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An outbreak of fatal hemorrhagic pneumonia with 70~90% morbidity and 50% mortality occurred in an animal shelter in Yangju, Gyeonggi Province, Korea. Clinically, the affected dogs showed severe respiratory distress within 48 h after arriving in the shelter. The dead were found mainly with nasal bleeding and hematemesis. At necropsy, hemothorax and hemorrhagic pneumonia along with severe pulmonary consolidation was observed, though histopathological analysis showed mainly hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia. Lymphoid depletion was inconsistently seen in the spleen, tonsil and bronchial lymph node. Gram-positive colonies were shown in blood vessels or parenchyma of cerebrum, lung, liver, spleen, and kidney. Also, Streptococcus (S.) equi subsp. zooepidemicus was isolated from the various organs in which the bacterium was microscopically and histologically detected. In addition, approximately 0.9 Kb specific amplicon, antiphagocytic factor H binding protein, was amplified in the bacterial isolates. In this study, we reported an outbreak of canine hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia caused by S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus in an animal shelter in Yangju, Korea.  相似文献   



Streptococcus equi ssp. equi is the causative agent of ‘Strangles’ in horses. This is a debilitating condition leading to economic loss, yard closures and cancellation of equestrian events. There are multiple genotypes of S. equi ssp. equi which can cause disease, but to date there has been no systematic study of strains which are prevalent in Ireland. This study identified and classified Streptococcus equi ssp. equi strains isolated from within the Irish equine industry.


Two hundred veterinary isolates were subjected to SLST (single locus sequence typing) based on an internal sequence from the seM gene of Streptococcus equi ssp equi. Of the 171 samples which successfully gave an amplicon, 162 samples (137 Irish and 24 UK strains) gave robust DNA sequence information. Analysis of the sequences allowed division of the isolates into 19 groups, 13 of which contain at least 2 isolates and 6 groups containing single isolates. There were 19 positions where a DNA SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) occurs, and one 3 bp insertion. All groups had multiple (2–8) SNPs. Of the SNPs 17 would result in an amino acid change in the encoded protein. Interestingly, the single isolate EI8, which has 6 SNPs, has the three base pair insertion which is not seen in any other isolate, this would result in the insertion of an Ile residue at position 62 in that protein sequence. Comparison of the relevant region in the determined sequences with the UK Streptococcus equi seM MLST database showed that Group B (15 isolates) and Group I (2 isolates), as well as the individual isolates EI3 and EI8, are unique to Ireland, and some groups are most likely of UK origin (Groups F and M), but many more probably passed back and forth between the two countries.


The strains occurring in Ireland are not clonal and there is a considerable degree of sequence variation seen in the seM gene. There are two major clades causing infection in Ireland and these strains are also common in the UK.  相似文献   

从新疆地区某驴养殖场获得了3株驴腺疫链球菌分离株HTP133、HTP123和HTP232.为了解这3株驴腺疫链球菌的生物学特性和确定其分子分型,本研究对其进行了生化特性、药敏特性的检测,对16S rRNA进行序列对比分析,并利用PCR扩增SeM等位基因和测序鉴定其基因型.研究结果表明3株分离菌均为马链球菌马亚种.药敏试...  相似文献   

采用盐析法测定了马链球菌兽疫亚种ATCC35246株(简称35246)和猪链球菌2型9801株(简称HA9801)的表面疏水性。35246在浓度为1.0mol/L的硫酸铵中2min内析出,HA9801在0.6mol/L的硫酸铵中析出。用不同浓度的人纤连蛋白(Fn)包被ELISA板,采用ELISA方法检测了对数生长后期的35246和HA9801体外结合固定Fn的情况。35246的D415随细菌浓度的升高而增大,而9801的D415与对照相比,经t检验差异不显著(P〉0.05)。采用间接免疫荧光试验,对二者体外结合游离的人Fn的情况进行了检测,结果在2种细菌周围均见绿色荧光。结果表明,二菌均为表面疏水菌;35246株既可结合固定的Fn,又可结合游离的Fn;而HA9801株仅与游离的Fn结合。  相似文献   

Streptococcus (S.) dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis is responsible for severe diseases in humans, including primary bacteraemia, pneumonia, endocarditis, and toxic shock syndrome. Infection in some animal species can also occur, although a few studies have looked into cross-species infectivity. In horses, S. equisimilis is generally considered infrequent or opportunistic, but has recently been isolated from cases of strangles-like disease. Rapid and sensitive diagnostic techniques could enable epidemiological studies and effective investigation of outbreaks involving these bacteria. In this study, PCR protocols previously described in cattle and in humans to detect the species S. dysgalactiae and the subspecies equisimilis were evaluated to detect specific sequences in equine samples. For this purpose, 99 monolateral nasal swabs were collected from horses from stud farms with a history of S. equisimilis infection and were tested blindly by bacteriological isolation and by single and duplex PCR. DNA for PCR was extracted both from the colonies grown on agar media and from enrichment broth aliquots after incubation with nasal swab samples. S. equisimilis was identified by bacteriological isolation in 23 out of 99 swab samples, and PCR assays on these colonies were fully concordant with bacteriological identification (kappa statistic = 1.00). In addition, PCR of the enrichment broth aliquots confirmed the bacteriological results and detected S. equisimilis in 6 samples more than the bacteriological examination (kappa statistic = 0.84). The PCR protocols appeared to be reliable for the rapid identification of S. equisimilis in equine nasal swab samples, and could be useful for microbiological diagnosis.  相似文献   

In this study, to evaluate the influence of strangles vaccination on serological test results, we investigated the changes in strangles serum antibody levels in horses after vaccination and subsequent intranasal challenge with S. equi. The horses were vaccinated for strangles with either a component vaccine (Group C) or a live vaccine (Group L). We measured changes in strangles serum antibody levels weekly for 20 weeks after vaccinating horses twice for strangles over a 3-week interval, and for 7 weeks after intranasal challenge with S. equi in the same horses. Serum antibody responses to the proline-glutamic acid-proline-lysine (PEPK) antigen with five repetitions (PEPK-5R) were higher at all times (up to 2.4-fold) following vaccination in Group C than in Group L, and the value peaked at 2.9-fold above the initial value after the second vaccination in Group C horses. However, the value was lower than that in horses infected with S. equi, and it gradually decreased, reaching the initial (week 0) value by the 15th week. Serum antibody responses to PEPK-5R after challenge with S. equi increased in both groups of horses, but the value tended to be lower than that reported for unvaccinated horses. In addition, the average value in Group C was 2.6-fold higher than that of Group L. These results suggest the serum antibody responses of horses infected with S. equi varies according to the type of vaccine with which they have been vaccinated. Although the serological diagnostic test for strangles in which PEPK-5R is used as an antigen is effective for the investigation of serum antibodies to strangles in vaccinated horses, the present data suggest it is necessary to consider the vaccination history when interpreting the results.  相似文献   

Streptococcus equi subspecies equi, S equi subspecies zooepidemicus, and S dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis are β-hemolytic Streptococci, often isolated from horses with respiratory or genital diseases. The aim of this study was (i) defining and validating a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol for identifying these Streptococci in bacterial cultures and for detecting them directly in equine clinical specimens, and (ii) defining and validating a cheap DNA extraction protocol for clinical specimens. When respiratory and genital samples from symptomatic and asymptomatic horses were tested by bacterial culture and by multiplex PCR, all the 150 samples culture-positive for S equi, S zooepidemicus, or S equisimilis were also positive by PCR. Of 150 culture-negative samples, 143 were negative by PCR. Seven samples were positive by PCR but negative by bacteriology. The multiplex PCR protocol described in this study is proven suitable for a sensitive, specific, and rapid detection and identification of S equi, S zooepidemicus, and S equisimilis in cultured bacterial colonies, as well as in clinical specimens from symptomatic or asymptomatic horses. The inclusion of internal control primers in the PCR protocol excludes false-negative results. A cheap DNA extraction method has been also validated for swabs, tracheal aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage, and guttural pouches lavage samples.  相似文献   

【目的】 研究金银花、连翘及金银花-连翘药对(金银花-连翘1∶1)对北疆地区携带fneB毒力基因的马链球菌马亚种(Streptococcus equi subsp. equi, SEE)耐药基因和毒力基因的影响。【方法】 首先对1 g/mL的金银花、连翘及金银花-连翘药对(金银花-连翘1∶1)水提物进行中药配比浓度梯度试验, 然后与携带fneB毒力基因的L1菌株、lytA+fneB+ply毒力基因的D1菌株和qnrA+blaTEM+fneB基因的Y1菌株3种SEE菌株共培养, 检测中药对SEE菌株耐药基因blaTEMqnrA及毒力基因plyfneB的影响; 将192只SPF级昆明小鼠均分为16组: 空白对照组(生理盐水)、金银花组、连翘组、金银花-连翘1∶1组、阴性对照组(Y1、L1和D1菌株组)及3种菌株分别与金银花、连翘和金银花-连翘1∶1共培养组, 各组药物或菌液经腹腔注射0.5 mL进行小鼠体内抑菌试验, 检测药物对小鼠的致病性和fneB毒力基因的影响。【结果】 中药最适配比浓度为中药水提物∶THB培养基∶待测菌液(D600 nm值均为0.6)为1 000 μL∶500 μL∶20 μL; 与中药水提取物共培养的3株SEE菌株均未检出耐药基因和毒力基因, 且菌株形态结构均未发生改变。小鼠致病性试验结果显示, 阴性对照组的小鼠成活率分别为16.7%、8.3%和0;而L1+连翘、L1+金银花共培养组小鼠存活率分别为83.3%、75.0%, 金银花-连翘1∶1药对与3株SEE菌株共培养组小鼠成活率分别为41.7%、16.7%、50.0%;小鼠病理解剖结果显示, 除接种SEE菌株的小鼠肝脏肿大淤血、边缘钝圆外, 其余各组肝脏均正常。小鼠体内fneB毒力基因检测结果显示, Y1+金银花、Y1+连翘、Y1+金银花-连翘1∶1、L1+金银花、L1+金银花-连翘1∶1、D1+金银花、D1+连翘、D1+金银花-连翘组均携带fneB毒力基因, L1+连翘组未检出fneB毒力基因, 表明小鼠体内SEE菌株有重新获得fneB毒力基因的能力, 出现菌种反毒复壮, 其机制有待进一步研究。【结论】 金银花、连翘及金银花-连翘药对能够减弱SEE菌株的毒力基因和耐药基因, 从而对马腺疫疾病的防治具有指导意义, 为减抗、替抗提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (SDSE) can be severely pathogenic in humans and is increasingly isolated from horses with respiratory, reproductive or other diseases, although it is often considered a commensal bacterium. Here a PCR protocol is described for identifying SDSE recovered from humans. A multiplex PCR targeting the 16S rRNA and the streptokinase precursor gene has been optimized for differentiating between SDSE strains isolated from humans and those isolated from horses. Previously, the sequence of the streptokinase precursor gene of SDSE recovered from horses has been found in two human cases of pneumonia in Japan.  相似文献   

Infectious upper respiratory disease (IURD) of Thoroughbred racehorses has been a frequent problem (29.6% of incidence) at the Seoul Race Park (Korea). Risk factors for IURD include the season with a high transfer rate (summer and fall), the stabling period (≤ 3 months), and age (2 to 3 years old), suggesting that the movement and new environment may have depressed the immune system of the horses and decreased their ability to respond properly to pathogens. The bacterial strains (n = 98) isolated from IURD horses included Pseudomonas spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus equi subsp. equi and zooepidemicus.  相似文献   



Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Streptococcus uberis are common causes of clinical mastitis (CM) in dairy cows. In the present study genotype variation of S. dysgalactiae and S. uberis was investigated, as well as the influence of bacterial species, or genotype within species, on the outcome of veterinary-treated CM (VTCM). Isolates of S. dysgalactiae (n = 132) and S. uberis (n = 97) were genotyped using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Identical banding patterns were called pulsotypes. Outcome measurements used were cow composite SCC, milk yield, additional registered VTCMs and culling rate during a four-month follow-up period.


In total, 71 S. dysgalactiae pulsotypes were identified. Nineteen of the pulsotypes were isolated from more than one herd; the remaining pulsotypes were only found once each in the material. All S. uberis isolates were of different pulsotypes. During the follow-up period, the SCC of S. dysgalactiae-cows was significantly lower than the SCC of S. uberis-cows (P <0.05). Median SCC of S. dysgalactiae-cows was 71 500 cells/ml and of S. uberis-cows 108 000 cells/ml. No other differences in outcome parameters could be identified between species or genotypes.


Identical S. dysgalactiae genotypes were isolated from more than one herd, suggesting some spread of this pathogen between Swedish dairy herds. The genetic variation among S. uberis isolates was substantial, and we found no evidence of spread of this pathogen between herds. The milk SCC was lower during the follow-up period if S. dysgalactiae rather than S. uberis was isolated from the case, indicating differences in treatment response between bacterial species.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13028-014-0080-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

为了解马源马链球菌兽疫亚种(S.zooepidemicus)新疆分离株马链球菌兽疫亚种类M蛋白(SzM)基因的分子进化与变异情况,为该菌引起的感染性疾病的防控提供依据,本试验对新疆地区某马场采集的病马淋巴结样品进行病原菌的分离培养和生化鉴定,并对分离菌株进行药物敏感性试验。根据已发表的马源SzM基因序列设计引物,对其SzM基因进行PCR扩增及序列测定。将获得的SzM序列与GenBank中不同动物源马链球菌兽疫亚种分离株序列进行同源性比对和遗传进化分析。结果显示,分离得到了一株革兰氏阳性链球菌,将其命名为马链球菌兽疫亚种ZMSY15-1。药物敏感性试验结果表明,分离菌株对青霉素、磺胺嘧啶钠耐药,对其他14种药物均敏感。序列分析结果显示,马链球菌兽疫亚种ZMSY15-1与国内外不同动物源分离株SzM基因氨基酸同源性为56.0%~70.0%。遗传进化分析结果显示,这些菌株可分为4个群。马链球菌兽疫亚种ZMSY15-1与猪源分离株SzM蛋白的氨基酸同源性为59.9%,分别属于2个不同的群,其与美国马源分离株NH55426亲缘关系最近。本试验结果可丰富国内马源马链球菌兽疫亚种SzM基因的信息数据,为马链球菌兽疫亚种的致病机制研究和预防控制提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus subsp. anaerobius, a microaerophilic and catalase-negative bacterium, is the etiological agent of abscess disease, a specific chronic condition of sheep and goats, which is characterized by formation of necrotic lesions that are located typically in superficial lymph nodes. We constructed an isogenic mutant of S. aureus subsp. anaerobius (RDKA84) that carried a repaired and functional catalase gene from S. aureus ATCC 12600, to investigate whether the lack of catalase in S. aureus subsp. anaerobius plays a role in its physiological and pathogenic characteristics. The catalase activity had no apparent influence on the in vitro growth characteristics of RDKA84, which, like the wild-type, did not grow on aerobically incubated agar plates. Restoration of catalase activity in RDKA84 substantially increased resistance to H2O2 when analyzed in a death assay. The intracellular survival rates of the catalase-positive mutant RDKA84 in polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) isolated from adult sheep were significantly higher than those of the wild-type, while no differences were found with PMN isolated from lambs. RDKA84 showed significantly lower survival rates in murine macrophages (J774A.1 cells) than the wild-type strains did, whereas, in bovine mammary epithelial cells (MAC-T), no differences in intracellular survival were observed. Interestingly, the virulence for lambs, the natural host for abscess disease, of the catalase-positive mutant RDKA84 was reduced dramatically in comparison with wild-type S. aureus subsp. anaerobius in two experimental models of infection.  相似文献   

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