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This study was conducted as a trial of using dry whey meal (DWM) as a substitute for fish meal (FM) in practical diets for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Triplicate fish groups were fed on five isonitrogenous (30.2%) and isolipidic (6.9%) diets. The control diet (D1) used FM as the sole protein source. In the other four diets (D2–D5), FM protein was substituted by 25, 50, 75, or 100% DWM. Fish (3.5 ± 0.1 g) were stocked at a rate of 20 fish per 100-L aquarium and fed one of the tested diets up to satiation twice daily for 12 weeks. Fish growth, feed utilization, protein efficiency ratio, apparent protein utilization, and energy utilization for fish fed DWM diets up to 75% FM (D2–D4) tended to be higher but were not statistically different than the control diet. No significant effect of diet was found in whole-body moisture, crude protein, and total ash contents. Whole-body lipid content in fish fed the 100% DWM (D5) diet was significantly higher than that for fish fed the control diet. The optimal replacement level of FM by DWM was estimated by second-order polynomial regression to be 62.5%.  相似文献   

A 63  day–1 feeding trial was conducted under laboratory conditions to evaluate the effects of substituting animal protein with a mixture of plant feedstuffs including 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45% of the protein with torula yeast ( Candida utilis ), 20% with soybean meal and 15% with Alfalfa Leaf Protein Concentrate (ALC), in diets for tilapia ( Oreochromis mossambicus Peters) fry. Feeding efficiency was compared against a diet with fish meal as the sole protein source. Diet nutritional quality was very similar independent of composition, with no differences in growth parameters, but fish fed with 30% yeast diet showed the best growth performance. Diet composition did not affect feed or protein utilization, with the best feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and apparent nitrogen utilization in the 25% yeast diet. Protein digestibility was above 80% for all diets, and no differences in carcass composition were observed. The best incidence cost was obtained with 25% yeast and the highest profit index with 30% yeast, but no statistical differences were observed with the other treatments. The results suggest that it is possible to replace up to 65% of animal protein with a mixture of plant proteins, including 30% from torula yeast, in tilapia fry diets without adverse effects on fish performance and culture profit.  相似文献   

To evaluate isolated pea protein as feed ingredient for tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles, triplicate groups were fed with four isonitrogenous [crude protein: 421.1–427.5 g kg−1 in dry matter (d.m.)] and isoenergetic (gross energy: 20.46–21.06 MJ kg−1 d.m.) diets with varying protein sources for 8 weeks. Fish meal-based protein content of diets was substituted with 0% (diet 100/0=control group), 30% (diet 70/30), 45% (diet 55/45) and 60% (diet 40/60) isolated pea protein. Tilapia juveniles with an initial body weight of 2.23–2.27 g were fed in average at a level of 5% of their body weight per day. Highest individual weight gain (WG: 21.39 g) and specific growth rate (SGR: 4.21% day−1) and best feed conversion ratio (FCR: 0.90) were observed in tilapia fed diet 100/0, followed by fish-fed diet 70/30 (WG: 19.09 g; SGR: 4.03% day−1; FCR: 0.98), diet 55/45 (WG: 16.69 g; SGR: 3.80% day−1; FCR: 1.06) and diet 40/60 (WG: 16.18 g; SGR: 3.74% day−1; FCR: 1.06). Although fish fed diet 100/0 showed the best performance, inclusion of 30% protein derived from pea protein isolate resulted in a growth performance (in terms of WG and SGR) that did not differ significantly from diet 100/0 in contrast to fish fed diet 55/45 and 40/60. Crude ash content in the final body composition of the experimental fish decreased with increasing dietary pea protein content, while crude protein and lipid content remained equal between the groups. Significant decreasing growth performance and body ash incorporation of tilapia at higher inclusion levels seem to be mainly related to the dietary amino acid profile and phytic acid contents.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) values for mechanically extracted meal derived from roquette (Eruca sativa) seeds were obtained. The digestibility of dry matter (DM), protein and energy was measured using an inert marker in the diets and by faeces collection using the dissection method. Soybean meal and roquette meal had similar ADC values for protein and energy. Roquette seed meal was thereafter evaluated as a protein source in diets (400‐g crude protein, 120‐g crude lipid and 18.00 MJ gross energy kg?1 DM) fed to African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, fingerlings (10.4±0.4 g) to apparent satiation twice daily for 70 days. The test diets contained roquette seed meal as replacement for soybean meal protein in a control diet, providing 20%, 40% or 60% of the total protein. Catfish mortality was low (<10%) and not diet related. Substituting soybean meal protein with roquette seed meal protein providing 20% of total protein did not affect weight gain, growth response, feed conversion ratio, protein utilization or carcass composition of catfish. Catfish growth was, however, retarded and feed was poorly utilized only when roquette seed meal provided above 20% of total protein, caused by reduced energy digestibility, deficiencies in some essential amino acids and presence of antinutritional factors. Livers of catfish fed high dietary levels of roquette seed meal showed severe histological abnormalities.  相似文献   

A plant protein mixture (PPM) was tested to replace fish meal (FM) in diets for juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Fish averaging (±SD) 3.7±0.14 g were divided into 15 groups. Three groups were fed each of five isonitrogenous (33.6%) and isocaloric (4.7 kcal g?1) diets replacing 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the FM protein with similar percentages of PPM (PPM0, PPM25, PPM50, PPM75 or PPM100 respectively). The PPM consisted of 25% soybean meal, 25% cottonseed meal, 25% sunflower meal and 25% linseed meal, and 0.5% of both methionine and lysine were added to each diet except for the control. After 16 weeks of feeding, the fish fed diets PPM75 and PPM100 exhibited growth performance not differing significantly from the fish fed control diet. PPM substitution of up to 75% of the FM protein did not result in differences in the apparent protein digestibility compared with the control, whereas in the PPM100 group digestibility was significantly lower than in the other groups, except for fish fed the PPM75 diet. The incorporation of PPM in diets did not significantly affect whole‐body dry matter, protein, fat or energy compared with the control. The cost–benefit analyses of the test diets indicated that the PPM diets were economically superior to FM. The protein from PPM can completely replace the FM protein in the diets for Nile tilapia, based on the results of this study.  相似文献   

Fishery processing by‐products are a large resource from which to produce fishmeal and other products for a variety of uses. In this study, testes meal (TM) produced from pink salmon processing by‐product was evaluated as a functional ingredient in aquafeeds. Nile tilapia and rainbow trout fry were fed five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental diets for 4 and 9 weeks respectively. Two diets were fishmeal‐based (FM) and three were plant protein‐based (PP). Salmon TM was added to the FM and PP diets at 7% to replace 20% of fishmeal protein (FMTM and PPTM respectively). An additional control diet was prepared in which fishmeal was added to the PP diet to supply an equivalent amount of protein as supplied by TM (PPFM). Inclusion of TM in both the FM‐ and PP‐based diets resulted in higher final body weights, although differences were only significant between rainbow trout fed FM or FMTM diets. Similar differences were calculated for other indices of fish performance, e.g. specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and protein retention efficiency. Feed intake was significantly higher for fish fed FMTM compared with FM in rainbow trout. For tilapia, final weights were numerically higher, but not significantly different for fish fed diets containing TM compared with non‐TM diets (FM vs. FMTM; PP vs. PPTM). Performance of trout or tilapia fed the PPFM diet did not increase compared with the PP diet. The results indicate that TM addition to both FM and PP diets increased feed intake and also increased metabolic efficiency, demonstrating that TM can be a functional ingredient in aquafeeds.  相似文献   

Camelina meal (Camelina sativa) (CM) is a potential protein source for aquaculture feeds, on account of its crude protein level (380 g kg?1) and inclusion of most indispensable amino acids. Two experiments were conducted with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Rainbow trout (44.9 g fish?1) were fed diets with CM at 0 g kg?1 (0% CM), 70 g kg?1 (7% CM), 140 g kg?1 (14% CM) or 210 g kg?1 (21% CM) for 12 weeks at 14 °C in freshwater, and salmon (241.8 g fish?1) were fed diets with CM at 0 g kg?1 (0% CM), 80 g kg?1 (8% CM), 160 g kg?1 (16% CM) or 240 g kg?1 (24% CM) for 16 weeks at 14 °C in sea water. Growth, lipid and amino acid tissue compositions were compared between species. Trout could tolerate up to 14% CM diets without affecting the growth compared to the control, while salmon fed ≥8% CM gained less weight than the control (P = 0.008). The feed conversion ratio in trout fed 21% CM was higher than the control (P = 0.002), and feed intake in salmon fed ≥8% CM was lower than the control (P = 0.006). Trout fatty acid and amino acid composition showed minimal differences between CM‐fed and control‐fed fish, while salmon showed significant alterations after feeding CM diets. Multivariate analyses emphasized differences in tissue composition between species fed CM diets.  相似文献   

Aquaculture development in Ghana is currently limited by inadequate supply of fingerlings and prohibitive cost of commercial feeds among other challenges. This study tested the feasibility of using low‐cost feeds containing soybean meal instead of fishmeal for nursing Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry. Three isonitrogenous (~48% crude protein) and isoenergetic (~17 kJ/g) diets with increasing inclusions of soybean meal as partial replacements for fishmeal were formulated. A commercial fishmeal‐based fry feed served as the control diet. Triplicate groups of 225 fish per tank (average initial weight: 2.09 ± 0.14 g) were stocked in a recirculating aquaculture system and fed the experimental diets for 21 days. Afterwards, we investigated the postprandial metabolism, nutrient digestibility, growth and gut histology in Nile tilapia fry. Simple economic analyses were also conducted to assess the cost‐effectiveness of the diets used in the feed trial. The dietary inclusions of the soybean meal significantly reduced feed cost by ~43% relative to the control diet. The growth performance and feed utilization parameters did not vary significantly among the different treatments. The soybean diets elicited significant reductions in villi heights and goblet cell numbers, which corresponded with increasing dietary levels of soybean meal. This study confirms the potential of soybean meal as a partial replacement for fishmeal in Nile tilapia fry diets in terms of lower feed costs, fish growth performance, nutrient digestibility and postprandial nitrogenous excretions. The inclusion of soybean, however, affected negatively the gut integrity of the fry.  相似文献   

Fifty‐six days feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of Cirina butyrospermi caterpillar meal (CBM) as protein source in replacement of fish meal (FM) for Clarias gariepinus fingerlings. Six hundred African catfish (initial mean weight = 2.42 ± 0.01 g) were fed with four approximate isonitrogenous (48.97% crude protein), isolipidic (15.85% crude lipid) and isocaloric (21.10 kJg?1) formulated diets, in which CBM progressively replaced FM at 0 (D1), 50 (D2), 75 (D3), 100% (D4) levels. At the end of the trial period, the best growth performance and nutritional utilization were observed in the group of fish fed with D2 and was not significantly different from those fed with D1 (the control diet). The survival rates, which ranged from 85.33% to 90.33%, were not significantly different among fish from the four diet treatments. The proximate whole‐body composition of C. gariepinus fingerlings fed the different diets showed similar moisture and protein contents. However, in contrary to ash which decreased, whole‐body lipid increased significantly when fish fed with diet containing CBM inclusion superior or equal to 75% (D3 and D4). The higher gross profit was obtained with D2 (16.73$), while the lowest was observed with D4 (10.16$). This study demonstrates that 50% of fish meal can successfully be replaced with CBM in C. gariepinus fingerlings diet without a negative impact on growth or feed utilization. This will yield a cheaper feeding for profitable production of African catfish fingerlings.  相似文献   

Potato protein concentrate (PPC) is a promising candidate as a fish meal (FM) substitute because it has high protein and essential amino acid content. In the present study, we replaced FM in greater amberjack diets with PPC to investigate the effect on growth and feed utilization. Four isonitrogenous, isolipidic and isocaloric experimental diets were prepared by substituting 0, 20, 40 and 60% of FM protein with PPC (Control, P20, P40 and P60 respectively). The in vitro protein digestibility of protein in PPC was 88.8%, relative to 100% protein in the FM. The in vitro protein digestibility of protein in the experimental diets also decreased with increasing PPC and was lowest at 84.2% in P60. After the 7‐week feeding trial, final body weight, weight gain and thermal growth coefficient tended to decrease with increasing PPC and were significantly lower in P60 than in the control (p < .05). Further, fish fed with diets P40 and P60 showed significantly lower feed conversion and protein efficiency ratios than the control group (p < .05). In conclusion, the results suggest that PPC can replace up to 20% of FM in the diet of greater amberjack without compromising the growth performance or feed efficiency.  相似文献   

A 12‐week growth trial was conducted to evaluate corn gluten meal as an alternative protein source to fish meal in diets for gilthead sea bream juveniles. The experimental diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isoenergetic and to have 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of fish meal protein, the only protein source in the control diet, replaced by corn gluten meal. At the end of the growth trial only the group fed the diet with 80% corn gluten protein exhibited significantly reduced growth and feed efficiency compared with the fish meal‐based diet. This was most likely due to a dietary amino acid deficiency in that diet. A trend was noticed for feed efficiency to improve with the replacement of fish meal protein in the diets up to 60%. There were no significant differences among groups in protein and energy retention (as percentage of intake). At the end of the trial whole body water content of the experimental groups was significantly lower and the lipid content of groups including 60% and 80% corn gluten protein was significantly higher than that in the control. No other differences were observed in whole body composition among groups. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of the diets were evaluated in a separate trial. The ADC of dry matter of the experimental diets was significantly higher than in the control diet; there were no significant differences among diets in the ADC of energy and protein, except for the ADC of protein of diet with 80% corn gluten protein, which was significantly lower than the control. The results of this study indicate that corn gluten meal can replace up to 60% fish meal protein in diets for gilthead sea bream juveniles with no negative effects on fish performance.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of tilapia culture has stimulated the expansion of tilapia feed production and a search for novel protein sources to replace fish meal. Vegetable or plant sources are promising alternatives and legumes are both naturally abundant and high in protein content. A study was carried out to evaluate the effects of replacing the protein from fish meal with peanut ( Arachis hypogaea ) leaf meal (PLM) in diets for male tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus , initial body weight 75.3 g). Four isonitrogenous (35% CP) and isocaloric (18.834 kJ g−1) diets were prepared to include 0% (CON), 10% (PLM10), 20% (PLM20) and 30% (PLM30) of PLM protein. Average fish weights at the end of the 126-day experiment were not statistically different among the fish fed CON, PLM10 and PLM20 diets. The PLM30 diet produced the poorest growth performance. Organic matter and protein contents of fish were similar in the CON, PLM10 and PLM20 diets. Carcass chemical composition showed a decrease in body fat content as PLM replacement levels increased. The high survival ratio in all dietary groups (>97%) suggests that PLM can be used in O. niloticus feeds for long periods without affecting fish growth performance or health.  相似文献   

This study investigated sunflower seed meal (SSM) as dietary protein replacement of fish meal (FM) for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles (initial mean weight of 19.8 ± 6.3 g) reared in earthen ponds for 210 days. SSM replaced 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% (i.e., D25, D50, D75, and D100, respectively) of FM in an isonitrogenous and isocaloric diet. The optimum FM replacement level of D25 as predicted by the equation y = 177.5 + 26.5x – 7.9x2 yielded an optimum weight of about 184 g within 100 days. Thus D25 was the most effective SSM level for Nile tilapia growth in earthen ponds. Fish growth declined as SSM exceeded D25. The length-weight relationship (r ≥ 90%) depicted an isometric fish growth. Nutrient utilization parameters were similar in all the diets except for D100. The protein content of fish carcass was highest in the control and D25, while fiber level was highest in D100. Amino acids imbalance and high fiber content could have reduced the fish growth at D50, D75, and D100.  相似文献   

A 57‐day feeding trial was designed to assess the potential of corn gluten meal (CGM) as a plant protein source in practical feeds for white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Five experimental diets providing 350 g kg?1 protein and 110 g kg?1 lipid were prepared, where 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of fishmeal (FM) protein was substituted by protein from CGM. The results showed that partial or complete replacement of FM with CGM did not affect survival. The growth of the shrimp declined as the levels of CGM increased, diets containing CGM showing a significantly lower final weight (3.2–5.9 g) and specific growth rates (1.7–2.7% per day) compared to those fed on the diet with 0 CGM (7.1 g and 3.0% per day). Feed conversion ratio was also significantly affected by CGM level. The inclusion of CGM resulted in a statistical decrease in the apparent digestibility (AD) of dry matter from 77.9% to 66.0% and in AD of protein from 80.5% to 52.0%, of feed. The AD of amino acids, with the exception of lysine, declined with the dietary incorporation of CGM. In summary, reduced palatability, low protein digestibility and a deficiency of lysine and methionine seem to be the major reasons behind a depressed growth in shrimp fed on CGM protein‐based diets.  相似文献   

A recirculating aquaculture system with farmed tilapia is the most popular combination in aquaponics, an integration of aquaculture and hydroponics. Despite nutrient‐rich fish‐rearing water being regarded as a valuable resource for aquaponics, the quality and value of inhabitant microorganisms are certainly understudied. Our present research illustrates the feasibility of the tilapia‐rearing water as a valuable source of beneficial microorganisms called plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB). Microbial communities were examined with a combination of culture‐independent high‐throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing and cultivation methods. Microbial communities determined using high‐throughput sequencing indicated the usefulness of Bacteroidetes and Alphaproteobacteria as beneficial microbial indicators to assess the health condition of recirculating aquaculture systems. Siderophore production, ammonia production and phosphate solubilization assays were used for screening and 41% of isolates were identified as plant growth promoting bacteria. These bacteria were classified as Actinobacteria (eight strains [32% in total], Dietzia, Gordonia, Microbacterium, Mycobacterium and Rhodococcus), Bacilli (six strains [24%], Bacillus and Paenibacillus), Flavobacteriia (one strain [4%], Myroides), Betaproteobacteria (two strains [8%], Acidovorax and Chromobacterium) and Gammaproteobacteria (eight strains [32%], Aeromonas, Plesiomonas and Pseudomonas). We found that the tilapia‐rearing water naturally contained various lineages of PGPB and could be esteemed as a worthy seed bank of PGPB. Because aquaponics is a difficult system to use pesticides and herbicides, the role of PGPB to prevent plant pathogens and maintain healthy root system may be more important than traditional agricultural settings.  相似文献   

Four isocaloric‐isonitrogenous diets containing 0, 50, 100 and 190 g/kg corn protein concentrate (CPC) as replacement for dietary fish meal were fed to Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings for 8 weeks. Tilapia growth parameters were not significantly (p > .05) different in fish fed diets with 0, 50 and 100 g/kg CPC and found to be superior compared to those fed on 190 g/kg CPC. Fish dressing ratios and body composition were similar among all treatments. The electron microscope indicated that the stomach size of control fish was slightly smaller and the wall was thinner while the stomach of the fish fed all other levels of CPC undergone a remarkable size increase and their walls were thicker after feeding diets with CPC. Total aerobic bacterial and coliform counts were significantly decreased in fish intestine when fed diets with 100 and 190 g/kg CPC compared with fish fed diets with 0 g/kg or 50 g/kg CPC. This study indicates that it is possible to replace up to 534 g/kg of dietary fish meal in tilapia fingerlings using 100 g/kg of CPC without any negative effect on fish growth and proximate body composition.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the replacement value of Cassia fistula seed meal (CFM) for soybean meal (SBM) in practical diets of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings. Five practical diets (350 g kg?1 crude protein) containing 0 g kg?1 (control), 170 g kg?1 (diet II), 340 g kg?1 (diet III), 509 g kg?1 (diet IV) and 670 g kg?1 (diet V) substitution levels of CFM for SBM were formulated and fed to triplicate groups of O. niloticus fingerlings (mean initial weight of 10.22 ± 0.03 g) for 70 days. Fish mortality increased linearly with increase in inclusion levels of CFM in the diet. Growth and diet utilization efficiency were depressed in fish fed diets containing CFM at varying inclusion levels. Feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio of O. niloticus fed on diet containing 170 g kg?1 substitution level of CFM were similar (P > 0.05) to the control diet. Digestibility of the different diets decreased with increase in inclusion levels of CFM. Fish fed diet containing 670 g kg?1 CFM had significantly lower carcass protein. However, no significant differences were observed in carcass protein and lipid contents between fish fed the control diets and diet containing 170 g kg?1 CFM. The most efficient diet in terms of cost per unit weight gain of fish was obtained in 170 g kg?1 CFM dietary substitution.  相似文献   

Two groups of isonitrogenous diets formulated by replacing 15%, 25%, 35% and 45% of fish meal protein by amaranth meal and quinoa meal were used to evaluate the performance of Litopenaeus vannamei. Growth showed significant reduction (P < 0.05) in the group of shrimp fed with amaranth diets, with diet A15 showing the best specific growth rate (SGR = 2.81% day?1), but after the control diet AQ0 (3.07% day?1). Diet A15 had significantly (P < 0.05) the best digestibility of dry matter (79.7%) and protein (88.4%) without differences compared to control diet AQ0 (75.1% and 85.2%). Replacement with quinoa meal at any level tested did not significantly affect (P > 0.05) the shrimp growth performance. Shrimp fed with quinoa diets showed better SGR (3.05% day?1) than those shrimp fed with amaranth (2.56% day?1). No differences in feed conversion ratio appeared in either of the protein sources, but quinoa diets presented a better average (3.13) than amaranth diets (4.01). The apparent digestibility of dry matter and protein for quinoa diets was similar for all diets, but they were statistically different (P < 0.05) from the control diet. We conclude that quinoa meal can replace fishmeal up to 45%, whereas it can be replaced with amaranth meal up to 15%, without adverse effects on growth and survival.  相似文献   

Diets, containing dehulled, solvent-extracted soybean meal in amounts corresponding to 0. 20 and 40% soybean protein of total protein, were fed for 10 months to duplicate groups of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., weighing about 900 g, held in sea water. Fish fed the diet containing 20% soybean protein grew as well as fish fed the diet with high-quality fish meal as the sole protein source, whilst the fish fed the diet containing 40% soybean protein grew significantly less. No significant differences were found for dressing percentage, condition factor or relative liver weight between the dietary treatments. Fish fed the control or the 20% soybean meal (SBM) diets were not significantly different in body fat content, whilst this was significantly lower in the fish fed the 40% SBM diet. There were no significant differences between the dietary treatments in body protein content. Inclusion of SBM seemed to affect neither carcass calcium, carcass zinc, nor plasma calcium, magnesium or potassium. The plasma zinc content increased and plasma iron decreased by inclusion of SBM in the diets, probably reflecting dietary contents of zinc and iron. Liver iron was not affected. Plasma phosphate was significantly decreased by inclusion of SBM in the diet, whilst plasma glucose, total protein and haemoglobin were not affected. For plasma free amino acids, the only significant differences were a decrease in taurine with increasing SBM inclusion and methionine was significantly higher for the SBM groups than for the control groups.  相似文献   

Camelina meal Camelina sativa (CM) is a potential protein source in aquaculture feeds, because of its crude protein level (39%) and essential amino acids. Two feeding experiments were conducted with Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Cod in Experiment I (19.4 g fish?1) were fed diets with 0%, 12% or 24% CM for 9.5 weeks at 10°C; and cod in Experiment II (14.4 g fish?1) were fed diets with 0%, 15%, 30% or 40% CM for 13 weeks at 10°C. Growth, lipid and amino acid tissue composition were compared amongst cod fed varying levels of CM. In Experiment I, cod could tolerate the highest level of CM inclusion (24%) without affecting growth compared to cod fed the control diet. In Experiment II, growth performance was significantly affected at 30% CM inclusion compared to the control treatment, and cod fed 15% CM displayed some signs of depressed growth (reduced feed intake and weight gain). Both treatment and duration were interacting factors (P = 0.015) that determined growth performance when comparing both experiments. Muscle tissue composition was relatively unaltered with less than 30% CM inclusion; however, multivariate statistics revealed significant differences in muscle tissue fatty acid composition between cod fed 40% CM and the control diet. The tissue amino acid profile was generally unaltered because the dietary amino acid profile was consistent after CM inclusion. A few antinutritive compounds in CM may have affected palatability in diets with greater than 30% CM inclusion, which may have resulted in reduced growth performance.  相似文献   

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