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There is much debate about the way conservation and development are best integrated to reduce the encroachment pressures of poor rural communities on the biodiversity resources of protected areas in the tropics. One frequently recommended instrument is to intensify farming systems in the adjacent areas, so as to decrease the need to harvest resources from national parks. This study examined this issue by analyzing the effects of different household land uses in villages near a national park on their propensity to harvest resources from the park. In the northern part of the Kerinci Seblat National Park (Sumatra Island, Indonesia) the park buffer zone is comprised largely of community or village forests and human settlements. The village forests were formerly managed as production forests and provided significant cash income to the village. They were converted into farmland, particularly to mixed-tree gardens or agroforests. Natural forest coverage has now declined to 10% of the former area within village forest land. We analyzed the characteristics of the mixed gardens and village forests, and their practical contribution to reducing farmers' dependence on the adjacent national park resources. Households with farms that were more diversified were found to have much less dependency on the national park resources. Households that farmed only wetland rice fields registered the highest value of forest products obtained from inside the park. Households that farmed only mixed gardens had an intermediate level of park resource extraction, while those that had farms composed of both components (i.e. wetland rice fields and mixed gardens) had a dramatically lower level of economic dependency on park resources than households in either of the other two categories.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

胡婕 《广东园林》2023,(2):59-64
得益于优美的自然环境,徽州古黟县村落园林修建因地制宜,形式多变,徽商的资金投入、文人士子的文化活动也促进了其发展。分析黟县地区古代村落园林的构成要素——山水、建筑和花木,得出村落建设与自然环境深度融合渗透的特征,最后从3个空间层次介绍了黟县村落呈现的“园中园”空间特质:崇山环绕、丰水潆洄的水口园林,水木清华、宁静致远的园圃村居式园林,和小中见大、含蓄深远的住宅庭园。  相似文献   

岭南私家园林是中国私家园林的独特流派,有其显著的风格特点.选取岭南私家园林的代表佛山梁园、东莞可园、番禺余荫山房、顺德清晖园,对其造园历史、园主思想、园景特点和造园特色进行梳理探讨,总结精髓,以启发更深研究和借鉴运用.  相似文献   

通过对德音村自然条件,社会经济及林业生产发展现状调查,提出了德音村农田林网,四旁,苗圃绿化和庭院经济规划及种,养,加工诸产业结构建议,并进行了效益分析,旨在摸索榆次市平川区生态经济园林村规划模式,以典型示范,辐射全市。  相似文献   

This study addresses the question, ‘How can remaining forests be conserved when these are already individually privatized, and when the people prefer landuses other than forestry?’ These changes in landuse and forest ownership are demonstrated through a case study of a village in Ifugao, Philippines. A rapid and continued conversion of forest into agricultural land is observed, particularly for vegetable farming. Traditionally, most of the village total land area was under communal land ownership, but now almost half is under de facto private ownership. This transition in land (including forest) ownership is generally attributed to increased demand for land which is further attributed to changes in peoples’ values towards wealth accumulation rather than redistribution, greater integration to the market economy and a shift towards commercial agriculture. Past forest policies have been ineffective in regulating the landuse largely because they have not reflected local reality, and this appears to be true with the present national forest management strategy of community-based forest management. It is argued that the granting of land titles will improve forest conservation because it will improve the enforcement of forest laws and related contractual agreements. Based on the reality of private land ownership, it is further argued that forest policy in IP land should include private (individual, family or household) forest management. Given the possibility that indigenous people may prefer landuses other than forestry or may sell their property for various reasons, policies should regulate landuse as well as make it legal for IPs to transfer rights of ownership to ‘outsiders’. There is scope to improve the implementation of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act in the Philippines.  相似文献   

介绍了楠溪江流域岩头村丽水街、苍坡村及林坑村3个典型古乡村园林的历史由来和建筑格局,指出其具有拙朴自然、功能实用、公共性强等特点,并与私家园林和皇家园林作了比较,进一步提出楠溪江古乡村园林所具有的价值和现代意义。提出了建立以村民为中心的保护机制、以旅游开发促保护和实施政策倾斜的保护机制的建议。  相似文献   

Rural inhabitants make considerable use of wild resources from communal areas around their settlements, as well as from arable and residential plots. These wild resources compete with the main crops planted in arable plots and home gardens, but play a significant economic and nutritional role in rural livelihoods. This paper reports upon a conservative financial evaluation of the wild plant resources harvested from home gardens and arable plots by inhabitants of rural village in the Bushbuckridge lowveld (South Africa), and examines their importance relative to other domesticated crops. On average, each household made use of four to five species of wild plants growing on their residential plot, whereas the mean number of crop plants was 3.4. The total value of all plants was R1694 (US$ 269) per household per year, or approximately R4200 (US$ 667) per hectare of home garden per year. Wild plants represented 31% of the value of all plants grown on residential plots, relative to the 69% for domesticated crops (including fruit trees). Approximately 72% of the total value of all plant products was consumed by the household, and the remaining 28% was sold.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

中日园林虽然同源,但由于文化背景和自然地域差异,它们最终还是走上了不同的发展道路,表现出不同的风格和意象,本文就两国古典园林的历史沿革,风格和手法的异同进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

中国植物资源广博,植物栽培以及园林应用历史悠久。从17世纪开始,中国植物开始陆续向世界传播,期间对运输保存技术、园林造景方式等都产生较大的影响,以英国园林引种中国植物为例,记述了相关引种栽培历史以及探索了对英国园艺技术的影响。植物的引种栽培促进了英国园林风格的改变,从17世纪早期到18世纪,英国园林中的温室和各式的花坛替代了大面积的草地以及希腊罗马式建筑小品。19世纪后期花境开始在英国园林中风靡,英国园林中草花的应用也成为了植物造景的主流。相较于其他地区引种的植物,中国的植物耐寒性强观赏性高,因此在英国园林中应用频率较高。17—19世纪中国植物在英国园林的发展进程中扮演了重要的角色。  相似文献   

Kerinci is a densely populated valley surrounded by a national park in western central Sumatra, Indonesia. Indigenous agroforestry systems include important cash crops like coffee (Coffea canephora var.robusta) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmani), and range from alternate cycles of cash crop monocultures or simple associations, to multispecies and multi-storey gardens; these may include as many as 100 common useful species, comprising many fruit trees and indigenous timber species.After analysing the trends of forest conversion and its causes in the area of Kerinci Seblat National Park, a case study of one particular village is presented in order to describe the evolution of cyclic agroforestry systems (ladang) into complex agroforestry systems (pelak). The composition, structure and management of the various systems have been studied through interviews, botanical surveys and the method of profile diagrams.It is suggested that locally developed complex agroforestry systems evolve partly in response to changes in land availability and labour constraints. Finally the interest of such systems when designing projected buffer zones and their development in relation to new market incentives are discussed.  相似文献   

以中国古典园林和日本古典园林为对象,从自然、文化、哲学三方面分析两者对于意境的不同追求。在自然方面,中国园林的意境表达重山水性而日本园林重海岛性;在文化方面,中国传统的山水诗画对园林意境带来了深远的影响,而日本则以其茶道文化影响最为突出;哲学作为决定性的因素作用于园林意境营造,儒家思想和道家思想主要影响中国古典园林,而日本则以禅宗思想为核心。  相似文献   

This community forestry case study examines village forest councils (van panchayat) in India’s northern state of Uttarakhand. We describe forest stocking levels of 20 community forests and address the question of whether these forests are in a position to provide commodity resources, such as fuelwood and fodder, on a sustainable basis. In addition, we report on the perceptions of the villagers on whether their respective community forest is meeting their fuelwood and fodder needs. At the biophysical level, none of the community forests were in a position to provide fuelwood and fodder on a sustainable basis. Most forests did not have adequate overstory stocking, and there was no evidence of deliberate management to improve the situation. Interviews with 400 villagers (20 in each village) supported the field findings. Villagers unanimously reported that their respective community forest was inadequate in supplying commodity needs. Furthermore, they wished the Forest Department would provide more technical and financial assistance to guide them with forest management needs. Women are a critical part of community forestry as they are the primary gatherers of fuelwood and fodder. Although the perceptions of women toward forest management issues are important, our interviews with female villagers indicate they play a passive role in decision-making. Decentralization in natural resources management sounds good at the theoretical level as it provides villagers with some authority and autonomy, but it cannot be effectively implemented without professional guidance coupled with resources. The villagers are ready and willing to improve the situation, but they do not have the resources to make change unilaterally—they need professional and financial support from the Forest Department.  相似文献   

在社会主义新农村建设和《城乡规划法》颁布的大背景下,我国各地纷纷开展村庄规划工作,部分村庄已按照规划实施,村庄面貌发生了很大变化。然而,在这一过程中也出现一系列问题,如村庄规划存在片面性和相似性、规划与需求脱节等。文中根据村庄规划目的的不同,对不同目的的村庄规划的相关规范要求进行比较研究,得出其异同点,以期使今后的村庄规划工作可以做到有的放矢,村庄规划更加科学实用。    相似文献   

福建省农村园林化规划与建设初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村园林化是我国农村社会经济快速发展的必然产物,通过分析农村园林化的必要性及其农村园林化的可行性,初步形成园林式村镇的规划原则、规划方案;同时,对现有农村园林化的实践经验进行了总结,旨在为园林式村镇建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

村社林业是指在一个具体的村社或农村生态系统内,以农户为主题,旨在解决农户自身生存和发展所需的林业活动,是林业发展的重要组成部分。高黎贡山西坡大塘村农户在社区森林资源管理方面做了有益的尝试,多形式、多内容的林业经营管理活动使该村社区森林资源得到了合理的利用和保护,为周围村社提供了有益的经验。本文以大塘村的各项村社林业活动为例,叙述了广泛开展村社林业活动对高黎贡山森林资源有效保护与周围农村经济持续发展的作用和意义。  相似文献   

基于AVC理论,据景区村庄相关界定及相关领域研究,提出景区村庄"三力"重要评价影响因素,吸引力:村庄特色资源、旅游环境设施要素、区位条件;生命力:社会经济、居民生活、产业结构、综合管理运营能力;承载力:生态环境承载力、旅游资源空间承载力、经济承载力、心理承载力,并构建AVC景区村庄景观综合评价研究体系,为景区村庄今后的建设发展提供了建设指导依据。并将此体系运用于实际案例中,对案例"三力"发展现状进行评价分析,以三力提升为目标进行一系列规划设计。  相似文献   

作为福州古典园林的重要组成部分,福州古代寺庙园林在其造园思想、设计特点等方面均有独特的韵味。作者在对福州佛教发展历史的总结和对现存的寺庙走访调查以及查阅相关历史文献的基础上,根据福州古代寺庙园林的分布位置对其进行分类整理,并初步总结福州古代寺庙园林在时间上的发展历程与空间上的分布特点。  相似文献   

Swidden-fallow agroforestry among ribereño farmers in the Peruvian Amazon has been reported to show important regional variation. In this paper diversity in terra firme swidden-fallow agroforestry is described for a single village, Santa Rosa, located at the lower Ucayali river, Peru. Local forest gardens differ in managed species composition, wedding patterns, and yield levels. Most of the produce from Santa Rosa forest gardens is locally consumed; only little is traded. Many forest species are actively tended for planted in forest gardens. These systems have the function of suppliers of a range of products. Variation inforest garden management is a result of farmer' individual perception of the need for such products.
Resumen Informas sobre agroforesteria de chacra y barbecho en la Amazonia Peruana mentionan la variabilidad de tales sistemas, segun la localidad de donde se encuentran. En el presente articulo se describe diversidad de agroforesteria de chacra y barbecho en un solo pueblo, Santa Rosa, ubicado en el bajo rio Ucayali, Peru. Los jardines forestales alli se distinguen por la composicion de especies, frecuencia e intensidad de deshierbo, y cantidades de productos obtenidos de ellos. La mayoria de los productos de los jardines forestales de Santa Rosa son consumidos localmente; solamente unos pocos son comercializados. Muchas especies forestales son cuidados o sembrados en los jardines forestale.. Estos sistemas tienen la funcion de prover una seria de productos. Variacion en el manejo de jardines forestales son el resultado de la percepcion individual de agricultores para la necesidad de estos productos.

随着现代人对于养生越来越关注,对养生环境和农业旅游的需求逐渐增大,推动了养生型农业观光园的出现。将养生理念融入到农业观光园中,使人们不但能享受到田园景观,更能在游憩中进行康体保健。文中通过对养生型农业观光园内涵、特征等内容的阐述,运用文献研究方法、实证研究法等研究方法,探讨如何把养生理念融合到农业观光园的规划中,对于丰富农业观光园的规划理论具有积极意义。  相似文献   

文章通过对南宁市8所医院园林绿地植物景观的调查,着重统计分析其中的园林芳香植物种类及其应用状况。结果表明:南宁市医院园林绿地中应用的园林芳香植物有52种,隶属于29科45属;芳香植物以乔木和灌木为主,草本和藤本植物应用少;其中乡土芳香植物15种,占总数29%;各医院花香型植物居多,浓香型与淡香型植物比例因医院而异;多数芳香植物应用频率低;芳香植物配植形式较单一,以点植、丛植和列植方式为主。针对存在的问题,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

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