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Q. Sun    Y. Wei    Z. Ni    C. Xie  T. Yang 《Plant Breeding》2002,121(6):539-541
Yellow rust of wheat caused by Puccinia striiformis f sp. tritici has been periodically epidemic and severely damaged wheat production in China and throughout the world. Breeding for resistant cultivars has been proved to be an effective way to resolve the problem. A yellow rust resistance gene, Yr5, derived from Triticum spelta shows immunity or high resistance to the most popular isolates Tiaozhong 30 and 31 in China. Establishment of DNA markers for the Yr5 gene will facilitate marker‐assisted selection and gene pyramiding in the breeding programme. Since the Yr5 gene was cytologically located on the long arm of chromosome 2B, By33, the donor of Yr5, was crossed and backcrossed with the susceptible line 441, and BC3F2 and BC3F3 segregating populations were screened for polymorphism by using 11 microsatellite primers mapped on chromosome 2B. A marker, Xgwm501‐195 bp/160 bp, was found to be linked to Yr5, with a genetic distance of 10.5‐13.3 cM.  相似文献   

Yellow rust caused by Puccinia striiformis is a wheat disease of worldwide importance. The Yr17 resistance gene introgressed from Aegilops ventricosa was effective, in France, against all yellow rust isolates until 1998. The SC‐Y15 marker is one of three molecular markers closely linked to Yr17. In this paper, results obtained are compared with the molecular marker SC‐Y15 and with resistance tests performed at the seedling and adult plant stages on 31 lines from five populations derived from recurrent selection programmes. The resistance tests showed that Yr17 controlled the resistance in seven lines, but that others had additional resistance at the adult stage (18 lines). The molecular test corresponded well with the resistance test in most lines (98% of 156 plants tested), including individual plants that were resistant or susceptible in heterogeneous lines. It also indicated the presence of Yr17 in lines in which it could not be identified by the resistance test because of the presence of other genes. Three of the 156 plants tested appeared to have the gene Yr17 according to the resistance tests, but lacked the molecular marker. These could have resulted from breakage of the linkage, the number being consistent with the estimate of linkage already published. This indicated the need for a resistance test, at least in later stages of breeding programmes, if it is considered essential to have the Yr17 gene present. The use of the selected lines in breeding programmes is also discussed.  相似文献   

L.H.M. Broers 《Euphytica》1997,96(2):215-223
Latency period, infection frequency, lesion length, lesion growth, disease severity and percentage of infected leaf parts were assessed on 10-day-old seedling leaves and flag leaves of ten bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars after inoculation with urediospores of Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici. For all components significant genotypic differences were detected. Components of resistance tended to be associated. A long latency period was associated with a low infection frequency, small lesions, a low disease severity and a low percentage of infected leaf parts. The latency period, measured as time period until first pustule appearance (LP1), was highly correlated with the latency period measured as time period until 50% of the pustules appeared (LP50). Assessment of latency period of large numbers of cultivars could therefore be reliably done by measuring LP1 which is less time consuming than measuring LP50. Latency period, infection frequency and disease severity were highly correlated with disease development data from field experiments. These results suggest that selection in the greenhouse for one of these components should result in cultivars with high levels of quantitative resistance. Disease severity after uniform inoculation in the greenhouse can be used for monocyclic evaluations because it is the easiest to assess. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A set of bread wheat and durum wheat cultivars adapted to Spanish conditions was tested for resistance against leaf rust caused by different pathotypes of Puccinia triticina in field trials and in growth chamber studies. Lower levels of resistance were found in durum wheat than in bread wheat. The most frequent Lr genes found in bread wheat were Lr1, Lr10, Lr13, Lr20, Lr26 and Lr28. In durum wheat, additional resistance genes that differed from the known Lr genes were identified. The level of partial resistance to leaf rust was in general low, although significant levels were identified in some bread wheat and durum wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

A new gene, Yr24, for resistance to stripe rust was transferred from a durum accession to common wheat via an amphiploid (synthetic wheat) with Aegilops tauschii. Yr24 was located in chromosome 1B by monosomic analysis. Its genetic linkage of 4 cM with Yr15 indicated its localization to the short arm.  相似文献   

M. Imtiaz    M. Ahmad    M. G. Cromey    W. B. Griffin  J. G. Hampton 《Plant Breeding》2004,123(5):401-404
Stripe rust of wheat caused by Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp. tritici presents a serious problem for wheat production worldwide, and identification and deployment of resistance sources to it are key objectives for many wheat breeders. Here we report the detection of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to the durable adult plant resistance of cv. ‘Otane’, which has conferred this resistance since its release in New Zealand in 1984. A double haploid population from a cross between ‘Otane’ and the susceptible cv. Tiritea’ was visually assessed for adult plant infection types (IT) in the glasshouse and field, and for final disease severity in the field against stripe rust pathotype 106E139A+. At least three resistance loci controlled adult plant resistance to stripe rust in this population. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping results revealed that two of these, one on chromosome 7DS corresponds to the durable adult plant resistance gene Yr18 and other on chromosome 5DL were contributed from ‘Otane’; while the remaining one on chromosome 7BL, was contributed from the susceptible ‘Tiritea’. Interval mapping placed the ‘Otane’‐resistant segment near the centromere of chromosome 7DS at a distance of 7 cM from the SSR marker gwm44. The stability of QTL in the two environments is discussed. SSR gwm44 is potentially a candidate marker for identifying the durable resistance gene Yr18 in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Yellow rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most severe wheat disease worldwide. Crop losses have ranged from 10% to 70% and up to 100% in extreme conditions. Eighty-two resistance genes, designated Yr, have been identified. Among them, Yr17 derived from Aegilops ventricosa and located on chromosome 2A has been widely used in wheat breeding. However, it had been overcome already. Through recombination of the Ae. ventricosa Yr17-carrying 6Nv chromosome with 2D of wheat, we introduced Yr17 onto chromosome 2D. Then, lines carrying Yr17 on both 2A and 2D were generated. Seedlings of the latter, as well as those carrying a single dose of Yr17 either on 2A or on 2D, were inoculated with virulent or avirulent strains on wheat seedlings. The different genotypes were fully susceptible for the two pathotypes that are virulent on Yr17. In the case of avirulent pathotypes, the Yr17 double dose lines were fully resistant, while those with the Yr17 gene only on either 2A or 2D had intermediate resistance reactions towards one or the other or both pathotypes.  相似文献   

Genetic basis of seedling-resistance to leaf rust in bread wheat 'Thatcher'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. N. Mishra    K. Kaushal    G. S. Shirsekar    S. R. Yadav    R. N. Brahma    H. N. Pandey 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(5):514-516
The bread wheat cultivar ‘Thatcher’ is documented to carry the gene Lr22b for adult‐plant resistance to leaf rust. Seedling‐resistance to leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina in the bread wheat cultivar ‘Thatcher’, the background parent of the near‐isogenic lines for leaf rust resistance genes in wheat, is rare and no published information could be found on its genetic basis. The F2 and F3 analysis of the cross ‘Agra Local’ (susceptible) × ‘Thatcher’ showed that an apparently incompletely dominant gene conditioned seedling‐resistance in ‘Thatcher’ to the three ‘Thatcher’‐avirulent Indian leaf rust pathotypes – 0R8, 0R8‐1 and 0R9. Test of allelism revealed that this gene (temporarily designated LrKr1) was derived from ‘Kanred’, one of the parents of ‘Thatcher’. Absence of any susceptible F2 segregants in a ‘Thatcher’ × ‘Marquis’ cross confirmed that an additional gene (temporarily designated LrMq1) derived from ‘Marquis’, another parent of ‘Thatcher’, was effective against pathotype 0R9 alone. These two genes as well as a second gene in ‘Kanred’ (temporarily designated LrKr2), which was effective against all the three pathotypes, but has not been inherited by ‘Thatcher’, seem to be novel, undocumented leaf rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

H. Wallwork  R. Johnson 《Euphytica》1984,33(1):123-132
Summary Crosses were made between wheat varieties Joss Cambier, Nord Desprez and Maris Bilbo, all classified as susceptible to yellow rust in field tests, and between Cappelle Desprez and Maris Huntsman, both classified as moderately and durably resistant. Selection for resistance to yellow rust among the progeny was carried out using races of Puccinia striiformis able to overcome all the known race-specific components of resistance in both parents of each cross. Lines with greater resistance than in both parents were obtained from each cross, those with greatest resistance being obtained from the cross between the moderately resistant parents. Three lines selected for resistance from the cross of Joss Cambier with Nord Desprez and one from the cross of Cappelle Desprez with Maris Huntsman, together with the parents, were tested in the field with 12 races of P. striiformis. Nord Desprez possessed a previously undetected race-specific component. The selected lines also displayed race-specific resistance, some of which was clearly related to race-specificity of the parents, and a component of resistance, greater than in both parents, that was effective against all 12 races. The possible origin and potential durability of this transgressive level of resistance is discussed. It is suggested that such transgressive resistance is more likely to be durable if it is derived from parents that have shown durable resistance.  相似文献   

Z. J. Pu    G. Y. Chen    Y. M. Wei    W. Y. Yang    Z. H. Yan    Y. L. Zheng 《Plant Breeding》2010,129(1):53-57
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST), is one of the most devastating diseases in common wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). With the objective of identifying and tagging a new gene for resistance to stripe rust in wheat line P81, F1, F2 and F2:3 populations from the cross 'Chuanmai 28'/P81 were inoculated with Chinese PST race CYR32 in greenhouse and field trials. P81 carried a single dominant gene for resistance (designated YrP81 ) to CYR32. Tests of allelism showed that YrP81 was different from Yr5 , Yr10 , Yr15 and Yr26 . Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and resistance gene-analogue polymorphism (RGAP) between the parents were used for genotyping the F2 populations. YrP81 was closely linked to four SSR loci on chromosome 2BS with genetic distances of 18.3 cM ( Xwmc25 ), 1.8 cM ( Xgwm429 ), 4.1 cM ( Xwmc770 ) and 5.3 cM ( Xgwm148 ). Two RGAP markers RGA1 (NLRR/XLRR) and RGA2 (Pto kin4/NLRR-INV2) were also closely linked to YrP81 with genetic distances of 4.7 and 6.3 cM, respectively. The linkage map of YrP81 and molecular markers was established in the order Xwmc25 - RGA2 - RGA1 - Xgwm429 - YrP81 - Xwmc770 - Xgwm148 . Pedigree analysis, response patterns with Chinese PST races and associations with markers suggested that YrP81 is a novel stripe rust resistance gene. The PCR-based microsatellite and RGAP markers identified here could be applied in selection of YrP81 in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

The tendency of unpaired meiotic chromosomes to undergo centric misdivision was exploited to translocate leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes from an Aegilops kotschyi addition chromosome to a group 2 chromosome of wheat. Monosomic and telosomic analyses showed that the translocation occurred to wheat chromosome arm 2DL. The introgressed region did not pair with the corresponding wheat 2DL telosome during meiosis suggesting that a whole arm may have been transferred. Female transmission of the resistance was about 55% whereas male transmission was strongly preferential (96%). The symbols Lr54 and Yr37 are proposed to designate the new resistance genes.  相似文献   

Holdfast是来自英国的小麦品种,多年来一直保持良好的条锈病持久抗性。本研究目的是发掘Holdfast的条锈病成株抗性基因及其紧密连锁的分子标记,为小麦持久抗性品种选育提供材料和方法。利用铭贤169和Holdfast杂交后代重组自交系(recombinant inbred lines, RIL)群体,于2014—2015和2015—2016年度在甘肃甘谷、甘肃中梁和四川成都进行条锈病成株抗性鉴定,并统计最大严重度(maximum disease severity, MDS)。基于小麦660K SNP芯片和BSA(bulkedsegregantanalysis)技术初步确定抗病基因所在的染色体后,将目标区域的SNP标记转化为KASP(KompetitiveallelespecificPCR)标记,检测整个RIL群体,进行基因型分析。最后进行RIL群体条锈病成株抗性的QTL分析,在5AL和7AL染色体上发现了2个成株抗性QTL。5A染色体长臂上1个条锈病成株抗性QTL QYr.gaas-5AL,在所有环境下均存在,可解释6.5%~9.3%的表型变异; QYr.gaas-5AL位于标记Ax-109948955和Ax-108798241之间,连锁距离分别为0.5 cM和1.1 cM。在7A染色体长臂上定位到1个条锈病成株抗性QTL QYr.gaas-7AL,在2015年和2016年甘谷环境中均稳定存在,分别解释6.2%和7.3%的表型变异;QYr.gaas-7AL位于标记Ax-110361069和Ax-108759561之间,连锁距离分别为0.5 cM和0.7 cM。携带QYr.gaas-5AL和QYr.gaas-7AL抗病等位基因家系的MDS显著低于感病等位基因家系的MDS,表明QYr.gaas-5AL和QYr.gaas-7AL可有效降低条锈病严重度,可应用于小麦抗条锈育种。  相似文献   

D. Singh    R. F. Park  R. A. Mcintosh   《Plant Breeding》2001,120(6):503-507
Genetic studies were conducted to gain an understanding of the inheritance of adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust in six common wheat varieties. The Australian varieties ‘Cranbrook’ and ‘Harrier’ each carry two genes for APR to leaf rust. These genes are genetically independent of the seedling resistance genes Lr23 and Lrl7b, carried by the respective varieties. Adult plant resistance in ‘Suneca’ was conferred by at least two genes, in addition to the seedling genes Lr1 and Lrli. It is likely that the APRs in ‘Cranbrook’, ‘Harrier’ and ‘Suneca’ are conferred by uncharacterized gene(s). Tests of allelism confirmed that seedling resistances in the varieties ‘Avocet R’, ‘Hereward’, ‘Moulin’ and ‘Pastiche’ are conferred by Lrli. Adult plant resistance in the variety ‘Hereward’ was inherited monogenically, whereas varieties ‘Moulin’ and ‘Pastiche’ each carried two dominant genes. On the basis of rust specificity and pedigree analysis, it would seem likely that the APR genes in ‘Hereward’, ‘Moulin’ and ‘Pastiche’ are also currently uncharacterized.  相似文献   

Aegilops triuncialis (UUCC) is an excellent source of resistance to various wheat diseases, including leaf rust. Leaf rust‐resistant derivatives from a cross of a highly susceptible Triticum aestivum cv.‘WL711’ as the recurrent parent and Ae. triuncialis Ace.3549 as the donor and with and without a pair of acrocentric chromosomes were used for molecular tagging. The use of a set of sequence tagged microsatellite (STMS) markers already mapped to different wheat chromosomes unequivocally indicated that STMS marker gwm368 of chromosome 4BS was tightly linked to the Ae. triuncialis leaf rust resistance gene transferred to wheat. The presence of the Ae. Triuncialis‐specific STMS gwm368 homoeoallele along with the non‐polymorphic 4BS allele in the rust‐resistant derivatives with and without the acrocentric chromosome indicates that the resistance has been transferred from the acrocentric chromosome to either the A or the D genome of wheat. This alien leaf rust resistance gene has been temporarily named as LrTr.  相似文献   

J. A. Kolmer    L. M. Oelke    J. Q. Liu 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(2):152-157
A genetic analysis of the landrace‐derived wheat accessions Americano 25e, Americano 26n, and Americano 44d, from Uruguay was conducted to identify the leaf rust resistance genes present in these early wheat cultivars. The three cultivars were crossed with the leaf rust susceptible cultivar ‘Thatcher’ and approximately 80 backcross (BC1) F2 families were derived for each cross. The BC1F2 families and selected BC1F4 lines were tested for seedling and adult plant leaf rust resistance with selected isolates of leaf rust, Puccinia triticina. The segregation and infection type data indicated that Americano 25e had seedling resistance genes Lr3, Lr16, an additional unidentified seedling gene, and one adult plant resistance gene that was neither Lr12 nor Lr13, and did not phenotypically resemble Lr34. Americano 26n was postulated to have genes Lr11, Lr12, Lr13, and Lr14a. Americano 44d appeared to have two possibly unique adult plant leaf rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

B. K. Das    A. Saini    S. G. Bhagwat    N. Jawali 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(6):544-549
The stem rust resistance gene Sr31, transferred from rye (Secale cereale) into wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) imparts resistance to all the virulent pathotypes of stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) found in India. Wheat genotypes including carriers and non‐carriers of the Sr31 gene were analysed using arbitrary primed polymerase chain reaction (AP‐PCR). AP‐PCR markers viz. SS30.2580(H) associated with the Sr31 gene and SS26.11100 associated with the allele for susceptibility were identified. Linkage between the markers and phenotypes was confirmed by analysing an F2 population obtained from a cross between a resistant and a susceptible genotype. The markers were tightly linked to the respective alleles. Both the AP‐PCR markers were converted into sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers, viz. SCSS30.2576 and SCSS26.11100 respectively. The markers were validated in two more segregating populations and 49 wheat genotypes. Using both markers it was possible to distinguish the homozygous from the heterozygous carriers of the Sr31 gene in the F2 generation. The markers developed in this study can be used for pyramiding of the Sr31 gene with other rust resistance genes and in marker‐assisted selection.  相似文献   

Genes for resistance to stripe rust in four spring wheat varieties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The stripe rust resistant spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties Anza, Glennson 81, Ollanta, and Yecora Rojo gave 1,2,2, and 2-gene segregations, respectively, in hybrids with susceptible Jupateco 73 when inoculated in field conditions at Davis, California USA with Puccinia striiformis West. pathotype CDL-6 and rated at post-heading stage. Intercrosses of these varieties, Anza/Yecora Rojo was not studied, permitted the following conclusions about the genes expressed in adult plants: Anza, one recessive gene; Glennson 81, two dominant genes; Ollanta, two genes, at least one is dominant; and Yecora Rojo; one dominant and one recessive gene, one of which is common with Ollanta. The resistance genes in these varieties, which expressed resistance in the seedling stage, were believed to be effective at the adult stage. Thus, seven resistance genes were identified in the four varieties. The genotypes were designated for the purposes of this study as follows: Anza, YrA YrH; Glennson 81, Yr9, YrJ, Ollanta YrL YrD; and Yecora Rojo, YrC YrD. It was recommended that these and other Yr genes be used as multiple gene complexes to increase durability of resistance to P. striiformis, an organism known to evolve virulence rapidly in field conditions. The demonstrated durability of Anza in California may be a result of its combination of resistance alleles at two loci.  相似文献   

Summary Winter wheat cultivars released in the Netherlands before 1930 carried durable resistance to yellow rust. Cultivars released in the period between 1930 and 1950 often were durably resistant while recent cultivars infrequently showed durable resistance. This durable resistance was not difficult to transfer to new cultivars. Twenty nine older cultivars with durable resistance and eight recent non-durably resistant cultivars were tested in the seedling stage and in the adult plant stage against 12 West-European yellow rust races and against some non-European races in the seedling stage only. The adult plant tests were carried out in race nursery tests in the Flevopolder. Per race nursery all 37 cultivars, planted in hills of about 20 plants on both sides of the highly susceptible cv. Michigan Amber, were exposed to one race.The infection type of each cultivar-race combination was scored on 0 to 9 scale once in the seedling stage and twice in the adult plant stage. In the race nurseries the percentage leaf area affected was evaluated three times to be used to calculate the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). This AUDPC multiplied with the mean infection type in the field gave the susceptibility index (SI).The infection types were classified into resistant (R), intermediate (I) or susceptible (S) when the infection types were 0 to 3, 4 to 6 or 7 to 9, respectively. Four categories of resistance were discerned on the basis of the three infection type scores: 1) RRR, overall resistance; complete or near-complete resistant at all stages. 2) SRR, adult plant resistance, complete- or near-complete resistant at the adult plant stage only. 3) SRS and SSR, temperature sensitive resistance, the resistance changed from the one evaluation data to the other. 4) SSS and an SI lower than that of Michigan Amber, partial resistance.The frequencies of overall, adult plant and temperature sensitive resistance were 1.4, 52 and 54% in the older cultivars and 40, 62 and 22% in the recent ones, respectively. Among the older cultivars all had a fair to high level of partial resistance, the SI being on average only 20% of that of Michigan Amber, while most cultivars also seemed to carry temperature sensitive resistance. The partial resistance of the recent cultivars was of a much lower level with a mean SI compared to that of Michigan Amber of 61%. Partial resistance was highly correlated (r = –0.94) with the mean resistance scores from the Dutch Recommended Cultivars Lists. It was concluded that partial resistance and temperature sensitive resistance were the major components of the durable resistance in the older cultivars.  相似文献   

Monosomic analysis was conducted to determine chromosomal locations of three new leaf rust resistance genes recently transferred to common wheat (Triticum aestivum) from T. monococcum. The resistance gene in wheat germplasm line KS92WGRC23 was transferred from T. monococcum ssp. monococcum. The resistance genes found in KS93U3 and KS96WGRC34 were transferred from T. monococcum ssp. aegilopoides. Allelism tests showed that the three resistance genes were unlinked. The three lines were crossed with each of the seven A-genome Wichita monosomic lines. The leaf rust resistance genes in KS92WGRC23, KS93U3, and KS96WGRC34 were located on chromosomes 6A, 1A, and 5A, respectively, by monosomic analysis. These results demonstrate that the three new genes derived from T. monococcum are each different. They also differ from previously reported Lr genes. This information on chromosome location and the development of mapping populations will facilitate molecular tagging of the new genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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