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This study aimed to investigate the effect of increased zinc dietary levels on the growth performance, feed utilization, immune status and induced wound healing in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Fish weighing 10 g were fed five diets containing organic zinc at 30, 70, 110 and 150 mg kg?1 diet and one inorganic zinc source (zinc oxide) at 150 mg kg?1 diet for a period of 12 weeks. No significant (P>0.05) differences were found in the growth performance parameters (final weight, specific growth rate), immunological indices tested (respiratory burst activity in whole blood) and the wound‐healing process. Zinc accumulation in the skin, vertebrae and liver increased significantly (P<0.01) with increased dietary zinc levels but not in muscle. The highest zinc concentrations were obtained in skin tissue, followed by vertebrae, liver and muscle tissue. Using the concentration of zinc in skin as a response criterion, broken‐line analysis showed that the supplementation of 148 mg organic Zn kg?1 diet seemed to be the optimum dietary zinc supplementation level for sea bass juveniles.  相似文献   

The critical swimming speed (Ucrit, cm s−1) value of normal juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (64.7±6.33) was significantly higher than that of fish with lordosis (60.3±6.66) (P<0.05). Both normal fish and those with lordosis showed increased endurance with increasing length during exercise at a fixed water velocity of 50 cm s−1. This speed was used to investigate the separation possibility of deformed specimen from the normal developed fish based on their swimming performance, and 28% separation was achieved without losing any normal fish by the end of the 10th minute. To achieve a better separation of the deformities from the normal, first grading of the juveniles and then a swimming endurance test is advised.  相似文献   

A growth trial was conducted to estimate the phosphorus requirement of European sea bass juveniles. Six experimental isonitrogenous and isoenergetic semi‐purified diets (casein based) were formulated to contain 0.48%, 0.65%, 0.77%, 0.86%, 1.05% and 1.25% phosphorus (diets D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6 respectively). Dicalcium phosphate was used as dietary phosphorus source. Twelve groups of 25 fish of 10 g initial body weight were allocated to 55‐L tanks in a thermoregulated water recirculating system. Each experimental diet was assigned to duplicate groups of these fish. The trial lasted for 10 weeks and fish were fed two times a day, 6 days a week, to apparent visual satiation. At the end of the trial, final weight of fish fed diet D1 was significantly lower than that of the other groups, except of fish fed diet D4. Mortality of fish fed diet D1 was significantly higher than that of fish fed the other diets, except for diet D6. Feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratios were significantly lower with diet D1 than with the other diets. Nitrogen retention (% nitrogen intake) of fish fed diet D1 was significantly lower than in the other groups, except that of fish fed diet D4. Energy retention (% energy intake) was not significantly different among groups. At the end of the trial there were no differences in whole body composition among groups. Whole body phosphorus content averaged 0.72% (on a fresh weight basis) and was not significantly affected by dietary phosphorus content. Phosphorus retention averaged 6.1 g kg?1 weight gain and was not significantly different among groups. Phosphorus retention (% phosphorus intake) was significantly higher in fish fed diets D2 and D3 than in fish fed higher dietary phosphorus levels. Expressed per unit body weight per day, phosphorus retention was not significantly different among groups fed diets D2 to D6, while phosphorus losses linearly increased with dietary phosphorus intake. Results of this trial indicate that the phosphorus requirement of sea bass juveniles was satisfied with a diet containing 0.65% of phosphorus.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effects of dietary mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) on growth, tissue composition, fatty acid profiles and liver morphology of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fed diets containing either soybean oil (SBO; SBOMOS) or fish oil (FO; FOMOS) as unique oil source for 8 weeks. Results showed that MOS supplementation enhanced specific growth rate, regardless of the oil source used, and that dietary oil source reduced fish length, regardless of dietary MOS supplementation. Dietary MOS favoured lipid accumulation in muscle and anterior intestine when supplemented in FO‐based diets compared to fish fed SBO diet and reduces it in liver in relation to lower hepatocyte area, particularly in fish fed SBOMOS diet. Dietary MOS favoured liver and not muscular ∑n‐3 PUFA, DHA, EPA and ARA deposition, when combined with FO but not when included in SBO‐based diets. Thus, MOS dietary supplementation favours fish performance and helps to minimize the side effects derived from high dietary SBO supplementation on liver lipid accumulation and hepatocyte vacuolization, which could be of especial interest on long‐term feeding trials; however, the effects on favoured deposition ∑n‐3 PUFA are limited to FO‐based diets.  相似文献   

Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae were fed microparticulated compound diet containing 0 (FP0), 0.10 (FP10) and 0.33% (FP33) of a polyamine, spermine, from day 20 to day 38. LP group was fed live prey. This group exhibited the highest growth and survival. The addition of spermine did not lead to growth enhancement. A 33% survival improvement was obtained in FP33 group compared to FP0 group. The spermine addition affected the activity of pancreatic enzymes, trypsin, chymotrypsin and amylase, during larvae development. This non specific effect suggested that the action of spermine would be mediated by hormones. In the intestine, the FP33 group exhibited from day 31 higher activities of brush border membrane enzymes (leucine aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase) and lower level in a cytosolic enzyme (leucine-alanine peptidase) compared to FP10 and FP0 group. The diet containing the highest spermine level induced an enzymatic profile similar to that obtained in LP group and characteristic of a mature enterocyte. The initiation of enterocyte maturation at a proper development stage was associated to the survival improvement observed in FP33 group.  相似文献   

Juvenile European sea bass from the same fish stock were selected by successive size grading processes using 2, 3 and 4 mm bar graders at 79, 96 and 99 days post hatching, thus forming three groups (n=300) consisting of similar‐sized fish that differed by time of each group formation. The growth patterns of fish groups were studied at three temperatures during 5 weeks of rearing. Three‐way anova followed by the Tukey multiple comparison test (P<0.05) showed a high dependence of growth on the temperature applied. The smallest size and weight of fish were detected in all groups reared at 19 °C compared with fish held at 21 and 23 °C respectively. Differences in coefficients of variation of lengths were small and insignificant between groups and temperatures. Growth in the length of sea bass juveniles during the test period was a linear function of time and no differences were observed in growth rate among groups at a particular temperature. Growth rates of fish were 0.71 ± 0.02, 0.62 ± 0.01 and 0.52 ± 0.02 mm day?1 at 23, 21 and 19 °C respectively. These results indicated that the variations in body size of juveniles in the test period were not the result of differences in the growth potential of individuals.  相似文献   

High rates of unexplained mortalities (up to 70%) are anticipated in the cultured juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in farms in the eastern Black Sea at least for the last 8 years. Diplectanum aequans, often blamed for the observed mortalities, is the only prevalent parasite impacting the health of sea bass in the brackish water of the Black Sea. To investigate the seasonal fluctuation of D. aequans prevalence, mean intensities and the potential effects of D. aequans on the fitness of sea bass, eight cages from one farm (Farm A) and four cages at another distinct site (Farm B) were surveyed monthly from May to October of 2008. Six hundred and sixty‐one juvenile sea bass from Farm A and 236 from Farm B were individually examined for the presence and intensity of the parasite. The prevalence of D. aequans in cultured sea bass (96.3 ± 11.11; Mean ± SD) ranged from 66.7% to 100% in June, the beginning of 6‐month growing season. The mean intensity was 6.08 ± 2.19, significantly higher than that (2.74 ± 0.87; P < 0.05) in December (P < 0.05), the end of the growing season. Fish with low fitness had significantly higher number of parasite than the fish with higher fitness (P < 0.005). Although D. aequans negatively influenced host's condition factor, the impact was not enough to lead mortalities in the cultured sea bass in the Black Sea.  相似文献   

The influence of water oxygen concentration on the acid–base balance of sea bass was evaluated. Fish weighing 200–250 g were cultured under different dissolved oxygen concentrations of 64%, 97%, 150% and 250% saturation (92.7, 140.5, 217.5 and 362.7 mmHg respectively) under mild hypoxia, normoxia, mild hyperoxia and high hyperoxia conditions. The results showed that high hyperoxia and mild hypoxia conditions modified some blood parameters significantly when compared with fish held under the normoxia condition, while no differences were shown with respect to the acid–base balance of fish cultured under normoxia and mild hyperoxia conditions. This testifies that the mild hyperoxia condition does not produce physiological disturbances in the acid–base status of sea bass and it could be considered a favourable condition in sea bass land‐based farming, mainly in comparison with the mild hypoxia condition, responsible for other physiological problems.  相似文献   

Sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (mean weight: 748±13 g), were maintained before and during vitellogenesis in 1, 3, 8, 16 and 32 m3 tanks, and then they were transferred to 2 m3 tanks, for the spawning season. During the first 2 months of the experiment, the growth rates were significantly lower in smaller tanks (1 m3). In August, the oocyte diameters were significantly lower in smaller tanks (1, 3 and 8 m3) than in larger (16–32 m3) tanks. At the end of the experiment, the fish mean weight in the 1 m3 tanks was significantly lower than in the 3 m3 tanks, but oocyte diameters and plasma oestradiol concentrations were not significantly different between the volumes. This shows a longer acclimation requirement in smaller volume rearing. Although all the females had not spawned, one spawn at least was collected in each volume. The variation in conditioning volume has not blocked the spawning process. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of spawns were not significantly different between volumes. The conditioning volume of 3 m3 seems to be a minimal volume required to obtain good reproduction of sea bass.  相似文献   

Five diets having the same proximate composition but containingdifferent types of supplemental oils, singly or in combination, were used forgrowing sea bass from 95 g to about 200 g in smallseacages. The oils tested were olive oil, soybean oil and fish oil. The dietsformulated contained EPA and DHA levels ranging from 0.88 to 1.35% of the diet.Growth parameters and fish body composition were not significantly affected bythe type of oil used. The same was generally apparent for liver andhematological characteristics. The content of phospholipids in EPA and DHA washighest in the livers of fish fed diets supplemented with fish oil. A positivecorrelation was found between dietary and liver n-6 PUFA. Histological sectionsindicated extended pathological symptoms (intensive liver degeneration andhemorrhages, changes in the gill structure) in the fish receiving dietssupplemented only with plant oils. These symptoms existed but to a smallerfrequency and degree in livers of fish fed diets supplemented with plant andfish oil, while were not apparent in those fed the fish oil diet.  相似文献   

The influence of water temperature and water oxygenation on the specific antibody response was evaluated by indirect ELISA in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) immunized against human‐γ‐ globulins emulsified in Freund's complete adjuvant. A higher antibody response was observed in fish reared at 24 and 30 °C, than at 12 and 18 °C. For the fish group reared at 24 °C, the immunological observation was carried out until 300 days after immunization. At the end of this period, fish kept at 24 °C still showed immunological competence, although the antibody response began to decrease significantly from 120 days after the immunization. Fish reared under mild hyperoxia and normoxia conditions had higher antibody responses than fish reared under mild hypoxia conditions. Moreover, at the end of the experimental period of 56 days the antibody response of fish reared under hyperoxia conditions was significantly higher than the immune response detected in fish reared under normoxia and hypoxia conditions.  相似文献   

Food quality aspects of farmed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were compared following two methods of slaughter: the normal commercial method of killing, by immersion in an ice slurry, or by first electrically stunning the fish, before immersion in an ice slurry. Quality was assessed for up to 10 days of storage on ice after slaughter. No differences were found between the slaughter methods in terms of an overall sensory evaluation of cooked fillets, or in terms of overall carcass quality: overall appearance, internal and external haemorrhage, fin damage, burst gall bladder, staining of the body cavity by leakage from the gut or damage to the spine. Using objective measurements of colour, no differences between fish from either treatment were found in terms of external colour or colour of the fillets. A chemical analysis of flesh nucleotide breakdown products as well as the freshness indicator Ki value did not differentiate the two treatments nor did the industry standard freshness scoring technique (QIM, quality index method), over 10 days of storage on ice. Flesh pH was marginally lower in electrically stunned fish at 4 h post mortem (6.42 cf 6.56) but by 24 h, pH in fish from both treatments had decreased to a similar level (6.22). Humane electrical stunning of sea bass at slaughter neither measurably improved nor decreased product quality for between 1 and 10 days of storage on ice. Electrical stunning accelerated the pattern of onset and resolution of rigor mortis. If electrical stunning were to be widely adopted, re‐education of buyers would be necessary as rigor mortis is currently used by buyers as a proxy measure of fish freshness.  相似文献   

In this study, shoals of hatchery‐reared and wild sea bass juveniles (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) were tested for differences in their antipredator responses towards a visual (shadow) and a mechanical (dummy bill) overhead stimulus. Two behavioural variables – distance from the bottom and freezing duration – were measured during post‐stimulus phases of each test and compared between wild and hatchery‐reared shoals, composed of 10 juveniles each. The results showed that in both hatchery‐reared and wild juveniles, stimulus exposure elicited a significant decrease in the mean shoal distance from the bottom. Similarly, individuals from both groups engaged a freezing reaction, but the mean freezing duration was significantly higher in wild‐ than in hatchery‐reared juveniles. Results are discussed in the light of their relevance for the enhancement of restocking programmes.  相似文献   

European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a widely consumed marine fish in Mediterranean areas, and different farming techniques are applied for fish culturing to satisfy the growing demand for seafood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of conventional and organic feed on the quality of cultured European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) collected during the growth period. The concentrations of ash, moisture, essential macro‐elements (Ca, K, Mg, Na and P), micro‐elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn) and toxic elements (As, Cd, and Pb) were determined in feeds and in fillets of cultured fish. The results were compared to those obtained from wild sea bass. Results showed that the differences between organic diet‐fed and conventional diet‐fed sea basses varied in relation to the specific element measured and the growth period. The former showed higher concentration of Fe, Mg and Cr, and lower Na content. The amount of P, Na, Fe, Cu and Cr in wild sea bass was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher than that found in farmed fish. The levels of toxic elements in cultured sea bass were always within the allowed limit for fishery products. Wild samples had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher content of arsenic and lead than farmed sea bass. Cultured fish represent a valuable dietary source of essential macro‐ and micro‐elements. Controlled rearing systems and feedings were related to a decrease in the presence of some toxic metals in cultured fish compared with wild fish.  相似文献   

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