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在田家烧锅广场设计中重点结合广场的周边用地现状确定广场的使用功能,划分出沿街景观区、休闲活动区等区域,并且以哈尔滨市香坊区的田家烧锅这一本土文化为历史文脉,在广场中点缀与之有关的本土人文景观元素,增添广场的趣味性和教育性。  相似文献   

中国生态环境的主要问题及其对策( 英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国生态环境的主要问题可以概括为 :自然环境先天不足 ,水土流失严重 ,荒漠化面积呈扩大趋势 ,水资源紧缺、污染严重 ,森林覆盖率低、增长缓慢 ,生物多样性减少 ,大气污染严重 .为改善生态环境 ,中国各级政府采取了加强法制、强化监督与监测、增加环境治理资金及提高技术水平等一系列对策  相似文献   


Forest concessions are currently in a state of flux. Despite mitigated results in some regions, they are still hailed as the path to sustainable forest management on other continents. Using geographical, economic, and political viewpoints, this article offers a multidisciplinary perspective to account for this apparent contradiction. The authors conclude that although political actors continue to support or criticize them by using a range of historical, contextual, and ideological associations, large-scale forest concessions can be theoretically justified from an economic and geographical viewpoint.  相似文献   

沙棘不仅是优良的多用途树种,也是典型的克隆植物,依靠克隆生长赋予的生理整合及觅养行为,可通过林窗更新和林缘扩散维持种群的稳定性和持久性,广泛用于水土保持、防风固沙和治理砒砂岩.本文在回顾应用现状的基础上,对其前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

In developing countries seedlings are often produced in small-scale nurseries as a means to raise tree planting materials and, provided they are of high quality, these can form the basis for successful forest plantation initiatives. This study uses morphological characteristics to assess the quality of seedlings of three tree species (Persea americana, Cola acuminata and Dacryodes edulis) in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. The growth characteristics and quality indicators of seedlings produced in two nursery categories were compared—three nurseries collaborating with the tree domestication program implemented by the World Agroforestry Centre (Category 1) and three nurseries collaborating with government and non-governmental projects (Category 2). Seedlings produced in nurseries in the first nursery category were found to be uniform in terms of growth characteristics and quality indicators. In the second category, there were relatively higher seedling proportions having measured parameters out of threshold standards for root to shoot ratio and for sturdiness quotient. Significant differences between nursery categories (at α = 0.05) were detected in root collar diameter of C. acuminata and D. edulis and in shoot dry weight of D. edulis. These differences could be attributed to better nursery management as a results of training and technical backstopping received by nursery operators in Category 1. The level of experience of nursery operators in both categories was found to be insufficient and greater exposure to skills and knowledge could enhance the production of high quality seedlings.  相似文献   

以茂名市为例,将国家森林城市建设中的控制性项目、总体布局、创建达标作为研究对象,重点分析控制性项目在森林城市建设中所起的关键性作用,阐述研究对象之间的相互关联,并着重讨论了在今后的实际工作中如何处理好三者之间的关系,以期为其它城市开展森林城市建设提供启示。  相似文献   

我国自然保护区的类型是以保护对象来划分的,随着湿地和山地等自然保护区的出现,诸如跨林业部门和农业(渔业)部门主管的自然保护区会越来越多。本文试图设计跨部门管理的自然保护区建立和变更的法律规则,并以湖南岳阳东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区为例来探讨跨部门管理的自然保护区变更的必要性和可行性。建议在《自然保护区法》制定中考虑跨部门管理的自然保护区问题,自然保护区合作管理机构应整合其多个管理部门的权力,对自然保护区进行一体化管理或生态系统管理。  相似文献   


The Russian forest sector is under transformation, and the Model Forest (MF) concept is used as an innovative approach to regional sustainable development based on forest goods, ecosystem services and values. This study evaluates the development of the MF concept in north-west Russia's Barents region, using Kovdozersky MF in Murmansk region as a case study. This report (1) describe the main historical phases of forest use, (2) summarizes the state and trends of the economic, ecological and sociocultural situation, (3) explores reasons for establishing the MF, and (4) evaluates the main steps towards implementation of the MF concept. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. Actors were identified and interviewed to understand the process of MF development. Statistic data were collected and analyzed. The main goal of this MF is to support development through participatory collaboration regarding (1) balancing needs and interests among actors and stakeholders, (2) implementation of sustainable forest management, (3) encouraging the development of ecotourism and bioenergy production in the area, and (4) increasing public awareness with respect to sustainable forest management. Potential challenges for the MF partnership include: (1) domination by partners from the traditional forest sector, with their potentially more narrow needs and interests in the partnership development, and (2) disparity in sharing responsibilities and power between regional and local levels in MF management.  相似文献   

延庆县荒滩荒地是首都主要的风沙源,其生态治理直接影响北京市区的环境质量。随着荒滩造林工程的实施,延庆地区环境已有了明显改观。为尽快符合首都生态涵养区的功能要求,应重视其后期管理。针对延庆县荒滩生态林后期管理中存在的问题,提出了对策建议,以期提高延庆县荒滩生态林的生态、社会、经济和景观的综合效益。  相似文献   

文章在分析了循环经济的发展性、生态性、协调性和经济性等理论的基础上,探讨了发展循环经济对保护西部日益恶化的生态与环境、区域经济的可持续发展、小康社会战略目标的实现等方面的重要意义,提出当前应从政策法规、经济结构战略性调整、生态示范园区建设、绿色消费模式、绿色技术支撑体系等方面加强措施建设,促进西部循环经济的发展。  相似文献   

森林经营问题在新一轮集体林权制度改革中得到重视.以福建省邵武市和尤溪县作为研究区域,通过156个农户样本数据,分析农户造林、砍杂、施肥和管护4方面的森林经营行为现状;基于利润最大化理论,选择Probit模型,分析家庭、林地、非林生产、林业生产、制度因素5方面17个变量对农户森林经营行为的影响.研究表明:农户造林、砍杂、施肥和管护4类森林经营活动的参与性分别为64.1%、36.5%、33.3%和46.2%;造林行为受户主受教育水平、户主是否主要从事农林业超过10年、用材林比重、林改前是否进行过造林、家庭耕地面积、非农收入占家庭总收入比重的影响显著;砍杂行为受户主年龄、家庭劳动力数量、林地是否距家庭远、林改前是否进行过造林、农户是否对经营制度改革满意的影响显著;施肥行为受户主是否主要从事农林业超过10年、家庭劳动力数量、林地是否距家庭远、非农收入占家庭收入比重、是否对税费制度改革满意、是否对经营制度改革满意的影响显著;管护行为受新一轮集体权制度改革中获得的林地占家庭林地总面积比重、林地是否距家庭远、是否计划修建林道的影响显著.为提高农户森林经营积极性,需要关注农户家庭、林地、非林生产和林业生产方面的特殊性,优化有助于农户提高营林收益和降低营林成本的制度措施.  相似文献   

During the first half of the 20th century the Baltic States were independent democratic nations where private forest ownership was practiced. After annexation to the Soviet Union, individuals in the Baltic States lost their ownership rights and collective ownership was introduced. Currently, after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the land restitution process in the forest sector is coming to an end and the ownership pattern as well as tenure rights are settled. A survey was undertaken to investigate the current state of the private forest sector in general, and the needs and expectations of private forest owners (PFO). Results of the study indicated that for private forest owners their forests first of all provide aesthetic and environmental protection values. Lithuanian PFOs lack information of forests and forest management, face extensive bureaucracy and need help in protecting their forests from fires, diseases and timber thieves.  相似文献   

申时才 《林业与社会》2005,13(4):24-27,36
为了解决滇西北农牧区的冬季饲料紧缺问题,在滇西北贡山县迪麻洛村进行了外来草种和青贮饲料试验.试验采用的主要方法是跟踪采访.跟踪采访的主要内容是监测试验的进展、农户所使用的传统知识以及农户对技术的评价等.在参与式农户试验的条件下,跟踪采访是参与式试验的有效互补手段.  相似文献   

为了科学、准确获取浙江省森林城市主要评定指标值,本文利用研究区2008年的彩色航片,辅以更新至2009年的二类调查及造林、园林绿化数据作补充和修正,通过布设大量高密度样点并判读赋值,基于成数抽样原理和"3S"技术,根据浙江省森林城市主要评价标准体系,以浙江余杭为例进行评估,并计算主要评估结果的估计精度和估计区间。结果显示:2009年,余杭区建成区林木覆盖率为24.92%(未达标);人均公共绿地面积16.91m2(达标),其中乔木树种面积比重达到56.04%(未达标);建设区域内道路绿化率约为92.16%(达标),河道绿化率91.99%(达标);建成区内97.40%(达标)以上的市民出门平均500m有休闲绿地。综上,采用以上评估方法获取的研究区浙江省森林城市主要评定指标结果,有很高的精度保证和较好可信度。  相似文献   

在阐述了构建森林型水资源保护区的重要性的基础上,以福建将乐金溪森林公园的规划建设为例,探讨了水源保护地发展森林公园的规划建设要点和生态管理要点。  相似文献   

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