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与草本饲料相比,木本饲料具有营养丰富、种类繁多、经济实惠、蛋白质和灰分含量较高等特点。近年来,随着全球范围内对木本饲料的重视,木本饲料相关研究逐步回暖,特别是木本饲料种质资源筛选的研究发展较快。我国木本饲料树种极为丰富,储量巨大,但由于木本饲料种质资源筛选研究进展缓慢,使得木本饲料资源开发利用相对滞后。为促进木本饲料种质资源的筛选,加强我国木本饲料的开发力度,本研究对北方常见的11种木本饲料树种饲用部分的营养成分进行测定,比较11种木本饲料树种粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、灰分等主要成分的差异,结合统计学方法筛选出营养丰富、适宜家畜采食、绿色无公害、可广泛在北方高寒地区发展的木本饲料树种资源,以期为北方高寒地区开发木本饲料资源提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

木本饲料作为一种新型饲料资源,具有资源丰富、营养价值较高和饲喂效果良好等优势,已成为近年来饲料行业关注的热点。文章分析木本饲料资源开发利用的意义,以构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)和辣木(Moringa oleifera) 2种常见木本饲料为例,综述木本饲料的营养价值、利用方式及其在单胃动物生产中的应用效果,为木本饲料的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

木本饲料作为一种新型植物饲料资源,越来越受到研究者们的重视。开发和利用木本植物饲料,有利于缓解我国传统饲料资源日趋紧张的状况,促进我国畜牧业长期稳定绿色健康的发展。近年来国内外学者对木本饲料问题进行了大量的研究并取得了丰硕的成果。本文主要对木本饲料的研究进行较为系统性的阐述,内容主要涉及辣木、柠条、桑树、构树四种木本饲料资源方面的研究,以期为该领域的进一步研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

在我国传统饲料资源日趋紧张的现实情况下,木本饲料作为一种待开发的饲料资源,日益受到研究者们的重视。开发利用木本植物饲料资源,对促进我国畜牧业稳定发展意义重大。对国内外木本饲料的发展和利用现状进行总结;综述木本饲料的特点、营养价值及在草食动物、单胃动物和水产动物上的饲喂效果,旨在为木本饲料的研究和开发提供参考依据。  相似文献   

高蛋白木本饲料开发利用研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国木本饲料资源丰富,具有产量、粗蛋白含量高等营养特点,开发并合理利用木本饲料可以缓解蛋白质饲料资源紧缺问题。文章综述了高蛋白木本饲料的饲用价值及开发现状、加工调制技术,总结了木本饲料对单胃动物、反刍家畜的饲喂效果及其组合效应的研究成果,并提出叶蛋白开发和组合效应机制研究等方面的展望。  相似文献   

木本饲料是一种新型的非常规饲料,富含多种氨基酸、维生素和有机物,营养价值丰富,且大部分木本饲料植物粗蛋白质含量较高,可作为优良的蛋白质饲料资源,有效利用能够缓解蛋白质资源匮乏对畜牧业发展的严重制约。但由于抗营养因子的存在,未经处理的木本饲料直接饲喂牲畜适口性较差、消化利用率不高,而通过青贮处理能有效地减少饲料营养物质的损失、提高适口性、改善其营养成分、提升饲喂效果,现已成为一种重要的处理方式。作者基于国内外对木本饲料青贮的相关研究,围绕不同木本饲料营养价值的评定、青贮原料选取、青贮添加剂(化学添加剂、乳酸菌添加剂、酶制剂和营养型添加剂)对青贮发酵的影响、木本饲料与不同原料(禾本科牧草、不同的木本饲料、农业副产品等)混合青贮技术及其对发酵的影响、木本饲料成功青贮后营养成分特征及木本青贮饲料在各项饲喂试验中对不同动物的饲喂效果等方面的研究进展进行系统地综述,并针对木本饲料的研究现状及资源重要性对其未来发展提出建议和展望,以期为木本青贮饲料的后续开发和实际生产应用提供参考。  相似文献   

木本饲用植物资源的开发及生产应用研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文论述了木本饲料的概念及特点,分析了木本饲料对我国畜牧业发展的重大意义和开发前景。在对国内外木本饲料发展史进行回顾和对当前我国木本饲用植物资源开发利用状况总结的基础上,本研究将我国木本伺用植物资源分为针叶乔木、阔叶乔木、灌木及半灌木、木质藤本和竹类6种类型并对每类饲用植物资源进行了分析评述。文章综述了木本饲料的饲用价值和饲喂效果,并从生产加工途径、毒性及脱毒技术方面对木本饲料的生产加工技术进行了探讨,最后针对我国木本饲用植物资源的状况,提出了挖掘资源、综合开发、加强科研、引种驯化的发展战略。  相似文献   

本文将我国木本饲料植物资源分为针叶乔木、阔叶乔木、灌木、半灌木和竹类5种类型,并综合分析了木本饲料的营养价值;概述了以非洲、美洲、亚洲地区为代表的国外及我国对木本饲料植物资源的开发利用现状,分析了木本饲料植物利用的限制因子并提出解决措施;最后针对我国木本饲料植物资源的状况,提出了重视科研、加强引种驯化和发挥综合效益的发展战略。  相似文献   

木本饲料是目前全球热门的新型饲料资源。由于我国饲料原料缺乏,积极发展木本饲料对我国畜牧业扩容具有重要意义。为促进木本饲料产业在我国的发展,文章从应用现状、存在问题、发展潜力等方面分析了我国发展木本饲料产业面临的机遇和挑战,提出了促进我国木本饲料产业发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

对河南省焦作地区木本饲料植物资源多样性进行了调查,提出了焦作地区木本饲料植物资源保护及其综合开发利用的发展策略。  相似文献   

广州动物园草食动物饲用木本植物的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象草是广州动物园草食动物的主要青饲料,但在冬季和早春季节象草供应量不足,且营养价值明显下降。洋蹄甲、山指甲和小叶榕是广州常见的3种常绿木本植物,但没有作为饲料的报道。我们通过动物的喜食程度比较,饲养效果观察,植物冬季营养成分分析以及抗营养因子胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性的测定,发现这3种植物适宜广州动物园草食类动物的食用,特别是在冬季和早春可以用来替代部分象草,以弥补象草供应的不足。  相似文献   

Many rangeland processes are driven by microclimate and associated ecohydrological dynamics. Most rangelands occur in drylands where evapotranspiration normally dominates the water budget. In these water-limited environments plants can influence abiotic and biotic processes by modifying microclimate factors such as soil temperature and potential soil evaporation. Previous studies have assessed spatial variation in microclimate and associated ecohydrological attributes within an ecosystem (e.g., under vs. between woody canopies) or across ecosystems (e.g., with differing amounts of woody canopy cover), but generally lacking are assessments accounting systematically for both, particularly for evergreen woody plants. Building on recently quantified trends in near-ground solar radiation associated with a piñon–juniper gradient spanning 5% to 65% woody canopy cover, we evaluated trends in soil temperature and associated estimates of potential soil evaporation as a function of amount of woody canopy cover for sites overall and for associated canopy vs. intercanopy locations. Quantified soil temperature trends decreased linearly with increasing woody canopy cover for intercanopy as well as canopy patches, indicating the coalescing influence of individual canopies on their neighboring areas. Notably, intercanopy locations within high-density (65%) woody canopy cover could be as much as ~10°C cooler than intercanopy locations within low-density (5%) cover. Corresponding potential soil evaporation rates in intercanopies within high-density woody canopy cover was less than half that for intercanopies within low density. Our results highlight ecohydrological consequences of density-dependent shading by evergreen woody plants on soil temperature and potential soil evaporation and enable managers to rapidly estimate and compare approximate site microclimates after assessing amounts of woody canopy cover. Such predictions of microclimate have general utility for improving management of rangelands because they are a fundamental driver of many key processes, whether related to understory forage and herbaceous species or to wildlife habitat quality for game or nongame species.  相似文献   

通过资料查阅、野外调查、农户访谈及专家咨询,建立贵州威宁喀斯特山区野生饲用植物数据库,分析该区野生饲用植物的科、属和种构成;依据家畜对不同饲用植物的采食性差异,将该区野生饲用植物划分为优、良、中和劣4级,并对其饲用特性及家畜配置进行分析。结果表明,威宁喀斯特山区有野生饲用植物55科227属384种,草本和木本分别占总饲用植物种类的76%和24%;优势科为禾本科、豆科、菊科、蔷薇科和莎草科等10科,其中,禾本科、豆科和莎草科中的优良饲用植物多,具较高饲用价值;木本饲用植物主要为豆科(26种)和蔷薇科(23种)。综合分析认为,威宁喀斯特山区具有特殊生物活性物质的饲用灌木,可作为家畜冬季补饲料组分和生物保健药添加剂,该区草山草坡宜不同类型家畜混合放牧利用,中等饲用价值饲草可作冬季补饲料、天然草地利用与栽培草地建设并重。  相似文献   

Root plowing is a common management practice to reduce woody vegetation and increase herbaceous forage for livestock on rangelands. Our objective was to test the hypotheses that four decades after sites are root plowed they have 1) lower plant species diversity, less heterogeneity, greater percent canopy cover of exotic grasses; and 2) lower abundance and diversity of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals, compared to sites that were not disturbed by root plowing. Pairs of 4-ha sites were selected for sampling: in each pair of sites, one was root plowed in 1965 and another was not disturbed by root plowing (untreated). We estimated canopy cover of woody and herbaceous vegetation during summer 2003 and canopy cover of herbaceous vegetation during spring 2004. We trapped small mammals and herpetofauna in pitfall traps during late spring and summer 2001–2004. Species diversity and richness of woody plants were less on root-plowed than on untreated sites; however, herbaceous plant and animal species did not differ greatly between treatments. Evenness of woody vegetation was less on root-plowed sites, in part because woody legumes were more abundant. Abundance of small mammals and herpetofauna varied with annual rainfall more than it varied with root plowing. Although structural differences existed between vegetation communities, secondary succession of vegetation reestablishing after root plowing appears to be leading to convergence in plant and small animal species composition with untreated sites.  相似文献   

The dietary composition of the semiferal cattle population in the Alberes Natural Park in northeastern Spain was determined four times per year, from June 2002 to February 2004, by microhistological analysis of a total of 120 fecal samples. Woody species, mainly the Quercus and Erica genera, formed the bulk of the diet, reaching 89% of it in winter. However, in spring and summer, the proportion of woody and herbaceous species varied between samples, depending on the habitat where they were collected. The forest samples contained 67% woody species in summer, whereas grassland samples only contained 44%. The results showed that the Alberes cattle population grazed actively in Mediterranean forests and consumed a high proportion of the most combustible species, such as the Erica genus (39% of the epidermal fragments in winter samples). Even when grassland habitat was utilized, in spring and summer, one-third of the diet was from woody species. Some bovines, such as the Alberes cattle breed, can therefore survive year-round in a forest habitat with little forage supplementation, and the consumption of a predominantly woody diet would be expected to reduce forest fire hazards.  相似文献   

测定了20种热带木本饲料的主要营养成分含量,并通过饲料相对值、干物质体外消化率、代谢能等指标进行营养价值评价。结果表明:20种热带木本饲料干物质平均含量为34.37%,有机物平均含量为93.98%,粗蛋白平均含量为12.67%,粗脂肪平均含量为4.01%,酸性洗涤纤维平均含量为30.18%,中性洗涤纤维平均含量为37.05%,平均饲料相对值为181.52%,平均干物质体外消化率为55.67%,平均代谢能为8.83 MJ/kg。饲料相对值由低到高顺序为:圆叶舞草(结荚期)<卵叶山蚂蝗(营养期)<洋金凤(营养期) <大叶山蚂蝗(结荚期)<糙伏山蚂蝗(营养期)<山毛豆(花期) <牛大力(营养期)<牛大力(结果期)<盾柱木(营养期)<木蓝(结荚期)<银柴(花期)<木豆(营养期)<儿茶(结荚期)<牛大力(花期)<盾柱木(结荚期)<两粤黄檀(营养期)<土密树(营养期)<银柴(结果期)<猪屎豆(结荚期)<银柴(营养期)<儿茶(营养期)<坡柳(营养期)<银合欢(花期)<红背山麻杆(花期)<儿茶(花期)<红背山麻杆(营养期)<凤凰木(结荚期)<山乌桕(营养期)。综合来看,本研究中木本饲料具有干物质、有机物、粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量较高,饲料相对值、干物质体外消化率和代谢能高,纤维成分含量低等特点,是优质的粗饲料资源。  相似文献   

试论草业系统工程结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜恕 《草地学报》2005,13(3):248-252
草业系统工程的结构是有关草业发展的战略问题。重点阐述了下述意见:1.草业与农林三者鼎立,不同于以往的农林牧提法。一字之差,不仅提高了草业在大农业上的地位,而且扭转了只重有实利可图的畜,而把其基础第一性的草业抛于脑后的逐利忘本、置草原退化荒废于不顾的思想根源。种草才能获得畜牧业的合理持续发展。2.在振兴草业的诸项大纲中栽培草本最受重视。不仅项目较多,而且那些与人、畜应用有共轭关系的受到特别强调。因为这是提高草地畜牧业产值的一条重要途径。3.把灌木(灌丛)纳入草业合乎草地类型和家畜食性的实际,是扩大草业资源、保护草原的战略措施。同时,把混牧林和林产品采食的现有习惯看作草和林的结合与联系,而不必勉强划归草业。  相似文献   

Much of the world's rangeland is dominated by woody species. Competing land uses and continued encroachment of woody species into non–woody-dominated rangelands have reduced grasslands in many parts of the world. Land use conversions to fuel and feed global populations, especially the increasing number of middle class people seeking broader, meat-based diets, will certainly continue. Halting and/or reversing further encroachment of woody species into grasslands is slow, expensive, and in some cases not possible. Yet, global livestock numbers continue to increase to meet the growing demand for red meat and other livestock products. How do we reconcile a world with less grass and the concurrent increased demand for forages to feed livestock? Strategies and mechanisms are needed to safely enhance shrub use by ruminants in order to capitalize on a presently underutilized forage resource. A number of approaches are presently available (e.g., choosing appropriate species and breeds, providing dietary supplements and additives, behavior modification, genetic selection) to increase shrub consumption, and new technologies such as biochemical markers of shrub intake need to continue to be identified and developed. Such strategies could provide important means for rural communities to adapt to changing land cover and climate.  相似文献   

We evaluated elk (Cervus elaphus), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), cattle (Bos taurus), and domestic sheep (Ovis aries) diet composition, diet overlap, and forage selection on aspen (Populus tremuloides Michaux)–sagebrush (Artemisia spp. L.) summer range in northeastern Nevada to understand potential for forage competition to provide better information for managing these communities. Diets were determined through microhistological fecal analysis from 1998 to 2000, and forage selection was evaluated at feeding sites in aspen and sagebrush communities in 1999 and 2000. Elk spring diets were the most diverse in composition; summer elk diets were dominated by forbs (59%–78%); deer consumed mostly woody browse (64%–72%); and cattle and sheep ate mostly graminoids. Lupines (Lupinus spp. L.) constituted ≥ 11% of elk, deer, and sheep diets in summer. Spurred lupine (Lupinus caudatus Kellogg) was the lupine typically selected in feeding sites and greatest consumption occurred in summer when total alkaloid levels were lowest. Highest diet overlap was between cattle and sheep in 1999 (68%) and lowest between deer and cattle in 2000 (3%). Summer elk and deer diets overlapped moderately (45%–59%). Diets did not differ between elk in spring with sheep, elk in summer with deer and sheep, or cattle with sheep. Cattle foraged selectively on forbs in aspen communities (68%) and on graminoids in sagebrush communities (88%), reflecting relative forage availabilities. We detected no differences among elk, cattle, and sheep for forage selection in aspen communities. Electivity indices indicated elk preferred forbs in aspen and sagebrush communities; cattle preferred graminoids in sagebrush; and foraging sheep preferred forbs in aspen. Our results suggest potential for forage competition among ungulates on aspen–sagebrush summer range is highest for forbs in aspen communities. Monitoring productivity and use of key forage species, particularly forbs in aspen communities, should complement management objectives on shared aspen–sagebrush summer range.  相似文献   

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