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The objective of the study was to analyse the effects of different feeding and recording regimes by electronic feeding stations on growth rate, feed intake and feed intake behaviour. A total of 563 boars of three dam lines were group‐penned and fed ad libitum during an age‐dependent performance test. Of this total, 219 were fed during the entire performance test period of 10 weeks by electronic feeding stations (continuous feeding regime). Based on this feeding regime, no differences were found in feed intake and feed intake behaviour when considering information from either all weeks or every second week. A second group of 344 boars was fed during test weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 by electronic feeding stations and in the remaining weeks feed was supplied using conventional feeders without recording feed intake (periodic feeding regime). Growth rate and backfat thickness were non‐significantly different between feeding regimes, but significant differences were found between the periodic and continuous feeding regime in daily feed intake (2218 versus 2544 g) and behavioural traits such as visits per day (5.4 versus 7.2), time per day (57.1 versus 63.5 min), time per visit (12.5 versus 11.4 min), and feed intake rate (41.5 versus 43.4 g). Furthermore, the effect of test days on estimation of feed intake was analysed. In the periodic feeding regime, only the exclusion of the first 2 days of each week with recording showed a significant improvement of prediction of feed intake. Based on this daily information, differences in feed intake between feeding regimes decreased (2492 versus 2592 g), whereas visits per day, time per visit and feed intake per visit still differed significantly between periodic and continuous feeding regimes (5.7 versus 7.2; 13.5 versus 11.6 min; and 541 versus 467 g, respectively). Differences were also observed for genetic correlations among behavioural traits between the periodic and continuous feeding regimes, e.g. for daily feed intake and feed intake rate with time per visit (0.47 versus –0.07; –0.16 versus –0.57) and with feed intake per visit (0.81 versus 0.17; 0.58 versus –0.08). Based on the present results a continuous feeding regime was recommended in order to avoid the effect of repeated adaptation. This feeding regime also delivers a greater amount of reliable information and increases the accuracy of prediction of feed intake capacity. In case of limited test capacities and measuring feed intake in particular periods, the first two test days of each period with recording should be excluded to obtain more reliable feed intake information.  相似文献   

The microbiome in gastrointestinal tracts play an important role in regulating nutrient utilization and absorption, gut immune function, and host growth or development. This study was conducted to investigate the composition and dynamic distribution of caecal microbiota in pullets during the first 16 weeks. Growth performance, immune organs index, and intestinal morphology of pullets were analyzed at 3, 6, 12 and 16 weeks of age. The caecal contents were collected for microbiota analysis by 16S rRNA gene sequencing method. With advancing ages in pullets, the gradually increased average daily feed intake (ADFI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and intestinal villus height, but the gradually decreased organs index of thymus and bursa were determined. Meanwhile, more abundant caecal bacterial communities were determined from pullets at 12 and 16 weeks of age than those at 3 and 6 weeks of age. Furthermore, the dominant microflora of pullets from different weeks of age were analyzed by using LEfSe: The higher abundance of Blautia, Prevotella, Alistipes, and Eggerthella were found at 6 weeks; Anaerostipes, Oscillospira, Enterococcus and Methanobrevibacter were determined at 12 weeks; and the higher abundance of Parabacteroides, Anaerofustis, Lactobacillus and Butyricimonas were determined at 16 weeks. Further functional predicted analysis by PICRUSt revealed that the endocrine system and carbohydrate metabolism were significantly developed at 3 weeks. The development of the immune system was predicted to be mainly during 6 to 12 weeks, while cardiovascular diseases and circulatory system were during 12 to 16 weeks. In addition, the significantly negative correlation between Bacteroides and villus height, the significantly negative correlation between growth parameters (ADFI and FCR) and Bacteroides, Oscillospira and Alistipes; and the significantly positive relations between growth parameters (ADFI and FCR) and Bilophila, Lactobacillus, Rikenella and Anaerofustis were determined by using Pearson analyses. In conclusion, our data demonstrated that growth performance and intestinal morphology correlate well with caecal microbiota, which could provide new insights to establish or develop nutritional strategies to manage the intestinal health or development of laying pullets.  相似文献   

Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is the archetypical pathogen recognition protein of the innate immune defence. In humans, three frequently occurring single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the coding region of MBL gene are associated with the abnormal polymerization, decreased serum concentration and strongly impaired function of MBL protein. To understand whether or not SNPs in MBL gene are associated with serum concentration of MBL in sheep, we investigated 105 individuals of the Hu sheep by PCR single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, DNA sequencing, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. SSCP analyses of PCR amplicons from a 194-bp section of the exon-I region of the MBL gene revealed four patterns: A, B, C and D. In comparison with the sequences of the full-length MBL gene of sheep (GenBank accession numbers FJ977629 and AM933378; reference sequence hereafter), pattern A has a 3-bp deletion, a 6-bp deletion and 42 SNPs. Pattern B has 3 SNPs, pattern C has 2 SNPs, whereas pattern D is identical to the reference sequence. Twenty-four of the 47 SNPs of the four patters are synonymous whereas the other 23 SNPs are non-synonymous. The two deletions in the pattern A result in deletions of amino acids but there are no frame shifts in the putative MBL protein. The concentration of MBL protein in serum ranges from 1571 to 3657 μg/L in the Hu sheep. Our statistic analyses showed that patterns A and B are associated with reduced MBL protein level in serum, whereas pattern C is associated with increased MBL protein level in serum (P<0.05) in the Hu sheep.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Class II region was examined in 83 sheep. Two restriction enzymes (TaqI and PvuII) and two human cDNA probes (DQα-folke and DRβ-malta) were used to probe Southern blots from all sheep. In addition, a second human DRβ probe (signe) and the restriction enzyme, EcoRI, were used for 15 sheep to match previously published polymorphism in sheep using the same probe/enzyme combination. All sheep were part of an experiment in which footrot was experimentally induced and then controlled through vaccination with an homologous rDNA pilus vaccine. The four main probe/enzyme combinations detected extensive polymorphism; in total 74 bands were detected of which only 2 were present in all sheep. A similar level of polymorphism was also seen with the EcoRI/DRβ-signe probe/enzyme combination, which was greater than previously published for sheep, cattle or goats. After accounting for cross-hybridising bands, the sheep DRβ region appeared to be more polymorphic than the DQα region. Similarly the TaqI restriction enzyme revealed more polymorphism than the PvuI enzyme (40 and 34 bands respectively). For all 74 bands, 7 main clusters were identified both within and across probe/enzyme combinations. After removing bands/clusters which were of extreme frequency (< 0.10 and > 0.90), a total of 53 bands/clusters were analysed for their potential association with footrot and antibody responses. One band was significantly associated with susceptibility to footrot over the 27-week period during which footrot was measured. In addition, two single bands and one cluster were significantly (P > 0.001) associated with residual footrot infection after vaccination. Nine bands/clusters were associated with antibody titre during infection, and one cluster with antibody titre after vaccination. These results suggest a possible involvement for genetic polymorphism within the ovine Class II region in variation in response to footrot. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Krankheitsresistenz bei Merinos, II. RFLP's in Klasse II MHC und ihre Verbindung mit der Moderhinkeresistenz Restriktionsfragmentl?ngenpolymorphismus (RFLP) innerhalb des Haupthistokompatibilit?tskomplexes (MHC) Klasse II Region wurde bei 83 Schafen untersucht. Zwei Restriktionsenzyme (TaqI und PvuII) und zwei humane cDNA-Sonden (DQα-folke und DRβ-malta) wurden für Southern blots bei allen Schafen verwendet. Zus?tzlich wurde eine zweite humane DRβ-Sonde (signe) und das Restriktionsenzym EcoRI bei 15 Schafen zum Vergleich mit früher publizierten Polymorphismus mit den selben Enzym/Sondenkombinationen durchgeführt. Alle Schafe waren Teil eines Versuches, in welchem Moderhinke experimentell induziert und dann durch Vaccination mit homologer rDNA-pilus vaccine bek?mpft worden war. Die 4 Enzym/Sondenkombinationen entdeckten extensiven Polymorphismus. Insgesamt 74 Banden wurden entdeckt, wovon nur zwei in allen Schafen vorhanden waren. Ein ?hnliches Ausma? von Polymorphismus wurde auch mit der EcoRI/DRβ-signe Enzym/Sondenkombination entdeckt, das gr??er war als bisher für Schafe, Rinder oder Ziegen publiziert. Nach Berücksichtigung der Kreuz-Hybridisierungsbande scheint die Schaf-DRβ-Region st?rker polymorph als die DQα-Region zu sein. ?hnlicherweise zeigte das TaqI Restriktionsenzym mehr Polymorphismus als das PvuII Enzym (40 bzw. 34 Bande). Bei allen 74 Banden wurden sieben Hauptkluster identifiziert, sowohl innerhalb als auch über Enzym/Sondenkombinationen. Nach Entfernung von Banden/Kluster mit extremen H?ufigkeiten (< 0,10 bzw. > 0.9) wurden insgesamt 53 Bande/Kluster hinsichtlich ihrer potentiellen Verbindung mit Moderhinke und Antik?rperreaktion analysiert. Ein Band war signifikant mit Moderhinkeempfindlichkeit w?hrend der 27-Wochenperiode assoziiert. Zus?tzlich waren zwei einzelne Bande und ein Kluster signifikant (p > 0,001) assoziiert mit Moderhinkeinfektion nach der Impfung. 9 Band/Kluster waren mit Antik?rperspiegel w?hrend der Infektion verbunden und ein Kluster mit Antik?rperspiegel nach Impfung. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf Zusammenhang des genetischen Polymorphismus innerhalb der ovinen Klasse II-Region mit Variabilit?t im Moderhinkeverlauf.  相似文献   

The uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) plays an important role in the regulation of lipolysis and thermogenesis in adipose tissues. Genetic variation within three regions (the promoter, intron 2 and exon 5) of the ovine UCP1 gene (UCP1) was investigated using polymerase chain reaction‐single‐strand conformational polymorphism (PCR‐SSCP) analyses. These revealed three promoter variants (designated A, B and C) and two intron 2 variants (a and b). The association of this genetic variation with variation in lamb carcass traits and postweaning growth was investigated in New Zealand (NZ) Romney and Suffolk sheep. The presence of B in a lamb's genotype was associated with decreased subcutaneous carcass fat depth (V‐GR) (p = 0.004) and proportion of total lean meat yield of loin meat (p = 0.005), and an increased proportion of total lean meat yield of hind‐leg meat (p = 0.018). In contrast, having two copies of C was associated with increased V‐GR (p < 0.001) and proportion of total lean meat yield of shoulder meat (p = 0.009), and a decreased hind‐leg yield (p = 0.032). No associations were found with postweaning growth. These results suggest that ovine UCP1 is a potential gene marker for carcass traits.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the sensitivity of breeding values for growth rate and worm egg count (WEC, cube root transformed) to environmental worm burden, measured as the average WEC for each contemporary group (CGWEC). Growth rate and WEC were measured on 7,818 naturally infected Merino lambs in eight flocks across Australia, linked through common use of AI sires. Through bivariate analysis, genetic correlations of 0.55 ± 0.23 and 0.30 ± 0.16 were found for growth rate and WEC between low and high CGWEC, respectively. In a second analysis, breeding values for growth rate and WEC were regressed on CGWEC with a random regression model. The heritability for growth rate varied from 0.23 to 0.16 from low to high CGWEC, and the heritability for WEC varied from 0.25 to 0.36. Results suggest that breeding values for both growth rate and WEC are sensitive to environmental worm burden. Animals expressed less genetic variation for growth rate and more genetic variation for WEC in high CGWEC than in low CGWEC. This form of genotype‐by‐environment interaction should therefore be considered in genetic evaluation of both growth rate and WEC, to increase the efficiency of selection for animals that are more parasite resistant and more resilient to environmental worm challenge.  相似文献   

A group of 85 commingled feeder pigs was fed on a totally confined feeding floor until slaughter. Mean daily weight gain was calculated for each pig. At slaughter, the nose of each pig was cross-sectioned and scored for conchal atrophy by use of 2 methods. One method ascribed a score based on a linear measurement of the distance between the ventral scroll of the ventral conchae and the ventral floor of the nasal cavity. The other method ascribed a score based on a subjective evaluation of the degree of conchal degeneration according to previously published guidelines. The amount of pulmonary consolidation attributable to pneumonia was also estimated for each pig. Association was not found between growth rate and conchal atrophy, as determined by linear measurement scores. A negative correlation existed between growth rate and conchal atrophy, as determined by subjective evaluation scores. Pigs with extensive pneumonic lesions (consolidation of 20 to 30% of total lung volume) grew slower than pigs with milder pneumonic lesions. Results of this study indicate that subjective evaluation scores of conchal atrophy may be more useful in predicting growth rate than are linear measurement scores.  相似文献   

The prevalence and extent of respiratory tract lesions were measured in 1425 pigs from 27 randomly selected herds in the summer of 1982 and winter of 1983. About 75% of pigs had lesions of enzootic pneumonia, approximately 60% had atrophic rhinitis and approximately 11% had pleuropneumonia and/or pleuritis. Individual pig growth rate was recorded on two of the farms, and it was found that the correlations between growth rate and severity of enzootic pneumonia lesions were positive on one farm and negative on the other. Negative correlations between severity of turbinate atrophy and growth rate existed in one of the two herds. Extent of pneumonia and severity of turbinate atrophy were poorly related in individual pigs but herd averages were moderately and positively correlated. Prevalence of diffuse pleuritis and of pleuropneumonia were positively related, as were the extent of pneumonia and prevalence of localized pleuritis. Prevalence of pleuropneumonia was strongly correlated with increased days-to-market. A method of estimating the average days-to-market using weekly herd data (inventory) was developed.  相似文献   

Breed additive and non-additive effects, and heritabilities of birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), 6 months weight (SMWT), yearling weight (YWT), eighteen months weight (EWT), 2 years weight (TWT) and average daily weight gain from birth to 6 months (ADG1) and from 6 months to 2 years (ADG2) were estimated in Ethiopian Boran (B) cattle and their crosses with Holstein Friesian (F) in central Ethiopia. The data analysed were spread over 15 years. Ethiopian Boran were consistently lighter (p < 0.01) than the B-F crosses at all ages. Ethiopian Boran also gained lower weight than all the crosses. At birth, 50% F crosses were significantly (p < 0.01) lighter than all the other crosses. However, the differences in SMWT, YWT, EWT, TWT, ADG1 and ADG2 were all non-significant among the crosses. The individual additive breed differences between B and F breeds were positive and significant (p < 0.01) for all traits. The individual heterosis effects were significant (p < 0.05) for all traits except WWT for which the effect was non-significant. The maternal heterosis effects were significant (p < 0.01) for BWT (2.5 kg) and WWT (-3.0 kg). The heritability estimates for all traits in B and crosses were generally moderate to high indicating that there is scope for genetic improvement through selection. Selection within B and crossbreeding should be the strategy to enhance the growth performance under such production systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different growth rates on carcass characteristics and meat quality and their relationship with myogenesis and lipogenesis in finishing pigs. Pigs were slaughtered at the same age and were assigned to high (HGR) or low (LGR) growth rates with 120 kg or 110 kg final body weights at slaughter. The results indicated that pigs with HGR had heavier (P < 0.05) final body weight, carcass weight, dressing percentage, backfat thickness, higher (P < 0.05) concentrations of fat in the muscle and higher (P < 0.05) total RNA concentration in muscle than pigs with LGR. The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of lipoprotein lipase, fatty acid synthase, malic enzyme, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ, and sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 in fat were higher (P < 0.05) in pigs with HGR. Additionally, the mRNA expression of glycogen synthase in muscle was lower (P < 0.05) in pigs with HGR. These results indicate differences in postmortem myogenesis and lipogenesis traits of pigs with different growth rates; these differences in turn might have affected carcass characteristics and meat quality.  相似文献   

The duration of the incubation period for scrapie, a fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorder of sheep and goats, is mainly determined by the Sip gene, which has 2 alleles (sA--susceptible and pA--resistant). A diagnostic test is not available to detect scrapie in live animals. We analyzed genomic DNA extracted from frozen sheep brains collected from Cheviot sheep of the United States that had been inoculated with the SSBP/1 scrapie inoculum. Digestion of the DNA with EcoRI or HindIII followed by the addition of a scrapie-associated fibril protein (PrP)-specific marker probe, yielded fragments of 6.8 (e1) and 4.0 (e3) kb, or 5.0 (h1) and 3.4 (h2) kb, respectively. Fragments e1 and h2 were associated with the histopathologic diagnosis of scrapie, and fragments e3 and h1 were associated with survival. A valine/alanine polymorphism within the PrP coding region that resulted in a BspHI site was further used to determine the genotype of these Cheviot sheep. Digestion of polymerase chain reaction fragments with BspHI resulted in an undigested fragment b- (0.840 kb), digested fragments b+ (0.460 and 0.380 kb), or both types of fragments. Survival time of b+/b+ homozygous sheep was significantly (P < 0.01) shorter (218 +/- 26.0 days) than survival time for b-/b- sheep (> 700 days after inoculation). Results indicated that b+ and b- are markers for the Sip sA and pA alleles, respectively. The intermediate duration of the incubation period for heterozygous sheep (b+/b-; 342.9 +/- 25.3 days) indicated that the Sip sA allele is expressed codominantly to the Sip pA allele.  相似文献   


This study investigated variation in the keratin-associated proteins gene, KRTAP6-3, in 5 Pakistani sheep breeds/crosses using polymerase chain reaction-single strand confirmation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis. Different banding patterns were revealed, including previously described patterns and a novel pattern (named variant H). The amplified PCR product of the novel banding pattern was directly sequenced, and a synonymous nucleotide variation c.51T>C was revealed. Among the wool traits assessed, a strong correlation (r = 0.929; P < 0.001) was observed between fibre diameter standard deviation (FDSD) and coefficient of variation of fibre diameter (CVFD), between FDSD and medullation (r = 0.720; P < 0.001), between FDSD and medullation standard deviation (MeSD) (r = 0.734; P < 0.001), between MeSD and coefficient of variance of medullation (CVMed), (r = 0.903, P < 0.001), and between CVFD and medullation (r = 0.660), CVFD and MeSD (r = 0.786; P < 0.001), CVFD and CVMed (r = 0.701; P < 0.001) and medullation and MeSD (r = 0.771; P < 0.001). Variant B was found to be associated (P = 0.018) with CVFD; the presence of B being associated with a higher CVFD, than in its absence (41.08 ± 3.98 versus 36.34 ± 3.08). Variant C was associated with CVMed (P = 0.040), where sheep with C had a lower CVMed than sheep where it was absent. Variation in KRTAP6-3 was found to affect fibre diameter related traits of wool.


Maedi-visna, a multisystemic disease of adult sheep, was first described in Spain in 1984. To get an idea of the seroprevalence of the disease locally and to estimate the number of seropositive animals with lesions, samples of blood, lungs and mammary glands were taken from 124 randomly selected sheep killed in the main slaughterhouse of Zaragoza. In the agar gel immunodiffusion test, 74 (59.7 per cent) of the sheep were positive and 50 were negative. Among the 74 seropositive animals, 19 (25.6 per cent) had no lesions in any organ, 12 (16.2 per cent) had lesions in the lungs only, 15 (20.2 per cent) had lesions in the mammary glands and 28 (37.8 per cent) had lesions in both organs. In the lungs hyperplasia of lymphoid follicles was more evident than an interstitial infiltrate but in the mammary glands this relationship was not observed. Even when the lesions occurred in both organs, they did not show the expected proportion in terms of either type or severity. Among the 50 seronegative sheep, eight (16 per cent) showed maedi-like lesions, formed exclusively by the hyperplasia of lymphoid follicles.  相似文献   

The effects of 3 ovine and one bovine strains of Bacteroides nodosus on the severity of foot-rot, bodyweight and wool growth were compared in Merino sheep in a field experiment. Based on the severity of the induced foot lesions, one strain was classed as virulent (causing underrunning lesions in most feet), one was benign (causing lesions of the interdigital skin only), and 2, including the bovine strain, were of intermediate virulence (causing underrunning lesions in a small proportion of feet). Differences among strains in their effect on foot-rot severity and bodyweight were significant when compared over the whole experimental period, but were not significant at any single time of measurement, because of large differences between replicates. Bodyweight loss and severity of foot-rot caused by the virulent strain were significantly greater than that caused by the benign strain. The intermediate strains lay between these 2 extremes in terms of both bodyweight and foot-rot scores but were not significantly different from either in a statistical sense. Total greasy wool weight did not differ among groups over the whole experiment, but the rate of wool growth during the period when foot lesions were most prevalent and severe was reduced appreciably by the virulent strain and to a lesser extent by the intermediate strains.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was carried out over a 10- to 12-year period to analyse the changes in prevalences of natural fasciolosis and paramphistomosis among cattle and snails in central France, and to determine the causes which had induced these changes. The prevalences of natural fasciolosis in cattle increased from 1990 to 1993 (13.6% to 25.2%) and diminished afterwards up to 1999 (at 12.6%). Those of natural paramphistomosis showed a progressive increase between 1990 and 1999 (from 5.2 to 44.7%). The prevalences of natural infections and the numbers of free rediae counted in the snails (Lymnaea truncatula) infected with F. hepatica did not show any significant variations over time. By contrast, the prevalences of natural paramphistomosis in snails significantly increased from 1989 to 1996 and remained afterwards in the same range of values (3.7-5.3%), while the number of free rediae significantly increased up to 2000 (from a mean of 6.5 to 13.8 rediae per infected snail, respectively). Three hypotheses may explain the increase of paramphistomosis in cattle and snails: a better quality of diagnosis for the detection of P. daubneyi eggs in veterinary analysis laboratories, the use of specific molecules in the treatment of cattle fasciolosis since 1993, and the lack of an effective treatment up to now against cattle paramphistomosis. Since the objective of most farmers in central France is to obtain the highest antiparasitic efficiency with a single treatment of cattle per year, it is reasonable to assume that the prevalence of bovine paramphistomosis will continue to increase in the future.  相似文献   

A line of Munich Miniature Swine (MMS) Troll showing a high incidence of spontaneous benign and malignant cutaneous melanocytic lesions has been developed since 1986. The inheritance of cutaneous melanocytic lesions was studied by establishing the F1-, F2- and reciprocal B1-generations with one melanoma MMS-Troll boar and four unaffected German Landrace sows as founders. A total of 176 animals were available, 27 in the F1-, 111 in the F2-, 19 in the B1-DL-, and 14 in the B1-Troll-generation. Benign melanocytic lesions were observed in 42% of F1-, 18% of F2-, 11% of B1-DL- and 50% of B1-Troll-animals. Malignant melanomas developed in 3.6% of F2- and 7.1% of B1-Troll-animals, although no animal with white coat colour was affected. A mixed major gene model with arbitrary gene action explained the segregation of benign lesions sufficiently well. For melanomas a mixed major gene model required additional dominant acting suppressor loci to obtain a sufficient fit to the data. An influence of SLA haplotypes on the penetrance of melanocytic lesions was not evident. The association analysis of the white phenotypes strongly indicated that the dominant allele I at the I-locus suppresses malignant melanocytic lesions. A possible explanation is the lack of melanocytes in the skin of dominant white pigs caused by a mutation of the KIT-gene, which leads to a failure of melanoblast migration and development.  相似文献   

采用PCR-SSCP技术分析了IGF-Ⅰ基因的5’UTR、外显子4在松辽黑猪群体中的遗传多态性。结果在所扩增的IGF-Ⅰ基因的5’UTR中的2个目的片段均未发现PCR-SSCP遗传多态;在第4外显子中发现PCR-SSCP多态,有2种等位基因A和B,有3种基因型AA型、AB型、BB型。对多态片段的测序分析表明:在IGF-Ⅰ基因第4外显子中存在有1碱基A→G突变。适合性卡方检验表明,该位点的不同基因型频率处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡。用最小二乘法分析IGF-Ⅰ基因第4外显子不同基因型与松辽黑猪生长和胴体性状的相关性,发现IGF-Ⅰ不同基因型对断奶后日增重有显著影响,AA型显著高于AB型和BB型(P&lt;0.01)。AA型猪的瘦肉率显著低于AB型和BB型(P&lt;0.01),而AA型猪的平均背膘厚显著高于AB型和BB型(P&lt;0.01),对其他性状的影响差异不显著。结果表明,松辽黑猪IGF-Ⅰ基因应是影响生长和胴体性状的一个主效基因或与影响这些性状的主效基因紧密连锁。  相似文献   

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