胃液的牧草干物质二级离体消化率和绵羊食道瘗管方法研究高山草原放牧绵羊采食牧草干物质消化率季节动态,结果表明,在草地牧草生长的7月、8月、10月和1月,绵羊食入牧草(DM)消化率分别为61.00±1.96%,58.84±1.93%,51,40±0.84%和40.58±1.13%;同时应用灰色关联度分析方法对放牧绵羊食入牧草消化率限制因素综合分析认为:湿度、CP、NFE是影响消化率的主要因素。  相似文献   

With the new opportunities from DNA technology, multitier breeding schemes have the potential to become more effective and more integrated. Integrated breeding schemes can also be better adapted to account for potential genotype by environment interactions (G × E) between tiers. In this case, phenotypic and genotype information from lower tiers becomes more valuable as it involves measurement of traits that directly represent the breeding objective. The objective of this study was to compare scenarios that represented different selection strategies and their economic effectiveness in fine‐wool commercial sheep operations that exploit multitier breeding structures. Genomic selection (GS) applied in the multiplier and the commercial tier presented the largest additional revenue among all scenarios, as it resulted in the largest amount of genetic progress. The largest benefits from GS were outweighed by the genotyping costs, which made DNA parentage the most feasible strategy for the multiplier tier, resulting in the highest cumulative net present value (CNPV). The benefits of phenotypes and genotype information from the commercial environment were larger in the presence of G × E between the nucleus and the commercial tier. The CNPV was larger with a 50% reduction in genotyping costs, which increased the returns of GS scenarios by 2.7‐fold on average. Higher selection intensity when selecting multiplier rams also resulted in larger benefits. In this case, returns for the breeding scheme were 3.5‐fold higher when 33% of multiplier males were selected based on commercial information, compared to scenarios selecting 50% of the available multiplier rams. The benefits of collecting commercial phenotypes and genotypes were long term, which means that return on investment often took more than 10 years to be achieved, and were largely dependent on two‐stage selection to reduce cost while maintaining selection efficiency and on the cost of a genotype test.  相似文献   

[目的]研究澳洲白羊体质量与体尺指标的相关及回归关系,为肉羊新品种选育提供参考.[方法]采用SPSS19.0软件对6月龄澳洲白羊体质量与体尺指标进行相关性分析、通径分析、逐步回归分析,并对其相关系数进行分解,得出了体质量与体尺指标之间的最优回归方程.[结果]体质量(y)与管围(x6)和胸围(x3)相关性极显著(P<0....  相似文献   

The phylogenetic layout of the genotyped (30 microsatellite) 18 sheep breeds in this study demands and provides the opportunity to evaluate both neutral and adaptive components of genetic diversity in a naturally and artificially selected and subdivided sheep population. Seven Pramenka strains from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia characterized by a very low intensity of artificial selection, preserved the highest neutral genetic variability. Eight central and north‐western European breeds under considerable artificial isolation and selection preserved the lowest genetic variability. Only combinations of various phylogenetic parameters offer a reasonable explanation for underlying evolutionary forces working in the investigated island and mainland sheep breeds under variable natural and artificial selection. More than 60% of total genetic, diversity was allocated to virtually unselected Pramenka strains, and an additional 25% to native moderately selected Graue Gehoernte Heidschnucke and intensively selected Ostfriesische Milchschafe. Some economically very important breeds and strains did not contribute to a pool with maximal genetic diversity, while they play an important role in the cultural heritage of respective countries.  相似文献   

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