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辽东地区4种林下经济植物光能利用率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以辽宁省东部地区林下生长的大叶芹、移山参、五味子和穿龙薯蓣4种主要经济植物为研究对象,测定与分析了这4种林下经济植物在不同遮阴条件下光合速率的变化趋势,得出这4种林下经济植物对光能利用能力最高的遮阴梯度分别为:大叶芹52.5%;移山参77.6%;五味子25.2%;穿龙薯蓣64.5%。  相似文献   

人参(Panax ginseng C.A.Mep)是名贵的药用植物,在吉林省已有二、三百年的栽培历史。近年来,人参栽培面积逐年扩大,因人参不能连作,老参地不能利用,许多人在生产上仍沿用“毁林栽参”的旧方法,即将大片森林砍掉,烧荒开地,棚下种参,通常栽参一亩须毁林三亩以上,对森林资原破坏极为严重。长此下去,将使生态环境失去平衡,给子孙后代带来可怕的灾难。据不完全统计:我省的人参栽培已发展到30多个县,现有老参地面积约45万亩,栽培人  相似文献   

一、人参集约化生产的寓意自人参有栽培史以来,全靠毁林栽参,一种"游牧式"生产,使林参矛盾日益突出.这种生产方式管理困难,产量低,成本高,也不适应人参市场的变化.因而把参场固定,在同一面积上,通过科学管理,实行精耕细作,以获得优质高产的人参,成为今后人参生产发展的方向.这种人参生产的方式称为集约化生产.  相似文献   

移山参栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人参 (panaxginsengC .A .Mey .) ,别名棒槌、棒棰、野山参、野参、山参。是五加科 ,多年生草本植物。移山参又称林下参 ,是利用野山参的小捻子或籽海在林分下培植而成的人参。移山参仅次于野山参 ,其品种在国内外是认可的 ,也是受世界各地客商欢迎的走俏品种  相似文献   

辽东地区4种林下经济植物光合特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统,对4种林下经济植物的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度进行测定。结果表明:4种林下经济植物的净光合速率日变化曲线均为双峰型曲线,存在明显的光合“午睡”现象,日平均净光合速率的大小顺序为大叶芹〉五味子〉穿龙薯蓣〉移山参;大叶芹、五味子、穿龙薯蓣的蒸腾速率日变化曲线均为双峰型,而移山参为单峰型;4种林下经济植物胞间CO2浓度日变化曲线呈典型“V”字形。  相似文献   

中国石柱子参源于野山参品种驯化而成,栽培历史可追溯到300余年,是国内迄今为止园参栽培唯一有石碑记载,同时,也是中国栽培人参长脖品种的生产代表区,并被中国农业博览会冠以"园参之冠,国之瑰宝"之美誉。由于历史原因柱参栽培一直沿袭毁林种参的陋习,与建设"生态中国"理念相悖,如何保护种质资源永续利用,使其向自然型、生态型方向发展,是我们生产者目前亟待解决的课题。  相似文献   

人参连作是根本解决林参矛盾发展“两高一优”田园参业的好途径花振波,赵汝胜,花旭(白山市林业局)通常人们认为:人参忌连作。如在育苗或栽参过后的老参地上再重复栽参,表现为“烧须、多病、低产”,日本人称为人参连作障碍。所以,人参生产一直沿用毁林栽参的传统办...  相似文献   

随着传统农业向效益型农业的转变 ,栽培方法也跟着同步发展 ,涌现出许多新兴的栽培方法。李子树下栽种草莓就是其中的一种栽培方法。现将具体栽培措施简述如下 :1果园立体化种植方式和特点李树栽培规格为2m×3m ,这样亩定植李树111株 ;在李树的树带内栽种草莓 ,草莓栽种规格为20cm×20cm。这种栽培方式 ,形成空间生产李子 ,地面上生产草莓的立体化栽培。2科学管理果园李子园是选用绥李3号作主栽品种 ,用吉林6号作授粉树 ,草莓1年1栽 ,亦可3~4年栽一次 ,1年1栽的一般8月份进行栽培 ,亦可早春4月份栽培。品种选择…  相似文献   

为了研究不同栽培模式对土壤质量的影响,以蓖麻、乌桕、油莎豆3种能源植物为研究对象,设计单一植物栽培和两两混合栽培6种处理,采用BIOLOG-ECO微平板法和化学法分别分析土壤微生物对碳源利用及土壤酶活性情况。结果表明:栽培模式显著影响土壤微生物对31种碳源的平均利用率(AWCD),其总体趋势为:乌桕与油莎豆混栽乌桕与蓖麻混栽蓖麻与油莎豆混栽油莎豆单栽蓖麻单栽乌桕单栽;不同栽培模对土壤酸性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶、蛋白酶和过氧化氢酶的活性均有影响,且混合栽培模式下土壤酶活性均高于单一植物栽培的。可见,油料植物混合栽培不仅可以改善土壤微生物碳代谢能力和提高土壤酶的活性,还有利于土壤的健康。  相似文献   

冠层结构对林下经济植物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用美国Co-operatively公司生产的DELTA-T冠层分析仪及软件,对辽东地区5种林下经济植物生长区域林下光环境特性和冠层结构指标光合光量子通量密度(PPFD)、总空隙度(gap fraction)、叶面积指数(LAI)、平均叶倾角(MLA)等的研究结果表明,大叶芹和五味子更喜欢林下直射光,而移山参、穿龙薯蓣和细辛更适应林下散射光。  相似文献   

麦秸刨花板备料工段加工工艺的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对麦秸刨花板的刨花形态的选取和备料工段加工工艺的确定进行了研究,建议采用切断锤磨加工工艺。探讨了实际生产中麦秸刨花板备料工段应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

黄栀子丰产栽培与产业开发标准化项目示范技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建立项目示范生产基地,总结出黄栀子的选地与整地、类型与品种选择、苗木繁育、造林技术、抚育管理、栀子采收与加工和黄栀子干果质量地方技术标准等7项技术。通过选择优良品种、因地制宜、科学集约经营和规范黄栀子生产的各项技术环节,制订出黄栀子丰产栽培与产业开发地方标准化技术,并推广应用于全市黄栀子的生产与产业开发,为国内外市场提供大量符合国家规定的黄栀子药材和符合绿色食品原料的黄栀子食用色素。  相似文献   

鹤望兰产业化经营的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据鹤望兰产业化研究的相关理论,结合鲜切花产业结构调整和产业化发展的客观要求、以及鹤望兰生产和经营的特点,提出鹤望兰产业化经营的基本模式应采用鹤望兰产业集团或龙头企业+农户的形式,产业集团与农户实行“一定五统一”的管理模式。  相似文献   

Soils that contain high levels of calcium salts can affect tree seedling growth in two ways: high total salts can reduce water availability, and excess calcium can affect seedling nutrition. Nutritional problems, such as iron deficiency (lime-induced chlorosis) and phosphorus deficiency, can seriously affect forest nursery production through growth losses, stunting, and sometimes seedling mortality. High calcium soils can be diagnosed by visible symptoms, soil tests, and seedling nutrient analysis. Soil management practices that have been used to treat high calcium soils include site selection and soil mapping, species and stock type selection, fertilization, and soil acidification. Cultural practices, including irrigation, mulching, deep ripping, organic matter amendments, and mycorrhizal treatments, have been used to lessen the adverse affects of high calcium soils.  相似文献   

Early flowering and flower abundance have long been considered desirable traits in eucalypt breeding programs. In particular, flowers of Eucalyptus cladocalyx provide a nectar source for the production of honey in arid ecosystems. To identify inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers that are associated with early flowering and flower abundance in the southern Atacama Desert, we used a sample of 47 trees, representing five Australian provenances of E. cladocalyx. A unified mixed linear model (which considered the effect of genetic structure and the kinship relationship among trees) revealed that three loci were significantly associated with early flowering, which accounted for 10–16 % of the phenotypic variation, while two loci accounted for 11–13 % in flowering intensity. Locus ISO1–500 bp was associated with both flowering traits. This result is consistent with our previous findings indicating that marker-assisted selection on early flowering should have significant and positive impact on flowering intensity. The application of marker-assisted selection to identify trees that flower early and intensively may increase honey production, a resource that generates additional income for the local farmers of the southern Atacama Desert.  相似文献   

文章通过对97个核桃种质开花结实习性、植株产量、坚果品质等分析测定认为,云南核桃种质资源极为丰富,其花型、结实期、成熟期、坚果三径值、出仁率等均有很大差异,为选择优良类型和杂交亲本提供了条件。通过对97个种质综合分析评价认为:云南泡核桃、三台核桃、细香核桃三个品质优良,是云南核桃的主裁品种,可大力发展。丽3号、杂交14号等9个优良可在生产上推广应用;弥渡纸皮核桃等可作早熟品种;铁核桃和野核桃是优良品种核桃栽培品种的砧木和育种材料。  相似文献   

蓖麻高产栽培技术规程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在试验研究的基础上,制定了蓖麻高产栽培的选种、种子处理、选地、整地、播种、田间管理、病虫害防治及采收等技术规程,为蓖麻种植提供技术参考。  相似文献   



Climate change is expected to increase forest vulnerability through disturbances such as windstorms and droughts. Forest managers are therefore investigating strategies to increase forest resistance and resilience, especially by promoting uneven-aged and mixed forests through group selection, and by reducing stand stocking and large trees proportion. However, there is little information on the long-term impacts of these two practices.


The objectives of this study were (1) to develop an original silviculture algorithm designed for uneven-aged management and (2) to use it to assess the effects of the above-mentioned management methods in long-term simulations.


We simulated individual and group selection techniques in order to study the effects of group size, harvesting intensity and their interactions on wood production, stand heterogeneity, and regeneration in mountain spruce–fir forests. We used the spatially explicit individual-based forest model Samsara2 to simulate forest dynamics.


Our simulation results confirmed the positive effect of group selection practices on structure diversity and regeneration but not on spruce maintenance. Increasing harvesting intensity enabled forest destocking but decreased structure diversity and led to non-sustained yields for the most intensive scenarios.


As adaptation measure, we thus recommend moderate group selection harvesting creating 500 m2 gaps.  相似文献   

B. Payandeh 《New Forests》1990,4(4):309-317
As a prelude to modeling regeneration in Ontario, the model STOCK was developed to assist forest nurserymen in evaluating their planting-stock production options. STOCK simulates the growth and survival of seedlings from seed-source selection to fully grown planting stock. The effects of various management options and cultural treatments (such as seed source, stock type, fertilization, thinning and pruning) on growth and survival may be simulated in accordance with empirical models or the user's expectations in the form of simple coefficients or improvement factors. The model simulates various stock-production options in accordance with the user's choices then optimizes the results on the basis of a calculated cost-efficiency index (CEI). In effect, CEI combines the total cost and stock production with growth, survival and the quality of the resulting planting stock. The model is written in both the FORTRAN 77 standard and in Apple BASIC.  相似文献   

马尾松遗传改良的成就、问题和思考   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
经过3个连续5年的协作攻关研究,马尾松遗传改良和良种生产获得了重大进展。本文简要介绍在地理变异和种源选择、生产群体和育种群体建设、无性繁殖和无性系育林、工业用材树种定向选育、育种策略和一些基础性研究方面的主要成就,对种源研究和推广、有种区划分、优良基因资源保护和利用、建园技术和种子生产、造纸材定向选育、抗性育种、遗传参数估算、基因型与环境互作、早期选择、育种计划和方案制定等诸多领域中存在的问题进行  相似文献   

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