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陈杰  赵祥杰  邝哲师  林显丽 《安徽农业科学》2014,(28):9910-9911,9944
随着养殖业的快速发展,畜禽粪便大量堆积对环境的污染问题也日益严重.为了缓解环境和资源问题,将这些丰富的有机质资源化进行重新利用显得越发重要.阐述和总结了微生物资源对畜禽业发展的意义,特别是在畜禽粪便等废弃物处理上与微生物关系紧密.微生物在粪便除臭、有机质降解转化,甚至是通过调整饲料营养比例或改善饲料消化水平来降低禽畜粪便的生产量都起着重要的作用.因此,利用微生物来改善养殖业废弃物带来的污染问题以及资源化利用畜禽粪便具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

As the organic food sector has grownand changed to become more mainstream, large-scaleconventional growers have entered into organicproduction. While it is increasingly clear that notall organic farms are self-sufficient small scaleunits that practice poly-cultural agronomy and sell inlocal marketing venues, there still exists apresumption that there are clear lines between thesmall scale ``movement' farmers who followagro-ecological agronomic ideals and the relativelylarger and partly conventional newcomers who do not.This paper addresses a specific empirical issue, whichis the extent to which California organic farmerspractice the techniques of ecological farming. Itillustrates that while there are some distinctdifferences in practices between larger and/orpart-conventional (i.e., mixed) growers and smallerand/or all-organic growers, it also shows that inalmost all cases, practices fall quite short ofagro-ecological ideals. By examining in more depth howgrowers follow particular agro-ecological principles,the paper also demonstrates that key variations arerelated to variables separate from scale. Some ofthese variables are geographic, ranging frombiophysical and climatic opportunities andconstraints, to regional norms and institutionalsupport. Mostly, however, variation is related to cropspecificities and the availability of efficacioustechnologies to deal with crop-specific problems. Thisso-called technology barrier crucially depends on howorganic is defined, and thus suggests the importanceof organic rules and regulations in shaping thepractices of organic production.  相似文献   

Much of the attention by social scientists to the rapidly growing organic agriculture sector focuses on the benefits it provides to consumers (in the form of pesticide-free foods) and to farmers (in the form of price premiums). By contrast, there has been little discussion or research about the implications of the boom in organic agriculture for farmworkers on organic farms. In this paper, we ask the question: From the perspective of organic farmers, does “certified organic” agriculture encompass a commitment to “sustainability” that prioritizes social goals? Specifically, we aim to broaden our understanding of the relationship between social sustainability and organic agriculture by drawing attention to issues affecting farmworkers, whose labor and contribution tends to elude most discussions of organic agriculture. We present findings from a survey of organic farmers in California about the possible incorporation of social standards into organic certification criteria. Our findings suggest that, at best, lukewarm support for social certification within organic agriculture exists among certified organic farmers in California. They also question expectations that organic agriculture necessarily fosters social or even economic sustainability for most of the farmers and farmworkers involved. However, we also find exceptions to the patterns evidenced in our survey. In-depth interviews with select organic farmers demonstrate that there are individuals whose practices are atypical and demonstrate that, under some circumstances, an organic production system can be at once environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable.  相似文献   

In Norway, the production andconsumption of organic food is still small-scale. Research on attitudes towards organic farming in Norway has shown that most consumers find conventionally produced food to be good enough. The level of industrialization of agriculture and the existence of food scandals in a country will affect consumer demand for organically produced foods. Norway is an interesting case because of its small-scale agriculture, few problems with food-borne diseases, and low market share for organic food. Similarities between groups of consumers and producers of food, organic and conventional, when it comes to attitudes concerning environment, use of gene technology, and animal welfare have implications for understanding market conditions for organically produced food. The results of our study indicate that organic farmers and organic consumers in Norway have common attitudes towards environmental questions and animal welfare in Norwegian agriculture. Conventional farmers have a higher degree of agreement with the way agriculture is carried out today. Unlike organic farmers and consumers, conventional farmers do not see major environmental problems and problems with animal welfare in today's farming system. But like the organic farmers and consumers, and to a stronger degree than conventional consumers, conventional farmers renounce gene technology as a solution to environmental problems in agriculture. These results are discussed in relation to their importance for the market situation for organically produced foods.  相似文献   

Conversion to organic farming, along with its associated driving forces and barriers, has been explored intensively over the past decade, while studies on the distribution and impacts of local socio-cultural processes in relation to conversion to and diffusion of organic farming have been scarce. The concentration of organic farms in Denmark differs according to county and, moreover, there appears to be large within-county variation in the density of organic farms. The present study explores local aspects of conversion to organic farming and the factors that may help explain variation in density and concentration of organic farms within smaller areas. The study is based on nine qualitative interviews with organic farmers from two neighboring areas, referred to as “mainland” and “island,” respectively. Three farms were situated in the high-density area (mainland) and the remaining six in the low-density area (island). Furthermore, five advisors with connections to the area provided information with regard to their local experience and perceptions. Three main, and to some extent interacting, issues are discussed. The first is the price of land related to local scarcity of land, in the context of structural development and the effects of agricultural policies. The second is distance – both physical and social. Cooperation and exchange of experience among organic farmers was frequent on the mainland side, while isolation and lack of interaction was more common for the island farmers. Third, the role of the agricultural advisory service and the existence of champion farmers are important: pioneer farmers on the mainland have been supported by committed agricultural advisors, while lack of organic champion farmers and low priority granted to organic farming among agricultural advisors were found on the island. Marie-Louise Risgaard has an MSc within the field of organic agriculture. Her research interests are organic farming and rural development with the present occupation as innovative partner at a small-scale organic enterprise. In this capacity she is responsible for creating links between the organic enterprise, the gastronomic sector and organic markets, locally as well as nationally. Pia Frederiksen, PhD, is a geographer and senior scientist with research skills in rural development, sustainability, landscape analysis, and agri-environmental indicators. Pernille Kaltoft, PhD, is an environmental sociologist and senior scientist whose work focuses on organic farming and farmers’ perceptions. Dr. Kaltoft’s general research interests include values, perceptions, and views of nature related to agricultural and environmental issues.  相似文献   

Small-scale, artisanal livestock production is framed as “other” by conventional livestock producers, and rural communities. This alterity, although not without cost, allows women to be involved as active entrepreneurs and managers in artisanal livestock production and also allows farmers to pursue management strategies with the explicit purpose of enhancing animal welfare. The case study presented here, an artisanal goat dairy farm managed by three women, demonstrates that by embracing feminine care identities, these women carve a space for themselves within livestock production in which they can pursue their own economic and affective goals. Analysis of ethnographic data also demonstrates that farmers’ decision-making regarding animal production is based on both affective and instrumental concerns. If we are to understand and operationalize the affective component of farmer decision making based on the livestock–farmer relationship, we must begin to consider to what extent livestock themselves are social actors.  相似文献   

Sustainable farming, and waysto achieve it, are important issues foragricultural policy. New Zealand provides aninteresting case for examining sustainableagriculture options because gene technologieshave not been commercially released and thereis a small but rapidly expanding organicsector. There is no strong governmentsubsidization of agriculture, so while policiesseem to favor both options to some degree,neither has been directly supported. Resultsfrom a survey of 656 farmers are used to revealthe intentions, environmental values, andfarming practices for organic, conventional,and GE intending farmers. The results show thatorganic and conventional farmers are relativelysimilar but contrast to GE intending farmers,especially with respect to perceivedconsequences of each technology. While 75%of farmers have not yet made a commitmentto either technology, one fifth were GEintending and one quarter may become organic.Organic farmers have different attitudes tonature, matched in part by conventionalfarmers. In terms of policy for sustainableagriculture, the results suggest that organicand conventional farmers are incrementallymoving towards agroecological sustainabilitywhile GE intending farmers are committed tointensive production methods of which GEproducts are potentially important. GEintending farmers reject incrementalism infavor of a revolutionary technological fix forsustainability concerns in agriculture.Overall, the results show that there areclearly two different paradigms ofsustainability among farmers. Policies that areseeking to achieve sustainable agriculture needto address the tensions that span the differentparadigms.  相似文献   

银川市"十二五"规划提出了打造"生态文明城市"的目标,力争到"十二五"规划末期,建成有机大米生产基地1.33万hm2,永宁县政府也制定了0.67万hm2有机大米生产基地的发展规划.通过对有机农业的产生和发展谈起,对永宁县概况进行了描述,并利用SWOT分析对永宁县发展有机大米的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行了分析.  相似文献   

通过构建畜禽粪污种类采集数据库及有机肥信息资源管理数据库两大数据库,达到可追溯畜禽粪污的产出、收集、处理及商品有机肥信息的发布及获取的目的。既保证养殖户养殖过程中畜禽粪污的有效处理及利用,又便于种植户查询购买到合适的商品有机肥。  相似文献   

Research Progress and Prospect of Life Cycle Assessment in Animal Husbandry   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a generally accepted method to evaluate the overall environmental burden and production efficiency during the entire life cycle of a product, which is widely used for production management structure optimization in the enterprises and policy formulation in governments. In recent years, for food safety and environmental protection considerations, more and more studies emphasize that the LCA method should be used in animal husbandry to comprehensively assess the environmental burden and resources consumption during the animal-source food production. In China, LCA research and application of animal husbandry are rare, especially in the northern grassland pastoral area, which are the main livestock produce region, and no LCA research on the local livestock production system has been carried out. This paper reviewed the framework and research status of livestock production LCA methods on the main sections and processes, including (1) the goal and scope definition of livestock husbandry LCA; (2) life cycle inventory (LCI); and (3) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Through review the domestic and foreign LCA literatures on animal husbandry production, we noticed that the frame and methodology of animal husbandry LCA had been constructed well in developed country. It had an importance instructing significance for the research and practical application of Chinese animal husbandry LCA. However, we also needed to recognize that due to the differences in the specific situations of the livestock industry between domestic and foreign country, foreign LCA experience should not be applied directly in China. First of all, in the northern pastoral areas of China, family farm is the main production system mode of local livestock production, unclear boundaries between herdsmen's life needs and livestock production inputs exist in this system, therefore, it is difficult to apply the foreign experiences directly. Secondly, it is really a challenge to collect the data required for livestock husbandry LCA, which is the biggest restrictive factor of LCA application in livestock production in China. Third, compared with the animal husbandry developed countries, such as European countries, the United States and Australia, due to the gaps in livestock production technology and management methods, the livestock production in the northern pastoral areas of China is affected more by natural factors, such as precipitation, and various marketing factors, including the market supplies and demands. This is also an important issue that must be considered in the research and application of animal husbandry LCA in China. In order to widely practice Chinese livestock husbandry LCA, the following aspects should be improved: (1) the investigation about material input and output of livestock husbandry production in the northern pastoral areas of China should be carried out to collect necessary data; (2) the Chinese animal husbandry LCA database should be established in order to improve the accuracy of livestock husbandry LCA; and (3) we should strengthen the interdisciplinary study to clarify the natural and social driving factors in the development of animal husbandry, and to provide data reference and technology support for the sustainable development of animal husbandry in the northern pastoral areas of China.  相似文献   

生命周期评价(life cycle assessment,LCA)作为一种全程评价产品总体环境影响和生产效率的方法,被广泛应用于企业优化生产经营结构和政府政策制定等方面。近年来,出于粮食安全保障和生态环境保护的考虑,LCA在农牧生产中的应用越来越受到重视。但我国相关方面的研究和应用并不多见,特别是作为畜牧业重要产区的北方草原牧区,尚没有开展针对当地畜牧生产体系的LCA研究。在这一背景下,本文围绕主要环节和流程对国内外畜牧生产LCA方法框架和研究现状进行了综述,主要从LCA研究目的与范围的确定、生命周期清单分析和影响评价三个方面展开。国内外文献综述表明,国外畜牧产业中LCA的应用已相当普遍,无论从方法上还是技术上都已经相当成熟和完备,对我国畜牧产业LCA科学研究和实际应用均有较强的借鉴意义。然而,由于国内外畜牧产业的具体情况差异,国外LCA经验难以直接应用到国内。首先,在我国北方牧区,家庭牧场是当地畜牧生产的主要经营方式,具有季节性放牧与圈养舍饲结合、不同牲畜混养、牧民生活和生产经营界限不明确等特点,难以直接套用国外方法。此外,在我国开展畜牧生产LCA研究所需的数据收集非常困难,这是制约我国畜牧生产LCA应用的最大短板。最后,由于畜牧生产技术及经营方式的差距,相比于欧美澳等畜牧业发展成熟国家,我国北方牧区畜牧生产受降水等自然因素及市场供求价格因素影响年际间差异更大,这也是我国开展畜牧生产LCA研究必须考虑的问题。为了使 LCA 能够精准且广泛地应用于我国畜牧产业,应从以下几个方面进行改进:首先,开展我国北方牧区不同规模畜牧生产经营系统物料投入和产出的调查和研究,为畜牧产业LCA研究收集必要数据;其次,根据我国畜牧产业的特征建立并完善适合国情的畜牧业LCA标准方法和数据库,提升我国LCA结论的准确性;第三,在我国畜牧LCA研究中还应加大学科交叉力度,理清畜牧产业发展中的自然和社会驱动因素,为我国北方牧区畜牧产业的可持续发展提供数据参考和科技支撑。  相似文献   

The recent growth in organic farming has given rise to the so-called “conventionalization hypothesis,” the idea that organic farming is becoming a slightly modified model of conventional agriculture. Using survey data collected from 973 organic farmers in three German regions during the spring of 2004, some implications of the conventionalization hypothesis are tested. Early and late adopters of organic farming are compared concerning farm structure, environmental concern, attitudes to organic farming, and membership in organic-movement organizations. The results indicate that organic farming in the study regions indeed exhibits signs of incipient conventionalization. On average, newer farms are more specialized and slightly larger than established ones and there is a growing proportion of farmers who do not share pro-environmental attitudes. Additionally, a number, albeit small, of very large, highly specialized farms have adopted organic agriculture in the last years. However, the vast majority of organic farmers, new and old ones included, still show a strong pro-environmental orientation. Henning Best holds a MA in Sociology, History, and Ethnology from the University of Cologne, Germany in 2002. He acquired a PhD in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Cologne in 2006. From 2002 to 2004 he was research associate at the Research Institute for Sociology, University of Cologne. Since 2004 he is researcher and lecturer at the Institute for Applied Social Research, University of Cologne. His research interests include environmental sociology, social inequality, and quantitative methods of social research.  相似文献   

畜牧业作为农业的重要组成部分,不仅是现代农业的重要标志,也是农业增效的产业基础.新疆是全国5大牧区之一,畜牧业一直是新疆具有发展优势的传统产业.近年来,随着新疆地区对于畜产品需求量的增加,现有的养殖模式已经无法满足消费的需求,加强畜牧机械化养殖模式的推广,提高畜牧业生产效率刻不容缓.现针对新疆地区目前畜牧业机械化养殖现状及存在的畜牧机械装备水平低、农牧民机械化养殖意识欠缺、资金投资力度小等一些问题,提出合理的解决方法与发展对策.  相似文献   

Organic cotton productionboomed in the early 1990s only to fall steeplymid-decade. Production is currently rising, butslowly, and has yet to reach previous levels.This is in marked contrast to the steady growthin organic food production during the 1990s.Why, when other areas of organic productionexperienced steady growth, did organic cottonexperience a boom and bust? A study of thecotton production and processing industryreveals a long and heavily industrializedproduction chain that has presented numerouschallenges to growers and processors trying tointroduce an organic product. In addition, muchof the surge in demand for organic cotton clothoriginated with clothing manufacturersresponding to increased consumer environmentalconcern and interest in improving theirenvironmental reputations. This demandevaporated when clothing companies encountereda lack of consumer awareness of theenvironmental costs of conventional cottonproduction and the benefits of organic cotton.Organic clothing lines were abandoned and manycotton farmers, left with no market for theirorganic bales, were forced to either store thebales or sell them on the conventional marketfor a loss. An examination of the social andtechnical aspects of organic cotton productionidentifies some of the critical variables, suchas the risks farmers face in agriculturalproduction, the organic standards, sources ofinnovation in technological change, and the roleof consumer demand in supporting moresustainable technology, all of which shape thecontinuing development of organic products.  相似文献   

铬是动物必需的微量元素之一,作为葡萄糖耐量因子的重要组成成分,通过增强胰岛素的作用来调控畜禽生长。在畜禽生产中补充有机铬对改善胴体品质、增强机体免疫力、提高生产性能等方面均具有很好的效果。文章综述了有机铬的生物学功能及其在畜牧生产中应用效果。  相似文献   

Reasons for converting to organic farming have been studied in a number of instances. However, the underlying rationale that motivates the behavior is not always made clear. This study aims to provide a detailed picture of farmers decision-making and illustrate the choice between organic and conventional farm management. Based on 21 interviews with farmers, a decision-tree highlighting the reasons and constraints involved in the decision of farmers to use, or not to use, organic production techniques was formulated. The accuracy of the decision-tree was tested through a written survey of 65 randomly sampled farmers. The decision-tree permits the identification of decision criteria and examines the decision-making process of farmers in choosing their farming method. It also allows for the characterization of farmer strategies and values, identifying five types of farmers: the committed conventional; the pragmatic conventional; the environment-conscious but not organic; the pragmatic organic; and the committed organic. The importance of taking into account heterogeneity in farmers attitudes, preferences, and goals and their impact on the choice of a farming method is emphasized.Ika Darnhofer is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. She received both her MSc and PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, working on issues of agricultural development in Africa. Her current research interests include economic and sociological analyses of factors that shape farmers land use decision-making behavior, with a particular focus on organic farming.Walter Schneeberger is a Full Professor of Farm Business Management and Head of the Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. His current research interests include the economics of producing and processing agricultural products and farm business management for both conventional and organic farms.Bernhard Freyer is a Full Professor of Organic Farming and Head of the Institute of Organic Farming of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. His work on organic farming focuses on its agronomic aspects (plant cultivation, crop rotations, and soil fertility) as well as on the analysis of conversion to organic farming (planning process, farm development) and its potential for regional development.  相似文献   

有机肥料的生产使用是一项社会产业   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文详细阐述了有机肥料的优越性及其特点,论证了有机肥料与化肥结合的必要性。当前,有些地方确有忽视有机肥料和单纯依靠化肥种田的倾向,其所带来的土壤问题和人类的健康问题,很值得重视。作者认为,只有把有机肥料的生产使用,当作一项社会产业来对待,有机肥料问题就能解决,农业生产、环境卫生和城乡面貌将会改观。  相似文献   

近年来,我国果蔬市场对于绿色无添加的有机果蔬产品需求量与日俱增,有机肥料是栽培有机果蔬过程中的主要生产资料,有机肥的应用不仅可以提升土壤的肥力,更能促使果树茁壮成长,为果农创造更高的经济效益。  相似文献   

中国畜禽粪便产生量的变动特征及未来发展展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱宁  马骥 《农业展望》2014,(1):46-48,74
随着中国畜禽养殖业的快速发展,畜禽粪便的产生量也在迅速增加,畜禽粪便处理已经严重影响畜禽产业的可持续发展。因而,分析畜禽粪便产生量变动规律和未来发展.成为实现畜禽养殖业发展与生态环境保护协调发展的基础性问题。研究表明,中国畜禽粪便产生量1980年超过了14亿t,2011年达21.21亿t,并将随着畜禽养殖量的增加而迅速增加,到2020年和2030年将分别达到28.75亿t和37.43亿t,且肉牛等畜禽品种的养殖量将会逐步超过役用及其他畜禽,并成为畜禽粪便最主要的来源。此外,地区间畜禽粪便产生量差异较大,而且畜禽粪便产生量居前5位的地区都已超过畜禽粪便单位面积最佳负荷量。  相似文献   

The number of intensive livestock and poultry farms is expected to increase substantially in future because of consumer demand. Unfortunately, such demand also results in a great deal of manure being generated, which threatens the environment if it is not properly managed. Concurrent developments in biotransformation of these wastes with the black soldier fly(BSF), Hermetia illucens(L.)(Diptera: Stratiomydiae), demonstrates such concerns can be abated, while also producing products(e.g., protein, chitin, biodiesel, and fertilizer) of value. In this review, we analyzed the factors influencing black soldier fly larvae(BSFL) conversion processes, the role of microorganisms, and the mechanisms used by BSFL when converting livestock and poultry manure into these valuable products. The effects of BSFL conversion technology on reducing the hazards of such materials and their associated pathogens are reviewed, and the economics of livestock and poultry manure conversion by BSF larvae is discussed.  相似文献   

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