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Soybeans (SBs) were obtained from five leading SB-producing countries (Argentina, Brazil, China, India, and the United States), imported to the United States, and processed into soybean meal (SBM) under uniform conditions in the United States. SBs from China had the highest crude protein (CP) content while SBs and the resultant SBM from Argentina had the lowest. Additional differences in the quality of the SB and resultant SBM samples collected were noted. An additional set of SBM produced in these five countries and subjectively evaluated to be of low, intermediate, and high quality also were obtained and evaluated. Overall, SBM quality affected amino acid and mineral concentrations with differences existing both among and within countries. SBM produced in the United States had a higher CP content than SBM produced in other countries. Amino acid concentrations generally increased, and antinutritional factors decreased with increasing subjective quality assessment.  相似文献   

采用不同病级病叶、荚、粒,研究了大豆灰斑病对大豆产量和品质的影响。结果表明,大豆灰斑病使大豆光合面积减少、呼吸消耗增加、植株净光合生产率下降,导致百粒重和产量降低;同时感病籽粒蛋白质相对含量随病级增加而上升,绝对含量则下降;脂肪的相对含量变化不大,绝对含量随病级增加而降低,并提出大豆灰斑病的防治方法。  相似文献   

不同磷肥水平对大豆磷营养状况和产量品质性状的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本试验选用近年来黑龙江省推广面积较大并具有代表性的3个基因型大豆品种作为试验材料,采用盆栽试验,利用钼锑抗比色法测定了大豆生育期各器官磷素含量,并测定了单株产量及成熟子粒蛋白质和脂肪含量,结果表明:施磷量对不同大豆品种植株及各器官磷素含量有较大影响;不同品种不同处理全株及各器官磷素含量从分枝期逐渐增加,开花期达到高峰,随后下降至成熟期;同一品种不同处理间高蛋白品种和中间型品种是P150处理全株磷积累量最高,高油品种是P225处理全株磷素积累最高;生育期内只有适宜施磷才能促进磷素含量达到最高峰;同一处理不同品种间是高油品种磷素积累量大于中间型品种和高蛋白品种,说明高油品种需磷量多于中间型品种和高蛋白品种。高蛋白品种和中间型品种P150处理单株产量和子粒蛋白质含量最高,高油品种P75处理单株产量和子粒蛋白质含量最高。3个品种脂肪含量均以P225处理最高。  相似文献   

该文采用了一种新型的挤压膨化预处理工艺,原料经清理、粉碎后直接进行挤压膨化和浸提,同传统处理工艺相比,在油脂浸出速率和能耗方面,以及油脂稳定性和粕蛋白质溶解性方面均优于传统预处理工艺。研究结果表明,60℃加速氧化30 d后,传统工艺毛油的过氧化值(POV)为72.76 meq/kg,新工艺毛油的POV值在9.80~32.51 meq/kg之间;pH值为7.0时,粕蛋白氮溶指数(NSI)高出传统工艺9.39%~35.92%。  相似文献   

干燥过程气体成分对蔬菜干制品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆烝 《农业工程学报》2004,20(4):188-191
采用自制的QTM试验装置对蔬菜进行气调干制试验,研究了不同温度条件下气体成分对苦瓜片、萝卜丝和香葱干制品质量的影响。结果表明:采用N2或CO2进行气体调节,降低干燥过程气体的O2含量,可明显提高蔬菜干制品叶绿素含量和降低干制过程维生素C质量分数的损失。用指数函数拟合蔬菜干制品的叶绿素含量与O2含量间的关系,用幂函数拟合维生素C质量分数损失率与O2含量间的关系,回归方程置信水平都大于95%。  相似文献   

Grape quality and its nutrient composition vary depending on agronomical management practices (fertilization, irrigation, weed, and pest control), and agrochemicals treatments (such as kaolin, hormones, and sucrose), viticultural (grape cultivars and varieties, training, pruning, cluster thinning, and trunk girdling), and biotechnological techniques, as well as growth stage and environmental changes (soil, climate, and season). Understanding the mentioned agro-biotechnological techniques assists grape growers and geneticists in breeding grapevines to improve yield, tolerance, quality, and nutraceutical values based on their usage purposes. Thus, this review article focuses on the up-to-date approaches and incentivizes further studies on the unknown mechanisms related to engineering grape flavonoid/phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways to improve its health-promoting effects in both grape and human. The engineering/breeding strategies and viticultural practices have been proposed based on the grape usage purposes and environmental conditions.  相似文献   


The effects of foliar fertilization on the yield and seed composition of two soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) varieties were investigated under mid‐Missouri conditions over a 2‐year period. The foliar fertilizer treatments consisted of (i) 80–8–24–4 (NPKS) kg/ha, (ii) 40–4–12–2 (NPKS) kg/ha, and (in) control (no foliar treatment) with the optimum proportion of N:P:K:S in the solution 10:1:3:0.5 respectively. Nutrient sources were urea, potassium polyphosphate, and potassium sulfate. Water solutions of fertilizers (pH 6.9) containing 0.1% Tween 80 (v/v) were sprayed on the plants using a CO2 ‐ pressurized back‐pack sprayer. Foliar fertilizer was split between four equal applications during the seed filling period. The variety Mitchell at the higher rate and the variety Williams at the lower fertilizer application rate produced slight, though statistically insignificant, yield increases. At the higher rate of application, the seed protein contents of both varieties increased, while the oil contents decreased. The concentrations of P and K in the seeds were not affected by foliar fertilization, but at the higher rate, there was a small decrease in S content of Williams variety.  相似文献   

Soil biological and biochemical properties are highly sensitive to environmental stress and thus can be used to assess quality. Any soil quality index should include several biological and biochemical variables so as to reflect better the complex processes affecting soil quality and to compensate for the wide variations occurring in individual properties. Many authors recommend the use of a native soil supporting climax vegetation that has undergone minimal anthropogenic disturbance as a high quality reference soil. In this study which examined three such native soils of Galicia (N.W. Spain) bearing Atlantic oakwood as the climax vegetation, biological and biochemical properties were found to vary widely seasonally and with sampling site and depth. These variations were closely correlated with the total carbon (C) and/or total nitrogen (N) contents of the soils. The following equation: Total N= (0.38×10–3) microbial biomass C +(1.4×10–3) mineralized N +(13.6×10–3) phosphomonoesterase +(8.9×10–3) β-glucosidase+(1.6×10–3) urease explained 97% of the variance in total N for the soils studied, suggesting that a balance exists between the organic matter content of a soil and its biological and biochemical properties. A simplified expression of the above equation may be useful as a biochemical quality index for soils. Received: 5 March 1997  相似文献   

近年来,我国的干酪消费量迅速增加。小规模牧场的手工挤奶方式可能会导致体细胞混入原料奶中,从而影响终产品干酪的品质。但是,体细胞组成及相应酶的活力对干酪品质的影响尚未阐明。该研究分别从牛乳房表面、乳房炎牛乳和正常牛乳收集体细胞。通过将体细胞分离再与脱脂乳混合,原料乳质量的一致性得到保证。将含不同体细胞组成的牛乳用于Cheddar干酪制作,分别为干酪A,B和C。3种干酪的原料乳中,上皮细胞质量分数最高组为干酪A的原料乳(65.41%),巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞质量分数最高组为干酪B的原料乳(分别为78.15% 和12.15%),而多核中性粒细胞在干酪C的原料乳中质量分数最高(34.23%)。结果表明,成熟过程中各干酪的蛋白酶活性和蛋白水解程度差异显著(P < 0.05)。成熟90d后,干酪C中的血纤维蛋白溶酶和组织蛋白酶B活性显著高于其他组。此外,在整个成熟过程中,干酪中αs1-, αs2-和β-酪蛋白的存留率,以及pH 值4.6的可溶性氮和12%三氯醋酸可溶性氮的质量分数均为C组< B 组< A组。另外,3组试验干酪中干酪A的硬度最高,B和C之间无显著性差异。综上所述,体细胞对干酪品质的影响与体细胞的类型有关。体细胞中上皮细胞的增加对干酪品质的影响较小,而多核中性粒细胞的增加对干酪品质有显著影响。  相似文献   

生猪养殖污水成分复杂且对环境存在较大的污染风险,常规实验室监测法准确性高但效率低且时效性差,自动监测法速度快但成本高。为寻求一种能兼顾两种方法优点的监测方案,该研究以一家规模生猪养殖场的排放污水为研究对象,对衡量污水水质的7个主要指标的变化特征、相关性和其中2个指标的回归建模进行了研究。通过对不同季节及不同气候条件下30组随机样本的检测与相关性分析,发现氨氮、总氮和电导率有相似的变化趋势且彼此之间均存在强相关性,相关系数分别为0.772、0.775和0.920。基于相关性分析结果,对氨氮和总氮分别进行了一元和多元回归分析建模,并确定了相对最佳的适合于氨氮的"多项式回归模型"和总氮的"综合模型"。经验证,两个模型的决定系数分别为0.855和0.953,可较好地用于评价生猪养殖污水中氨氮和总氮2个指标的浓度大小。基于这2个模型,生猪养殖污水需直接检测的主要指标的数量可有效减少、检测难度和成本均明显降低。因此,模型可为生猪养殖污水高效、低成本的自动监测方案的建立提供重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

为了探讨不同花生品种的感官品质、理化与营养品质、加工品质与其蛋白质凝胶性之间的关系,提出适宜肉制品加工凝胶型蛋白质专用花生品种的主要特性和评价方法,构建适宜加工凝胶型蛋白质花生品质评价模型。以62个花生品种制得的分离蛋白粉为原料,采用物性仪测定其分离蛋白凝胶性,分析各品种花生的品质特性与凝胶性之间的关系,采用有监督主成分分析对41个品种的品质数据建立凝胶型蛋白质花生品质评价模型,并用另外21个品种品质数据进行验证。结果显示,不同品种花生蛋白质在相同条件下制得的凝胶特性差异显著。果形、粗蛋白、粗纤维、半胱氨酸、甘氨酸、精氨酸、亮氨酸、伴花生球蛋白Ⅰ、花生球蛋白/伴花生球蛋白、23.5kDa等10个指标与凝胶性在0.05水平上关系显著,采用有监督主成分分析建立凝胶型蛋白质花生品质评价模型,验证模型的相关系数为0.937。研究结果表明,花生的品质特性显著影响花生蛋白质的凝胶性。花生粗蛋白含量、胱氨酸含量、精氨酸及伴花生球蛋白Ⅰ含量高的品种具有更好的凝胶性。通过凝胶型蛋白质花生品质评价模型可以预测该品种花生蛋白质的凝胶性,为不同花生品种的加工利用和专用品种的选择提供依据。  相似文献   

Accurate and detailed amino acid determinations were carried out on nine northern adapted soybean cultivars to ascertain whether their amino acid profiles could be used as potentially useful indices for assessing their protein quality. The cultivars were Maple Amber, Maple Donovan, Maple Glen, Maple Isle, Maple Presto, Maple Ridge, and three brown seed coat near-isogenic lines, Maple Presto Brown, Maple Ridge Brown, and Maple Arrow Brown. Their total protein and amino acid composition were compared with those of an established cultivar, Maple Arrow. Mean protein values for the new cultivars ranged from 30.1 to 33.1% compared to Maple Arrow, which was 33.2%. The total nitrogen content was also variable among these cultivars, ranging from 5.0 to 5.4%. All nine Maple series soybean cultivars were higher in their essential amino acid (EAA) content, that is, EAA(9) = 45.2-46.5%, than the FAO/WHO reference protein pattern value of EAA(9) = 33.9%, for a 2-5-year-old child. Each of the nine new soybean cultivars was limited only in methionine and to a lesser extent in valine and isoleucine and had a protein digestibility corrected amino acid score of 91% for all cultivars, compared to the value of egg protein (97%). These results suggest that the most accurate evaluation of protein quality in soybeans, and possibly other legumes and cereals, is by the protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score.  相似文献   

New molecular and biomarker approaches allow now a better understanding of the microbial diversity in soils. Examples are presented to demonstrate the new performance of these approaches and the quality of results. Investigations of the diversity of a bacterial indicator genus as well as studies of the whole microbial community structure are presented. Genotypes of Ochrobactrum were isolated by immunotrapping and characterized by PCR — fingerprinting. On a fallow land no significant changes in the intragenus diversity of this indicator bacterium was observed over a period of one year. In contrast, crop rotation was accompanied by a shift in the dominant genotypes of Ochrobactrum, while the genetic potential was not affected. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA)-pattern revealed significant shifts in the structure of the whole microbial community in a soil of a hop plantation as compared to a similar soil with crop rotation. The quantity of anaerobic bacteria, represented by the non-ester linked fatty acids were lower in soil samples derived from crop rotation as compared to a former hop plantation soil, which was contaminated with copper. In contrast, the ester linked fatty acids which are present in a wide range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, exhibited a reverse relation. Soil samples of the hop plantation contained low amounts of saturated ester linked fatty acids branching on the 10th C atom. This indicates that actinomycetes are present in relative small proportions in the hop plantation soil.  相似文献   


This experiment carried out as split plot factorial based on a randomized complete block design with three replications during two consecutive years (2015–2016). The main plot consisted of drought stress: complete irrigation, irrigation withholding at R1 stage, irrigation withholding at R2 stage and subplots included foliar application of micronutrients: distilled water (control), zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate and zinc sulfate?+?manganese sulfate and cultivar as: Williams and Zan elite. The results showed that proline and linoleic acid were increased significantly, but chlorophyll a and b, seed yield, protein percentage, oleic and linolenic acids were decreased significantly by irrigation withholding. Also, the maximum values of chlorophyll b, protein percentage and linolenic acid were achieved by Williams. The significant increasing effect of zinc was found on the maximum root and stem proline, chlorophyll b, and oleic, linolenic and linoleic unsaturated fatty acids, meanwhile the maximum leaf proline was obtained by manganese sulfate.  相似文献   

富磷垃圾肥对大豆营养及产量、品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
我国有74%的耕地土壤缺磷,在农业种植中磷素的利用率又极低,当季利用率仅为10%~25%,是作物产量的重要限制因子[1].目前,我国农用磷肥主要是磷矿粉经加工而成,需要大量硫酸,生产成本较高,长期施用不仅造成土壤板结,也会污染环境.磷矿粉如直接施用于土壤时,肥效又受许多因素限制[2].如何在我国磷资源有限的情况下研究和总结一套能在农业生产中应用的生物学途径,以维持土壤的磷供应水平,是广大科研工作者普遍关心的课题.城市生活垃圾在堆肥过程中将产生大量的有机弱酸类物质,其对难溶性磷的溶解能力已在土壤中得到证实[3-5];另外堆肥过程中产生的腐殖酸类物质也可以对难溶性磷有一定的络合能力[6];同时,堆肥过程中微生物的活动也可将一部分磷固定在体内.因此,通过生活垃圾堆肥对难溶性磷进行转化,可使堆肥中形成较多的易矿化的有机态磷及可溶性磷,施用于土壤后可提高磷素的有效性.本研究通过利用生活垃圾堆肥与难溶性磷生产富磷垃圾肥,并进行田间试验,探讨富磷垃圾肥对大豆营养物质的积累、作物产量及质量的影响.  相似文献   

Aroma-active compounds from a beeflike process flavor, produced by extrusion of enzyme-hydrolyzed vegetable protein (E-HVP), were analyzed using aroma extract dilution analysis. The number of aroma-active compounds and the aroma intensity were increased by the addition of aroma precursors prior to extrusion. The most intense compound was 2-methyl-3-furanthiol having a cooked rice/vitamin-like/meaty aroma note. Several sulfur-containing furans, such as 2-methyl-3-(methylthio)furan, 2-methyl-3-(methyldithio)furan, and bis(2-methylfuryl)disulfide, were detected with high flavor dilution (FD) factors. Some pyrazines, such as 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine, 2,6-diethylpyrazine, and 3,5-diethyl-2-methylpyrazine, also had high FD factors. It is hypothesized that sulfur-containing amino acids and thiamin were important precursors in aroma formation in process flavor from E-HVP.  相似文献   

Vegetable oils have significant potential as a base fluid and a substitute for mineral oil in grease formulation. Preparation of soybean oil-based lithium greases using a variety of fatty acids in the soap structure is discussed in this paper. Soy greases with lithium-fatty acid soap having C12-C18 chain lengths and different metal to fatty acid ratios were synthesized. Grease hardness was determined using a standard test method, and their oxidative stabilities were measured using pressurized differential scanning calorimetry. Results indicate that lithium soap composition, fatty acid types, and base oil content significantly affect grease hardness and oxidative stability. Lithium soaps prepared with short-chain fatty acids resulted in softer grease. Oxidative stability and other performance properties will deteriorate if oil is released from the grease matrix due to overloading of soap with base oil. Performance characteristics are largely dependent on the hardness and oxidative stability of grease used as industrial and automotive lubricant. Therefore, this paper discusses the preparation methods, optimization of soap components, and antioxidant additive for making soy-based grease.  相似文献   

Cotyledon tissues from mature soybeans were systematically prepared for transmission electron microscopy employing fixation buffer pH's of 7.2, 6.4, and 5.6. Tissue fixed at pH 7.2 showed few membrane-bound internal protein body structures. Portions of the same tissue fixed at pH 6.4 revealed numerous membrane-bound crystalloid structures and stacks of membranous sacks. Tissue prepared at pH 5.6 also contained numerous membrane-bound crystalloid structures and examples of membrane-bound globoid structures. This is the first investigation to document the effect of fixation pH on the subcellular structure of soybean protein bodies and the first to show membrane-bound crystalloid or globoid structures in soybeans.  相似文献   

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