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The juvenile growth and carcass traits were evaluated in a 4 × 4 full diallel crossing involving four colored broiler chicken lines viz., Naked neck (NN), Dwarf, Punjab Broiler-1 (PB-1), and Punjab Broiler-2 to study the performance and crossbreeding parameters. The data on 2,280 chicks were analyzed using least squares techniques to assess the effect of genetic group, and the significant traits were further analyzed for crossbreeding parameters. Genetic group had significant influence on the body weights and carcass traits. The cross of PB-1 × NN recorded significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher body weight at 6 weeks of age. The data revealed that general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA), maternal ability (MA), sex-linked effect (SE), and purebred effects significantly influenced the growth and carcass traits in the broiler crosses. The crossbred PB-1 × NN showed positive heterosis for growth as well as carcass traits. The results suggest that GCA, SCA, SE, and MA are important in the inheritance of the body weights and carcass traits indicating the presence of both additive and nonadditive genetic variation along with reciprocal effects. Therefore, pure line selection along with development of specialized sire and dam lines followed by crossing will improve the growth performance and benefit the poultry farmers. It is concluded that PB-1 as a male line and NN as a female line performed significantly higher, therefore, may be used for improving the performance of colored broilers.  相似文献   

Three hundred and three chicks of both sexes, from a synthetic dam line (SDL) of broiler chickens, were studied for economic traits (body weights at 4, 5 and 6 weeks of age) and immunological traits (humoral and cell mediated immune responses, and serum lysozyme concentration). The objective was to evaluate these traits and to estimate their genetic and non-genetic parameters. The humoral immune response was assessed by estimating the antibody response to sheep red blood cells using the haemagglutination (HA) test and serum IgG concentration using single radial immunodiffusion (SRID). The cell mediated immune (CMI) response was estimated as in vivo response to a mitogen (PHA-P). Serum lysozyme was measured by lysoplate assay. Least squares means for body weight at 4, 5 and 6 weeks were 684 +/- 20, 920 +/- 19 and 1205 +/- 28 g, HA titre was 6.289 +/- 0.246, CMI was 0.438 +/- 0.015 mm, lysozyme was 1.860 +/- 0.047 microg/ml and IgG was 6.287 +/- 0.194 mg/ml. There was an effect of sire on HA titre and on body weight at 4, 5 and 6 weeks of age; males were heavier than females. Heritability estimates were high for body weights but low for immunological traits. Phenotypic correlations (rp) among body weights were high and positive but were very low between body weights and most immunological traits. Among the immunological traits all rp were very low. Genetic correlations (rg) of body weights were positive and medium to high with CMI and HA and negative with serum IgG.  相似文献   

1. Broiler breeders were reared at an initial illuminance of 13, 21 or 44 lux and transferred at 20 weeks and a mean body weight of 2.06 kg to floor pens at 25, 55 or 71 lux, or to individual cages at various intensities between 3 and 138 lux.

2. Rate of sexual maturation was not significantly affected by the light intensity experienced during the rearing period, but was progressively accelerated by the provision of a brighter illuminance after 20 weeks, up to a ceiling of about 14 lux. There was no interaction between the pre- and post-20-week illuminance.

3. Cumulative egg numbers to 39 weeks were unaffected by illuminance in the rearing period, positively correlated with illuminance post 20 weeks up to an asymptote at about 8 lux, and highly correlated with age at sexual maturity. Peak rate of lay was both delayed and depressed at 3 lux.

4. It is concluded that the minimum light intensity required at bird-head height to achieve satisfactory photostimulation and an optimal peak rate of lay in broiler breeders is 10 lux, but that a higher illuminance would be prudent for broiler breeders kept in floor pen facilities to maximise nest-box usage.  相似文献   


1. The objective of the present study is to introduce fresh insight into modelling of egg production by applying classical growth functions to egg production records reported by Aviagen Management Guide to laying hens and the parent stock of broiler chickens.

2. The functions (monomolecular, logistic, Gompertz, Richards and Morgan) were fitted using nonlinear regression procedures of SAS software, and their performance was assessed using goodness-of-fit statistics (coefficient of determination, residual mean squares, Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion).

3. Overall, except for the logistic and Gompertz, the growth functions evaluated gave an acceptable fit to the cumulative egg production curves, with the Morgan equation ranking first followed by the Richards equation. The Morgan and Richards equations provided satisfactory predictions of weekly egg yield at different egg production stages, from early to late production, whereas the least accurate estimates were obtained with the logistic equation.

4. In conclusion, classical growth functions proved feasible alternatives to fit cumulative egg production curves of laying hens and parent stock of broiler chickens, resulting in suitable statistical performance and accurate estimates of production.  相似文献   

Variance components of sperm production traits (volume in ml, V; concentration in ×106 sperm/ml, CN; sperm production in ×106 sperm, PROD) were estimated in a paternal line of rabbit selected for 25 generations based on daily weight gain (DG, g/day) between 28 and 63 days of age. Features of the marginal posterior distributions for ratios of genetic variance, variance owing to non‐additive plus environmental permanent male effects and variance owing to common litter of birth effects with respect to phenotypic variance are reported. The correlations between sperm production traits and the selection criteria were also estimated. Three sets of two‐trait analyses were performed, involving 12908 records of DG, 2329 ejaculates corresponding to 412 bucks and 14700 animals in pedigree file. The heritabilities (h2) of the semen traits were 0.13 ± 0.05, 0.08 ± 0.04 and 0.07 ± 0.03 for V, CN and PROD, respectively. The permanent environmental effects were lower than the corresponding values of h2 and varied between 0.06 and 0.11. A favourable and moderate genetic correlation was observed between V and DG (0.36 ± 0.34; p > 0: 0.83), together with a non‐favourable and moderate correlation between permanent environmental effects owing to common litter of birth for both traits (?0.35 ± 0.35; p < 0: 0.85). On the other hand, the correlation between male permanent environmental effects for semen traits and DG was moderate and non‐favourable (?0.51 ± 0.29 with p < 0: 0.95 for DG‐CN, and ?0.31 ± 0.37 with p < 0: 0.79 for DG‐PROD).  相似文献   

Estimates of genetic parameters related to pig behavior under stressful situations are required before selection programs can be designed to produce more docile pigs. Pig behavior was evaluated in a pedigreed Landrace–Duroc–Yorkshire composite population. Piglets were evaluated for their response to handling at 1 d of age (n=11069), being placed on their back for 60 s at ~24 d of age (n=975), and being confined in a scale while backfat measurements were being collected (n=9035). Feeding behavior was monitored in a growing–finishing facility (n=1162) including preferences for feeding positions. Feeders were placed along a fence with one end adjacent to a gate (gate-end) and the other end open. An animal model was fitted to the data using WOMBAT where litter was included for d 1 activity scores and backtest traits. Fixed effects of sex, pen/year-season/date of collection in all analyses along with scorer (d 1 activity score) and a covariate of age (d 154 weight and backfat). Multiple trait models were fit to estimate genetic covariances among traits. All estimates of heritability were significantly different than zero. Activity scores and backtest traits had the lowest estimates of heritability (0.15–0.19), measures of feeding behavior were more variable (0.16–0.60) while production data had high heritabilities (>0.5). Genomic heritability estimates were similar to standard heritability estimates for most traits, except traits measured at a young age. All traits measured during the backtest had strong genetic correlations and similar estimated heritability. Among feeding behavior traits, number of meals/d and average meal length were highly correlated with total daily meal time. In addition, animals that preferred to eat alone avoided the open-end position at the feeder. The only behavioral traits with genetic correlations significantly different from zero with production traits were associated with feeding behavior where animals that ate longer meals and spent more time at the feeder/d tended to be heavier and fatter at 154 d. In addition, animals that ate more meals/d were fatter and animals that preferred the gate-end position of the feeder were heavier. Pigs with more reactive personalities tended to eat fewer meals/d, each longer in duration, and they preferred the gate-end feeder position. The measures of pig behavior studied were heritable and selection for more docile pigs should not have large detrimental effects on performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments using commercial broiler‐type breeders and one experiment using commercial egg production‐type breeders were conducted to determine the effect of male to female ratios on fertility and hatchability. Breeding pens were made up with 36 females and 4, 3, 2 or 1 male(s) per pen giving ratios of one male to 9, 12, 18 and 36 females. Five replicate pens were used per treatment.

Within the ratios and genetic strains used, maximum fertility was obtained with male to female ratios of 1 to 12 with broiler‐type breeders and 1 to 18 with egg production‐type breeders. It is concluded that using fewer females per male than in these ratios would be unwarranted and in some cases more females per male would be feasible.

Hatchability of fertile eggs was not affected by male to female ratios.  相似文献   

1. Genetic parameters for production and feed efficiency traits in the Orlopp line of turkeys were estimated to determine breeding goals and future potential of the line in a long-term genetic improvement programme.

2. Body weight, egg production and fertility traits were recorded and feed conversion ratio (FCR) was assessed from 16–20 weeks of age.

3. Moderate heritabilities were found for feed intake and body weight gain (0.25 to 0.31). Average FCR was 3.14, with heritability of 0.10. Body weight, breast conformation score and egg production traits showed moderate heritabilities (0.22 to 0.52), while both fertility and hatch of fertile eggs were low (0.04 and 0.09, respectively).

4. Genetic correlations between breast confirmation score, 10- and 18-week body weights were moderate, 0.50 and 0.45, respectively. Average egg weight also showed moderate genetic correlations with 10- and 18-week body weights (0.59 and 0.42).  相似文献   

In this study a total of 6499 records were obtained for fibre diameter (FD) and coefficient of variation of FD (CV), 3283 records for greasy fleece weight (GFW), staple length (SL) and shearing interval (SI) and 1802 records of textile value index (TV) obtained from an experimental herd of alpacas exploited in the Peruvian Altiplano.The estimated heritabilities were: 0.412 ± 0.015 (FD), 0.321 ± 0.013 (CV), 0.098 ± 0.016 (GFW), 0.070 ± 0.011 (SL), 0.061 ± 0.012 (SI) and 0.163 ± 0.017 (TV). No significant genetic correlation was found for the pairs FD-CV and CV-GFW whilst the pairs FD-GFW, FD-SI and FD-TV had significant genetic correlations of, respectively, 0.405 ± 0.081, − 0.395 ± 0.078 and − 0.746 ± 0.049. No significant correlations were found for SL except for the pair SL-SI (0.397 ± 0.099). The TV index also showed significant genetic correlations with CV of 0.125 ± 0.061 and with GFW of 0.490 ± 0.070. All estimates of permanent environmental effects (c2) associated with the six analysed traits were statistically significant ranging from 0.008 for SI to 0.259 for CV. Total repeatability for the analysed traits was low for SI (0.069) and SL (0.090), moderate for TV (0.299) and GFW (0.316) and high for FD (0.578) and CV (0.579). The permanent environmental effect associated with CV is significantly correlated with those of the other traits except for FD. The permanent environmental effects associated with GFW and SL seemed to be basically the same (estimated correlation of 0.916 ± 0.062). The permanent environmental effect for TV is highly correlated with those associated with GFW (0.498 ± 0.058) and SL (0.750 ± 0.137). Expected selection response for TV was higher when FD was considered as selection goal instead of TV itself.It would, therefore, be more efficient to use FD rather than empirical indices as selection criterion to increase textile value in Peruvian alpacas. The reported genetic parameters and correlation matrices can be useful to implement multitrait breeding value estimations for alpaca selection.  相似文献   

  1. Genetic parameters were estimated for 5 economically important egg production traits using records collected over 9 years in chickens reared under tropical conditions in Thailand. The data were from two purebred lines and two hybrid lines of layer parent stocks.

  2. The two purebred lines were Rhode Island Red (RIR) and White Plymouth Rock (WPR) and the hybrid lines were formed by crossing a commercial brown egg laying strain to Rhode Island Red (RC) and White Plymouth Rock (WC), respectively.

  3. Five egg production traits were analysed, including age at first egg (AFE), body weight at first egg (BWT), egg weight at first egg (EWFE), number of eggs from the first 17 weeks of lay (EN) and average egg weight over the 17th week of lay (EW).

  4. Fixed effects of year and hatch within year were significant for all 5 traits and were included in the model.

  5. Maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects of the dam were not significant, except for EN and EW in RIR and BWT and EW in WPR.

  6. Estimated heritability of AFE, BWT, EWFE, EN and EW were 0.45, 0.50, 0.29, 0.19 and 0.43 in RIR; 0.44, 0.38, 0.33, 0.20 and 0.38 in WPR; 0.37, 0.41, 0.38, 0.18 and 0.36 in RC; and 0.46, 0.53, 0.36, 0.38 and 0.45 in WC lines, respectively.

  7. The EN was negatively correlated with other traits, except for BWT in RC and AFE and BWT in WC.

  8. It was concluded that selection for increased EN will reduce other egg production traits in purebred and hybrid chicken and therefore EN needs to be combined with other egg production traits in a multi-trait selection index to improve all traits optimally according to a defined breeding objective.


The present study compares embryonic mortality between lines selected for different production traits, assesses the effects of inbreeding of the hen and embryo on embryonic mortality, and estimates genetic parameters of embryonic mortality. The experiment covered 10 generations of selection for increased egg number (EN), egg weight (EW), egg mass (EM) and a control line (C). The data included age at 1st egg, egg number and egg weight. Percent fertile eggs (PF), percent hatched of fertile eggs (PHF) and percent dead chick at hatch (PDH) were also recorded for the selected parents. PDH was higher in the selected lines than in the control line. Among the selected lines, the EW line had the highest embryonic mortality. Inbreeding of the hen and embryo had no significant effect on PDH in any of the lines. Estimates of heritability for PDH were 0.10+/-0.05, 0.02+/-0.02, 0.03+/-0.02 and 0.02+/-0.02 for lines EN, EW, EM and C, respectively. There was a positive genetic correlation between egg weight and PDH in line EW indicating that selection for increased egg weight was associated with high embryonic mortality. A negative genetic correlation between PDH and reproductive traits in line EN was observed, which is favourable.  相似文献   

1. Photorefractoriness was assessed in two lines of broiler breeders. In one trial, male-line and female-line pullets were reared on the floor and transferred to individual cages at 15 weeks. Birds were either maintained on 8-, 11- or 16-h photoperiods or transferred from 8- to 16-h photoperiods at 67 or 124 d. In the second trial, female-line pullets were concurrently housed in the same rearing facilities as trial 1 and transferred to adult floor-pens at 12 weeks. These birds were either maintained on 11- or 16-h photoperiods or transferred from 8- to 11-h or from 8- to 16-h photoperiods at 140 d. 2. In the cages, male-line and female-line birds responded similarly to the lighting treatments, but with the male-line maturing 1 to 2 weeks later than the female-line in each case. Birds on constant 11-h photoperiods matured 3 to 8 d earlier than constant 8-h birds, but 3 weeks earlier than constant 16-h birds. Birds photostimulated at 67 d matured at a similar time to constant 16-h birds, but almost 7 weeks later than those transferred from 8 to 16 h at 124 d. In the floor facilities, constant 11-h birds matured 3 weeks earlier than constant 16-h birds, but almost 2 weeks later than either of the photostimulated groups. Birds transferred from 8 to 16 h matured 4d earlier than those transferred from 8 to 11 h. 3. Caged birds maintained on 16 h or transferred from 8 to 16 h at 67 d laid at least 24 fewer eggs, and had more hens not laying at 58 weeks, than birds maintained on 11-h days or those transferred from 8 to 16 h at 124 d. In the floor-pens, constant 11-h and both photostimulated groups produced about 20 more eggs to 56 weeks of age than the constant 16-h controls. 4. Collectively, these findings indicate that conventionally managed broiler breeders exhibit photorefractoriness. Additionally, a combination of photorefractoriness and controlled feeding appears to prevent broiler breeders from being photoresponsive until at least 10 weeks of age, and to cause some individuals still to be photoperiodically non-responsive at 18 weeks.  相似文献   

In this study, Bayesian analysis under a threshold animal model was used to estimate genetic correlations between morphological traits (body structure, finishing precocity and muscling) in Nelore cattle evaluated at weaning and yearling. Visual scores obtained from 7651 Nelore cattle at weaning and from 4155 animals at yearling, belonging to the Brazilian Nelore Program, were used. Genetic parameters for the morphological traits were estimated by two‐trait Bayesian analysis under a threshold animal model. The genetic correlations between the morphological traits evaluated at two ages of the animal (weaning and yearling) were positive and high for body structure (0.91), finishing precocity (0.96) and muscling (0.94). These results indicate that the traits are mainly determined by the same set of genes of additive action and that direct selection at weaning will also result in genetic progress for the same traits at yearling. Thus, selection of the best genotypes during only one phase of life of the animal is suggested. However, genetic differences between morphological traits were better detected during the growth phase to yearling. Direct selection for body structure, finishing precocity and muscling at only one age, preferentially at yearling, is recommended as genetic differences between traits can be detected at this age.  相似文献   

1. Performance traits were measured on 1908 Japanese quail and egg quality traits assessed on 1800 eggs at 10?wk of age.

2. Genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated using a bivariate animal model with restricted maximum likelihood using ASREML software.

3. Body weight at different ages showed positive genetic correlations with egg weight and most of the internal egg quality traits, whereas their genetic correlations with eggshell thickness, eggshell strength and eggshell percentage were negative.

4. Genetic correlations of age at sexual maturity and egg number with most of external and internal traits were negative.

5. It was concluded that selection for higher body weight will result in heavier and better quality eggs. Because of the negative genetic correlation between BW and egg shell quality, a selection index including BW and eggshell strength would be the best breeding strategy for genetic improvement of egg quality in Japanese quail.  相似文献   

Variance components for production traits were estimated using different models to evaluate maternal effects. Data analysed were records from the South African pig performance testing scheme on 22 224 pigs from 18 herds, tested between 1990 and 2008. The traits analysed were backfat thickness (BFAT), test period weight gain (TPG), lifetime weight gain (LTG), test period feed conversion ratio (FCR) and age at slaughter (AGES). Data analyses were performed by REML procedures in ASREML, where random effects were successively fitted into animal and sire models to produce different models. The first animal model had one random effect, the direct genetic effects, while the additional random effects were maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects. In the sire model, the random effects fitted were sire and maternal grand sire effects. The best model considered the covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects or between sire and maternal grand sire effects. Fitting maternal genetic effects into the animal model reduced total additive variance, while the total additive variance increased when maternal grand sire effects were fitted into the sire model. The correlations between direct and maternal genetic effects were all negative, indicating antagonism between these effects, hence the need to consider both effects in selection programmes. Direct genetic correlations were higher than other correlations, except for maternal genetic correlations of FCR with TPG, LTG and AGES. There has been direct genetic improvement and almost constant maternal ability in production traits as shown by trends for estimated (EBVs) and maternal breeding values (MBVs), while phenotypic trends were similar to those for EBVs. These results suggest that maternal genetic effects should be included in selection programmes for these production traits. Therefore, the animal–maternal model may be the most appropriate model to use when estimating genetic parameters for production traits in this population.  相似文献   

鸡卵黄免疫球蛋白在畜禽生产中的应用前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
illiams等 ( 1 962 )发现用某种抗原免疫产蛋母鸡 ,鸡血清中可产生相应抗体 ,产蛋母鸡又能以产蛋方式将血清免疫球蛋白有效地转移到卵黄中(Rose和Orlans ,1 981 )。鸡血液中能转移到卵黄中的免疫球蛋白只有免疫球蛋白G(IgG) ,至今尚未发现卵黄中存在免疫球蛋白A和M (IgA和IgM) (胡清林等 ,1 997)。因此卵黄中的IgG又称为卵黄抗体或卵黄免疫球蛋白 (简称IgY) (Leslie和Clem ,1 969)。与哺乳动物的IgG相比 ,鸡蛋的IgY具有取材方便、提取方法比较简单、产量高等优点。IgY的稳定性较好 ,…  相似文献   

1. The main purpose of this study was to estimate genetic correlations between yolk proportion, chick weight and production traits using an animal model. 2. Direct-direct genetic correlations were estimated between yolk proportion and age at first egg (-0.34), body weight at 20 (0.10), 40 (0.58) and 60 (0.52) weeks of age, egg number (0.56), egg mass (0.59), feed intake (0.64) and feed conversion (-0.25). 3. Maternal-direct genetic correlations were estimated between chick weight and age at first egg (0.40), body weight at 20 (0.57), 40 (0.66) and 60 (0.56) weeks of age, egg number (-0.50), egg mass (0.21), feed intake (0.45) and feed conversion (0.17), respectively. 4. In conclusion, the results suggest that selection on a higher yolk proportion would not have any unfavourable effects on egg production. Maternal-direct genetic correlations between chick weight and production traits resembled direct-direct genetic correlations between egg weight and production traits found in other studies.  相似文献   

肉种鸡的产蛋率异常是鸡场最头痛的事情,特别是近几年问题愈来愈严重。往往发病后束手无策,投了大量药物也很难以奏效。应该讲产蛋率是家禽对应激反应最敏感的一个指标,无论管理还是疾病应激都可通过产蛋率(或产蛋曲线)的变化很快反映出来。但原因是复杂的,必须认真分析查找原因,有针对性地进行预防和治疗,做到对症下药,将损失减少到最低程度。产蛋率异常主要有产蛋达不到高峰和到达高峰后又迅速降下来两种情况。1产蛋率达不到高峰1.1产蛋率接近高峰但很不理想我国引进的肉种鸡品种如AA、艾维茵等,其产蛋高峰产蛋率应达到80%以上,并维持8周…  相似文献   

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