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The Apollo 12 magnetometer has measured a steady magnetic field of 36 +/- 5 gammas on the lunar surface. Surface gradient measurements and data from a lunar orbiting satellite indicate that this steady field is localized rather than global in its extent. These data suggest that the source is a large, magnetized body which acquired a field during an epoch in which the inducing field was much stronger than any that presently exists at the moon.  相似文献   

In the hypothesis advanced here it is supposed that the field, in which rocks at the lunar surface acquired the remanent magnetization found through the Apollo project, arose from permanent magnetization of the deep interior of the moon. This theory involves the assumption that the moon, apart from a surface shell, accreted cold and remained below the Curie point of iron until sometime later than 3 x 10(9) years ago. The magnetization was acquired as the moon formed in a gas sphere in the strong magnetic field of the early sun.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the interplanetary magnetic field as measured both by Apollo 12 on the lunar surface and by Explorer 35 in orbit around the moon. Two examples are given, one of a step change in the field vector and another of a sinusoidally varying field. A large response measured on the surface is attributed to confinement of the induced field lines between the streaming solar plasma and the high-conductivity interior. A steep bulk electrical conductivity gradient in the lunar crust is implied, with a confining layer roughly 100 kilometers deep.  相似文献   

Magnetization of selected nonmare areas, principally on the moon's far side, is inferred from positive disturbances in the magnitude of the magnetic field exterior to the magnetic signature of the lunar cavity observed in magnetometer data from the lunar orbiter Explorer 35. A less favored model for the field perturbations involves variations in the thickness of the low-conductivity crustal layer of the moon.  相似文献   

Lunar paleomagnetism provides evidence for the existence of an ancient lunar magnetic field generated in an iron core. Paleointensity experiments give a surface field of 1.3 gauss, 4.0 x 10(9) years ago, subsequently decreasing exponentially. Thermodynamic arguments give a minimum value of the heat source in the core at that time: known sources, radioactive and other, are quantitatively implausible, and it is suggested that superheavy elements were present in the early moon.  相似文献   

The shape and internal structure of the moon from the clementine mission   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Global topographic and gravitational field models derived from data collected by the Clementine spacecraft reveal a new picture of the shape and internal structure of the moon. The moon exhibits a 16-kilometer range of elevation, with the greatest topographic excursions occurring on the far side. Lunar highlands are in a state of near-isostatic compensation, whereas impact basins display a wide range of compensation states that do not correlate simply with basin size or age. A global crustal thickness map reveals crustal thinning under all resolvable lunar basins. The results indicate that the structure and thermal history of the moon are more complex than was previously believed.  相似文献   

The possibility of a subsurface ocean on Jupiter's moon Europa has been suggested on the basis of theoretical, geological, and spectroscopic arguments. But, as Stevenson explains in his Perspective, none of these arguments were compelling. In contrast, the magnetic field data obtained by the Galileo spacecraft and presented in the report by Kivelson et al., provide persuasive evidence for a conducting layer--most likely a global water ocean--near Europa's surface.  相似文献   

After only a few days in orbit, the first U.S. satellite of the moon has already produced data which have provided new information about the moon's gravitational field. Results indicate that the spacecraft will probably not impact on the moon before it completes its photographic mission, but that it will probably do so in about 8 months. Preliminary indications are that the moon has a relatively large pear-shaped component and that the gravitational properties will be of considerable scientific interest.  相似文献   

The Cassini Orbiter spacecraft first skimmed through the tenuous upper atmosphere of Titan on 26 October 2004. This moon of Saturn is unique in our solar system, with a dense nitrogen atmosphere that is cold enough in places to rain methane, the feedstock for the atmospheric chemistry that produces hydrocarbons, nitrile compounds, and Titan's orange haze. The data returned from this flyby supply new information on the magnetic field and plasma environment around Titan, expose new facets of the dynamics and chemistry of Titan's atmosphere, and provide the first glimpses of what appears to be a complex, fluid-processed, geologically young Titan surface.  相似文献   

Two isolated solar wind disturbances about 5 minutes in duration were detected aboard the Russian spacecraft Phobos-2 upon its crossing the wake of the martian moon Deimos about 15,000 kilometers downstream from the moon on 1 February 1989. These plasma and magnetic events are interpreted as the inbound and outbound crossings of a Mach cone that is formed as a result of an effective interaction of the solar wind with Deimos. Possible mechanisms such as remanent magnetization, cometary type interaction caused by heavy ion or charged dust production, and unipolar induction resulting from the finite conductivity of the body are discussed. Although none of the present models is fully satisfactory, neutral gas emission through water loss by Deimos at a rate of about 10(23) molecules per second, combined with a charged dust coma, is favored.  相似文献   

The intrinsic magnetic field of Saturn measured by the high-field fluxgate magnetometer is much weaker than expected. An analysis of preliminary data combined with the preliminary trajectory yield a model for the main planetary field which is a simple centered dipole of moment 0.20 +/- 0.01 gauss-Rs(3) = 4.3 +/- 0.2 x 10(28) gauss-cm(3) (1 Rs = 1 Saturn radius = 60,000 km). The polarity is opposite that of Earth, and, surprisingly, the tilt is small, within 2 degrees +/- 1 degrees of the rotation axis. The equatorial field intensity at the cloud tops is 0.2 gauss, and the polar intensity is 0.56 gauss. The unique moon Titan is expected to be located within the magnetosheath of Saturn or the interplanetary medium about 50 percent of the time because the average subsolar point distance to the magnetosphere is estimated to be 20 Rs, the orbital distance to Titan.  相似文献   

Krupp N 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2007,318(5848):216-217
En route to its ultimate rendezvous with Pluto, the New Horizons spacecraft passed through the magnetic and plasma environment of Jupiter in February 2007. Onboard instruments collected high-resolution images, spectroscopic data, and information about charged particles. The results have revealed unusual structure and variation in Jupiter's plasma and large plasmoids that travel down the magnetotail. Data on Jupiter's aurora provide details of the interaction with the solar wind, and a major volcanic eruption from the moon Io was observed during the encounter.  相似文献   

Boss AP 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,231(4736):341-345
The origin of the moon is considered within the theory of formation of the terrestrial planets by accumulation of planetesimals. The theory predicts the occurrence of giant impacts, suggesting that the moon formed after a roughly Mars-sized body impacted on the protoearth. The impact blasted portions of the protoearth and the impacting body into geocentric orbit, forming a prelunar disk from which the moon later accreted. Although other mechanisms for formation of the moon appear to be dynamically impossible or implausible, fundamental questions must be answered before a giant impact origin can be considered both possible and probable.  相似文献   

“月”是中国古典诗歌的经典意象。禅宗兴起之后,禅学与诗学相互渗透而走向一体化,诗歌由于禅宗而多了一些哲理的情趣和禅悟的启迪,禅宗由于诗歌也多了一些情感的韵味和审美的情怀。月意象在诗禅文化的融合过程中,营造出了一种新的禅境与诗境。禅宗可以借月喻指禅宗的佛性、佛身和圆通之境,月意象在禅诗中可以借助佛理玄机的诗意表达增强诗的审美意蕴,禅宗思想的美学精神深化了咏月诗的情感内涵。月意象在诗境与禅境的相互交融中达到了物我同一的审美观照,为中国古典文化增添了新的神韵。  相似文献   

Ward WR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1975,189(4200):377-379
The orientation of the lunar spin axis is traced from the early history of the earth-moon system to the present day. Tides raised on the earth by the moon have caused an expansion of the lunar orbit. Tides raised on the moon by the earth have de-spun the moon to synchronous rotation and driven its spin axis to a Cassini state-that is, in a coprecessing configuration, coplanar with the lunar orbit normal and the normal to the Laplacian plane (which is at present coincident with the normal to the ecliptic). This combination of events has resulted in a complex history for the lunar spin axis. For much of the period during which its orbital semimajor axis expanded between 30 and 40 earth radii, the obliquity of the moon was of order 25 degrees to 50 degrees . In fact, for a brief period the obliquity periodically attained a value as high as 77 degrees ; that is, the spin axis of the moon was only 13 degrees from lying in its orbit plane.  相似文献   

The distribution of elevations on the moon determined by Clementine deviates strongly from a normal distribution, suggesting that several geologic processes have influenced the topography. The hypsograms for the near side and far side of the moon are distinctly different, and these differences correlate with differences in composition as determined by Apollo orbital geochemistry, Clementine global multispectral imaging, and ground-based spectroscopy. The hypsograms and compositional data indicate the presence of at least five compositional-altimetric units. The lack of fill of the South Pole-Aitken Basin by mare basalts suggests poor production efficiency of mare basalt in the mantle of this area of the moon.  相似文献   

Lunar meteorite analyses reported on page 1754 of this issue reveal a burst of impacts on the moon 3.9 billion years ago and nothing before that; the cosmochemists conclude that the moon and Earth endured a storm of impacts 100 times heavier than anything immediately before or after. Such a lunar cataclysm would have scarred the moon with the great basins that now shape the man in the moon. On Earth, the same bombardment would have intervened in the evolution of life, perhaps forcing it to start all over again.  相似文献   

Abundance and distribution of iron on the moon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The abundance and distribution of iron on the moon is derived from a near-global data set from Clementine. The determined iron content of the lunar highlands crust ( approximately 3 percent iron by weight) supports the hypothesis that much of the lunar crust was derived from a magma ocean. The iron content of lower crustal material exposed by the South Pole-Aitken impact basin on the lunar farside is higher ( approximately 7 to 8 percent by weight) and consistent with a basaltic composition. This composition supports earlier evidence that the lunar crust becomes more mafic with depth. The data also suggest that the bulk composition of the moon differs from that of the Earth's mantle. This difference excludes models for lunar origin that require the Earth and moon to have the same compositions, such as fission and coaccretion, and favors giant impact and capture.  相似文献   

Considerable information concerning lunar chronology has been obtained by the study of rocks and soil returned by the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 missions. It has been shown that at the time the moon, earth, and solar system were formed, approximately 4.6 approximately 10(9) years ago, a severe chemical fractionation took place, resulting in depletion of relatively volatile elements such as Rb and Pb from the sources of the lunar rocks studied. It is very likely that much of this material was lost to interplanetary space, although some of the loss may be associated with internal chemical differentiation of the moon. It has also been shown that igneous processes have enriched some regions of the moon in lithophile elements such as Rb, U, and Ba, very early in lunar history, within 100 million years of its formation. Subsequent igneous and metamorphic activity occurred over a long period of time; mare volcanism of the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 sites occurred at distinctly different times, 3.6 approximately 10(9) and 3.3 approximately 10(9) years ago, respectively. Consequently, lunar magmatism and remanent magnetism cannot be explained in terms of a unique event, such as a close approach to the earth at a time of lunar capture. It is likely that these phenomena will require explanation in terms of internal lunar processes, operative to a considerable depth in the moon, over a long period of time. These data, together with the low present internal temperatures of the moon, inferred from measurements of lunar electrical conductivity, impose severe constraints on acceptable thermal histories of the moon. Progress is being made toward understanding lunar surface properties by use of the effects of particle bombardment of the lunar surface (solar wind, solar flare particles, galactic cosmic rays). It has been shown that the rate of micrometeorite erosion is very low (angstroms per year) and that lunar rocks and soil have been within approximately a meter of the lunar surface for hundreds of millions of years. Future work will require sampling distinctly different regions of the moon in order to provide data concerning other important lunar events, such as the time of formation of the highland regions and of the mare basins, and of the extent to which lunar volcanism has persisted subsequent to the first third of lunar history. This work will require a sufficient number of Apollo landings, and any further cancellation of Apollo missions will jeopardize this unique opportunity to study the development of a planetary body from its beginning. Such a study is fundamental to our understanding of the earth and other planets.  相似文献   

A newly available data set of daily satellite-derived, lower-tropospheric global temperature anomalies provides an opportunity to assess the influence of lunar phase on planetary temperature. These results reveal a statistically significant 0.02 K modulation between new moon and full moon, with the warmest daily global temperatures over a synodic month coincident with the occurrence of the full moon. Spectral analysis of the daily temperature record confirms the presence of a periodicity that matches the lunar synodic (29.53-day) cycle. The precision of the satellite-based daily temperature record allows verification that the moon exerts a discernible influence on the short-term, global temperature record.  相似文献   

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